Office of Research | Issue Focus | Foreign Media Reaction |
The outpouring of sympathy for the U.S. and pan-American
solidarity flowing from the the Latin American media after the September 11
terrorist attacks has given way to more nuanced assessments following
President Bush's call for an international anti-terror coalition in his
address to Congress. Uncertainty
surrounding the U.S.' "next step,"
the absence of the anticipated "conclusive" evidence fingering
Usama bin Laden as the chief culprit, and fears that a "spectacular"
U.S. military retaliation was imminent fueled doubts and anxiety in many
quarters, and some critics bristled at the "bellicose discourse of the
first days." As the week wore
on, more commentators--including some of the most strident critics--appeared
to be reassured that the U.S. was taking a more cautious and measured response,
and others were seemingly caught off guard by the U.S.' "exemplary
patience." The liberal Folha
de Sao Paulo, which usually sides with the anti-Yankee camp, has now
applauded the Bush administration for its "praiseworthy and unexpected
concern with diplomacy." Others,
including leftist dailies in Nicaragua and Ecuador, credited Secretary of State
Powell for Washington's restraint.
Quito's center-left Hoy, usually loathe to compliment the U.S.,
now allowed: "Secretary of Powell
for one...shows a balanced peaceful discourse, far from any arrogant warlike
position." While a majority of analysts were still casting about for
answers--aware that the war against terrorism was anything but conventional--a
number of writers stressed the need for more effective intelligence gathering,
a bigger role for the UN and multilateral institutions and for a greater
understanding of the root causes of anti-West sentiment believed to be fuelling
terrorism. Commentary highlights
follow: WITH THE U.S.: By
and large, government-owned, conservative, independent and business-oriented
outlets in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and
Paraguay provided the most consistent support for the U.S, with many
attempting to sway public opinion opposed to any form of military action. A majority emphasized, however, that
"international collaboration," not "unilateral indiscriminate
intervention" was paramount. Leading independent dailies in Brazil also leaned favorably
toward the U.S., but were careful to couch support in terms of the national
interest. Others made the case that
the danger was not confined to the U.S., as did Rio's independent Jornal
do Brazil by pointing out that "the tri-border of
Brazil-Argentina-Paraguay is an example of the instability which may spread if
it's not restrained immediately."
Rallying behind the U.S., Asuncion's ABC Color asserted:
"The U.S. and its allies have a moral obligation to hunt down the
terrorists who sit in their barracks in Afghanistan and destroy them there or
bring them out to face justice. And
they should do the same to the complicit Taliban regime." A Honduran daily
echoed the sentiment of solidarity: "The attack was a crime against
civilization, a stab in the back of humanity." Taking it as a given that the anti-terror campaign would trump
all other issues on the U.S.' Latam agenda--from the war on drugs-to free
trade-to immigration reform--many observers also prepared to adjust to a
"new international order" and a changed "geo-political checkerboard." MAYBE, MAYBE NOT: While mostly supportive of the U.S.
anti-terror initiative, the press in Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru was somewhat
fickle, vacillating between condemnations of the terrorist acts to suggestions
that the U.S. was reaping what it sowed.
Some papers passionately promoted an international response against
terrorism, while others fueled fears of U.S. interventionism by forewarning of
a possible increase in the U.S. military presence in the Western Hemisphere. Peruvian dailies made a point of stressing
that support for the U.S. should not be "unconditional." Meanwhile in Colombia, where questions over
the definition of terrorism raised hackles, leading El Tiempo worried,
"What could happen if as a result of the worldwide offensive against
terrorism, the U.S. begins to attack the FARC and the paramilitaries? JUST SAY NO: Left-leaning,
liberal and nationalist papers in Mexico and Nicaragua and across the spectrum
in Brazil provided the most dissident voices, ranging from arguments against
joining the coalition to the recycling of grievances against past U.S.
policies. Mexican and Brazilian
dailies cited sovereignty concerns and non-intervention policies as excuses for
remaining on the sidelines. Mexico's
nationalist El Universal captured the sentiment of ambivalence sprouting
up in some corners, declaring: "We are in complete solidarity with the
American people, but we should not follow any steps contrary to our
laws.... It is true that we are one of
the major U.S. trading partners, but this is not sufficient reason to lose our
uniqueness and the respect for the Mexican people." With the memory of U.S. support for the
Contras a heavy chip on his shoulder, a Sandinista writer in Managua implored,
"Don't combat terror with terror; not imperialism disguised as
anti-terrorism." A Venezuelan daily also took a swipe at the U.S. by
suggesting that the UN was the first "victim" of the American
response, and went on to say that "making the UN subordinate to the U.S.
is probably the road to ruin for all collective security mechanisms, leaving
the world subject to the will of a superpower whose decisions will not always
be totally accepted." EDITOR: Irene Marr EDITOR'S NOTE: This survey is based on 229
editorials from 15 countries, September 28-21. Countries are as follows: Argentina, Brazil,
Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. ARGENTINA:
"U.S. Signals Confuse Musharraf's Military Regime" Oscar Raul Cardoso, leading Clarin
international columnist, on special assignment in Islamabad, opined (9/27):
"Pakistan, or its military regime, is apparently starting to feel certain
uncomfortable perplexity vis-a-vis U.S. demands for assistance to fight 'the
first war of the 21st Century'... There is growing suspicion here that in
Washington there is a larger degree of uncertainty than there appears to be
regarding the next step, and that this has led the crisis to an impasse. The
signals on the future scenario of the military operations against the Afghan
military regime and Bin Laden's organization are confusing.... Pakistan and
predominantly Islamic countries which joined Bush in his war cries, are
specially interested in finding a justification for the eventual military
actions in Afghanistan in order to limit the accusation of treason by their
societies. The apparent 'lack of
sufficient information' also adds to the general concern prevailing in
Islamabad.... The impression is that... at present, we are facing two
complicated scenarios: Musharraf's impression that perhaps it will be
impossible for him to fulfill all the promises made to Washington or that,
within the military, a clear opposition to the U.S. option might be slowly
developing." "Open Society And Its Enemies" An editorial in liberal, English-language Buenos
Aires Herald read (9/27): "The
question whether an open society must necessarily be the first victim of
terrorism deserves analysis at another level.... The idea has been advanced
that terrorism can operate with far more freedom in the open society it tries
to destroy -- hence the widespread fear of basic liberties being curtailed in a
security backlash. But it can also work
the other way around. Globalization and openness might increase the scope of
terrorism but they could also supply the antidote -- opening up between
countries would remove the obstacles which hamper joint action against
terrorism and permit the world to present a far more solid front. In the immediate wake of the Twin Towers
horror some well-meaning souls...spoke of opposing hate with love yet in terms
of fighting the likes of Bin Laden, Hussein, Hitler or Stalin with love is most
vapid absurdity... But to speak of fighting terrorist secrecy with transparency
makes rather more sense. In a word, not only can terrorism be fought without
sacrificing the values invoked against it but these values might even be
enhanced." "In Search Of 'Enduring Freedom'" An editorial in independent La Prensa
said (9/27): "The U.S. is aware
that this is not a conventional war and that patience is needed, because the
characteristics of the enemy--terrorism--will mark the direction of the actions
and here's the Gordian knot of the problem... The best prepared men for battle
and those countries with the most destructive weapons will have to face a slow
battle, with many surprises, as presented by terrorist techniques. The U.S. and
NATO forces are ready to smash the visible enemy in a matter of days, but
terrorists operate by undermining the enemy or by forcing it to use its forces
incorrectly. This is why U.S. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld said that this war may
go on for years, though looking for permanent results and that there will be no
'D-Day.' This is the Western world's present dilemma: starting a war without
knowing the methods to end it at some point in the future. The Secretary
realistically declared 'It is a different kind of war and we must get used to
thinking about it in different terms.' It will be a long war in search of
'Enduring Freedom.' We're all asking ourselves how we're going to achieve
this." "Arabia Cuts Ties With Taliban And U.S.
Tightens Noose" Ana Baron, leading Clarin
Washington-based correspondent, wrote (9/26):
"President Bush obtained a great diplomatic victory yesterday when
Saudi Arabia decided to cut diplomatic ties with the Talibaan regime. This is a
remarkable 180-degree turn in the geo-political checkerboard which was
completed with the decision by five Central Asian nations--mostly
Muslim--authorizing the allied operation to overfly their territory. Saudi Arabia's government decided to cut
ties with the Taliban government for 'not paying attention to their requests to
stop protecting terrorists and criminals'.... The Saudis' decision practically
closed the circle around Afghanistan and increased the legitimacy of the
coalition organized by the White House against international terrorism....
Nevertheless, while the international coalition consolidates and continues
deploying U.S. military forces in the region, it is not clear yet what the
target will be, in case of a military attack." "Towards Stability In The Gulf" Claudio Mario Aliscioni, leading Clarin
international columnist, opined (9/26): "Possibly, Saudi Arabia's decision
to leave the Afghan Taliban on their own, after years of open support, was made
with their eyes set on two clearly defined horizons: the historic alliance with
the U.S. which they wish to maintain, and the royal family's future political
stability in view of a population with strong ideological and affective
solidarity with the Afghans, (their brothers in the faith). Riyadh's resolution
is a U.S. victory in its attempt to commit Saudi Arabia even further in their
open fight against terrorism although, up to now, the royal family has resisted
Bush's claims that the peninsula be used as a platform for air raids against
Afghanistan. The Koran bans foreign troops from stepping on holy land--cradle
of Islam--but King Fahd is also looking at his people--particularly the most
orthodox sectors--that do not forgive his tolerance with the 5,000 U.S.
soldiers stationed in the Gulf since 1991....
All in all, the complex scenario does not end here. In this 'give and
take' which explains Saudi Arabia's decision, we would not be surprised if
there was a claim for Washington to put an end--for once and for all -- to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For the oil monarchies in the Gulf, an intensification
of the hostile atmosphere, at this time, would be an anticipation of the most
intolerable nightmare." "Information Control Will Be Washington's
Key Weapon" Maria O'Donnell, daily-of-record La Nacion
Washington-based correspondent, said (9/26):
"The Bush administration says that most of the evidence
incriminating Bin Laden is classified information which the U.S. is unable to
disclose because it would jeopardize its intelligence methods. With this
explanation it rejects insistent requests from other countries regarding the
grounds Bin Laden is accused on and, from the Pentagon, they conceal
information which in other conflicts was made public, saying that this is no
conventional war. Rumsfeld's attitude triggered alarm among journalists
assigned to the Pentagon, who were informed that they will not be able to
accompany troops like they did during the Gulf War. Will the government
eventually lie to the media in order to lead the enemy off the right trail?,
journalists asked. The Secretary of
Defense reminded everyone of Winston Churchill's words. He once said that
sometimes, truth must be carefully protected with lies, which means that lying
about the date of a military action, is legitimate. But Rumsfeld promised that
lies will not be part of his military strategy." "News From Nowhere: U.S. Gets Ready For War
Of Lies" Soledad Gallego Diaz, New York-based
contributor, writes in leftist Pagina 12 (9/26): "At present, one
of the key concerns of U.S. journalists is how to prevent the recent wave of
patriotism which is sweeping the country now, from jeopardizing the quality of
their job.... People also need to get
ready for another conflict which, according to some military sources, will be
accompanied by an 'information war of high intensity': big lies and
disinformation. Many believe that this new and strange war against terrorism
will be even worse--from an information point of view--than the Gulf War.
During the past days, print media and TV have exercised self-regulation by
avoiding the most terrible images and the most sensationalist angles of the
coverage.... The problem of combining patriotism and information will
undoubtedly become worse in the next days and weeks, depending on the evolution
of the military clashes.... The team
leading this conflict, headed by Cheney-Powell, is exactly the same one that
turned the Gulf War into one of the most opaque and friendly wars Washington's
government had in U.S. history." "New Threats, New Concepts" Daniel Gallo, daily-of-record La Nacion's
international columnist, asserted (9/25): "Fernando de la Rua's definition
that terrorism is a foreign attack could change Argentina's military
scenario.... (Therefore) new threats to security will involve Argentine armed
forces by terming international terrorism as a 'foreign attack'.... Yesterday,
US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said that the U.S.' goal is to reduce
world terrorism and not to eliminate it completely, since it would be
impossible. It is following this line of thought that one should analyze security
actions in Argentina. The Argentine military are not thinking of directly
searching an unknown enemy. There is no repetition of the '70s. The military do
want to reinforce strategic positions. Because there is no specific combat
against our country, but it could be one target in the struggle simply because
it is part of the world, the strategy wanted by the Argentine military is to
turn an attack against Argentina less profitable. Their purpose is to deter any
terrorist cell by hampering a criminal assault." "Bush Launches A Financial Attack Against
International Terrorism" Ana Baron, leading Clarin's
Washington-based correspondent, wrote (9/25): "Through an executive order
to freeze all funds belonging to Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and other 26 terrorist
organizations, President Bush opened a new front in the U.S. anti-terrorist war
- the financial front. Bush explained
that in general all these terrorist organizations have more accounts in foreign
banks than in the U.S. This is why he also ordered to freeze the funds of all
foreign banks not doing likewise....
Some European countries will have to change their banking laws to
satisfy the demands of this order.
According to Bush, the objective is double. On the one hand, the U.S.
will trail the money to discover where terrorists are, and, on the other hand,
they will freeze the funds to hinder their actions." "A New Overcoming Order" Daily-of-record La Nacion carries an
opinion piece by Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, professor of international relations
at Universidad San Andres, who emphasized (9/25): "After the U.S.
counterattacks in answer to the atrocious terrorist attacks in New York and
Washington, we'll be entering a new international order.... During the Cold
War, the 'Realpolitik' pragmatic code led to undesirable consequences. For
example, in order to answer to the USSR control in Afghanistan, the USG
protected, funded and justified the Taliban regime and Osama Ben Laden. In the
post-Cold War something similar happened, the 'Ideal politik' of humanitarian
interventions to protect human rights in the framework of multilateral
institutions such as the UN was broken by NATO's solitary and disproportionate
action in Kosovo.... The new era will have to consolidate a new and legal
order, but above all it will have to be fair.
In this way, the result of the collective fight against terrorism may
not reverse the world's democratization process, break the rule of law or
stigmatize any human group. The new international order needs more democracy,
more legality and more pluralism. Argentina can contribute a lot to building
rules, institutions and values. More than ever, an active, responsible and
competitive diplomatic deployment is urgently required: we must help build that
new world order. We cannot be
spectators and receivers of a structure that
without the cooperation of intermediate countries will be designed to
the measure of powerful countries." "What Does America Mean?" Michael Soltys, liberal, English-language Buenos
Aires Herald's executive editor, held (9/25): "The lavish use of the
world 'war'... hardly clarifies the issues at stake in the aftermath of the
September 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S.
Far too many people in the region still confuse anti-terrorist action
with sending troops and generally question such a sacrifice in spirit of latent
anti-U.S. feelings combined with overt fears of thus being dragged into a U.S.
conflict. This perception is wrong at a number of levels. It is not a question
of entering into conflict - global terrorism is already here. Nor does it only
affect the U.S.... But above all,
nobody is talking about Latin American troops.... Rather than sacrifice,
nothing more is required of Latin American countries than some enlightened
self-interest in controlling terrorism within their own region. Yet even this
is not as simple as it sounds. Firstly, the lack of any specific demand for
troops by the US should not be confused with the lack of any need for
commitment. On the contrary, the onus is on Latin Americans to show that they
are just as good at rallying around their fellow-Americans as NATO allies have
already been... Indeed too much indifference would not only place Latin America
behind Europe and Canada in the queue but also the likes of Russia and perhaps
even Iran. Secondly, the notion of security beginning at home rather than in
unfamiliar terrains does not necessarily make life easier for Latin America. If
the main front is domestic, what is the best role for the military given the
region's coup-studded history? The pressures to combine defense and security
forces are huge, given the new face of warfare, but so are the dangers." "The Pope's Warning" An editorial in daily-of-record La Nacion
held (9/25) "In these hours of anguish and uncertainty humanity is
experiencing in view of an imminent armed punitive action whose extent is
unpredictable, John Paul II's dramatic call to avoid the outbreak of a war by
all means has a profound spiritual impact.... In this way, John Paul II has
made the first formal call to defend peace amid the world's crisis... No one
identified with free world values may want that the attack against the WTC and
the Pentagon remains unpunished. But that does not mean that war operations
should be encouraged and that the attacked nation will use force beyond
necessary limits to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice." "Look Inside" An editorial
by Eduardo De Simone, business-financial Buenos Aires Economico's
senior managing editor, read (9/25): "(Regarding the hypothesis of
Argentina eventually sending troops supporting the US anti-guerrilla attack) no
one has asked us for that from abroad... In Argentina, Foreign Minister
Rodriguez Giavarini has led a position based on the rule of law.... With the
motto of not going a step ahead or a step behind the U.S., regional solidarity
was mobilized and the debate on domestic security was revived. This is, in
fact, the bottom line of Argentina's responsibility in the new context after
the September 11 attacks... Argentina should provide certainty to the
documentation it issues, under the risk that the U.S. again rightly demand
visas for Argentines traveling to the US. But the country should also
contribute to strengthen control on the Triple Border with Brazil and Paraguay...
Correcting the domestic deficiencies will be the best way to protect the
community from new terrorist attacks... But it will also be the most effective
way to conclusively accompany the US in its strategy against terrorism." "Lamentable Focus Points" An editorial in business-financial Ambito
Financiero held (9/25): "A junior Argentine government officer was
fired for having justified the Islamic terrorist attack on the US.... By firing
a low-ranking government officer, Argentina attempts to disguise many important
Argentines' anti-humanism.... The De la Rua administration wants to disguise
its own lack of definition in face of the September 11 tragedy.... This is the
lamentable scenario of politicians, government and institutions with which
Argentina will inevitably have to count on in this world war on terrorism...
What makes even sadder our panorama in this complex fight is that we have been
one of the few countries in the world... that suffered similar bloody attacks
on two occasions.... We should be the first in contributing experience,
dexterous investigators, clear definitions and self-assured decisions due to
our double experience in having suffered criminal attack "The Offensive Against Terrorism" An editorial in leading Clarin read
(9/24): "The world is on the verge of a probably long conflict of
uncertain consequences. This is why world leaders, capable of making military
and political decisions, must act -- though in an understandable state of
indignation and desire for justice--with the necessary prudence. Only by doing
this will we able to thwart the terrorists' purpose of turning the world into a
scenario of hatred and mutual destruction and of neglect for human life." "Bush Thinks This Is What God Has Asked Him
To Do" Ana Baron, leading Clarin
Washington-based correspondent, opined (9/23): "During the first days of
the crisis.... Bush was not up to the
level of circumstances.... Nevertheless, as days went by, Bush appeared more
reassured and, undoubtedly, during his Thursday speech in Congress when he
announced that the U.S. was ready to start actions, a new president was born.
Bush, calm and determined, had a very clear and simple message: 'In the end,
we'll win this war.' We could say that the change was a result of his image advisors
who prepared him before delivering his speech. But, according to his closest
advisors, the 180-degree turn is because Bush believes the attacks confronted
him with the true meaning of his life, his destiny as president and the mission
for which he will be judged and described....
A friend of him, quoted in the NYT, said, 'he thinks this is what God
has asked him to do'.... Everything
indicates that Bush's dilemma is, for one part, the need to resort to his
religious beliefs in order to fight this war, and on the other hand, the need
to avoid transforming this conflict into a war of religions." "Aiming At An International Coalition"
Telma Luzzani, leading Clarin
international columnist, commented (9/24) "Saying 'No' to the U.S. is very
difficult. Moreover when George W. Bush drew a line between pious and sinners
with his threatening phrase 'either you're with us or with the terrorists.' But the truth is that an important number of
countries in the world expressed in an educated manner their reserves regarding
'an advanced commitment with the U.S.' in terms of a military retaliation
against Afghanistan. One of the arguments which made support for the U.S. more
moral than effective was the lack of evidence to prove that Bin Laden is the
brain of the attacks.... Many world leaders agreed that the death of thousands
of victims in New York and Washington deserved an unquestioned response but,
against whom? and, reasonably, they warned about the terrible consequences the
war against an unidentified enemy could have. The other doubt, not expressed by
the governments for obvious reasons but disclosed by the media, aimed at Bush's
capacity to lead, not only his country, but the world, into war.... This doubt
was neutralized by Bush's speech in Congress which launched him, amidst a great
'mise en scene', to the level of a statesman.... Powell's promise (to hand over
evidence on Bin Laden's involvement in the attacks) is aimed at making it easy
for many governments to cooperate (in a military retaliation.) If there is
evidence, support is almost an obligation and will be better tolerated by
Europe's electorate. In addition to
clearing the way to an alliance, Powell 'the moderate' cabinet member, will
play his domestic card in the internal fight against the administration's
hawks.... Powell is in favor of a selective, minor scale response. Clearly, it
will be possible to put together an international coalition if there is a defined
target and a clear military and political objective. In making the evidence
public, Powell is trying to achieve this." "Bush And The Moral Weight Of
Leadership" An editorial in daily-of-record La Nacion
read (9/22) "President Bush's vibrant speech in Congress on Thursday
expressed the vigorous spirit of unity with which the country is responding to
the fierce aggression by international terrorism.... We now have to ask
ourselves about the meaning of this support and, also, of the support other countries
in the world have given the U.S. It is an invigorating institutional alignment
for the U.S. people and for President Bush, but it would be a mistake if we
fail to realize that all these expressions of solidarity also mean a tremendous
responsibility for the world's first superpower and its leader. We can clearly
see, at this critical time, the obvious moral price of historical leadership:
today, the U.S. has the obligation to face an artful and perverse opponent, but
it also has the duty to show that the free world uses different methods than
those used by Fundamentalists during the attacks in the U.S. Today, President
Bush has a very heavy burden on his shoulders. His government cannot remain
inactive vis-a-vis such a bloody action which severed so many human lives but,
at the same time, he has to show, with his actions, that the U.S. global
leadership is not only based on overwhelming warlike supremacy but also on the
fidelity to ideals of harmony, justice and respect for human dignity. The
future of the high values which the free world has traditionally upheld as
banners and in the name of which it fought terrible wars during the 20th
century, depends, to a large extent, on the balance and clarity of the actions
carried out by U.S. authorities these days." "Bush Obtains Overwhelming Support, Which
Up To Now Had Been Elusive" Maria O'Donnell, daily-of-record La Nacion
Washington-based correspondent, wrote (9/22):
"Everybody praised Bush's speech in Congress.... It is true that the President was facing a
highly supportive audience, which needed to find reassurance in their leader...
It is also true that Bush, who arrived in the Presidency after the most
questioned election process in the history of the U.S. and without any
experience in foreign policy, overcame doubts and found, with this crisis, a
tone which his people find reassuring.... In addition to 'connecting' with his
people, Bush aimed, perhaps, at a more ambitious goal: explaining to the
American people who the enemy is, with what forces and how he plans to face
him. In order to fight--as he intends--a long war and with methods which are
not always conventional, he needs to maintain in the long run the people's
present support.... It is a major
challenge because retaliation has not started yet and, for the time being, the
costs--either in terms of the lives of soldiers as much as civilian victims
abroad and in terms of divisions in the present coalition--are only
hypotheses." "The President Also Asked for 'Blood, Sweat
and Tears'" Oscar Raul Cardoso, leading Clarin
international analyst, wrote (9/22): "For someone who has been terribly
criticized for his weak oratory and for his lack of knowledge of the most
elemental aspects of international geography, Bush's grave speech was that of a
statesman, and which was almost as somber--in its gravity -- as the famous
piece of oratory in which Winston Churchill promised the English people only
'blood, sweat and tears.' No trivial
'Bushisms' leaked into a carefully written and delivered speech. In fact, he became the first president of
the post-Vietnam war era to present the idea of 'human losses' as an inevitable
consequence of the fight against terrorism....
Perhaps, because no one--neither Bush or his strategists -- can tell how
long this perspective will maintain the present condition of 'acceptable cost'
in U.S. society... the hypothesis of a 'Third War' which appeared in his first
declarations after the tragedy, disappeared.... But this re-adjustment reflects
another dimension in domestic politics. Within the Republican administration
there seems to be an intense debate on whether the terrorist aggression
deserves a military response or another one... in terms of a global police
action.... No one can deny the intense
organizing effect of Bush's words, within and outside his country, but for
someone with this immense capacity to influence the course of global history,
his position is still quite vulnerable." "The Military Offensive's Limits" International editor Marcelo Cantelmi wrote in leading
Clarin (9/21): "Last night,
the U.S. military operation...received an impetus that eliminates any retreat
but it can turn the German warning of not embarking in adventures into a
fulfilled prediction. A datum that suggests that the scenario ahead is
complicated... is Afghan leaders' reluctance to turn over Usama bin Ladin,
which they justified not with fundamentalist arguments but with the lack of
conclusive evidence on bin Ladin's link with the attacks. The United States is
unlikely to gather that conclusive evidence... That would imply a negotiation
not in tune with the White House goals, pressured by the casualties of the
attack: Washington needs a defined enemy....
Last night Bush promised to use 'all necessary war arms' and to point
them to the governments that harbor terrorism, clearly referring to Iraq. The
possibility that his operation includes that other target is tempting
Washington's 'hawks'... But there is not European consensus on that.... Neither
bin Ladin's arrest or elimination nor Saddam Hussein's overthrowal will
guarantee the end of terrorism. Rather than solving the Afghan labyrinth,
Bush's challenge is to understand that a new chapter has started and that old
strategies probably sank under New York rubble." "Bush: 'With U.S. Or With Terrorism'" Daily-of-record La Nacion's
Washington-based correspondent Maria O'Donnell commented (9/21): "In his address to the U.S. Congress,
George W. Bush warned that the Taliban regime should immediately turn over
Osama Ben Laden and all the members of his network, and eliminate training
fields in their country.... The campaign targets... raised strong debate
between Powell and Pentagon number Two, Paul Wolfowitz, who also wanted to
attack Iraq.... From Bush's tone,
Powell's position seemed to have prevailed. In order not to complicate the
international coalition, he suggested a first stage focused only on Ben Laden
and his network.... The importance of Bush's speech...was compared by analysts
with the one Roosevelt gave after the Pearl Harbor attack to bring the Unite
States to the Second World War. However, to Bush, it was important to emphasize
once more that this one will not be a traditional war and that it cannot be
compared with any other in history." BRAZIL: "The UN's Role" Lead editorial in liberal Folha de Sao Paulo
(9/28) commented: "The uncertainties hovering the world are gradually
dissipating. The catastrophic scenarios are becoming unlikely. The search for a
minimum international consensus vis-a-vis the U.S. action is now almost an
imperative.... The U.S. has so far
shown an exemplary patience and has not responded emotionally to the terrorist
attacks... The Bush administration has shown praiseworthy and unexpected
concern with diplomacy and the legal aspects of a possible retaliation. The
bellicose discourse of the first days has been replaced by words such as
'consensus' and 'alliance.' It is in
this scenario that the United Nations gains importance. It is clear that the
U.S. has the power to act without the UN's approval or to convince the Security
Council to approve its positions, especially when it has moral reason on its
side... It is highly desirable that the White House continues articulating a
anti-terrorism coalition within multilateral organizations such as the UN."
"The Day The World Changed" Columnist Joao Mellao Neto comments in
center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo (9/28): "It would be very
tranquilizing for all of us if we could convince ourselves that the terrorist
attacks were just an isolated case, or that bin Laden is only a megalomaniac
psychopath. The problem is that reality is much more sinister than
fiction. Bin Laden is far from being a
lone fanatic... It is not a matter or anti-Americanism. The WTC towers represented
all the system of beliefs and values that supports Western civilization... We
would like to wish bin Laden were the only one. But he is not. There are
millions of others watching around every corner on Earth. And we are realizing this only now. September 11 was the day the world
changed." "Bush In Porto Alegre" A conservative O Globo byline by Luis Fernando Verissimo stated (9/28):
"Don't expect to see Bush giving a speech against predatory capital in
upcoming World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, but at least he has already adhered to one of the demands of
globalization, in the good sense. Bush
also thinks that a better world is possible with transparency and control of
transactions with volatile capital which, in the same way it finances terrorist
attacks, it also destabilizes governments and kills entire economies without
getting the blame.... The tragedy
brought to the Republican Government--that had been elected only to decrease
the taxes of the rich, favor mining and oil...maintain the war industry...and
not interfere with free enterprise--a debate about public and private interest
with an unthinkable urgency. The urgency may put an end to much of what was
best about the U.S., such as protection of individual rights...but may also
make it re-evaluate its priorities.... The best news from the U.S. lately was
not duly noted: That...the lack of an spectacular military action...and the
apparent caution to re-introduce the U.S. in the world that Bush despised and
was on the verge of withdrawing from, are good signs. The Congress almost unanimously approved payment of the country's
old debt with the United Nations, something that was being blocked by
conservative for years. One still
doesn't know who will win the fight between hawks and moderates in the government, or how the government will
respond to the attacks, Seeing Bush in
Porto Alegre next January may not be so unthinkable after all. In fact nothing is unthinkable
nowadays." "A New War" Lead editorial in center-right O Estado de
Sao Paulo said (9/27): "President Bush excludes the hypothesis of
using large conventional military actions in Afghanistan. Any alternative would cause a great number
of civilian casualties in Afghanistan; would not guarantee the eradication of
terrorist bases; and would have a boomerang effect... In addition, there would
be the risk of another Vietnam. The
idea of a massive attack, including the invasion and occupation of the enemy's
territory, had been discussed by the USG's toughest sectors.... Saudi Arabia's
decision of breaking relations with the Taliban is the divorce between the
strictest Muslim nation and the most brutal Muslim fundamentalist movement. It
represents an unquestionable message that cannot be ignored by any Arab or
Muslim government: contrary to what extremists have said, the anti-terror fight
is not between Allah's followers and infidels, but between civilization and
barbarism... Another U.S. victory was yesterday's meeting between Shimon Peres
and Yasser Arafat. The Middle East is another scenario of the new war against
terror." "The Enemy At Home" Liberal Folha de Sao Paulo's columnist
Eliana Cantanhede averred: "It is very strange that the U.S. mobilizes its
Air Force and Navy to the Persian Gulf while being incapable of finding the
enemy in its own home... The suicidal terrorist had logistic support in the
U.S. It was a planned operation with
obvious human, material and financial help in key points inside and outside the
U.S. Without finding out who was
responsible for the attacks at home, George Bush cannot invade other nations...
The terrorist did not leave any message or clue explaining their action. It is implicit that the plan is not over. It
has just begun. It is unlikely that the terrorists have not outlined the
scenarios of the U.S. reaction and, based on them, planned their
counter-reaction. And if the U.S. attacks
Afghanistan and a second terrorist squad decides to explode baseball and
football stadiums and contaminate metropolitan water services? So far Osama bin Laden is an assumption,
almost a mirage. The enemy may be comfortably at home." "U.S. Pays High Price for Coalition" Center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo Paris
correspondent Giles Lapouge held (9/27): "George W. Bush is not stupid,
contrary to what France and part of Europe had believed. His actions following September 11 have not
been calamitous... Either due to President Bush or Secstate Colin Powell, the
U.S. has refrained from adopting furious and blind retaliations. Both
have...made the wise decision of not hurrying up... The coalition is an
achievement that must be admired, but also creates anxiety... Actually it was
thanks to a pathetic review of all its principles that the U.S. diplomacy has
obtained this success... Rogue states seem no longer worry the White
House....The lesson is clear: in view of the emergency and need, the U.S. has
completely changed its diplomacy in two weeks... It was an indispensable
attitude, but the price Washington had to pay for such a re-organization is too
high, with the risk that it may influence the entire world's geopolitical
scenario." "Fragile Cease-fire Editorial in liberal Folha de Sao Paulo
asserted (9/27): "The cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians is a
weak one, but is still the only hope for peace in the region; therefore it is
key to the present international crisis. It is impossible to ignore the link
between the tensions in the Middle East and the attacks against the United
States.... The U.S. must show it is
possible to keep the Palestinian territories under in check. They need Arafat's
support and the Israelis moderation to put together an anti-terror coalition
with the Islamic nations. And the persuading powers of the United States should
not be underestimated, especially since the White House owns an explanation to
the American people." "Firm And Clear" Article written by Brazilian foreign minister
Celso Lafer wrote on the op-ed section of liberal Folha de Sao Paulo (9/27):
"The rightful repulsive reaction expressed by Brazil to the criminal
attacks of September 11 should not be confused with an automatic adhesion, as
many who put prejudice and ideology before reason and human rights, were quick
to say... Brazil's call is that of a peaceful country and it has a long and
consistent history of considering violence and disproportionate use of force
repulsive... There is no place for sugarcoating when it comes to the mass
murder of millions of innocent human beings. Between the terrorists and those
opposed to them there should be no question about in which side Brazil
stands." "Great Maneuvers" Rio's independent Jornal do Brasil
editorialized (9/27): "The tri-border of Brazil-Argentina-Paraguay is an
example of the instability which may spread if it's not restrained
immediately. There was detected, among
nuclei of Arab immigration, suspects who gave logistic and material support in
the attacks on the Israeli Embassy and Amia, in Buenos Aires, in 1992 and
1995....The FBI and the Brazilian Federal Police are dedicating special attention to the region based on the
information that terrorists are sent
there after being 'burned'[used] in other parts of the world.... National security...demands permanent action
at all of its borders, from Foz do Iguatu to the Amazon.... The Amazon is a
huge unguarded border which makes Brazil vulnerable especially to destabilizing foreign actions such as narco-trafficking,
mining, arson and other ecological aggression.
Certain conflicts demand
intervention of smaller well-trained groups. The solution is professionalism, with political transparency and
a high sense of international solidarity when dealing with a hidden enemy like
high scale terrorism." "The Plunder Of Rome" Conservative O Globo's byline said
(9/27): "It's important to apply justice to the perpetrators and their
commanders, try to dismantle the deadly weapons. It's a work more of the intelligence
services and small command units than of fleets of atomic aircraft
carriers and hundreds of thousands
soldiers. Even more important will be to disarm the exasperation of the
excluded ones, to strengthen the
alliances with globalized or semi-globalized Islamic countries, Egypt,
Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.... The self-immolation problem will only be
solved when most of those who find
themselves excluded, may be included, though in an imperfect way, in our
globalized civilization." "Compensatory Policies" A byline by Carlos Geraldo Langoni, director of
the Center of World Economy of Getulio Vargas Foundation in conservative O Globo stated
(9/27): "The attack on New York will deepen the world's economic cooling
off period, postponing recovery until
the middle of next year. Brazil will be severely affected: World trade will
grow at about 2% this year, making the
expansion of our exports difficult, despite exchange devaluation. The fear of
risk and preference for liquidity will reduce capital flow at long-term and
increase difficulties to access international financial markets.... It's
essential to reduce Brazil's private sector dependence on foreign resources.... This would be a compensatory,
efficient policy, absolutely consistent
with fiscal austerity and monetary discipline; its goal is to preserve
the Brazilian private sector, making
future resumption easy without
sacrificing the fluctuating exchange rate.The Real flexibility
represents an essential device that will enable us to live in a world where
economic instability may represent a new
behavior pattern." "Fanaticism and Hatred of the U.S." Lead editorial in center-right O Estado de
Sao Paulo (9/26) commented: "Bin Laden's faxed message must not be
underestimated by the West. Arab
populations in most cases and fundamentalists without exception do not have the
slightest doubt that the U.S. wants to dominate their nations... Those who hate
the U.S. envy its prosperity and its democracy, which, despite its
deficiencies, is the world's least imperfect regime. And those who attack the
U.S. for its current or past actions as the Western world's leader should think
about Winston Churchill's statement that the Americans almost always do the
right thing--after having tried all alternatives. This is something
unimaginable and hate-provoking for any fanatic." "Peace Against Terror" Columnist Luiz Weis commented in center-right O
Estado de Sao Paulo (9/26): "Religious fanatics are admired even by
non-fanatics because they attack the U.S.
Maybe this aversiom would not have been transformed into insane violence
if the U.S. had not destabilized--with its economic, military and technologic
hegemony, as well as its popular culture--traditional Muslim societies. Or if the U.S. were not an unconditional
defender of Israel.... The popularity
of extremist Muslims would surely suffer a blow if the U.S., under the guidance
of Secstate Colin Powell, decided to work for the resumption of peace talks between
Israelis and Palestinians.... Now, more
than ever, restraining the terror will have to include the Middle East peace
process." "Between Life and Death" Columnist Jose Neumanne stated in center-right O
Estado de Sao Paulo (9/26):
"Neither the CIA nor the FBI noticed any sign of the presence of
the 19 terrorists in the U.S.... What is even more serious is that anyone of us
anywhere in the world may become the next victim, but no one has a precise idea
of the terrorists' reasons... They simply explode the house of those who do not
follow their faith.... Their goal was to break U.S. self-esteem by reducing the
WTC to ruins. Wasn't the demolition of the giant Buddhas in Afghanistan a
sinister warning of what would happen?
Obviously, their crime must be punished; otherwise no one can sleep tranquilly
on Earth.... But a military retaliation
cannot destroy the little known evil....
Unfortunately, we know very little about them.... In this war, the victims' first enemy is
their ignorance about the aggressor." "A Changing Discourse" Liberal Folha de Sao Paulo columnist
Fernando Rodrigues filed from NYC (9/26): "There is a clear change in
President Bush's discourse on the U.S. retaliation.... He began speaking with a tough tone...
Perhaps poorly assisted, perhaps without sufficient information, or both, Bush
made all of us think about a bloody and generalized war ahead. Now he is changing the scenario.... Now the president seems convinced that it is
better to go along with his more moderate advisers." "Closing the Circle" An editorial in independent Jornal da Tarde
said (9/26): "Now that Saudi Arabia withdrew its support, all of Islam is
against the Taliban. Also left behind
are the intellectual terrorists who tried to blame the victims for the attacks.
This unanimous reaction confirms the precision of the strategy adopted by the
U.S. government and its serenity in dealing with the problems caused by such
barbarous acts." "Between the Difficult And The
Impossible" Lead editorial in center-right O Estado de
Sao Paulo commented (9/25): "Pacifist demonstrations in many Western
nations have led public opinion to inadvertently believe that the U.S. is ready
to set fire to the world in retaliation for the attacks it suffered. Despite
differences between moderate and radical members of the Bush Administration on
the anti-terror strategy to be adopted...the main concern in Washington is with
its enemies' build up. From the first attack on the WTC in 1993...what has
changed is not the quality of terrorism, but its intensification. The U.S. is
right to fear chemical and bacteriological attacks, and is mobilizing its
forces without hysteria but realistically for a long campaign. On the other
hand, those who blame the victim for its suffering and deny it the right of
legitimate self-defense seem more disturbed by an imaginary retaliation by the
U.S. than by the terrorists' bestiality and devastating power." "Who The World Must Fear" Lead editorial in independent Jornal da Tarde
commented (9/25): "Despite the
international left wing's efforts to blame the victims for the terrorist
attacks they suffered, and its suggestion that the world has more reasons to
fear a blind U.S. revenge than the intensification of terrorism, the world's
temperature diminished significantly last week. The USG is showing a mature serenity while analyzing the
situation, and has reiterated that it does not and will not confuse
fundamentalism with Islamism.... This does not mean that the U.S. is giving up
the right of self-defense that those who are trying to justify the attacks as
having been 'provoked' want to deny it....
All Islamic nations have been victims of their own fundamentalist
radicals. And all of them fear more than the West the tragedy that this
implies. But they cannot contribute more explicitly to the international war
against terror because this might transform them into targets of the beast
living in their neighborhood. It is on this razor's edge that the U.S. will
have to walk." "New International Relations" Article written by law Professor Ricardo
Seitenfus in the op-ed section of liberal Folha de Sao Paulo said
(9/25): "Not only do they fail to achieve international peace, but
countries like the United States, through their actions and inactions,
contribute to the perpetration of injustice and wars around the world, serving
their own strategic goals. A perfect example is the support given by the
Americans to the Taliban itself in the fight against the Soviets. Neither war
nor an attack against the Islamic world will detain this fury. A military reaction
by the West will only greatly increase it. What good will it do to bomb
Afghanistan? The one effective way to fight terrorism brings no electoral
advantage nor does it produce quick results. That would be to declare war on
misery and intolerance." "This Is An Impertinent Act Associated With
Capitulation." Conservative O Globo byline by journalist
Elio Gaspari about a recent report of the Secret Service opening an office in
Sao Paulo (9/25): "Things are beginning to look bad. The American Embassy's Press Section has informed us that the GOB and USG
have negotiated the opening of a [U.S.]
Secret Service office in Spo Paulo....This is an impertinent act associated with capitulation. The American Embassy explained that this office has nothing to do with the
Central Intelligence Agency, which has little or nothing to do with the Secret
Service.... What's intended here is to pass to a third party--through means of a concession to a foreign nation -
information in [Brazilian] national
territory. The DEA and FBI already
operate in Brazil. On its turn, CIA has
always had offices in Spo Paulo, Brasflia and Rio de Janeiro.... Through pure
weakness, the GOB is allowing a concession in its sovereignty. There is no
guarantee that these gentlemen will ostensibly establish a branch of their
Secret Service in Brazil to collaborate with
[local] law and order....The war against terrorism, led by the United
States, deserves the most comprehensive collaboration, provided that each country preserves its sovereignty.... One might admit...that the Secret Service could be more rigorous
than the Federal Police and the Central
Bank. But even so, sovereignty is sovereignty. Let the USG publicly denounce policemen and Central
Bank's bureaucrats who don't fulfill
their duties. They known very well
where the nests of corruption
are.... Besides following the
old, enduring official and public action, there's nothing more to do.
Also because, to refresh the memory of Americans, one may well remember that an American President
(Richard Nixon) has already tried to
use the CIA to carry out a money laundering operation in Mexico to uncover
misdeeds practiced in Washington. True,
he did not succeed and the campaign
owes this to its Vice-Director, General Vernon Walters, who happens to be the attachT who released the
smugglers." "Keyhole" From independent Jornal do Brasil, byline
by Joao Sayad, Secretary of Finances
and Economic Development of Sao Paulo City Hall (9/25): "News is censored
during wars. Even without censorship,
American TV and newspapers have avoided transmitting shocking images of maimed
bodies from the World Trade Center debris. Last week, the TV program
'Politically Incorrect' was rude as they
called the terrorists brave and American soldiers cowards. It
immediately lost its sponsors and was
pulled from the air.... I prefer a lie
to unanimity.... Unanimity is inert,
powerful and smart. It goes
unnoticed. We still undergo unemployment and crisis resulting
from the euphoria of the 'end of history', the fall of the Berlin Wall, the
hegemony of neo-liberal thinking. With war declared, world liberals should
promote multiple versions. For each X theory, the National Science Foundation
should finance a research on the
plausibility of a non-X. The U.S. Film
Academy should give an Oscar to the best foreign film, preferably Iranian. The Democrat Party should incentive the re-launching of the American Communist
Party. I prefer censorship to unanimity.
Censorship excites black sheep from the flock and, as a closed door,
creates the temptation to look peep
through the keyhole." "Terrorism Of No Return" Independent Jornal do Brasil ran a byline by prominent intellectual and member of the UNESCO
International Council of Social Sciences, Candido Mendes (9/24): "The holy
war seems inscribed today in the bruised collective unconscious [of man,] in which a haughty
religion...rebels at the will of the Prophet. Bush's atomic shield becomes
useless.... The declaration of war, as
abstract as it is determined, accelerates the war of the worlds far beyond that which Welles and Wells had
predicted. And it frightfully
challenges the splendor of a civilization that had the World Trade
Center." "Apocalyptic Terrorism" University of Rio de Janeiro Professor Alberto
Oliva says in independent Jornal da Tarde (9/24): "Terrorism is no
longer a fight for power, but an insane fight against the power.... By destroying lives at random and without a
defined ideological identification, it is the most savage way of making evil
banal, and will unleash the war gods' uncontrolled wrath. The U.S. is not only a market economy hated
by those orphans of central planning.
Despite all its imperfections, the U.S. social experience provides the
highest level of freedom ever enjoyed by citizens. Different cultures are not
forced to convert themselves to this view of the world. But the questioning of
the U.S. foreign policy does not give fundamentalist terrorists permission to
blow up a form of social organization that is among those that most respect
individual rights. America's internal
vulnerability derives from the fact that it has become a powerful nation
without being a police state.... Terrorism wants to undermine the Western way
of life." "The Essential In Everyone" A conservative O Globo (9/23) byline by
Luis Fernando Verissimo said:
"Bush has also taken refuge in his own tribe. His administration is more reactionary than
one feared it was, and one can't expect any other attitude from an
administration dominated by Dick Cheney....
For them the essential is an idea of American exceptionality that has
some of the same lethal conviction of
the Islamic fundamentalists - both tribes consider themselves superior to others, evidence of God's preference, that
gives them license to do whatever they
want in the world - with the exception of the nature of the God that has chosen
them for the mission." "How To Explain The Inexplicable" Conservative O Globo (9/24) ran a byline
by journalist Sandra Sanches: "Bin Laden's execution or imprisonment is
far from a victory in the monumental battle of good against evil, as Bush has
defined it, simply because there isn't
only one Osama in the world.... Bush
should also look with the same effort for the roots of the hate against the
U.S., nurtured by the many Osamas spread throughout the world....
To discuss the deep causes of terror that frightens all of us is the
best way to extinguish it, once for all, from the face of the earth." "Apocalyptic Terrorism" University of Rio de Janeiro Professor Alberto
Oliva said in independent Jornal da Tarde (9/24) that "terrorism is
no longer a fight for power, but an insane fight against the power.... By destroying lives at random and without a
defined ideological identification, it is the most savage way of making evil
banal, and will unleash the war gods' uncontrolled wrath. The U.S. is not only
a market economy hated by those orphans of central planning. Despite all its imperfections, the U.S.
social experience provides the highest level of freedom ever enjoyed by
citizens. Different cultures are not forced to convert themselves to this view
of the world. But the questioning of the U.S. foreign policy does not give
fundamentalist terrorists permission to blow up a form of social organization
that is among those that most respect individual rights. America's internal
vulnerability derives from the fact that it has become a powerful nation
without being a police state... Terrorism wants to undermine the Western way of
life." "Painful Wake" Conservative O Globo editorialized
(9/23): "The enthusiastic, moving reaction of the U.S. Congress to Bush's
speech...was a sign of what would be the country's response.... Bush
undoubtedly said exactly what the Americans wished to hear: there will
be no the reaction to the terrorist attacks. "....[Bush's]
demands are unacceptable for the Taliban.... Therefore, the military action is imminent. The U.S.
counts on Great Britain's and Israel's total support. The other important
allies are solid - but their discomfort
with the idea of victory at any price
is evident and natural. Does the use of 'all weapons 'include nuclear bombs?
Which countries would be included in the list of Bin Laden's friends, chosen as targets of
retaliation? An invasion of Afghanistan
would have exclusively military objectives? Would the Americans take food and other types of assistance to
civilians....? The questions do not decrease USG's right to have international solidarity, nor do they make any form of
drastic action less necessary. But the
wake before the battle is an anguish for the whole world." "Disease As Metaphor" Using the cancer analogy, conservative O
Globo (9/23) ran a byline by journalist Fernando Pedreira: "President
Bush seems small and hardly suitable in view of the huge responsibilities on
his shoulders. But I don't think he is
taking the wrong way or failing to
fulfill his duties of a leader.
Washington must demonstrate its
power and strength, especially to please its domestic public, and in this sense
an offensive concentrated on only one target, duly personalized as Osama bin
Laden in Afghanistan, is without a doubt skillful and effective,
won't solve the problem in its entire dimension." "Peace And War" Independent Jornal do Brasil's editorial
held (9/23): "Bush's speech is a war call to Taliban, but its implications
go beyond a mere ultimatum, as it establishes premises of diplomacy,
justice, financial influence.... The
new demands to Afghanistan are reasonable....Bush has demanded that Talibans take a position vis-a-vis
terrorism. Today it's no longer coexist with countries that practice a double game: They condemn
terrorism rhetorically and finance them
behind the table. This attitude
includes Saudi Arabia, an important
U.S. ally in the Middle East, whose huge resources ended up by producing...the poison that feeds their own
enemies. The world won't be the same after the barbaric action committed in the
heart of U.S.... No region [in the world] is immune to its direct or side
effects, as one can see in the triple frontier between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, under suspicion of sheltering
terrorist cells.... Terror has no
nation. Or better yet: its nation is
the world." "Illness as Metaphor" Center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo
columnist Fernando Pedreira commented (9/23): "Terror has become
anti-American... [As a result] the eyes of the U.S's many enemies throughout
the world and of the Cold War's widows, including the media, shine with
satisfaction and joy... Terror is essentially a Muslim problem that can only be
resolved by them. All the West can do now is to pressure the Islamic nations
(by military, economic and diplomatic means) to force them to face this serious
internal problem. Bush is not taking
the wrong tack or failing with his duty as a leader. Washington must
demonstrate power and force, especially for domestic consumption. The
concentration of its offensive on a sole target, such as Osama bin Laden in
Afghanistan, is unquestionably competent and effective, although it does not
resolve the whole problem... Terrorism is an illness, a kind of cancer that can
be fought through several means. In any case, the treatment cannot be done
without the patient's will. Cooperation by interested governments and peoples
is indispensable. This is what makes things complicated and difficult." "Bush's Dilemma" Lead editorial in independent Jornal da Tarde
(9/23) says, "President Bush's speech marked a change in the balanced tone
with which the USG had been analyzing possible developments of the terrorist
attacks. His demands to Afghanistan
seem to remove the last hopes that the war against terrorism will be limited to
intelligence services... The civilized world fears U.S. military power, but
respects its example of democracy and respect of human rights... Murderers such
as those who attacked the U.S. and the governments that support them must not
be treated with good manners. But a long term political and diplomatic action
will be more effective in fighting terrorism than violent military
action." "The Cockroach and the Cannon" Columnist Carlos Heitor Cony comments in liberal
Folha de Sao Paulo (9/23) that "the use of one hundred warships or
nuclear weapons is useless in the fight against terrorism. The most intelligent-not
the strongest- will emerge as the winner... It seems this is not the path the
United States is choosing. The attack against the WTC took years of planning.
The response to terrorism should follow the same pattern... The fact that the
rightful feeling of revenge of the American people is being used as an excuse
to reopen the military and industrial complex of the Cold War is one more
reason to consider the United States the newest and most successful incarnation
of Satan." "Retaliation? Brazil Can Be Counted
Out" Article by Paulo Sergio Pinheiro in the op-ed
section of center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo asserted (9/23): "If
the United States and European countries...go to war, the Brazilian government
should make it clear that we refuse to associate ourselves with punitive
military missions of retaliation. Brazil cannot support military attacks, which
are state-sponsored terrorist acts against the poor and hungry people of
Afghanistan or any other country... We stand by the American government and the
American people as they mourn their dead. But we should keep a distance when it
comes to the retaliation and revenge against women, senior citizens, children
and innocent miserable people." "Retaliation? Brazil Can Be Counted
Out" Article by Paulo Sergio Pinheiro in the op-ed
section of center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo (9/23): "If the
United States and European countries-as is likely-to go to war, the Brazilian
government should make it clear that we refuse to associate ourselves with
punitive military missions of retaliation. Brazil cannot support military
attacks, which are state-sponsored terrorist acts against the poor and hungry
people of Afghanistan or any other country....
We stand by the American government and the American people as they
mourn their dead. But we should keep a distance when it comes to the
retaliation and revenge against women, senior citizens, children and innocent
miserable people." "Brazilians Are Opposed to
Retaliation" Liberal Folha de Sao Paulo published the
results of an opinion poll conducted by its in-house polling division (9/23):
"Brazilians are unequivocally opposed to a U.S. attack on countries that
harbor those responsible for the terrorist attacks that damaged the Pentagon
and destroyed the World Trade Center. A
national poll conducted by Datafolha shows that 79% of those interviewed are
against this type of military retaliation.
The poll, conducted last Tuesday (9/18), questioned 2,830 people in 127
towns in every Brazilian state and the Federal District. The existence, in Brazil, of such a large
percentage of people who oppose a military response by the Bush administration
shows that the U.S. has not been successful in exporting to Brazil the emotional
climate that the images of the attacks provoked across the globe. In no segment of those polled-- sex, age,
level of schooling or income, region or party preference--was there a majority
in favor of an armed U.S. response." "U.S. Interference Was The Cause, Says
Poll" Center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo
published the results of an Internet poll conducted by Brazilian polling
company Ibope (9/23): "The majority of Brazilian Internet users believe
that U.S. interference in other countries was one of the causes of the 9/11
terrorist attacks. This was the
principal conclusion of the poll "Terrorism in the U.S. - The Day
After," conducted by Ibope eSurvey, the Internet unit of Ibope, among
Brazilian Internet users between September 12 and 21. The poll's questionnaire was posted on Brazil's leading news
sites for those who wished to participate and send their answers to Ibope
eSurvey. The full results of the poll are available at"
"Irrational Danger" An article on the op-ed page of independent Jornal
da Tarde held (9/22): "The demonic and overwhelming picture created by
the attack against the World Trade Center leaves no doubt it is necessary to
unite against terror and terrorists.
But it's important not to confuse this rightful mission with aggression
and irrational hostile acts against races and religions." "Irrational Danger" Article on the op-ed page of independent Jornal
da Tarde said (9/22): "The demonic and overwhelming picture created by
the attack against the World Trade Center leaves no doubt it is necessary to
unite against terror and terrorists. But it's important not to confuse this
rightful mission with aggression and irrational hostile acts against races and
religions." "Means and Ends of a Global Fight" Lead editorial in center-right O Estado de Sao
Paulo (9/22) commented: "It is very unlikely that President Bush will
deliver a more important statement than that he made Thursday before Congress.
No one who shares the values of justice can disagrees with the president's
statement that terrorism is the heir of all of the 20th century's murderous
ideologies. But the U.S.'s true friends - governments, social forces, decision
makers throughout the world--must convey to Washington their concerns vis-a-vis
the contrast between the irreproachable portrait of homicidal fanaticism
outlined by Bush and his promise of tirelessly fighting the problem, and the
doubts caused by what the president failed to say, i.e., about the most
appropriate means to achieve the proposed goals. Bush never called for the indispensable participation of the UN,
nor did he refer to the need to seek peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
By failing to distinguish what is more important - building a worldwide
anti-terror front or attacking bin Laden - Bush subordinated policy and diplomacy
to a bellicose and unilateral rhetoric. In the U.S. he intensified the
expectation of an improbable conventional military campaign in Afghanistan, and
among moderate Muslims he raised the fear of fundamentalist riots." "For A Pax Americana" University of Spo Paulo Professor Gilberto Dupas
comments in center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo (9/22): "The brutal
attack on the WTC may start an era of retrogression or a period of civilized
advancement, depending on how the U.S. reacts to the insane terrorist
action. To create enemies is essential
for those peoples who look for their identity.... It is an illusion to imagine
that Muslims, Chinese and Indians will adopt Western liberalism as the only
alternative. On the other hand, there is nothing to indicate that Islam will
prevent Muslims from adopting modern capitalism.... If attacked in retaliation, the new enemy may hurt the U.S. even
more. The old military no longer works....
Americans must oppose looking for quick revenge, as well as trust their
democratic and humanistic convictions and make them prevail over the murderous
passions that guided the bloody attack. To minimize the risks of a war is to
jeopardize all the promises and hopes of the new century. A furious reaction is
what the enemies of civilization want." "No To Terror And War" Brazilian opposition Congressman Jose Genoino
(Workers' Party) commented in independent Jornal da Tarde (9/22):
"The best way to punish terrorists is not through a war that will
certainly create thousands of innocent victims. To punish Afghanistan's desperate population with a war is a
gesture that morally is equivalent to the terrorists' actions.... Neighboring
nations might become involved in a war of tragic consequences and unpredictable
outcome. Repudiation to terrorism and solidarity with the American people must
not serve as a pretext to support the rhetoric of violence and revenge, as some
U.S. officials have done. The idea that the world's most powerful nation can
ignore international law, use 'dirty war' methods and suspend civil and
individual rights is an enormous democratic retrogression... The U.S. and other
rich nations should abandon despotic and arrogant postures vis-a-vis other
peoples and cultures." "Economy Of War" Article by Vinicius Torres Freire on the
editorial page of liberal Folha de Sao Paulo ntoed (9/22): "Before
the American markets re-opened, the president of the NYSE asked his colleagues
to be gentlemen. Soon after singing 'God bless America' those gentlemen who
were desperate not to lose money caused one trillion dollars to evaporate last
week. That's twice the amount of income Brazil produces yearly. Top financial
authorities in Europe say it's more and more likely that terrorists obtained
gains in the financial market thanks to privileged information about the hell
it was about to cause. But where did
the money come from and where did it go? Could it be in some financial
paradise? Will 'civilized Western'
society bomb Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, etc? The Yugoslav government was bribed in order
to turn over the criminal Slobodan Milosevic to the United States and its
allies. Now the U.S is using its arsenal to pressure the Pakistani dictator and
give him some change in exchange for 'support.' That's the economy of
war." "Neither Angels Nor Demons" Column by Boris Fausto in liberal Folha de
Sao Paulo (9/22): "The first
reactions of society to the American tragedy show our world isn't only
globalized, but also divided... The crime of September 11th showed to what
degree Americans identify themselves with their country and their government.
But in the suburbs of western civilization the picture is different. Most countries were shocked by the events
that took place in New York and Washington D.C, but there is also an emerging
feeling of anti-Americanism. Some people say the United States is reaping
exactly what it sowed... The United States is a complex and contradictory
country, sometimes a scary nation. But it isn't necessary to endorse its past
and current policies to realize its key role in preserving the values of a
democratic society." "Bush Promises To Destroy Terrorism" Liberal Folha de Sao Paulo Washington's
correspondent Marcio Aith remarked on President Bush's speech to the Congress
(9/21): "Bush used words that seemed to anticipate a military attack
against the Taliban. The speech was
much applauded, balanced emotional and aggressive sections, and was aimed at
prolonging the massive political support the president has accumulated since
the terrorist attacks.... The Congress
was surrounded by extreme security measures that show the vulnerability of both
the people and the authorities.... The president
made all efforts to show Americans that the U.S. has entered a non-traditional
war, and that the enemy, although invisible, must be fought as in a war... For
a president who was elected in controversial circumstances, Bush's speech may
have been the most important of his term." "Bush Intensifies Demands And Threats"
Center-right O Estado de Sao Paulo's
Washington correspondent Paulo Sotero said ( 9/21): "Bush's vigorous
speech came after several days of confusing and sometimes conflicting statements
that the president and some members of his Cabinet had made on the nature of
the conflict suddenly imposed on the U.S....
The last time an American leader faced the challenge of preparing the
nation for an armed conflict occurred almost 60 years ago... Bush had a much
more difficult task than Roosevelt....
An inexperienced leader elected in questionable circumstances, Bush
performed his mission successfully, according to all initial reactions." MEXICO: "Absolute Respect For
Principles" Editorial in nationalist El Universal
(9/27) read: "U.S.-Mexico
relations have always been complex.... The current globalization process makes
one's problems the other's problems, as the September 11 terrorist actions
demonstrated. This is the reason for
the emergence of voices in the U.S. demanding the complete support of the
Mexican government. However, the
Mexican government must act within absolute respect for Mexican laws and
foreign policy principles.... Terrorism
is indeed a common enemy of mankind, but one should not resort to equally
contemptible methods to fight it. We
are in complete solidarity with the American people, but we should not follow
any steps contrary to our laws.... It
is true that we are one of the major U.S. trading partners, but this is not
sufficient reason to lose our uniqueness and the respect for the Mexican
people." "The Foreign Policy Myth" Jose Antonio Crespo states in nationalist El
Universal (9/27): "Current
Foreign Relations Secretary (Jorge Castaneda) is also a victim of the terrorist
attacks against the U.S…. He has to
reconcile antagonistic postures such as being in good terms with the U.S.
government and also with the Mexican people regarding the U.S. military
strategy. This is particularly
complicated because Castaneda is not known for his tact. As a good academic, he goes straight to the
point whether you like it or not…. If
Castaneda wants to convince the Mexicans that our full support for the U.S. is
the most rational and beneficial thing to do he would have to do so in such a
way that this strategy would seem to be reconciled with the mythical but
traditional foreign policy principles of non-intervention and
self-determination." "Global Disorder And Terrorism" Adolfo Sanchez Rebolledo asserts in
left-of-center La Jornada
(9/27): "Bush said, 'with
us or with terrorism,' but the cause of civilization cannot merely be the
obsession of the person who wants to take revenge under alleged divine
inspiration, and thus becomes the big brother of everything he watches. Aren't the victims of New York already
enough of an increase the list of innocent people killed? Who needs another dirty war in the
world?" "Defining Terrorism" Monterrey’s leading independent El Norte
carried a commentary by Zidane Zeraoui, Director of International Relations at
ITESM (Monterrey Tec) (9/27): “With all the confusion about the term
terrorism, we could wonder if Bush’s statements about War include ETA, the Britons, Chechnya’s people, the Kosovars,
the IRA, etc. Or do his statements simply refer to Bin Laden.
… It is necessary to first identify the enemy, without doing so one could find
that the enemy is so diffuse that there would be no chance of success.” "The Answer" Another commentary in tEl Norte by Gabriela de
la Paz remarked (9/27): “The world can think what it pleases; if there is no
action in time, this could become the beginning of the end for U.S. hegemony
and it would have failed twice: first
in preventing the attack and second in properly responding to the
aggressors...for the U.S., today more than ever, the goal justifies the means.” "Infinite Justice And The Jihad " Arnoldo Kraus wrote in left-of-center La
Jornada (9/26): "Bush's holy
war-who is not with us is against us-and that of the Muslims are very
similar. Both are exclusive, they state
their positions but they do not listen to others. They are also very appealing
to their followers and have the trademark of invading foreign structures, of
breaking the current order and status of things, and are also
belligerent.... Both the "Infinite
Justice" operation and the Jihad have as a consequence that whatever bad
happens to the other it would enhance one's benefit. There is no room for
understanding, particularly because of the exploitation by the U.S. media of
the images of the destruction of the twin towers and of the ideologies that
prepare 6 year old and older children to hate and act accordingly." "The War Of Many" Luis Linares Zapata states in left-of-center La
Jornada (9/26): The terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington are the greatest aggressions inflicted upon
Mexico in a number of years. There is
no recent memory for any developments carried out by a handful of persons who
have affected so many Mexicans.... The
immediate outcome for Mexico is that it would take longer to come out of the
economic crisis...and that it would take a lot longer to solve the issue of
undocumented Mexicans already in the U.S....
The dominant attitude in the political, academic or critical elite
points towards a pacifism that seems like a stalemate and unfair.... The U.S. and Mexico have the right to
self-defense in the face of terrorism.
In this regard, the use of force is justified." "Supporting The U.S.?" Luis Pazos asserted in business-oriented El
Financiero (9/26): "Some have
questioned if Mexico should support the actions undertaken by the U.S. to
detain the authors of the terrorist attacks and to punish those who protect the
groups that protect them.... There have
been those who, based on a longstanding anti-Yankee sentiment, feel that Mexico
should not support the U.S.-although it is obvious that the U.S. would not ask
for military assistance from Mexico....
President Fox was acclaimed in the U.S. Congress and he enjoys a good
friendship with President Bush. However, there are groups who want to use the
tragedy to undo what has been achieved by the current Mexican administration,
and not to use this as an opportunity to be closer to our neighbors.... Is there any moral, political or economic
justification to quarrel over supporting our neighbors, to whom our present and
future are linked, at the time of their tragedy?" "Giant With Clay Feet" Rosa
Elbina Garavito states in nationalist El Universal (9/26): "As a result of the U.S. response to
the attacks in New York and Washington, the world faces two scenarios: either
chaos or a reorganization of the current world order that would promote
peaceful coexistence. U.S.
irrationality is building the first scenario with its anti-terrorism
campaign. Instead of investigating what
happened and of giving a political response to the illegal acts of those who
planned and carried out the attempts, the U.S. issues a war declaration against
an invisible enemy and against the nations that harbor him." "The Trojan Horse And The Military
Operation" Rafael Alvarez Cordero states in nationalist El
Universal (9/26): "Bush and
his team, and to a great extent the majority of the American people, have never
taken into consideration the rest of the nations other than to label them as
friends or enemies in accordance with U.S. interests. Now we know that the
currently despised bin Laden used to be an accomplice of the U.S. when the
Afghans were fighting against Russia.... Further, we now have learned that the
(U.S.) sanctions on India have been lifted after it announced it would
cooperate with the U.S." "The Enemy" Sergio Sarmiento writes in independent Reforma
(9/26): "Osama bin Laden is
subject of admiration and reverence in large sectors of the Muslim world. Were he put in jail or killed, he could
become a martyr whose memory would generate further attacks against the
U.S. He could actually be more
dangerous dead than alive... However,
the U.S. government cannot afford to adopt a wait-and-see attitude when a man of
bin Laden's influence makes public calls on the Muslims to kill Americans. Perhaps the detention or death of Osama
could generate new terrorist attacks.
But doing nothing would send a signal of weakness that would ensure that
those attacks would indeed take place." "The Abyss" Sergio Aguayo asserts in independent Reforma
(9/26): "Our U.S. neighbors are
resentful towards Mexico (and with Vicente Fox) because they have felt that
Mexico has not given them the quick and enthusiastic approach in the crusade
against terrorism as other nations and heads of state have done. They have reminded us that the U.S. has
always come to Mexico's assistance in the past. This complaint is justified but it does not take into
consideration the underlying factors of a stormy historical relationship
between the U.S. and Mexico nor the fact that in the present juncture the Fox
administration has not found a balance between passiveness and
impulsiveness." "Passion or Reason" Federico Reyes Heroles wrote in independent Reforma
(9/25): "The anger of President
Bush and of the American people is justifiable. However, anger is not the best political advisor. What is popular today could take you to the
grave tomorrow. The first thing to do
is to consolidate an international alliance against terror. This is the only way to prevent any more
havens for the terrorists. The second
is to demonstrate and convince the international community of bin Laden's
responsibility. The third is to isolate
bin Laden - including Islamic nations - by demonstrating his
responsibility. The fourth would be to
apprehend those responsible without turning them into victims. Of course...this rational order could be altered
by an indiscriminate attack. What will
happen? Will passion or intelligence
prevail? "An
Act Of Faith" Sergio Sarmiento stated in independent Reforma
(9/25): "President Bush said
yesterday that his administration has conclusive evidence of Osama bin Laden's
responsibility of the September 11 attempts.
He noted, however, that he cannot show that evidence to protect those
who provided it. In other words, the
U.S. President is asking the world to support his actions to punish those
responsible for the attacks, but he refuses to give the world the information
that would ensure those to be punished are indeed guilty as charged." "Politics, Antidote Against Terrorism"
Editorial in nationalist El Universal
(9/25) says: "It is vital for the
international community to assume a more determinant role, to stop the
belligerent attitude that is prevailing in several regions of the world.
Terrorism is indeed a brutal enemy, more dangerous as it is hidden. However, it
would not be feasible to defeat terrorism with military means. Politics is the best antidote against an
enemy that has no remorse in murdering innocent civilians.... President Bush's decision to freeze funds of
organizations that are prone to the terrorists is a good measure.... All nations should realize that supporting
terrorists is suicidal, just as it is to assume that the force of weapons could
eradicate them." "Fanaticisms Of Power And War" Jesus Vergara Reyes wrote in nationalist El
Universal (9/25): "The
terrorist provocation and the anti-terrorist reaction is making Osama bin
Laden's goals come true: to carry out the Islamic holy war and to eliminate the
Western world. Nevertheless, the
American response with the threat of war could also have the effects of
strengthening the U.S. might, reactivating the U.S. economy and to obtain
further benefits in the struggle for the hegemony in the oil market" "Tolerance Instead Of Xenophobia" Agustin Gutierrez Cannet asserted in nationalist
El Universal (9/25): "Those responsible for the criminal actions
against thousands of innocent persons in New York, Washington and Pittsburgh
deserve that the whole force of the law falls upon them. The UN Security Council resolution demands
all UN member states to cooperate in the persecution of the terrorists and also
grants the U.S. the right to self-defense. The imminent air attack against
Afghanistan is therefore imminent. But
even though everything seems to go in accordance with the law, the dangers of the
over spilling of U.S. actions are great because the enemy has not been fully
identified. The U.S. is compelled to
show its allies the evidence of Osama bin Laden's involvement in the terrorist
attacks." "What Begins Bad Ends Bad" Emmanuel Carballo states in nationalist El
Universal (9/25): "It is
imperative to have the U.S. lower the tone of its response to the tragedy. The multiple attempt of September 11 should
be seen as a criminal action, and those responsible should be sought after
accordingly. The response should not
serve to demonstrate Bush's leadership role.... It should be the irrefutable demonstration that the world order
can only be built based on international cooperation. The International Penal Court, the Kyoto protocol, the anti-personal
mines treaty are instruments to eliminate any excuse that the fanatics could
have to use the demands of those in the lower brackets to justify their cruel
actions." "In
The Face Of The Disaster, Honesty To Inform" Lleft-of-center La Jornada editorialized
(9/25): "After the pain for, the
indignation for, and the condemnation of such barbaric actions, it is important
to find out why they happened.... This
is what this newspaper has had in mind in opening its pages not only to the
proclamation of war and revenge by the U.S. government, but also to notable
thinkers such as Noam Chomsky, Susan Sontag, Gore Vidal and Dario Fo, among
others. Nobody in this newspaper has sided with the fundamentalist organization
Washington blames for the attempts...
But we do not approve military vengeance. The world community has created organizations to have
international law prevail-like in the case of Slobodan Milosevic, and as it should
also be in the cases of Augusto Pinochet and Henry Kissinger. We also acknowledge
that contrary to its military and revengeful rhetoric, the U.S. administration
has shown a moderation that could be attributed to the lack of a clear
international consensus in favor or war....
However, before carrying out any action against Osama bin Laden's group,
it is necessary to demonstrate his responsibility so that international law and
brute force is applied." "What Changed After September 11?" Ugo Pipitone argued in left-of-center La
Jornada (9/25): "No matter how
difficult it is to be solidarious with the U.S.-as a result of the not so few
U.S. imperial arbitraries and arrogance-it is fit to assume that the attack on
the twin towers was not an offensive action against the U.S. but against a way
of living that took a couple of millennia to be possible: democracy.... After September 11 the world needs to fight
not only terrorism but also against misery that in a number of regions of the
world could feed a contempt for democracy.
After that damned Tuesday, we need to restructure the world
economy. Fighting poverty is the best
way to defend existing democracy, and the democracy we want to achieve." "New Autocracy" Jose Blanco states in left-of-center La Jornada
(9/25): "If the number of
extraordinary authorities that Bush is asking from Congress were approved, we
would be witnessing the creation of a police and military-like autocracy in the
person of President Bush-who many of his countrymen see as a not very
intelligent person.... The brutal actions carried out on September 11 are being
buried under the expectations created by the media regarding the big show of
force and the expected show of blood." "Infinite Justice" Miguel Angel Granados wrote in independent Reforma
(9/23): "The U.S. and its allies -
Mexico included - have set plausible goals: punishing those responsible for the
September 11 killings and eradicating terrorism. However, they are using the wrong methods. These would produce greater evils than the
one they are trying to do away with.
The intent of using violence against the violent ones is a
contradiction. What would emerge would be ever-increasing violence.... Would the deaths caused by Operation
Infinite Justice be less condemnable than the deaths caused by terrorism? The answer is simply no." "Autumn Promise" Ximena Paredo wrote in El Norte (9/24):
"We also scatter terror. At work, at home, in school, screaming and
threatening, with extortion; economic terror, political terror. We violently treat the earth, we forget
about it, we let it cry. The U.S. is in mourning today over the terrorist
attacks and forgets it scattered terror and cynically frightens the world with
its military threats and its infinite revenge.
It is the most terrorist world we know of, and yet it appropriates the
mission of ending this evil. There is
no more exact law than what one sows, one harvests." "Theological Hates" Enrique Krauze stated in independent Reforma
(9/23): "There is no doubt, the
U.S. government, its intelligence agencies and its military complex have a
great deal of responsibility in the dramatic process that has affected them--at
least indirectly. In the U.S.' own holy
war against the Soviet Union--the evil empire--they provided weapons to the
Taliban militia so that they could defeat the Russians." "The Afghan Syndrome And Its Lessons" Isabel Turrent asserted in independent Reforma
(9/23): "The 'hawks' headed by
Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz and Vice President Cheney Chief Advisor
Lewis Libby are promoting a quick and immediate military campaign, not only
against bin Laden's network in Afghanistan, but also against other safe haven
states like Iraq and Lebanon. Such an
offensive would be a great mistake....
It is good to have listened to Colin Powell's statement that the U.S.
needs to prepare the diplomatic ground, to consult the allies and to act within
international law. Were Powell's stand
to win the day, the U.S. would be likely engage in a surgical operation that
would prevent the unnecessary killing of civilians. The 'hawks' have not learned from history and the 'Afghan
syndrome' waits for them just around the corner." "Terrorism and Freedom" Luis Rubio stated in independent Reforma
(9/23): "Terrorism's goal is not
only to destroy and to demoralize, but also to create a chaos. The goal of any terrorist is to undermine
the values of society, and its democratic underpinnings.... If we want a modern, democratic and liberal
society, we should act within the framework of the law. The debate in the U.S. regarding how to
respond to the terrorists has advanced toward this end. Initially revenge was sought at any cost.
However, little by little the consideration that one could put in jeopardy
precisely what everyone wants to preserve
- a liberal society - has gained ground.... The battle against terrorism and crime should be direct and
head-on, but fought with the proper weapons. "A Police-Like Regime In The U.S.?" An editorial in left-of-center La Jornada
said (9/23): "The attempts against
the twin towers and the Pentagon caused a large number of deaths, but at the
same time McCarthyism and xenophobia seem to have emerged.... The legislation to deal with terrorism and
its consequences for individual liberties are the establishment of a
totalitarian state." "War Is Institutionalized Terrorism" Left-of-center La Jornada judged (9/23):
"The terrorist attempts in New York and Washington are completely
unjustified. Our conscience rejects a
methodology that has caused the death of thousands of innocent persons.... However, one should remember that the new
world order was inaugurated by George Bush Sr. on the ruins of Baghdad and on
300 thousands dead Iraqis.... It was
also founded on Clinton's humanitarian bombings of Yugoslavia.... Those who are now crying war are trying to
make us believe that there are two kinds of violence: an evil one where the U.S. is the subject of such violence, and a
good one where the U.S. inflicts violence on others. If the victims are Americans, it is terrorism; in any other case
it is a matter of humanitarian mission." "The War Of The Apes" Guillermo Almeyra asserts in left-of-center La
Jornada (9/23): "We are on the
verge of a process where civilization is in jeopardy, and where we could fall
into the hands of those who are trying to impose their fundamentalist views
under the excuse of fighting other fundamental attitudes.... From Auschwitz down to Hiroshima and
Nagasaki we are increasingly sinking into barbarism.... To the fundamentalists who feel that the
U.S. is a modern Satan, the White House has responded with a fundamentalist and
racist attitude." "Terrorism, War And Diplomacy" Francisco Valdes Ugalde writes in nationalist El
Universal (9/23): "The mere
labeling of the U.S. military operation in the Persian Gulf and the Indian
Ocean as 'Infinite Justice' shows an ideological extremism that would act
against the principles of justice and democracy that the U.S. claims to
defend. It is necessary for the answer
to terror not to be an organized revenge but the diplomacy of justice. The U.S. should not allow its military might
to overcome the actions of its instruments of justice, and it should promote
international institutions such as the International Penal Court." "International Commentary" Washington correspondent Jose Carreno stated in
nationalist El Universal (9/23):
"It is healthy for disagreements and debate to take place regarding
Mexico's support for the U.S. war on terrorism. However, the automatic anti-Americanism of the personal criticism
of Mexico's Foreign Relations Secretary--regardless of whether they are justifiable
or irrational--should not cast a shadow over reality. Because of a social-economic relationship, because of
geopolitics, because of national security, the Mexican government has no
choice. There is no way to remain
outside the anti-terrorist alliance without experiencing some
consequences." "Infinite Justice?" Jaime Sanchez Susarrey stated in independent Reforma
(9/22): "It is not an exaggeration
to say that the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were a true
declaration of war. The U.S. and the
rest of the world are facing an unprecedented situation: terrorism has become
one of the main threats for world security.
The strategy of containing and preventing it has shown its limitations. The struggle should involve the whole world and
it is time for the offensive. The
immediate response cannot be other than a military one. This comes from the most elementary
logic--not only because the old strategy has not worked, but because it is
probable for other attempts to take place in the U.S.... Nobody should be fooled about the
seriousness of the situation. If the
U.S., NATO and Russia do not refrain the escalation of terrorism, Western
civilization as a whole could collapse like the twin towers in Manhattan."
"Our Lives Changed" Oscar Levin Coppel wrote in independent Reforma
(9/22): "I do not agree with the
those justifying the terrorist attacks as a struggle of the poor and
hopeless. I much less agree that the
attacks were the result of a clash between different civilizations.... Terrorism's destructive and destabilizing
effects have nothing to do with reason.
Those who made the twin towers collapse also succeeded in giving a
lethal blow to our values.... The
terrorists succeeded in changing our lives." "Active Neutrality In Latin America" Editorial in nationalist El Universal
read (9/22): "There is concern over the interest of certain U.S.
government sectors in considering that no allied nation could remain neutral on
this issue. Mexico is in a tough position because its foreign policy has been
absolutely clear regarding the principles of non-intervention and
self-determination.... Neutrality does not mean distancing itself from the
problem, but adopting a reasoned position based on Mexican law. Mexico joined the OAS' resolution invoking
the Rio Treaty because it feels that the attack on our neighbor is an attack on
all of the region's countries. However,
this position does not involve a commitment to provide military support to the
U.S.-the best-armed nation in the world.
It is support for the U.S. to continue fighting terrorism through
actions consistent with the law, human rights and democratic
institutions." "Yesterday And Today: Automatic
Alliance" Gerardo Unzueta stated in nationalist El
Universal (9/22): "Mexico and
other nations face increasing danger as a result of President Bush's
belligerent address before Congress.
Every peaceful solution has been discarded, including the holding an
'impartial' trial for Osama bin Laden--as the Cuban and the Taliban governments
had suggested.... The U.S. is after the
terrorists and the nations that harbor them without previous serious
investigation or a real trial. It is
the right to detain, kill and invade without any respect for any law." "War In The Global Village" Heinz Dietrich Steffan writes in nationalist El
Universal (9/22): "The plan of
operations designed to achieve the maximum strategic advantage of the current
political juncture that terrorism provides can only succeed if actions are
taken outside the law. The American
political elite is determined to implement actions outside international
law.... The U.S. does not want to use UN mechanisms and institutions created to
solve problems like the current one.
The U.S. does not want to negotiate directly with the Afghan government. Further, President Bush's ultimatum to the
rest of the world demonstrates that the U.S. is determined to act outside
international law - just like the terrorists did." "Let's Not Minimize The Criminal
Attack" An editorial in nationalist Excelsior
stated (9/22): "The discussion is
centering on whether Osama bin Laden will be handed over or not. However, the
true and worthy goal would be to rid the world of terrorism. This can only be achieved with all nations'
cooperation." "Attempts In The U.S." Esther Shabot states in nationalist Excelsior
(9/22): "Of course, President Bush
should not receive a blank check so that he acts in any way he might wish. But I do not feel that a blank check should
be given to those who perpetrated the attempts. One would need to be
prone to suicide--like they were--to issue such a check.... Many in the last few days have quoted Noam
Chomsky as an expert on what happened.
He might be an extraordinary linguist, but I doubt his moral integrity.
The fact that he wrote the foreword of a book by Robert Faurisson questioning
the Holocaust with neo-Nazi arguments make Chomsky unworthy of the credit
awarded to him." "Solidarity With The American People" Alejandro Zapata Perogordo writes in
left-of-center La Jornada (9/22): "The world is aware of our vulnerability,
this is why the attempt against the U.S. should not be considered as an attempt
against a single nation. An
investigation should be made and those responsible should be sought after and
punished. It is necessary to stress
that it was not an attack on the United States, but a worldwide warning. Right now it is not a matter of looking for
peace but to guarantee mankind's future.... In addition, the terrorist attack
has meant the postponement in the U.S.-Mexico bilateral agenda of issues such as
migration and trucking, among others....
However, these consequences amount to nothing compared to the suffering
of the American people." "The Western World Is Crazy, Crazy,
Crazy..." Marcos Roitman Rosenmann asserts in
left-of-center La Jornada (9/22): "A democratic world cannot be
built on the basis of force, and much less if the unspeakable goal was to build
a war on the basis of fighting terrorism....
A democratic world cannot be built on the foundation of global, holy or
infinite wars. Justice can never be the
result of using missiles, regardless of how much rage has been caused by
abominable actions. The answer to
problems of injustice is the promotion of democracy." "Unsuccessful Fatal Blow" Monterrey's independent El Norte
commentary by Alfonso Elizondo said (9/22):
"Even though the first fatal blow struck by fundamentalist
terrorism against the U.S. economy has been ameliorated by the intelligence and maturity of the
financial authorities, there is no guarantee that the problem has been warded
off completely. It is mandatory that
the political power structure also contribute its share in solving the crisis
through the efficient and intelligent use of diplomacy and military force. The
truth is that the total paralysis of a society that terrorism search for, has
not been achieved." "Together Before God" Monterrey's independent El Norte carried
this by law professor Gerardo Puertas (9/22): "If you are Mexican you will
accept that we are a country that is not open to foreigners. Ask anybody who
arrives from other country. You'll see what he answers; we are polite with
visitors, but we are not willing to integrate the foreigner who is staying
among us. If you're a man, speak to a woman about equal opportunities. Her
answer is not what you would expect; gender is still a discriminatory
factor. Similar answers could come from
a native or a handicapped, an old person or a homosexual, a poor or a
illiterate person, to mention certain stereotypical situations." "September 11-19" National Security Adviser Adolfo Aguilar Zinser
wrote in independent Reforma (9/21):
"The actions the U.S. would undertake, and that members of the
international community would support, conform moral, political or military
standards that should be addressed to stop and eradicate terrorism. The danger
is in the manner that public opinion and the media have presented
developments. Military actions could be
perceived as a massive show of revenge instead of a surgical effort to do away
with terrorism. It would be tragic if
measures undertaken would fuel the fire instead of putting it out. Otherwise,
it would be possible for intelligence actions and selective punitive measures
to eradicate the most violent terrorist cells.
Under the current circumstances this would be the best thing that could
happen. Up to now President Bush and
his team have shown a level of cautiousness and calm that is comforting. Let us hope that they continue this
approach." "Reprisals" Rafael Segovia stated in independent Reforma
(9/21): "The anger experienced by
the American people is understandable.
Never before had a missile had fallen on U.S. territory. Americans lived in a safe haven where
domestic security was a mess, but outside security was not something they
focused on. They will have to consider
foreign threats from now on. During the
first 48 hours of the massacre, verbal violence was rampant. In other words, there was complete and
calculated control of information. Now,
reason has prevailed - that is, politics.
President Bush had no other choice to show his anger and to guide the
overwhelming feelings of anger and patriotism of the American people. His nation had been attacked. The dead were Americans--his
countrymen. After those two difficult
and painful days, reason prevailed with the greatest power in the world. It is worth noting how cautiousness and
knowledge prevailed over anger, and experience over emotions." "Contrasts Of Globalization" Agustin Basave Benitez states in independent Reforma
(9/21): "The world's problem is
inequality.... Extremist acts
committed in the name of race, religion and culture are increasing. Impotence is strengthening its power, and
the porous borders are giving the weak the ability to take revenge on the
powerful... As long as the world
continues to be an unfair place, the seeds of resentment, suspicion and
monstrosity will continue.... However,
there is reason for hope. Even though
the concentration of wealth in small number of nations and individuals has not
diminished, we are witnessing the effects of world public opinion on the most
powerful nation on earth. In the face
of such brutal aggression, the President Bush has avoided a unilateral
response, and delayed reprisals until a counterattack consensus is built. U.S. allies have spoken with one voice: yes
to seeking and punishing those responsible; no to indiscriminate war. Regardless of any 'buts' one could hold
against this attitude, it is an encour aging sign." "Shameful Speech" Front page editorial in left-of-center La
Jornada read (9/21): "In his
address to Congress to announce the global campaign against terrorism,
President Bush issued the death certificate of international law.... President
Bush announced that from now on Washington would be the world's judge, attorney
and policeman. The rest of the nations
of the world should follow the U.S. lead.
According to Bush's logic, it would be sufficient for a U.S. officer to
suspect any person or organization, and that organization should render the suspects
to the U.S., otherwise it could be subject to U.S. reprisals. Bush's address consequently marked the end
of national sovereignty, in it of itself a hostile message to other sovereign
nations.... The U.S. war would not have
justice as its guide, nor ridding the world of terrorists would be its
goal. It would be a massive operation
to subjugate, and destroy through military and paramilitary means other
sovereign nations.... If this is going
to be a long war, with a constant flow of U.S. casualties -contrary to the Gulf
War - then this war could mark the beginning of a moral crisis as serious or
even more serious than the one that led the superpower to its historical defeat
in Vietnam." "Mexico-U.S.: Shoulder To Shoulder" Jorge Chabat writes in nationalist El
Universal (9/21): "There has
been a great deal of criticism of Foreign Relations Secretary Castaneda's
statements, one of which is that Mexico should support the U.S. after the
senseless terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.... Beyond any rhetoric, Mexico has always
supported the U.S. The fact that
Castaneda openly talks about it now is only the recognition of a reality that
has been going on for decades. To
pretend that our interests are different from those of the U.S., particularly
during an international crisis, is ignoring our geographic proximity to and
interdependence with the U.S. To
pretend that we could not go along the same path with the U.S. regarding the terrorist
attacks would be a contradiction to our traditional condemnation of
terrorism. The issue is how would
Mexico support the U.S., and whether Mexico should support a war-like action
that would take the lives of innocent people.
This is the issue that should be discussed.... The historical truth is that Mexico has never withheld its
support from the United States. It
support was perhaps given in a more disguised manner, but this is no longer the
case." "Bush: I Will Not Cede, I Will Not
Rest" An editorial in nationalist Excelsior (9/21)
stated: ""In an address to
Congress, President Bush promised revenge: 'justice will be done.' The world does not want a war and the United
States is frightened by the possibility, however, everything seems to indicate
that war is imminent. Another cost of terrorism is the effect on the economy,
in the United States and abroad...Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has
told the U.S. Congress that terrorism could cost the United States 100 billion
dollars. The theme of imminent war has become a priority: the U.S. is not planning a lightning
military strike, but 'a marathon,' in the words of Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld. Sadly, the stage is set for a
huge, terrible, and lengthy conflict." "Caution In Light Of A Conflict" An editorial in nationalist Universal
stated (9/21): "One of the
immediate consequences of turning up the heat on the conflict begun by the
terrorist acts against the United States is that of economic repercussions,
many of which are being felt strongly in the United States and in
Mexico.... At this moment, we should
reflect upon the importance of reducing income expectations, and to express
solidarity with our society by salvaging jobs and preventing further blows
against the national economy. The
reasonable thing to do would be to act with caution...the economy can respond
to challenges derived from this conflict, as long as all economic sectors
understand the need to implement belt-tightening measures. There is a glimmer of hope that things will
return to normal, now that Afghan clergymen have asked Osama bin Laden to
voluntarily leave Afghanistan. This
shows that the Afghans do not want a war with the United States, although the
Bush administration insists upon liquidating terrorists. The question is how." "Extremism And Security" Mauricio Russell writes in nationalist Universal
(9/21): "The attacks in Washington
and New York have created a new type of war, as noted by Noam Chomsky, in which
victims in the imperialist world have to face terrorism for the first time. Reprisal strategies might include a
traditional invasion or the use of anti-terrorist groups, who use the same
methods as their adversaries. The only
solution to this dilemma is through international law. This might be an insufficient answer for the
families of the victims, but it is best for the global community." "At The Edge Of The Knife" Demetrio Sodi de la Tijera writes in nationalist
Universal (9/21): "Mexico
is facing a difficult situation in light of U.S. pressure for our nation to
declare its unconditional support of punitive measures for last week's
terrorist attacks. It will be difficult
to reconcile our pacifist philosophy, and our tradition of non-intervention,
with the calls for revenge demanded by the United States. The government,
through Foreign Relations Secretary (SRE) Jorge Castaneda, has been clear about
demonstrating Mexico's support to eradicate terrorism, as long as this does not
imply participating in any military action against suspect terrorist groups. It will not be easy for the United States to
understand Mexico, a nation considered one of the U.S.' strongest allies, when
other countries have given unconditional support. At this moment, the challenge of the United Nations, the U.S.
government, and Mexico, is to gain time, so that all nations and global opinion
reach an agreement to fight a relentless war on terrorism, one based on respect
for the law. In the meantime, the
Mexican government finds itself on the razor's edge." "They Gave Them A Brain By Mistake" Monterrey's independent El Norte carried
this commentary by Paz Flores (9/21):
"War against demons! says Bush.
The only real and dangerous demon that I know of is WAR in capital
letters, and is the same one that buried mines in Laos decades ago which even
today continue exploiting on children that walk in the fields, losing their
arms and legs (between 10 to 30 children per month)." CHILE:
"The Reasons Behind Muslim Rancor" Conservative, influential, newspaper-of-record El
Mercurio ran an article by journalist Katherine Bauerle (9/27):
"Powerful as few in history.
Unreachable in its economic, political and military might. Unstoppable in its cultural influence, the
United States is bound to have opponents worldwide. But what causes this resentment to be expressed in a particularly
violent way from a sector of the Muslim world?... The United States represents the epitome of all the damage the
West has caused. This has been the
argument used by terrorist groups, such as Osama Bin laden, to get support for
their violent actions. But it is not an argument used only by these
groups. Popular Arab culture, and many
intellectuals too, resent the superpower they view as aggressive, manipulative,
and a subjugator of the Muslim world....
The globalization of American culture is viewed as an invasive and
liberal force... that erodes the principles of traditional Islamic
civilization. To say that Muslim
antagonism toward the U.S. and its policies is a 'clash of civilizations'
perhaps farfetched. But this does not
stop some from trying to portray this as the true problem... That is clearly
the case with Bin Laden... The attempt
to provoke an American retaliation which does not make any distinction between
fundamentalist Muslims and other Muslims would give Bin Laden a supreme
victory: to make the Islamic world truly believe this is a clash of
civilizations." "The True War Against Terrorism Is On The
Intelligence Front" Conservative El Metropolitano
editorialized (9/27): "Let's be honest.
Afghanistan is a desolate territory and its only advantage is that it's
an attractive route for trade.
Therefore, how can the demolition of a country that the UN has classified
as the world's third poorest contribute to peace? Is no one moved by the millions of children, women and men
fleeing to the frontier? The true war against terrorism is on another front,
intelligence. Ally nations must
discover, dismantle, and eliminate terrorist networks. They must find eliminate
the sources of their finances and isolate those governments that give them
social and political support." "Symbolic Coalition" Conservative, afternoon La Segunda ran an
editorial stating (9/26): "It would be convenient to recall that the
Inter-American Reciprocal Assistance Treaty was designed with the concept of
continental solidarity to confront the Soviet threat during the Cold War, and
not for an anonymous terrorist aggression like the world faces today....
Presumably a U.S. request (for troops) would involve a symbolic coalition of
Armed Forces of many nations as a strong and visible moral support against
terrorism.... Before calling on the Armed Forces of Latin America, there are
other intermediate stops - NATO- that should be called." "The Harm To Liberty" In its prime-time newscast, government-owned,
financially autonomous, National Television, TVN featured international
commentator and anchorman Bernardo de la Maza, with the remarks (9/26):
"For years, the Statue of Liberty has welcomed immigrants from all around
the world to the United States. If there is something that surprises newcomers,
it is the degree of freedom found in that country.... Now, many Americans are concerned about the harm that the
terrorist attacks may have caused to such liberty." "Concept Of Sovereignty Has Changed" In its prime-time newscast, conservative,
Catholic University Television Channel 13
featured international commentator Karin Ebensperger, who characterized
the latest events (9/26): "It is being said that the world changed for
ever because the terrorist attack affected the concept of security.... But security cannot be improvised, and not
everybody can be a suspect. It is
necessary to have professionals with the legitimate authority. Beyond the
numerous criticisms of United States' foreign policy, one must acknowledge the
American people's trust in their authorities and Armed Forces.... The concept of sovereignty has changed...
There are international threats such as terrorism." "The Great Uncertainty Is Whether Bush WIll Choose The
Toughest Position" Government-owned, but financially autonomous,
National Television, TVN (9/25) featured in its prime-time newscast
international commentator and anchorman Bernardo de la Maza who said: "Two
weeks after the attacks, the greatest mystery is why the United States hasn't
began its military retaliation against terrorism.... The decision about when
and how to attack will be made by George Bush, an inexperienced President,
famous for his ignorance about international issues, but who has been acknowledged
for his good common sense and ability to listen to the experts. Up to now, he
has inclined towards Collin Powell's option. The great uncertainty is whether
he will choose the toughest position.
The fear is that the so-called Operation Infinite Justice could become
operation infinite revenge, and would elicit great hatred, and an enormous
explosion in the Muslim world, where hundreds of millions see Bin Laden as
their leader." "Yesterday's Enemies Are Today's
Friends" In its prime-time newscast, conservative,
Catholic University Television Channel 13 featured international commentator
Karin Ebensperger who characterized the latest events (9/25): "The
political consequences of the attacks on the world order are amazing....
Yesterday's enemies are today's friends. (Watching) the Russian President speak
against terrorism, in German, in Berlin, is something historic. But Russia's,
Japan's, and Germany's underlying message is that the United States does not
have a blank check for the unlimited use of force. Thus, the attack is having
unexpected consequences. It is reordering the world." "We Are Benefiting Not Only From
Integrating With The U.S." Privately-owned, Chilevision featured
international commentator Libardo Buitrago, who said (9/24): "U.S.
international policy has taken a complete turn. The U.S. Congress shows
coherence and unity, and Republicans and Democrats are aligning behind
President Bush to change isolationism into integration. Integration begins with
the approval of an FTA with Jordan, which means that that region in the Middle
East is being commercially integrated.
On the other hand, a Senator requested granting President Bush
authorization to negotiate commercially with Latin America. This means that
Chile could stand first in line for a FTA with the United States. Bush starts
fighting against terrorism by making an economic, commercial, and political
integration.... On the other hand,
Russia's support is important. A relationship between Moscow and Washington,
that nobody could ever have imagined, is being established. The same is
happening with Chile. Terrorism has led most of the countries to support
President Bush, while Osama Bin Laden is beginning to be left alone.... We are
benefiting not only from integrating with the United States, but also violence
is being kept out." "New Type Of War" In the view of Santiago's leading financial Estrategia
(9/26): "We have to realize this new type of war... will have to extend to
political, geographic, diplomatic, financial and technological realms to
prevent terrorism from expanding in a globalized world. Thus, the defense of universal principles
... will have to extend to areas that are harder to reach. This is why the willingness of leaders
worldwide to contribute endlessly to peace is so valuable." "U.S. Has Not Removed Emergin World From
Agenda" Conservative El Metropolitano editorialized
(9/26): "The U.S. Senate showed on Monday night that the war against
terrorism has not removed the emerging world form its agenda. In addition to approving a free trade
agreement with Jordan, the committee presented a text that seeks to combine
different motions to give the White House fast track authority to negotiate
with other countries." "Will The Ever Understand the Meaning Of
'Disappeared'" Government-owned, editorially independent La
Nacion (9/26) article by journalist Patricia Verdugo: "On my way to
Penn Station, I saw photographs of those unaccounted for... If their families
don't see the bodies, or even portions of them, how will they believe they are
dead? ... Will they (Americans) understand now the meaning of the word
'disappeared'? I came to the United
States to present my book 'Chile, Pinochet and The Death Caravan' in an effort
to make Americans understand what happened in my country.... We all know that
the methods used to make prisoners disappear...were approved by the Pentagon
and the White House. Will Americans now
understand that pain feels the same...?
Will they realize that their missiles demolish buildings and houses in
other parts of the planet leaving behind the same painful absence?... Nothing was done to fight terrorism in South
America, because the U.S. was at the root of our cruel dictatorship... There
are no answers, but what I learned from the two decades of bloody military
dictatorship in Chile is that at the root of all violence is fear. And here, in the U.S., what you see in the
face of the citizens and its political leaders is fear. A fear announcing nightmares." "We Must Join In Actions Against
Terrorism" In the words of leading-circulation, popular,
independent La Tercera (9/26): "Chile must join in the actions
against terrorism. And this does not
just depend on the role of its political authorities or international
organizations... It also applies to citizens themselves, who through civil
society and religious organizations must condemn all acts that violate people's
rights and freedom." "Bin Laden Must Be Stopped By Use Of
Force" Conservative, afternoon La Segunda regular columnist and historian Gonzalo Vial
wrote (9/25): "Today's Hitler is Osama Bin Laden... Peace is certainly the
greatest good. Everyone believed that in 1938 and 1939...except Hitler. Everyone believes this in 2001...except Bin
laden...Let us convince ourselves -- Osama Bin Laden and his friends must and
can only be stopped by the use of force, and the sooner the better." "The United States And The New War" Leading-circulation, popular, independent La Tercera (9/23): "Washington must use all the means that
international law can provide it before launching a military attack--namely
economic sanctions, diplomatic boycott, blockade, etc. This also means that any military campaign
... must be limited to the terrorist camps and those who provide them with
financial aid.... The entire world has condemned the cowardly September 11
attacks, but at the same time it has called on Washington to act on the basis
of strong evidence, and said that if it decides to use military force that it
do so with the authorization of the United Nations.... So far, the Bush administration has acted
with restraint.... acting
with determination, and is also aware that his country's response must be fair
and legitimate... What is at stake here is not Islam or the Arab people, it's
the fight of the civilized worlds against fringe groups that acts against the
teachings of their own faith." "U.S. Economy Tested" An editorial in government-owned, editorially
independent La Nacion held (9/23): "Everything seems to indicate
that the U.S. government will put all its weight, that is, its surplus, on the
line to lessen the damages and reactivate those sectors that have been strongly
hit. The wave of national pride running
through the country today, and the desire of its people to show the world that
their country is standing strong, could become elements to activate the
economy." "Imagine..." Conservative El Metropolitano
(9/23): "This is a 'war' in which
the enemy no longer operates from the western rationale.... It is precisely that complexity which shows
that a purely military response to the terrorist attack...beyond the ethical
problems it presents, is not a sustainable solution and does not attack the
root of the problem... Today (the achievement) of world peace has to have as a
focal point the pacification of the Middle East." "OAS Did Not Hand U.S. A 'Blank
Check'" Government-owned, editorially independent La Nacion (9/23): "The OAS
Permanent Council ... unanimously condemned the terrorist attack on the United
States ... The solidarity of the nations of the continent is not in
question...but this does not mean it has handed the U.S. and its NATO allies a
'blank check' for military operations ... At this hour, it is crucial to
reiterate a fundamental principle: the fight against terrorism cannot be
separated from the fight for freedom, peace, and human rights around the
globe. The U.S. government must not
forget this... It is crucial that military operations are limited to specific
terrorist targets and do not unleash greater evils for the world as a
whole." "Bush Administration Has Been Smart" Conservative bi-weekly newsmagazine Ercilla
editorial by its director Oscar Mertz (9/22): "There is a significant
consensus as to what must be done in response to the attack, which gives
President Bush the immense power of a nation united in favor of a goal the
president himself has defined as the victory of free society over terrorism....
The diplomatic approach has been so far successful. First, there has been progress in forming a coalition of nations
to support the United States in this war against terrorism and their commitment
for different degrees of cooperation.
In addition, the Bush administration has been promised a cease-fire by
the Palestinian and Israeli leaders, which makes it easier for Arab nations to
join a coalition against terrorism. But
the most important diplomatic achievement is to have succeeded in having
Pakistan distance itself from the Afghan government and to authorize the U.S.
Air Force to cross its air space to attack Afghan objectives.... The Bush
administration has been smart in underscoring that this is not a war of
civilizations, and that Islam is a religion and a culture that deserves
respect...and which is not responsible for... fundamentalist religious
minorities... President Bush's greatest
challenge in the short-term is to create a new international order in which the
right to freedom, property and life are duly protected." "Bush's Hour" Conservative, influential, newspaper-of-record El
Mercurio in its weekly round-up column judged (9/22): "The American
people expected a lot from the President's speech... and got it. Bush...responded to their concerns calmly,
clearly and with an eloquence not shown before. If leaders could be measured by the example they represent and
the confidence they inspire in moments of immense tension then.... Bush rose to
the occasion and measured up to the moment....
In significant and carefully targeted language, Bush marked the
difference between ordinary Muslims and those responsible for terrorism....
Bush also referred to the hate directed at his country. It's tempting to claim that the attacks are
the product of Washington's mistaken policy or its lack of compassion with the
third world in general and especially toward Muslims... but that analysis is
deeply wrong. Many of Washington's
policies toward the Middle East are questionable and ineffective, but none are
an explanation, much less a justification, for the attacks. As Bush warned, those responsible for the
attack want not only to humiliate the United States, but seek to defeat
moderate governments such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. He was correct in comparing them to the
totalitarian ideologies of the last century." "A Long and Difficult War" According to newspaper-of-record El Mercurio
(9/22): "The threat of terrorism
affects the world as a whole and it is therefore reasonable to demand that
nations declare themselves either with the United States or with the
terrorists. But that demand raises a
great obstacle. Although all nations of
the world have expressed solidarity with the U.S., it won't be easy to keep
that unity once American retaliation begins.... One cannot expect
unquestionable support from the international community to absolutely any
measure. Therefore, consultation with
its allies...will be crucial for it to succeed in the fight against
terrorism.... The absence of military
action so far shows that Washington realizes the magnitude of the challenge its
military has before it... The suicidal
attacks...must be responded to, in consultation with its allies, or they will
be repeated over and over again in another form. On Thursday, President Bush, solemnly and with a dignity worthy
of admiration, explained to his people the nature of the war it faces. Now he will have to focus on the equally
difficult task of leading the nation in the storms and the dangers ahead."
"Also A Financial Conflict" Leading-circulation, popular, independent La
Tercera said (9/22): "The economic threat of the so-called 'first war
of the 21st century' is largely the result of growing globalization... and
obviously calls for financial authorities to act in a restrained and
non-alarmist manner. Today, when the security of world markets will tend to
contract to avoid greater losses, it is indispensable for Chile to strengthen
the economic ties with its neighboring nations so that together we can face
problems that affect the international economy." "Answer To Terrorism" Conservative, influential, Santiago
newspaper-of-record El Mercurio held (9/22): "The OAS ...approved a
declaration... that does not specifically mention providing military assistance
to the U.S., but which has left this possibility opened by mentioning the
mutual assistance treaty." "Facing A New Scenario" Government-owned but editorially independent La
Nacion argued (9/24): "If the United States was surprised by the
September 11 attack, it is evident that any country can be a victim of
something similar. We don't know how
the international situation will evolve over the next weeks, but it is
realistic to realize that we are facing a new scenario which, among other
things, calls for increased protection of our national territory. Our military and the police will have to
incorporate the fight against terrorism into their contingency plans." "Defense Of Liberty" Leading financial Estrategia had this
editorial (9/21): "Little by little, society worldwide has begun to
understand that the terrorist attack was not just directed against the United
States. It was an attack on freedom...
Terrorism and its denial of life call for an open and unyielding commitment by
all the world's leaders... Although we will never be able to understand the
hate and contempt for humankind that mobilizes these groups, we must have the
total lucidity to defend life, freedom and the values that have been violated,
and from that viewpoint there is no room for uncertain endorsement because the
threat is real and will not let up."
"Joint Action Needed" Conservative, influential newspaper-of-record El
Mercurio stressed (9/21): "The
connections of terrorists worldwide are a fact that the U.S. tragedy made
evident. This calls for joint action to
dismantle it." "Latin America's Role In Conflict" Conservative Santiago daily El Metropolitano
(9/21): "Bush junior has listened
to his father's advice... and won't act alone.
He will operate through a mega military alliance to share the political
cost... In this process, Latin America has no relevance beyond issuing a vote
of political support. But even in that
area, various governments are complicated....
Although no foreign minister believes the United Stateswill ask Latin
American for military presence in the conflict, they are afraid to set a
precedent in this regard. It was
Venezuela's president who voiced his opposition, and once again the Chilean
president who called him for support. Hugo Chavez is afraid that a global front
against terrorism will pave the way for some world powers to demand the
initiation of military actions against the guerrillas, which those powers view
as terrorists." COLOMBIA:
"Colombian Territory Undone"
Leading El Tiempo editorialized (9/27):
"What could happen if as a result of the worldwide offensive against
terrorism, the United States begins to attack the FARC and the
paramilitaries? It is time for the
country to convoke a crusade against narcotics trafficking and the crime of
armed groups. It's not enough to
negotiate peace if nothing is done to remedy the economic, social and political
causes that have torn the country apart." “Against Terrorism, Food” Editorial commentary in leading daily El
Tiempo stated (9/25): “The UN just suspended the food aid program in
Afghanistan...although any time is bad for suspending food deliveries to people
who could die without them, this is the worst moment to do it... UN’s best
contribution to isolate terrorists would be to fulfill its commitments with the
unprotected Afghans. Otherwise it would
be like offering bin Laden a seed bed of martyrs.” “Ask Me With Humbleness” An op-ed by environmentalist Andres Hurtado in
leading El Tiempo said (9/25): “To: Mr. United States... Do not confuse
liberty with United States. I didn’t
like your President’s address at all, especially when he said that liberty had
been attacked. Please, don’t mix
things. Now you are requiring help from
the whole planet. ‘Who isn’t with us is against us,’ said George W. Bush. Only Jesus Christ can say that; and you’re
not him... The support everyone is giving you isn’t based on love towards USA
but on fear towards terrorism. This
would be the right time for learning a little bit about humility.... What you plan to do sounds more like
vengeance than ‘infinite justice’....
Because declining [in power] is part of life, decline with decency. Finally, I offer you all my support and help
on one condition: ask for it with humbleness and love.” “The Problem Is Foreign Policy” An op-ed by political analyst Pedro Medellin in
leading El Tiempo held (9/25):
“The main challenge the U.S. faces is changing the warrior attitude of
‘infinite justice’ for a real call on ‘global security.’ The investors have already made the warning;
war would only lead to a world crisis.” "State Recovery” According to an op-ed by former Minister of
Treasury Abdon Espinoza in leading El Tiempo (9/25): “As the economy is
the main target of the terrorist organizations, preserving its strength and
preventing its fall is an elementary provision.” "Defining Terrorism" An op-ed by political analyst Fernando Cepeda in
leading El Tiempo stressed (9/25): “Will the international community
accept the definition of terrorism [by Professor Jessica Stern]? Is U.S. response inspired by this
definition? Evidently, from the FARC to the top Government levels, everyone is trying
to find the appropriate definition.
What I see is a notorious ambiguity...between the U.S. Congress Joint
Resolution...the UN Security Council Resolution, the OAS, and... among Bush and
Powell’s public statements.... Experts explain initially there will be a
comprehensive response (military, economic, political, diplomatic) against
nations, groups, and people directly or indirectly involved in the September 11
event, and simultaneously non-military pressure in other parts of the world.... Clearly, the dynamics of the retaliations -
raising concerns around the world- will redirect goal and risks.... For example, the illicit drugs and
international terrorism connection is starting to be part of the debate.... The correct thing would be to understand
that the definition of terrorism is an ongoing process.” “The FARC And Terrorism” Lead editorial in Bogota’s weekly El
Espectador stated (9/23): “President Bush, in his address [to the Joint
Session of Congress Sept. 20] says a few things that we Colombians have to
reflect on.... The United States has designated as terrorist groups three
insurgency organizations: AUC, FARC, ELN.
Rumors say the U.S. Ambassador to Colombia was called to Washington; we
wouldn’t be surprised [to learn that] the U.S. State Department wants to revise
the situation at Caguan, a refuge for foreign terrorists controlled by the
FARC, that has murdered three U.S. missionaries and apparently five others
about whom we haven’t heard in six years... President Bush’s statements leads
us to think that the restrictions imposed on the Plan Colombia military
component will have to be lifted, to be consistent with the U.S. position... The
demilitarized zone cannot be extended without slowly dismounting the guerrilla
movement...” “OAS And Terrorism” The lead editorial in top national El Tiempo stated (9/21):
“[Whether it’s the 1947 Inter American Mutual Assistance Treaty of Rio de Janeiro
or the recently created Inter American Committee Against Terrorism] in any
case, today’s meeting in Washington clearly has to result in an unmistaken and
strong declaration by the Inter American community against the terror plague
that’s threatening the planet. Such
declaration will reinforce OAS’ reiterated goal of defending democracy in the
Hemisphere, recently demonstrated with the Inter American Democratic Charter,
coincidently approved on the day of terrorists attacks in New York and
Washington.” “Serpa’s March to Caguan" An op-ed by former insurgent Leon Valencia in
Colombia’s leading national El Tiempo (9/21): “Things have changed in
the wake of the September 11th terrorist attack. [Liberal Party Pre-candidate Horacio Serpa’s) proposed march to
Caguan, initially considered as an audacious electoral strategy, may turn into
a real opportunity for re-launching the disabled peace process. The U.S. ChargT to Colombia has recently
said: the priority is fighting terrorism, and when asked by a reporter if
Colombia was included, the ChargT stressed: around the world. The FARC ought to know that the only way to
prevent a U.S. offensive is by increasing the political game, and also they
ought to know that without [the help of] the poll-leading candidate and the
Liberal Party itself, reaching a consensus scenario on cease-fire and on the
Constituent [Assembly] is impossible.
At the same time, Serpa ought to know that within the war theater, other
options closer to the use of force are being considered.” COSTA RICA: "An Extensive Campaign" Leading independent daily, La Nacion, in
an editorial stated (9/22): "But even more importantly for the future of
the U.S. and the world is that Bush
designed a strategy of action and prevention, which combines firmness and
realism, and acknowledges that in this struggle a multinational collaboration
is imperatively forged with great intelligence and respect, executed with care
and precision.... In this sense, it is
fundamental that Washington continue its efforts to forge a universal
anti-terrorist coalition, and obtain the guarantee and the international
collaboration so the immediate response against the Taliban, does not result in
a unilateral indiscriminate intervention against the integrity of another
nation, but a legitimate response of an attacked world threatened by the
executors of violence.... On behalf of the international community, it is
essential to understand that the terrorist threat, resulting in the massive and
indiscriminate murders in New York and Washington D.C., is a concern for all of
us." "Bush's Speech" Independent La Republica observed (9/22):
"There are many ways to support the U.S. and many by which to confront the
terrorists.... On one hand, we believe the U.S. is absolutely justified in
capturing and bringing to justice those responsible for the thousands of
deaths, injuries and missing persons following the criminal attacks that placed
the nation in mourning.... In that sense we believe that the U.S. has available
the necessary resources and technology to implement brilliant police and
intelligence operations, to seize the criminals...If (however) the situation is
viewed in terms of massive artillery attacks, troops and aircrafts against one
of the poorest and most destroyed nations in the world, the situation is
different...We totally agree with the idea that the world should build a large
and powerful coalition to combat terrorism of any type on any soil. We believe it is vital that nations exchange
information and collaborate in order to dismantle the assassins networks. Maybe
on this level, the task is more effective and edifying. Throwing bombs, troops
and missiles against a country in disarray with a population suffering from
misery, might even trigger the union of powerful enemies against the West,
which would cause even more pain and death" "The Twin Towers" Emilio Bruce commented in the Oped section of
the independent La Republica (9/21):
"May the U.S. seek the justice that they (well) deserve. May the terrorists be dealt with by law and
not by force. May justice not be
avoided in following the old adage, that the ends justify the means. Afghanistan citizens are not to be blamed
for what a few have done, even for what a Saudi Arabian outlaw refugee
stationed there has done. The war is not against Islam. The war should not be
carried out against souls that do not have any relation, responsibility or
guilt with the attacks...The blame and responsibility of a few should not be
placed on the innocent...It is time for justice, not for chasing
scapegoats" DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: "Preventive Policies" Left -of-center Hoy editorialized (9/24):
"Certainly, for a great while, terrorism has only been seen by the
magnifying glass of nations' security institutions.... But many terrorist acts
obey the conducts molded under economic, social, and political difficulties as
well as distortions related to religions. It is time, as we [the Dominican
Republic] proposed in the work on the causes of terrorism, to
investigate them that we can elaborate preventive policies....
The best vaccines are made based on the pathological entity that causes the
disease." ECUADOR: "From Terrorism To War" An opinion column by Carlos Cortez in
Guayaquil's centrist Expreso stated (9/28): "Damages at this moment amount to some 200 billion dollars,
and the symptoms of a new depression continue affecting the globalized
world. We will also suffer because the
U.S. is our biggest and strongest export partner. Two additional things. . .
a) those who are 'happy' with what had happened to the 'gringos' do not
have the slightest idea of the seriousness of the situation; b) if there is a war, the recession will be
very long and we, globalized and dollarized as we are, will also be
victims. No one doubts that the U.S.
government will initiate a long fight against terrorism. 65 percent of its population supports it and
the Congress has given all the powers to their president. I suggest that we start reviewing all the
policies and plans we have prepared. We
will have a tough year." "Christianity And The West" An opinion column by Leon Roldos Aguilera
(former Vice President) in Quito's leading centrist El Comercio (9/28):
"This is not the time for avenging violence and terrorism against
developed countries, and it is not the time to aggravate the extremism that
colonialism meant for decades and centuries. It is rather the time to build a
new scenario of peace, based on constructive relations fostered by respect and
cooperation, not by hatred and revenge.
The justice demanded from the death of thousands of innocent people
cannot become an injustice against thousands of other innocent people. The risk of stirring new spirals of violence
due to the fanaticism of those who give their lives, believing that it puts
them in the hands of God, will only mean more destruction." "Aggression Against The U.S." An opinion column by Antonio Parra Gill in
Guayaquil's conservative El Telegrafo (9/28): "What importance does Latin America have? Will President Bush continue supporting
NAFTA and Plan Colombia? Will this become
a collective intervention? If that is
so, what will our intervention be and how much will it affect us? In this whole scenario, will the U.S.
military presence at bases in Manta, Curacao and San Salvador increase? Will they establish a triangle of control at
the northeastern tip of South America, directed from Puerto Rico where the new
headquarters of Southern Command is located?
The panorama is complex, very complex, and is even worse due to the
inexistence of a national foreign policy....
With all this, will we change our Ambassador to the U.S., who is an
illustrious lady of Arab descent?" "The Imbalance Of Terror!" An opinion column by Enrique Pareja in
center-right El Universo (9/28):
"Once the USSR was dissolved, the authority that kept the dangerous
artifacts under strict control was lost, and it is now impossible to determine
the final fate of many bombs already manufactured and that of radioactive
materials such as Uranium 235.... Now that the balance of terror has ended,
horrified mankind is facing precisely the contrary, the imbalance of
terror. Any step made at
the abomination of the terrorist activity might lead humanity of the XXI
century to revisit the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but this time with
nuclear artifacts a thousand times more powerful than those that fell on
Japan." "U.S. Courage" An opinion column by Alberto March in centrist Expreso:
"The abominable actions of the IRA in Ireland, of ETA in Spain, or the
terrorist groups in Colombia seem like a joke compared with the monstrosity of
the attack on the U.S.... The enormous responsibility of being the leaders of
the free world, of democracy and of the West, and the mistakes in foreign
policy that the new hegemonic new order fostered, turned the U.S into a target
for some Muslim sectors. This requires
a global response. But how to respond
--that is the dilemma. We are at a serious crossroads.... A lack of reaction would send the signal of
weakness and doubts, and to act wrongly, which is probable, could make the U.S.
-- and the whole western world -- fall into the trap prepared. Persecution will
exacerbate even more Islamic fundamentalism. Unlimited fanaticism may foster
terrible horrors everywhere, and no western country is ready to face
them." "The Collapse Of A System" Antenor Yturralde Rivera in center-right El
Universo (9/28):"The world divided among rich, poor and poorer finds
new proposals for its leadership. We
see mankind trembling in the face of the uncertain and unknown. The lesson is
extremely harsh, but if the economic power does not look at the pain in Asia,
Africa and Latin America, terrorism will continue being a volcanic force,
triggering future social problems.... The waves of violence are the result of a
new 'techno-social' process that displaces old revolutions, demolishes our
defenses and our values, and leads the young and useful people to death. The
horrifying and terrifying events are the results of an imbalanced society,
whose direction is weak. We are approaching
the complete collapse of a system." "The Second Cold War" From an "Analysis" column in leading
centrist El Comercio (9/25): "The Cold War...implied a rigid
ideological alignment...out of security concerns...that restricted world
politics over several decades....
Within this context, in Latin America above all, atrocious dictatorships
were accepted and constitutional regimes elected by the people fell for the
sake of national or continental
security.... In the situation the U.S.
is now facing with the Taliban.... There is an aggravating circumstance: the adversaries are neither ideological nor
political, on the contrary, they are different because they are extremely
violent and it is almost impossible to locate them. These difficulties may prompt the globalization
of suspicion and the initiation of an insane international crusade that will
shatter the values and principles that preserve individual rights and
guarantees. Yesterday, the fight was
ideological and strategic against communism, and its satellites gave way to
excesses that included even political crimes.
Today, only intelligence coupled with firmness and the strategic use of
force will succeed in discouraging the repetition of perverse acts. . ." "Paying For Ambiguities" An opinion column by Hernan Perez Loose in El
Universo (9/25): "Today just
like in the past, the West is paying for its ambiguities in the face of
fanaticism. The price paid for this
complacency has been too high.... It
is true that the assault against terrorism should be launched from various
angles. But it is not only about
destroying training camps, severing financial channels, or eliminating
intelligence networks.... There is
something more to be done. We will have
to eliminate the complacency with which for decades we have addressed terrorist
actions....Some started to say that terrorist acts had an explanation in a
series of economic and political causes....that others were to blame --
generally the U.S.-- and the like.
There lie the consequences of the ambiguities that decent Germans at
first, and then all of civilized Europe, had in respect to a group of Nazi
fanatics in the middle of the 1930's....
Just as it happened in the past to millions of Germans, today millions
of decent Muslims are kidnapped by a group of fanatics that have grown by threatening
all countries; thanks, among other things, to the complacent ambiguity of a
society that chose not to learn from the mistakes of the past." "Bush's War" An opinion column by Paul Grande in Cuenca's
center-right El Tiempo (9/25):
"The U.S. President, George W. Bush, during all his political
career...has demonstrated his belligerent character and his propensity to
declare wars, establish anti-missile shields, and intervene militarily in
various countries of the world. In all,
everything that implies an armed confrontation, or the death penalty is assumed
naturally by Bush Jr., who seems not to think about the implications of a war
like the one he proposes on behalf of his country... the strategy proposed --
attacking a hidden, faceless 'enemy' that could ignite racial and religious
hatred that would lead us to a confrontation unprecedented in the history of
mankind -- is a serious and dangerous
mistake." "Infinite Justice At Any Price?" An opinion column by Andres Mejia Acosta in
Quito's center-left (influential) Hoy (9/24): "No one has any other
alternative than to condemn the horrendous human tragedy provoked by the
terrorist attacks in the U.S. last week....
But it is necessary to request moderation so that the U.S. military
operation called 'Infinite Justice' does not initiate a spiral of violence and
uncertainty in the U.S. and in the rest of the world.... The other consequence of a possible U.S.
military attack against Afghanistan is the huge human tragedy that would end
the lives of innocent civilians....
Isn't the life of a Muslim worth the same as that of a Christian or a
Jew?" "Profile Of A Terrorist" Enrique Echeverria opined in Quito's leading
centrist El Comercio (9/24):
"A terrorist is, above all, a fanatic, an individual who defends
with excessive tenacity and passion his/her beliefs and opinions, particularly
religious ones.... Individuals who
fall into such a profile...are spread throughout the world, in more than 60
countries. It seems, by the results,
that their main target for hatred and destruction is the U.S. Today our
country, by showing...solidarity in collaborating in the search for
terrorists, may also become a target of
their fury. Even if (terrorists)
continue to focus their animosity on the U.S., it is possible that we will see
attacks in other countries that cooperate in the so-called war against
terrorism, against U.S. companies, businesses, or buildings owned by
Americans.... It is time to uncover any
pre-terrorist activities: better safe than sorry." "The Tele-Directed Society" An opinion column by Fabian Corral in El
Comercio held (9/24): "War, to
a large extent, is fought on the screens.
There, you either win or lose, that is where history is written in
Orwell's best style.... CNN, CBS and the
other international networks are the columns of a war against shadows. Beyond the unanimous condemnation of
terrorism...what is happening on the screens does pose essential questions
about the function of the news, about the power of the audiovisual means and
about the justification of the war and the marketing of revenge. "Weapons Against Terrorism" An opinion column by Diego Araujo in pointed out
in Hoy (9/24): "The U.S. has used its diplomatic instruments with
great efficiency and ability: the U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell for one,
contrary to what one would think, shows a balanced, peaceful discourse, far
from any arrogant warlike position. The
international support obtained is already a triumph. Perhaps the most efficient
weapons have not yet been deployed: the financial ones...because neither the
U.S. nor the international community have acted against fiscal and banking safe
havens before. Wouldn't this action be more powerful than any big-scale
military attack in order to destroy the global network of terrorism?" "Fight For Tolerance" Center-left Hoy observed (9/24): "The fertilized soil for all those
inhuman manifestations is a world where violent realities persist; realities
such as 20 percent of the population consuming two thirds of what the world
produces, and the existence of millions of human beings that survive on less
than a dollar a day. A true fight
against terrorism cannot turn its back on tolerance and justice." "One Aggression, Two Visions" An opinion column by Miguel Macias in
center-left Hoy (9/24):
"For some, the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington were
caused by men who wish to create terror though violence. A terrorist is neither moral nor immoral;
he/she is simply an amoral fanatic....
On the other hand, the U.S. position against the inhuman and
unfathomable aggression endured is understandable. We can also understand the uncertainty and the rage of U.S. people
in the face of the terror endured in their own land that was proudly considered
inviolable, and we similarly understand the rage that prompts George W. Bush to
put the governments of the world in the dilemma of supporting everything the
U.S. does or risking being considered enemies of that great country." "The Responsibility Of The Superpower" An editorial in leading centrist El Comercio
held (9/25): "Never before did the
U.S. seek an international coalition to respond to an attack directed against
its territory.... The wide support of
countries and governments from all over the world to a country such as the also unprecedented in history.... Clearly, there is a decision made
against terrorism -- moreover, a fanatical kind of terrorism -- under the
leadership that is located at the forefront of civilization at the beginning of
the twenty first century.... A key
element is more and improved attention to the problems in the Middle
East." "War Or Dialogue" An opinion column by Rafael Diaz Ycaza in El
Universo (9/25): "Pope John Paul II's words summarize the strongest
longing of the world: no more terrorism
and no more war! Yes, punishment for
the authors of the genocide in the Twin Towers and Pentagon; but not a war that
would spill the blood of more innocents.... A war such as the one planned by
the U.S. would affect all the peoples of the world, those aligned (with the
U.S.), the neutral ones and indifferent ones, now that we have a globalized
world. Rich and poor, developed and
third-world countries, all would suffer the consequences of the most stupid of
human inventions -- war. . . It is not the time to spill more innocent blood,
it is the time to punish terrorism." "Globalization And Terrorism" An opinion column by Felipe Burbano de Lara in
center-left Hoy (9/25): "Terrorism has the absurd capacity of
casting a shadow over reality, instead of uncovering it, it hides it; instead
of revealing it in its blind contradictions, it covers it. It offers all the arguments that power requires
to reaffirm itself. We see it these
days with the U.S.: the superpower has
never shown such determination to exercise its power on the world, under a
terrible warning: either you are with
us or with the terrorists...the enormous mobilization of U.S. military force to
'hunt down' one individual is comic and surreal. This is a gesture of enormous weakness." "Strategic World Planning" An opinion column by Jose Villamil in leading
centrist El Comercio (9/25): "It is urgent that the UN assumes
leadership at the maximum level and convokes the necessary meetings, not only
to stop a possible conflagration, but also to plan strategically, at the world
level, the new objectives of mankind; the policies, objectives and strategies
that will allow the whole world to live fraternally. We must eliminate forever war and conflicts, destroy every type
of weapon. Defense expenditures instead
of creating shields should 'come down to earth' through an integral education
that develops both hemispheres of the brain and all the potential of the
people. Only in this way will we be
able to create a new humanity." "Repercussions In Ecuador" An editorial in Quito's leading centrist El
Comercio (9/23): "It is certainly no exaggeration to say that the
sinister episodes of 'black Tuesday'
had unprecedented dimensions and have affected the whole world. Moreover, there is a second part to come, with
the U.S. response and the reprisals to that response. Ecuador, in the end, is
also involved because our relation with that power is so broad that we have
lost more than thirty fellow citizens, all of them honest workers.... But there are other important repercussions. One of them has to do with security. While the episode seems related to the Arab
world, the lessons taught by it cannot be disregarded. Ecuador has internal problems and sensitive
sites also. The tragedy contributes to
modify various concepts, and many affirm that nothing will be the same from now
on, which is in part becoming true." "The Other Steps" An editorial in Quito's center-left
(influential) Hoy (9/23):
"The first step of the operation called 'Infinite Justice' might be
focused on Afghanistan.... The U.S.
State Department has obtained wide support from other countries and there is
international willingness to participate in this anti-terrorist fight.... However, the fight against terrorism does
not end with a military action whose scope and consequences are still
unknown. It is necessary to consolidate
institutional mechanisms to fight it.
In that sense, we must underscore the proposal of the European Union of
approving new legislation against terrorism aimed at simplifying the
extradition process, establishing mechanisms to order the search and capture of
those responsible for international crimes, etc. Another important step in this fight against terrorism is the
institutional exercise of justice on the part of the world community." "The Global Alliance" An opinion column by Franklin Barriga Lopez in El
Comercio (9/23): "In
Brussels...the terrorist attacks (on the U.S.) were defined as brutal attacks
against mankind. There is no other way to analyze such atrocities, which serve
only to ratify the unbelievable levels of savagery that hatred, religious
fanaticism and suicidal extremism can lead to.... In that respect and in what relates to Ecuador, investigations
have to be intensified, with the necessary international support, to detect
those evil cells that, reportedly, also operate in our land and may be fueled
by drug trafficking. In Colombia,
links between the guerrillas and terrorism in various countries have been
uncovered, financed by the virulent Saudi millionaire with dirty money from the
drug business. . . . "Can We Say That Terrorism Has Not Taken
Root In Colombia? An editorial in leading centrist El Comercio
(9/23): "They could, at any time, use biological weapons and even atomic
ones. That repulsive movement must be
firmly neutralized with the cooperation of all governments. At the beginning of the Twenty First
Century, terrorism has shown its perverse face with the cowardly and insane
attack against the country which is the emblem of the West. Is it sensible to merely lament what has
happened or would it not be better to give shape and functionality to that
indispensable international coalition?" "The Invisible War: First Act" An opinion column by Hernán Ramos in leading
centrist El Comercio held (9/23): "Never in the history of humanity
has so much been written, in such a short time, about the same subject. And to keep pace with the vertigo of present
times, it seems that a few people want the world to continue chatting a lot and
reflecting very little about the true causes of what is happening.... Few doubts are left about the future
balance.... The truth is that the path
is clear for the consolidation of U.S. hegemony in the era of cyberspace.
Humanity is facing a new scenario. One
possible outcome would be that, after watching the horror, death and insane
destruction provoked by forces not yet determined, the earth will attend the
inauguration of a new era where knowledge and electronic information on a world
scale have one indisputable and powerful patron: the U.S.... The dominant
TV networks of the U.S -- CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.-- are in the forefront of
the victims of this ongoing process.
During the crisis, the informative and editorial management of the
attacks of September 11 has been scandalous, to say the least. A few individuals took possession of the facts
and only the portion convenient for a group of interests was turned into news
for the public (the whole planet, that is). For the effects of this analysis,
it does not matter if the censure came from the desk of some news director, or
from the office of a top government official.
The truth is that there was globalized informative censorship.... The
reader should be clear about this detail:
the first act of the Invisible War has already started." "Jihad" An opinion column by Juan Falconi Puig
(Former Minister of Finance) in left-of-center Hoy (9/23): "We
cannot deny that after such a treacherous, cowardly and unjustified blow...the
U.S. is acting in a measured and patient way that many other countries have not
demonstrated over the years. While some
world leaders recommend prudence in response, it is equally true that some
others have already declared their total support for the fair and necessary
reaction by the U.S... To make things
worse, Afghanistan calls for a jihad and the U.S. and its allies will have to
face this holy war that will have long and painful consequences, because
Afghan's Taliban profit economically even from evil acts." "After Destruction" An opinion column by Orlando Alcfvar in
Guayaquil's (and Ecuador's) leading center-right El Universo (9/23)
"Besides death, pain and destruction, which are the immediate
consequences, we have to add, in the Ecuadorian case, the reduction of exports
because the U.S. is our main buyer and everything seems to indicate that there
will not be a way to avoid the U.S. recession that will affect all the
economies in the Third World.... If there is reciprocal aggression between two
or more countries, we will see what happens in the medium term. If the countries with Muslims majorities,
presumably involved, cannot respond to a serious attack in a conventional war,
no doubt terrorism will increase throughout the whole world." "New Rules Of the Game" An opinion column by Fausto Segovia in leading center-right
El Universo (9/23): "I have
the impression that there are new rules of the game in making a whole new
world. Terrorism in the post-war era
now has weapons of its own to attack
the values of the West. And the
difference from all other types of war is that the enemy is somewhat atypical:
hidden, anonymous and cowardly because he does not show his face, as in a
conventional war. Globalization as a geopolitical and geo-economic system is
the pretext, according to some analysts, for the development of confrontations
tainted with religious and political fundamentalism. But nothing justifies, nor explains the censurable aggression on
U.S. soil by suicidal kidnapers trained to kill innocent people. We are approaching
an 'important historical rupture in the world,' someone has said. The strategy against terrorism and
terrorists in any place they may be must not emanate only from the U.S., but
also from all other states and peoples, without regard to race, religion,
culture, or social or economic position. The scourge of terrorism is a world
threat. Yesterday it was an attack with human missiles against the centers of
economic, political and military power.
Tomorrow it may be an attack with biological, chemical and probably
nuclear weapons. We have to fight
against the roots of this scourge." "Distrust In The Region" Leading centrist El Comercio
"Analysis" column noted (9/23):
"If we are to believe the surveys, the European enthusiasm to take
part in the actions is completely opposed to that of Latin America. Here, on the contrary, there are doubts
about what the long-term consequences of operation 'Infinite Justice' will
be. Not only because of our shared
destiny as inhabitants of this earth, but also because of its possible
consequences on the region. The attack of last September 11 changed the agenda
of the Bush administration for Latin America, because Colin Powell could not
concentrate as foreseen on the Andean Regional Initiative. The offer of prioritizing the funds for
development over military expenditures was frozen. At the same time there is some uneasiness about possible attacks
in Colombia, by virtue of the categorization of irregular groups made by the
State Department. The U.S.
representative denied it, while U.S. diplomacy states that the fight against
terrorism goes beyond the military field and implies a comprehensive
scenario: diplomatic, politic, economic
and even law enforcement. But the
mistrust over the Plan Colombia scenario will take longer to clear up." "An Announced War" An opinion column by Gonzalo Ruiz in leading
centrist El Comercio (9/23):
"We saw it coming. While
the wounds of the tragedy remain open and the twisted wreckage of the massacre
is still hot, while thousands of bodies whose exact numbers will probably never
be known lie decomposing, the political response is being designed. 'Infinite Justice' is the name given to the
operation the political heads of the unipolar power have proclaimed as the
first war of the twenty first century....
after the terrorist attack, the world has changed, its consequences will
be felt for years to come, feelings of revenge and xenophobia are visible. The first manifestations of ethnic and
religious intolerance are already terrifying the Muslim community in the U.S.
and the reprisals have been seen. It is
important that the world not confuse every Arab with a terrorist." GUATEMALA: "Not Once Did They Call for
Revenge" Conservative, anti-American afternoon La Hora ran a comment
by editor Oscar Clemente Marroquin (9/25):
"Last Sunday one of the most impressive prayer ceremonies took
place at Yankee Stadium...throughout
the many prayers... not once was the word
'retaliation' used as response to the attack.... However, outside Yankee Stadium things are
different and the political implications of the attack are discussed. Some want the subject to be considered an isolated incident... with no
historical precedents.... The problem with not understanding history is
that we condemn ourselves to repeat the
same mistakes. Therefore, it is
essential to understand what has driven
Muslim fundamentalists to consider themselves enemies of the United States." "A Celebration Of Death?" Leading, moderate morning Prensa
Libre ran a column by Sam Colop (9/26): "The United States is going to
attack Afghanistan without the full
certainty that the monster it created has attacked... Powell says he will publicize a document that proves Bin Laden's
guilt; however, the U.S. has prepared
to crush him and the impoverished Afghan people militarily... however, there
are still responsible citizens who oppose bloodshed, especially the blood of
innocent people." "For Or Against
Terrorism" Influential morning daily El Periodico (9/26) published the
opinion of staff columnist Julio Cesar Godoy: "There are no valid excuses not to condemn
terrorism, or to support the fight
against it... We must strongly support
with decision and determination this
worldwide crusade.... From now on, any
country has the right, more than ever, to guard who lives in or visits its
territory." "Popular
Support for Bush" Leading
circulation tabloid Nuestro Diario said in its main editorial (9/26):
"Two weeks have gone by since the attacks... public opinion polls published in the U.S. indicate that 92 out
of 100 Americans support military actions against those responsible for the
attacks... this means President Bush
has public support to act against international terrorists. At any moment an armed conflict may begin in
Afghanistan." "A
Silent War" Guatemala's conservative, business-oriented Siglo Veintiuno
(9/26) ran a comment by staff columnist Karin Escaler (9/26): "It seems
that Americans have learned a fundamental lesson from terrorism: it calls for
powerful intelligence, more than a traditional
war...and it never ends. A new
cell is always forming, there is always
someone who surfaces, there are always vestiges of hatred." "Two Weeks After" Largest-circulation daily tabloid Nuestro
Diario said in its main editorial
(9/25): "Two weeks-ago today, the United States and the world were shocked
by the terrorist attacks... that resulted in more than six thousand victims....
The United States has offered a 25 million-dollar reward for the prime
suspect... Osama bin Laden. Although it
will be hard to heal the wounds left by the terrorist attacks, Americans must
recover their normal lives.... The
international community continues to support Bush and his administration so
that those responsible for these terrorist attacks on Washington and New York
are punished. Of course, the rest of
the world asks the U.S. government that innocent people should not pay for the
sins of those responsible." "He Who Sows The Wind...." Columnist Roberto Oliva Alonzo wrote in
conservative, business-oriented Guatemala City Siglo Veintiuno (9/23):
"First it must be affirmed that terrorism is to be condemned, no matter
from whence it is also terrorism to threaten to destroy a nation for
the simple fact that, without irrefutable evidence proving that someone is
guilty, one wants to immolate one person, with the threat that if that suspect
is not turned over, war will be declared....
The freedom of the press the Americans are so proud of has been ruined
by keeping, since that tragic Tuesday, all the press releasing what the
Department of State considers appropriate to reveal.... Some suspect that this is a Machiavellian
plan, since historically the only thing that has reactivated the economy of the
United States has been the arms industry, and what a coincidence that now that
the economy is reaching a state of frank recession, conveniently comes an event
that unleashes a war, which will permit that economic opening up that is so
needed, since the allies will finance the purchase of weapons to punish those
they accuse, and guess who will sell the arms?... Bin Laden was a student of the CIA since the age of 20, they
taught him terrorist tactics, but then he was not bad, because he used (the
tactics) against the Russians. The same thing happened with Noriega in Panama,
Montesinos in Peru, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Pinochet in Chile, the military in
Argentina, the Guatemalan military and others who were trained by that agency
and when they no longer served its ends were discarded." "Justice: Here And Now" Columnist Constantino Diaz-Duran wrote in
conservative, business-oriented Siglo Veintiuno (9/23): "I am
neither sanguine nor thirsty for vengeance. But I firmly oppose those who say
that no one should act and that a 'peaceful' solution should be sought. I share
Bush's vision, when he says that 'whether we bring our enemies to justice, or
justice to our enemies, justice will be done.' If world leaders in the middle
of the 20th century had sought to appease Hitler, that fiend never would have
been stopped, and it is the same with the demons responsible for the infamy of
Sept. 11. One individual is not
capable, no matter how much money he has, of coordinating all this, and state
complicity is obvious; (the Taliban) have made it more obvious by refusing to
turn over Osama bin Laden, and by threatening their neighbors." "On The Brink of War" Sunday editor Haroldo Shetemul wrote in his
column in moderate, leading Prensa Libre (9/23): "The United States has launched its
arsenal.... But...isn't Bush falling
into Osama Ben Laden's trap? It is hard to believe that that colossal war
machine would be launched to attack or even to scare a country like
Afghanistan, whose population is drowning in hunger and a thousand other
needs. A country like an obsolete
military camp with no possibility of responding, in a conventional war, to the
greatest power in the world. Would it not perhaps be in Bin Laden's interest to
provoke the United States to obligate it to a military exercise that justifies
a proclamation of jihad by the Islamic fundamentalists, a holy war, an edict to
be universally honored by the most exalted Muslims? And while Bush shows off
his powerful army in the Persian Gulf and puts the planet at the edge of a
third worldwide conflagration, the terrorists perhaps stroll tranquilly through
Central Park in New York or drink coffee along the Champs-Elysees in Paris,
waiting for an order to act. If Bin
Laden was the intellectual author of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks he has to
be satisfied with his work, because now he will be able to convoke a holy war
against a common enemy. Whatever its
military form, the attack against Afghanistan could let loose greater hatred
against the Americans...because it is attacking the effects, not the
causes.... With its show of military
power, all the United States is doing is exacerbating the feelings against that
image of superpower.... The United
States, after the terrorist attacks, has the right to legitimate defense and to
lead the actions to combat those responsible for those disgraceful acts. The
dilemma is the method and trying to avoid at any cost that future actions have
more to do with vengeance than with justice.... What would happen if the great
American operation ends in failure, in the style of Vietnam, with terrorist
groups disseminated throughout the world? The broad worldwide alliance, above
all under the direction of the UN, would be the best alternative to avoid
errors that would then have horrible consequences." "War...Infinite? Columnist Conrado Alonso wrote in moderate,
leading Prensa Libre (9/23): "Hearing Mr. George giving his
inflamed speech last Thursday in the U.S. Congress and hearing the waves of
applause...made us forget that other George of some months ago.... He has definitely been anointed. So much so
that he did not hesitate to describe the war that could break out at any 'infinite.' It seems to me
that Mr. Bush has gone too 'infinite war' is impudently coarse. Except that it acknowledges the difficulty
of putting an end to terrorism because...there is no agreement on a universal
and concrete concept of terrorism.... The war that is about to start, even
though there were provocation and attack, should be finite. And aimed straight toward a primordial
objective, which would be to submit the new international penal
jurisdiction. And immediately after to
sit at a round table, without complexes or fuss, so that Mr. George can ask the
million-dollar question. Well, not one
but a hundred questions. To open the dialogue, the first could be: Tell me
sincerely how the Yankee empire has failed." "With Me or Against Me" Columnist Carolina Vasquez Araya wrote in
moderate, leading Prensa Libre (9/24): "No one can dispute the need
to combat terrorism and surely no one will dispute the need to unite against
it. It obviously represents a real threat for all societies, and its methods
are a negation of democracy and human rights. However, one can question the
fact that a country gives itself the right to become the world's policeman and
the only tribunal competent to judge crimes against humanity. Bush has declared war against Osama Bin
Laden and his organization Al Qaeda.
Despite the fact that in his speech he claimed to have plentiful
evidence of the ties linking Bin Laden and his followers to the attacks of
Sept. 11, he has not presented a single concrete piece of evidence that the
Saudi is the material or intellectual culprit. No one has dared to ask, 'Does
the United States have to offer proof?'...
From here on out, any questioning of U.S. policy becomes a betrayal of
the common cause and therefore a latent risk for any country that dares to
confront its power. It is like a new fundamentalism, as dangerous as any other,
only with a different god, dressed in stars and stripes. The fight against
terrorism is a valid cause. It would be stupid to feel otherwise. But neither
do we have to accept methods of combat that attack the basic values of
co-existence between nations, such as respect for the self-determination of
other peoples." "Failure, Negligence, And/Or
Corruption?" Jorge Saavedra Almeida wrote in moderate,
leading Prensa Libre (9/24): "The internal defense system was good,
almost perfect. failed! Or did
it? Maybe it was quite good, but those in charge of it were careless, allowing
the tragedy to happen. Could it not be, as also happens in some places, that there
was an appalling corruption that hid the events for several minutes to delay
the defense.... The first attack was
absolutely unexpected. Inconceivable. There was no reaction! Eighteen minutes
went by, and the second came, the same as the first. Still no reaction! Almost
an hour later, the third, on the Pentagon. And the fourth might have worked,
but it was aborted, preventing the plan from being perfect. And it is from there that doubts, terrible
doubts, emerge.... It is said that two
minutes after an attack from outside, it is possible to have planes in the air.
Why were those planes not shooting down the other three, after the first
unexpected one fulfilled its objective? And if the twin towers were civilian
and had no protection, how is it possible that the brain of the country's
defense had no (protection), preventing the attack on itself? individual
cases, we have seen...that in skyscraper fires, helicopters are used to save
the lives of those trapped in the upper part. Where were those helicopters
Sept. 11? The normal mind cannot conceive that all this would fail. The
abnormal mind of the terrorists conceived of it, and took advantage of it with
only a one-fourth error.... It seems
impossible that without the corruption of other people, still living, that so
many innocent people could have died...That corruption is unacceptable." "Infinite Justice" Highest-circulation tabloid Nuestro Diario
said in its lead editorial (9/21): "It seems strange to no one that
President George Bush has reacted strongly against the which
his country was subjected. It is clear:
Civilized nations know that the declaration of war against international
terrorism is well-founded. Even more when those attacks cost thousands of
innocent lives...The world is just waiting for the first attacks against the
targets chosen by Washington against Afghanistan and those countries that
shelter or support terrorism and terrorists...The so-called Taliban who rule
the Afghans have to understand. It is not logical, though it is possible due to
their religious extremism, for them to sacrifice their entire people for a
single man. We saw what happened in the war against Iraq. Bombs and missiles
destroyed cities and cost lives of civilians unrelated to the political-military
conflict. What must be made clear is that even if Bin Laden turns himself over
or is turned over to the United States or a mediating country by the Taliban,
the war against international terrorism should not stop. At least that is the
hope of underdeveloped people like ours and the many in Latin America, Africa,
and Oceania where armed terrorism goes hand in hand with other serious
problems." "Operation Infinite Justice" Columnist Jorge Palmieri opined in influential El
Periodico (9/21): "I abhor war.
I do not like violence, but I understand and share the rage of the
Americans as a consequence of the treacherous terrorist attack...that caused
the death of several thousand hard-working men and women. I wish the U.S.
military did not have to carry out a reprisal to make an example of those who
dared to humiliate the superpower by violating its supposed invulnerability. I
wish there were always peace in the entire world; that once and for all the
conflict in the Middle East between Palestinians and Israelis, which has
already gone on for more than a half-century, would end. I wish that all human
beings -- of whatever race, color, religion, ideas, and interests -- could live
in peace and harmony, always seeking the common good and happiness. I wish that
all Muslims would follow Allah's commandments of love, which his prophet
Mohammed taught, and that all Buddhists would remember that Buddha said hatred
only generates hatred and should be combated with love; and I wish that all the
Christians would 'love one another' as Jesus preached. I wish, finally, that
humanity were different from the way it is. But it is absurd to pretend that
love could combat Hitler, Stalin, Kadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, and
others like them." "Bad Omens" Gustavo Berganza wrote in influential El
Periodico (9/21): "Since Bush ascended to the presidency of the United
States, we have begun to see a change in the way in which relations with Latin
America would be handled. First of all, the arrival of a general, Colin Powell,
as Secretary of State gave rise to thoughts that in this new era of U.S.
diplomacy, force would be preferred over negotiation....if U.S. foreign policy
had already shown signs of strengthening the role of world policeman that the
country had taken on, the attacks on Sept. 11 served up on a silver platter the
arguments to justify that role. Right now, the emotional impact of the
tragedy...makes most Americans clamor for the use of military might and support
expanding and lifting restrictions from CIA operations. One can envision that
in this climate of paranoia, Washington could push forward a new version of the
infamous national security doctrine that did so much damage to Latin America
and that in the name of persecuting the terrorist menace, individual rights and
freedoms could be sacrificed to guarantee state security." HONDURAS: "Crime Against Civilization"
Miguel Angel Rodrfguez writing in conservative El
Heraldo (9/27): "If the intent
was to wound the heart and the pocketbook of the United States, the inventory
and origin of the victims lay bare a different reality: they are mourning in
homes in Uruguay, El Salvador, Spain,
Honduras, Colombia, Greece, Japan, and Taiwan; today, there is anguish
over the death or disappearance of loved ones in Italy, Cameroon, Germany,
England, Chile, and Suriname; today there is a black ribbon on a number of
homes in Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Puerto Rico... In sum, the attack was a crime against
civilization, a stab in the back of humanity.
The mourning is worldwide, but so is the sense of solidarity. Never has an ideology suffered such
deterioration in its image as the cause of these criminals, whom not even the
polar ice cap can protect from world justice." NICARAGUA: "Bin Laden's Shameful
Admirers" Pro-government La Noticia editorialized
(9/27): "Sandinista media have started looking for justifications to this
horrendous crime, providing arguments to conclude that the United States 'is
the greatest terrorist of all'... Bin Laden has no arguments to justify this
savage offensive against the American people, the U.S.'s harmonious relations with other Arabic
nations shows this fact. Trying to compare the U.S. and its foreign policy with
Bin Laden and his international butchers is the most wicked foolishness you can
conceive." "The 'Afghan Syndrome' and its
lessons" Leftist El
Nuevo Diario published an opinion article by Isabel Turrent, from Reforma
news in Mexico advising the Bush
Administration to take into consideration the former USSR's experiences
in Afghanistan (9/26): "Before
undertaking a definitive offensive against the terrorists and 'the country that
harbors them,' the United States should take first as a fundamental lesson from
the Soviet experience in Afghanistan and its consequences, [that]: it would be very difficult for a
conventional army to defeat
terrorists-guerrillas... when they have the support of the local
civilians who harbor them.... Paul
Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Lewis Libby, Chief of Staff to
Vice-president Cheney are promoting an immediate and extensive campaign [in Afghanistan] offensive of this
magnitude would be a serious mistake.... Colin Powell is right: The U.S. cannot resolve everything in one stroke... due to
the resentment generated by recent U.S.
military offensives... which have claimed many civilians as victims, it is a
relief to hear Powell say that before attacking this country 'it is necessary to prepare the diplomatic field, consult
the allies, and justify American actions in compliance with the international
law." "Terror:
The Window" Leftist, independent El Nuevo Diario
published an article by Sandinista Augusto Zamora, Sandinista (9/24): "We also suffered (terror) here, the
name was the Somoza dictatorship. 50,000 persons dead was the cost. The
terrorists were a psychological manual of operations produced by the CIA for
the Contras....Forced and fair is support the United States, now that they know
the terror. They (U.S.) want to be the leader in the fight to combat and
eradicate (terrorism)...but [They should not be given] unlimited
support.... Fight within the law,
respecting human rights. Don't combat terror with terror; not imperialism
disguised as anti-terrorism." "Who Do We Pay Off?" Leftist, independent El Nuevo Diario
published an article by Oscar Merlo, News Editor, accusing the U.S. of
terrorist actions against Nicaragua and comparing U.S. actions to those of Bin
Laden (9/22): "Bin Laden was
sentenced to death by Sheriff George W. Bush using the most genuine style of
Hollywood Westerns.... We do not have
Twin Towers to be destroyed, but they (the U.S. in its support of the Contras)
made thousands of our young people disappear.... How many nations united to
stop the hellish rage of Reagan and Bush?
Who put a price on the head of the (U.S.) assassins that bathed
Nicaragua in blood?... If Nicaragua had
had the military and economic power of the United States, we would have placed
signs all over the world with photos of Reagan and Bush saying: 'Wanted Dead or
Alive'....the heirs of those who literally incinerated most of the people in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki....are ready to take bloody revenge in response to the
terror strike given to them by their own ex-friends who also hurt....their pride....The
culprits Bin Laden and Company, must be punished if they were really the ones
who committed such brutal actions that our eyes can hardly believe.
Nevertheless, there has been no reflection on the part of the giant (U.S.),
hurt over the way it interacts with the rest of the world, concerning their
first reaction-stated in a house of God dedicated supposedly to love and
forgiveness- was to kill those responsible for this tragedy....I, impotent
inhabitant of the third world, ask: Who
are we going to blame for our 50,000 dead?" "Freedom And Security" Focusing on the importance of strengthening U.S. internal security
while guaranteeing citizen's rights and liberties, an editorial in center-right
La Prensa published an editorial stating (9/21): "It is evident
that after the terrorist attacks the U.S. faces the issue of finding the way to increase the nation's
security without restricting civil
liberties far beyond the strictly necessary.... In this case we areconfident
the United States will find the way to preserve freedom." PANAMA:
"Afghanistan, The Eternal Struggle" Carlos Christian Sanchez' op-ed ran in
independent El Universal de Panama (9/27): "Those who think that Afghanistan will be an easy piece to
be taken by the United States are wrong.…
A military intervention in Afghanistan is a real strategic suicide.… Something we are sure of is that the
Jeyaidines (heroic Afghan soldiers) will resist again and will not be easy to
enter the mountains that made the Afghans into the best guerillas in
history." "The Only Lie" Independent La Prensa carried Sabrina
Bacal's oped stating (9/27): "The
most powerful man on Earth talked to the majority of the human beings angry
about the horrendous attacks, and the meaning of his proposals was enriched by
national unity and international doesn't mean that a forceful
reaction is not necessary, but the United States runs the risk of loosing some
of the privileges and values that her enemies have promised to destroy …" "The Recent Terrorist Attacks" Pro-government La Estrella de Panama carried oped by Col.
(R) Amador Sanjur (9/27): "We have
no other way but to join President Bush's campaign if we want to eliminate all
these criminal activities. We don't
believe that such a criminal act...can be an act of God or take His name to do
it. We congratulate President Bush for
his brilliant speech to the U.S. Congress.
It was precise, well defined and shows the necessary determination,
natural of Americans facing such
conflicts. The terrorists have made the
greatest error of their lives." "Without Money, Very Little Can Be Done" Independent La Prensa front-page
editorial column said (9/25): "Terrorism, in a massive scale, is very
costly.... That is why President Bush's decision to freeze terrorists'
assets...attacks a neuralgic point. Without money, very little can be done....
That is why the United States appeals to the international community to examine
accounts, identities, and transfers of resources that would allow them to
locate suspicious transactions..... Without any doubt, this can affect the
financial system of many countries...but if that is the price to pay, it is
money well spent. After all, it is a fight between civilization and
barbarism." "Where Diplomacy Ends" Ricardo Bustamante stated in conservative El
Panama America (9/25): "The
recent terrorist acts that took place in the United States, are nothing else
but a inhumane and inadmissible response from a part of humanity that feels
frustrated after many years of dialoguing without major results ... Facing an
enemy without frontiers, we must put forward our major virtue, which is
solidarity ... in a manner that will help us maintain peace, one that will also
be theirs." "Monies of Terror" Pro government La Estrella de Panama
front page editorial column asserted (9/25):
"The Banking Superintendency ratified its decision to prosecute the
financial crimes, especially those of money laundering and those related with
terrorism ... This is not new for Panama ...but represents its commitment to be
vigilante in seeing that banks and financial institutions rigorously enforce
laws and regulations." "Our Opinion" Sensationalist El Siglo's inside
editorial stressed (9/25): "To
qualify terrorism as a crime against humanity and the U.S. position of dividing
the world between its allies and the terrorists' allies, seems to have
obligated countries like ours to act forcefully in the face of facts like the
ones being confronting our country.
There is no doubt that terrorism is a terrific flagellum against
civilization, but we should act with prudence." "Bush's Clear Warnings" Independent La Prensa said in the front-page editorial
column "Hoy por Hoy" (9/21):
"In an impressive manifestation of political unity, Republicans and
Democrats alike rose to their feet to applaud the speech of President George W.
Bush before the U.S. Congress.... There
were hard words loaded with clear warnings revealing the firm intention to
fight terrorism within and without the United States.... God grant that the necessary prudence and
moderation be maintained so that any military actions taken do not end up
undermining the essential human values in whose defense the actions were
invoked. In politics and above all in
war, the means taken customarily compromise the ends." "Bush Defines U.S. Demands" Sensationalist El Siglo opined (9/21):
"The President of the United States drew a dividing line between those that
are with them [U.S.] and those that are with the terrorists.... George Bush defined his country's basic
demands.... In this way, the U.S.
administration hardened its position...stated it is not a U.S. fight, but one
for the whole world, for civilization, in a clear expression of hope for
collective action.... President Bush's
speech is without doubt, a concrete call for a common front to confront
terrorism and those countries that protect them, and a signal for the U.S.
people and the whole world of a long battle to come." PARAGUAY: "We Have To Defeat Terrorism For
Good" Top-circulation ABC Color editorialized (9/28): "While
the U.S. advances in its investigations of the terrorist attacks and prepares
military, diplomatic, and economic actions against the extraordinary
effectiveness of the criminal organization which is attacking them...certain
voices are beginning to be heard in opposition, exhorting calm or demanding
inaction in the name of peace. There
are moments in human history in which ethical values acquire different
dimensions and some become superior to others.... In this moment, to declare oneself pacifist can mean very
contradictory things.... The U.S. and its
allies have a moral obligation to hunt down the terrorists who sit in their barracks
in Afghanistan and destroy them there or bring them out to face justice. And they should do the same to the complicit
Taliban regime.... We have to defeat
terrorism for good. We can not think
that there exists even the most minimal chance of failure in pursuing the
cowardly and bloody war initiated by the terrorists. Because if we do, it would be practically the end of Western
civilization and, if the terrorists begin to employ chemical or biological weapons,
perhaps of the planet." "Justice and Reason" Centrist, influential Ultima Hora
editorialized (9/28): "As the days pass, though not the effects of the
tremendous impact which destroyed the twin towers and moved humanity,
fortunately we are seeing a tempering of bellicose spirits calling for
vengeance, and the imposition of reason, the search for consensus to punish the
savage criminals, while avoiding harm to innocent people. Faced with a new type of terror which
targets all with complete irrationality, rather than military objectives of a
country or a particular policy, it is good that the globalized world react in a
way in which justice and reason predominate.
This is not about stigmatizing a people or a religion, who are also
victims of irrational savagery; this is about finding an effective way to fight
against terror" "Waiting For The Seventh Cavalry" Pro-business Noticias ran an op-ed piece
by commentator Jose Maria Guerrero (9/28): "While the Seventh Calvary is
arriving, we must obtain from the United States a good dose of clarity and
transparency, without giving an advantage to the enemy nor to terrorism. This is clear, because we should also
receive from the [United States] a robust example of respect for international
law, in the context of the United Nation and the truth. As of today we have no answers; we hope that
in the next few hours or days, when everything is ready, we will be informed
what happened, who did it, and what is happening. And, above all, what will happen." "Since September 11" Respected political commentator Carlo Martini
opined in centrist, influential Ultima Hora (9/26): "Until
September 11 the Bush administration operated excessively ignoring the external
world. The rejection of the Kyoto
Protocol...the attempt to reconsider the anti-missile treaty of 1972 to advance
the construction of its anti-missile shield, the negative reaction regarding
creation of an international war crimes tribunal, were some points of its
unilateral foreign policy. President
Bush had to turn 180 degrees and urgently request the creation of a coalition
against terrorism on a global scale.
[The U.S.] remembered everyone else.
Now that the imperial republic has shown itself to be vulnerable, and
that additional strong attacks could occur on its own soil, now more than ever
is an opportunity to rethink its foreign policy." PERU:
"In Peru And In The OAS" Center-left La Republica editorialized
(9/25): "President Toledo and U.S. Ambassador, John Hamilton, met on
Friday. Toledo handed Hamilton a second statement issued by the government of
Peru...reaffirming its support to Washington's and the international
community's fight against terrorism...
Toledo made it clear afterwards that this was not an endorsement for a
war on countries nor was it an unconditional or unlimited endorsement... Our country suffered bloody terrorist
attacks for almost twenty years and though the attack on the U.S. is one of
other type and magnitude, Peru's solidarity with the people and the government
of the United States was stated as expected...
Peru's contributions to the resolution issued by the OAS Ministers of
Foreign Affairs Extraordinary Assembly in Washington have been in that same
direction... The last articles of the
resolution are particularly important since they reaffirm that the war against
terrorism should be carried out with full respect for law, human rights and
democratic institutions... Certainly, Peru's main contribution to the summit
has been its proposed Antiterrorist Interamerican Convention Project... In spite of the fact that the OAS position
is basically coincident with that of the European Union... it is not a carte
blanche for the U.S. to act on its own out of international law.... Actions to repel the attacks should not end
in a bloody war that hamper the safeguard of the planet." "The Scapegoat" Political Analyst Jorge Bruce asserted in El Comercio's
weekend magazine Somos (9/22): "Although I'm not wild about President
Bush, I must agree with him when he says that the planes that crushed the Twin
Towers have destroyed buildings but not his society's foundations. However...if the U.S. decides to massively
attack the poor people of Afghanistan, which are ruled by one of the world's
most backward regimes...and U.S. security agencies are granted dangerous
surveillance authority...then the terrorists would have fully achieved their
objective of destabilizing the world order.... Ojala (an Arab word that comes
from Insha'allah, which means, 'May God desire') the United States does not
fall into this terrible trap." "Latin America and the United States after
the Attacks" Reliable business Gestion reflected (9/22): "There is no doubt that after
the attacks, the world will not be the same. Some analysts even think that it
is the beginning of the end of globalization.... It is expected that security
measures in the U.S. will be exerted to the utmost... and the U.S. is carrying out investigations on international
terrorism's sources... and transactions that might have profited from the
attacks... As a result, the region's affairs might be relegated... Mexico, whose economy might be pushed to
recession by (the U.S.) its major commercial partner's economic situation, may
have to forget, at least for a while, the immigration treaty. Argentina might not receive the additional
support required to bail out its economy; devaluation might produce a rise of
inflation in Brazil...and Peru's economic recovery might take longer... With
the imminent scenario of a worldwide recession... it is indispensable that each
country in the region...reduce their macroeconomic imbalances." "Change In Priorities" Reliable business Gestion commented (9/21): “In spite of the possibility that the
terrorist attacks…could delay the U.S. economic recovery process… A negative effect [for Peru] that should be
noted is the one derived from the dramatic change in the United States’
priorities… At present, U.S.
authorities are most concerned withtheir fight against terrorism. President Bush administration’s efforts are
now focused towards that objective…
Bilateral relations with Peru will only become relevant for the U.S. if
our country could provide any effective support on that direction… It is therefore unrealistic to believe that
the U.S. will be able to devote part of its time to decide whether Peru’s
interdiction programs should be restored or ATPA related issues negotiated.” “Splendid Isolationism” Center-right opposition Expreso editorialized (9/21): "As it was expected, the U.S. is now
getting ready for a strong military response against those who dared to attack
them. They have the right to do so and,
as in the past, the U.S. is now looking for allies to support their ‘infinite
justice’ operation… Some irresponsible
local leaders want to join the armed antiterrorist coalition brokered by the
U.S. We believe it would be a
mistake. Latin America must contribute
as a civilized region to the war against international terrorism through
coordination of intelligence actions and the provision of information on
suspected activities… But we should never get involved in an unknown military
operation… We don’t want Islamic
terrorists to get connected to the FARC guerrilla or the remnants of Sendero
Luminoso.” VENEZUELA: "Whatever
Happened To The UN" Afternoon TalCual frequently critical of the U.S.,
maintained (9/24): "The huge U.S.
political and military mobilization has already taken its first victim: the
UN. It is curious to see the lack of
reaction from the UN Security Council on the terrorist attacks and on America's
decision to 'hunt down' Bin Laden in the mountains of Afghanistan. The
headquarters of the UN seem to have come down along with the twin towers.
Unlike Operation Desert Storm against Iraq in 1991 and the distant war against
North Korea in 1950, this time the Bush administration hasn't even bothered to
seek cover for its moves. Bush hasn't
thought it necessary to have the UN legitimize his acts.... This is the apex of
U.S. unilateralism: the refusal to sign Kyoto, the refusal to join the ICC, the
decision to end the ABM treaty, the withdrawal from the Durban conference, the
end to a proactive policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict: all have been steps the
U.S. has taken to set aside the collective mechanism established by the UN to
deal with world affairs and world conflicts.... Some would say that the world's unanimous response against
terrorism has made the UN's validation unnecessary. However, this unanimous
support is more apparent than real. Not even in the Bush administration is
there a common view on the scope of the operation that has unfolded... Under
these circumstances, making the UN subordinate to the U.S. is probably the road
to ruin for all collective security mechanisms, leaving the world subject to
the will of a superpower whose decisions will not always be totally accepted,
just as Operation Infinite Justice is not now. Is this the road to peace?" |
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