November 30, 2004
** Euro dailies back a new
poll to replace the "electoral fraud by devious apparatchiks."
** The "specter of
secession" and "civil revolt" raise fears Ukraine could
"plunge into anarchy."
** The impasse could
"pit Russia against the West."
** Polish, Czech outlets
urge the EU to help "pull Ukraine out of Russia's orbit."
'Massive vote tampering'-- Seeing the "sham
election" as being "blatantly manipulated," dailies agreed that
PM Yanukovych's "kleptocratic" regime used "widespread
intimidation and fraud" to steal victory.
Russia's business-oriented Kommersant acknowledged that
opposition candidate Yushchenko's victory "is becoming more
apparent." Given the "major
election swindle," Ukraine's pro-opposition Ukrayina Moloda urged
the opposition not to "surrender Ukraine to gangsters." Euro writers hoped the country's Supreme
Court would approve a "repetition of the election"--Ukraine's
"only way out" of the crisis.
Holland's influential NRC Handelsblad concluded "there must
be new elections following democratic standards."
'Avoid separation and bloodshed'--
"mass violence," observers noted the danger of a "civil war
between East and West" in Ukraine.
France's right-of-center Le Figaro warned the "potential for
secession exists," which would be a "disaster for political
stability" in Europe. Britain's
independent Financial Times noted that a "break-up of Ukraine would
serve no one's interest," but there was consensus that "there are
actually two Ukraines," as Slovakia's left-of-center Pravda put
it: the "nationalistic and
Russo-phobic" West that backs Yushchenko and the "pro-Russian, industrial,
Orthodox" East that backs Yanukovych.
'The Kremlin is losing its vassals'-- Russia's "massive support" for
Kiev's "oligarchy" backfired, said writers, citing Putin's
"interventionist attitude" as a sign of Moscow's "imperialist
stance." Hungary's left-of-center Nepszabadsag
described an "ever strengthening and more confident Russia that...would
like to rebuild" its empire. Other
dailies focused on Russia itself, noting that "only a Russia that is not
free and democratic can oppose Ukraine going free and democratic." Leftist papers blasted "the West's
long-term strategy of isolating Russia," which according to Kazakhstan's
progressive Epokha aims to "ensure that America's interests
harmoniously and naturally prevail in the entire post-Soviet space."
A 'baptism of fire' for the EU--
European papers demanded Brussels show "firmness and unity" in
supporting the opposition; Poland's right-of-center Zycie called on the
EU to "respect the Ukrainian quest for democracy." Several labeled the crisis a "moment of
truth" for the EU, wondering if it will "clearly support democratic
forces" or maintain its "lenient position towards Putin." Advising Brussels to "avoid everything
that could trigger an ice age with Moscow," Germany's left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau warned supporting Ukrainian EU membership would be
"dangerous and stupid." Others
countered that Ukrainians "need our help" and dismissed the
"feeble protests" of the "European zeros."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
EDITORS: Ben Goldberg
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 178 reports from 34 countries over 23 - 30 November 2004. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
UKRAINE: "Talks Needed
To End Crisis"
Centrist Den held (11/30):
"The authorities and the opposition should hold talks to resolve
the current political crisis in Ukraine....
The larger part of the blame for the standoff rests upon the
authorities, which ignored public opinion....
Supporters of Viktor Yushchenko, on the other hand, declared their
candidate as president in violation of existing legal procedures."
"Opposition Ultimatum Has Run Out"
Pro-opposition Ukrayina Moloda maintained
(11/30): "The ultimatum made by the
opposition to the authorities on holding talks within a few days has run
out.... Despite the creation of groups
which are meant to hold talks, the groups have held no talks since meeting on
Saturday, 27 November. The opposition says the runoff was falsified and wants
the authorities to admit this and hold a new runoff.... It concludes that the authorities are
dragging things out and President Kuchma is at a loss as he does not know what
to do."
"Secessionist Sentiment Gains
Centrist Den declared (11/30): "Calls for separatism may soon become
something more than a political technique used in the wake of the bitterly
contested presidential election in Ukraine....
It looks at sentiment in different parts of Ukraine, where rallies and
official meetings have been taking place to condemn or support either of the
two presidential candidates."
"Orange Revolution"
Serhiy Rakhmanin noted in Kiev-based independent Russian-language
weekly Zerkalo Nedeli (11/27):
"As for the driving forces of the 'orange revolution'
currently under way in Ukraine...Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko
enjoys unprecedented popular support and will have to work hard to deliver on
his electoral promises.... The ongoing
mass protest shows that the Ukrainian nation has been formed. The opposition
did not expect that so many people would by ready to arise to defend their
political choice."
"Revolution In The Minds Of The People"
Centrist Den commented (11/25): "The very fact that, despite the social
tension, not a single drop of blood has been shed in our country and, most
importantly, in the capital, is proof that a revolution has occurred in Ukraine. It is a revolution in the minds of the
people, who have realized that democracy is in their hands and that it is
Ukrainian citizens who are the source and the driving force of a civil society
being built in this country."
"Political Intrigues"
Addressing Viktor Yushchenko, Family Minister Valentyna Dovzhenko
wrote in pro-government daily Fakty I Kommentarii (11/25): "Fulfilling the will and requests by
thousands of mothers, I call on you not to involve our children in cruel
political games! It is impermissible for
our children to be held hostage to political intrigues, which have already led
to heightened tension in society. Along
with a large group of female leaders of civic organizations, I favor
negotiations. So as not to be accused of
abusing the machinery of government I am ready to step down as a minister for
the sake of peace and stability. Act
like a man."
"Freedom Can't Be Stopped"
Pro-opposition newspaper Vecherniye Vesti remarked
(11/25): "Students are
freedom-loving people who do not tolerate encroachment on their rights and
freedoms. It is rather difficult to call
them bastards. It is even more difficult
to dictate to students or intimidate them.
Ukrainian students have proven this by declaring an indefinite student
strike called 'Freedom cannot be stopped'."
"People's Power"
Pro-opposition Ukrayina Moloda held (11/25): "Parliament failed to adopt any decision
on the post-election situation the day before yesterday. Thus, just as opposition representatives
stated...the only source of power in this case is the people. The people gathered en masse outside the
presidential administration. They
recognize Viktor Yushchenko as their president and wish to secure a foothold
for his rule in this country."
"Popular Indignation"
Centrist Den observed (11/25): "Millions of people feel that they
have been cheated. Residents of Kiev and
many other Ukrainian cities are indignant and uncompromising. This sentiment was brewing deep inside long
before the presidential election campaign started. What we are seeing in Kiev now is the energy
of civic humiliation and popular distrust of the authorities accumulated over
"We Must Not Surrender Ukraine To Gangsters"
Pro-opposition Ukrayina Moloda insisted (11/23): "Ukraine is being sucked into an
extremely serious political crisis. And the future of Ukraine as a country
depends on whether it will be solved....
A substantial part of the country does not trust the Central Electoral
Commission, and Ukrainian pollsters are all but discredited.... There is no doubt that the argument over the
outcome of the election will be taken to court."
"A Coup Attempt"
Centrist Den declared (11/23): "The opposition's calls for protests can
be seen as a coup attempt.... If they
are not happy with the outcome of the vote, let them appeal against it through
the Ukrainian and European courts."
"New Impetus"
Pro-government Kiyevskiye Vedomosti held (11/23): "De facto, the country has already got a
new president, even though the final results have yet to be announced. We'd
like to believe that the country has received a powerful new impetus to move
"Fateful Election"
Pro-government Segodnya noted (11/23): "There has never been such an acute
political struggle in Ukraine. The
elections are truly fateful. In the view of many political analysts, the
citizens of the republic, in choosing between Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych
and opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, have, amongst other things, also
chosen the orientation they prefer--towards Russia or towards the West."
BRITAIN: "Ukraine On A
An editorial in the conservative Daily Telegraph read
(11/30): "After nine cold days on
the streets of Kiev, the demonstrators maintain their psychological advantage
but, despite the parliamentary vote and hints of compromise from their
opponents, have yet to reverse a single fraudulent result, let alone the entire
exercise. As the plaintiffs in this
prolonged struggle, they have to maintain the initiative over defendants who,
with the official result in their pocket, are waiting for the protesters' will
to flag."
"The Old Bear Is Stirring Again In Ukraine, And It's Wearing
Putin's Face"
Michael Gove commented in the conservative Times
(11/30): "The battle in the Ukraine
is therefore crucial for the prestige, power and above all, ideology, of
Putin's leadership. If Western
liberalism can be beaten back, or contained there, then he will be strengthened
not just in his influence over a key neighbour but also in his belief that
Russia can maintain a viable, non-Western, alternative path of
"Spectre Of A Split"
The independent Financial Times editorialized (11/30): "A break-up of Ukraine would serve no
one's interest. Quite apart from seeing
a dozen years of state-building go down the drain, Ukraine as an economic
entity has just started to work, with double-digit growth this year. President
Vladimir Putin might feel briefly flattered if Russian-speaking malcontents in
eastern Ukraine opted to secede or join Russia.
But, despite his record of exploiting the grievances of Russophones in
Georgia and Moldova, he would be mad to want to see yet another statelet sprout
up with a possible claim on Russia's resources and help."
"Practice Makes Perfect"
The conservative Times argued (11/26): "The to re-run the
election. This, rather than instant
appointment, is what Mr. Yushchenko should be asking of Ukraine's Supreme
Court.... A fresh election would have to
be subject to unforgiving scrutiny from Eastern, Western and Ukrainian
observers, and its winner would have to recognize the dangerous divisions in
his country. But with a truly democratic
mandate he would have a better chance than anyone of healing them."
"The Dangers Of Dealing With The Russian Mephistopheles"
Philip Stephens commented in the independent Financial Times
(11/26): "Somewhere along the way
the strategic ambition to support and entrench Russian democracy has been
discarded. Maybe events in Ukraine will
change things. I hope so. But I am not optimistic. The other day someone reminded me that two
years from now it will fall to Russia to chair the Group of Eight nations. This elite club used to go by the name of the
world's leading democracies. I suppose
there is time enough to find another epithet before Mr. Putin takes his turn."
"Is The Future Orange?"
The left-of-center Guardian editorialized (11/26): "What is certain is that the evidence of
electoral fraud by devious apparatchiks--on a scale far beyond the hanging
chads cited by critics of American democracy--seems so overwhelming that the
result must be reviewed. Ukraine's
supreme court is the right place to start that process."
"Ukraine's Stolen Poll"
The conservative Daily Telegraph opined (11/24): "At stake is the future of a country
that straddles Europe's political fault line.
Mr. Yanukovich, who has promised to make Russian a second state language
and allow dual citizenship, would turn back towards Moscow. Mr. Yushchenko, while acknowledging the
importance of links with Russia, favours gradual integration with the
West. During the campaign and since,
Vladimir Putin has played the neo-imperialist, visiting Ukraine twice before
Sunday to endorse Mr. Yanukovich and phoning him from Brazil on Monday to offer
congratulations on winning what he absurdly described as an 'open and honest'
"It's Our Cause Too"
The left-of-center Guardian declared (11/24): "At a time of mounting concern about the
authoritarian turn being taken by Vladimir Putin, this is extremely
worrying. If Ukraine remains unfree,
what hope can there be for far smaller Belarus and Moldova? New eastern members of the EU such as Poland
and Lithuania are deeply unhappy, as are Sweden and other near neighbours. Ukrainians must find their own peaceful
solution--but western democracies must be fully supportive and not retreat into
a cold-war shell."
"However Crooked The Elections Have Been, Big Brother In The
East Still Calls The Tune"
Giles Whittell commented in the conservative Times
(11/24): "Moscow is entitled to
strenuous assurances from NATO that its inexorable drift towards Smolensk is a
peaceable one. Ethnic Russians in
Ukraine are equally entitled to scrupulous respect from Kiev for their human
rights. But if Mr. Putin's meddling in
this election has truly been driven by concerns for Russian national security,
it betrays a worrying paranoia; and if it is a reflection of his own lack of
esteem for free and fair elections, the prospects for Russian democracy are
bleak indeed."
"Europe's Faultline:
Ukraine's Flawed Election Could Cause Wider Turmoil"
An editorial in the conservative Times read (11/23): "An increasingly assertive Russia,
suspicious of NATO and EU enlargement, sees Ukraine as integral to its attempt
to create a cordon sanitaire. President
Putin used two recent visits to intervene shamelessly in support of Mr.
Yanukovich. His opponent, by contrast,
wants to pull Ukraine out of Russia's orbit and open it up to the West. Europe's support has been almost as partisan:
Bernard Bot, the Dutch Foreign Minister, speaking for the EU, expressed hopes
that Mr. Yushchenko would win. President
Bush said America would review relations, and aid, if the vote were
unfair. With so much at stake, the
Opposition should remain, for now, on the moral high ground. and Moscow must understand that the world is
"The Real Viktor: Yushchenko Is Right To Contest Ukraine's
Rigged Poll Result"
The independent Financial Times opined (11/23): "The Ukrainian presidential election has
fulfilled the worst fears of those who predicted it would be undermined by
widespread intimidation and fraud. The
authorities have bent every rule to fix the results in favour of their
candidate, prime minister Viktor Yanukovich....
Millions showed they want political freedom. Millions more would have done the same, had
their minds not been twisted by fear and media manipulation. The authorities must now accept Mr.
Yushchenko's demands for a fair legal review of the election result."
FRANCE: "For A Unified
Bruno Frappat wrote in Catholic La Croix (11/30): “Europeanization, which is the continental
version of globalization, is both a source of attraction and fear. Ukraine is
experiencing an indecision which could turn out to be tragic if, torn as it is
between its contradictions, it were to be partitioned.”
"The Threat Of Civil War"
Laure Mandeville observed in right-of-center Le Figaro
(11/29): “Will the democratic revolution
in Ukraine triumph, or will a civil war between East and West erupt, with the
encouragement of the Kremlin? The Supreme Court is under pressure, but the
traditional control of the executive over the judicial leaves much doubt about
the outcome.... Meanwhile the potential
for secession exists considering the country’s history...and the fact that
Moscow is fueling the fires.... The
West, and France in particular, need to play a role in order to counter this
slide towards Moscow and its imperialist stance.”
"Dual Europe"
Michel Schifres held in right-of-center Le Figaro
(11/26): “Putin’s humor is very
special.... For him the elections in
Ukraine are transparent.... The Kremlin
has a very special idea of democracy, founded on a simple principle: it must agree with its ideas. It was no surprise then that the meeting in
The Hague between the EU and Russia was a deaf-mute dialogue.... For the first time Putin is isolated, under
suspicion and denounced...even if there is a distinction in how the Old Europe
and the New Europe treat him. The New
Europe has few illusions about Russia’s strategy. It appreciates America’s firm approach and is
upset about Old Europe’s tepid reaction, which is at times compared to
cowardice.... One thing is certain: we cannot underestimate the consequences of
the ‘orange revolution.’ What can Europe
do: it could at least explain to Putin
that democracy is respecting a people’s struggle for its own destiny.”
"European Aspiration"
Jean-Christophe Ploquin noted in Catholic La Croix
(11/26): “For former Soviet nations,
Russia is a threat. For France, Great
Britain and Germany, Russia is a necessary interlocutor.... The EU-Russia summit in The Hague has pitted
against one another two political entities which are very different and whose
trajectories may be completely at odds....
The EU is a group of nations whose peaceful expansion is based on the
economy and on democracy. Russia is a
former military empire whose confines continue to be eroded. Under these circumstances, the crisis in
Ukraine is one more subject of misunderstanding between the two.”
"Baptism Of Fire"
Gerard Dupuy contended in left-of-center Liberation
(11/24): “Beyond the democratic future
of the Ukrainians, what is at stake in Kiev is the type of relations that the
Europeans will be able to develop with their Russian neighbor. For the newly
enlarged Europe, this is a baptism of fire which will need to happen sooner or
later. Europe must refuse to let itself be intimidated by Yanukovich’s mentor
and quickly announce the sanctions it will impose if he wins. The Ukrainians
need our help. And all is not lost: Putin has reacted angrily to Europe’s
indignation, but he has also retracted his previous support to those who stole
the election.”
"The People And The Empire"
Bruno Frappat wrote in Catholic La Croix (11/24): “The Soviet empire has not said its last
word.... Moscow remains the
geo-strategic epicenter of an entire region. The tragic and uncertain events
unfolding in Ukraine bring to mind other similar and distant
Poland, East Germany, Hungary and closer in time, Serbia.... In all instances there are always
politicians, media outlets and police factions ready to deny the evidence and
shamelessly rob the people of their clearly stated desires. What is most
troubling in Ukraine is what has been revealed about the power in Russia and
satellite nations. By supporting men who are either corrupt or mere puppets,
Putin is proving that he has not lost all the old reflexes of his former Soviet
days. If the goal is to establish in Ukraine, at the western extremes of
Europe, a buffer nation between Russia and democracy, we need to show our
concern both for democracy and for Ukraine, and for Russia. This would mean
that Putin is still the heir to an empire in search of a future.”
"It’s Time"
Patrick Sabatier wrote in left-of-center Liberation
(11/23): “It is time for Ukraine to be
freed from its corrupt regime.... But
after the electoral fraud, it may also be time for repression.... There is no doubt that there was fraud and
manipulation.... But Ukraine remains a
divided nation, one pro-Russian, the other pro-West.... The regime knows it can count on Putin’s
unconditional support. Meanwhile, the West is saying it is 'preoccupied’ with
the results. But unfortunately they are less concerned with electoral fraud
than with the fear of seeing Ukraine plunge into anarchy. Of even greater
concern should be Putin’s interventionist attitude. To sacrifice Ukraine and
its democratic aspirations for fear of upsetting Russia is a sure way of
pushing Russia towards its natural imperialist leanings.”
"Ukrainian Democracy"
Pierre Rousselin held in right-of-center Le Figaro
(11/23): “Ukraine is in danger.... In 2003, the Kremlin had to give in in
Georgia. It is not certain that this time it will do the same.... For Moscow, these elections are considered a
national issue. For Putin, losing would mean a personal affront.... Faced with the rising danger in Ukraine,
Moscow should pay attention. Ukraine is much too close to Russia for Putin to
be able to impose his imperial hold without paying the consequences. An
independent Ukraine is the interest of both Russia and Europe.”
Frank Nienhuysen observed in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (11/30): "A presidential
candidate who must fear his own people has lost his legitimacy. He does not recommend himself as holder of
the state's most senior office, regardless of the Supreme Court ruling. The recent days showed that Yanukovich is a
divider, but the country needs a unifier.
There are too many rifts; it is time for starting a peaceful epoch. This beginning can only work after a repetition
of the election--not just a partial repletion as Yanukovich is considering
"Ukraine And Europe"
Katja Ridderbusch stated in right-of-center Die Welt of
Berlin (11/30): "The longer this
strange standstill lasts the more looming is the country's divide. Europe has realized too late what a glance
at the map tells us: Ukraine is a
neighbor of the new and enlarged EU, bordering with three member states. It has taken Brussels two ballots to react
to the fraud. However, the message is
clear and right: The elections were
undemocratic and the EU cannot accept the results. But
the EU must accept the accusation that it caused a vacuum by hardly engaging in
the new neighboring country before. This
is one reason why time is running against the opposition. The longer the conflict lasts the more
powerful become the forces which want to bind the country closer to
Russia.... The EU must resist replying
Moscow's policy with the same weapons, thinking in geo-strategic categories of
influence and interest. It must also
resist replying to the ever-louder calls for a Ukrainian EU entry. Whatever we think about a Ukrainian EU
membership, in this time of crisis it would be a wrong offer. It is in the hands of the EU to prevent that
the conflict in Kiev escalates into proxy war.
The EU must insist on democratic elections--and must accept the winner,
whoever it will be."
"Test Run Ukraine"
Martin Winter noted in left-of-center Frankfurter Rundschau
(11/30): "The EU is in a Ukrainian
fix. There would be no doubt about the
right policy if it were about a falsified election in a mediocre country. But behind Ukraine lies Russia, a wounded
superpower with nuclear bombs and many resources. It is an unstable country, whose democratic
course is wobbly and which might plunge into chaos or dictatorship. Europeans have an existential interest in
this neighbor becoming stable, predictable and reliable. Their own internal and external safety as
well as their economic future depends on it....
It can be a matter of debate whether Putin is the right partner, but
Europeans will not get a better Russian leader.
They must not butter him up, but to weaken him would be playing with
fire.... But the EU must get involved to
keep a balance between its democratic values and power interests. It must avoid everything that could trigger
an ice age with Moscow. Suggesting a
possible EU entry to dangerous and stupid. It is dangerous because it fuels the Russian
suspicion that the West also wants to integrate this country, which some
Russians see as the core land of the Russian nation.... It is stupid because it lacks any realistic
foundation. Apart from Poland, no one in
the EU is willing the make Ukraine a EU candidate."
"The Eastern Ukrainians' Trauma"
Roland Heine observed in left-of-center Berliner Zeitung
(11/29): "The West likes to ignore
that millions of Ukrainians reject the opposition leader Yushchenko, because
they fear that he will steer the country away from Russia. Many eastern Ukrainians of Russian origin
still suffer from the trauma of torn apart families, cut off economic relations
and the loss of many jobs as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union in
1991/92 when a new border was established.
Regardless of the question whether the elections were manipulated,
millions of people want Yanukovich as president. The West's massive support for Yushchenko
confirms their fears. It is disturbing
that even German politicians, who were not bothered about Europe's second
largest country in the past, are now fueling the current conflict. Ukraine is divided in two almost similarly
large camps. That is not new, but recent
governments managed to avoid a crash by keeping a political balance. Those who do not take this into account risk
a destabilization of the country. There
will be no reforms under these conditions."
"Long-Drawn-Out Affair"
Daniel Riegger argued in left-of-center Frankfurter Rundschau
(11/29): "If Yushchenko wants to
further mobilize his followers he must think about new initiatives. But any increase of actions might result in
an escalation. It is clear that there must not be a long-drawn-out affair in
Kiev. A repetition of the runoff
election is the only way out. To do this
the wrong registrations must be checked and corrected. That takes time, time in which the EU must
not stop its efforts to defuse the conflict by diplomacy and its
"Gambling For Time"
Center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine editorialized
(11/29): "The incumbent Ukrainian
President Kuchma complains that Yushchenko lacks good will to resolve the
crisis in Ukraine. This allegation comes
out of the mouth of the most senior election fraudster. By talking about finding a compromise, Kuchma
touches the opposition's weak spot.
Yushchenko's strength are the protesting people, who see him as the man
who can put an end to the oligarchy's corruption. He must not halt the people's momentum if he
wants to win the power struggle. His
leeway for negotiations is therefore limited.
Yushchenko must set deadlines for the other side, because the
demonstrations will not go on forever.
Kuchma and Yanukovich know that.
Thus, they gamble for time and are interested in negotiations. The risk is that this damages Yushchenko's
"Looking For The Right Approach"
Christoph von Marschall argued in centrist Der Tagesspiegel
of Berlin (11/30): "In its current
situation the opposition needs support from outside. It would be good if one western
representative a day traveled to Kiev.
And if the German chancellor believes he must take Putin into
consideration, he should at least grant freedom of speech to his ministers, to
the foreign minister in particular."
"New Elections At Last"
Business-oriented Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
concluded (11/30): "The opposition
now needs equal and fair foundations for its election campaign. The dirty and brutal methods of the first
election campaign can be best read in the face of Yushchenko, who was
mysteriously poisoned. The calls for
separation from eastern Ukraine should not be overestimated. The Ukraine is not threatened of being divided. Let's hope that the Supreme Court will also
follow the call for new elections. The
OSCE and the European Council should commit themselves more intensely and send
election observers across the country.
Ukraine was only erratically on Europe's radar in recent years--that was
a mistake. This policy can now be
reversed and the country can be supported in its strive for democracy."
"Question Of Credibility"
Business-oriented Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
noted (11/29): "Not just
Ukrainians, but also Europeans and Russians could enormously benefit if the
great country of 50 million people accomplished political freedom and advanced
closer to Europe. This would also make
the country economically more successful.
The opposite is only attractive to some Moscow apparatchiks, who want to
keep a part of the former Soviet Union under Russia's sphere of authoritarian
influence. Supporting the Ukrainian
movement for democracy is first of all a question of credibility. There can be no doubt about the U.S. stance
on the conflict. It would be a totally
wrong message if Europe now failed the protesters out of consideration for
Russia. This would discredit Europeans
in the region for a long time. In the
long run, it is important to offer Ukraine a European prospect."
"The Freedom Of Europeans"
Berthold Kohler commented in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (11/26): "Eastern
Europe, the EU's stepchild for a long time, is just making decisions about the
future of the whole continent. There,
freedom and the right of self-determination are at stake for all Europeans and
not just for Ukrainians. The frontier of
'unfreedom' is moving westwards again--which worries new EU members in
particular. Governments of the old EU
countries, including Germany's leaders, are still reluctant to realize that
Russia under Putin is not going where one would like to see it. It is time to make clear to Putin that oil
and gas are not the West's highest values.
The Russian president has also an interest in thriving political and
economic relations. The EU must explain
its terms and conditions of trading to Putin."
"Democracy As Model"
Stefan Kornelius observed in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (11/26): "When U.S.
President Reagan called for tearing down the Berlin Wall in 1987, many in the
West thought this was too emotional. But
skeptics had to realize after the fall of the wall that his speech motivated
regime critics in East Germany. The West
learned about revolutionary reaction chains, but it still underestimates the
powerful effects freedom has on oppressed people. This can be seen across the world; in China,
Iran, Russia and Ukraine--democracy is desirable and a group of democratic
states like the EU as a prosperous region is even more attractive. The EU would play a strong and protective
role if it stood by the people who take to the streets of Kiev, calling for
freedom. These people have a good sense
for honesty. When Secretary Powell says
without mincing his words that his country will not accept the elections,
because they did not met democratic standards, then these people feel
encouraged to take to the streets a few more nights. But when Chancellor Schroeder ambiguously
warns against an escalation and describes Putin as a crystal-clear democrat,
then true democrats in Kiev lose their faith in democracy. Revolutions mark histories of countries. Schroeder and the EU have the opportunity to
mark the revolution in Ukraine. They
should use all their means to influence Moscow."
"Leaving The Past Behind"
Michael Ludwig observed in center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine
(11/24): "Even if it were not
established this time, democracy is advancing in Ukraine, because the election
fraud revealed the real nature of the Kuchma regime, which wanted to continue
its course by the nomination of Yanukovich as Kuchma's successor. Strategists planned the elections as an
acclamation, and the leadership and Russian advisers believed the people would
simply buy this. They were wrong.... The events in Kiev should make clear to
everybody in Western Europe that a large majority of the people is about to
leave behind its Soviet past and is fighting for values we usually praise in
turgid speeches. Ukrainians do that for
themselves and not because they have their eyes on Brussels's breadbaskets.... The Ukrainian opposition pins its hopes on
the international community, especially on America and Germany. Americans have openly criticized Russia's
interference in the election campaign, they were the first to say frankly that
they believe the presidential election was a joke and they called for a
recount.... An important side effect of
the Ukrainian uproar against the demanded sheepishness is that it could become
a signal for the post Soviet region:
Democracy is not just possible in the Baltic states. This could open the eyes of lethargic
Russians. The allegedly small and
incompetent brother is able to advance change started 13 years ago."
"Late Revolution"
Christoph von Marschall stated in centrist Der Tagesspiegel
of Berlin (11/24): "These are great
moments of mankind when people rebel against barefaced manipulation, showing
their desire for freedom and self-determination. These are also great and glory words that
could be erased by bloodshed. But for
the time being, Ukrainians have found the courage to take their fate into their
own hands. This revolution comes late,
compared to those in neighboring countries.
Ukrainians did not know any sovereignty for centuries and struggled to
create elites. Its name tells us that
it always existed 'at the border' between East and West.... Ukraine cannot completely go for the
West--but the East is not good enough either.... In addition, there is a conflict between the
Catholic western Ukraine and the orthodox eastern Ukraine, which is tending
towards Russia.... The Ukraine faces
difficult years even if the people will overcome dictatorship. The great feeling of a revolution will soon
result in disappointment."
"Putin's Empire"
Frank Nienhuysen asserted in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (11/24): "Without any
doubt, Russia is an important partner of the West. Its reservoir of resources is massive and the
Russian market has great potential in the future. Moscow's veto right at the UNSC is still a
power factor and the country's culture is rich.
This justifies good relations, but only as far as it is possible. The example of Ukraine shows where the limits
are. Russia is not ready to allow the
country to drop out of its sphere of influence and to accept the will of the
majority of people. The highest priority
of Russia's foreign policy is a ruthless pursuit of national interests and the
desire to return as a political superpower....
Putin should learn a lesson from the Ukrainian elections. People in other countries are not striving
for his 'guided democracy.' He should
redefine his goals: A liberal and open
Russia might be able to attract more states in the eastern hemisphere than an
authoritarian Russia. And the West would
have no reason for mistrusting Russia."
"Ukrainian Cover-Up"
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger commented in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (11/23): "Europe's
capitals--which, contrary to Washington, have not been very vigilant and
sensitive in this case in the past--should carefully observe whether the
Ukrainian election is not part of broader process to restore Moscow as central
power. Europeans should care about the
situation in this large country; whether democracy and the free market economy
are making progress or whether the country gives in voluntarily to Russia. That is the reason why so many former Soviet
states, which are not yet certain about their integrity and which have seen
enough of Russia's destabilization policy, have so closely watched the events
in Kiev. If Yushchenko had won, Moscow
would have had to say farewell to its neo-imperialistic plans (or
"Tame West"
Thomas Urban observed in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (11/23): "The
democratization of Ukraine cannot succeed without the support of the West--from
Washington, Brussels and Berlin as well.
Western governments have many means to exert pressure on Kiev's
Communist leadership, because it does not want to rely completely on the
Kremlin.... We are now all very keen to
see how Chancellor Schroeder reacts to the election results, since his friend
Putin--who Schroeder seriously believes to be on the path to
democracy--massively supported Yanukovich and Russian observers said the
election was free and fair. Neither Berlin nor Brussels have comprehensive
policies for Ukraine, although the democratization of the former Soviet
republic is very much in the West's interest.
Otherwise the country would return to Moscow's sphere of power, and the
new beginning of a Russian empire would not be democratic."
Gerhard Gnauck noted in right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin
(11/23): "The belated Ukrainian
nation is awakening. Five years ago, the
now developed civic structures and European identity in Ukraine would have been
beyond belief. How will Germany and
Europe reply? One should tell the
truth: While Europe pursued a bold and
open policy towards Turkey, Brussels has given Ukraine, which has never talked
of a quick entry but wanted a EU association treaty, a cold shoulder for
years. Brussels has thus discouraged
reformers and contributed its bit to Yanukovich's verbal attacks on the EU
during the election campaign. And
Russian President Putin, who went to Ukraine twice as an election assistant,
welcomed these slogans. That would be a
nice issue for the next talks between Putin and Schroeder."
"Nothing Remains As It Is"
Claudia von Salzen argued in centrist Der Tagesspiegel of
Berlin (11/23): "There can be no
talk of fair and democratic elections.
Will the authoritarian Yanukovich replace the authoritarian Kuchma? Will everything remain the same in
Ukraine? That will also depend on the
opposition's reaction and the West's reply....
There are indications that the opposition will not accept Yanukovich's
victory. Tens of thousands took to the
streets. The pictures remind us of
Georgia in 2003, where falsified elections resulted in mass protests.... Yushchenko is also able to mobilize tens of
thousands, but we should keep in mind that there was no guaranty for a peaceful
end of the Georgian revolution....
Troops have already been assembled around Kiev. If the opposition becomes serious and the
regime does not give in, it could result in chaos or even civil war.... Of course, diplomats cannot put a stop to
chaos in the streets, but they can make clear to the Ukrainian leadership under
which criteria the EU would cooperate in the future and which standards Ukraine
must comply with. The EU must also
consider whether it can accept this unfair election."
"In Russia's Shadow"
Markus Ziener wrote in business-oriented Handelsblatt of
Duesseldorf (11/23): "Two days after the presidential run-off
in Ukraine, the country is confronted with its greatest democratic litmus test
in its young post-Soviet history. Not
just the results, but also the procedures of the elections are decisive for
Ukraine's future course. If the election
results are dubious, ballots must be recounted or cast again. That would be the democratic approach. Ukraine as well must respect this yardstick
of a democracy.... In the past, Ukraine
was often ignored in consideration for the great neighbor Russia. If this happens again and the reformers fail,
the West should not shed crocodile tears.
The West would bear responsibility for this failure, because it often
means Russia when it says Ukraine."
"Deceived Country"
Business-oriented Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
stated (11/23): "It is right that
the U.S. and EU criticism was harsher this time. Brussels demanded that the ballots must be
recounted and the influential U.S. Sen. Lugar even described the procedures of
the regime as 'concerted fraud'. It
would be a mistake to get back to the normal agenda after this assessment. The Ukrainian voters were apparently cheated
out of their will and must not be let alone.
There are enough means to exert pressure: Ukraine needs the European market and wants
to become a WTO member. A democratic
development must be the condition for it."
ITALY: "Democracy And
Unity, But No Blackmail"
An editorial in elite center-left Il Riformista read
(11/30): "What’s at stake in
Kiev?.... European intellectuals
respond, ‘At stake is whether we want a democratic state...or a corrupt,
authoritarian state bordering on Europe.’
And they urged the support (pro-West candidate Victor)
Yuschenko. We of Il Riformista
have stated from the beginning that elections had to be repeated, and
expressed our preference for the pro-West candidate.... Whoever wins (and we hope Yuschenko) should
immediately make a pact with his constituency to avoid a violent solution or
development that could put the security of the entire continent at risk. And this would not mean to give in to Russia,
but instead, to prevent any limitation to sovereignty. Europe should be well committed in this
respect, by offering Ukraine a safe harbor, thus putting on ice any Russian
"Ukraine, The Real Loser Is Putin"
Fernando Mezzetti opined in conservative, top-circulation
syndicate Il Resto del Carlino/La Nazione/Il Giorno (11/29): “Regardless of who is elected in Ukraine, he
will not be able to adopt an anti-Russian policy, due to the international
balance and Ukraine’s energy dependence on Russia; but Putin is the loser
because even if his man was elected, he would not be subservient to Moscow
given the fact that the entire world would be watching and the defiance of half
the country capable of making itself
heard. With his unscrupulous games, Putin has provoked division in Ukraine,
stirring internal tensions. Europe is the only one that can help quell this
"The New Frontier That Divides Russia And America"
Alberto Pasolini Zanelli commented in pro-government leading center-right
Il Giornale (11/27): “The latest
declarations coming from Moscow seem to revive the echo of the Cold War
decades. They were strong, although certainly not wise words, but perhaps words
that Putin could not do without. Between the United States and certain EU
countries a sort of contest taking place between ... to see who is more
obstinate. This could be beneficial if it promptly produces significant
pressure towards an optimal solution of the showdown in Kiev; on the contrary,
it could be damaging for everyone.”
"The Two Ukraines"
Enzo Bettiza wrote in centrist, influential La Stampa
(11/27): “The impression is that
the mass of pro-westerners who voted for the self-proclaimed President Yushenko
is the country’s net majority...while it waits for the West to do its part and
for the peaceful revolt to end on the threshold of a violent insurrection. But
will the West, both American and European, be able to go beyond a verbal
reprimand in the era of Islamic terrorism and run the risk of returning to the
Cold War with Russia as its ally in the fight against terrorism? The Bush II
Administration is particularly ambivalent towards Moscow. a
European hot potato that Washington will ultimately leave on the already
crowded table of the 25 EU countries. In the global calculations of the
Americans, who are completely involved in an Iraqi exit strategy, their
realistic relationship with Moscow counts much more than their differences over
"Mission Impossible For Condi To Export Democracy To Kiev"
Lucia Annunziata wrote in centrist, influential daily La Stampa
(11/25): “Now that U.S. elections are
over, and the ones in Ukraine have taken place, for European observers, and not
only Americans...the question is restated.
What are strong measures?
Sanctions? Trade embargos? Severing of diplomatic relations? And then?
It’s certainly inconceivable that the transit of Russian gas and oil
through Ukraine could be interrupted.
Therefore, America will just have to take it. An agreement will be necessary: the opening
of a new Cold War frontier...or a mini-Yalta as experts suggest. It would be ironic if her first crisis were
to demonstrate to Condoleezza Rice that after all democracy cannot be
"But Bush Doesn’t Change Course"
Boris Biancheri noted in centrist, influential La Stampa
(11/25): “Powell’s statement on the
crisis in Ukraine, that Washington doesn’t recognize President Yanukovych and
that, despite the verdict of the electoral commission, the elections cannot be
considered valid, is a strong declaration, but in a certain sense it was obligatory. Following criticism from a large part of the
world, and above all from Europe, it would have been difficult for the White
House to remain silent on Kiev. But it’s
also unlikely that this will cause Bush to reconsider his attitude toward
Russia, due to an interest in cooperating with Moscow on terrorism, as well as is it not easy to carry out concrete interventions.”
"Putin’s Game With The West"
Sandro Viola asserted in left-leaning, influential La
Repubblica (11/24): “It happened
earlier than expected. Russia and Europe, but also...Russia and America have
diverging positions. The rapprochement between Moscow and the West, which began
during Gorbachev’s beginning to show its first cracks. The serious
unrest in Kiev and the divisions over the results of the...presidential
elections bring to light that Moscow and western capitals still maintain
different views and interests on many key issues.... At this point, we must not look so much to
Kiev, but to Moscow and to western governments. If in Washington above all, but
also in Paris and Berlin, the idea prevails of not pushing...Putin’s Moscow,
then Moscow’s candidate will emerge the victor and in Ukraine democracy will
continue on hold. But if Poland and the Baltics should urge the EU and America
to assume a more rigid position, the international scene in the coming weeks
will be extremely tense.”
"Bush II’s First Test"
Ugo Tramballi stated in leading business-oriented Il Sole-24
Ore (11/24): “Kiev’s fraudulent
elections will affect the future of 40 million Ukrainians. But they will affect
Russia as well: if the fraud succeeds, the old power will be re-established as
before, on the basis of deceiving and forcibly co-opting its subjects. If it
fails, then Russia will understand that its future lies in its potential as a
great country...and not in the old system of Soviet power that steals elections
like Stalin used to do. This is the first emergency in the new mandate of
George Bush, more critical than elections in Baghdad. It will be even more
difficult to speak to Iraqis about democracy if a new satrap is established in
the center of Europe.”
"Electoral ‘Fraud’, And Kiev Takes To The Streets"
Leonardo Maisano said in leading business-oriented Il Sole-24
Ore (11/23): “An undecided
Ukraine...that for years has strained its neck looking in one direction and
then another, finally decided to make up its mind on Sunday. It wanted to be
part of the West with NATO and perhaps even with the EU. This is what Viktor
Yuschenko promised and continues to promise. Viktor Yanukovich--if he is
proclaimed the official winner--will take it toward Moscow. For those who still
haven’t caught on, they’re playing a game of the old regime; they’re all busy
imitating the Cold War. Russia vs. Europe-America, not only in terms of
ideology, but also in terms of freedom.”
"Ukraine, Clash Over The Elections"
Giampaolo Visetti noted in left-leaning, influential La
Repubblica (11/22): “It’s clear that
an era has ended, that Leonid Kuchma’s time is over, that the Ukrainians have
decided to embrace freedom and democracy....
The fact that Kiev is celebrating Yushenko’s victory before the results
are in is a tough blow for Putin. Moscow
comes out defeated as well: something important is happening in former Soviet
areas--Georgia, the Caucasus, Ukraine:
the flight of a collapsed empire towards the EU market and the distant
security offered by the U.S. Yushenko is
looking westward. Starting today the
challenge will be to understand what the Kremlin, which is forced to look
eastward, will do.”
"Ukraine Destined To Get On With Russia"
Aleksey Pankin opined in reformist Izvestiya (11/30): "It is hard to find another country
destined to get on with much as Ukraine is. Good relations with Russia are a must for any
Ukrainian Administration, no matter what its political leanings, if it is to be
a success. In that sense, Russia should
not have cared who wins the elections.
All we needed to do was show good will and respect for Ukraine as a
sovereign state, even if we had to play hardball to secure our interests. Russia's chief mistake was not that it made
the wrong bet, but that it made a bet at all and, even worse, tried to help it
win. Even admitting that we were not
alone to trigger the avalanche, the Ukrainians and the rest of the world will
take us as a 'combatant.' In other
words, we have disqualified ourselves as a neutral mediator, a highly rewarding
job under the circumstances. Now it has
gone to others."
"The Moment Of The Truth"
Viktor Konstantinov argued in centrist army-run Krasnaya Zvezda
(11/30): "Clearly, the U.S. and EU,
for all their economic contradictions and political differences, pursue a
concerted policy to gradually oust Russia from former Soviet republics. Beginning in the late 1980s, many of our
politicians were eager to see the U.S. as an equal partner working together
with Russia to meet new challenges to the international community. But our traditional political rival wanted
no other nuclear superpower, communist, monarchist or democratic. So it 'helped' the Soviet Union to die
quietly. Hardly any of the key players
in the West or East would like Russia to regain its geopolitical position and
great power status. The current events
in Ukraine mark the moment of the truth, as the historical respite Russia got
at the beginning of the new millennium has come to an end. The political elites in the Western world
are no devil incarnate, of course. It is
just that, in their policies, they proceed from their countries'
interests.... It is vital that Russia safeguards
a friendly surrounding in what used to be the USSR. The battle of Ukraine, in which it is up to
its own people what future they choose for themselves, may be decisive for
Russia, too."
"Going Down The Road Of Ruination"
Yekaterina Pol'guyeva insisted in nationalist opposition Sovetskaya
Rossiya (11/30): "Even if Kuchma
does not fire the Prime Minister and the leaders of eastern provinces, as
demanded by the opposition, you can be sure that Yanukovich is no longer under
Kuchma's patronage. Thus, the Prime
Minister has only two options open to him: one, he can become an independent
political figure expressing the aspirations of his electorate and, two, he can
continue looking to the top political leadership and the oligarchic clans
behind it for instructions.... There are
two things that meet the eye as you watch the situation in Ukraine. The first thing is that the opposition
completely ignores the opinions and interests of the working people. The second is Russia's role in the ongoing
events. Practically everyone agrees
that the West, primarily the U.S., has been heavily involved in the internal
affairs of sovereign Ukraine. Russia,
too, intervened initially, doing this clumsily, sometimes in a way that was
insulting to the Ukrainians. But when
bad came to worse, and there was a need for Russia to protect Ukraine's
interests, as well as its own, the Kremlin kept mum. It is unclear whether President Putin still
recognizes Yanukovich as an elected President and what he thinks of Ukraine's
eastern and southern provinces seeking Russian patronage. Most likely, we will hear more of 'respect
for territorial integrity and the choice of the Ukrainian people.'"
"Russia, EU, The U.S. Didn't Cause
Leonid Radzikhovskiy said in official government-run Rossiyskaya
Gazeta (11/30): "In fighting
for power, the contenders have all but ruined Ukraine. Russia, the EU and the United States, with
all their PR agents, are not to blame for the crisis--there were serious
internal reasons for it inside the country.
But Russia, the EU and the United States need to solve it."
"Much Of It Is Kuchma's Doing"
Vitaliy Panov pointed out in official parliament-run Parlamentskaya
Gazeta (11/30): "Of course, one
can understand Kuchma, who has only recently called peace and stability the
main accomplishment of his 10-year rule. As things are going, his dream of himself
leaving his post, as a wise 'father of the nation,' may not come true. Apparently, what is going on is largely his
"Poor Showing"
Business-oriented Vedomosti declared (11/29): "Russia's political strategists...claim
a devious conspiracy and the game of geopolitics (as a reason for what is going
on), while their own policy in Ukraine has really been inept and myopic. They are in a dead-end, their country's image,
dented as it is, impaired even more. Committed to one side, Russia can't act as an
arbiter, and there is no way for it to get out of the game gracefully. At least, it can try and get back on the
constructive track and help arrange fair elections."
"Parliamentary Republic Is Answer To Problem"
Andrey Ryabov noted in reformist Gazeta (11/29): "The events in Ukraine show that, with a
presidential type of government, presidential elections in a politically
divided society is a great risk in terms of stability. It is not fortuitous that, even before the
vote, many Ukrainian politicians and experts, speaking of the possibility of a
split, called for constitutional reform, insisting on a more flexible
presidential-parliamentary type of government or a parliamentary republic. The post-vote political crisis has proven
them right."
"The Revolution"
Stanislav Belkovskiy stated in centrist Nezavisimaya Gazeta
(11/29): "What has happened in Ukraine is a revolution. One has to admit that, regardless of one's
attitude toward revolutions, in general, and the Ukrainian revolution, in
particular. The Russian political elite,
used to live with the stereotypes of its own making, has yet to realize
it. Statements like what has happened
in Kiev is a paid take-over staged by PR agents have nothing to do with
reality. Hundreds of thousands of
people did not take to the streets for money.
Nor did they do it because they liked Viktor Yushchenko so much. It is just that they knew that they would be
defrauded. A revolution was inevitable
because the old system of government had exhausted itself.... Viktor Yanukovich is a guinea pig picked to
demonstrate the omnipotence of the Russian PR machine. The plan did not work, though. In fact, it, in large measure, contributed
to Viktor Yushchenko's success."
"A Union Of Pariah States"
Semen Novoprudskiy wrote in reformist Vremya Novostey
(11/29): "Whatever the outcome of
the Ukrainian stand-off, Moscow should ponder the effects of its policy in
former Soviet republics. As it nurtures
a community of pariah states, Russia may end up isolated again. Besides, it risks losing its territorial
integrity. Actively meddling in the
Abkhazia and, more recently, in the Ukraine elections may have grave
consequences for Russia. In Abkhazia and
Ukraine, Russia has virtually been inciting separatism, something it has been
fighting at home for almost 15 years now.
The very fact that Russian politicians and officials from President
Putin to Moscow Mayor Luzhkov have been involved in the Abkhazia election
campaign... is interference in Georgia's internal affairs. To add insult to injury, Moscow has caused
divisions in Abkhazian society. It is
even worse with Ukraine. Autonomizing
western Ukraine would pose a problem to Europe and the United States, while
autonomizing eastern Ukraine would give a headache to Russia.... Our current allies--Lukashenko's dictatorship
in Belarus, the semi-criminal regimes in beggarly Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
the unrecognized Dniester Republic in Moldavia, and eastern Ukraine with its
anti-democratic tradition--look like an 'inviolable union' of pariah
"Russia Doesn't Learn Its Lessons"
Nataliya Ratiani said in reformist Izvestiya (11/29): "It doesn't take much to see
similarities between last year's events in Georgia and today's in Ukraine. One can also find analogies to the current
situation in Abkhazia and the recent history of Serbia. Clearly, Georgia, Ukraine and Abkhazia are
merely an instrument for the West, the idea being to weaken Russian influence
in post-Soviet republics. Having lost
control in Georgia, Russia thought it had better prepare for elections in
Ukraine and Abkhazia in advance. That
has proven worse than non-interference."
"Ukraine Is Sovereign"
Yuriy Sergeyev stated in youth-oriented Komsomol'skaya Pravda
(11/26): "Ukraine and Russia are
more than strategic partners. They are
fraternal countries, regardless of who are at the helm in Moscow and Kiev. They are also sovereign. So, Yanukovych can't make Ukraine into a
Russian vassal, just as Yushchenko can't make it into our sworn enemy."
"Mob Revolutions Are Peculiar"
Yekaterina Grigoryeva opined in reformist Izvestiya
(11/26): "Viktor Yushchenko does
not want to be president, so he is doing everything not to become one. His swearing himself in as the President of
Ukraine is against the law, so much so that it is going to cost him some of his
support base, especially in Europe. The
vote was really far from perfect, but flouting the Constitution so
ostentatiously is even farther from that....
Yushchenko is provoking a split in Ukraine. By drawing crowds, he accentuates
divisions. By inciting a street revolution
in the West, he impels the East to respond in kind. His associates are openly inciting
unrest. The whole thing looks weird, as
Ukraine is not really electing anything.
This became even more apparent after the second round of the vote. There was not much to choose from even before
it, as none of the candidates is 'new power.'
Both are 'old power,' representing its different clans with different
sources of financing. For now Yushchenko
is indeed a people's president, given the crowds behind him. But mob revolutions are peculiar in that you
can never tell whom the mob will sweep away in the end."
"Moving Down Razor Blade"
Vasiliy Mikhaylovskiy argued in neo-communist weekly Slovo
(11/26): "There is hardly any doubt
in anyone's mind about the Ukraine elections as an important part of the West's
long-term strategy of isolating Russia.
The West's tactics vary and include NATO's moving up to the Russian
border, expedited 'democratic elections' in Yugoslavia and Georgia, the
building of military bases in Central Asia...all serving to isolate Russia and
break it away from allies. The drama
unfolding in the neighboring Slav country is another reminder of the
geopolitical tragedy that happened in the world in 1991. The collapse of the USSR is Crime of the
Century. Even worse, it is Crime of the
Millennium. What is going on in Ukraine
today is a clear and unambiguous signal the West is sending to Vladimir Putin. The Ukrainian events can easily be reproduced
in Russia.... It seems, however, that
our political elite has finally shed its illusions about the West. Surely, this is one of the assets of Putin's
view of the world."
"The Ukrainian Truth"
Aleksandr Tsipko opined in literary weekly Literaturnaya Gazeta
(11/24): "The Ukraine elections
have shown that the USSR breakup is complete, and there is really no chance of
integrating Ukrainian-language Ukraine with Russia. We engage in self-delusion when we speak of
Ukraine being split along the east-west lines, with the east voting for
Yanukovich, and the west for Yushchenko.
The vote attests to a center-west consolidation. Over the past 14 years a new 'political'
nation has emerged, united by the Ukrainian language, patriarchal peasant
culture, and a clear alienation from Russia and its political elite. The Ukrainian President will have to reckon
with that, as well as with the aspirations of new Ukraine. One can't fail to see that young Ukrainians,
almost all to a man, support Yushchenko, as the leader of the opposition. They grew up in post-Soviet times, removed
from Russian history, and their national mentality is devoid of Russian
memories.... The Americans, who worked
out the Yushchenko project, seem to know the new Ukraine far better than our
experts do."
"Authorities Unsure Of Themselves"
Gennadiy Sysoyev commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(11/24): "The victory of the
opposition candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, is becoming more apparent. The question now is, what does it take for
the authorities to recognize it? It is
not the vote figures given by the Yushchenko Headquarters or the results of
exit polls that gave a clear victory to the leader of the opposition. It is not even the West, which has condemned
the sham election. It is the Ukrainian
authorities themselves, which have not been acting as winners normally
do.... The authorities are hard put to
make the public believe that the 98% turnout and the nearly 100% vote in favor
of their candidate in eastern Ukraine is nothing out of the ordinary. Attempting to use force would add to the cost
of the authorities' defeat, without helping them avoid eventually having to
recognize the opposition's victory."
"International Observers Discredited"
Sergey Markov said in reformist Izvestiya (11/24): "It is like walking a tight rope. The one who uses force first will lose. But if nothing happens, the crowd will break
up in a few weeks, which will mean a victory for Yanukovich. Therefore, the authorities are biding their
time.... Yushchenko's worst mistake is
that he was too sure of his victory and let radicals stop him from meeting the
pro-Russian east and south halfway....
Western categorization of the vote as being invalid will be taken in
Moscow as a shameless attempt to rob a pro-Russian candidate of his victory and
impose an anti-Russian President on Ukraine.
International observers completely discredited themselves, as OSCE and
NATO observers focused on violations committed by the Yanukovich side, and
their NIS colleagues on those committed by the Yushchenko side. In fact, observers became parts of those two
teams. Exit polls were discredited, too,
as they were financed by foundations run by people close to one or the other
"Sick Man"
Vladimir Vorsobin wrote in youth-oriented Komsomol'skaya Pravda
(11/24): "Ukraine is like a sick
man with an undetermined diagnosis. It
may be cancer or just a cold. The
scenes of Abashidze [former President of Adjaria] being banished from Batumi
are fresh in my memory, so Kiev today is déjà vu, with the Ukrainian opposition
being so diligent in copying the relatively lawful means of taking over power
that it gives you jitters. After all,
Ukraine is no Georgia, to say the least.
It is far worse here."
"Serious Test For Bush-Putin Friendship"
Andrey Kabannikov maintained in youth-oriented Komsomol'skaya
Pravda (11/24): "The Ukraine
crisis may become the most serious test for the Putin-Bush friendship."
"Nobody Cares About People's True Choice"
Yekaterina Pol'guyeva stated in nationalist pro-opposition Sovetskaya
Rossiya (11/23): "Neither side
will give up, bent on a victory. It is
hard to tell how fair the elections were since both candidates obviously used
no-holds-barred methods and 'administrative resources,' with Moscow actively
involved on Yanukovich's side, and the West, including the U.S. and EU, on
Yushchenko's. The candidates bet on
different factors. Viktor Yushchenko
relies on mass protests staged by the opposition, hoping for a remake of the
Yugoslav and Georgian scenarios. By
contrast, Yanukovich, rather than depending on his own electorate, is looking
to the government, the Central Election Commission and, if need be, to courts
for help. Also, he has the shaky
'Russian factor' on his side. It is
shaky because Russia has never really helped any of its first-choice favorites
in the past, be it Milosevic, Shevardnadze, Abashidze [the leader of Abkhazia]
or Khadzhimba [a presidential candidate in Abkhazia].... As emotions prevail, neither of the players
seems to care about the people's true choice or about ways to help society
overcome the split."
"Thinking Of Georgian Experience"
Sergey Strokan commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(11/23): "The recent experience of
Georgia as an 'uncontrolled democracy,' may be unique to Ukraine. This is not to say that the Ukrainians may
want to emulate it. But they may use
that experience to try to picture their own future in their minds and see that
it is not as bad as President Kuchma described it in his address to the
nation. Now the Ukrainians need to
decide whether they want to live in Ukraine without Kuchma...or have the kind
of Ukraine that is being imposed on them, and depending on their choice, to
stick with their charismatic leader to the end or quietly go home, finding
comfort in the idea that there is nothing people can't get used to."
"Ukraine Is No Georgia"
Olga Romanova argued in business-oriented Vedomosti
(11/23): "Yushchenko must realize
that a revolution in Ukraine is possible but senseless. He can call upon people to build barricades
and strike a little. But the Georgian
scenario is no-go in Ukraine. Exactly a
year ago the Georgians overthrew Shevardnadze's throne. It was rotten and had no prop under it. Unlike Shevardnadze, Kuchma and Yanukovich
are sitting on sturdy chairs, real political and economic support under
them. Shevardnadze was weak and hated
by his people. Yet there were no strong
politicians in Georgia to replace him.
There are plenty of them in Ukraine."
"Elections Over. Real Choice Ahead"
Youth-oriented Moskovskiy Komsomolets declared
(11/23): "Ukraine is at a
crossroads. The narrow margin between
the contenders' votes gives hope to both.
Clearly, Yushchenko's supporters will stick to their unfair-vote side of
the story. Similarly, the Central
Election Commission will respond by citing violations involving the Yushchenko
team. Whatever, real power is now with
the winning side. The Rada may not
recognize the vote outcome, but Yanukovich may promise it wider rights under
constitutional reform.... As for the
parts of the country that overwhelmingly voted for Yushchenko, their governors
may quickly change their minds once Kiev 'forgets' sending them another
"It's Not Only Politics"
Business-oriented Vedomosti editorialized (11/23): "The new President should see that
common sense prevails. He needs no
political excesses now that he must deal with the economy. It is an open secret that the Ukraine vote is
not only politics. It is also a clash of
business interest, a corporate war of sorts....
Now what will happen to the population if the winner, whoever he is,
fails to keep up high growth rates in the economy and repay the debts?
"Compromise Inevitable"
Yuriy Sergiyenko stated in youth-oriented Komsomol'skaya Pravda
(11/23): "The elites in Western and
Eastern Ukraine are bound to come to terms.
As for the scare tactics they use against each other, speaking of
protest actions, unrest, divisions and other cataclysms, they provide a good
backdrop for negotiations."
"Ukraine At Crossroads"
Nataliya Gevorkyan commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(11/22): "The presidential election
in Ukraine is a historical crossroads. Following one fork will take you back to the
USSR, while following the other will take you to the future, unknown but
exciting and, most probably, promising.
Choosing the future, rather than hurting Russia's geopolitical
interests, as claimed by Russian officials, will hurt those very officials'
great power ambitions. Only a Russia
that is not free and not democratic can oppose Ukraine going free and
democratic.... Ironically, depending on
what they pick, the Ukrainians may take us Russians along, either to the
unknown but free and promising future or back to the USSR."
AUSTRIA: "Time Is The
Livia Klingl commented in mass-circulation Kurier
(11/30): "For the Ukraine, playing
for time is not a solution, no more than the search for a compromise. With two
winners, there can be no compromise. To continue the current power struggle,
however, will sooner or later lead to the disintegration of the vast country
along its historic dividing lines as well as those lines that divide the
population according to their political leanings.... Moreover, the Ukraine serves as an example of
Western media reporting. The thousands of Jushchenko fans that support the
'orange revolution' are shown daily on Western TV screens. Interested viewers
know a lot about their arguments by now. The key statement is: We are not so much for one candidate and
against the other--we are for democracy. The Eastern part of the Ukraine is
represented in the media only in a rudimentary sense. The people there for the
most part are under the impression that it is their job to bring in the money
for the country, which means that they profit from proximity to Russia. They
are less interested in the issue of election fraud, and independent media
reporting is likewise not their primary concern. It is also because a free
press does not exist that people are afraid of change, not keen on it. To
relieve the ideology-laden situation, the West, which--like Moscow--is
interfering, ought to make it clear that the issue is not individual candidates
but election fraud. And that, while it will not accept fraud, it will respect
the true choice of the Ukrainians."
"Autonomy Russian Style"
Josef Kirchengast said in independent Der Standard
(11/30): "Whenever the word
'autonomy' pops up in connection with a conflict on the territory of the former
Soviet Union, caution is the order of the day. On the weekend, representatives
of Ukraine's Eastern regions, in a meeting with Prime Minister Victor
Janukovich, threatened to hold a referendum on the autonomy of these regions,
should opposition leader Yushchenko become President. Moscow's Mayor Yuri
Lushkov, who had been flown in especially for this meeting, supported their
claim and promised help from Russia's President Vladimir Putin.... It seems a certainty that Moscow has worked
out a secession scenario for the Ukraine. And obviously, there are clever
strategists who would like to implement it step by step. Hopefully, there will
also be reasonable people who are strong enough to make the know-it-alls
realize the consequences of such an action. The Ukraine is practically in every
respect a key country for the stability of the entire continent. If even the campaign
manager of Russia's protégé Janukovich, who resigned on Monday, called the
threats 'madness,' any further commentary is superfluous."
"The Threat Of Violence And
Livia Kling stated in mass-circulation Kurier
(11/28): “Despite the suspension of the
election results in Ukraine, the threat of escalation is still looming.... However, this can’t be in the interest of any
of the major players.... For this very
reason, the EU has now turned its gaze towards Ukraine. EU foreign policy chief
Xavier Solana’s goal for Kiev is a transfer of power similar to
Georgia.... The insecurity and the
threat of the huge country’s possible partition demonstrate the significance of
stability in the vicinity of the EU. It also goes to show how quickly insecurity
can emerge, if peace and quiet depends on individuals and not
institutions.... The best protection
from instability is the export of stability....
The proof that democracy cannot be won with guns can be seen every day
in Iraq.”
"Putin’s Miscalculation"
Markus Bernath held in liberal Der Standard
(11/28): “For the second time this fall
the Kremlin has pinned its hopes on the wrong candidate, and Russia’s President
Vladimir Putin got pretty much the opposite of what he wanted with his massive
support...for Moscow-friendly regimes in Abkhazia and Ukraine.... The power struggle in Ukraine, however, is
far more significant and momentous, both for Moscow and the EU, than the one in
little Abkhazia. The mechanisms at work here are the same, though. Putin
massively supported Ukrainian Premier Yanukovych and thus only added to the
polarization of the country’s electorate....
The Kremlin is losing its vassals, and today’s events in Ukraine could
soon help government critics secure their election victory in places such as
Belarus, Armenia and in Central Asian states.”
"Uprising Against The Lie"
Burkhard Bischof held in centrist Die Presse
(11/24): "In reality, Ukraine with
its strong Russian-speaking minority and the Eastern and Southern parts of the
country that are oriented towards Russia does not, from a political, economic
and cultural perspective, belong exclusively to the Western sphere of
influence. However, no more can Ukraine with its anti-totalitarian,
pro-European traditions in the Western and central parts of the country once
again become a satellite of Moscow....
Many hold the opinion that the EU could play an important role in
helping Ukraine develop a democratic national identity while at the same time
counteracting Moscow's attempts to once again gain control of the country
politically and economically. Up to now, the EU, apart from pious speeches and
hollow formulas...has failed to offer Ukraine a realistic vision of its role in
Europe. Brussels should interpret the November uprising against abuse of power
as a cry for help."
"Putin's Western Wall"
Ernst Trost remarked in mass-circulation tabloid Neue
Kronenzeitung (11/24):
"President Putin was the first to congratulate the official winner
of the presidential elections. After all, Victor Janukovich guarantees that
things will remain as they are in the Ukraine and that the country, which,
after Russia, is the largest in Europe, will not in the future be tempted to
seek its fortune with NATO and the EU....
The power and oligarchy network around outgoing President Kuchma did
everything to defend its privileges and the large fortune it has gathered
through questionable means against Yushchenko, who preached correctness and
reforms. The methods that were used in the process could fill a volume on
election fraud. The Ukrainian people do not want to accept this. But how long
is the determination to resist going to last? Is the Ukraine another candidate
for a gentle revolution like the Georgian Republic? And how would Putin react
to that?"
"Showdown In Kiev"
Josef Kirchengast maintained in independent Der Standard
(11/23): "The true extent of
election manipulation will be shown in the persistence with which the
opposition pursues its statewide protest campaign. The reaction of the power
apparatus will also depend on that.
Victor Jushenko knows that he has a realistic chance to turn the tide.
If a sufficiently large number of those who up to now have profited from the
system come to the conclusion that it is better to get used to the idea of a
change of power than to risk a confrontation with uncertain outcome, the
opposition leader has won. However, this would only be a partial victory, since
it will be much more difficult to do away with the corrupt system than to win
an election, even if one has to fight ever so hard."
"Why Janukovich Had To Win"
Burkhard Bischof asserted in centrist Die
Presse (11/23): "It is hard to
figure out how the Ukrainian bossdom works. However, this much is clear: the ruling clan wants to hold on to power.... If, from the beginning, they were not willing
to accept a democratic change of power, why then did the Kuchma clique initiate
these elections--elections that were so blatantly manipulated before the eyes
of the world that a President Janukovich will have to carry the huge burden of
a legitimacy problem around with him during his entire term in office? He will
never be accepted as a President who was elected freely and fairly--neither
among his own population nor abroad."
"Courting Brussels, Clinging To
Editor Jana Patsch contended in mass-circulation
Kurier (11/23): "The West
which opposition candidate Jushenko favored is an illusion anyhow. The same
West that still took some trouble with other new democracies has a white blank
on its map where the Ukraine is located. Neither the EU nor NATO have as much
as hinted that they are planning to take the Ukraine into their respective
families in the near future. In this, the West differs from Vladimir Putin's
Russia. It makes an effort on behalf of its impoverished neighbor. In contrast
to others, Russian companies invest in the Ukraine. Russia provides energy at a
favorable price that keeps the electricity and heating running in the
Ukraine.... The saying that has been
valid up to now--'Courting Brussels in the spring, clinging to Moscow in the
fall'--is likely to hold true for the future as well, no matter who turns out
to be President of the Ukraine."
"A Suitable Democracy"
Foreign affairs writer Josef Kirchengast noted in independent Der
Standard (11/22): "Russia's
Putin is obviously convinced that Russia is not fit for democracy, Western
style--on account of its history, its culture, its sheer size. The peoples between St. Petersburg and
Vladivostok need a firm hand that leads them--this is the well-known consideration
behind this assumption.... That Putin's
hypothesis is wrong is being demonstrated in the Ukraine just now. In this historic heartland of the Russian
nation, a civil society has emerged in the few years since its independence. It is largely because of this that the
citizens had a real alternative to the ruling system in the presidential
elections on Sunday--despite all attempts at manipulation. This shows that, in the Russian culture too,
people know full well what kind of democracy they want--provided one allows
Ludwig De Vocht contended in independent financial De Tijd
(11/27): "Suddenly, Ukraine has
become the ante in a test of strength between Europe and Russia. In Moscow’s view, Ukraine unquestionably
belongs to its sphere of influence.
Europe--which is wondering today whether Turkey is part of Europe--is
suddenly confronted with the possibility that it may lose Ukraine to the
Russian bear. However, the Europeans can
sleep on both ears. Early this week
Russian Vice Foreign Minister Vladimir Tchikov declared that the new Russian
missile systems--whose existence was revealed by Putin last week--are not aimed
at Europe. For the time being, that is.”
"Not A Buffer"
Marc Van de Weyer asserted in conservative Christian-Democrat Het
Belang van Limburg (11/27):
"Russia’s rulers view Ukraine as a buffer against Western
influence--from the EU and NATO. Moscow
perceives an move forward by Brussels and Washington in Kiev. To stop that march the presidential ambition
of pro-European opposition leader Yuchenko had to be sabotaged. In recent days hundreds of thousands of
Ukrainians have made in clear that they do not accept that. Their protest is not without danger. Yuchenko’s rival, Yanukovych, can count on
dependable support in Eastern Ukraine and from the large Russian minority. There is also the question of how far Russia
will go to safeguard its sphere of influence in Ukraine--Little Russia, as many
call it in Moscow. But, the Ukrainian
responsible citizens...are conquering their place in the European house--no
matter what the Kremlin thinks about it.”
"Ukraine Between Lambs And Wolves"
Martin Vrba observed in mainstream MF Dnes (11/30): "It was not the presidential elections
that divided Ukraine. The elections only
made the divergence between the eastern and western parts of the country more
visible. Unified Ukraine exists only on
maps. In reality, people there speak two
different languages and belong to two different faiths. [One Czech writer] once said that the
Rusian-Polish conflict is not an aggression of a wolf against an innocent lamb,
but a scuffle between two wolves, where Ukraine is the wretched lamb. Even today, it was Moscow and Warsaw that
hastened to mediate the conflict in Ukraine.
Can, however, the best of mediators avert a civil war and maintain the
unity of a country? Shouldn't the recent
experience of the successful split of Czechoslovakia be of more help to the
Ukrainians?.... There is, however, one
critical difference between the situation in the former Czechoslovakia and
today’s Ukraine. The boundary between
the Czech Republic and Slovakia was clearly defined and historically
indisputable. Forming the boundary
inside Ukraine would, however, require a great deal of good will on both
"Ukraine And Our European Zeros"
Lubos Palata wrote in center-right Lidove noviny
(11/24): "European diplomats are
carefully choosing words even in a situation when it is evident that elections
were manipulated. The real super-powers
act; Putin is congratulating his Yanukovych, and Bush is threatening Kuchma
with tough sanctions. European voices
are not audible once again. Only the
Poles are trying to save the face of the old continent, because they know they
are trying to save themselves. Have
another dictatorship right next door would be too bad for them. The desperate Ukrainians are beseeching Lech
Walesa to come to prevent civil war.
They did not even think about approaching Javier Solana or Jose
Barossa. Which is just as well--the
European zeros won’t save them."
"Our Ukraine"
Lubos Palata fumed in center-right Lidove noviny
(11/23): "Ukraine is not a distant
country and although some may claim that it will never become a part of the EU,
in reality the Ukrainians have been part of this structure for some time
already. Under the rule of Kuchma,
Ukraine has become one of the most corrupt and one of the poorest countries of
Europe.... While Europe would prefer to
forget that Ukraine even exists, Russia would gladly get hold of it. How many times have elections in this country
been manipulated? The Ukrainians will
have to fight this battle themselves.
However, we should stop pretending that we don’t care whether these
elections were fair or not, as we will be faced with their consequences in the
form of Ukrainians fleeing their country not only because of poverty but also
to protect themselves from the “new” regime."
HUNGARY: "To Be Or Not
To Be"
Tamas Ronay opined in left-of-center Nepszava (11/30): “For a long time to come, Ukraine will be
left to its own devices. It cannot count on significant Western
assistance.... The EU ought to pay more
attention to Ukraine with which, since May, it shares a border. Let us admit
that so far the EU has reacted in a rather reserved way to the events in Kiev:
perhaps because it does not want to enter into a confrontation with Vladimir
Putin. Nevertheless, it would not hurt if the Russian President faced the fact that,
whether he liked it or not, Ukraine was an independent country and was at
liberty to decide about its own fate.”
"At The Border Of Two Worlds"
Tamas Ronay pointed out in left-of-center Nepszava
(11/27): “It is peculiar that the poor
of Eastern Ukraine sympathize with Kuchma, as well as with Yanukovich. They
recall the Soviet times with nostalgia: then they had work and made enough
money for basic necessities. They think they could rise again.... They hope for the return of the era when--at
least in principle--workers were on top of the social food chain. Those living
in the central and Western parts of the country, on the other hand, hold that
there is no future in Kuchma’s economic program that, even if only in traces,
is reminiscent of the former Soviet planned economy. The reformers have had
enough of the state having a say in everything, influencing economy in an
exaggerated degree while it has hardly kept its potential to maintain the
living standard.... Moscow, obviously,
is rather doubtful about the efforts of the Ukrainian reformers. In addition to
economic reasons, however, [Russia] would have a hard time accepting that the
Slavic states, Ukraine and the Belarus, get rid of [Russian] control.... Neither is Russia enthusiastic about the Ukrainian
efforts at reform because it is concerned that if a pro-West leadership gets
into power in the two republics, it would have unpredictable consequences on
Russian domestic politics.”
"Questions On The Ukraine"
Gabor Miklos explained in top-circulation, left-of-center Nepszabadsag
(11/27): “Yanukovich has sold the
promise of stability and permanent development. He offered protection to those
who were concerned about being distanced from Russia, were afraid of Ukrainian
nationalism, and he implied that his team was nothing to be concerned about, as
they had already acquired what they needed. In view of that, it is bizarre that
Western observers and the media classify Yuschenko as a pro-West democrat and
liberal, while they characterize Yanukovich as a conservative favoring
Moscow.... For a long time, Western
politicians have been saying that the Ukraine might 'slip back into the Soviet
Union'.... There is an ever strengthening
and more and more confident Russia that, obviously, would like to rebuild the
empire that fell apart. And that will not happen without the Ukraine.... For the industrial barons of Eastern Ukraine
and the Russian-speaking residents of the region this not a bad perspective.
Especially if Brussels is not inclined even to speculate about accession. It is
a frequent question in Kiev: Why are the Ukrainians less European than the
Turks or the Romanians? Brussels’ rejection, understandably, has turned the
groups with 'Russian civilization' towards Moscow.... Regardless of the true background, Putin
would hardly welcome a true change in power, a break with the post-Soviet
model. He cannot want NATO’s and EU’s continuing approach so that they have
this big a bite out of the remaining empire. Therefore, for him, Yanukovich is
the appropriate man, even if he puts soldiers alongside the Americans in Iraq.
And just because the Ukraine and the continuity of the political setup in that
country is also important for the Russians, it is hardly conceivable that
President Bush would seriously punish Kiev for the election pranks.”
"Two Ukraines"
Peter Barabas opined in left-of-center Nepszava
(11/24): “What is happening in Ukraine
these days is an event of outstanding significance. Not only the Ukrainians,
but all of Europe will feel its consequences.... There are more who are dissatisfied [than
satisfied]: one can say, the entire West. It has done a lot to make sure
Yushchenko would be the winner, hoping that he would take Washington’s and
Brussels’s interests more into consideration than his predecessor.... What one knows at the moment is that,
whatever the final results of the showdown will be, Ukraine has split into
"Man Of The Day"
Tamas Ronay held in left-of-center Nepszava (11/23): “The division of the country is not recent at
all, and it is basically not a confrontation between the pro-Kuchma and their
opponents: the majority of the population in the Eastern part of the country
would commit to Russia, while the central and Western parts, since the second
half of the 19th century, have been urging to choose the 'Ukrainian road.' By today, this latter view has changed so
that the West-Ukrainians can envision complete independence from Russia by--following
the example of the Baltic countries--their country joining NATO and the EU.”
"Change Of President, Change Of Regime"
Albert Gazda pointed out in business-oriented Vilaggazdasag
(11/23): “We have always known that the
Ukraine was not one country, but the elections results show that the borders
are not exactly where we thought them to be. Regardless of the statistics,
Ukrainian is spoken almost only in the Western counties. Still, the proponents
of the independent, democratic, 'Westerner' Ukrainian state won the majority
even in the central territories, primarily in Kiev where the opposition, to
everyone’s great surprise, won a landslide victory.... The candidates’ political views are mentioned
the least. It is natural. In the Ukraine, the usual categories are not valid;
it makes no sense to talk about left or right, conservatives or
liberals.... At the moment, it is
impossible to predict who the Ukraine’s President will be.... The 99% [turnout] reminds one of the old
[Communist] times, and confirms our conclusion that 1989 is happening in the
Ukraine now.... What is for certain: in
addition to the orange flags and the national colors, one could also see
Georgian flags in the Kiev crowd.”
"Situation Emerging In Ukraine"
Gabor Miklos remarked in top-circulation center-left Nepszabadsag
(11/23): “The current Ukrainian power
will not risk losing [the election]. Not because the opposition’s leader and
his team were that much different from them in their program. Probably, there
is no decisive difference between them regarding the foreign policy line to
follow, either. No government in the Ukraine can pursue a policy confronting
Russia, and nor can it survive if it closes itself to the West. At present, it
has three EU member countries for neighbors, and soon Romania will be one, too. Western economic relations are at least as
important for the Ukrainians as the Eastern ones. Yuschenko is styled as
pro-West, but, in fact, it was his predecessor and opponent who sent a large
military contingent to the Iraq mission....
With Yuschenko, some of [those demonstrating on the streets] want to get
rid of corruption, others of the unpatriotic leadership, and still others of
poverty. Some dream of freedom and the rule of law. Observers also see cultural
differences behind the crisis: the Western half of the Ukraine has different
religious and historical traditions from those in the East and South.... Consequently, at least half of the Ukrainian
society want change, while the current power does not even reluctantly observe
the formally accepted democratic rules. And this is, if not a revolution, but
still a deep political crisis we must pay attention to. If in our
neighborhood...many people are compelled to flee, or to choose emigration, it
will concern us [Hungary] by all means. Are we prepared for the refugees? And
what if the country does split in half? If, because of that, there will be
disturbances in the energy supplies and the transport of hydrocarbons--do
Budapest offices have an emergency plan in place?”
"The Third Round"
Foreign Affairs Editor Gabor Stier concluded in right-of-center Magyar
Nemzet (11/23): “The stakes are very
high. After decades of drifting, will the Ukraine, between the East and the
West, be able to take its fate into its own hands, will the kleptocratic,
oligarchic regime survive, or will the fall fog be penetrated by the new
thinking promising openness and transparency?.... The situation is further complicated by the
fact that, at the same time, the Ukraine is also the most recent battleground
of the fight for influence in the post-Soviet region, in which regard the
Ukraine is of key importance.... In
spite of all of the above, what has really decided the outcome of the elections
was that Yanukovich and the forces promoting, for lack of any better, him, have
unscrupulously abused the power in their hands, and the elections took place in
the atmosphere of fear. The clans dominating the country used whatever means
available, they even bought American ex-senators, the fraudulent system was in
place; thus turnout in the Donyets Basin, considered an entail of the Prime
Minister, was sometimes higher than 100 %....
In this explosive mood what is at stake is whether those whom the
elections committees declared losers will, taken to the streets, be able to
prove that they did win in the voting booths. It might be of assistance for
them (and that is what the third round will also be about) whether the
international community will recognize the election as democratic, and what is
even more important, how far it will be willing to go in exerting pressure.
Today, the Ukraine is staggering on the verge of civil war. One can only hope
that democracy can win without bloodshed in this part of Europe.”
IRELAND: "Ukraine
Waits For A Solution"
The center-left Irish Times contended (11/29): "The political crisis in Ukraine has
deepened alarmingly over the weekend....
Ukraine is being terrorized by excessively simplistic slogans and
demands raised on the back of the deeply flawed two-round presidential
election. It saw blatant fraud organized by state authorities in favor of Mr
Yanokovych, which probably gave him an unfair victory. But Mr Yushchenko's
campaign has also questions to answer about fraudulent practices. And enormous
geopolitical pressures from Moscow and Washington have dangerously raised the
political temperature. All eyes will be on Ukraine's supreme court today to see
if it rules the elections illegal and orders a rerun. Both sides have said they
would accept its ruling, although in this fevered situation such commitments cannot
be trusted. There are hints that Russian leaders would also accept a rerun.
This would be a welcome decision; but as much effort should go into thinking
about formulae to allow power to be shared after an election as into the
efforts to win it by both sides. Ukraine is so deeply divided, and the crisis
has so exacerbated its cleavages, that this will probably be the only way to
avoid the country splitting apart. That would be a tragedy for Ukrainians--and
potentially a disaster for political stability and development in Europe.
Power-sharing mechanisms need urgent attention.... A winner takes all approach would only
reinforce division, no matter how fair another election.... Equally urgent is the search for political
means to assure Russia that democratic change in Ukraine will not undermine its
long-term security interests, for example by ruling out NATO membership. Such
an initiative comes best from the EU, whose leadership has been straining to
mediate on the basis of democratic rights and political security. Finding a way
through this crisis is a fundamental challenge to its continental role.”
"Putin Holds The Key"
The center-right populist Irish Independent declared
(11/29): "The opinion of the
western world, as expressed by the leaders of the EU and the U.S., is
unanimous. The Ukrainian people cannot be denied their democratic rights. But
the scene has darkened. The supporters
of Yanukovich have mounted their own campaign. They do not simply favor the existing
corrupt regime. They are chiefly Orthodox in religion and pro-Russian by
tradition and represent the eastern half of the country and almost 50% of the
population. They not only threaten civil war, they have put forward a demand
for a referendum on a proposal to split the country in two that would mean
overturning a vital principle, respect for borders, and could not be taken
lightly by the international community.
A peaceful internal solution is not yet impossible. The parliament in
Kiev has rejected the rigged election result. Today the supreme court will
begin to examine the question. It could cancel the result and order a new
poll. But that could lead to a turbulent
election campaign, with no guarantee of general acceptance of the outcome and
with daunting difficulties for any new regime that wished to turn westwards, to
the EU and NATO, as other former communist countries have done. Outside pressure may not suffice to overcome
the crisis, but it must be attempted and intensified. The key is to bring
President Vladimir Putin on board. He has softened his line in recent days, but
he views with anxiety any further loss of influence. He must be persuaded that
democracy and avoidance of civil conflict are more important than loss of
Moscow's prestige in countries it formally ruled.”
"Tarnished Ukraine Poll A Test For EU"
The center-left Irish Times opined (11/23): "There are substantial grounds for
believing that the recent elections in Ukraine were far from fair. Supporters
of the pro-Russian prime minister, Mr Viktor Yanukovich, have claimed victory
over his pro-Western liberal opposition leader, Mr Viktor Yushchenko. While
almost every other observer has cried foul, Russian President Vladimir Putin's
personal envoy congratulated Mr Yanukovich on his ‘victory’ and presumably
hopes everyone--not least the people of Ukraine--will fall silent and into
line.... Election observers from the
OSCE examined the conduct of Sunday's second round presidential election and
yesterday pronounced themselves less than satisfied…..The US administration
will develop its own view based on a report by Senator Richard Lugar.... His report to Mr Bush is unlikely to differ
in substance to that of the OSCE.... The
OSCE observers noted more serious violations, including isolated incidents of
violence, and a pattern of intimidation, some of it directed towards observers,
polling commission members and individual voters. This is a test for the
European Union. The EU shares a border with Ukraine and has a legitimate
interest in supporting economic prosperity there and democracy too
(irrespective of who wins free and fair elections). The EU should cool economic
and political relations with Ukraine and carefully target entry visa refusals.
A ruling elite that corrupts democracy should be sent the strongest possible
message of disapproval.”
"Undemocratic Ukraine"
Left-of-center Trouw editorialized (11/24): "The fact that the Ukraine is not a
showcase for democracy, that we already knew.... However, the West tolerated quite a lot,
hoping the country was going through the final spasms of the transition
process.... But the recent elections are
a big step in the wrong direction....
The U.S. and the EU should demand the election outcome be revised or
demand new elections. And if Yanukovitch
were to still take office, the U.S. and the EU should impose sanctions even though
they would be taking the risk that the Ukraine moves closer to Russia.... The EU should also reconsider its lenient
position toward Putin who has been getting quite some room to maneuver because
of the international war on terrorism.
The Russian president should not get the opportunity to, via the back
gate, restore the Soviet Union."
"Ukrainian Fraud"
Influential independent NRC Handelsblad maintained
(11/23): "The Presidential
elections in the Ukraine, a buffer zone between Europe and Russia, turned out
to be a farce.... The Ukraine is facing
a difficult task of trying to keep the country together after the fraudulent
elections.... The international
community could help by increasing pressure on the Kremlin.... The EU could do some useful work. The most important issue on the EU-Russian
agenda at the upcoming summit is now: what to do with the Ukraine. The answer to this is simple: the elections
must be revised or there must be new elections following democratic
standards. This issue will be an
interesting test case for the EU and its current president. Having a Ukraine with a pro-Kremlin president
who came to power in an undemocratic way can forget about EU membership for
now. Many in Europe will be happy about
this. But having a Ukraine with a
pro-western president who will soon apply for EU membership will impose new
problems. Nevertheless, these can be
dealt with at a later point. For now the
most important thing is a clean democratic process. That has been violated and should be restored
as soon as possible."
NORWAY: "Ukraine’s
Unrest Worries Europe"
Newspaper-of-record Aftenposten concluded (11/27): "The election results cannot be
recognized because there has obviously been massive vote tampering in very many
places.... Putin’s statement was a
breath from much colder political times in European history, and revealed that
the understanding of democracy still isn’t especially well developed in a
country that is a member of the European Council and supposedly has recognized
fundamental democratic principles. It is these principles that have been broken
in Ukraine. But it is altogether too late to send a fine for the damages.”
"Cold Warriors"
Independent VG maintained (11/26): "The election drama in the Ukraine shows
that some of the methods from the days of the cold war are still alive,
although somewhat reduced. Foreign election observers agree: This is election
fraud, this is a major election swindle. Yes, the accusations are harsh and the
evidence is so clear that even President Putin has withdrawn his strong support
and warm congratulations to the handpicked winner of the Presidential Election.
Putin was maybe not completely comfortable with the situation when he
discovered that he was only accompanied by one other congratulator; the Belarus
President Aleksander Lukasjenko, also known as Europe’s last dictator. But the
last-mentioned did at least hold his congratulations until the alleged election
result was ready. Unlike his Russian Presidential colleague.”
"The Power Of Russia And The Election Of The Ukraine"
Newspaper-of-record Aftenposten commented (11/24): “A dramatic fight, which in the end is about
Russia’s power position in eastern Europe, is raging around this weekend’s
controversial election in the Ukraine… Moscow does not want, and will do almost
anything in its power, to stop the Ukraine from getting a leadership focused on
the west and which will manage the country into a close cooperation with the EU
and –maybe— NATO. There are classical Russian great-power interests at play
here… For the neighboring countries to the west the biggest fear is a Russia
that step by step reunites with Belarus and eventually with the Ukraine. Then
Moscow will again secure its status as a superpower… This is why the EU…
supports an independent Ukraine. Preferably without estranging Russia. Nobody
knows if it is doable. For now it is the demonstrators in the streets that fill
the gap after a questionable election.”
POLAND: "Polish Conspiracy
Leopold Unger wrote in liberal Gazeta Wyborcza
(11/30): “[Some in Russia claim that the
events in Ukraine] are the result of a Polish conspiracy...and that
Yushchenko’s election campaign was ‘prepared by the Polish diaspora'.... They ignore the fact that without the
Ukrainians, no intervention from the outside--be it Poland, America, or the
moon--would turn Kiev’s chilly and snowy streets into a sea of enthusiastic
crowds, roiling with enthusiasm day and night. However, external
interventions--with violence and blood or by blackmail--do happen sometimes in
such situations. But historically, they have never paid off. The history of
Russia has plenty examples of such interventions. Perhaps enough is enough?”
"Architects Of A Second Yalta"
Piotr Jendroszczyk commented in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(11/30): “Vladimir Putin was and
continues to be seen in Western Europe almost as a man of providence, who is
supposed to guarantee peace in Russia and in the entire [region] in Russia’s
zone of influence. The EU--busy with expansion, the Balkans, and then with
international terrorism--does not want any new conflicts, as it plans to finish
uniting Europe. This is one of the pillars of an unwritten agreement between
Europe and Russia, which is, in fact, a second Yalta.”
"One Must Understand Russia, But Cannot Give In"
Wojciech Jagielski wrote in liberal Gazeta Wyborcza
(11/29): “Ukraine is inseparably tied to Russia, claims one of the Russian
president’s advisers.... Russia’s problem, and the problem with Russia, is that
the President is a Chekist [‘Cheka’ is a predecessor of the KGB], so Russia
understands its power in a Chekist manner and struggles for it from that
perspective. For a Chekist, a free society is hideous and dangerous…. One must
understand Russia but does not have to give in to it only because it becomes
capricious or stamps its feet in anger.”
"Ukraine Versus Ruskraine"
Juliusz Urbanowicz commented in right-of-center weekly Wprost
(11/29): “Putin’s annoyance is easy to
understand: the future of Russia and its president is being determined in the
streets of Kiev. [Putin’s] two visits to Kiev were to no avail.... Vladimir Putin has to retreat from Ukraine
under the pressure of peaceful demonstrations. We are observing a solemn
funeral of Russia’s overall politics of the last decade in the Maidan
Nezalezhnosti [Independence Square].”
"Ukraine Needs Our Help"
Editor-in-chief Grzegorz Jankowski opined in tabloid Fakt
(11/25): “The world shows restraint
toward what has happened [in Ukraine].
Only the United States, so ridiculed and condemned in Europe, reacted
strongly to the developments in Ukraine and threatened the Kiev usurpers with
sanctions. It turned out one more time
that as Poland struggles in support of the democratic forces in Ukraine, it can
count on America above all.”
"Ukraine Needs Us"
Waclaw Radziwinowicz and Marcin Wojciechowski commented in liberal
Gazeta Wyborcza (11/25):
“Yesterday those in power showed they respect no one as they announced
the results ‘painted’ by themselves--as people in Kiev say. It is an assault on
democracy, an offense against their own nation. We must show solidarity with
the victims. Today people in Kiev keep
asking: ‘Who does Poland stand
for?’ They should hear plainly that we
stand for them.”
"Ukraine: Conditions For A Dialogue"
Jan Skorzynski wrote in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(11/24): “The campaign of civil
disobedience conducted by Victor Yushchenko’s supporters seems to be the best
response to the election fraud committed by the group in power.... How to solve the Ukrainian impasse?.... A sensible solution would be for
representatives from international institutions to get involved--for example,
the Council of Europe and the EU--to seek a solution for Ukraine and pave the
way for dialogue. The dialogue can assume various forms, but it must lead to an
honest recount of votes or to another round of elections. Those should be the
preliminary conditions for a Ukrainian compromise.”
"I Saw Happy Ukrainians"
Adam Szostkiewicz commented in center-left weekly Polityka
(11/24): “Ukraine is emerging from the
election confrontation torn and weak. A
lingering internal conflict would only make it weaker, which is neither in the
interest of Ukrainians, nor Poland, nor Europe. The president-elect and his
first decisions must be watched closely. For now, it is the sincere democrats
who deserve more attention and support--the modern Ukrainian civic society. If
this force perseveres and develops by the next elections, good fortune will
smile on Ukraine.”
"The Dice Are Cast"
Editor-in-chief Grzegorz Jankowski observed in tabloid Fakt
(11/24): “Perhaps it is not a great
exaggeration to say that the road for Ukraine and the entire East is being
determined right now. Ukrainians firmly said ‘no’ to blatant abuses of law in
their country.... If they lose the
battle, Ukraine will go down the road toward an authoritarian regime steered by
the Kremlin. But if they win, the dreams of rebuilding the authoritarian
Russian empire will crumble--at least for some time.”
"We, The People"
Centrist Rzeczpospolita railed (11/23): “The Ukrainians are raising their heads and
learning how to be citizens in their own country, how to say strongly: We, the
people. They cannot be left alone in this effort. We must show solidarity with
our Eastern neighbor. The West, including Poland, should clearly support
democratic forces and warn the Ukrainian authorities that it will not respect
the falsified election outcome. The United States and the EU countries should
also stop Putin’s Russia from attempting to offer ‘brotherly help’ to Kuchma
and Yanukovych.”
"Let’s Wake Up The West"
Liberal Gazeta Wyborcza editorialized (11/23): “This is one of the moments when the fate of
nations hangs in the balance. The elections in Ukraine were brutally falsified
by those gathered around Prime Minister Yanukovych.... They are supported by the state apparatus, by
President Kuchma, the Army, police, media--and Russia. Without Russia, no one
in Ukraine would dare such a show of contempt for democracy. Opposing [these
forces] are millions of Yushchenko’s voters...who will not allow themselves to
be cheated. Will their determination suffice?.... It is a moment of truth for Europe and the
entire West.”
"A New Ukraine Is Being Born”
Maciej Letowski remarked in right-of-center Zycie
(11/23): “It required as many as ten
days to announce the results of presidential elections after the first round.
After the second round, they were announced just after ten hours. This
obviously shows that a political decision had been made in the Kremlin a long
time ago, and Kiev simply had to make it happen.... Warsaw, but Brussels above all, should press
the Kuchma team--and the Kremlin even more - to respect the Ukrainian quest for
"Ukraine Takes A Step Back"
Editor-in-chief Grzegorz Jankowski commented in tabloid Fakt
(11/23): “Victorious Yanukovych and
incumbent President Leonid Kuchma must be convinced that the opposition is weak
if they decided to make such a blatant move. Indeed, the Ukrainian opposition
will lose if it does not get support from Europe.”
"Ukraine Is Different"
Maciej Letowski wrote in right-of-center Zycie
(11/20): “Regardless of the outcome of
the elections, we already know that Ukraine is different from Russia and
Belarus. Despite its neighborhood and
strong cultural ties, Ukraine’s political system is European rather than
Russian. No matter who is going to
win...Ukraine is having real elections.
These are not Russian-type elections where a winner is known in advance. There is no political alternative to Putin
not only because the opposition is weak and the Kremlin is strong, but because
Russians themselves do not expect any competition.... In this regard, Ukraine is different.”
Editor-in-Chief Jose Manuel Fernandes noted in influential
moderate-left Público (11/24):
"Europe (which should be accompanied by the U.S.) can't permit such
gross tramplings of democratic rules to occur at its door, in a state with
which it share borders. Unofrtunately,
it is unlikely that Europe goes much further than feeble protests, if the
popular revolt fades away. The
‘realists’ will prefer to maintain good relations with Moscow, continuing to
close their eyes to a Kremlin which is becoming increasingly authoritarian and
auto-imperial. In Europe, for lack of
power. In the U.S., because they need
[Russia in the fight] against terrorism....
And as Ukraine is neither a Georgia nor a Serbia, only a miracle would
allow for the symbolic but empty act of Luschenko, who yesterday proclaimed
himself President, to come to be recognized one day.”
ROMANIA: "Secession
Mihai Ionescu opined in pro-opposition Romania Libera
(11/29): "The specter of secession
flows over the Ukraine, the present crisis showing that the differences in
mentality and attitude between the capital and the western regions on one hand,
and the south and east provinces on the other, are irreconcilable. There is talk about two 'Ukraines'--a western
one, which is nationalistic and Russo-phobic, Greek-Catholic in its majority
and supporting the opposition leader, Viktor Yushchenko, and the other one--a
pro-Russian, industrial, Orthodox and anti-Western, supporter of the pro-Moscow
PM Viktor Yanukovych. It might be
possible to solve the current political crisis by organizing new presidential
elections; it will be harder to resolve the domestic gap.”
Alexandru Lazescu wrote in intellectual weekly 22
(11/27): "The situation in the
Ukraine deserves to be watched with great attention. And not because Bucharest and Kiev are in
full conflict over the Bastroe channel in the Danube Delta and because of
Snakes Island, but because a game in which Europe's line would be drawn is
being played now in Ukraine, a line between the West's area of influence and
the other dominated by Kremlin."
"Ukraine Elections"
Bogdan Chireac opined in respected Adevarul (11/24): "For Romania, the situation in Ukraine
is a cause of concern. In Ukraine,
political and economic instability, as well as one of the most powerful
organized crime systems in Europe, are growing.
In a natural way, the only one that can give a stable course to
situation in Ukraine is Russia. Unfortunately,
Romanian-Ukrainian relations cannot become better. After the shock of the elections, the fact
that they belong to two totally different blocks is more obvious.”
SLOVAKIA: "Picture Of
Country After Election"
Editor Marian Lesko noted in influential center-right SME
(11/23): "There are many
indications that the elections were manipulated in the second round even more
than in the first one, and it affected the result.... Exit polls of 30,000 voters in 460 voting
regions conducted by independent sociologists found that 54 percent of votes
were given to Yushchenko and 43 percent to Yanukovych, but when the government
candidate led the opposition candidate by one percent according to official
statements, the election committee stopped counting the votes, and after a
break Yanukovych was winning…In Serbia and Georgia people forced a change when
the opposition won the elections, but the leading power won the vote count. If
today’s Ukrainian government wins, it would mean that there are politicians who
want to lead the country under Russian influence just to keep their power.”
"Ukraine Votes For A Loser"
Editor Ivan Drabek said in influential center-left Pravda
(11/23): "Ukraine couldn’t choose
from the two Viktors a clear winner. She has not found it, as there are
actually two Ukraines, as the elections showed. West and Central Ukraine
oriented more towards Europe voted for opposition candidate Yushchenko. The
south and east regions, for years connected with Russia, gave their votes to
Premier Yanukovich.... The indication
for this drama was that both candidates relied only on their own voting camp.
They were not trying to span the abyss dividing the country; on the contrary
they tried to trade on it. One of them insured it with the street and the other
with government power. A close election result is not a tragedy in functioning
democracies. In countries where fair elections do not have a long tradition, an
uncertain election can turn into an after-election fight. Yushchenko and
Yanukovich were prepared for a street fight. One of them bet on the Serbian and
Georgian scenario and the other on Belarus. However, they are not the only ones
who bear the responsibility for leading the country to the edge of civil
war. Neither Russia nor the West warned
their favorites sufficiently of the risk of a non-standard vote.”
"Ukraine Is Playing For High Stakes"
Editor Miro Baric held in influential center-right Narodna
Obroda (11/22): “We cannot simplify
the Ukrainian elections as a confrontation between two different
orientations--pro-Russian and pro-Western....
It would be all right if the orientation was chosen by voters. It’s
worse if the leading power wants to take over their responsibility--many
indications show that. It’s not only about the election results but also about
basic character of the state of our eastern neighbors. The West, as represented
by NATO and the EU, should think how to react. An insensitive approach could
harm mostly Ukrainian citizens. Putin should also think about it, as before the
elections he openly supported Kuchma’s regime. Moscow should not uncritically
accept friends who are turning to them for only reason--they will not be
accepted anywhere else. It’s not just in Ukraine, but also in Belarus.... If Putin would support democratization in
both countries, it would bring him good points, and not just in the eyes of his
citizens. And Russia could build their influence on a completely new grounds.”
"Ukrainian Third Round"
Editor Boris Latta concluded in influential center-left Pravda
(11/22): "Whether the president is
going to be Viktor Juscenko or Viktor Janukovic will be probably decided in
'the third round.' It seems to be even
harder and dirtier than the two previous rounds. It was obvious that the result
of election divides Ukraine. The majority did not vote right or left candidate
but gave their vote to 'mine' or 'the opposition'.... If politicians do not find a democratic
solution, it will negatively affect progress in our Eastern neighbor and even
on the old continent.”
And Hot Revolution"
Boris Cibej noted in left-of-center Delo (11/24): "One year has passed since the Georgian
Rose revolution.... [Georgian]
opposition had decided that the time had come for its taking over the
leadership.... The Ukrainian
opposition...did not prepare itself for eventual assumption of power.... The big powers' [attitude] is the second--and
probably more important--difference. In Georgia, Russia had lost much influence
already during Shevarnadze's presidency....
But it was not willing to let Ukraine go which is considered to be a
traditional Russian 'borderland'....
Putin visited Ukraine twice before elections.... He was reproached for telling the Ukrainians
for whom to vote. So far, Russia has won
the cold war which was raging in the biggest European country. The West has
invested less in Ukraine than in Georgia and the West's future political steps
may push Ukraine deeper in Russia's embrace. Announced sanctions will force
Yanukovych to resort to Moscow's patronage....
The presidential election revealed again how deeply Ukraine is divided
in to an industrial West...and an agricultural East.... The difference between the eastern and western
part of the country is also in the fact that the East would reconcile itself
with a victory of a western candidate, while Yanukovych will never have
legitimacy in western Ukraine."
SPAIN: "To The
Left-of-center El País declared (11/28): "At immediate risk is the fine line that
divides protest and civil disobedience from blood and anarchy. With this backdrop, a Supreme Court with some
reputation of independence...has before it the crucial decision of whether
to confirm the fraud, obvious even for
post-Soviet inhabitants, or, to the contrary, to order the partial or total
recount of the votes, or the rerun of the elections.... Because of its condition as a country halfway
between two different worlds, Europe and Russia, Ukraine can be the driving
force that directly defines the EU's ambiguous policy to Moscow.... The EU must respond with firmness and unity
shown until now in the face of the anxieties of freedom that the Ukrainians are
showing in their streets."
"Signs Of Agreement?"
Left-of-center El País editorialized (11/25): "It seems that a window of agreement,
forced from the firm pressure of the EU and the U.S. who have declared
unacceptable the electoral manipulation and asked for the urgent revision of the
election, has been opened.... The
incidental destabilization of a matter of extreme
seriousness. The country is a key for
the Russian geostrategic map and is going to be a key in the continually
deteriorating relations between both worlds (Russia and the EU).... The non-violent solution of this crisis
requires, in any case, the cooperation among the EU, Russia, and the U.S. And it holds the assumption that a president
elected in an electoral fraud can't be imposed upon the citizens of a country."
"Chaos In Ukraine"
Centrist La Vanguardia said (11/24): "Vladimir Putin, who immediately
congratulated his candidate, is in a very delicate position. If he doesn't support the revision of the
electoral process and accept the democratic results, he will cloud his
relations with the EU and the US. He
also takes the risk that in Ukraine a civil revolt, that could only be stopped
with the resource of pressure, and that with the time would also be against
him, could stir up."
"Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil Conflict"
Business-oriented Expansión concluded (11/24): "The involvement of the international
community as an element of neutral arbitration to preserve the democratic
rights of the Ukrainians and to guarantee the designation of a legitimate President
can be very helpful, but it's a political battle that, first of all, the
Ukrainians themselves will have to fight....
Now they must demonstrate to what point are they willing to fight to
obtain democracy."
SWEDEN: "Ukraine Must
Be Able To Choose Its Future"
Independent, liberal Dagens Nyheter editorialized
(11/25): “The interpretation on how the
Ukraine elections were implemented was different in Moscow and the Western
capitals.... Russia has by its move
clearly demonstrated that it does not belong in the West. It is obvious that Moscow fears the
opposition politician Viktor Yushchenko.
Three former Soviet republics...already are NATO members, something
Russia was unable to prevent, and the prospect that Ukraine also will follow is
not regarded with approval in Moscow....
A Ukraine that slowly but steadily moves westward will not make Putin’s
sleep better.... But this is nothing
that the rest of the world should take into consideration. The Ukrainians are the ones to decide their
future. Their will should be
respected--both in Kiev and Moscow--regardless whether there will be a new
election or not.”
TURKEY: "The Chaos In
Zafer Atay wrote in economic-political Dunya (11/29): “The case of Ukraine is a typical communist
regime classic. The ruler does
everything to win a popular election, including cheating. Yugoslavia tried this when Milosevic declared
a victory by changing the vote totals, but in the end it failed. Georgia under Shevardnadze also tried and
failed, and Ukraine is the latest on the list.... Things are going toward chaos in Ukraine, and
the President of the country has warned against the possibility of civil
war. It remains to be seen whether the
opposition will succeed in toppling the ruling figure, who is depending on the
stance of the Ukrainian security forces....
The issue is all about the culture of democracy. Those among the former Soviet Republics who
have a genuine experience with democracy managed to pass the transition period
smoothly. They have even managed to join
NATO and the EU. Those who have no
historical experience with such a culture are still suffering.”
"Ukraine: Election And After"
The pro-government English-language Arab News averred
(11/24): "Tens of thousands of
opposition supporters have taken to the streets of Ukraine’s capital Kiev in
protest against the presidential election results. They are convinced that they
were rigged by the government to rob the pro-Western Viktor Yuschenko of
victory.... The accusation against the
ruling authorities that they fixed the vote so that the Moscow-leaning Prime
Minister Viktor Yanukovich would win rings ominously true.... But if the elections were not free and fair,
that is no guarantee that Kiev 2004 is going to be another velvet
revolution.... The country is not united
against the government. There is a split, and it is not new. Eastern Ukraine
looks east, Western Ukraine looks west....
The most important factor, however, in suspecting that Ukraine will be
different from those other revolutions is Russia.... President Putin wants to rebuild historic
Russia--of the present Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine--not for
nationalistic reasons but because together they are a key to making Russia a
superpower again.... The EU and the West
will want to back the opposition, but will they do so if it means a direct
confrontation with Moscow? Unlikely. Putin wants Ukraine. It is in his front
yard. For the West, for the EU, it is at their remotest edges. The West will
hope that people power wins in Kiev, but they will do nothing to help it."
LEBANON: "To Avoid The
Ukrainian Test"
Rafiq Khoury speculated in centrist Al-Anwar (11/28): “The Ukrainian Controversy is likely to be
repeated in Lebanon if Lebanon...does not make an effort to leave this
dangerous game. The title of the game in
Ukraine is transforming the presidential elections into...a choice between two
lines: With Russia or with the West....
As for Lebanon, the title of the game is to transform the parliamentary
elections, which should focus on political and economic issues, into a
referendum over one issue: With Syria or With the U.S.... We still have time to stop this dangerous
game before it becomes extremely dangerous.”
AUSTRALIA: "Democracy
On The Line In Ukrainian Poll"
The national conservative Australian
stated (11/29): "Inch by precious
inch, Ukraine is edging towards democracy....
As is quite proper and orderly, the Supreme Court will today hear the
case of the ostensibly defeated candidate, the pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko,
for a new poll. All of this is a tremendous tribute to the discipline and
persistence of Mr. Yuschenko's supporters, who have taken their cause to the
streets of Kiev without either practicing violence or provoking it--so
far.... Ukraine is a tinder-box because
it is where Russia appears to have drawn a symbolic 'line in the sand' marking
the point at which the relentless Westernization of the former Soviet republics
must cease. Hungary and Poland, together with the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania, joined the EU on May 1. But the loss of Ukraine from its
orbit--and the sight of NATO ships refueling in Black Sea ports--would be an
even bigger blow to Moscow....
[Ukrainians] seem to know what they want, and they certainly know they
want to get there peacefully. But there could be cold months ahead of the Kiev
"Foreign Intervention In The Election; Ukrainian Crisis
Pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News remarked
(11/26): "Both Russia and the U.S.
have exercised vital influences on the Ukrainian presidential election.... Putin highly praised the leadership of
Yanukovych and said that he wanted to further improve Russia-Ukraine relations
and provide more benefits to Ukrainian people.
When the election result came out, Putin took the lead to celebrate
Yanukovych's victory without delay....
The U.S. provided the Ukrainian opposition party assistance in
electioneering. The U.S. even publicly
said that if Yushchenko was not elected, it might impose sanctions on the
Ukraine. When the election result was
announced, the U.S. and Europe refused to accept it.... The U.S. makes no secret of its
intervention.... There is no doubt that
the Ukrainian presidential election has become a political wrestling match
between the West and Russia. How will
the situation develop? Will Ukraine
'change sky'? All these have aroused
people's attention."
"Fight To Uphold Democratic Rights"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
editorialized (11/29): "Democracy is a simple enough concept--in a
nutshell, government run by the people.
As straightforward as that may seem, it is a principle being too widely
ignored by some nations claiming to be democratic. Disputes over who should govern is why a
political crisis is looming in Iraq, the Baltic nation of Ukraine is teetering
on the brink of civil war and concerns are growing about the creation of a
Palestinian state.... Vote-rigging is
claimed by foreign observers and opposition leaders to have been widespread
during polls in Ukraine eight days ago to choose a successor to outgoing
president Leonid Kuchma. The election
commission's declaration of Russian-backed Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych as
the winner was greeted by mass protests by supporters of his challenger, Viktor
Yushchenko. A Supreme Court ruling is
due today on the commission's declaration.
Voting fraud is a hallmark of corrupt regimes and governments professing
themselves to be part of the world community have an obligation to stamp it
out. Electoral fairness must similarly
be high in the minds of Iraqi and Palestinian election officials and foreign
governments keenly awaiting an outcome.
If democracy is to flourish, it must be available to all people of
voting age in circumstances that allow their views to be properly expressed and
enacted upon. To do otherwise is to make
a mockery of what the majority of the world's people have fought so hard to
"Election Review Could Give Ukraine A Way Out"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
remarked (11/25): "The fiercely
contested presidential election in Ukraine has reignited some of the old
cold-war rivalries between east and west....
The outcome is likely to determine whether this former Soviet republic
opts for greater integration with the European Union or moves closer to
Moscow.... A review of the election and
the results--as called for by the EU and U.S.--would be the best way of ending
the crisis. But even if such a step is
taken, it will be difficult to convince a skeptical public that the outcome is
genuine. Western nations hope to see a
reformist, democratic Ukraine acting as a buffer to Russia, where Vladimir
Putin continues to strengthen his grip on power. But for many Ukrainians, the key issues are
closer to home--jobs, welfare and stability.
Mr. Yanukovych may well succeed in riding out the crisis and securing
the presidency. If so, we can only hope
he will honor his pledge to listen to opposition voices."
JAPAN: "Premature
Endorsement Represents Failure Of Russian Diplomacy"
An editorial in liberal Mainichi read
(11/29): "In the face of Ukraine's
parliament decision Saturday to declare the country's disputed presidential
election invalid, Russia appears to have made a diplomatic blunder by
prematurely endorsing the alleged victory of Prime Minister Yanukovych. While Moscow's influence in Ukraine politics
has declined in recent years, President Putin has failed to correct Russia's
tendency to interfere in the affairs of the southern neighbor. The Russian leader has remained silent since
the parliamentary declaration, reflecting the Kremlin's inability to help
resolve the political dispute."
"Russia, U.S., EU Should Not Intervene"
Liberal Mainichi maintained (11/28): "The Ukraine presidential election has
triggered domestic confrontation and rekindled Cold War-like conflict between
the West and Russia.... With Ukraine
achieving independence only 12 years ago, the national foundation of the
country is still vulnerable. Prime
Minister Yanukovych and opposition leader Yushchenko must take national
stability into account and emphasize unity in order to avoid separation and
bloodshed. The third parties, including
Russia, the U.S. and Europe, should refrain from intervening in Ukraine
politics. We believe a revote is most
desirable, but such a decision must be made by the people of Ukraine."
"Chaos Over Ukraine's Future"
Top-circulation, moderate-conservative Yomiuri
editorialized (11/26): "The
reaction of security forces to supporters of Prime Minister Yanukovych and
opposition leader Yushchenko is of utmost concern. Many pro-Yushchenko supporters have begun
assembling in Kiev. There have so far
been no reports of direct confrontation between the two conflicting parties or
the use of force by security troops. We urge
both politicians, as well as President Kuchma, to show restraint in order to
prevent the situation from getting out of hand.
Considering the discovery by outside monitors of some election
irregularities, holding another election, as Yushchenko has proposed, is a
possibility. Disagreement over the
future of the nation lies at the core of the two candidates' battle.... Ukraine's geopolitical location would not
lend itself well to prolonged chaos.
Ukraine's leaders, as well as the U.S., the EU and Russia, must make
efforts to quickly settle the issue in a peaceful manner."
"Another Vote Count Imperative"
Conservative Sankei insisted (11/26): "With the outcome of the recent Ukraine
presidential election under question, the nation is now at a crossroads. Can the country carry out a second
'democratic revolution' following its peaceful break away from the now defunct
Soviet Union in 1991? A violent showdown
between the two differing parties could arise if the situation remains
unaddressed. Prime Minister Yanukovych
will not likely gain international confidence if he simply declares himself to
be the winner. In a worst-case scenario,
the country could split into two, with eastern Ukraine maintaining close links
with Russia while the western area leans toward the West. Ukraine must move carefully by first
reviewing the election results. It
should then launch a democratic government based on a transparent election
outcome.... Russian President Putin
should understand that his one-sided support for Yanukovych is bound to trigger
international backlash."
Elects President, West and Russia Obstinate"
Leading independent daily Kompas commented (11/26): “It is interesting that both the U.S. and EU
are insisting [on rejecting the election results]. It is not only because on the one hand,
Russia and President Putin fully support Viktor Yanukovych, who promised closer
relations with Russia should he be elected, and on the other, EU and the U.S.
support the liberal candidate, Viktor Yushchenko. They are both insistent because behind them
are facts that the political differences between Russia and the West are still
sharp. Apparently, through Ukrainian
presidential elections, the two sides have been competing by proxy just as they
often did during the Cold War.”
THAILAND: "Georgia On
Their Minds In Ukraine"
The top-circulation, moderately-conservative,
English-language Bangkok Post noted (11/24): "The apparently widespread fraud
prompted more than 100,000 opposition supporters to take to the
streets.... It also gave rise to
comparisons with last year’s 'Rose Revolution' in Georgia, where incumbent
president Eduard Shevardnadze stepped aside in the face of public protests and
similar allegations of voter fraud....
With so much at stake, it is no surprise there are fears the showdown
that was building yesterday could lead to mass violence and bloodshed. It is thus imperative all the players in this
drama do their best to cool tensions and avoid conflict. Yushchenko has called on parliament to annul
the results of the election and name him president. But given everything that is at stake for
Ukraine, a better course of action would be to hold a new presidential run-off.
Outsiders such as Russia, which under President Vladimir Putin has increasingly
sought to reassert Moscow’s authority in neighboring countries, should back off
and refrain from interfering.
Washington, which tried to influence the poll by dispatching high-level
envoys and disbursing US$13 million (Bt519 million) in “pro- democracy” funds
should also keep its distance. The
election suggests Ukrainian voters have a vision for their country that is not
shared by either Washington or Moscow.
So let them try again to decide their country’s future in a fair and
free environment.”
"On The Verge Of A Split"
Evgeny Kononovich commented in official government-run Kazakhstanskaya
Pravda (11/28): "Yushchenko's
self-proclamation of himself as
President, the meetings of many thousands of people in the streets of Ukrainian
cities, initiated by him, and calls for civil disobedience and a nationwide
strike--all of this put Ukraine on the verge of civil war. However, it is necessary to remember: seizing power, especially in a situation
where the Central Electoral Commission hasn’t issued a final ruling and the
Supreme Court hasn’t reviewed a single claim, can not be legitimate under any
circumstances. It is well known that
true democracy has nothing to do with anarchy, chaos and government by the
masses. First of all, it is
responsibility and strict compliance with the law. Remember the American elections, when J.
Kerry, who lost, was the first to call his opponent and congratulate him. A similar situation happened four years ago,
during rivalry of A. Gore and G. Bush, when everything was settled in a quite
decent way.”
"Ukrainian Break"
Centrist weekly Delovaya Nedelya declared (11/28): "Signs of a similar scenario in
Kazakhstan would mean the failure of government policy in all aspects. All countries, where such a tough
confrontation occurred or is expected to occur, such as Georgia, Ukraine,
Abkhazia (if we consider it as an independent country) and Kyrgyzstan, are
relatively below the 'poverty line,' and conflicts there are consequences of
that. The fact that external forces are
so actively engaged in Ukrainian politics can hardly be a conspiracy--either
Russian, or Western. Most probably, we
are talking about the fact that after Vladimir Putin came to power,
Russia...returned to its harsh legacy of a great power, envisaging mandatory
'confrontation' with 'potential rivals' over territories.”
"The Battle For Kiev"
Nikita Garadzha contributed this comment for pro-government Megapolis
(11/28): "It’s obvious that Western
bureaucracy is not concerned about the real democratic character of power in
Ukraine. In order to reach its goals,
the West will be first to sacrifice Ukraine's statehood, which it already
questioned by refusing to recognize Yanukovich's victory. And it is not far from the right of force,
that has already been implemented in Yugoslavia and Iraq.”
"Ukraine At The Brink"
Yelena Ovchinnikova said in progressive Epokha
(11/28): "A lot is at stake. It's not only Yushchenko and Yanukovich who
want to win the presidential chair, but there are other contenders who are much
more serious. Why does the U.S. need a triumph of Ukrainian democracy? In order to prevent the CIS from ever
becoming a second Soviet Union, to ensure that America’s interests harmoniously
and naturally prevail in the entire post-Soviet space, to weaken the policy of
Russia, and to finally consolidate its grip as the only superpower in the
world. If it weren’t the case, the head
of another country, the no less powerful and all-sufficient Russia, would not
be [involved in the process]. Vladimir
Putin, through his zealous support of Yanukovich, is pursuing goals that are of
a much more substantial scale than just simple friendly participation in the
policy of a neighbor. By the way, for us
Kazakhstanis, such intervention of the Kremlin into affairs of a neighboring
country is quite significant, because
presidential elections will soon take place in our country”.
"Get Out While You Can"
Progressive Epokha noted (11/28): "Today few question the fact that
inexorably within the next decade history will throw all leaders of post-Soviet
republics, who were inherited by unlucky people as a legacy of Communist era,
into its garbage dump.... At first these
people took to the streets of Tbilisi and swept away the 'white fox' Eduard
Shevardnadze, who was disgracefully clinging to power till the last second. Now it is Ukraine's turn, after getting fed
up with Leonid Kuchma and his protégés.
Belorusans and Azerbaijanis have already settled their authoritarian
accounts, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are next.
Uzbeks, deprived of the opportunity not only to make their democratic
choice, but also to talk about it, have to take up arms and blow up the offices
of authorities.... In the meantime,
sociological priests hired by authorities continue to sing for politically
blind and deaf presidents about their total popularity and about the growing
indifference of people to politics and the decline in the opposition's
ratings. In reality each post-Soviet
nation made its historical choice long ago in favor of democracy and market
"Bush And Putin Fight Over Ukraine"
Centrist Kazakh-language weekly Altyn Orda commented
(11/23): “One of the countries
interested in the Ukrainian elections is the United States, because of the port of Odessa. The U.S. also gets nervous when Russia aligns
itself with other countries, either because it fears a stronger Russia or because
of the possibility of recreating a Soviet Union.... If Yuschenko loses, it means the U.S.
failed. Then the U.S. will declare the
elections unfair, undemocratic and try to position Yuschenko for the
presidency. After becoming president,
Yuschenko would have to repay his debt to the U.S., the money it provided to
the opposition. And of course out of the
government budget. One can think about
infrastructure and the port of Odessa.”
CANADA: "Yushchenko Is
Right To Turn To The Courts"
The leading Globe and Mail editorialized (11/26): "If Mr. Yanukovich had bulled his way
into office despite the continuing controversy about the results and regardless
of the mass protests in the streets of Kiev and other cities, he would have found
himself sitting on a shaky throne....
But it would be equally dangerous if Mr. Yushchenko's supporters were to
seize the presidency for their man....
Fortunately, he has not done that. His brave supporters, hundreds of
thousands strong, have shown admirable restraint.... Yushchenko has said he would be open to
taking part in a new election provided steps were taken to prevent another
fraud. In the meantime, he has complained to the courts that the election was rigged.
That is the right course. Mr. Yushchenko has every right to keep up the
pressure by staging protests and calling for a national strike. Western
countries such as Canada, which have rightly condemned the election as unfair,
should exert pressure of their own. But it will be much better for Ukraine if
the election dispute is resolved peacefully and constitutionally. Tempting as
it may be for Mr. Yushchenko and his backers to ride their mass protest into
office, they should give the courts a chance to do their job first. Even
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has backed Mr. Yanukovich and declared
him the winner, said judges should be the ones to decide who is in the right
here. The courts, not the streets, are the proper place to resolve the
stalemate in Ukraine."
"Bush, Putin Square Off"
The centrist Winnipeg Free Press opined (11/25): "Election officials in Ukraine yesterday
declared Viktor Yanukovich the official winner of Sunday's presidential
election. His rival, Viktor Yushchenko...has declared himself to be the real
president. The conflict arises because international observers found that the
election was flawed by many serious abuses and irregularities. Its legitimacy
is questioned not just by many Ukrainians but by most western
governments.... The U.S. made no secret
during the campaign that it supported Mr. Yushchenko, a pro-Western politician
whose goal is to tie Ukraine closer to Europe through NATO and the EU, a shift
that about half of Ukrainians seem to support. Even before the results were
declared official, however, Russian President Vladimir Putin had publicly
celebrated the victory of Mr. Yanukovich, whose goal is to move Ukraine away
from the West and back to closer links with Russia, a move that about half the
country seems to want. A deeply divided Ukraine now threatens to drive a wedge
between the U.S. and Russia.... Putin's
agenda is not always easy to read, but in this situation it seems clear. He has
always deplored Russia's loss of empire that occurred after the Soviet Union
collapsed and has worked diligently to restore it. Ukraine is central to this
dream.... Russia's willingness to
quarrel with Europe and North America over this is an indication of how serious
Mr. Putin is about his goal. That the U.S. would categorically dismiss the
possibility of recognizing the official results is an indication of its
resolve.... The interest of the two
powers in the result of the elections is more serious than just another wrinkle
in relations between the two governments. It is further evidence of a chill
that has been growing for some time. Of more immediate and dangerous
consequence, it could seriously complicate the situation within Ukraine and
make an already difficult negotiated solution even harder to achieve."
"Ukraine Needs Our Help"
The nationalist Ottawa Citizen opined (11/24): "An estimated 200,000 people
demonstrated in Kyiv yesterday, and thousands more in other cities backing the
opposition presidential candidate, Viktor Yushchenko. The official count has
the challenger losing to Ukraine's prime minister, Viktor Yanukovych, despite
exit polls showing Mr. Yushchenko winning decisively.... The voters of Ukraine have a democratic right
to choose which vision they prefer, just as Canadian and American voters got to
choose in their national elections. But Mr. Yanukovych and his supporters
appear to have decided to take that right away from Ukrainians.... Whether state troops and police would obey
orders to use violence to suppress protesters in Kyiv and other Ukrainian
cities isn't clear. Far better if those orders are never given.... If Ukrainian democrats don't get our help
immediately--that means today--it will be much harder to help them by this time
"Rigged Election"
The centrist Winnipeg Free Press commented (11/23): “The result of Sunday's run-off presidential
election in Ukraine is in, but there is little hope that it will heal the
political divisions in the deeply divided country. Instead, controversy surrounding the vote not
only threatens civil order there but also threatens to internationalize that
controversy by involving Ukraine's neighbours and allies--from Russia to
Europe, the United States and Canada....
Compounding the doubt this has created both in Ukraine and internationally
are the almost unanimous conclusions of international observers that the
election was flawed by many serious abuses and irregularities, particularly,
although not exclusively, on the part of the government.... This is an election that may determine for
years to come the course that Ukraine takes as an independent nation. The controversy surrounding it may pit Russia
against the West, although it should not matter that Russia backs one candidate
and the West backs another. What should
matter is that Ukrainians choose their course by picking the government they
want to lead them in a free and fair election.
There is serious doubt that Sunday's vote was such an election."
"Unsettled In Ukraine"
The leading Globe and Mail opined (11/23): "It was
vital for the future of a democratic Ukraine that Sunday's presidential runoff
election between a Russian-backed candidate and one favoured by the West be as
free, fair and transparent as possible. Sadly, that is not what transpired.
Neutral monitors say the vote did not meet international standards. Others have
been blunter, labelling the victory of the pro-Moscow candidate, Prime Minister
Viktor Yanukovich, an outright fraud....
The clear differences between the two veteran politicians should have
made for a lively election. Indeed, opinion polls consistently indicated the
election would be a close call as Ukrainians weighed what path their country
should take. That this choice appears to have been taken away by those who
still fear and loathe genuine democracy should not go unanswered by the international
"The Future Of Ukraine"
Daily-of-record La Nacion editorialized (11/30): "Crowds of Ukrainians have demonstrated
on the streets of Kiev and other cities of their country in the hope of not
being mocked once again.... The
candidate they support is the opposition leader, Viktor A. Yuschenko.... As in the 'Cold War' time, the U.S. and the
main European countries have denounced fraud and claim that popular will should
be honored. Instead, the new Russia, of Vladimir Putin, openly supports the
official candidate, Viktor Yanukovich....
Both aspire to get together again the two countries that once were the
Soviet Union's spine. For the people of Ukraine, the choice is tough. With the
opposition candidate, the country aspires to improve the promotion of
individual liberties, consolidate democracy and start a fast road toward the
EU. With the alleged winner, instead,
everything would remain the same--an authoritarian oligarchic political class
would remain in power, and essential freedoms would continue missing...human rights
would be violated and democracy would remain kidnapped by authoritarian
"Kiev's Big Door"
Claudio Uriarte asserted in left-of-center Pagina 12
(11/28): "The most important thing
of the situation in Ukraine is...nothing less than the triumphant end of the
U.S. conquest of former USSR republics....
Since September 11 attacks, Ukraine has been a decisive supporter of the
US invasion of Iraq.... Since the 9/11
attacks, the Pentagon...reached deals with other four former USSR republics:
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgistan and Turkmenistan. And even before this, NATO
had opened its doors to eight countries of the old Warsaw Pact.... The map of the old Soviet bloc is
increasingly influenced by the U.S...only resisted by Putin and his ally
Lukashenko in Belarus. In brief, Russia is right to be worried.... Through the Kiev's big door, the West is
accessing the former USSR's treasury. And the only question is whether this
Westernization will lead to the secession of the Russian areas of the country and
the subsequent danger that a new fragile red line of friction and terrorism be
"Reasons For A Lukewarm War"
Hinde Pomeraniec said in leading Clarin
(11/26): "For those who aren't
aware, the keen interest of Europe and the U.S. in Ukraine may appear
disproportionate. However, the political and institutional crisis in this
country of 48 million people and a growing economy represent much more than a
'faux-pas' in the global democratic system.
For its geographical position, Ukraine is the intersection between
Russia and Europe.... It's clear that
Russia still maintains a foot in Kiev....
The progressive inclination of Ukraine towards Europe (and indirectly to
the U.S.) is a bad symptom for Moscow--which is losing influence and power in
that region of Eastern Europe--and this might lead to a domino effect in other
former Soviet republics, many of them more eager to join Europe than to remain
faithful to their former boss. For the
White House, too much political turmoil in Ukraine isn't good--considering that
between 1995 and 1999 this European State ranked third in the reception of U.S.
aid in exchange for the disarming and 'sophistication' of Ukraine's
society. With its head, forces and
dollars in Iraq, a controversy with Russia is, at least, untimely. Washington
needs the energy supplied by Russia, which in turn needs Ukraine's gas pipes to
transport its gas, also supplied to Europe!....
Today, Ukraine isn't, as some say, the scenario of a Cold War 'revival'.
In any case, it's more like a lukewarm war, that's been taking shape these past
months in different conflicts such as Chechnya, or the takeover of a school in
Beslan, when Putin became furious and offered his opposition to George Bush's
excessive expansion in the region. And
it's a tepid confrontation because we no longer have two empires or two ways of
perceiving the world. Without traces of ideological contradiction, the system
ruling them is only one. The fight is only based on economic interests and the
natural vanity of power."
"The Kremlin Once Again Falls Into The Temptation Of Influencing
Its Neighbors’ Destinies"
Center-right O Globo declared (11/24): "The fuss provoked by elections in
Ukraine has a foundation: depending on who would be the next president, the
country either continues under Russia’s influence or steps back from its
historical partner to fall into Western arms.
That explains and justifies Moscow’s great interest in the so-called
Ukraine polls. But denouncements of
generalized fraud--added to international observers’ opinion that such
elections are anti-democratic--suggest that the Kremlin once again has fallen
into the temptation of influencing its neighbors’ destinies with the heavy hand
of interventionism.”
"Population And Mobilization Capability
Will Be Decisive"
Marcio Senne De Moraes observed in liberal Folha de S. Paulo
(11/23): "Despite the Western
pressure against electoral fraud and the Russian obstinacy in defending
pro-Moscow candidate Viktor Yanukovich, the outcome of the Ukrainian political
crisis will depend above all on the popular will and on the opposition's
capability of mobilization. As the cases
in Georgia and Belarus recently showed, the opposition's capability to mobilize
masses to protest on streets has a crucial role in the development of political
crises in former Soviet nations....
International surveillance is, therefore, essential. One should not
interfere in Ukrainian matters. But
neither should one let Moscow do so, which clearly occurred during the
electoral campaign. In this regard, the deterrent role represented by NATO is
necessary. It is not a matter of
proclaiming a confrontation between Western and Russian forces, but of ensuring
that the Ukrainians' will is respected by the central power as well as by neighboring
MEXICO: "Ukraine"
Gabriela de la Paz asserted in independent El
Norte (11/24): “As in every
democracy in transition, Ukraine’s democracy is not perfect. It even doesn’t
pass the test of conducting fair, transparent and free elections. Following the
second round in the presidential race, polls indicate Yushchenko as the next
president. Nevertheless, official results reveal it is the official candidate:
Yanukovych.... Anyways, if the EU or the
U.S. don't intervene, certainly democracy will have to wait.”
"Ukraine And Its Long Way Toward Democracy"
Left-of-center La Jornada editorialized (11/29): "Last Sunday, the Ukrainian Parliament
decided to invalidate the presidential elections because they were considered
fraudulent; Parliament favored the claims of both the opposition--which
supported the pro-western Viktor Yushchenko...and the international community
led by the EU and the U.S.... The
protests reaffirmed the need for transparency in the political process of that
region of the world. It is important to remember that many of the former Soviet
republics, of which Ukraine is among the more democratic, fell into chaos after
independence. That is why the
post-electoral conflict is a sign of both the weakness and the aging of
democratic institutions established in those nations. It is also a sign that there's a need to
consolidate their political systems. In view of this situation, we should not
forget that the crisis is a long way from being solved."
"Showdown In Ukraine"
John Rapley wrote in the center-left Daily Gleaner
(11/25): "While Western governments
are left with the paradoxical wish that the communists might help a
pro-capitalist government take power, there is likely to be little more than
rhetoric that they can use to pressure Ukraine on the election. Even though Mr.
Putin retreated from his original endorsement of the outcome in the face of
widespread criticism, it is clear that Moscow still wants Mr. Yanukovych in
office. It is too important to Western countries to prevent their relations
with Russia growing frosty. There is a long awareness in Western Europe that if
Russia feels threatened, she can become dangerous. Moreover, Western countries
in general and the U.S. in particular are growing more dependent on Russian
oil.... The U.S. wants Russian support
in its war on terrorism. So as unhappy as they are with the process of the
election, Western governments seem unlikely to do much more than cry foul.
Consequently, the Ukrainian opposition has to look internally for the makings
of any peaceful revolution."
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