December 3, 2004
** To global media, an
Abbas victory would create a "new atmosphere" for peace.
** Arab papers see
Palestinian unity "shaken" by Barghouti's candidacy.
** Skeptics expect exercise
in "fake democracy," others spy "gateway" to reform.
** Arab writers criticize
Israel for not actively seeking a "comprehensive" peace.
Abbas 'offering hope for peace'--
independent Kompas praised Mahmoud Abbas for remaining
"credible" both among Palestinians and the West, despite the
"many challenges" he faces. A
conservative Israeli paper similarly observed that Abbas is the "only conceivable
Fatah candidate" who could bring peace.
Jordan's semi-official Al-Rai remained skeptical, arguing that
Abbas would need to make sure that "not a single bomb or gun or even a
bullet stays outside the jurisdiction and control of the security forces,"
if he wants the Israelis, Americans, and European countries to "treat him
differently from...Arafat."
Germany's business-oriented Handelsblatt pessimistically noted
that "it won't take a lot to destroy Abbas' initial success," such as
terrorist attacks by radical Islamic groups, targeted killings of suspected
terrorists by Israel, or "an assassination of Abbas."
Barghouti, a 'Palestinian Mandela'?-- Some Euro dailies stated that the
"future belongs" to Marwan Barghouti, an alternative to the
"rigid and corrupt" PA establishment.
Russia's business-oriented Kommersant asserted that "the
road to the top is open for the young."
Arab outlets countered that Barghouti's "disruptive"
application only worsens "deep divisions" among Palestinians. The West Bank's independent Al-Ayyam
warned that by running "Barghouti fundamentally incurs a big risk to his
own political future and the unity of Fatah" and predicted that he will
"clearly be the loser."
Danger of 'fake democracy'--
and Arab analysts split on whether or not Palestinian elections will be fair
and free. To Israel's conservative Jerusalem
Post, elections will closely resemble "those regularly held in Arab
dictatorships." An independent
Palestinian outlet remained mildly optimistic, suggesting that the upcoming
elections may serve as "a gateway to unity, legitimacy, reform, and
democracy through the involvement of as many people as possible." The West Bank's independent Al-Quds
hailed that Palestine is moving "hastily and intensely in the right
Israel trying to 'flee' from peace-- Arab writers continued to doubt Israel's
commitment to peace, complaining that Israel has "not yet shown any good
intentions." According to Saudi
Arabia's moderate Okaz, Israel's goal is to "take advantage"
of Arafat's death to redraw the Roadmap "as it sees fit." The paper lamented that under these conditions
there "will never be a comprehensive peace" in the region. A German commentator shared a measure of this
cynicism, stating that Sharon "no longer has any excuse" for
rejecting a dialogue with Palestinians.
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
EDITOR: Gloria Kim
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 51 reports from 20 countries over November 27 - December 3,
2004. Editorial excerpts are listed from
the most recent date.
"Crucial Choice On Path To Statehood"
Chris McGreal commented in center left The
Guardian (Internet Version, 12/2):
"For the first time on their path to statehood, Palestinian voters
are confronted with a real choice. The
decision by Marwan Barghouti, the 45-year-old military commander serving
multiple life terms in an Israeli jail, to run in the January 9 presidential
election offers voters a choice between his commitment to violent resistance to
an illegal occupation and the strategy of the establishment candidate, Mahmoud
Abbas. Mr Abbas also known as Abu Mazen,
the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation who emerged as the main
Palestinian leader following the death of Yasir Arafat, is committed to ending
the violence.... Mr Barghouti's
challenge is likely to split the Fatah movement and could upset Mr Abbas's
power bid. But the turn in the election
race also offers opportunity for Mr Abbas.
If he defeats Mr Barghouti it will give him a legitimacy he is lacks and
weaken accusations from some groups that he is a collaborator. Even from prison - and Israel insists it will
not release him - Mr Barghouti offers a powerful challenge.... He is outspoken in his criticism of
corruption among the 'old guard' that surrounded Arafat.... Mr Abbas' popularity was not enhanced by a
brief period as prime minister last year....
Critics portrayed him as a puppet of the US and Israel. But despite Mr Barghouti's popularity in the
occupied territories his victory is far from assured.... Mr Barghouti faces a number of obstacles if
he is to win. He is in prison which may
discourage some potential supporters, particularly older voters, who are
exhausted by the intifada and occupation and would like to see negotiations
with Israel swiftly resumed."
Dietrich Alexander argued in right-of-center Die Welt of
Berlin (12/3): "Sharon knows
instinctively that he will do the right thing for Israel if he withdraws from
Gaza. The insistence on the Jewish
settlements in this region is too expensive and the blood toll among young
soldiers who are sacrificed is too high....
The majority of his compatriots have a similar view, but not all of
them, including the affected settlers and their lobby groups. It is totally open whether a government of
national unity...will be able to resolve the dilemma. The governing coalition broke especially
because the prime minister wanted to serve his ultra-religious supporters with
45 million euros from the state budget, something the secular Shinui was
unwilling to accept. In a new
constellation, similar conflicts are looming like the one between Labor and
Shas or the ultra-orthodox Thora Party.
Sharon is forced to pursue a policy of dichotomy, because his own party
is not totally willing to support him.
But he will subject all partisan intrigues to his goal to withdraw from
Gaza. Egypt's President Mubarak is
right: Sharon can achieve solutions and
he will get the necessary majorities for them."
"Sly Fox"
Center-right Kieler Nachrichten said
(12/3): "The sly fox Ariel Sharon
outmaneuvered them all: the Shiuni
parliamentarians, who played too risky a poker game; his own Likud Party, in
which many would like to see Sharon leave his post, but who will keep calm
because of the fear of new elections, and the national religious party whose
resistance to the withdrawal can be bought with a few million shekels. It is likely that the government crisis will
strengthen Sharon's position. And what
about Marwan Barghouti who is trying to succeed Arafat from a prison cell in
Israel? The last word has not yet been
said about his candidacy. Israel will
probably not release him. PLO and Fatah
advocated moderate Mahmud Abbas, but with his candidacy, Barghouti is provoking
a division among Palestinians. This can
hardly be a goal. Nevertheless, the
future belongs to this 45-year old man, who is very popular among the
people. He must only show
Center-right Maerkische Oderzeitung of Frankfurt on the
Oder judged (12/3): "The candidacy
of the very popular Barghouti could divide Fatah. There was a reason why Egypt's President
Mubarak expressly said Barghouti's striving would be detrimental to the
Palestinians. What he also said is
taking many by surprise: Mubarak, who plays an important mediation role in the
Middle East conflict, described Prime Minister Sharon as the best chance for
peace, an assistance for a colleague who is faced with a difficult formation of
a new coalition."
"Abbas Ends Chaos"
Pierre Heumann noted in business-oriented Handelsblatt of
Duesseldorf (11/29): "There is no
doubt that the post Arafat period began successfully. The Israeli government must take this new
constellation into account. The West
accepts the new Palestinian leadership as partner for peace negotiations. Prime Minister Sharon no longer has any
excuse for rejecting a dialogue with Palestinians. The Mideast quartet sees the presidential
elections as an opportunity to put Arafat's succession on a stabile
foundation. Fair elections are also in
Israel's interest, as it could expect positive impulses from a democratically
elected Palestinian leadership. Abbas
has called the intifadah a mistake when Arafat was still alive, saying that it
has only resulted in misery for Palestinians.... However, it won't take a lot to destroy Abbas'
initial success: a terror attack by radical Islamic groups, targeted killings
of suspected terrorists by Israel, or an assassination of Abbas. Then, a return to the peace process would be
very difficult."
"The Future Leader"
Wolfgang Guenter Lerch observed in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (11/28):
"Barghuti has little to do with the radical Islam of Hamas and
Islamist Jihad. Since his days as
student he believes in a secular Palestinian State. His militant groups also see themselves as an
alternative to militant Islamic organizations.
Their influence will rise after the death of Arafat - the elections will
show that.... But the conflict between
the younger and older generations will only be postponed with Barghuti's
decision not to run in this election.
The conflict will arise even if he were to spend the rest of his life in
Israeli prison, because the old PLO guards have become pensioners long
ago. Although Palestinians - like all
Arabs - highly respect elderly people, the Tunisian exiles are no longer
trusted. They are politically burnt out
and corrupt. Both is not true for Marwan
Dinosaurs' Swan Song"
Leonid Gankin observed in business-oriented Kommersant
(12/3): "Mahmoud Abbas, if elected, won't stay on top for long. Time is running out on the old guard, late
Yasser Arafat's comrades-in-arms. Their
war exploits are history now. In the
years of their exile, a new generation has grown up, and it has its own
leaders, of whom Marwan Barghouti is one.
With Arafat gone, the road to the top is open for the young. The Dinosaurs' Swan Song is what the January
9 election is called in Palestine."
"Power To The Young"
Walter Friedl stated in mass-circulation Kurier
(12/3): “The marriage of convenience
between Ariel Sharon and Simon Perez has a deadline. As soon as the Israeli
troops leave the Gaza Strip, the coalition of the two old men--Sharon is 76,
Labor boss Perez is 81--will have had its day, and new elections will be unavoidable.
The new government, whatever it may turn out to be would have one great
advantage: Freed from the old burden of
the Gaza withdrawal, it could enter into open negotiations with the
Palestinians.... Who their counterparts
on the Palestinian side will be is going to be decided on January 9. With his
pugnacious candidature for the presidential elections from an Israeli prison,
the popular Palestinian leader Barguti has launched a bombshell. He represents
the ‘young wild men’ who do not want to have anything to do with the rigid and
corrupt establishment. This decision by the 45-year old Barguti sends a clear
signal: It is a claim for a change of
generations within the Palestinian leadership. This should happen and it is
going to, even if for this once, the old guard around PLO-boss Abbas prevails.
In such a case, the 70-year-old Abbas would be well advised to let the future
decision makers participate. For sooner or later, a changing of the guard has
to take place--on both sides. Faint-heartedness would be wrong: The young cannot do much worse than the old.”
"Sharon’s Course"
Ben Segenreich opined in independent Der
Standard (12/3): “Even if the
coalition with the Labor Party comes about, Sharon will be permanently in
danger of being toppled on account of the two parties’ differences in economic
policy. And on the Palestinian side, the seemingly smooth transfer of authority
is called into question through Marwan Barguti’s candidature. Quite apart from
the question whether one holds Barguti to be a terrorist or a freedom
fighter: With a President who is at the
same time a prison inmate, a dialogue would not be possible and a poisonous
quarrel about his release would overshadow all important and urgent issues. One
can only hope that the start into the Arafat succession era is not getting off
on the wrong foot.”
"The Poker Player"
Foreign affairs writer for centrist Die
Presse, Thomas Vieregge, commented (12/2):
"At the moment, not everything is going according to Sharon's
wishes. While his government is
crumbling away under his touch and he is left with the hope that the Labor
Party will join in, the Palestinians are reshuffling the cards. Marwan Barghuti, the candidate who can win
people's hearts, has, almost at the last minute, let himself be talked into
running for office of President of the Palestinians and so thwarted the old
guard around Sharon and PLO boss Abbas."
"Barghouti, The Troublemaker"
Baudouin Loos wrote in left-of-center Le Soir
(12/3): "Barghouti's candidacy for
the upcoming January 9 Palestinian Presidential seriously sets the cats among
the pigeons and drastically changes the scenario for Arafat's succession. Until
then, it was almost certain that the Palestinian establishment's 'natural'
candidate, Mahmoud Abbas, was going to romp on January 9.... In Israel, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
confirmed that he would not release Barghouti if the latter got
elected.... Some people will soon consider
that Sharon's statement means that the Israeli Prime Minister would welcome the
election of a radical Palestinian--who, in addition, sits in jail--since that
would enable him to revive the slogan that he so often repeated at the time of
Yasser Arafat, i.e. 'we do not have any partner to make peace.'"
FINLAND: "No Grounds
To Expect A Quick Breakthrough In The Middle East"
Leading centrist Helsingin Sanomat editorialized
(12/3): "Yasser Arafat's death, PM
Sharon's preparedness to withdraw from Gaza and the beginning of the second
Bush term have strengthened the hopes for progress in the long-standing feud
between Israel and Palestinians. The U.S. and Israel refused to negotiate with
Arafat. Sharon has changed from the godfather of the settlements to the
supporter of partial dismantling of the colonies. After the election, Bush has
free hands to put pressure on the parties if he so decides.... If Bush has a vision of his mission in the
Middle East, its contents and usefulness are unknown.... The peace process should be based on the so
called Road Map.... In reality the whole
plan was allowed to become diluted almost immediately, and Israel has approved
the Road Map only in principle with many significant reservations.... President Bush wasted his first term
vis-a-vis the Middle East. The task is not any easier during the second
ITALY: "Here’s Why
Ariel Will Win In Any Case"
R.A. Segre commented in pro-government, leading center-right Il
Giornale (12/3): “Wednesday night
Sharon walked out of Parliament a satisfied man following his government’s
defeat over the budget bill. The rejection allowed him to fire...four ministers
of the anti-clerical Shinui Party....
This defeat allows the prime minister to resume negotiations with
members of the Labor Party...who support Sharon’s Gaza withdrawal plan.... Sharon plans to take advantage...of this time
to find international support for his disputed plan. In Washington he has
already obtained Bush’s written promise that once Gaza has been evacuated, the
U.S. will accept his request to include nearly all West Bank settlements in
Israel’s redefined borders, where Palestinian refugees will no longer have the
right of return.... His policy has
always been to buy time in order to avoid making irreversible decisions (including
the one to withdraw from Gaza: many have reservations on the prime minister’s
true intentions) and to give the Arabs a chance to make the first mistake.”
"Sharon Loses His Allies, Government Crisis"
Leading business daily Il Sole-24 Ore editorialized
(12/2): “The Israeli Parliament rejected
yesterday the budget bill put forth by Ariel Sharon’s government - a
humiliating defeat for the prime minister....
And now the defeat in Parliament could trigger a government collapse,
early elections and a freeze of the Gaza withdrawal plan.... In order to avoid an indefinite postponement
of Sharon’s plan to withdraw from Jewish settlements and from part of the West
Bank, the premier must attempt to substitute the Shinui Party with votes from
the Labor Party.... The more
conservative wing of the Likud Party would undoubtedly oppose such a plan. And it certainly wouldn’t help Sharon seek
votes for the Gaza plan among ultra-orthodox members, who view the plan ‘as a
reward for Palestinian terrorism.”
"Barghuti Reconsiders: I Will Run For The Palestinian
Fiamma Nierenstein commented in centrist, influential daily La
Stampa (12/2): “Marwan Barghouti has
decided to participate in the upcoming January 9 presidential elections. Currently, Barghouti does not have a
majority, but he can count on a growing broad consensus that could give him the
presidency, which would mean trouble for Israel.... Barghouti’ s line is tougher than Abu
Mazen’s, who thinks he can to return to the negotiating table simply by
advancing some kind of promise to take care of terrorism. Barghouti, however, says he wants to
negotiate and be at war at the same time.”
Palestinian Mandela?"
Centrist La Vanguardia speculated (12/3): "Barguti can aspire to the role of being
a Palestinian Mandela for the Palestinians, confronting an Abbas who is
represented as a man willing to come an agreement with Israel and
Washington. That is to say that
Palestine and Al Fatah can be divided between the those who chose the way of a
path to an agreement and the those who chose radicalization. That the world
wants peace is clear. But, what will be the preference of the 'hawks' of
TURKEY: "The Palestine
Issue After Arafat"
Yilmaz Altug opined in the conservative/mass appeal Turkiye
(12/2): "One wonders if Arafat’s
death is going to help to end the Palestine-Israel war. During the Clinton administration, President
Clinton exerted great effort to solve this problem, and presented a reasonable
plan for a settlement. Arafat declined
to take it.... When Clinton presented a
revised plan and managed to bring Arafat and Israel’s PM Barak together in
December 2000, there were even more positive elements from the Palestinian
point of view. Based on that plan, for
instance, Israeli forces would have withdrawn from Palestinian land within
three years and an international force would have replaced them. Arafat rejected this proposal as
well.... Regarding assistance to the
Palestinians, none of the 22 Arab states has given any significant aid to
Palestine. In fact, the Arabs are
divided among themselves. Bush’s
re-election has now postponed hope for a settlement for another 6 to 7
years. Arafat managed to bring together
the Palestinians in the Diaspora, and that is about all. He passed away without seeing the liberation of
ISRAEL: "A Solution Is
Aluf Benn wrote in independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz
(12/3): "On Monday, America
returned to work after the Thanksgiving holiday. A senior administration official...hopped
over to New York to outline the new American policy.... Those present at the briefing heard and
recorded: 'Whoever believes in a two-state solution cannot support the right of
return.... At the end of the process,
the settlement blocs will remain in Israel's hands and the rest will
not.... The key to progress is to build
democratic institutions in the PA and the war against terror, and this depends
on the Palestinians.... Israel is not
acting with sufficient transparency with regard to the settlements.' These remarks indicate that U.S. President
George W. Bush's plan for a final accord is very similar to that of his
predecessor, Bill Clinton.... From
Sharon's perspective, there are many positive notes now being sounded in
Washington.... If Sharon has cause for
concern, it derives from the message expressed by a delegation of senior
senators who visited him this week....
They explained that, in their view, there is a connection between
American successes in one place and failures in another place. Therefore, in order to improve their
situation in Iraq and increase public support for American activity there, some
success must be demonstrated in the Israeli-Palestinian arena."
"Egypt's Seal Of Approval"
Zvi Bar'el held in independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz
(12/3): "Egyptian President Hosni
Mubarak described Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as the Palestinians' virtually
last hope. The sharp turnabout in
Mubarak's public stance toward Sharon did not begin on Thursday.... The details [of Egypt's agreement with Israel]--particularly
the exchange of letters that would enable Egyptian soldiers to be stationed on
the Gaza border without amending the Camp David Accords--had been settled three
weeks earlier via American mediation.
Mubarak's declarations Thursday are thus a continuation of these
official steps. They are meant to give legitimacy to Sharon, but also to
Egypt's own diplomatic moves....
Mubarak's statements were...a way of 'preparing hearts and minds' for an
active Egyptian role in the peace process.
This role has gone into high gear since Yasser Arafat's death, due to
the need to influence the future structure of the PA. However, these statements also reflect an
important working assumption: that Egypt believes in Sharon's willingness and
ability to implement the disengagement plan....
Egypt is once again playing the role for which it is most suited: Even
when it cannot call the shots, it can give them legitimacy. This is particularly important in light of
the role that Egypt is expected to play in uniting the various Palestinian
factions, as well as in advancing prospects for negotiations between Israel and
"One Candidate, One Party"
The Director of the Interdisciplinary Center's Global Research in
International Affairs Center, columnist Barry Rubin, wrote in conservative Jerusalem
Post (11/30): "To begin with,
the Palestinian elections will be proclaimed as a near-model exercise in
democracy. Yet it is easy to see that
Fatah bosses chose the sole candidate, and Fatah bodies then unanimously
endorsed him. Other candidates were
pressured to quit. This election will be
like those regularly held in Arab dictatorships, the establishment's man
monopolizing media coverage and active regime backing. The sole difference: a few minor candidates
can run.... Arafat is gone. But the Palestinian leadership is now being
contested by one group, most of which (though not Abu Mazen himself) argues
that Arafat was always right, while the other group simply wants to adapt
Arafat's strategy for a new generation.
Even today only a small minority of Palestinian leaders envisage a
two-state solution -- along with settling all Palestinian refugees in their own
state (and receiving more than USD 20 billion in compensation) -- as ending the
conflict completely. Abu Mazen may want
such a peaceful solution, but he knows compromise spells political
suicide. Barghouti's on-and-off
candidacy is intended to remind him of that....
True, Abu Mazen is the only conceivable Fatah candidate offering hope
for peace. But the real test is whether
he makes a single speech to his people realistically analyzing the conflict and
its solution outlined above, and whether the PA-controlled media reduces its
incitement to violence.... Is any real
pressure going to be put on violent groups to stop terrorism against Israel,
especially post-election? These steps,
not interviews in the Western media, will show where the movement is
"'Restraint in Incitement' -- But Incitement Goes On"
Nationalist, orthodox Hatzofe editorialized (11/30): "Abu Mazen, who is running for president
[of the PA] in replacement of Yasser Arafat, declared in recent days that he
remains loyal to the 'Rais's' policy regarding all aspects of an agreement with
Israel. He even demanded a complete
Israeli withdrawal to the pre-Six Day War borders, including in Jerusalem. He stressed this was not a demand 'for
election purposes only'.... Thus, there
is no practical reason to take notice of apparent moderate sounds on PA radio
or television, in order to create an array of assessments leading to the
conclusion that there has been positive change in the Palestinian
street.... Even considering the
moderation, incitement goes on -- perhaps more softly, but without substantial
change. It is directed at the Jewish
state and Jerusalem. The struggle
"Pulling Out -- In Jerusalem, Too"
Aqiva Eldar commented in left-of-center Ha'aretz
(Internet Version, 11/29): "On the
Friday when the late Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat was buried in
the courtyard of the Muqata, the media reported that because of the fear of
riots, the Israeli government had decided to close the Temple Mount mosques to
residents of the territories.... The
world will see how generous Sharon is.
Not only is he suffering from the separation from one and a half million
Gazans, and from four settlements in the northern West Bank that are stuck like
a bone in the throat of the Israel Defense Forces. For the sake of the democratization of the
Middle East, he is even willing to undermine the holy of holies -- Israeli
sovereignty in Isawiyah, and the integrity of the Shuafat refugee camp.... Abu Mazen's style differs from that of
Arafat.... However, a unification one
day of East Jerusalem and the West Bank will not satisfy even one-eighth of the
appetite of the Palestinian leadership that will be elected on January 9, no
matter how pragmatic this leadership may be.
A Palestinian leader who surrenders Palestinian interests in Jerusalem
will not last long, which is unfortunate, politically speaking. A short tour of East Jerusalem, along the
concrete walls, reveals that when the myths and the hollow slogans are sifted
out, Israeli and Palestinian interests are not so far apart.... The four reasons why Israel should disengage
from East Jerusalem are surprisingly similar to its reasons for disengaging
from the Gaza Strip. Occupation:
Sharon's diagnosis regarding the residents of Gaza and the northern West Bank,
who are living under foreign occupation that cannot continue forever, is also
true of the residents of East Jerusalem.
Security: Imposing the artificial separation from the Palestinian
state-in- the-making, including centers of social services, education and
culture, is liable to increase the motivation of young East Jerusalemites to
harm Israel. Demography: According to
the forecast of Jerusalem demographer Prof. Sergio Della Pergola, in 2020 the
number of Arabs in Jerusalem will reach 358,000, and the percentage of the
Israeli population in the city will decline to 62 percent (as compared to 84
percent in the peak year -- 1972).
Economy: In order to change the term "united Jerusalem" from a
slogan into reality, it will be necessary to distance the poverty line in East
Jerusalem from the level in Gaza, and to bring it closer to the poverty line in
Israel, at the least. The budgets
required for that will lead to a lengthening of the lines at the soup kitchens
on the western side of the poorest city in Israel. What do we really gain from
"sovereignty" in "united" Jerusalem? For the first time in many years, even the
candidates for the U.S. presidency stopped promising to move the embassy to
Jerusalem, a neglected capital that is not recognized even by its best friend,
and that is being abandoned by its best sons."
"Silence The Incitement Chorus"
Columnist Amos Gilboa wrote in popular, pluralist Maariv
(11/29): "The wondrous thing is
many good people among us [Israelis], over the last decade, grasped onto any
benign statement and sugary utterances by 'moderate' Palestinians, ascribed
heaps of analysis to it, based on their own personal desires, and did not want
to see or hear the deafening chorus of incitement. Therefore, if and when a legitimate
Palestinian leadership arises, and should elections take place in January 2005,
it should be asked, in my opinion, as a supreme obligation, to begin to take
two steps. One, immediate and tactical:
to stop every type of institutional incitement.... The second, for the longer range: a
fundamental change in the Palestinian educational system towards the
recognition of the State of Israel (with the 1967 borders) as the country of
the Jewish people. This means, for
instance, that the State of Israel would appear on maps that are studied in
geography and history classes, as well as on maps hanging in teachers'
rooms.... Today no Israeli community
appears there, except for Arab communities from before 1948! And now a bit of a funny question comes up,
but very saddening: does the State of Israel have its own high quality
mechanism to monitor all types of Palestinian incitement and to present it all
over the world? I am very doubtful. Today, anyone who wants to study the fountain
of incitement and hatred of Palestinian youth, could do this only in one
private place in Israel: at an exhibition of the non-profit Intelligence and
Terror Information Center."
"Today We Are Saving You, Mr. Sharon"
Yahad party head and Geneva Accord co-initiator Yossi Beilin
"addressed" Ariel Sharon in independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz
(11/29): "Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
The fact that Yahad, which I have the honor of heading, will save your
government from being brought down today, in the no-confidence vote that is
being submitted against it by the Labor faction, is causing me sleepless
nights. After all, we don't have even an
iota of confidence in you.... The
disengagement from Gaza, which is the reason why we won't bring you down today,
does not bring us great joy, either....
Afterward, you will do everything possible to place any possible
political process into formaldehyde....
And in spite of all this, we believe that the fact that you intend to
evacuate the settlements in Gaza is an important contribution to the political
process, and provides a significant precedent for the future.... For the time being, we will overcome our
justified desire to see you leave the Prime Minister's Office, because we
believe in our ability to cause political developments to deviate from your
original intentions. Just as we made it
possible for the Geneva Initiative -- as you specifically admitted -- to raise
the idea of unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, we will also work after the
withdrawal to promote negotiations with the new Palestinian leadership, toward
a final status agreement. This agreement
will be based on the Clinton plan and on the Bush initiative. It will be carried out in the context of the
road map peace plan and when it is signed, it will be surprisingly similar to
that same Geneva Initiative from which you tried to flee."
"The Horsetrading Begins Amid The
Sharon-Abbas Charm Offensive"
Independent electronic newsletter DEBKAfile
(11/28): "Welcoming the
seemingly-moderate Abbas in place of the architect of Palestinian terror,
American and Israeli officials are leaning over backwards to ease his path into
government in Ramallah -- even to keeping their distance until the election is
in the bag. However, this hands-off
policy has a price. It has given Abbas a
free run that he is nimbly exploiting to lay down a few facts that the Bush
administration and the Sharon government may come to regret later. DEBKAfile's Palestinian sources have learned
how the incoming Palestinian leader perceives the post-election period when he
is head of the Palestinian government....
Abbas wants no hand in Sharon's disengagement and settlement removal
plan.... As matters turned out, Abbas,
unlike his predecessor, believes he can count on American, European and world
backing for a Palestinian state by the end of 2005. His acceptance of temporary borders is based
on his judgment that the Palestinians have no chance of satisfying all their
demands in negotiations with the Israelis....
But Palestinian statehood need not be delayed. He also figures that by accepting half a
loaf, the Palestinians can demand that Israel reciprocate and make do with
temporary arrangements, such as the continuation of Palestinian terror and
incitement to hatred and violence, notwithstanding Sharon's stipulations for
dialogue. Above all, Abu Mazen is
counting on the goodwill lavished on him by Washington and Jerusalem carrying
over beyond January 9 and placing the Palestinians in position to redouble
their demands. Abu Mazen believes he is
empowered not only to sterilize the Sharon disengagement plan by shrugging off
a Palestinian role, but also to scupper Sharon's long-term objective to draw a
line on the Gaza and northern West Bank pullbacks and make them Israel's last
territorial concessions. Playing down
Sharon's disengagement is Abbas's way of minimizing its significance in the
larger scheme of major territorial concessions to the Palestinian
state.... While Sharon tends to be
insensitive to popular opinion and unable to harness it as a political
instrument, Abu Mazen recognizes "people power" as a natural
Palestinian modus.... Aware of Abbas's
pre-negotiation maneuvers, the Sharon interview in the same Newsweek issue reflects
a certain hardening of line.... This was
a message to Abbas that he had better not toy with the prospect of a
Palestinian state in 2005 and more Israeli withdrawals - unless he first
carries out the prior, pre-conditional clauses of the roadmap with regard to
terrorism and incitement.... Both
leaders continue to exchange smiles and pats on the back in the run-up to the
January election and promise to rendezvous after the vote. But their words often negate those
smiles. The hard bargaining is already
in full swing."
"About The Nomination Of Barghouti"
Ashraf Ajrami noted in independent Al-Ayyam (12/3): "There’s no doubt that by deciding to
nominate himself again after declaring that he would not run for the elections
against Abu Mazin, Barghuthi fundamentally incurs a big risk to his own
political future and the unity of Fatah....
Whether by insisting on running for election regardless of how many
votes he will get, which probably will not allow him to beat Abu Mazin, or by
having to withdraw his nomination once again, Marwan will clearly be the
loser. He will first lose his position
in Fatah and second will lose a lot of his prestige and significance, and his
influence on Fatah will weaken.”
"Abu-Mazin May Be Viewed No Differently
From Arafat"
Adli Sadiq commented in official Al-Hayat
al-Jadidah (12/1): "When
Abu-Mazin was prime minister, he received the road map agreement signed by the
late President Arafat. There was no
difference between the two men apart from the fact that Arafat the martyr was
in the eyes of the occupiers and Americans a leader personally responsible for
the resistance, while Abu-Mazin was not.
However, we might hear again that Abu-Mazin is responsible for the
opposition just because he would not and cannot agree to a Sharonist
"Israeli Hypocrisy"
Hafid al-Barghuthi editorialized in official Al-Hayat
al-Jadidah (12/1): "Those who
are responsible for crimes in Israel are the same ones asking the Palestinian
Authority to fight corruption and reform, [while] they encourage settlement and
defend the crimes committed by occupation soldiers on a daily basis. The reason that Israel had become a state run
by gangsters is the occupation".
"Stability Before The Vote Required"
Basim Abu Sammiah opined in official Al-Hayat
al-Jadidah (12/1): "There are
three issues that need to be settled before the presidential election so that
the new leadership would be able to regain control of the political decision
and the security situation: First, Israel has to declare its acceptance of the
road map and end its incursions. Second,
the political and military leaders in Israel should stop using words of threat
and incitement [Lastly], the Palestinian Authority has to impose its authority
on the street."
"Democracy Is Solution"
Ahmad Majdalani commented in independent Al-Ayyam
(12/1): "The calm and smooth
transfer of power has paved the way towards resuming reforms which were started
more than two years ago then faltered.
The pluralistic democratic solution is the best and easiest option that
could mobilize all the people and consolidate the ranks to achieve the national
"Elections: The Competition, The Institution"
Hani Masri commented in independent Al-Ayyam (11/30): “The key to founding a Palestinian
institution is to establish a state of competition, by utilizing elections in
all issues and at all domestic, legislative, presidential and sectoral levels,
as well as in associations, federations, charitable societies and NGOs.... Therefore I believe that it is extremely
important that the upcoming elections (local, legislative and presidential) be
a gateway to unity, legitimacy, reform and democracy through the involvement of
as many people as possible.”
"Telling Lies In Incitement"
Hasan Al-Batal wrote in independent Al-Ayyam (11/30): “The Palestinian printed media (the three
dailies) almost lack incitement compared to the Israeli printed media. This comparison is simple and available to
the average Palestinian reader, who reads translations from the Hebrew press in
the Palestinian newspapers. We admit
that Palestinian audio and visual media are infected with a lack of
professionalism and morale-boosting fever, and are contaminated with incitement,
whereas their Israeli counterparts mask their incitement with a high level of
technical and professional excellence.”
"The Palestinian Leadership"
Rajab Abu-Sirriyah commented in independent Al-Ayyam
(11/30): "There is also no doubt
that the Palestinian leadership that is now proceeding with quick steps on the
road to straightening out the Palestinian situation, in the wake of the
internal chaos and political paralysis, profoundly understands that its
strategic requirement is, ultimately, to confront the Israeli side on the
political issue. But it must be able to
shuffle all of its cards so that it will be in the best possible negotiating
position.... If the Israeli side were to
try, within the narrowest of limits, to coordinate the withdrawal from Gaza on
the basis of the disengagement plan, the Palestinian side would see this as a
return to political negotiation for a [final] solution. The Palestinian side sees the bare minimum
for this as the road map and its general framework is the fixed Palestinian
principles and the essence of the Palestinian position, which has not
changed.... On the subject of the
elections themselves, the Palestinian leadership is confirming that regional
and international oversight will be provided for the elections.... It is clear that Palestinian external
activity is impossible until it gets past the internal bottleneck following the
death of President Arafat.... The new
thing that inspires joy is that the Palestinian leadership is one that is
tested and experienced."
"Action Full Of Promises"
Talal ‘Okal commented in independent Al-Ayyam (11/29): “At an internal level, which is the most
important, Fatah has been able to unify its choice...over the nomination of
Mahmud Abbas for the presidency, increasing his chances of winning especially
following Marwan Barghuthi’s decision to withdraw his candidacy.... There is a general Palestinian understanding,
reflected by events on the ground, of what is needed at this stage. There are also clear signs that the factions
will take into account the PA’s general circumstances that weaken Israel’s
justification to continue its aggression.
Moreover, the number of political activities and meetings with the U.S.,
Russian and British foreign ministers, in addition to the UN and China’s peace
envoys, carry promises that compel Israel to take measures to facilitate the
elections, return to negotiations and activate the peace process.”
"Important Steps In The Right Direction"
Independent Al-Quds editorialized (11/29): “The Palestinian scene clearly is moving
hastily and intensely in the right direction amid obvious Arab and
international support. The remaining
concern is the indication that Israel has not yet shown any good
intentions. On the contrary, it
continued its hostility and began to come up with new pretexts, showing lack of
interest in the free, democratic elections that would produce a Palestinian
leadership. Thus it’s necessary that
Arab and international efforts continue to compel Israel to implement the
Roadmap and to prevent it from thwarting the Palestinian efforts to rebuild
what the occupation has ruined.”
"The Presidential Elections: Important
Developments But..."
Ashraf al-Ajrami commented in independent Al-Ayyam
(11/29): "Two important steps have
been made within the past few days on the way to Palestinian presidential
elections. The first was Fatah's
complete support for Abu-Mazin, Mahmud Abbas.... The second development was the announcement
of the disbanding of the Death Squad....
Yet, for all their importance, these steps do not cancel out the
fragility and sensitivity of the domestic Palestinian situation or the inherent
dangers that could overturn matters and wreak havoc.... Reforming the security apparatuses and
designating their function based on laws that determine their responsibilities
and authority is a matter of the utmost importance in order for the election of
a new PA president to be meaningful on both the domestic democratic and general
political levels. This will lead to a
restructuring of the Palestinian institution and improve the PA's image among
the civilian population and influential international parties. The democratic process cannot advance without
first advancing the rule of law, public order, and the population's sense of
safety and security. Nor can it advance
without reconsidering the chaos of weapons and the over-militarization of
Palestinian society in the last few years.
The PA cannot find a solution to the lawlessness without restraining,
unifying, and pinpointing the jurisdiction and responsibilities of its security
apparatuses and ending the entanglement and contention among them.... Abu-Mazin's greatest challenge will be his
ability to revive Fatah's institutions and control its various offshoots, some
of which still threaten to hinder the electoral process. Another challenge will
be his success in pulling Fatah's ranks together and uniting them behind the
democratic process in preparation for the movement's sixth general
conference.... In the remaining time
before the elections it is important to impart to the people that there is a
new opportunity for serious reform and change in the political system."
"Presidency Bazaar"
Basim Abu Sumaya opined in official Al-Hayat Al-Jadida
(11/28): “What harms the presidential
election campaign most is that the fantastical plethora of candidates (10 so
far) is nothing but fake democracy....
We say fake because this rush by the majority of those who are running
with no sensible agendas is a kind of misrepresentation of democracy and
constituency awareness. It is naive when
six out of ten candidates for presidency say that they are seeking funds for
their campaigns and that they depend on assistance from their friends and
charitable donations, or that some of them rely on their broad national vision
and firm desire to challenge corruption, the U.S. and Israel. What’s this meaningless talk?.... Since the talk is about true presidential
elections and not a bazaar or a workshop, it would have been better if each one
of the political parties, including the silent independent current, nominated
their best candidates to represent them so that the elections have a flavor of
real democracy and a taste of true competition.”
"To Mahmud Abbas...With Love And Best
Faysal Abu-Khadra commented in independent Al-Quds
(11/27): "There is no doubt that it
is a great honor for Mr. Mahmud Abbas -- Abu-Mazin -- to have the confidence of
the Palestinians to succeed the late President Yasir Arafat.... This honor, of which Abu-Mazin is definitely
worthy, necessarily requires the one upon whom it is bestowed to preserve and
protect it with everything he has. It
was not by accident that the nomination of Mahmud Abbas took place
simultaneously with the funeral of the late President Yasir Arafat. On the contrary, Abu-Mazin deliberately
wanted to convey loudly to the spirit of Arafat that he would be loyal to the
pledge, the companionship, and the date.
As for the fulfillment of these promises, they require the president to
stop and have a long talk with himself, before God, and before the hopes of the
Palestinian people, and then reach the following conclusions. First, Israel is a very strong and very
developed state, and has very long arms....
Second, it is extremely necessary for President Mahmud Abbas to
understand this fact -- and we know that he does -- and to behave on the basis
of searching for an honorable way out that does not push people into fire and
destruction. This way out necessarily
requires the preservation of a maximum, not minimum, amount of national dignity. National dignity is not just to fight Israel
as an eye fights a needle, because such a fight will only lead to the loss of
the eye, but it is to work intensely as one hand, behind which stands every
Palestinian on earth, to snatch away everything that can be snatched away
through politics, unity, and a firm determination. Third, it is necessary for President Mahmud
Abbas to make the Palestinians understand that the political solution brought
by the Oslo agreement is a settlement and not a solution. Fourth, there are three demands in front of
President Mahmud Abbas that no one can erase or cancel out from the final
settlement, and which are the same demands of the late Yasir Arafat: Jerusalem,
the right to return, and the land. In
conclusion, President Mahmud Abbas, the chairman of the PLO Executive
Committee, now has the opportunity to consult his people...and to come up with
a unanimous agreement.... Mahmud Abbas
would have to go to the negotiating table with an absolute mandate from his
people giving him absolute authority to agree to the suitable and the
unsuitable, to the good and the less good, and to the possible and the
impossible; otherwise, we will spend another 50 years without knowing who we
are, where we came from, and where we are going."
"Abu-Mazin And Reformulating The Sources Of Legitimacy"
Leading government-owned Al-Ahram
editorialized (11/29): "It was only
logical that a new Palestinian leadership after Arafat would face a problem
with legitimacy, despite the fact that this leadership relied on direct
presidential elections and Arab support.
It is necessary to reactivate the relationship between this political
leadership and the Palestinian people, and to rely on a clear quantitative estimate
of the stances of the Palestinian people regarding the basic crucial
issues. This is the condition that
Abu-Mazin [Mahmud Abbas] realized very clearly when he started his election
campaign. He started it by confirming
his commitment to holding a general referendum on the final solution issues,
particularly Jerusalem, the refugees, the borders, and water. For Abu-Mazin, the referendum could turn out
to be a method to make his way out of any pressure he might come under from the
United States or the Israeli Government.
However, relying on the referendum mechanism on its own represents a new
style for confirming the legitimacy of the Palestinian policies. This is necessary to confirm the
transformation from equating the Authority with one person and personal
charisma to political institutionalism."
Peace That Israel Wants"
Jeddah’s moderate Okaz editorialized (11/30): "Israel wants to take advantage
of...(the) sudden death of former Chairman of the P.A., Arafat. Israel wants to redraw the peace project as
it sees fit, and from its own perspective.
Under these conditions, there will never be a comprehensive peace in the
region.... If Israel is looking for a
real peace, then let it negotiate with the P.A. the terms that have been put in
previous summits. In previous
negotiations, the Palestinian side demanded a guarantee of Palestinian rights,
including the right of return, and establishing a Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital."
"A New Palestinian Reality"
Jeddah’s conservative Al-Madina editorialized (11/29): "Political reality in any country
sometimes requires that people give up some of their immediate needs in return
for a public interest in the long run....
Palestinian solidarity and prevention of political chaos is contingent
upon the Palestinians’ ability to hold on to their cause, especially after the
loss of their historic leader, Arafat.
One person cannot symbolize the Palestinian cause. Institutional efforts are required in this
phase. The winning leadership,
regardless of its members’ identity, must have a crystal clear vision for its
political mission. A vision that is both
realistic and clear. Otherwise they
would once again lose any chance for a peace settlement.
"Negotiations In The Cell Saved FATEH [Palestinian National
Revolutionary Movement]"
Abha’s moderate Al-Watan editorialized (11/29): "Marwan Al-Barghouti, The Secretary of
the FATEH Movement in the West Bank, did well by announcing that he has given
up his chance to run in the P.A. election.
Al-Barghouti has saved the FATEH movement from a definite division. Al-Barghouti believes that the Intifada, [the
armed Palestinian uprising] is the only way to win back the occupied
territories; whereas, the current Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation
Organization Mahmmoud Abbas, nicknamed Abu Mazen, and other P.A. leadership
members like P.M. Ahmmed Quraei, Abu Ala’a, support the concept of reaching a
peaceful settlement through political diplomacy. These people are in favor of actions such as
the OSLO Accord, and the roadmap for peace, which have been sponsored and
supported by the Bush Administration during its first term. Now we are waiting
for the execution phase in the second presidential term."
BAHRAIN: "Palestine
Unity Efforts In Danger"
The pro-government English-language Daily Tribune warned
(12/3): "Collapse looms over the
Sharon government with the parliament divided.... But neither are developments taking a better
course in Palestine. The declaration of jailed Palestinian leader Marwan
Barghouthi to join the polls, only days after being reported to have backed out
only casts a shadow over the anticipated bright prospects that the January 9
elections are supposed to offer.
Palestinian politics, with Arafat’s demise, continue to take unusual
twists and turns over the recent days which highlight nothing but deep
divisions between and within Palestinian power camps. Barghouthi’s latest
announcement...can only lead to the splitting up of the Fatah movement further
shaking the already not-so-robust political ground for Palestinian
politics.... An uneasy feeling hangs in
the air that this latest backing out and comeback episode from Barghouthi can
lead to the collapse of unity efforts in Palestine.... Things don’t augur too well. The world is watching but there is yet much
to await if indeed Palestinians can pull their act together and indicate their
capacity and seriousness to run their own sovereign state.... As in the usual case, elections are not
really occasions to unite. In many cases, they can divide a nation. The way
things are shaping up now in Palestine, unity seems to be last on the
agenda.... Theatrics and vested
interests have no place in a crucial electoral exercise especially for a
nascent state emerging out of the ashes of oppression. Barghouthi, Abbas and other politicians are
intent upon the top prize--the presidency--but there is concern that these
political skirmishes will backfire....
As such they lose the ultimate prize--which is running their own
independent state."
Performance But…"
Former Jordanian Minister of Information and columnist Saleh
Qallab wrote on the back-page of semi-official, influential Arabic Al-Rai
(11/30): “It has been nineteen days
since the death of Yasser Arafat. So
far, one can say that the performance of his successors has been good and quite
impressive.... If Abu Mazen wants the
Israelis, Americans and European countries to treat him differently from their
treatment of Arafat, he must make sure that not a single bomb or gun or even a
bullet stays outside the jurisdiction and control of the security forces. The situation would not handle well the
Palestinian Authority having two faces: one for a peaceful solution and the
other for resistance and force.”
LEBANON: "The Last
Sateh Noureddine held in Arab nationalist As-Safir
(12/3): "National unity was always
a grave concern for the Palestinians....
Protecting this unity was never easy...within the various internal
Palestinian-Palestinian conflicts....
Nevertheless, this unity remained...because it was the only weapon in
the hands of the Palestinians....
Following the death of Yasser Arafat...this unity has been
shaken.... However, no one expected that
unity be shaken within the Fatah movement as well.... It is possible that Bargouti’s decision to
present his candidacy for the Palestinian presidential elections is only a
personal reaction to underscore that his imprisonment has been ignored by
Mahmoud Abbas and Abou Mazen.... But
Bargouti’s motives are certainly not only personal motives.... His decision to present his candidacy raises
a lot of questions about future national Palestinian activity."
UAE: "Who’ll Save
The expatriate-oriented English-language Khaleej
Times asked (12/3): "Ariel
Sharon of Israel may have overplayed his hand when he sacked ministers from the
Shinui party, a key member of the coalition government. What looked like a
comfortable political future for the Israeli leader until some days ago now
appears perilously uncertain.... It may
be curtains for the hardline Likud party prime minister if he fails to rope in
the opposition Labour party into his coalition.... Even if Labour agrees to offer a helping hand
to Sharon’s shaky government and joins the coalition, it would like to have its
pound of flesh.... The party, if it
joins the coalition, is almost certain to push its own agenda. The hardline
governing party, already a divided house. If Labour opts to stay out
of the coalition, the Sharon government is certain to come down. And Israelis
will be looking at an early general election.... But regardless of what happens in occupied
Jerusalem and who gets to lead the Israelis, the direction and policies of the
Jewish state are not going to undergo any dramatic changes.... Israel will continue to be guided by its
fundamentally flawed vision.... If
Sharon is booted out, will the Gaza plan follow him into oblivion? We wouldn’t bet on it.... A majority of the Israelis seem to favour
Gaza disengagement. It is the only exit strategy that allows Israel to withdraw
without hurting its self-respect and ego....
It is a rarely acknowledged fact that the Gaza withdrawal is a
face-saver for Sharon and the Jewish state.
By withdrawing from certain parts of Gaza and keeping rest of the
occupied territories with itself, the Israelis would rid themselves of
troublesome Palestinian attacks. At the same time, they would be in a better
position to manage what they have."
"Barghouti Shows Political Brilliance"
The expatriate-oriented English-language Gulf
News declared (12/3): "The
sudden entry of Marwan Barghouti into the Palestinian presidential elections
may show more political nous than many have given him credit for.... As he is serving five life sentences plus 40
years, it was seen as disruptive and likely to split the Fatah
movement.... In the light of overtures
from senior Palestinians to Barghouti...Barghouti decided to stand aside and
allow elections to proceed, endorsing Mahmoud Abbas as candidate. This was seen as a breakthrough by the old
guard who had feared direct confrontation with the younger elements in the
movement.... It could be this last
reason why Barghouti has had a change of mind and now decided to stand in
January's an independent....
However, it is unlikely the international community will allow elections
in Palestine to proceed while one of the principal candidates rots in an Israeli
jail. Knowing this may be the reason why
Barghouti decided to throw his hat in the ring.
For it is likely that only international pressure on Israel could effect
the release of Barghouti. Once out of jail, Barghouti, for the sake of unity,
may then decide to stand aside again on condition that younger Palestinians get
to serve."
"New Palestinian President Unlikely To Fill In The Gap Arafat Left
Saud Abu Ramadan wrote in English-language Xinhua
(11/29): "The election of the
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) president, due to be held on Jan. 9, two
months after the late leader Yasir Arafat passed away, will contribute a lot to
activating the Palestinian political life.
However, analysts also believe that it is unlikely that any coming
president will be able to fill in the gap that Arafat has left.... The ongoing presidential campaign in the
Palestinian territories has brought out surprises to the people almost everyday
as new candidates, some little-known, present themselves onto the volatile
political arena.... The main stream
Fatah movement's candidate Mahmud Abbas, chairman of the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) executive committee, is widely seen as being in the inside
track of the election.... It is expected
that several more candidates will declare to take part in the election.... However, neither the Islamic Resistance
Movement (Hamas) nor the Islamic Jihad (Holy War) Movement has declared to
participate in the election so far. The
two hardline groups have enjoyed soaring popularity, especially among the
young, during the past four years of the Intifada (uprising) against
Israel.... Analysts said the reason that
a booming number of candidates decide to take their share of the election was
the absence of Arafat, who was considered as a charismatic fatherly figure as
well as a symbol of the decades-long Palestinian struggle for
statehood.... Many Palestinians believe
that the coming election would contribute in a way or another to activating the
Palestinian political life."
"Boycott Of Palestinian Leaders Ended? What A Development"
Leading independent Kompas commented
(11/30): “Since Yasser Arafat died,
there has been speculation...ranging from pessimists who argue that
Palestine-Israel will become unstable, to optimists who say that there will be
a new direction promoting peace between the two nations. If we are to believe the recent reports, the
optimistic view will become the trend in the future. Yesterday it was reported that Ariel Sharon
was ready to end the boycott he imposed on Palestinian leaders. Last Sunday he said he was ready to meet with
the new leader of the PLO, who is a prospective Palestinian leader, Mahmoud
Abbas.... Amid the many demands that
Abbas has received and the many challenges he faces, Abbas is lucky because he
is credible both among the Palestinians and the West. Under such a perspective, one can see that
the peace process between Israel and Palestine can be more prospective. That is to say, if Abbas is elected to
replace Arafat, he will have the opportunity to create a new atmosphere in the
Middle East.”
"A New Crisis In The Middle East"
An editorial in independent Urdu-language Din read
(12/3): "While Palestine has always
been mired in administrative and political crises, this time it is the Israeli
government that is facing turmoil. The
Israeli parliament has rejected, in the first reading, the budget presented by
the Sharon government, which shows lack of confidence in the present
government.... Once this happens in a
country, the government must either dissolve the parliament and announce fresh
elections, or establish a new alignment within the existing set-up.... In a survey, a respected Israeli newspaper
has asked for opinion on whether people want a new government or whether a
coalition government would be preferable....
Earlier on, the conservative Likud Party had rejected the proposal to
share power with the Labor Party. Given the new scenario, it is quite possible
that Mr. Sharon might convince his party for a partnership and Likud-Labor
coalition government might come into being.
However, such a partnership would be conditional and Mr. Sharon would
have to soften his extremist stance and policies."
"Boycott Of Palestinian Presidential Elections From
Karachi-based pro-Taliban/Jihad Urdu-language Islam
concluded (12/3): "The role of
Palestinian resistance movements has been quite illuminating till now and they
have handled the situation very well even in very difficult circumstances. The leaders of the Islamic world should
comprehensively represent the point of view of these movements before the
international community so that the problems of Palestinians could be resolved
at the earliest. Election of the
Palestinian leadership is the personal issue of the Palestinians and if they
were not allowed to take this derision then the situation here would be no
different than Iraq and Afghanistan."
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