December 3, 2004
** The visit helped warm up
formerly "glacial relations" between Ottawa and Washington.
** Bush made clear
"nothing will deter him from sticking to his agenda."
** PM Martin was taken
aback that Bush "dared to say missile defense out loud."
** Lack of progress on
beef, lumber trade disputes was "a big disappointment."
A 'whirlwind visit' to 'mend fences'-- Canadian dailies generally agreed that
President Bush's visit had succeeded in warming by "a few degrees"
bilateral relations that dived "below zero in the era of Jean
Chrétien." Bush "charmed"
Canadians with "kind words" about mutual values and those who
"opened their hearts and homes to Americans after 9/11." Having put relations on a "healthier
track," Bush's trip was "a qualified success," judged the
liberal Toronto Star. "It is
reassuring to see Canadian and U.S. leaders once again trading warm smiles and
handshakes instead of icy stares and barbed insults," said the tabloid Calgary
'Classical music for a rock 'n roll crowd'-- Yet papers asserted that the visit was mostly
important in symbolic terms: "Bush was
eminently pleasant," noted the leading Globe and Mail, "but,
on substance, he yielded nothing."
Writers praised Bush for acknowledging "the value of
multilateralism" but also stressed that his "agenda of aggressive
foreign policy" remains unchanged and he "isn't about to yield any
policy ground to anyone in his war on terror." A number of analysts contended that the
Canada visit was a "warm-up foray" before Bush faces "tougher
challenges in Europe." Although
Bush "will make the effort to get traditional allies" on board, his
second-term agenda "looks little different from the first."
'Bushwhacked' on missile defense-- Many papers concluded that Bush put Prime
Minister Paul Martin "on the spot" by making "a bold pitch"
for missile defense, landing the Liberals "in a political mess." Given the Liberals' "precarious"
hold on government, "Ottawa had believed that the Bush administration
would not raise missile defense publicly, knowing the issue's political
sensitivity" due to opposition in the NDP and Bloc Québécois and among
some "wobbly" Liberal MPs. The
conservative National Post, on the other hand, joined other outlets in
chastising Martin for "procrastination" over an issue that "has
been a source of endless debate."
The paper stated "it is long past time" for Martin "to
make up his mind" about Canadian support for the initiative, which it held
would demonstrate Ottawa's "commitment to continental security."
'A missed opportunity' on trade disputes-- Editorialists expressed disappointment over the
lack of "concrete" solutions to "crippling" trade disputes,
including beef and softwood lumber exports hurt "by protectionism under
another name." On trade, a
left-of-center daily commented, Bush "offered little more than
platitudes." Québec's centrist Le
Soleil lamented that "beef and softwood lumber producers must once
more be content with vague and frustrating promises of a settlement,"
while liberal Le Devoir of Montreal charged that "one would have to
be deaf not to understand" that Bush "does not feel Canadian demands
are just."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Steven Wangsness
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis was
based on 36 reports from 2 countries November 30-December 3, 2004. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
Bushwhacking Of Paul Martin"
Columnist Jeffrey Simpson commented in the leading Globe and
Mail (12/3): "Twenty months
ago, while campaigning for the Liberal leadership, Paul Martin favored Canada's
joining the U.S. missile-defense program....
Mr. Martin has since dithered over missile defense...presumably fearful
of the domestic political fallout. This
week, after all the dithering, the Bush administration snapped. It Bushwhacked the prime minister, giving him
and, by extension, all Canadians a reminder of how this administration does
foreign policy: smile a lot, use nice
language when necessary, then hit right between the eyes. Mr. Bush was eminently pleasant...but, on
substance, he yielded nothing. Except on
missile defense, where he gave Mr. Martin more than he had expected. Ottawa had believed that the Bush
administration would not raise missile defense publicly, knowing the issue's
political sensitivity and Mr. Martin's minority government status.... What a surprise the Bush administration had
"The Man Who Dared Say Missile Defense Out Loud"
The leading Globe and Mail opined (12/3): "Officials in Ottawa profess to be
shocked, simply shocked, that George W. Bush talked about missile defense
during his official visit to Canada this week.... According to Ottawa insiders, a cozy little
pact had been reached in advance between Mr. Bush's people and Prime Minister
Paul Martin's people. The president was
not, repeat not, to utter the two deadly words missile defense in any of his
public utterances. To do so would
complicate things for Mr. Martin, who heads a minority government and has
trouble in his own caucus regarding the missile-defense scheme, which many
leftish MPs dislike. But something
happened on the way to Halifax. Either
Mr. Bush never got the message or he decided to ignore it.... Why Ottawa got so worked up about these few,
mild words is a bit of a mystery. Canada
and the United States are good friends and close allies. Missile defense will affect the security of
the continent we share. Whether Ottawa
joins the project has been a subject of discussion between the two sides for
several years. Why on Earth shouldn't
their president and our prime minister discuss it openly, like
grown-ups?... Instead of acting
surprised and injured by the mild appeals of Mr. Bush, Mr. Martin's government
should climb off the border fence and make up its mind."
"PMO Should Have Been Ready For Bush To Drop The
Ottawa Bureau chief Brian Laghi wrote in the leading Globe and
Mail (12/3): "[S]omehow this
week, the PMO's effort to signal U.S. President George W. Bush's intentions on
whether he'd ask for Canadian support on his ballistic missile defense system
went awry. The president, they said, had
no intention of putting BMD on the agenda for the whirlwind visit, and he would
most certainly not ask Canada to support it.
Unfortunately, Mr. Bush pointedly mentioned the issue twice during his
short stay, putting the prime minister on the hot seat with the public, and
even with some of his own supporters....
When the scorecard tallying the results of the bilateral meeting is drawn,
the kerfuffle over BMD will undoubtedly be marked as an unneeded distraction,
while Canadian ranchers and farmers will say the government promised more than
it should have on the possibility of resolving the ban on Canadian beef. On the positive side, both Canada's business
community and bureaucracy worked on deals to increase cooperation in areas of
common interest.... Although the
substance of Mr. Bush's remarks wasn't much different from what has been said before,
the PMO's officials had relegated the issue to such a low level that any
mention of it became a top story."
"Make Up Your Mind"
The conservative National Post editorialized (12/3): "It came as little surprise when U.S.
President George W. Bush took advantage of his Canadian visit this week to
press for Canada's participation in the U.S. ballistic missile defense
program. So why did the prime minister
appear so unnerved when Mr. Bush broached the issue in public on Wednesday?... When it comes to missile defense, Mr. Martin
has even less excuse for procrastination than he might with other
issues.... It has been a source of
endless debate within the Liberal caucus and Cabinet.... Participating in the program would carry
little cost--financial or otherwise--while going a long way toward repairing
Canada-U.S. relations and demonstrating our commitment to continental
security. But whatever side Mr. Martin
ultimately takes, it is long past time for him to make up his mind. If he is going to reject participation, he
should at least be bold enough to do so now.
And if he plans to sign on, as we hope, he must begin making the
"Missile Defense Snub May Shoot Down Trade"
Columnist Steve Madley opined in the conservative tabloid Ottawa
Sun (12/3): "Is there anyone in
Canada who seriously believes the Americans are going to lift the ban on
Canadian beef, or the duty on softwood lumber, or keep the border open despite
our decriminalizing marijuana, if we don't go along with the ballistic missile
defense shield?... The Chrétien snubs
after 9/11 and during the Iraq invasion played well for him politically because
of the appeal to petulant Canadian nationalism.
But Paul Martin knows that another snub, over missile defense, would
strain Canadian-American relations to the limit. From cows to cars, the border would shut down
tight as a drum, exports would dry up as quickly as American regulators could
impose punitive duties or bans.
Canadians must ask themselves whether that is a price they are prepared
to pay for another fit of anti-Americanism."
"Bush's 'New' Style Proves A Hard Sell"
The liberal Toronto Star opined (12/2): "U.S. President George W. Bush charmed
Canadians yesterday with his kind words for people in Atlantic Canada who
opened their hearts and homes to Americans after 9/11. At the same time, his whirlwind trip to
Ottawa and Halifax has set relations back on a healthier track. On those scores, Bush's first official trip
to Canada is a qualified success, even if it produced no breakthrough on the
mad cow or lumber disputes.... But
Bush's speech in Halifax also re-launches his presidency on the global
stage.... Bush used it to appeal
forcefully to allies to get behind a second-term agenda that looks little
different from the first. That will be a
hard sell.... While Prime Minister Paul
Martin played the dutiful host, he also discreetly distanced Ottawa from parts
of Bush's program.... Given the markers
Bush set out in Halifax, Martin's cautious response makes sense. The Canadian-U.S. partnership was strong
before the 9/11 attacks, and remains so.
But until Bush's second-term agenda takes clear shape, Martin is right
to preserve some distance. Other U.S.
allies will."
"'All Hat, No Cattle' In Bush Visit To Canada"
The conservative Gazette of Montreal opined (12/2): "It's tempting to say that this week's
presidential visit was a metaphor for the whole Canada-U.S. relationship: it took place when they were ready; they set
the agenda (and changed it, adding missile-defense as a main subject); we were
collectively obsessed about the visit; U.S. media and the U.S. public hardly
noticed. And the Americans made no
concessions. This visit was all hat and
no cattle, as they say in Texas. It
produced no agreements, no promises, nothing but glib talk about continuing to
work jointly on issues of mutual interest.
Bush and Prime Minister Paul Martin appeared genuinely cordial, relaxed
and cheerful together. The meeting did
what the White House intended it to do:
in the run-up to talks with European leaders, the idea here was to
demonstrate to Americans that Bush is a world statesman, and to Canadians that
he has neither horns nor a tail.... In
day-to-day terms, we're no better off...than we were.... For a self-professed free trader, Bush has
not used his political muscle to reopen the border to Canadian beef cattle, and
there was a deeply dishonest ring to the way he blamed bureaucrats for the
delay. On softwood lumber, Bush can
blame neither civil servants nor Congress; the extraordinary challenge the U.S.
filed with the World Trade Organization came from the administration
alone. It is without visible merit clear evidence of the political power of big business south of the
border. Bush's visit to Canada generated
lots of headlines, but changed nothing."
"A Lesson For Harper"
The conservative National Post editorialized (12/2): "Conservative leader Stephen Harper met
George W. Bush for the first time Tuesday and came away from their private
meeting impressed that the U.S. president is a man who knows 'exactly what he
wants.' If Mr. Harper is now willing to
follow that lead, this will prove a welcome development. Our opposition leader needs to see in Mr. Bush's
convincing re-election last month that electoral success is possible, but only
if he clearly delineates himself and his party from his opponents. He also needs to start speaking out more
forcefully on subjects of concern to conservative Canadian voters.... Mr. Bush's decisive win last month did not
come from aping his opponents' policies....
Mr. Bush took on his rivals, head-to-head, and earned Americans' respect
by being true to himself and his values.
That he has been infinitely more successful south of the border than Mr.
Harper has here speaks volumes."
"Nothing Like A Little Summit Saber-Rattling"
Columnist Lawrence Martin observed in the leading Globe and
Mail (12/2): "George W. Bush
was triumphant during the first day of his summit in Canada. It was a tough test for him to come
here. It had almost become hostile
territory. But he charmed his way
through the day, won friends and put the relationship back on good
footing. Yesterday, in his speech in
Halifax, he got meddlesome. In an
unwelcome piece of saber-rattling, he told this country to become a belligerent
or else face the likely risk of a terrorist attack.... Some hoped Mr. Bush might have learned to
ease off the hyperbole since his embarrassment over weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq. Outside of Iraq, where his war
has stirred daily terror-type retaliations, and outside of the Middle East,
where the bombs have been detonating for decades, the toll from post-9/11
terrorism has been about as high as that from snowmobile accidents. But fear-mongering works. In terms of the power it gives Mr. Bush to
bend the world to his wishes, there are still great gains to be made from the
political exploitation of the terror threat....
While the president got his select quotes correct, [WWII-era Prime
Minister Mackenzie] King was a consensus-builder who would have taken great
exception to the Bush brinksmanship and laughed out of the room any comparisons
between Hitler's Germany and today's terror pockets."
"Bush Signals U.S. Policy Unchanged"
The left-of-center Saskatoon StarPhoenix observed
(12/2): "While Bush's first
official visit to Canada was billed as a 'working trip' and a warm-up for a
foray to repair relations strained over the U.S.-led war in Iraq,
he did the unexpected by putting his host on the spot with a bold pitch for
Canada to join his ballistic missile defense plan.... It's clear that Bush...isn't about to yield
any policy ground to anyone in his war on terror. In essence, he made it clear that, although
he will make the effort to get traditional allies on-side, nothing will deter
him from sticking to his agenda of spreading democracy from Afghanistan to the
Middle East to forestall terrorism....
For Canada, which had hoped that Bush might bring good news...on
contentious trade issues...the president offered little more than
platitudes.... With the president's
reputation for placing a high value on personal relationships when it comes to
making tough decisions, the amicability Bush and Martin apparently have struck
will stand Canada in good stead in the future.... Canada is better off with a leader with the
ability to bend the president's ear on occasion than one who kept twisting that
appendage at every opportunity."
"Red, White And Moo"
Neil Waugh opined in the conservative tabloid Edmonton Sun
(12/2): "The most obvious battle
is over the...[U.S.] ban on live Canadian cattle. Others include: the 27% tariff on softwood lumber,
anti-dumping duties against hogs and the Ottawa Liberals' idiotic threat to
slap punitive duties against a long list of American goods.... Bush...tried to ease the tension on what has
become the prime minister's number 1 worry....
Bush talked about the 'great deal of frustration' the BSE (mad cow)
issue has created...but he also acknowledged 'there's a bureaucracy
involved.'... Canadians may not
understand, but America is a true democracy--not a virtual dictatorship by the
prime minister. There are checks and
balances.... Opening the border again is
not going to be as easy as the president made it sound. But Paul Martin doesn't have time on his
"The 26 Hours Of Bush"
Editorialist Mario Roy opined in the centrist French-language La
Presse (12/2): "In the end, the
only noticeable change is one of atmosphere between Ottawa and Washington, a
relationship in which the degree of cordiality went below zero in the era of
Jean Chrétien.... But Canadians, who
historically have always expected a lot of Americans, were hoping this time for
something concrete. For example: a strict confirmation of the reopening of the
border for export goods--beef and softwood lumber--hit by protectionism under
another name.... It is clear that the
president of the United States came here to voice some messages aimed more at
'Old Europe'...than at Canadians....
Pushed by a certain number of contingencies, of which the bogged-down
Iraq is not the least, Bush opened an all-theoretical door to what would
be--for him anyway--a new multilateralism, while refusing to cede anything with
regards to the main guidelines of the philosophy that governs him.... This opening is conditional on an 'obligation
of result' for multilateral action....
This is not exactly new. And it
is aimed particularly at the UN which--in Bush's defense--is, in the opinion of
almost everyone today, preserved in it own inefficiency."
"Present The Facts"
The centrist Winnipeg Free Press editorialized (12/2): “Prime Minister Paul Martin and Mr. Bush met
with an agenda that was open-ended and flexible but which, it was pretty much
agreed, would not include the issue of Washington's proposed missile defense
system. Nevertheless, Mr. Bush brought
the matter up twice, in Ottawa...and in his keynote speech in Halifax.... The Bush administration does not suggest a
space-based plan; Canada has made it abundantly clear that it will not
participate in the weaponization of space.
The concept of Star Wars is a red herring, and as more Canadians come to
understand that, public opinion is likely to move even more heavily in favor of
signing on to missile defense.”
"Two Countries, Two Views"
The right-of-center Calgary Herald editorialized
(12/2): "It was classical music for
a rock 'n' roll crowd. U.S. President
George W. Bush gave a polished rendition Wednesday in Halifax of his
administration's priorities to a country which mostly doesn't dance to the same
tune.... Much as [Martin] he might want
to accommodate Bush's thinly veiled urgings to get behind [missile defense] for
the sake of good relations, fear of domestic disapproval stops him. The Bloc Québécois and NDP are united in
their opposition and quite a few of Martin's caucus are wobbly. His minority government could well need
Conservative support to pass it. To make
such a tactic worthwhile, Martin would need a substantial incentive from
Bush. None, apparently, was
offered. Instead, there were just
promises of a more 'consultative' approach on softwood lumber, and perhaps
opening the border to live Canadian beef exports--in six months. Bush's requests for Canada to take a more
supportive attitude to the war in Iraq, and his attempts to evoke allied
cooperation during the Second World War as a metaphor for a united front in the
war on terror today, stalled because many Canadians don't see the world the way
he does.... Bush articulated his unbending
resolve to establish democracy in the Middle East. He also correctly sketched the all-too
plausible nightmare of rogue states giving weapons of mass destruction to
terrorists. The connection too many
Canadians fail to make is that as a co-occupant of the North American
continent, their country cannot separate its ultimate destiny from that of the
U.S. The forces that hate America don't
love us more: to the Islamist radical,
we are all infidels."
"Bush's Visit Successful -- Just Ask George W."
Barbara Yaffe wrote in the left-of-center Vancouver Sun
(12/2): "The expectation was that
the U.S. president was coming north to mend fences.... [That] he might finally show empathy for
Canada's perspective on the war...[and] apologize for neglecting three years
ago to thank Canadians for accommodating Americans forced to land at northern
airports on 9/11. That he'd avoid the
topic of Canada's participation in missile defense. There were even hopes he'd hint at a pending
breakthrough in two crippling trade disputes--over Canadian cattle and softwood
lumber. None of that happened. The president, fresh from a convincing
election win...was cockier than ever....
He reminded Canadians that he's there to serve Americans...[and that]
his main agenda item remains fighting terrorism, both at home and abroad.... He Halifax that he is not about to buy into multilateralism unless
it's on his terms.... And, unexpectedly,
he pushed Canada on missile defense.... Canadians
were interested in talking about resolving ongoing trade disputes.... But these items were all side issues for the
president.... Bush repeatedly emphasized
areas where Canada has in the past and can continue in the future to work
alongside the U.S. to further America's objectives in the war on terror. It should be acknowledged that the Bush trip
to Canada was positive in demonstrating that he and Martin genuinely seem to
get along, in contrast to the cold relationship between Bush and Jean
Chrétien. But the question arises: what good does the chummy relationship between
the two leaders do Canada if Bush is totally inflexible on his
"New Branches For Mr. Bush"
The conservative Halifax Chronicle-Herald editorialized
(12/2): "This was a speech pitched
at the world, not just at us (though it was very nice on that score, too). The world has been waiting to hear if the
second Bush term would bring any change in U.S. foreign policy.... Mr. Bush's speech...made clear that some
things will not change. His words, his
delivery, his demeanor all said unequivocally that protecting Americans from
terrorism is his first priority, and that he will not rely on passive defense
at home to do it. But the Bush II
foreign policy also budded some new branches in Halifax. To those worried about U.S. unilateralism and
isolation, the president had some encouraging words. He said he would like to advance security and
freedom through multilateral institutions and 'effective multilateral
action.'... Another potential new
direction was a renewed focus on advancing peace and democracy, in tandem, in
the Middle East.... Mr. Bush's first
order of business [was to thank] Canadians warmly for sheltering stranded
Americans on 9/11.... Canada, he said,
defines friendship for Americans. Well
said. And much appreciated, Mr.
"Beware Of Smiles"
Editorialist Bernard Descoteaux wrote in the liberal
French-language Le Devoir (12/2):
"President Bush's visit to Canada...served to strengthen ties
between Canada and the United States....
The American president had only one goal: to convince Canadians that Americans love
them. To achieve this he spared nothing
as long as it was limited to smiling, making jokes or friendly comments to his
'friend Paul.' The man has charm, and
that obviously had effect.... On
substance divergences remain. We should
not expect that litigious issues will be rapidly settled because this president
is simply not capable of compromise....
On softwood lumber, one of the oldest injuries in bilateral relations,
he refused to commit.... By the same
token, on the mad cow file, he refused to intervene in the bureaucratic
process. One would have to be deaf not
to understand that President Bush does not feel Canadian demands are just. His rhetoric did not change either in the
field of international relations, even if the tone was softened. In Halifax, George Bush praised the value of
multilateralism as a means of managing international conflicts, knowing full
well the importance Canada gives to multilateral action. But he could not stop himself from underlining
his doubts about those multilateral organizations where endless debates are the
rule.... The rhetoric has remained the
same.... The philosophy of George Bush
has not evolved. Neither has the man,
despite the smiles flashed during this visit."
"Is This A Kinder, Gentler Mr. Bush?"
The conservative Charlottetown (P.E.I.) Guardian commented
(12/2): "U.S. President George W.
Bush was as charming as he was expected to be...[but] beyond the folksy
affability, the determination of the U.S. president to push forward with his
agenda of aggressive foreign policy was clear.
What remains to be seen is whether his new efforts at building
international cooperation in pursuing this agenda will get results. It’s fair to say that Mr. Bush gained
approval points among Canadians for simply being here.... There’s been a lingering resentment among
some Canadians who feel he ignored Canada in general during his first mandate
and offended us specifically when he failed to mention Canada among nations he
wished to thank for supporting the U.S. following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks. Well, Mr. Bush more than made
up for those oversights Wednesday in a speech that was generous in its praise
for Canada’s response on that fateful day.....
Mr. Bush assur[ed] Canadians that although there will be disagreements
over such things as P.E.I. potatoes, these can be worked out among
friends. But clearly the speech was
intended to issue a call for multilateral cooperation in the quest for global
security and to make clear Mr. Bush’s unwavering determination to continue his
war on terrorism.... Mr. Bush may be
trying a new team-building approach, but his message and its tone of military
toughness is clearly the same one that caused division in the ranks of
traditional allies during his last mandate.
The question is, will he be able to repackage and sell it to Canada and
other nations during this one?"
"Multiply The Meetings"
Editorialist Jean-Marc Salvet commented in the centrist
French-language Le Soleil (12/2): "We suspected the arrival of George W.
Bush to Ottawa would not be conducive to any significant progress in the main
Canada-U.S. disputes. Beef and softwood
lumber producers must once more be content with vague and frustrating promises
of a settlement.... It is to be hoped
that the two neighbors would agree on the principle of an alternating annual
visit.... Some will say that
institutionalizing alternate visits between Washington and Ottawa would make
official a sort of vassal's role for Canada.
To the contrary these meetings would provide opportunities for Canada to
have its voice heard better.... For now,
it is clearly an exaggeration to talk of a 'new partnership' between Canada and
the U.S., as Paul Martin's entourage is labeling it. George W. Bush's stopovers in Ottawa and
Halifax are part of vast operation launched by the American administration to
reestablish ties with its traditional allies.
Canada was a stopover en route to 'Old Europe.'"
"The Chill Is Off"
The conservative tabloid Calgary Sun remarked (12/2): "Glacial relations between Canada and
the U.S warmed a few degrees yesterday as U.S. President George W. Bush put his
human side on display.... Bush's speech
in Halifax offered heartfelt thanks to Canadians who helped Americans on 9/11,
a belated message warmly received....
More importantly, the U.S. president talked about forging a new era of
the nations of the world working together.
He called for a more proactive UN with an objective of collective
security, rather than endless debate....
It is reassuring to see Canadian and U.S. leaders once again trading
warm smiles and handshakes instead of icy stares and barbed insults. Prime Minister Paul Martin deserves credit
for helping steer the relationship back on its true course. We just wish Martin had been able to summon
up some courage when Bush asked for Canada's help on missile defense.... Canada has everything to gain and little to
lose by signing on to this North American security initiative. The Bush visit paves the way to smoother
relations now [that]...Jean Chrétien is out to pasture. It was Chrétien who started the
chill.... We look forward to a new era
of cooperation between our great nations, where we can also respectfully 'agree
to disagree' on important issues."
"Incoming, Mr. Martin"
The conservative Halifax Chronicle-Herald observed
(12/2): "Minutes after U.S.
President George W. Bush had departed Pier 21 in Halifax...Prime Minister Paul
Martin was shielding his government's policy on ballistic missile defense from
a barrage of reporters' questions....
Mr. Martin's problem is that he knows Canada's interests very much
involve remaining a close partner of the United States to defend continental
security, but cannot appear too supportive of missile defense while in a
precarious minority situation in Ottawa.
Thus he must dance a fine line, keeping all options open while likely
hoping a return to the polls will bring a majority before Mr. Bush's RSVP is
due. Though anyone expecting more
movement on some of the other contentious files, such as softwood lumber or
beef, would have been disappointed, Mr. Martin did well to tell Mr. Bush,
directly, that these issues matter to Canadians, a lot. The president has promised his officials will
work harder to resolve these disputes.
We'll take him at his word and wait to see what progress, if any, can be
"Bush Did His Homework And Won The Day With Charm, Wit"
Alan Kellogg wrote in the left-of-center Edmonton Journal
(12/2): "[Under] Jean
Chrétien...relations had deteriorated to historic lows, and not simply on
matters of principle, but of hubris and ineptitude as well, on both
sides.... At first blush, it seems as if
Martin did what he had to do, at least publicly, by...extending a hand without
genuflecting.... Bush, like it or not,
was nothing short of masterful onstage.
Funny and self-deprecating...confident without the trademarked smirking
swagger, he got in his dubious dibs--support for ballistic missile defense,
slagging the UN, offering 'partnership' to anyone who agrees with him--with
charm and some grace."
"Missile Defense: A
Ticking Time Bomb"
Columnist John Ibbitson commented in the leading Globe and Mail
(12/2): "George Bush threw a
political stink bomb into Paul Martin's lap....
On Canadian soil, with the prime minister on the same stage, the U.S.
president asked the Liberal government to please sign on to missile defense, a
program that has riven the Liberal caucus, not to mention the rest of the
country. In doing so, Mr. Bush has
landed the Liberals in a political mess.
When they invited Mr. Bush to visit, this was not what this government
had in mind.... At least for the
Liberals, Mr. Bush's direct request has placed on the front burner an issue
that the government had hoped to keep off the stove indefinitely.... Despite this rather major hitch, the president's
visit has been largely successful, sparking progress on a number of
fronts. If trade tensions can be
diffused, the border kept secure, the Canadian military strengthened, and fresh
irritants avoided, Canada might, just might, be able to take a pass on missile
defense without permanently damaging relations with the United States. But refusing the Bush administration on an
issue it clearly sees to be of pivotal importance will consume enormous
capital, leaving none for other issues and other days. At the least, we can say this: George Bush's visit to Canada was not
supposed to end this way."
"A Familiar Tone To Bush's Doctrine"
The centrist Times Colonist of Victoria has this to say
(12/2): "It would have looked good
in the history books had President George W. Bush outlined a new direction in
U.S. foreign policy when he spoke in Halifax on Wednesday.... We, and the world, were led to believe there
could be a new, conciliatory attitude in the White House in the next four
years. That speech...was meant to reveal
it. It didn't. It was a stubborn defense of the same old
post 9/11 Bush doctrine.... If that's
the kind of message he intends to take to places like France and Germany, Bush
might as well stay home. For Canada, the
Bush trip did nothing but embarrass Prime Minister Paul Martin for not being
able to make up his mind whether being part of U.S. missile defense would be a
good thing, or a bad thing. It looks as
if Canadian officials were surprised that the issue ended up at the top of the
American agenda for our bilateral relations."
"Anti-U.S. Sentiment Not All Due To Iraq War"
Michael Campbell opined in
the left-of-center Vancouver Sun (12/2): "The view now being peddled by many in
the media that recent anti-Americanism in Canada is simply a result of
disagreements over the Iraq war misses an incredibly important dynamic in the
relationship between Canada and the United States.... A significant portion of the anti-American
sentiment on display in Europe, Canada and even the U.S. itself is fueled by an
anti-capitalist ideology.... The
anti-war movement has also drawn on a huge contingent of anti-globalization
protesters.... For many Canadians, the
words 'business' and 'profits' carry a negative connotation that comes directly
out of Marxist ideology....
While...[not] all those that oppose the war in Iraq are anti-American,
it is not a accept that all those who are anti-capitalist and
anti-private sector are. And it doesn't
worry them a bit that our million-dollar-a-minute trade relationship with the
U.S. could be jeopardized by their actions."
"We're More American Than We Care To Admit"
Scott Haskins remarked in the conservative tabloid Edmonton
Sun (12/2): "It's us versus U.S. Big Brother versus little twerp.... We are the tiny, insignificant mouse living
next door to the king of the human jungle.
At least that's what they think.
Especially the insignificant part....
George Bush comes to town for 36 hours and suddenly we are reveling in
the attention. He says a couple of nice
things about our cattle ranchers and our hockey players and he's 'a good guy.' Solve the BSE crisis and the softwood lumber
crisis, or else. Or else what? We can stick our lip out and stomp our feet,
but that's as far as it goes."
"There Is Little For Canadians To Admire"
Columnist Jeffrey Simpson wrote in the leading Globe and Mail
(12/1): "Mr. Bush sets teeth on
edge for a majority of rather moderate Canadians...especially inside the
Liberal Party [which] constrains what the Martin government can do with the
Bush administration.... U.S.
unpopularity counts for little at home...but it can limit the ability of the
administration to find partners abroad--which is why, presumably, Mr. Bush
wanted to visit Canada before facing his tougher challenges in Europe early in
2005. The Bush administration wanted to
be seen to be working well with some country, and the Martin government has no
choice but to try to work well with Washington, given the importance of the
U.S. to this country.... The visit,
therefore, was more about atmospherics....
Substantively, there wasn't much to say, even though much was
"Bush, Martin Talks Set A Positive Tone"
The liberal Toronto Star opined (12/1): "After a season of strain, U.S.
President George Bush had kind words yesterday for Canada. They set a positive tone for relations with
Prime Minister Paul Martin's minority government during Bush's second
term. But those who hoped Bush might
water down his 'war on terror' rhetoric as he launched his diplomatic round of
meetings with Canada, Mexico and Europe will be disappointed.... While the vast majority of Canadians are America-friendly,
the 5,000 protesters who marched on Parliament Hill served as a reminder that
friends need not be sycophants.... It's
a pity that Bush and Martin made no great progress on economic issues like mad
cow or lumber. In that sense the rushed
summit was a missed opportunity.... Still,
Bush made it clear that Canada is back in Washington's good books, and on its
radar screen.... If all this means
Canada's profile and economic interests get more positive attention as
Washington reaches out again to long-time allies, something good will have come
from a whirlwind visit."
"Move Past The Hoopla To More Productive Work"
The leading Globe and Mail editorialized (12/1): "It was billed as the summit that would
renew a relationship strained by years of economic bickering and discord over the
war in Iraq. Some had even surmised that
U.S. President George W. Bush would use the occasion in Ottawa to trumpet an
end to import restrictions on Canadian beef.
How better to signal a thaw in Canadian-U.S. relations? On this front, big disappointment.... Symbolism was all. Perhaps with this in mind, Mr. Martin has
avoided using this summit to announce a Canadian role in U.S. missile defense. But this deference to symbolism is
overdone. It's time the Canadian-U.S.
summit relationship moved beyond the headlines to something more routine and
businesslike. Regular annual meetings
between the president and the prime minister, geared toward policy rather than
politics, are the place to start."
"Shame On Them"
The nationalist Ottawa Citizen commented (12/1): "It was an ugly display of
hypocrisy: scores of demonstrators
spilled onto Ottawa streets bearing signs calling for an end to conflict--only
to pull out their sticks and gas masks before picking fights with police. Granted, the troublemakers were a minority
among the thousands of people who turned out to demonstrate during U.S.
President George W. Bush's visit to Ottawa, but they are the ones whose boorish
tactics were beamed around the world by all-news networks.... In their effort to hijack the presidential
visit, they damaged the interests of working Canadians who depend on the beef
and lumber industries and who desperately wanted the Bush visit to focus on
resolving U.S.-Canada trade disputes.
They damaged the reputation of Ottawans, who pride themselves on a
friendly city. And they damaged the
interests of legitimate critics of U.S. policies whose voices were drowned out
by the shouting."
"Out Come The Hooligans"
The conservative tabloid Ottawa Sun remarked (12/1): "This was just the image we didn't want
to see--protesters throwing sticks, placards, paint and other projectiles at
police as they demonstrated against the visit to Ottawa by U.S. President
George W. Bush.... Unfortunately, for
millions of people seeing the television broadcasts in Canada and across the
United States of yesterday's protests, the enduring image will be of the
foolish few who for some reason felt it was okay to assault police
"Martin And Bush Cold-Shoulder Kyoto"
Columnist Jeffrey Simpson wrote in the leading Globe and Mail
(11/30): "Smooth talk in Ottawa and
Halifax, and a nice trip to Europe early in 2005, won't change the fact that
the Bush administration is a serial refusenik on international agreements.... The pity and the alarm of the U.S. and
Canadian refusals to take serious action in this area was recently underscored
with the release of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a detailed study of
global warming in the Far North of Europe, Russia and North America.... The Bush administration, in the pocket of big
energy and the car companies, isn't going to jeopardize Americans'
quasi-religious belief in their right to drive large, gas-guzzling cars--a
belief many Canadians share."
"Welcome, George Bush"
The conservative National Post opined (11/30): "The main purpose of Mr. Bush's trip,
for both countries, has to be repairing our once strong bilateral ties--which
have been strained of late by disagreement over the war in Iraq and by petulant
anti-American insults hurled by several Canadian lawmakers, mostly
Liberals.... What is important is not
where Mr. Bush will be speaking, but the mere fact that he is here. The president never did manage to find time
for a visit during former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's tenure, and relations
between the two countries were left to chill.
That Mr. Bush's first official trip following his re-election will be
northward is a sign that they are finally starting to warm. It is to Paul Martin's credit that since he
took over, the government's tone when referring to the United States--[MP]
Carolyn Parrish's outbursts while in the Liberal caucus notwithstanding--has
improved considerably. That's paved the
way for the two leaders to work toward solutions on trade matters that are
crippling several of our industries--notably beef and live cattle exports and
softwood lumber. And in turn, it should
facilitate a more constructive approach to continental security."
"Memo to Bush: Canada
Is Important"
Columnist Don Martin observed in the conservative National Post
(11/30): "It's a given George W.
Bush will not meet an average Canadian....
That's to be expected. But what
must be hammered home to the man by those who have his selective hearing, is
that Canada is important, dammit, and should be taken more seriously by his
administration.... Outside the bubble,
today will feature a billion dollars in trade, three-quarters of a billion
dollars in new U.S. investment in Canada and another half a million people
flying or driving across the 8,891-kilometer border between the two
countries. That's the real Canada to the
United States--hardly a bush-league neighbor (sorry boss)."
"Welcome, Mr. Bush"
The nationalist Ottawa Citizen opined (11/30): "While it's true that many on this side
of the 49th parallel do not support some elements of U.S. foreign policy, the
great majority recognize that Mr. Bush is the duly-elected leader of the world's
most important democracy. It is, or ought
to be, our privilege to host him. We use
the word 'privilege' not out of unique affection for Mr. Bush, but out of
respect for the office he holds and out of respect for the 300 million people
he represents.... It's a tired truism
that the U.S. is Canada's best friend, but it's a truism nonetheless.... In any long-term relationship, there are
moments of tension, and sadly the Canada-U.S. relationship is in one of them
now. The blame is shared.... It's time to abandon the pettiness."
GERMANY: "George W.
Bush, The New Internationalist"
Holger Schmale noted in an editorial in left-of-center Berliner
Zeitung (12/3): "President
George W. Bush has discovered a new term: multilateralism. During his first trip abroad, he created the
impression during a speech in Canada that he planned to begin his second term
by turning to his allies and the international community. His upcoming trip to Europe also speaks for
his effort to dedicate some time to the cultivation of strained relations. But this is by no means a real change of
course. The U.S. leadership knows that
it is dependent on cooperation with its allies and international organizations
to resolve the most urgent foreign policy problems.... Military options cannot be carried out in
Iran and Korea at least as long as the situation in Iraq can only be kept under
control with the massive support of the military. Evidence of this is also the decision of the
Pentagon, to send re-enforcements to Iraq.
Then the number of U.S. forces will be higher than the number of forces
during the hottest stage of the war.
That is why it is appropriate that the president makes sure that he gets
the support of partners. But then they
have to function. The president
said: 'The goal of the UN and other
institutions must be collective security, not endless debates'--to emphasize
who has the command."
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