February 9, 2005
** Visit "prepared ground” for U.S. “return to the Middle
** Rice delivers a message
of "determined support" under watch of a "critical eye."
** Expecting results, Rice
brings "changed rhetoric" and "firm speech."
** Sharm el-Shaikh
Summit--a "first test" for Rice despite lack of U.S. presence.
Refreshing initiatives-- Media saw Secretary Rice’s week-long
"debut" trip as "paving the way" for President Bush in
Europe. Her two-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority was seen as
“preparing the ground” for refreshed initiatives in the Middle East. A Spanish observer noted, "the long
voyage to London, Berlin, Warsaw, Ankara, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramala, Rome,
Paris, Brussels and Luxemburg shows a rapprochement with Europe and a return to
Middle East." A Hungarian analyst
held, the Middle East and Southwest Asia factor most in "Bush’s and Rice’s
world atlas”; they “will be less influenced” by European considerations.
A tyro's "encouraging remarks"-- Some media described the
secretary as "expert in Russian affairs" but "new" to the
conflicts in the Mideast. Writers
asserted "only the Americans" can bridge the gap between Israeli
"concerns over security" and Palestinian desires for a "final
political solution." Israel’s
left-leaning Ha’aretz acknowledged that Rice delivered a message of
"determined support" by designating a security coordinator (Gen.
Ward) with a "critical eye" who could "demand" Israel and
the PA "keep their promises."
Writers wished her success in translating "advice to Israel"
into "tangible steps' which can "calm fears" and "help
reactivate" the peace process.
Urging compromise for "concrete results"-- Citing what a Slovakian
commentator viewed as Rice’s objective viz., "concrete results, not
tomorrow, but today," a Swedish writer believed "U.S. benevolence to
Abbas" showed "the rhetoric has changed," despite Rice's “firm speech.”
Another Slovakian writer declared Rice expected results, and that her trips to
Jerusalem and Ramallah were no "courtesy calls." A softening of Sharon’s "aggressive
Israeli policy towards the Palestinians" would show he was ready for an
"historic compromise," Austria’s independentSalzburger Nachricten
judged. However, an Israeli writer cautioned that Rice’s call to Israel
"to take 'hard decisions' in the interest of peace in the region"
could run up against a "worried" Sharon whose "political
situation is not simple," given Israel’s "volatile political
Sharm el-Sheikh, Rice's "first test"-- A Jordanian editor
believed that the summit at Sharm el-Sheikh was distinguished from other
summits by the "exhaustion" of Sharon’s four-year "policy of
confrontation and escalation.” Despite Rice’s and the U.S. absence from the
summit, many had “no doubt” that "the U.S. spirit will be present.” Americans in absentia fostered
"diplomatic movement, without having to participate.” A Saudi writer hoped the summit would be
positive and declared it “the first test for Rice.”
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Rupert D. Vaughan
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprites foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the
views of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 46 reports from 21 countries over 2 - 8 February 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed in the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "Light At The
An editorial in the conservative Times (2/7): "The summit comes at an unusually
opportune moment, three weeks before the second meeting in London of
Palestinian leaders to discuss necessary reforms and after the scheduled
meetings Condoleezza Rice, the new U.S. Secretary of State, is having with
Israeli and Palestinian leaders. She has
emphasised Washington's commitment to restarting the peace process by including
the Middle East in her first overseas visit in her new post; for his part,
President Bush announced in his State of the Union address that he would seek
$250 million in additional help for the Palestinians over two years."
"Teeth And Smiles: Conflict Lies Ahead For The U.S. and EU
Over Iran And China"
The independent Financial Times editorialized (2/7): "President Bush's second term and Ms.
Rice's new job offer the U.S. and EU a chance to bury their bitter acrimony
over Iraq. Both have an interest now in
seeking to maximise common ground on the world's trouble-spots through dialogue
rather than glossing over their differences or, worse, resorting once more to
unilateral acts."
"Behind The Smiles: The EU,The U.S., Iran And The Arms
Embargo On China"
The conservative Times
editorialized (2/5): "The
issue that concerned many EU leaders before Dr. Rice's arrival is how
Washington intends to proceed towards Iran.
To those given to selective interpretation, a U.S. army march on Tehran
is now inevitable."
FRANCE: "February 8"
Bernard Guetta told listeners on state-run France Inter radio
(2/7): “Tomorrow will be an important
day. While the Israeli-Palestinian
conference will be taking place in Sharm el Sheik, Condoleezza Rice will be in
France. She will give a speech that we
already know will focus on renewing transatlantic relations. The very fact that she chose Paris for this speech
marks a desire to renew with 'Old Europe' and the fact that these two events
will take place the same day highlights that it is not just in the Middle East
that relations are changing.... Indeed,
the relationship between Europe and the U.S. is also evolving.... Even if the U.S. has not adopted the idea of
multilateralism, it has come to the realization that it has never been so
unpopular as today...and not just in the Arab world.... America’s image has suffered and its image is
as important as its military might.
George W. Bush has decided to soften the edges and hold out a
conciliatory hand.”
"Its Your Turn At Bat Ms. Rice"
Gilles Delafon in his weekly editorial Le Journal du Dimanche
(2/6): “She had barely landed in Europe
when Condoleezza Rice launched into a violent diatribe against Iran just at a
time when London, Paris and Berlin are attempting to negotiate with Teheran to
put a stop to its nuclear program… Ms. Rice will have to choose between the
efficiency of realpolitik and haphazard ideology. Because of her privileged relationship with
George Bush, she has all of the cards in her hand.”
Superpower's Mission"
Dietrtich Alexander argued in right-of-center Die
Welt of Berlin (2/8): "Given Secretary of State Rice's brilliant
performance in Jerusalem and Ramallah, there can be no doubt that President
Bush is serious about the Middle East.
Finally, Washington nominated a permanent U.S. security
coordinator. Gen. Ward will help keep
alive the new peace talks even when Palestinian extremists want to attack
them--something they will certainly try.
America's willingness to accept a larger role is reflected in the
suggestion that Washington is ready to supervise a truce between Israel and
Palestine.... Rice made also clear that
both sides would have to reach painful compromises."
Dietrich Alexander had this to say in an editorial in
right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin (2/7): For the old Europe she had nothing but praise
and it is clearly visible that her boss in the White House plans to reactivate
relations with France and Germany. His
secretary of state is now preparing the ground but also for a new Middle East
initiative of the superpower…. Only the
sideswipe at Russia is causing some irritation…. But while Bush is trying to create the
impression of giving multilateralism a greater scope of action during his
second term, his secretary of state moves around in global politics with a
strong, moralizing undertone. With
respect to Moscow, she may be right, but it would be better to admonish others
who enjoy great leniency from Washington and hide behind their own
geo-strategic indispensability: for instance, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or
Egypt. A moralizing undertone has always
created dilemmas for Washington because it cannot be kept up. In such a situation, the term 'double
standards' quickly spread; it comes along with end of credibility and
ITALY: "Baptism By Fire
For Rice In Europe"
New York correspondent Paolo Mastrolilli
asserted in centrist, influential La Stampa (2/3): “’The time for diplomacy is now.’ The new
U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, said so during her Senate hearing
and she will attempt to demonstrate it with her trip to Europe and the Middle
East, which begins today.... She will go
on the trip to introduce herself, and also to prepare Bush’s visit to Europe in
late February, by discussing the topics that Bush covered in his State of the
Union. British Prime Minister Blair had
asked Bush to make Europe the first trip of his second mandate in order to
relieve the tension created by the war in Iraq.
If symbols still have value in diplomacy, the fact that Rice will
deliver her most important speech on Atlantic relations in Paris means that she
is making a gesture of openness.”
"Sharon-Abu Mazen Summit"
Marco Valsania commented in leading business
daily Il Sole-24 Ore (2/3): “The
White House considers next Tuesday’s summit between Israelis and Palestinians
an ‘encouraging step’ on the road to peace in the Middle East... U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who
leaves for Europe and the Middle East today, will hold separate meetings with
Sharon and Abu Mazen shortly before their summit.... A clear sign that the peace talks in the
region have become the Administration’s priority.”
RUSSIA: "Difficult Mission"
Business-oriented Kommersant
editorialized (2/3): "Yesterday Condoleezza Rice, in her new capacity as
the U.S. Secretary of State, set out on her first foreign tour. Her mission is difficult, indeed, as, coming
to the Middle East, she will try to get the Israelis and Palestinians to sit
down at the negotiating table. Then, as she goes on to Europe, she hopes to
convince her colleagues in NATO countries that things in Iraq are going quite
well. Also, she intends to lecture the
Russians as she meets with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."
"Rice Prepares Stage for New Beginning in the Middle East"
Helmut L. Mueller editorialized for Independent
daily Salzburger Nachrichten (2/7):
"Washington does not want to give the impression that the
superpower U.S is going to dictate a solution to the Middle East region. While Ms. Rice is the one preparing the stage
for the summit between Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestine
President Mahmud Abbas in the course of her talks with both sides, Egypt and
Jordan are acting as patrons of the meeting.
On the summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, the conflicting parties need to clear
away the debris of four-and-a-half years of Palestinian intifada and Israeli
military actions. A comprehensive
armistice is the goal. The Israelis are mostly concerned with security; the
Palestinians want most of all to begin negotiations about a final political
solution. The gap between these goals
only the Americans can bridge. Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip must be
the overture for a two-states solution. This test case will show whether Abbas
is prepared to govern--and Sharon ready for the historic compromise."
"New Tone And New Dispute"
Senior editor for independent daily Salzburger Nachrichten
Helmut L. Mueller commented on (2/3):
"During her European tour Condoleezza Rice is supposed to create a
good atmosphere and thus prepare the ground for the entry of President George
W. Bush on the Old World stage. The recent changes in global politics could
actually make the premiere of the new U.S. Secretary of State a success. After the surprising success of the Iraq
elections, Bush can now exert pressure on those Europeans that have so far
resisted and urge them to make a contribution to a constructive development in
Iraq. The newly revived peace process between Israelis and Palestinians offers
a chance for Washington to once again position itself as mediator on the Middle
East scene.... However, behind the
facade of new unity, new disputes are already brewing--the EU weapons embargo
against China, the European sanctions against Cuba or the penalizing of war
crimes in western Sudan. In spite of
atmospheric improvements, the great power gap between the colossus U.S. and the
regional allies in Europe remains. A
tendency for the superpower to act as a soloist already became apparent during
the Clinton term, but was softened by Clinton's more affable manner. Now 'Condi' is supposed to radiate charm, as
once did 'Billy.'"
DENMARK: "Glimmer Of
Hope For Middle East Peace"
Centrist Kristeligt-Dagblad editorialized (2/7):"One
sign of the increasingly maturity of relations between the Palestinians and the
Israelis is who they have not invited to attend the forthcoming summit. The U.S. Secretary of State, who is in the
region, announced recently that she would not be taking part. Rather than view this as an indication of
American skepticism, we should view Rice's absence as a sign that the two
parties are moving closer together and do not need American of European
involvement. This is good news."
"Rice Charm Offensive Faces Obstacles"
Center-left Politiken's Paris correspondent remarked (2/3):
"The recently appointed Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, leaves D.C.
today on a charm offensive that will take her to the Middle East and
Europe. Definite signs exist that the
U.S. position on Europe is in the process of change, but issues still exist
(read: Iraq, the Middle East peace process, Darfur and relations with China)
that could cause the transatlantic temperature to fall."
HUNGARY: "Debut"
Foreign affairs writer Eva Elekes held in left of center Nepszava
(2/7): “Rice’s European negotiating
partners hope that behind Washington’s smile offensive there are genuine
intentions, and that it is really ready to improve transatlantic relations that
deteriorated in the wake of the war in Iraq.
A promising sign is that the secretary of state got on well not only
with the British prime minister, who is the number one ally of the United
States, but also with the German chancellor, and she will most likely have
talks in a good spirit with the French president, too. The European leaders are also determined to
seek consensus with the Bush administration prolonged for the next four
years.... As regards the substance [of
relations], one should not expect too much.
In Bush’s and Rice’s world atlas the most often-turned pages are those
of the Middle and Central East, and the leaders of American foreign policy will
be less influenced by Europe’s concerns and considerations.”
IRELAND: "Rice Tells Israel To Make 'Hard
Decisions' For Peace"
Hirschberg remarked in the left of center The Irish Times (2/7): “The U.S. Secretary of State, Ms Condoleezza
Rice, began a two- day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority yesterday
by declaring that Israel would have to make ‘hard decisions for peace' and that
the Palestinians had to ‘fight against terrorism’. Ms Rice, who is making her first visit to the
region since taking up her new post, is trying to help revive the peace process
by firming up actions on both sides which have led to a new period of calm in
recent week.... Against the backdrop of
a dramatic decline in violence and the renewed hope of a return to the
negotiating table, Ms Rice said that the possibility now existed of getting
‘back on to the road map’, the internationally backed Middle East peace plan
which was stillborn as a result of the ongoing warfare.... Ms. Rice said yesterday, however, that she
believed the Israeli leaders planned to withdraw in the summer from Gaza was
‘one of the things that will help us get back onto the road map’."
To Press For Active U.S. Peacemaking Role"
An article
by Michael Jansen reporting for the left of center The Irish Times (2/7): “When they meet today, the Palestinian
leader, Mr Mahmoud Abbas, is expected to press the U.S. Secretary of State, Ms
Condoleezza Rice, to take an active mediatory role in peacemaking between the
Palestinians and Israel. Although Ms
Rice has expressed a preference for the two sides moving ahead on their own,
the Palestinians argue there can be no real progress unless the U.S. is fully
Tries To Calm Fears And Promote Diplomacy"
An article
by Frank Millar reporting for the left of center The Irish Times
(2/5): “U.S, Secretary of State Dr
Condoleezza Rice began her European and Middle East tour…seeking to calm fears
on this side of the Atlantic and emphasize the value President Bush's new
administration places on diplomacy….Both Ms Rice and Mr Straw expressed the
hope and belief that the success of Iraq's elections would help heal world
divisions over the war. The U.S. Secretary of State attacked the Iranian
regime's ‘abysmal human rights record’ and insisted the Iranian people
"deserved better." But when asked if she envisaged circumstances in which
the U.S. might attack Iran over its nuclear program, Ms Rice replied: ‘The
question is simply not on the agenda at this point in time. We have many
diplomatic tools still at our disposable and we intend to pursue them fully.’
But there was also a warning when she said the diplomatic efforts of the UK,
France and Germany had given Iranian regime the opportunity to show it was
serious about living up to its obligations....
Ms. Rice said she would be using her week-long trip to reinvigorate
relations across Europe."
"U.S. Peace
Columnist Boris Latta commented in the
center-left daily Pravda (2/8):
“U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice did not travel to Jerusalem
and Ramallah just for a courtesy call, but rather to urge concrete steps
towards a peaceful solution to the conflict....
For example, Sharon heard the clear message of the U.S. about helping
Abbas strengthen his authority among Palestinians. For example the Israelis
will set free 900 Palestinian prisoners, but not just those who are only
chicken thieves or pick pockets, but also those who are responsible for attacks
against Israel who have been sentenced for several years.... Rice implied that the U.S., as the main
sponsor of the peace process, wants concrete results, not tomorrow, but
today.... The evidence about her firm
speech is that Washington asked Sharon to consider upcoming discussions in the
U.S. not only a friendly chat, but he should pack in his ‘luggage’ a good mood
and concrete proposals."
"Rice's Sowing"
Left-of-center daily El País remarked
(2/8): "The rhetoric has
changed. The weapons have not been
silenced, but diplomacy has returned, although Rice has been prudent regarding
Iran... The long voyage to London, Berlin, Warsaw, Ankara, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem,
Ramala, Rome, Paris, Brussels and Luxemburg shows a rapprochement with Europe
and a return to Middle East. Rice is
sowing seeds that George Bush can harvest during his trip to Europe at the end
of this month. This administration won't
be involved as thoroughly as Clinton's was in the peace process, but it will
impel it and it will avoid giving Sharon a carte blanche... Rice is
participating now out of the desire for reconciliation that prevails among
some. But it's significant that in her long
voyage she has not had time to come to Madrid, and that at this time, neither
is an interview between Bush and Zapatero in Brussels planned.... These slights have a certain air of childish
"Rice's Sowing"
Left of center El País wrote (2/8): "The rhetoric has changed. The weapons have not been silenced, but
diplomacy has returned, although Rice has been prudent regarding Iran.... The long voyage to London, Berlin, Warsaw,
Ankara, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramala, Rome, Paris, Brussels and Luxemburg shows
a rapprochement with Europe and a return to Middle East. Rice is sowing seeds that George Bush can
harvest during his trip to Europe at the end of this month. This administration won't be involved as
thoroughly as Clinton's was in the peace process, but it will impel it and it
will avoid giving Sharon a carte blanche... Rice is participating now out of
the desire for reconciliation that prevails among some. But it's significant that in her long voyage
she has not had time to come to Madrid, and that at this time, neither is an
interview between Bush and Zapatero in Brussels planned.... These slights have a certain air of childish
punishment. They don't recognize the
efforts that Spain is undertaking in Afghanistan, or its will to train Iraqi
security forces. Neither does it take
into account that, in the end, without Spain giving up some leeway in a foreign
policy that had been dangerously narrowed by Aznar, pragmatism should
SWEDEN: "The Chance
Israel Must Take"
The Social Democratic tabloid Aftonbladet
editorialialized (2/8): "The question is if the Israeli government now has
the chance to take a decisive step towards peace.... There is hope for peace among Palestinians,
also among Mahmoud Abbas' political opponents.... A truce and transition from violence to
political negotiations may now be within reach as there is renewed
international interest in the Mideast region. Yesterday Abbas received an
invitation to visit the White House. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks
about him as the President of the Palestinians. The Palestinian leadership is
coming out of the cold.... Terrorism is
primarily countered by democracy and political legitimacy, and Abbas’political
legitimacy in now to a high degree resting with Israel and the U.S. The terms for a just peace are known. Now
Israel has a collaborator who may make it possible for the country to accept
these terms. This is a chance Israel must not miss."
"Palestinian Issue--A Greater
Swedish TV One News' Bo-Inge Andersson commented
(2/8): “It is quite evident that the
U.S. wants to make Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas a symbol that reaches
outside Israeli and Palestinian areas. When Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
is urging Israel not to undermine Abbas’ position, it shows that the U.S. wants
to look at the Palestinian issue from a greater perspective.... Another reason for the U.S. benevolence
towards Abbas may also be that President Bush needs to reduce the rift between
the U.S. and the EU, which traditionally has been keener to listen to the
Palestinians. Before President Bush’s trip to Europe in February it may be an
advantage to show understanding for the Palestinian cause. In particular, since
the U.S. President likely will ask for EU support in Iraq.”
"Peace is Far Away"
The independent, liberal Stockholm tabloid
“Expressen” editorialized (2/7): “To
avoid the loss of hope for (Mideast) peace once again, security issues and the
underlying political conflict must be linked.... That is why the involvement of the
international community and primarily the U.S. is so important. Secretary of
State Condoleezza Rice should make clear to Ariel Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas that
the U.S. vision is a fair peace, based on the 1967 (Israeli) borders, with East
Jerusalem the capital of Palestine. She also should say that now is the time to
re-enter the peace process....
Unfortunately this will not likely happen. Although Secretary Rice
yesterday urged Israel to take 'difficult decisions' in the name of peace, she
has signaled that it is up to the two parties to take responsibility for the
process and that she therefore deliberately will refrain from taking part in
the Israeli-Palestine summit. It would be deeply unfortunate if the Bush
administration once again flinched from seriously engaging itself in the
Mideast conflict. Now there is a window of opportunity which the international
community must help to keep open."
"Rice Adopts the Disengagement"
Independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz editorialized
(2/8): "U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice's visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority brought with
it a renewal of U.S. involvement in the effort to solve the conflict, after a
long period in which it was absent from the region.... The U.S. will avoid
mediation at this point, but will help find solutions for problems that
arise. Rice also made clear the
determined support of the U.S. for the disengagement plan.... In her talks with the political echelon in
Jerusalem, Rice emphasized the importance of sticking to the timetable set for
the disengagement and called for it not to be delayed.... Rice's statements are an important message to
the Israeli public and political arena.
In U.S. eyes, the disengagement plan is not an internal Israeli affair
but a far-reaching international commitment by the government that bears within
it a chance for a historic change in the history of the region, and for
relations between Israel and the Arabs.
This opportunity must not be missed.... Sending Lt. Gen. William Ward to
the region as a security coordinator to accompany the Palestinian security
reforms and monitor the activities of both sides is proper and
appropriate. One of the lessons of the
Oslo process and the Intifada was the need for a critical eye, which could
demand of the Israelis and Palestinians that they keep their promises.
"The Americans Are Here"
Chief Economic Editor and senior columnist Sever
Plotker opined in the pluralist paper Yediot Aharonot (2/7):
"Although U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is touring the
Middle East, she does not intend to take part in the
Israeli-Palestinian-Egyptian-Jordanian summit that is convening tomorrow at
Sharm el-Sheikh. The distance that the
United States is keeping from the Sharm el-Sheikh summit could create a
mistaken impression of indifference. This is a misjudgment: the success of
negotiations between Sharon and Abu Mazen is the supreme strategic interest of
the U.S. in the region. From this standpoint,
Sharon's government has lost its exclusive hold over the U.S. administration's
sympathy, a loss that already echoed in Rice's statements last night. The positive American overture towards the
post-Arafat Palestinians appears to the White House as a bridge to the heart of
the Arab world and a lever to reconciliation with Europe. For all these reasons, the ostensible
indifference that the Bush administration is displaying towards the Sharm
el-Sheikh summit is no more than a tactic stemming from being overly involved
rather than insufficiently involved. The
Americans are not making light of the Sharm el-Sheikh summit; they are here,
and more than ever before."
"Israel Braces for Rice's Visit"
Diplomatic correspondent Aluf Benn commented in left-leaning Ha'aretz
(2/6): "Rice is seeking to show her
presence and take command in the diplomatic arena. It is important for her to show to her
colleagues in Europe that the new Bush administration intends to step up its
involvement in finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.... In Israel there is displeasure at its role as
a pawn in the game of the major powers.
It is more concerned about an American attempt to mediate between Israel
and the PA, and it would prefer it if Rice and her aides were kept out of the
negotiations.... In Israel there is
concern that an American mediator will assist Abbas beyond the level at which
Sharon is comfortable with, and by this weaken the Israeli position.... The
Sharm el-Sheikh summit is an opportunity for a time-out for all sides. It will enable the Americans to show that
there is diplomatic movement, without having to participate. This will enable
them to retain their status as an honest broker. As for the tough issues, they
will be left for the next stage."
"To Sinai, Not In A Tank"
Diplomatic correspondent Ben Caspit wrote in
popular, pluralist Maariv (2/3): "What is going to happen on
Tuesday at Sharm el-Sheikh? An historic
opportunity or a photo opportunity? In
any case the Prime Minister has nothing to lose there. For Sharon it will be the hero's return. For Abu Mazen it is the point of no
return. He is standing on the bank of the
Rubicon hesitating.... Two fateful weeks await Sharon and us. Condoleezza Rice on Sunday, the Sharm
el-Sheikh conference on Tuesday, then the compensation law for the settlers who
are to be evacuated, then the disengagement vote in the cabinet, then the
security fence vote in the cabinet and the budget vote in the Knesset. What more could we want? Sharon is calm and is keeping his eye on the
ball. He is focused on the target, but
he is also worried. He knows his
political situation is not simple. He is
no stranger to our volatile political system.
He knows the dangers which lie in wait for him, and for us."
WEST BANK: “What We Expect
to Hear From Rice"
Independent Al-Quds editorialized (2/7): “Once again, in her tour to the region,
American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice avoids talking about UN
resolutions on the Palestinian issue or the main points in the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict, mainly the illegal Israeli occupation, settlement
activity, refugees and Jerusalem. She
only made general remarks on the available opportunity to achieve peace and to
go back to the Roadmap and the two-state vision.... We expect from Rice during her visit today to
the Palestinian areas to speak about clear positions to end the Israeli
occupation and declare the illegality of settlements and all Israeli
occupation-enforced measures. We expect
her to declare explicitly Washington’s commitment to move toward solving the
Palestinian issue by applying the resolutions of the international community.”
"American Remarks on
Palestinian Ignore Basic Facts of International Legitimacy"
Yunis Ammuri opined in independent Al-Quds (2/4): “From Rice’s
remarks calling for the establishment of a viable Palestinian state (she stated
that without the establishment of a viable Palestinian state that meets the
aspirations of Palestinians, peace will never prevail, neither for Palestinians
nor for Israelis...) we sense that such remarks carry a number of facts, mainly
that the American administration is addressing the Palestinian state again, as
part of the Americans’ speech during the new swearing-in ceremonies, regardless
of whether it is relevant or not....
Such remarks are a marketing tool of the White House administration to
improve the image of Uncle Sam in the world after all the harm it [the image]
was subject to…. Rice’s limiting the
geographical boundaries of the Palestinian state without determining the
international political borders mentioned in all resolutions of international
legitimacy, is an annulment of the contents of the Palestinian issue.”
"Dr. Rice, Political Midwife"
Hasan el-Batal opined in independent Al-Ayyam (2/2): “Most likely, U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice will be like a ‘political midwife’ who will give birth to a
‘whole independent and sufficiently broad Palestinian state.’ To explain this, we might rely on the fact
that U.S. secretaries of state often serve their full terms during their
American president’s term. We might say
on the Palestinian-Israeli issue that the former General, Colin Powell, was
secretary during the roadmap phase and that his successor Rice will, in this
regard, be the Secretary of the ‘Palestinian state’ phase.... The Palestinians have previously depended on
U.S.’s recognition of a Palestinian state, instead of [them] taking the risk
and announcing it unilaterally. However,
the question is: what’s the difference between a ‘whole’ independent state and
another ‘sufficiently broad’ one? We
need a clarification from the ‘political midwife’ Mrs. Rice, which she might
address next week, otherwise we might have to wait another two years during
which time Rice will help Sharon get rid of settlements so that Palestine
becomes geographically ‘sufficiently broad’ and able to negotiate with Israel.”
"Encouraging Remarks"
Hafez Barghuthi declared in
the official Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (2/2): “The remarks made by U.S.
Secretary of State Rice are very encouraging.
She uttered what other senior American officials have recoiled from,
that the establishment of a Palestinian state is necessary to achieve peace in
the Middle East. Some American officials
used to try to say that the absence of democracy and reform and fighting
terrorism are more important. Americans
are now convinced that the Palestinian cause is the basis for peace in the
Al-Shaikh Summit...Is The First Test For Rice"
Riyadh’s conservative Al-Riyadh editorialized (2/7): U.S. Secretary of Sate, Condoleeza Rice is
new to the to conflicts in the region, although she is a know expert in the old
soviet Union’s Affairs...the issue of Arab-Israeli peace went through many
phases that resulted in less hope in reaching a law that stops the
conflict...the United States is capable of doing something positive, and it
might want to, but it will not be able to since it does not want to enter into
a conflict with Israel which automatically will have an effect on its internal
power balance... we hope that Sharm Al-Shaikh summit will come as an
international political and media demonstration...and actions are the keys for
both success and failure."
"Positive Indication On The Path Towards A Solution"
Columnist Ali Safadi declared in center-left,
influential Arabic daily Al-Dustour (2/8): “The Sharm El-Sheikh summit represents an
important step on the path towards revitalizing the peace process, leading to the
establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state…. The speed of political activities in the
region and the rise of these positive indications constitute a good beginning
for resuming the negotiations. An
extensive Arab effort in support of the Palestinian negotiators is now
required. The negotiations also require
continued seriousness on the part of the U.S. administration and the
quadrilateral parties to help achieve a settlement for the conflict and to
pressure Israel to respond to the requirements of peace.”
"Sharm El-Sheikh Summit Is Designed To
Handle The Details"
Chief Editor Taher Udwan advised in independent,
mass-appeal Arabic daily Al-Arab Al-Yawm (2/8): "If the United States is required to
cease its blind bias for Israel and to support the establishment of the
Palestinian state, then what is required of Jordan and Egypt that are taking
part in the Sharm El-Sheikh summit? The
Sharm El-Sheikh summit is expected to handle certain details (such as)
formulating the Palestinian and Egyptian role for the time when Israel begins
to implement its plan for withdrawal from Gaza.
There has always been talk of an Egyptian security role in Gaza as an
alternative to Sharon’s refusal to reach a security agreement with the
Palestinians. The requirement now is for
the summit to give back to the Palestinians their role in handling security and
political arrangements in Gaza after the withdrawal of the Israelis.... What
distinguishes Sharm El-Sheikh summit from other summits is the fact that the
policy of confrontation and escalation that Sharon had adopted for the past
four years has been exhausted. In
addition, the nature of the coming steps that need to be taken are now clear. The Palestinian cease-fire must be
accompanied by Israeli withdrawals and the return to the negotiating table in
order to achieve a goal that has been known to everyone in the world, namely
the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state."
"Sharm El-Sheikh Summit In The
Columnist Salameh Ukour declared on the semi-official Arabic daily Al-Rai
(2/7): “There is no doubt that the visit
of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the region may help reactivate
the peace process, particularly since President Bush gave urgent attention to
the peace process in his State of the Union address. Moreover, Condoleezza Rice’s remarks last
week, stressing the importance of a successful peace process leading to the
establishment of the independent Palestinian state, indicates an opportunity to
push the peace process forward.
"Sharm-el-Sheikh Summit: Multi-faced Deal"
Aouni Al-Kaaki commented in pro-Syria Ash-Sharq
(2/8): "Whatever our position on
the Sharm -el-Sheikh Summit is...it is clear...that the attendees have to work
on a certain scenario: It has to start
with complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, including the Israeli settlements,
then withdrawal ...from 60 or 70 percent of the West Bank. This will be followed by annexing the big
settlements to the Israeli entity. ...At a later date, the Palestinian flag
will be placed on the top of the Al-Aqsa mosque...finally, the areas of
Allazarieh and Abou-Debs will be announced as the new Palestinian capital and
will be known as East Jerusalem.
Obviously, this scenario will nullify the Palestinian right of return to
their homeland and any compensation...they might settle in the territories that
are hosting them or be given passports to facilitate their emigration to
Canada, Australia, or several European countries.... This scenario is not a secret...but there is
Palestinian resistance like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad who categorically
refuse the nullification of the right of return...this is where the obstacles
will appear. If President Mahmoud Abbas
insists on implementing the above mentioned scenario...then a...Palestinian
civil war might erupt...”
“The Last Stop”
Sateh Noureddine opined in Arab nationalist As-Safir
(2/8): ”Will It Be Possible for the
Sharm El-Sheikh Summit to...succeed without direct American presence?... Egypt did not invite the U.S. to the
Summit...however, this does not mean that Egypt wanted to keep the U.S. away.... The timing might not have been suitable for
the Bush Administration...however, there is no doubt that the U.S. spirit will
be present at Sharm El-Sheikh... It is
known, that following the killing of former Palestinian President Yasser
Arafat, Washington decided...to show interest in the Palestinian
conflict...however, it is still cautious about the approach it wants to adopt
towards this issue...”
“The Crisis And The Decision”
Sahar Baasiri editorialized in moderate, anti-Syrian An-Nahar
(2/8): “It is not easy for Syria to
observe international efforts to revive the peace process. Today in Sharm-el-Sheikh, all attention is
focused on the Israeli-Palestinian track, and no country is interested in
activating the Syrian track. The only
message they want Syria to hear is as follows: implementation of UNSCR
1559.... The blockade around Syria is
getting tighter and it is saying the following: the era of bargaining and
maneuvering has ended. What Syria was
able to do before...has ended with the accumulation of Syrian mistakes...the
last of these (mistakes) is the extension of President Lahoud’s term in office
and underestimating the Lebanese opposition.
...The result today is that Syria is cooperating on Iraq, resigned to a
truce on the Palestinian issue, but extremely concerned about the Lebanese
issue which has evolved from a trump card to a very expensive tab.... Even Syria’s efforts to implement UNSCR 1559
through peace negotiations ...is not raising anybody’s interest...Syria has got
to deal with all these issues very quickly...and not waste any more time.”
QATAR: "Speculators On
The Peace Guillotine"
Mazen Hamad speculated in the semi-independent
Arabic Al-Watan (2/8): “It seems
that Secretary Rice is leading Israel toward the guillotine, but this time to
the guillotine of peace. Rice is
searching for an exit for what is happening while the Israelis are creating
obstacles. Rice talks with Israel with
cautiousness alluring them to make tough decisions. Rice is trying with all her linguistic talent
to make the Israelis understand that Abu-Mazen should be helped; I think she
said it to them bluntly 'Don’t Destroy Abu-Mazen.' Rice said that because she knows how Israel
thinks, not all Israel but Sharon’s Israel.
According to Sharon Abu-Mazen will be given a chance but everything has
a price, a truce is not enough, Sharon wants Abu-Mazen to destroy the
infrastructure of the Palestinian groups.
Condi today will feel sorry for Abu-Mazen in Sharm El-Sheikh, Abu-Mazen
will be seen today as the terrorists advocate, his life in danger because he
wants to tell the world that power is not the way to solve the problem. Israel is not helping him and he is trying to
tell the resistance that dialogue is better than bullets and demilitarizing the
Intifada will lead to the solution. Israel invented and will keep inventing
obstacles to kill this chance. Sharon this time is under the pressure and it
looks like that this summit is like a shares company surrounded by speculators
who are trying to read its future.”
"Rice’s Visit: Unsatisfactory Results"
The semi-independent Arabic Al-Raya
judged (2/8): “People were optimistic
about the Secretary Rice visit to Israel and Palestine, but the outcome is not
encouraging. The only accomplishment was
appointing a security coordinator, which means that the Americans and the
Israelis still believe that the problem between the Palestinians and the
Israeli is a security problem. The
reason behind violence is always the aggressive Israeli policy towards the
Palestinians and all what the Palestinians have done is to defend
themselves. The Americans know this, but
they don’t have the strong will to pressure Israel. Sharm El-Sheikh will be a real test for all
the parties involved, including the United States. Either it will end up to be a photo
opportunity or a real summit that will come up with results complying with the
International resolutions.”
SYRIA: "Russian-American Stances"
Muhammad al-Nahas commented in the government-owned Syria Times
(1/28): "At a time in which the
official political circles in Russia welcome President Bashar al-Asad's current
visit to Moscow, U.S. Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice inaugurated her new
post by sending warnings to Syria and leveling non-objective and groundless
accusations against it.... We all know
that Ms. Rice was an expert in Russian affairs before she moved to her previous
post as U.S. National Security Advisor.
Therefore what she said on Syria and the region a few days ago, showed
either ignorance about the region's
issues or that she has misleading information.
Of course, we know who fabricated such false information."
CHINA: “Newly-Appointed
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ‘Tests Water’ In The Middle East”
Wang Zengli commented in the official popular newspaper Beijing
Youth Daily (Beijing Qingnianbao) (2/8):
“Rice’s trip to the Middle East is a signal that the U.S. is preparing
to restart the Middle East peace process.
Somewhat surprisingly, Rice will not attend the Sharon-Abbas
summit--Rice appears willing to let Sharon and Abbas play the key roles. Will the U.S. seek to suppress Israel, and
give more support to Palestinian objectives?... On the issue of support for Israel, the U.S.
certainly will not change its stance.
Optimists think the Sharon--Abbas summit means israeli-Palestinian
relations will begin a new chapter.
Others, however, think behind the façade lies a divide too great to
conquer, and short-term measures won’t equal long-term gains. The differences between the Israeli and
Palestinian sides pose a severe challenge to the U.S. as it seeks to
intervene. Of course, U.S. interference
has its own goals. The difficulties to
resolve the Middle East issue are still great.”
Advice To Israel,"
Karachi-based center-left independent national
English daily Dawn commented (2/8):
"On her first visit to the Middle East as U.S. Secretary of State,
Ms Condoleezza Rice has asked Israel to take 'hard decisions' in the interest
of peace in the region. Her visit comes
on the eve of the crucial meeting in Cairo today between President Mahmoud
Abbas and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Calling it 'a time of opportunity', Ms. Rice asked Israel to take steps
to promote peace and ensure the emergence of a democratic Palestinian
state.... What will be the timeframe of
the revived peace process no one can tell?
But the crucial issue is whether there will be a change of heart in Mr.
Sharon. He is a hardliner, has been
responsible for not one but several massacres, and by faith does not believe in
the existence of a Palestinian state. He
is a firm believer in Greater Israel, and evidently thinks this is the right
moment when he can achieve his aim, because the world's only superpower is with
him, no matter what he does. Unless the
U.S. sees to it that Mr. Sharon does not exercise a veto on America's policy
for the Middle East, there is little possibility of an independent Palestinian
state coming into being."
"Palestinian State: Encouraging Statement
Of U.S. Secretary Of State,"
Leading mass circulation Urdu daily Jang
opined (2/8): "It is really
pleasing that for the first time, the U.S. has reminded Israel of its promise
in a forthright manner and has asked it not only to fulfill its promise but
also not to waste the moment of establishing peace. Now that the U.S. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice has expressed some very positive thoughts prior to her visit
to Israel and after her meetings with Israeli President and Prime Minster, the
need of the hour is to translate this advise to Israel into tangible
steps. The United States, being the
chief patron of Camp David and Oslo Accords, should arrange for the
implementation of these agreements so that an impression of a contradiction in
its words and deeds does not arise."
"Iran Says U.S. Supports Terrorism"
Lahore based liberal English language Daily Times remarked
(2/7): "Iran accused the United
States Sunday of being the world’s main supporter of terrorism through its
backing of Israel.... Responding to President George Bush’s description of Iran
as “the world’s primary state sponsor of terror” and his pledge to stand by
supporters of democracy in the Islamic republic.... America is the biggest supporter of a terrorist
regime: Israel. And the one who supports
terrorism cannot talk about human rights....
But for Americans, these days are painful because their days of
dominating and bullying Iran were brought to an end..... Iran was impervious to remarks by Rice who had
accused Tehran’s 'un-elected mullahs' of
a dismal human rights record and covering up attempts to build an atom
bomb. Such threats will not have much
effect on the Islamic Republic which will continue its path of sovereignty,
independence and saying no to hegemony, according to an Iranian
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