February 15, 2005
** "This election was
a good beginning," yet "dangers" remain for Iraqi democracy.
** Ayatollah al-Sistani's
alliance leads as Shiites gain electoral "reins of power."
** Shiites in "the
'new' Iraq" must "integrate" Sunnis and forgo "historical
** Iranian influence among
the Iraqi Shiites lurks as a "destabilizing force."
'I saw people smiling...risking their lives to vote'-- And so, according to an Albanian observer,
foundations for a "new Iraq are laid." Media grant that Iraqi elections and their
results "are a step forward," but caution that "next steps"
must avoid "at least two dangers of civil war, triggered by the Kurds or
by the religious Shiites." Focusing
on first steps, most writers echoed Lebanon's English-language Daily Star
and applauded Iraqi voting as "an amazing democratic reclaiming,"
notwithstanding the editorial's ending reservation of "we hope." Spain's centrist daily La Vanguardia
determined that "democracy has won its first battle in the ballot
box," but provided a caveat that "full democracy must ensure peace
and coexistence."
Ayatollah al-Sistani, a 'new strongman' whose 'intentions are
unclear'-- All media vouchsafed
predictions citing Shiites as "the clear election winner," but
without the expected "impressive" plurality. Many writers noted the "bad
results" for PM Allawi compared with "the success of the United Iraqi
Alliance" endorsed by Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani who "has in his
hands the authority of religion."
Some writers foresaw "a great political challenge" for
"the first Shiite government in an Arab state in 1,000 years" that
assumed "the reins of power" by vote and which will derive power from
Islam preached by ayatollahs. A French
observer cautioned that not just Sistani's but all "the ayatollahs’
intentions are unclear."
'Sunnis must be brought in'--
Most Arab and other writers agreed that Sunnis must be in "some way
involved in preparation of a new Iraqi constitution and other key political
steps." Underscoring this view, Jordan's mass-appeal Al-Arab Al-Yawm
asserted that "the only guarantee" for preserving Iraq’s unity
"while the occupation is there" is heavily dependent on
"Al-Sistani's coalition with the Sunnis and the Shiites." Similarly,
Saudi Arabia's moderate Al-Watan held, "continuing the dialogue and
negotiations is crucial before writing the Iraqi constitution." An Austrian outlet agreed that "the
'new’ Iraq has only got a chance if the Sunnis and their agenda are included.”
There is no room for "revenge of the Shiites," concluded Spain's
conservative La Razon.
'A possible alliance between Iraq and Iran'-- A number of commentators raised the
likelihood the election results could see Iraq's "newly dominant
Shiites" tilt "toward Iran."
Expressing accord with speculations in Malta's independent weekly The
Sunday Times, many writers agreed that "Iran, a Shiite Muslim country,
has a considerable amount of influence" among the Iraqi Shiites and if
provoked could became a major destabilizing force in Iraq," since Iraq
shares affinities with neighboring Iran's Shiites.
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Rupert D. Vaughan
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprites foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the
views of the U.S. Government. This
analysis was based on 67 reports from 30 countries over 13 - 15 February
2005. Editorial excerpts are listed in
the most recent date.
BRITAIN: "Iraq Speaks: An Impressive
The conservative Times editorialized
(2/14): "The pessimists, and those who are dogmatically opposed to a free
Iraq, will doubtless highlight the inevitable disputes over who obtains which
post or how provisions in the constitutional draft are framed. That document will, nonetheless, be submitted
to the Iraqi people for approval, and if accepted a new round of elections will
take place in December. All of which is
a world away from, and much better than, the Iraq that existed in February
"These Elections Are A Step Forward"
The left-of-center Independent remarked
(2/14): "In spite of the air of
triumphalism that these elections provoked in Washington and some parts of
London, we should not lose sight of the fact that Iraq is just as dangerous
today as it has been at any time since the end of the war. On Saturday alone, the day before the
election results were released, eight people were killed by car bombs, and a
senior judge was assassinated. There are
signs that Sunni militants are targeting not just American and British troops,
but Shia civilians in the hope of inflaming the situation further. The threat of civil war hangs over
"Shia Delight"
The left-of-center Guardian opined (2/14): It is sadly easy to predict that violence
will continue--car bombings and assassinations yesterday were barely noticed in
the excitement over the election results.
But it was striking that Arab media coverage shifted from U.S. actions
to horsetrading over the new government."
"The People Of Iraq Speak"
The conservative Daily Telegraph asserted (2/14): "The ascendancy of religious and ethnic
parties presents a spectacle the West may find alien, even alarming; but this
is more a matter of political idiom than of political theology. These results show that most Iraqis do not
favour a theocracy on the Iranian model, and many of those who stood on an
Islamist platform were content to participate in the interim government or
other institutions created by the Americans."
"Next Steps In Iraq"
The independent Financial Times judged (2/14): "Last month's elections in Iraq have
undoubtedly given Iraqis a sense of achievement and a huge boost to their
self-esteem after three decades of war, tyranny and sanctions. It took enormous courage to defy the bombers
and the kidnappers, who are still carrying out reprisals against those who
voted. Now that the elections have
passed, however, everything is still to play for. This first exercise of democratic will is but
a platform: what matters now is what is built on it."
FRANCE: "A Pluralistic Iraq"
Jean-Christophe Ploquin wrote in Catholic La Croix
(2/15): “The Shiites are in a position
of strength.... Although they are the
majority, they do not nevertheless represent all of Iraq. In a region of the world where social rules are
based on religions, ethnicity and tribal traditions, the exercise of power by a
single community is possible only through constraint. No country in the Middle East is ethnically
or religiously homogeneous. The
inability to adapt to this reality is the reason for dictatorships and
authoritarian regimes in this part of the world. In Iraq, there may be Shiites who believe
that coexistence with other minorities is a necessity.... It is highly improbable that an Iran-like
scenario will develop and lead to an Islamic Republic in Iraq. Iraq’s Ayatollahs oppose Khomeni’s
doctrine. But beyond that, the Americans
who are still very much at the helm in Baghdad will act in favor of a regime
which is as secular as it can be.”
"Washington Will Not Tolerate A Theocracy"
Philippe Gelie in right-of-center Le Figaro asserted
(2/14): “After the positive images of Iraqis standing on line to vote and the
march for democracy, now comes the time for difficulties. The battle for power
promises to be bitter, not necessarily transparent and the type of regime that
will come out is not at all guaranteed… No single leader stands out amidst the
heterogeneous coalition. The battle for Prime Minister is on.... For Washington, the first consequence of the
elections is that the Alawi era is coming to an end. But the Bush administration says it is ready
to take the risk of losing its grip on the process, claiming it is also ready
to withdraw its troops if asked.”
Gerard Dupuy in left-of-center Liberation commented (2/14):
“The future National Assembly will not be fully representative of Iraq because
of the massive boycott by the Sunnis.
Also one cannot disregard the fact that the Ayatollahs’ intentions are
unclear, beginning with Sistani’s....
The results will strengthen the Kurds.... There are at least two dangers of civil war,
triggered by the Kurds or by the religious Shiites. But exactly because these two groups are
beginning to see they now have much to lose, we can expect they will avoid
engaging in this sort of political adventure.... The best way to conserve power
is, after all, to begin by sharing it.”
GERMANY: "Politics Is
Markus Ziener observed in an editorial in business daily Handelsblatt
of Duesseldorf (2/15): "The good
news from Iraq is that the Shiites won the election, but they do not dominate
the National Parliament in Baghdad. The
Shiite alliance must find an agreement with other parties and parliamentarians
to implement certain bills and constitutional ideas.... The bad news is that naked percentage points
are not so important, for the factual non-participation of the Sunnis in the
elections requires a form of thinking outside ethnic and partisan categories. And it remains a mystery whether this will be
successful.... A lot of time will pass
until the political map shows the first contours. The Kurds will play with their trump card of
being the second strongest faction. The
colorful Shiite alliance will soon show the first cracks when the discussion
focuses on contents; and supporters of President Allawi will now lick their
wounds.... At first sight, this is not
an optimal basis for compromise.... That
is why the responsibility of the most influential politicians in Baghdad is
greater today than it was before. In the
coming months, their skillfulness will be decisive of whether a federal Iraq
has a chance. But this is again good
news: the issue is finally politics
"Not Overwhelming"
Erik-Michael Bader commented in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (2/14): "The vital
issue of the announced election results does not come as a surprise: The Shiite alliance is the clear election
winner. However, it is astonishing and
contrary to many predictions that the alliance did not achieve a clearer
majority although most Iraqis are Shiites and many Sunnis followed the election
boycott. One reason could be that
non-fundamentalist Shiites feared that the Shiite alliance would establish an
Islamic state and implement the Shari'a despite opposite promises.... The bad
results of PM Allawi's alliance are also surprising. Many predicted he could win more than
thirteen percent of the vote. The next
thing on the political agenda is the even more difficult path towards
establishing the Iraqi democracy. Apart
from the difficulty that the Sunnis are not adequately represented, the problem
is that the alliances are not parties in the normal sense but reflect three
religions with very different aspirations."
"Celebration Parties In Trenches"
Peter Muench opined in center-left Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of Munich (2/14): "This
marks nothing less than a change of time in Iraq. The Shiite majority, who has always been
oppressed, has won the reins of power....
And the Sunnis are paying for their election boycott with
politicalmarginalization. People
voted--and rejected to vote--strictly along ethnic and religions lines. The social rifts, which could very quickly
turn into trenches, have become wider.
This will make the forging of coalitions and the drafting of a
constitution very difficult.... Those
who believe that the victory of Sistani's list is a solid foundation for
exerting power could soon be disappointed, because the United Iraqi Alliance is
a fragile bundle of heterogeneous groups with their own militiamen."
Dietrich Alexander editorialized in right-of-center Die Welt
of Berlin (2/14): "It did not come
as a surprise that the Shiites have won the first free elections in Iraq
because they have always been the country's majority.... The results are also welcome news because the
two Kurdish factions in northern Iraq, which have long been hostile to each
other, have found common political grounds. Their unprecedented pragmatism has
secured them a great political victory.
The Kurds have become a power in Baghdad no one can now ignore.... The only bitter pill is the Sunnis'
situation. The former rulers if Iraq
followed the election boycott, enforced by threats of violence, and they now
are clearly underrepresented. It will be
a great political challenge for Shiites and Kurds to integrate the third
relevant group into their governmental work and to grant them adequate
representation. The Sunnis must not
become tomorrow's oppressed people, because this would strengthen insurgents and
provoke a civil war."
"Winning Is Easy"
Clemens Wergin noted in centrist Der Tagesspiegel of Berlin
(2/14): "The next year will decide
about the political and social future of Iraq.
By October 15, the elected interim government must present a
constitution to voters. Then, there
will be a new election so that an orderly elected government can start business
by the end of the year. It is unclear
whether this will happen and whether Iraqis will successfully fight
terrorists. But this election was a good
"Not Overwhelming"
Erik-Michael Bader commented in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (2/14): "The vital
issue of the announced election results does not come as a surprise: The Shiite alliance is the clear election
winner. However, it is astonishing and
contrary to many predictions that the alliance did not achieve a clearer
majority although most Iraqis are Shiites and many Sunnis followed the election
boycott. One reason could be that
non-fundamentalist Shiites feared that the Shiite alliance would establish an
Islamic state and implement the Shari'a despite opposite promises.... The bad
results of PM Allawi's alliance are also surprising. Many predicted he could win more than
thirteen percent of the vote. The next
thing on the political agenda is the even more difficult path towards
establishing the Iraqi democracy. Apart
from the difficulty that the Sunnis are not adequately represented, the problem
is that the alliances are not parties in the normal sense but reflect three
religions with very different aspirations."
ITALY: "Iraq, The
Shiite Paradox That Creates Alarm In Washington"
Renzo Guolo concluded in left-leaning, influential La
Repubblica (2/15): “The victory of
the Shiite party blessed by Ayatollah al Sistani in the Iraqi elections,
particularly of its religious and pro-Iranian components, poses a series of
problems for the United States. Problems
that concern not only, or not so much, the possibility that a traditional
Islamic state may rise to power in Baghdad, a state which could cast a shadow
over the concept of democracy that Washington tried so hard to promote.... In reality, the victory of the United Iraqi
Alliance creates problems for the general Middle East policy of the Bush
administration. A Shiite-led Iraq, in
fact, would upset consolidated religious and political balances.... A paradox thus seems to emerge from the great
Iraqi game: the Arab allies of the
United States, all Sunnis, are very concerned, while Iranian Shiites, enemies
of Washington, look favorably upon the turnover that has emerged from the Iraqi
"A New Challenge For Bush"
Vittorio Zucconi in left-leaning, influential La Repubblica
stated (2/14): “Since none of the three
leading parties voted for by 50 percent of the Iraqi people got the absolute
majority that is necessary in order to create a government and write the new
constitution, the party that holds the keys to alliances and the nation’s
political future is the ‘fourth party.’
It is the party of the American occupier, which did not get a single
vote, but has the 130,000 troops that are necessary to keep the newly-born
Iraqi democracy from the nightmare of civil war. The role of the occupying and liberating
forces has changed since yesterday.
After the puppet government established by governor Bremer, and after
the Allawi government, which is hardly credible as was shown by its electoral
defeat, the next government will have the undeniable legitimacy of a vote,
imperfect but not fallacious. This is the transition phase from war to
politics.... There would have been no
democracy without the U.S. intervention, but there will be no lasting and
stable democracy if Iraqi voters feel perennially under American protection....
The task ahead for Bush’s diplomatic advisors is very tough indeed…. Bush could
lose what the sacrifice of his soldiers has won.... A true internationalization of this new phase
is necessary, to be entrusted to a clarifying debate at the United Nations, in
order to give to the courageous, newly-born Iraqi diplomacy all the advantages
of international protection as it takes its first steps without the humiliation
of protectorate status.”
"The Wisdom Of The Vote Is Helping
Bernardo Valli in left-leaning, influential La
Repubblica commented (2/14): “After
many mistakes and many lies, an operation inspired by democratic principles has
nonetheless been carried out in Iraq. An
operation which, while we wait for its unpredictable consequences, per se
represents a success for those who wanted and promoted it. The outcome of the vote reflected
extraordinary and exceptional wisdom, since it did not express an overwhelming
majority for the leading (religious) Shiite alliance, as could have been
expected.... The wisdom that inspired
voters and determined the right outcome has a name: that of Ayatollah Al
Sistani, who did not want to overdo and prevented the elections from turning
into a rise to power by the Shiites, with a religious wave along the Iranian
model.... Sistani is preventing the
Americans from becoming the involuntary promoters of an Islamic regime in an
Iraq they would like to be democratic.
Had that happened, the elections would have been a mockery, another
Iraqi misfortune for the White House.”
RUSSIA: "Victory
Fraught With Defeat"
Nationalist pro-opposition Sovetskaya Rossiya judged
(2/15): "The United States is not going
to succeed in getting satellite countries to provide more cannon fodder to
replace its troops wearied by dragged-out and bloody 'peacekeeping.' Everybody is looking to get out of Iraq. After the elections, the outflow will
grow. Ukraine's decision to pull out
its 1,500 troops, the fourth-largest foreign military contingent in Iraq, is a
telling blow. Because of the
intensifying national liberation struggle in Iraq, the UN is not in a hurry to
relieve the Americans, either. Official
optimism in Washington over the 'outstanding election results' cannot hide the
sense of an imminent defeat."
"Allawi Refuses To Give Away Power"
Mikhail Zygar said in business-oriented Kommersant
(2/14): "Placed fourth in keeping
with preliminary results, the Iyad Allawi bloc suddenly was named third. This means that the pro-American prime
minister is likely to retain his post if the United States helps him form an
alliance with the Kurds and split the Shiites.
Such a scenario would serve the Americans' short-term interests. But it may cause big problems in the longer
term. The Sunnis, who boycotted the
vote, have found themselves out of power, hardly represented in the National
Assembly. That and the fact that religious Shiites may
find they have been cheated can ruin the U.S.-started democratic process in
"Victory Not Impressive"
Aleksey Bausin remarked in reformist Izvestiya (2/14):
"The triumph of the United Shiite Alliance has proved not as impressive as
expected by many."
"Allawi To Lose Premiership"
Ivan Groshkov said in centrist Nezavisimaya Gazeta (2/14): "Most observers agree that Allawi will
most probably have to settle for some post in the Cabinet, with no chance of leading
Elections, Foundations Of New Iraq Are Laid"
Correspondent to Baghdad Ahmed Mustafa commented in
medium-circulation centrist Gazeta Shqiptare (2/12): "During and after the election day, the
Iraqis breathed freely and finally had a moment of bliss after all that
tension. For the first time after so
many years, I saw people smiling when pointing at the polling stations or when
talking to each other while walking to the polling stations.... It was a challenge against all enemies of
this country, and it is clear that I refer to the 8 million people that dyed
their finger in purple by risking their life to vote. I refer to them, and not to those who are
trying to steal that little hope; who want to disdain the will of millions of
men and women who gave legitimacy to the new government. Today, is the first
day of year1426 according to Hijri calendar, and instead of celebrations, two
mines exploded in the Freedom Square in the center of the capital, which caused
the death of 4 persons and wounded six others, all innocent citizens. The citizens and shop owners in the trade
center spoke to the TV cameras that were filming the explosions asking: 'Why
did the mines explode when the American convoy was passing? Why are you killing us? What have we done to you?'... The Iraqis saw how Saudi Arabia voted and
everybody asked himself 'how come nobody threatens them? The Saudis went to vote very quietly,
regardless of the presence of extremist groups in the country. Then, why do they come to us to attempt the
life of voters?' The only answer is:
'the fear that arises among neighboring Arab countries and states of a totally
new Iraq.'"
AUSTRIA: "Enormous
Foreign affairs editor Gudrun Harrer noted in independent daily Der
Standard (2/15): “In order to
establish a constitution that all can agree to, Iraqi politicians of all
political parties must solve the following problems for a future of the
country: first of all, they will have to
arrive at a common understanding of what role Islam is to play in the new
Iraq.... Second:...the status of
Kurdistan is one of the crucial points for the national unity of Iraq and has
to be resolved as part of the process of establishing a constitution.... Third:
in the course of this process, there has to be successful integration of
the Arab Sunnis that so far did not, or if so, only individually, participate
in the political process. There are
encouraging signals that the victorious Shiites will earnestly try to include
all others in a consensus-seeking process...
In this sense, they once again prove to be good Iraqi
nationalists.... And all these tasks are
to be accomplished by Iraqi politicians against the backdrop of a continuing
insurgency. In order to cut off its
support lines, an issue has to be put on the agenda that is going to be the
most difficult of all: what will the
relations between the U.S. and Iraq look like in the future, how long will
American troops remain in the country and which tasks will they have to
"A Place For The Sunnis"
Editor for independent daily Salzburger Nachrichten Birgit
Cerha wrote (2/14): “Unless it is
possible to integrate at least the moderate groups among the Sunnis into the
political process, Iraq’s new leadership has as good as no chance to establish
stability in the country. However, there is a gleam of hope there. The powerful
‘Association of Muslim Scholars’ (AMS) that represents about 3.000 Sunni
mosques in the country and has close ties with part of the armed resistance
movement, has moderated its radical rejection of the process of democratization
supported by the Americans.... Such a
position gives rise to the expectation that it will be possible to win strong
Sunni groups for the political process and isolate the rebels. The decisive
question, however, is this: Which
positions could the Sunnis hold in the new leadership? There has been talk
about important cabinet posts, but also of the post of speaker of the National
Assembly, who exerts great influence on the establishment of a new
constitution. The 'new’ Iraq has only got a chance if the Sunnis and
their agenda are included.”
"New Iranians"
Petr Pesek commented in center-right Lidove
Noviny (2/14): " it can be quite tempting for the new ruling (Shia)
elite in Iraq to keep the Sunnis in isolation, it might not be
advantageous. Although it would not be
justifiable to artificially strengthen their (Sunnis) position, they should get
in some way involved in preparation of a new Iraqi constitution and other key
political steps."
"Winner Of The Iraqi Parliamentary
Elections Apparently Does Not Get Ready For Theocracy"
Bretislav Turecek opined in center-left Pravo
(2/14): "The most senior candidates for the top parliamentary posts
are heads of the two most influential religious parties of Iraqi Shias, which
leads to speculations in the West that it could give birth to the same
theocratic regime in Iraq that has been in power in neighboring Iran for 28
years. However, the reality is more
complex.... Islamists in Iran in the 70s
and in today's Iraq face different circumstances.... Unlike in Iran, piousness and morality,
strictly separated from administration of the country, dominates the Shia sector
of Iraq and its key religious centers in Nadjaf and Karbala.
"Risky Ride Of Winners"
Adam Cerny maintained in business-oriented Hospodarske
Noviny (2/14): "The result of
the Iraqi experiment will be important not only for Iraq, which is threatened
with disintegration in the event that rivalry prevails. Developments in the region so far have forced
Washington to try to renew its alliances even with countries opposed to its
action against the regime of Saddam Hussein.
The elections by themselves will not secure stability and security for
Iraq. Only reaching this goal, or at
least substantially approaching this goal, will serve as evidence that
democratization processes in the region will not change into a wild ride on a
tiger's back to an unpredictable destination."
HUNGARY: "Passing The
Ball In Iraq"
Foreign affairs writer Gyorgy Fodor held in liberal-leaning Magyar
Hirlap (2/15): “The American
president is proud of himself, and has every reason to be so.... Things are turning out nicely, freedom is
'spreading.' However, the contents of
Bush’s message this time was primarily aimed at the Iraqis: you voted, and from now on, the ball is in
your court.... America has indeed passed
the ball, but the hard compromises are still ahead. The election system worked out in Iraq rests
entirely on agreements and compromises:
the' horse trading' has only started, and it is likely to last for quite
some time.... The domestic debate of the
Iraqis will be about the complicated issues, interspersed with attacks and
explosions. If the Iraqi leaders miss
the obvious opportunities they might be able to emigrate again, and the Iraqis
might be at each other’s throats. There
is only one guarantee against that. The
Americans have passed, but they never lose sight of the Iraqi ball.”
"The Rule Of The China Shop"
Washington correspondent Gabor Horvath opined in
top-circulation, center-left Nepszabadsag (2/12): “The Americans had excellent plans to create
a democratic, secular and federalist Iraq.
However, the Shiites who won the elections have already started to work
out the constitution that, in the fall, will replace the interim constitution
imposed on the occupied country by the Americans. As far as we can see, Washington is not going
to be too proud of the results. The question is not whether [Iraq] is going to
adopt Islamic laws, but rather how strict they are going to be.... There will be no Western-type democracy in
Iraq; therefore, it will not have the beneficial influence on the region that
had been hoped for in the beginning. It can still be achieved, though, that
[Iraq] does not become a second Iran.”
"U.S. And EU Must Work Together On Iran"
The English-language independent weekly Sunday
Times opined (2/14): "There is also another reason why America and
Europe cannot afford to antagonise Iran at this point in time: Iraq. After years of oppression at the hands of
the minority Sunnis, the Shi'ites in Iraq--who make up 60 per cent of the
population--are finally being given a taste of power after Iraq's parliamentary
elections. Iran, a Shiite Muslim
country, has a considerable amount of influence among the Iraqi Shi'ites and if
provoked could became a major destabilising force in Iraq. The Sunni insurgency in Iraq is bad enough;
just imagine the problems with a Shi'ite insurgency. Furthermore, Iran has the
potential to mobilize Hizbullah across Israel's border in Lebanon and just when
there appears to be a ray of hope in the Middle East, this is the last thing
that is needed.... The U.S. and the EU
must work, together with their allies in the region, towards a security
framework that includes both Iran and Iraq. The U.S. should start thinking
about ending its sanctions against Iran and forging a rapprochement with this
country after a quarter of a century of hostilities, in return for Iran giving
up its nuclear weapons-making capability.
"Stumbling Forward In Iraq"
Influential independent NRC Handelsblad commented
(2/14): "The Shiites won the Iraqi
elections but fortunately did not get the absolute majority vote.... All in all these elections results are
confusing and do not automatically result in a democratic and free Iraq. There is a civil war looming. The number of terror attacks is
increasing.... Then there is the issue
of withdrawal of American troops.... It
would be nice if all of these problems could be resolved through democratic
negotiation. But elections with a high
turnout are not by themselves sufficient.
Too many Iraqis want to get their rights through violence. What will the Shiites do if this election
does not give them what they want? The
ethnic religious contradictions make the situation difficult. Nevertheless, there is little else to be done
but to stumble forward on the path toward a constitution, but under the
supervision of unbiased international institutions which evoke less resistance
than the United States."
SPAIN: "Consensus In
Conservative ABC contended (2/15): "The future is more complicated than it
seems at first sight.... The boycott by
the Sunni Arab population causes an important void due to the leading importance
that traditionally this community has had....
The temptation to exclude the Sunni Arab population would be a serious
danger with unpredictable consequences....
Iraq is confronting a huge crucial moment, as critical as the elections
were. It has now to win itself its
institutional credibility and its viability, because an open society is not
only a result of votes, but also of forms.
It is the time for consensus."
"Historical Revenge"
Conservative La Razon remarked
(2/14): "The overwhelming triumph
of the Ayatollah Al Sistani's and his Shiites means the end of the isolation of
Iran in the Muslim world. Because the
future of Iraq is Shiite, alone or in coalition (with other Iraqi groups). But this will devastate the prevailing status
quo in the Gulf region.... This historic
revenge of the Shiites confronting the Sunnis announces a future full of
uncertainty, because it could destabilize the most conservative Arab
countries. However, this can also mean
the start of the end of Al Qaida, the most reactionary, murderous, sectarian
Sunni organization."
"Shiite Hegemony"
Centrist La Vanguardia determined
(2/14): "The respect of minorities
is a necessary condition, but not the only one, for the recently born democracy
to settle down in Iraq. The other big question is whether the uncontrolled
climate of violence will be calmed.
Democracy has won its first battle in the ballot box, but to be a full
democracy, (Iraq) must ensure peace and coexistence. In this context, the Bush administration will
have to ask itself if the U.S. military presence is more a part of the problem
than a part of the solution."
"Iraq, The Hope"
Left-of-center El País editorialized
(2/13): "It is clear that the new
strongman in Iraq is the Ayatollah Al Sistani, who has not been elected, but
who has in his hands the authority of religion.
He has started an inevitable transfer of power from the Sunnis to the
majority Shiites. This new supremacy,
and the theoretic hope that is could bring to this devastated country, only
will materialize if the Shiites have the good sense to negotiate alliances with
other ethnic and religious groups."
TURKEY: "What Kind Of
Sami Kohen opined in mass-appeal Milliyet (2/15): “The Shiites are the winners in the Iraqi
election. Most Sunnis did not
participate, which resulted in a very low number of seats for the Sunnis in the
new assembly. Since the Kurds showed the
greatest determination and interest in the elections, they gained the higher
representation in both the national and regional assemblies. Unfortunately, the Turkmen presence in this
picture is very marginal. One reason
this was definitely the pressure, fraud, and corruption faced by the Turkmen.
Only 93,000 out of 2.5 million Turkmen in Iraq cast their votes in the
election. Looking at this picture, one
wonders how Iraq [will] restructure itself.
The Shiite majority will need a coalition partner in order to establish
a new government. Most likely, that
partner will be the Kurds. Since the
Sunnis and Turkmen will not be represented in the new government, the new
administration, in order to prevent problems, should include some Sunnis and
Turkmen in the administration to establish a kind of National Unity
Government. What does this all mean for
Turkey? Ankara has already outlined its
position through an official statement.
The most important issue for Turkey is Iraq’s territorial integrity and
national sovereignty. As a high level
Turkish official told me, the Kurds’ role in Iraq’s political structure should
not be considered as a problem. Integration
of Kurdish leaders into the Iraqi central administration could very well
prevent separatist tendencies. But if
the Kurds try to control northern Iraq, especially Kirkuk, this will open the
way to tension and conflict. The new
Iraqi administration and, of course the U.S., which holds the reigns in Iraq,
have a huge responsibility to prevent such an outcome.”
"Democracy In Iraq"
Yilmaz Oztuna commented in conservative mass-appeal Turkiye
(2/15): “The elections held in Iraq were
a very important step toward establishing democracy there. However, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has
stated that the elections were ‘incomplete’ and ‘flawed.’ The new assembly in Iraq will prepare a
constitution, and elections for a permanent government will be held at the end
of this year. It is obvious that the
Kurds and Shiites will determine the details of the constitution without
considering the views of the Sunni Arab and Turkmen populations. The question is how extensively, and in which
direction, the U.S. might intervene in this process. On the Turkmen issue, we should blame the
Turkish government most of all, as every government in Turkey has left the
Turkmen people without support. But the
more serious concern is for the Sunni Arabs.
They will become more radical, and continue to carry violent
actions. Naturally, this means that the
blood and fire will continue to disturb Turkey, the U.S., Europe, and the
Islamic world. Moreover, we believe that
Talabani will be supported by the U.S. as the new president of Iraq. This will disturb the balances in Iraq, and
the Kurds will gain more authority in Baghdad.
The West and Washington describe the elections in Iraq as a further step
on the way to democracy. I hope they are
not mistaken. A potential civil war in
Iraq would have negative consequences for many other countries in this region.”
"Repairing The Mistakes Of The Past"
Abha’s moderate Al-Watan editorialized
(2/14): "The Political and
religious negotiations and open dialogue among Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds in
Iraq are good indications that these groups realize the importance of the
coming phase. Continuing the dialogue
and negotiations is crucial before writing the Iraqi constitution. This way Iraqis will be able to avoid
committing the same mistakes that were committed by the occupier and its
IRAQ: "No Dictatorship
Through Elections"
Samir Attallah wrote in the Baghdad edition of independent,
London-based Asharq Al Awsat (2/15):
"More than eight million Iraqis voted for an unknown future. Those who did not participate in the
political process and instead destroyed Baghdad's streets and bakeries made
Iraq lose out on a chance to be a united nation. hey prevented Iraq from celebrating the end
of the occupation and the continuous bloodshed.
For this reason, Iraq's future is still unknown. Why are we studying to establish a federal
Iraq when we have a united country? Why
are we allowing the majority to control rather than allowing all Iraqi sects to
participate in the political process?
Why is Sharia law the main source of dispute in a country that has
bloody disagreements over how this law should be applied? The current Iraqi situation represents an
open experiment and a closed door.
Perhaps the Iraqi election will lead to the same consequences as in
Algeria two decades ago. Or, perhaps a
conflict of power will lead to a civil war like what happened in Lebanon. After the victory of one list and the
marginalization of another, how can we ask the winners to accept the principle
of equal partnership? How can we
convince them that the refusal to vote by some does not mean that they can be marginalized
by others in such a multi-minority country?...
How can a constitution be drafted when the important figure of
Al-Sistani has a silent alliance with Iran?
It seems that the Iraqi elections were successful. After all, the strong man did not fix the
elections; he only obtained 13 percent of the votes. The Iraqi people went to vote
enthusiastically despite Al-Zarqawi's call for a boycott.... Saddam, Izzat Ibrahim Al-Douri and their
followers are very unhappy to see the success of the Iraqi elections. Is there any internal force that can now turn
back the clock? What will happen if all
the political campaigns that are aimed at increasing unity and enlightening
people come together to end the occupation?
What will happen if the Iraqi people show the world that they are able
to make decisions like the Palestinians?
The Arab Sunnis were thwarted in the first Iraqi electoral experiment
because of the lack educated Sunnis and the presence of Al-Zarqawi's
followers. We hope that the Arab Shia
will not also spoil this electoral experiment.
We hope that they realize that Iraq can be built only by harmony and
reconciliation.... Iraq must not call
for federalism, confederalism, or chaos.
It must call for equality and citizenship.... A united Iraq is the greatest candidate that
Iraqis can vote for."
"Nobody Can Spoil the Iraqi Happiness"
Bassem Al Sheikh editorialized in independent Ad-Dustour
(2/15): "After the success and
public announcement of the Iraqi election results, the daily language of the
political process has changed to a great extent. Secret pressures are playing an active role
among politicians to create political convergence and divergence. The whole process is aimed at gaining
political positions and benefits. Some
people may think that these attempts will have a negative effect on the
successful accomplishment of the elections.
However, we believe that such experiments represent positive and real
indicators concerning the success of the new political figures.... The upcoming days will reveal many faces that
have called for democracy and raised pompous slogans. Iraqis are not as unfamiliar with democracy
as some people have alleged. It is just
that the former conditions were not permissible for them to practice
democracy.... We will not be surprised
in the coming days if we notice some politicians attempting to spoil or kill
the Iraqi happiness. However, they
should know that this happiness will never be suppressed."
Al Taakhi (affiliated with Kurdistan Democratic Party led
by Masoud Al Barazani) published a front-page editorial (2/14): "Although
the electoral process proved successful overall, it nonetheless revealed many
deficiencies. The deficiencies include the low percentage of participation in
some areas, the absence of accurate statistics, and the absence of international observers. With regard to the
proportion of participation, everyone knew before the election that most of the Sunni Arabs planned to boycott. The main
result of this decision is that the percentages of the top lists do not truly
represent Iraqi society. Nonetheless,
the UN and many observers have considered the Iraqi election
successful.... We must ensure that
international observers will be present for our next elections.
"Strong Leadership For A Stronger
Baghdad (affiliated with Iraqi National Accord led by
Iyad Allawi) published a front-page editorial (2/14): "We do not want to discuss the
competition amongst the major lists regarding the establishment of a government
and distribution of the ministerial portfolios.
We wish to ignore such debate and pay no attention to what is going on behind
the scenes concerning the rules of the electoral process and the alliances of
the winning blocs. What we are
interested in is establishing a strong leadership for a stronger
Iraq.... Strong governance is required
to maintain the country's dignity, unity, and stability. However, its
legitimacy must come from the approval
of the people. The strength of the government must be just or it will be viewed
as tyrannical.... We do not need to remind people that Iraq's
difficult conditions in the past made the Iraqi people detest dictatorship
because they suffered so much from that rejected policy. We believe that Iraqi leaders should be
realistic and responsible in our country that is crowded with challenges and
risks. Power in its abhorring meaning
refers to coercion, which must have no
place in the new Iraq. We condemn force that is aimed at intimidating
people. Fear must never surface again in
Iraq because it reminds people of
tyrants. The democratic Iraq, which we all desire, will have no fear. The
strong leader, who we will support, will
allow more freedom while being strict with some to end the chaos. We
reject dictatorial regimes and, at the same time, we reject chaotic governance."
"Did I Make A Mistake"
Khaled Al Kishtini wrote in the Baghdad edition
of London-based independent Asharq Al Awsat (2/13): "In the middle of the whirlpool that
Iraq finds itself enveloped in today, many statements have been made claiming
that what is happening today is worse than what happened during Saddam's
regime. These opinions view the toppling of Saddam by American weaponry as a
terrible mistake. However, the awful state of the current situation makes me
believe that deposing of Saddam was a necessity. The dreadfulness of the
current situation refers to an appalling deterioration of ethics. This is what
the Iraqi people are suffering from. How could such a severe deterioration of
ethics occur? Clearly, this deterioration is the result of the Iraqi people
being exposed to a Saddamist education for thirty years.... Saddam has stated in the past that he would
leave Iraq as a land without people. Today, it is clear that he has
succeeded.... How can we forgive someone whose hands are covered with the blood
of thousands of innocent people? How can we let him play and continue his
hateful governance? Unfortunately, our Arab brethren do not think that Saddam
is a criminal. Saddam's toppling was an ethical, civilized, nationalist, and religious
necessity.... The hour will never go back and the suicidal operations will
never succeed."
JORDAN: "Iraq Stands
Before A New Stage"
Semi-official, influential Arabic-language Al-Rai
editorialized (2/14): “With the
announcement of the final results of the Iraq election, one could say that the
Iraqi people have taken a qualitative step towards building the new
Iraq.... The Iraqi people in its
majority went to the ballot boxes to cast their votes in favor of change,
freedom, security, stability and the establishment of a modern state away from
bigotry and dictatorship.... The political forces that had acquired the trust
of the people must not disappoint the people.
They must consider their victory a legitimate beginning and a popular
authorization for them to assume their responsibilities and duties for which
the Iraqi people had voted, foremost among which is the preservation of the
unity of Iraq, and the personification of democracy in a coalition that lays the
foundations for the new Iraq that would bring security to the people and begin
the rebuilding process in a manner that would speed the departure of the
foreign troops and provide genuine sovereignty and independence.”
"Legitimate Elections With Three Quarters"
Daily columnist Jamil Nimri wrote on the back-page of independent,
mass-appeal Arabic-language Al-Arab Al-Yawm (2/14): “The majority acquired by the Unified Shiite
List must not tempt its people of having autocratic decision-making power, not
if they want the political process to advance.
The logic of preserving accord and harmony must be maintained not just
with the powers represented in parliament but also with the Sunni factions that
had boycotted the elections but want to be party to formulating Iraq’s
future.... One could say that the
legitimacy of the elections was breached to an extent due to the fact that they
took place under occupation and amidst the boycott of one of the components of
the Iraqi people. This is sufficient to
say that the resulting majority must not enjoy complete decision-making freedom
on the basis of the number of its members in this parliament. Having said that however, the elections
remain a launching pad for the political process.... One must acknowledge the fact that the
parliament represents three quarters of the Iraqi people. The remaining quarter cannot just hit its
head against the wall and use the occupation as a pretext to stay out of the
political negotiations vis-à-vis Iraq’s future.
If it does, it will achieve nothing and Iraq will remain prone to blind
violence with no hope or horizon. Even
if the Americans withdraw tomorrow, this quarter must take into consideration
the other three quarters of the Iraqi people, namely the Shiites and the
"A Government For
Al-Sistani Or For Alawi!"
Chief editor Taher Udwan writes on the back-page of independent,
mass-appeal Arabic-language Al-Arab Al-Yawm (2/14): “I am still in support of the saying that the
elections in Iraq are illegitimate because they took place under occupation and
on the basis of the Bremmer constitution which was founded on the idea of
dividing the country.... The elections
took place in order to grant legitimacy to the upcoming government that has the
responsibility of preparing the new constitution and the final elections early
next year. This means that the
government will be the point of conflict, which has already started between the
political forces, the Shiites and the Kurds, to divide up the cake and achieve
the best of profits.... All those who
backed the Iraqi elections and legitimized it from outside Iraq, including the
United States, prefer a government led by Alawi and having an alliance with
Talbani and Barzani. On the ground
however, a government formed by Al-Sistani coalition would be closer to the
national interests of Iraq than a government formed by Alawi with the Kurds
that would strengthen the Kurds’ Israel-supported separatist desires in
Kerkuk.... Al-Sistani's coalition with
the Sunnis and the Shiites may be the only remaining guarantee in the hands of
the Iraqis for preserving Iraq’s unity while the occupation is there, because
this coalition might rectify the concept of the majority as an Arab majority.”
"The Results Of The Iraq Election"
Center-left, influential Arabic-language Al-Dustour
editorialized (2/14) : “We are all aware
of the circumstances that surrounded the legislative elections in Iraq and we
all realize that they do not genuinely and completely reflect the will of the
Iraqi people. However, the elections
went on as best as can be expected under the current situation in that country,
whose people are looking for a new beginning that would take them out of the
crisis and lead to the shores of safety, freedom, independence and
progress. It may be too early to make
final impressions about the results of the elections...but it is enough to
consider the number of people who exercised their right to vote in order to
realize the message that the Iraqi people had sent to everyone, namely that
they long for freedom and for self-management.... It is not for us to say that the Sunnis’s
abstention from the elections was right or wrong, but it definitely made the
results what they are today, bringing with them fears and concerns about the
political identity of the new Iraq....
In all cases, one cannot overlook the fact that these elections are an
achievement without the shadow of a doubt.
As for making use of this achievement without falling in the trap of the
false feeling of superiority, that is the real test that is going to face all
the parties in the Iraqi arena.”
LEBANON: "Reclaiming
Iraq For Its People, Sunnis Must Be Brought In"
The moderate English-language Daily Star
asserted (2/14): “Iraq has been reclaimed--we hope.... Iraq has experienced an amazing democratic
reclaiming by its people. Consider the
following: Around 8.55 million Iraqis, representing 58 percent of registered
voters, cast ballots just over a week ago...While 58 percent...may not sound
like a groundswell of support for a fledging democratic process, factors such
as the bloody insurgency being waged by former Baathists and Islamist
extremists...must be taken into account.... Thus under the circumstances, the
turnout was extraordinary, and figures such as these cannot be
manufactured.... What is a more
concerning is the low turnout among the country’s Sunni population...the
potential fallout from this fact is exacerbated by the success of the United
Iraqi Alliance--the Shiite religious list endorsed by Grand Ayatollah Ali
al-Sistani.... In short, right now is
the time for the newly dominant Shiites to begin reconciliation with their
Sunni countrymen.... Among other
measures, this means that every effort must be made for the full participation
of Sunnis in the next national elections...In the meantime, there must be
tangible evidence of justice and the institution of the rule of law over the
course of this year. If this can be
achieved, the challenge to bring Sunnis in from the cold will be well on the
way to being met.”
Challenge Is To Negotiate A Way Forward"
The liberal Age of Melbourne remarked (2/15): “An irony of this exercise in democracy is
that the key player is not a candidate or politician. The attitude of a Shiite spiritual leader,
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, was crucial to the election proceeding; his vision
for Iraq will strongly influence the nature of its government. While he has intimated he does not want an
Iranian-style theocracy, he is likely to insist on the interim constitution's
injunction, 'Islam is the official religion of the state and is to be
considered a source of legislation.' The
result is unlikely to be the government the Bush administration, for instance,
would have chosen, nor is a coalition likely to be the stuff of nightmares. While conflict rages, it is premature to
claim victory for democracy in Iraq, but the election result gives it a
fighting chance.”
"U.S. Faces Up To Grim Iraqi Reality"
Washington correspondent Tony Walker asserted in the
business-oriented Australian Financial Review (2/15): “The White House has put the best face on the
Iraqi election results by hailing the steadfastness of Iraq’s voters in the
face of terrorism, but this hardly disguises the fact that an Iran-sympathizing
Shia ascendancy was not part of the script when the U.S. went to war. It is also worth noting that just at a moment
when the U.S. is exerting pressure on Iran to dismantle its nuclear program,
Washington has been nursemaid to a democratic process that has brought Tehran’s
Shia co-religionists to power in Iraq....
The election outcome and the U.S. reaction to it is a measure of the
huge transformation that has taken place in American willingness to accept
reality on the ground.... U.S.
dreams...have been replaced with the hope that a reasonably representative
government will fall into place and thus allow American forces to go home.”
CHINA (HONG KONG, SAR): "Will The Emergence Of Shiite Parties
Change The Sky In The Middle East"
Pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News remarked (2/9):
"Following the victory of the Shiite group, Iraq may become a
Muslim country. This has aroused worries
and fears inside and outside Iraq. It
may trigger regional unrest. Now is the
era for Shiite groups in Iraq. They take
up the majority in the population.
However, if the Shiite leader fails to guarantee that the rights of the
Sunni group and other minority groups will be respected, the victory of the
Shiite may turn into the cause of internal disorder.... Facing the outcome of the Iraqi elections,
the reactions of its neighboring countries are subtle. Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Syria
are all dominated by Sunni groups. These
Arab countries worry that after the Shiites come to power, the Sunni group will
lose its leverage in Iraq and the political setup in the Middle East may
change. According to the strategic
planning of the U.S. in the Middle East, it has tried its best to turn Iraq
into the 'model of democracy' in the Middle East. It hopes that other countries in the Middle
East will follow this model to 'reform' themselves. However, if the it will be the biggest irony
to Bush's democratic dream in the Middle East."
JAPAN: "National
Reconciliation Necessary"
Top circulation moderate Yomiuri commented (2/15): "Drafting a constitution is the most
important challenge facing the new Iraq national assembly. The congress must also mend the religious and
ethnic gaps seen during the national elections.
In order to create a stable government, majority Shiites will need to
invite minority Sunnis to join the political process. Their participation in the nation building
process, including in the drafting of a constitution, will contribute to the
restoration of public safety in Iraq.
Neighboring Arab nations, which appear concerned about the rise of
Islamic fundamentalism in the region, are surely relieved that the election
results indicate the establishment of a moderate Muslim nation. The decision of Iraqi congressional leaders
to accept the deployment of U.S. forces appears to be a realistic
judgment. However, creating a capable
security force is ultimately up to the new government."
"Foundation Of Democracy Established"
Conservative Sankei editorialized (2/15): "We hope the results of the first
democratic national elections in Iraq will help promote religious and ethnic
consolidation in the post-war nation.
The rule by the first Shiite-led government risks arousing concern among
Arab nations, but we hope for stability in the region. There is some criticism about the legitimacy
of the elections due to the low Sunni voter turnout. However, considering that the elections were
held amid the threat of terrorism, the 58 percent voter turnout can be
considered a success. The involvement of
Sunnis in the future political process is key to the restoration of Iraq. The success of the elections appears to be
helping restore damaged relations between the U.S. and Europe."
Push Aside Sunnis’ Domination in Iraqi Political Stage"
Leading independent Kompas judged (2/15): “Not only the Sunnis, but also the U.S., feel
cornered by the outcomes of the Iraqi elections. Despite President Bush’s high appreciation of
the elections, the victory of the Shiites has raised concern that Iraq will
lead to adopt a theocracy.... Should
Iraq become a theocracy, the U.S. might eventually regret the fall of Saddam
Hussein. After all, Saddam and his Baath
Party adopted a secular system despite their Arab and religious identity. Regardless of the wish of the U.S. or any
other party, the Iraqi people have made their choice with the victory of the
United Iraqi United Alliance.”
"Coalition Will Safeguard Iraq's Future"
The leading, center-left New Zealand Herald took this view
(2/15): "The elections in Iraq have
delivered a sliver of light into what was becoming an all-pervasive gloom. Cleric-backed Shiites of the United Iraqi
Alliance have failed to meet their own expectation of clearly dominating the
national assembly, which, most importantly, will draft a permanent constitution. Having secured just 48 percent of the vote,
they will have to form a coalition government--and make compromises. The White House nightmare of a religious
regime closely aligned to Iran holding complete control in Baghdad has, for the
moment at least, been averted."
Reaping Dividends From Jan. 30 Elections"
J.A. de la Cruz wrote in independent Malaya (2/15): "The Bush administration is reaping
dividends from the January 30 national elections.... By embracing this democratic option in spite
of the odds, the Iraqi people have somehow signaled their preference to hitch
their country's future to Western-inspired governance no matter that it is
largely American sponsored.... The
dominant and more optimistic view now, in and out of the United States and even
Iraq, is for the insurgency to peak as the elected Iraqi National Assembly and
the provincial councils get more traction....
There is no question that, like in the recent elections, the Iraqi
people themselves will be able to overcome their differences, surmount all
difficulties and set their nation aright.
Given that prognosis, it is time that we review our own policy towards
Iraq. We have to overcome the
unilateralist tendencies engendered by the Angelo de la Cruz affair [whose
kidnapping by Iraqi rebels prompted the Philippine government to withdraw its
peacekeeping delegation from Iraq] and proceed to engage ourselves in Iraq on
the basis of enlightened national interest."
INDIA: "Shia Rule In
The centrist Hindu editorialized (2/15): "While the United Iraqi Alliance won the
greater share of seats in the newly elected parliament, there is no guarantee
that it will take over smoothly from the interim government.... The Alliance might not mind conceding the
Kurd demand for the post of president.
However, its constituents have serious reservations about some of the
other items on the Kurds' wish list
These differences are likely to cause a series of confrontations as the
new parliament takes up its main task of drafting a constitution. Before the election, the Shias...were
unwilling to entertain Kurdish demands for autonomy. Now they will have to rethink.... Armed resistance to the occupation has abated
in the Shia areas over the past few months while it rages in the Sunni belt. However, that circumstance does not
necessarily indicate that the Shias are comfortable with the presence of
foreign troops on their soil. The
community's leadership is expected to ask the United States-led forces to
withdraw as soon as it feels that the national security organs have been built up
to full strength. While the U.S. maintains
it will withdraw when this condition is met, the two sides might differ in
their assessment of the readiness of the Iraqi forces.... A government protected by a foreign army will
simply not be able to acquire legitimacy."
PAKISTAN: "Election
Results Bereft Of Comprehensive Representation"
Leading mass-circulation Urdu-language Jang concluded
(2/15): "President Bush, Secretary
Rice and Defense Secretary have constantly been reiterating that the U.S. has
no plans in the near future to get out of Iraq.
On the one hand they are emphasizing the establishment and stability of
democracy and on the other hand there is an impression that attempts are being
made to bring various political and religious schools of thought in
confrontation with each other by creating rift and differences in their
ranks. For this purpose some particular
groups are being patronized. The U.S.
administration had acted upon the same policy in the past in Afghanistan and
encouraged the extremists and later adopted a stringent policy against such
elements, the results of which were borne by the U.S. and other courtiers of
the region. This is establishing
unwholesome effects on the regional peace and stability and severe reservations
have cropped up in the international community, especially the Muslim
countries, against the real U.S. aspirations."
"Decisive Win For Shiites In Polls"
The Nation remarked (2/14)
"Iraq’s long-oppressed Shiite majority scored a resounding victory
in the first vote since Saddam Hussein’s downfall, setting the stage for the
first Shiite government in an Arab state in 1,000 years. The main Shia list, backed by powerful
spiritual leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, won almost half the votes cast
in the January 30 poll, followed by Kurdish parties and interim Prime Minister
Iyad Allawi’s ticket."
IRAN: "Baghdad: Center
Of A Security Complex"
The Iranian official news agency IRNA remarked (Internet Version) (2/15): "It was warned in 2003 that the attack
on Iraq would unleash a number of sleeping genies who would be difficult to
control and subdue. Two years after that
event, the reality is that the Persian Gulf region is fast taking a shape many
imagined but few expected. The electoral
victory of the Shias in the first Iraqi election shows that the contours of
national politics in a crucial regional state has made a decisive break with
its past with the Shias winning in Baghdad.
With the historic development, Baghdad will once again become the center
of a security complex whose wings will stretch from the borders of India to the
Mediterranean coast of Italy. Shia
ascendance in Iraq after Iran could lead to cascading policy alterations in the
region beginning from Saudi Arabia to India.
In an editorial article in The Indian Express, the veteran policy
wonk of India, K. Subramanyam, on Monday commented that the Shia asendance in
Iraq will put up a challenge to the longstanding Sunni dominance in the West
Asia region. Experts have challenged
the opinion in the article as an excessive reaction of a paranoid, strategic
thinker to developments in Baghdad. But
what gives credence to the writer`s views is that serious regional differences
might crop up in case a democratic consensus fails to harness the latent sectarian
fears in West Asia. The main threat to
post-election Iraq comes not only from an untested elite but from the ancient
rivalry that have become the battle lines in the days since the fall of Saddam
Hussein`s regime."
After The Elections"
The independent English-language New Age commented
(2/15): "Now that the results of
the Iraqi election are in, one might sit back and reflect on the course the
country might take in the days ahead. It
is clear that Ayatollah Sistani's Shia List has done well, rather predictably. While the performance brings about a new
dimension in Iraq's politics, there is too the subtle feeling that it could
leave the country polarized in a way not seen before. At this stage, it is hard to make any
prediction regarding the formation of a government because of the strength
which a coalition of two Kurdish parties have themselves demonstrated at the
elections. The picture, at this point,
is therefore one of considerable uncertainty.
While the elections, in however flawed a form, have finally taken place,
Iraqis remain to be reassured about the principle of purposeful democratic
governance in the days ahead. And with
that will come the matter of whether the new government will be in a position
to roll back the chaos which keeps Iraq, despite the elections, in its
"Iraq: Awaiting A Tet Moment"
M. Abdul Hafiz opined in the independent English-language Daily
Star (2/14): "In truth, the
U.S. has little idea precisely who it is up against. It is rumored among Iraqis
that Zarqawi was an American concoction when they needed a bogeyman to replace
Saddam--elusive in the battlefield. Yet what the Americans somehow find it
difficult to understand is that most Iraqis consider the occupation of their
country a humiliating abomination. Finding no credible objective for heaping
all the blame on--the Americans have bandied about the idea lately that the
prevailing instability and chaos in Iraq are a direct consequence of the
vicious nature of Saddam's regime, although the truth is that today's bloody mess
in Iraq is a direct consequence of the gratuitous invasion initiated by a small
bunch of fanatics in Washington. History
certainly won't absolve the Iraqi dictator but it may have an even sterner
verdict in store for the Perles, Wolfwitzes, Rumsfelds, and Cheneys.... A decline in suicide bombing for sometimes
past could mean special preparations on the part of insurgents to enact another
Tet on the next Sunday, again January 30.
Even if it did not happen, a Tet moment for Iraq cannot however be
totally ruled out."
"Iraq: Election Is
Just The First Step"
The independent English language Daily Star editorialized
(2/12): The U.S. administration has to be careful that they are not tempted
into identifying Iraqi legitimacy with unchecked Shia rule. They have to
remember about the multi-ethnicity of Iraq, the tribal structures and the
divide among religious denominations. Iraq's election has opened another page
in the history of the Middle East. There has been multi-party election. That is
positive. However, the challenge comes now. The mechanical part has partially
completed. A lot remains to be done nevertheless in the context of creating
institutions. Security and eventual stability will require dialogue with the
Sunni leadership. This is an important factor that cannot be neglected. Only
the first phase of a political evolution from military occupation to political
legitimacy of sorts has been completed. The United Nations and other important
powers need to help the Iraqis, more than ever, over the nest two years. They
have to create a sustainable, free Iraq, which can exist by itself. Failure to
do this will mean an implosion, with radicals and fundamentalists creating more
convulsions for the region. The U.S. needs to withdraw but not in haste. A
precipitous withdrawal based on domestic public opinion will now be seen as an
abnegation of responsibility. It might instead create civil war and anarchy,
worse than what we have seen in the Balkans.
SRI LANKA: "Bush's
The government-owned Sunday Observer remarked (2/14):
"President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address a fortnight
ago declared that his dream was to be the conquest of freedom. A laudable dream
indeed! Yet judging by his actions during the first term and his declared
intentions for the second term we have to admit that his conception of freedom
is somewhat skewed. It was under the guise of bringing freedom to the Iraqi
people that he rained bombs, including the monstrous 'mother of all bombs' on
the innocent civilians in Baghdad and elsewhere in that country.... It was also under the same notion that
thousands of U.S. troops are engaged in a war with the Iraqi people and are
paying with their lives for the folly of their government. It was under the same notion that
mountaintops in distant Afghanistan were flattened and thousands were killed,
maimed and displaced in the search for an illusive Osama Bin Laden.What is
more, in the aftermath of September 11 he threateningly declared that all
nations should fall in line with him in his War on Terror. "Either you are with us or not with
us," he said threatening those who differed with punishment. He named an
"Axis of evil" according to his fancy and declared war against them.
During his recent State of the Union address he named Iran and Syria as rogue
states and accused them of harbouring terrorists. He threatened both and told the American
people that the U.S. must confront these states. This is a dangerous policy with far reaching
dangerous repercussions for peace in the world. No country, however powerful it
may be could arrogate to itself the power to punish sovereign states. He also
openly called upon the Iranian people to subvert the regime in Teheran. No, Bush's dream is not noble. It is a
terrible dream. Peoples of the world
should unite against all attempts to realize this mad dream and make the world
a safer and better place to live."
"Winning Conditions"
Mario Roy opined in centrist La Presse
(2/13): "A series of event which
occurred in less than 90 days has brought about major changes of course in the
Near and the Middle-East.... The elections in Iraq on January 30, which
although imperfect, had nevertheless the merit of giving indications as to the
real wishes of the population and to marginalize, at least from a moral point
of view, violent extremists. In Saudi Arabia, the municipal elections that
began Thursday are as imperfect as the Iraqi vote (women are excluded!), but
are nevertheless the first call to the people on Saudi soil. And on Thursday in
Nice, it was decided NATO countries would increase their participation in the
international force in Afghanistan."
"The White House's Diplomacy Wants To Redouble Its Bet"
Ana Baron, Washington-based correspondent for
leading Clarin, assessed (2/12): "The victory of Ayatollah Ali
Sistani implies a possible alliance between Iraq and Iran that goes against the
U.S. interests in the region. Tehran has always been in Bush's hawks'
spotlight, but now with Sistani in Baghdad they have another good reason to
focus on it. This is why one of U.S. State Secretary Condoleezza Rice's
priority issues while she stayed in Europe was the need to put a brake on the
Iranian nuclear program, regardless of the costs involved in it.... With the
contention that the North Korean case is being negotiated and its resolution
will be slow, Rice said that the Iranian problem is a top priority issue due to
Tehran's support for terrorist groups jeopardizing peace efforts in the Middle
East. Unless oil is in the middle of all this, it is not clear why, of the
three countries making up the 'axis of evil', the Bush administration decided
to first solve the problem in Iraq (a country that did not have a nuclear
program), now in Iran (a country whose nuclear program is in the works) and
left North Korea the last one, when it effectively announced that it has WMD
and that it is willing to use them."
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