April 22, 2005
** Indian dailies contend
bus service lends momentum to the peace process.
** Pakistani writers see a
chance to unite families and reestablish normalcy.
** Commentaries applaud the
"positive trend" but label exessive optimism "premature."
** Outlets agree
"militants...succeeded in alienating" their supporters by attacking
the first bus.
'New maturity in relations between the nuclear rivals'-- India's press declared that re-opening of
the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road "would not have been possible had there not
been a marked thaw in Indo-Pak hostility."
While centrist Azad Hind declared that "both countries are
moving towards sorting out all the outstanding issues between them," the
centrist Statesman warned India "should press its advantage, as
well as stay on the right side of popular opinion." The right-of-center Pioneer opined
that "addressing the human aspect of the Kashmir problem will eventually
lead to...progress on its political settlement."
Focus on the 'human angle'--
papers, like independent Din, noted that "for the present moment,
it is the human angle of the issue we should keep in mind, the political aspect
is only secondary." Center-left Dawn
urged both parties to "persist with and expand travel links" in order
to "normalize Indo-Pakistan relations." Qatar's semi-independent Gulf Times
declared the bus service "stands for normality" and will allow people
to "live their lives as they wish, free from the restrictions imposed by
political hostility."
'Symbolic gesture' or 'political gimmickry'?-- Germany's business-oriented FT Deutschland
suggested that the bus route in Kashmir "cannot be seen as the beginning of
a quick breakthrough," calling it a "symbolic gesture," but
nevertheless applauded both governments for being "clever and
realistic." Various Indian
papers complained that the peace bus initiative "reflects shortsighted
political gimmickry rather than real strategic thinking." Pakistan's Urdu-language Nawa-e-Waqt
was pessimistic, saying the bus service is "premature" as long as
India continues its "human rights violations in occupied
Kashmir." In a similar vein,
India's right-of-center Samna echoed Pakistani discontent when it said
"the caravan of peace cannot succeed until the caravan of sacrifice of
Indian soldiers is stopped."
Managing the 'fear factor'--
a grenade attack on the initial bus, global outlets concluded that
"militants have succeeded in alienating those whose sympathy is essential
to their cause" while celebrating that "this was the first time that
New Delhi and Islamabad condemned the same terrorist attack." Indian papers pointed out the
"absurdity" and the patent "irony" of those "claiming
to fight for Kashmir liberation" while "threatening to kill Kashmiris
who want to meet with lost relatives."
Thailand's moderately-conservative Bangkok Post said that
"if the people want it and governments listen, there seems little chance that
violence or terrorism will overcome the spirit of peace in the air."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
203-7888, rmrmail@state.gov
EDITORS: Patricio
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 52 reports from 9 countries over April 7-14, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Bus: A Mobile Coffin?"
Sudarshan Upadhyay held in right-of-center Gujarati-language Gujarat
Samachar (4/12): “There is a saying
that ‘open minds automatically open the gates to the heart.’ This has been exemplified by the recent
inauguration of the bus service between Srinagar in India and Muzaffarbad in
the Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir. This is a
key step by India and Pakistan that will give positive momentum to the ongoing
peace process between them. Although
this bus service will encourage people-to-people contacts, there is a constant
fear of this service falling prey to terrorist attacks. After overcoming a number of bureaucratic
hassles and obstacles, and despite terrorists’ warnings to blow it up on its
route, the bus finally rolled out on the schedule date (April 7, 2005), with
people cheering the bus on its entire route.
However, considering the looming terrorist threat, the future of the bus
service seems to be uncertain. A single
terrorist attack can halt the bus service and derail the dialogue process
between India and Pakistan. The safety
of the bus is therefore the responsibility of both the neighbors who need to
ensure that the terrorists are not successful in their evil designs. The fundamentalists and other rogue elements
will not miss a single opportunity to foment trouble and create fissures in the
already vexed relations between India and Pakistan. The ‘Aman Setu’ (Peace Bridge) erected by
India and Pakistan to facilitate the movement of people across the Line-of-Control
through the bus service, has ushered in an era of renewed hope and peace. Both the nations need to work on building
many more ‘Aman Setus’ for a better future.”
"The Next Moment”
M.J. Akbar wrote in the centrist Asian Age (4/10): "Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
President Pervez Musharraf created such a moment with the bus between Srinagar
and Muzaffarabad, and around it lie a range of opportunities and options that
will shape the dialectic as well as the content of the India-Pakistan
relationship.... On the eve of the first
bus to Muzaffarabad, militants attempted to sabotage the journey by the most
brutal means conceivable.... The militants have succeeded in alienating those
whose sympathy is essential to their cause.
They should have considered a second outcome. This was the first time
that Delhi and Islamabad condemned the same terrorist attack, and meant it
.... Only those who have been divided
truly understand the meaning of partition ... Could there be regress? Of course
there could. Could this burst of optimism degenerate into another swamp
swarming with the usual dangers? Yes again, if Delhi and Islamabad treat the
bus through Kashmir as a crowning achievement rather than the beginning of yet
another difficult but no longer hopeless phase in their relationship. It is not entirely fortuitous that President
Musharraf has sought the excuse of a cricket match in Delhi and Prime Minister
Singh has agreed to host him within less than a fortnight of the start of the
bus. That will provide the opportunity to set the parameters of the next phase
of the relationship. There has to be a sustained and sustainable dialogue on
Jammu and Kashmir, as well as pace in the eco-political equation. India cannot
shy away from Kashmir and Pakistan cannot shy away from trade. There are creative opportunities awaiting
thought. Imagination and initiative have set up a gas pipeline that both India
and Pakistan have defended against an American objection. There is much
thinking to do on subjects like nuclear doctrine, and the objective use of
strength to protect our common economic interests. History awaits the next moment.”
“Pakistan's Hour Of Triumph”
The pro-BJP right-of-center Pioneer noted (4/10): “It was with a mixture of amusement and alarm
that I watched the launch of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service last
Thursday. Amusement was caused by the pathetic attempt to turn the event into a
Congress tamasha, with a section of the media playing the role of cheerleader.
Alarm was warranted by Pakistan's runaway success in making India look desperate
to score brownie points with the West as well as the evident lack of enthusiasm
in the Valley over this latest confidence-building measure. That we had to put all passengers on the
first bus in virtual house arrest and then almost forcibly dump them inside the
bus did not speak well about the level of excitement among Kashmiris here. To
make matters worse, four frightened passengers disembarked after traveling
barely 4 km out of Srinagar on the pretext of ill health. On the other hand,
all scheduled passengers from the Pakistani side traveled across the LoC into
India ... Of all these Pakistani diplomatic triumphs, what really hurts is the
equation of Mr. Manmohan Singh with one Sikandar Hayat Khan. Islamabad did not
do this covertly. It was known that the PoK "PM" would be the Indian
PM's counterpart in Muzaffarabad. Should Manmohan Singh not have changed his
mind once this was announced? My concern
is that the hype we generated over the bus has weakened India's bargaining
position, shown us being desperate to "resolve" the Kashmir problem,
and severely diluted our position on the illegitimacy of the so-called Azad
Kashmir Government. In the process, we have further downgraded the elected
regime of Jammu and Kashmir. Much as the Mufti may appear enthused by the bus,
I am certain he could not have enjoyed the irrelevance he was reduced to during
the inaugural ceremony. And Mehbooba Mufti cannot be exultant over Islamabad's
denial of permission for her to travel in a second bus ... Dr Farooq Abdullah
often flies off the handle and says things that are not quite germane to the
issues at hand. But this time, he was bang on in decrying the hype over the bus
that invited a terrorist outrage and, worse, enabled the Pakistani regime to
outdo India on every diplomatic score. The infuriating part of it is that India
has an uncanny ability to shoot itself in the foot in its thoughtless disregard
for history each time an artificial atmosphere of bonhomie is generated with
Pakistan. We crawl when mere bending would suffice.”
“Bridge Over Troubled Waters"
Khursheed Wani editorialized in the pro-BJP right-of-center Pioneer
(4/10): "The start of the bus
service between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad has rekindled hopes of reunion in
hundreds of divided families in Jammu and Kashmir.... Observers believe that addressing the human
aspect of the Kashmir problem will eventually lead to a significant progress on
its political settlement. There seems to be an agreement between India and
Pakistan to carry forward the process, despite the difficulties coming its
way...India won a brownie point at the international level when it managed to
make provision for a small opening in the LoC, which has been completely fenced
to stop ingress of militants. Perhaps
this is the reason why a majority of the people in Kashmir are sceptical over
the bus issue while the separatists, both on the political and the military
front, are nervous.... The bus diplomacy
is a setback to separatists and seems to have overrun their rhetoric on
Kashmir. A crucial question lurking in
the minds of the Kashmiris is whether the bus is dependable and safe. It might
have encouraged many when the government went on with the launch of the bus
service despite a lethal suicide attack by the militants to frighten the
organizers and passengers. But will there be similar enthusiasm for the
forthcoming journeys, with the buses scheduled to roll every fortnight? What is
the guarantee that the buses will not be the target of attacks by militants?
... How will the government ensure that there will be passengers for the
forthcoming journeys? Observers maintain that the importance of opening the
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Road is actually symbolic. They suggest that 80 percent
of the divided families live in the border districts of Rajouri, Poonch and
Doda, and people find it cumbersome to travel to PoK via Srinagar. "It is
better to open the Jammu-Sialkote and Poonch-Rawlakote Roads for these divided
families," said Maqsood Ahmad, a schoolteacher who has many relatives
across the border.”
“New Delhi-Srinagar's 'Trust Deficit'"
Firdous Syed commented in the nationalist Hindustan Times
(4/10): "The Srinagar-Muzaffarabad
bus created history. But it will be a
historical blunder if the even it is wasted in the media glitter it attracted. For New Delhi, the occasion provides an
opportunity to build on. Developments in
Kashmir during the past few months have been encouraging ... The “Mother of all
CBMs’-the reopening of Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Road would not have been possible
had there not been a marked thaw in Indo-Pak hostility. In Kashmir, militancy of incident’s as well
as public support, Infiltration level has dropped considerably. Economic activity is reviving and more
importantly, people are adapting to the new and immediate realities of
life.... On its part, New Delhi needs a
paradigm shift in its policy vis-avis Kashmir.
It needs to understand that receding violence does not mean receding
alienation. Even if violence fizzles out
completely, the alienation will not go....
The biggest danger lies in terms of the jehadist cult that is growing in
Kashmir. An intervention is needed here. There are two ways of intervention. One is to
engage the political secessionist leadership so that it becomes a meaningful
partner for peace. Unfortunately,
despite the gravity of the sentiment this section has proved itself incapable
to think creatively. The most potent
intervention will be to engage the masses.
Electoral processes have their-own limitations and can’t be the only
type of intervention. There is a need to
mobilize the masses, the youth in particular.
And for this, a shift must be made from the security paradigm to the
people paradigm. The security apparatus
is required to maintain order but it can’t mobilize masses. Although order is needed for the mobilization
of public sentiment. It is not an end in
itself. Not tackling the psychological
vacuum is criminal. Public mobilization
does not necessarily mean political concessions. Mobilization will come from
loving and caring. India should not
behave as a victorious hegemon and Kashmiris that they have been defeated ...
India’ can’t tell Kashmiris that they don’t have any option now. Democracies don’t behave like this. The Government of India needs a serious
process of reconciliation in Kashmir, which has to be initiated by New
Delhi. With all resources at its
command, it has to and it can win people back. And to win back people, it
should not resort to the short-cuts of symbolism and cheap publicity
stunts. It has to be something that
leaves a lasting impression on people’s minds.”
“Don't Miss The Bus"
Masood Hussain wrote in pro-economic-reform Economic Times
(4/10): “Whether it is the outcome of
the ‘visinary statesmanship’ of the leadership from the two sides, as chief
minister Mufti Sayeed says, or ‘a product of heroic and defiant struggle of the
people of Kashmir’, as Sajjad Gani Lone puts it, the resumption of traffic on
the Jhelum Valley Road is a ‘path-breaking’ initiative and ‘mother of all
CBMs’.... The JVR re-opening is expected
to offer many benefits indirectly ... Even lawyers in Srinagar said the JVR
re-opening was ‘untimely and inconsequential’.
They feel vindicated by foreign minister K. Natwar Singh’s statements
that PoK is part of India and Delhi is ready for everything except re-drawing
of maps. Pakistan, however, has
constantly rejected that it was prelude to change in the LoC Status. They even advised Prime Minister Showkat Aziz
not to flag off the bus. After issuing a
threat to make the bus a ‘coffin on wheels’, four anti-bus militant outfits
carried out a series of attacks on the day when Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan
Singh flagged the ‘Caravan of Peace’ in Srinagar ... But given the trauma of
divided families, threats are expected to fizzle out once the bus becomes a
routine. There were instances of
defiance too. The chief minister sees it
as an initiative that has the support of the people on either side of the
LoC. And his stand got vindicated when
tens of thousands of people lined up all along from Slamabad to Srinagar to
greet the PoK passengers despite rains, storm and pitched darkness. Some of them were carrying lanterns. Nobody in Kashmir, however, sees the road
reopening as a solution to Kashmir.
Rejecting it as a ‘mere symbolism’, Mufti maintains: “This is not the
ultimate step (towards resolution of the Kashmir is sue) but yes it is a step
towards that. For this, the dialogue
with all sections is a must. The JVR
re-opening must do away with decades of mistrust, observes Baba in the
University of Kashmir ... Apparently, the two sides are keen to see the
political leadership of PoK and J&K interact. Pakistan has states that it would permit
J&K mainstream lot, who were denied entry this time--to enter PoK only
after India permits the Hurriyat leaders to visit Pakistan. But after decades of animosity and over 17
years of turmoil in Kashmir, believe observers, there seems to be light at the
end of the tunnel.”
“Kashmir Wins"
The centrist Statesman declared (4/10): “The tumultuous reception accorded to Kashmir
bus passengers on both sides of the LoC is a strike against those used to
calling and enforcing strikes, Hurriyat and the Kashmiri militants, as well as
skeptics on the Indian side about the advisability of the bus service … What is
even more heartening is that similar scenes were repeated in PoK, with people
turning out in large numbers along the bus route, even though Islamabad played
down the event - no senior official was present in Muzzafarabad to flag off the
first bus to Srinagar. Interestingly Sardar Sikandar Hayyat, the ‘’prime
minister’ of PoK who is an Islamabad appointee, has called for the opening up
of more land routes and air links between the divided halves of Kashmir. At
some point Islamabad will be forced to pay heed to popular demands. Delhi lost
points with lax security which enabled militants to torch a building next to
the one where passengers had been staying, but overall it is on the right
track. It should press its advantage, as well as stay on the right side of
popular opinion, by asking for the opening up of travel between Jammu-Sialkot,
Kargil-Skardu, as well as places along the LoC where Kashmiris can meet their
relatives from the other side. One view in Islamabad, which is echoed by Hurriyat,
is that the bus might end up ratifying the LoC as the border, which they don’t
want. This argument is difficult to understand, as the bus is breaching the LoC
for the first time. Credit is due to both the Indian and Pakistani political
leaderships, for making this possible … When General Musharraf comes visiting,
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must impress upon him the necessity of taking
action against the militants’ infrastructure in Pakistan, by pointing out the
patent absurdity of those claiming to fight for Kashmiri liberation also
threatening to kill Kashmiris who want to meet with lost relatives.”
"Heavenly Scene In Heaven-Like Kashmir"
An editorial in nationalist Urdu-language Akhbar-E-Mashriq
said (4/9): “Last Thursday millions of
people from Jammu-Kashmir and the Pakistan occupied Kashmir observed the
heavenly scene in which the half-century-old Line of Control (LoC) became
practically non-existent when Kashmiris from both sides were passing through
one another’s lands without any passports and visas, and without any
restrictions whatsoever.... It looked as
if Kashmir was hugging Kashmir.... Such
a grand leap that both the Kashmirs took will certainly give a new turn to the
course of history in future.... God
willing, may Kashmiris from both sides unite and join in such a way that the
feeling of separation automatically vanishes from their hearts; may all the
past bitterness die out; and may there be a new dawn of love and happiness.”
“Destination: Srinagar”
Seema Mustafa opined in the centrist Asian Age (4/9): “It is now for the leaders flagging off the
first Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus from Srinagar to sit down for a brainstorming,
and prepare for what is going to follow. Not just tomorrow but the years ahead.
For only the very foolish will assume that Pakistan, in the euphoria of the
moment, is prepared to concede ground on Kashmir, the one issue that has
nurtured and fed the nation since it came into existence. The bus is an extremely important step. Not
just for humanitarian reasons, although that is the sentiment that has taken
hold. But for strategic reasons that will have an impact on the future of Jammu
and Kashmir. Whether it emerges as actual confidence building or a step towards
the final settlement of Kashmir, will depend entirely on how wholesome, far
reaching, and comprehensive a strategy the government here is able to put in
place. It will depend essentially on the ability of India and Pakistan to turn
the emotional tide in their favor, with Islamabad currently having an edge over
New Delhi on this front .... The
ceremony at Srinagar was indicative of the mood in the state, with top leaders
rushing to pose in front of the cameras in a "we are here as well"
assertion. The terrorist violence of the day before was relegated to the
background, as 19 brave Kashmiris traveled the route in defiance of threats and
more violence. Muzaffarabad presented a
total contrast. Pakistan treated the bus as an intra-Kashmir measure, with not
a single leader travelling to PoK for the occasion. It was left to the local
leaders and PoK Prime Minister Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan to flag off the bus,
after making it clear to the assembled crowd that this was a step towards the
final settlement of Kashmir. After a
few more buses make the historic journey and travel becomes a reality, the
political reaction of the Kashmiris will have to be assessed. Will it be, as
New Delhi hopes, for long-term peace between India and Pakistan without
necessarily a final settlement of Kashmir? Or will the clamor be for the
unification of Kashmir, with the Hurriyat acquiring the potential and having
the international respectability to begin a political movement for a final
"Caravan Of Peace Starts"
Centrist Urdu-language Azad Hind noted (4/9): "Muzaffarabad Bus service are worth
their weight. From his speech it is well understood that the Indian government
not only has the intention, but also has started taking action on forging a stronger friendship with
Pakistan. It has become clear that positive indications are coming from across
the border too. It seems that governments of both countries are moving towards
sorting out all the outstanding issues between them.... It cannot be denied that there is also
pressure from the international community on these two countries.... But it is also equally true that some bad
elements are using religion in spreading hatred in both countries.... Indian and Pakistani authorities need to keep
their vigilant eyes on such forces.”
"Will Musharraf Play Cricket, Or Go The Agra Way"
The centrist Tribune wondered (4/11): “The significance of the launch of the
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus cannot be underestimated even by hard-boiled cynics
who tend to scoff at any movement towards peace on the subcontinent ... It
makes the point that the people of Kashmir think differently than those who
believe in the culture of gun.... The
two countries have only begun the journey and they have a long way to go before
they can ask their troops to return to the barracks.... It will, however, be an error to build more
hopes based on the headlines the bus has rightly made. The next weekend’s talks between Dr Manmohan
Singh and President Musharraf, interestingly on the sidelines of the one-dayer
at Ferozshah Kotla Grounds, will indicate how determined the two countries are
to walk along the peace track in the near future.... President Musharraf recently talked about
“freedom movement” in Kashmir and reiterated that Pakistan will continue to
give moral and political support to it.
It remains to be seen whether he will stage another Agra next Sunday as
he did four years ago. Such a turn of events could cause a setback to the peace
process.... While the ball is in
President Musharraf’s court, he is not known to have passed on new ideas, even
tentatively, to give a kick-start to a substantive round of talks or set up a
mechanism for sorting out the Kashmir issue....
While the Pakistan President’s emphasis will remain on Kashmir, Indian
stress will be on going beyond the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus and other steps to
create an atmosphere of greater trust between the two nations which in turn,
New Delhi thinks, will create conditions for more meaningful talks on Kashmir.
This is a route which India and China have tried to follow during almost two
decades.... A similar model if accepted
by Pakistan can help the two countries reduce mutual distrust and tensions.”
“We've Crossed This Bridge”
An editorial in the centrist Indian Express read (4/8).
“The searing images of the Tourist Reception Centre attack which had dominated
the frame on Wednesday gave way to the pastoral vistas of Thursday. At Kaman
Bridge, history dissolved as people from both sides of the border entered space
that had hitherto been demarcated as a prohibited zone, as enemy territory. It
marked a moment every bit as defining as the Delhi-Lahore bus trip that Atal
Bihari Vajpayee had set in motion in the spring of 1999. As the world watches,
both buses traverse the same road, although in different locations - the road
to subcontinental peace. Which presents both India and Pakistan with a
conundrum: sustaining the audacious Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus journey would
demand winning the confidence of the traveler, and winning the confidence of
the ordinary traveler would mean managing the fear factor and managing the fear
factor would require substantive engagement between India and Pakistan on
Kashmir and a concerted attempt on the part of both countries to defeat the
terrorist agenda. Nobody perhaps has grasped the significance of the latest bus
journey as clearly as those faceless men willing to break every human law in
order to achieve their mission. In the latest instance, the fidayeen have shown
themselves willing to take their battle to the doorstep of the ordinary
Kashmiri, in the name of liberating the ordinary Kashmiri. The irony cannot be
more patent. Every time they threaten to blow up the bus, or plant improvised
explosive devices along the bus route, or plan suicide attacks, they are not
“saving” Kashmir - as they claim they are - but attacking Kashmiris. Never has
their cause looked as compromised as it does today, for the simple reason that
a bus journey linking the two Kashmirs is an idea that has caught the
imagination of the local people. Other confidence building measures undertaken
by the two countries may have made academic sense to the people of the region,
this one touches their lives ... Listen to the talk of travelers. They want not
just one bus but many buses, not one border crossing but many border crossings. This popular enthusiasm must not be
extinguished by fear. That should be a common purpose for India and Pakistan,
who had jointly sponsored an initiative that does much credit to both. They
have crossed this bridge. Now, for the others.”
“Passage To Peace”
The nationalist Hindustan Times expressed (4/8): “The word ‘historic’ often ends up becoming a
cliché. But nothing but that word can
really describe the re-opening, after 57 years, of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad
bus route.... The heroes were the
passengers themselves who braved terrorist threats and actual attacks to reach
their destination. Predictably,
terrorists and some separatist like Syed Ali shah Geelani have ended up
catching the wrong end of the stick. The
aim of the bus is not to bypass the resolution of the Kashmir problem, but to
facilitate it. Those who think that the
solution lies in redrawing boundaries and borders are really saying that no
solution is possible because that was the sterile road that India and Pakistan
have been walking on for so long, a path that has led to several wars and a lot
of death and destruction. What matters
today are not borders, but their character:
The aim of the current India-Pakistan dialogue is to transform our kind
of a border to the other. That is where the
Srinagar-Muzaffarbad bus comes in . If things go well, buses, many of them,
will do the run right through, instead of the cumbersome transshipment at Kaman
bridge.... Going by current trends,
there could be a general opening up along the entire India-Pakistan border
within a matter of years. And when that
happens, you may notice another funny thing-our problems will not have gone
away, but they will looking a little different, less daunting and somewhat
easier to resolve.”
"Facing Down A Threat"
The centrist Hindu remarked (4/8): “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must be
commended for displaying clear-sightedness and resolve in traveling to Srinagar
to flag off the bus service to Muzaffarabad ... The Government could not have been
overly faulted had it postponed the inaugural run, citing the safety of
passengers. They were apparently the targets of the militants' suicide mission;
... In the face of this terrorist intimidation, it is heartening that the
leaders of both India and Pakistan understood the need to follow through on a
promising initiative. Equal credit must go to the passengers. Refusing to be
fazed by terrorist threats, they coolly kept their tryst with Muzaffarabad ...
Only time will tell whether the commencement of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus
service will be a watershed in bilateral relations, but the strong, quiet
support extended on the ground to the process of détente and
normalization by people on both sides of the LoC is reassuring. Prime Minister
Singh wisely refused to accuse Pakistan or its intelligence agencies of any
involvement in the terrorist attack of April 6. Aside from the apparent lack of
evidence, such an accusation would have undermined a process of reconciliation
progressively crafted by New Delhi and Islamabad. General Musharraf deserves warm appreciation
from India for helping to see the project through. While the opportunity
provided for meetings between members of divided families is of value in
itself, this demonstration of the benefits of India-Pakistan amity at the
people-to-people level can have implications over the longer term. It has
always been India's case that the dispute with Pakistan will be more easily
resolved if the peoples of the two countries develop trust in each other
through more frequent and easier interaction. With Pakistan's Foreign Minister
Kurshid Mehmood Kasuri expressing his appreciation for the merits of the Indian
argument, there is hope that the two countries will intensify the process of
positive engagement. While much has been
done to ensure security along the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad route, there is no
guarantee that the bus service will always be safe from attack. The extremists
appear determined to disrupt the service because they believe that an
enhancement of people-to-people contacts will deflate their "movement for
self-determination." ... However, the extremists might have made a
strategic mistake by targeting the bus service, which does not have any
demonstrable connection with the major political issue of jurisdiction over the
territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The extremists have placed themselves on the
wrong side of the very people they claim to fight for.”
"Peace Politics“
The pro-BJP right-of-center Pioneer commented (4/8): “The Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus got rolling
despite an eleventh-hour roadblock of violence. This only shows how resilient
the sub continental peace constituency has become. The attack on the Srinagar
Tourist Reception Centre was clearly an act of desperation: The greater the
momentum of Indo-Pakistani rapprochement, the more jihadis fear being put out
of business. The biggest tribute to making the Karvan-e-Aman (Caravan for
peace) possible in the face of terrorist blackmail goes to ordinary people on
both sides of the border.... While bus
passengers remain undaunted, plotters of the suicide attack have exposed
themselves as murderous jihadis with no qualms about turning on the very
Kashmiri "brothers" they pretend to champion. However, relief over
the aborted bloodbath is not free of doubt about the way Central and J&K
authorities handled the inauguration. By turning it into a tamasha, (Joke) what
were both thinking? Former J&K Chief
Minister Farooq Abdullah has rightly asked why security was made less of a priority
to turning the bus run-up into a politically encashable 'cultural' mela. Given
the prior terror warning, the series of security lapses is shocking-from leak
of the passengers' list, through disclosure of where they were lodged to the
ease with which armed fidayeen stormed the complex. The efficient, low-key way
PoK authorities conducted the flag-off couldn't be more striking. On the Indian
side, political and media hype reached such frenzied levels that were a bus
passenger to sneeze, the news would have found its way into the terror camp. The Congress-PDP extravaganza was open
invitation to militants to strike at will ... The ceremony was out of
bounds-even former Prime Minister Vajpayee did not make it as an invitee! If a
tamasha was to be staged at all, surely it should have been geared to showcasing
national unity. Surely Vajpayee-credited with relentlessly pursuing peace with
Pakistan, and the original proponent of the bus link-should have been on the
dais during an historic occasion that was principally the fruit of his labor
... The security lapse on the eve of the bus launch, nonetheless, raises
serious questions on the future of the link. The Congress should stop playing
petty politics with the India-Pakistan peace process. Maybe it could start
kicking its monopolizing habits by recalling the statesmanlike way Vajpayee
once did the job.”
"Bus For Peace"
The centrist Tribune wrote (4/8): “The smooth inaugural run of the
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad and Muzaffarabad-Srinagar buses is a tribute to the
determination of the two countries to give the peace process yet another push.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress President Sonia Gandhi.... squared themselves to the challenge flung at
the Central and state governments by the militants. In an act of desperation
they made a suicide attack on the Tourist Reception Centre in Srinagar on
Wednesday. Thankfully, Pakistan has condemned the terrorist attack, though it
has not been as keen as India is on the introduction of the bus service.
Nonetheless, to be fair to Pakistan, it has been playing along. It is a pity that the militants were out to
disrupt the bus service, which was introduced mainly on humanitarian grounds
and as a confidence-building measure. It shows how much concern they have for
the welfare of the Kashmiri people for whom they are supposed to have taken up
arms. Again, it is a greater pity that sections of the Hurriyat have come out
in the open against the bus service which, they feel, would make them redundant
over a period of time. From the conduct of both, it would have become clear to
Pakistan that it is not the interest of the common man but their own selfish
interest that they have been pursuing.
The possibility of some groups in Pakistan still providing the militants
moral, if not logistical, support when they oppose the bus service cannot be
ruled out. What worries the militants is the enthusiasm the people on both
sides of the Line of Control have to re-establish contact with each other.
Pakistan owes it to the people to cooperate with India in frustrating the
militants’ attempt to disrupt the bus service by hook or by crook. This means
fighting them head on.”
"Caravan Of Sacrifice"
Right-of-center Samna opined (4/8): “The bus, supposed to be a caravan of peace,
finally left for Pakistan occupied Kashmir on Thursday amidst sniper fire and
hand-bombs, which were preceded by a terrorist attack on the safe house for the
bus passengers on the eve of the bus journey. Fortunately, none of the bus
passengers was hurt ... India sent a similar caravan of peace from Delhi to
Lahore under the initiative of the then Indian Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee not
very long ago. When Vajpayee and the then Pakistani Prime Minister Navaz
Sharief were giving each other a friendly hug, Pakistan’s then military chief
Pervez Musharraf was busy drawing up plans for invading India’s Kargil sector.
Today, Vajpayee has been replaced by Manmohan Singh and the Delhi-Lahore bus
has been replaced by Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus; the Musharraf factor remains
the same. The Pakistani military dictator is still using the same threatening
language - ‘resolve Kashmir or else’ - and his Indian interlocutors still
continue to be naïve about striking peace with Musharraf despite his known past
record to the contrary.... In the midst
of all the hullabaloo over the current peace process, Kashmir will continue to
bleed in the wake of terrorist attacks and espionage activities engineered by
Pakistan. Indian soldiers continue to be offered as sacrificial lambs in this
killing field, thanks to the naïve and suicidal attitude of India’s ruling
politicians. The caravan of peace cannot succeed until the caravan of sacrifice
of Indian soldiers is stopped.”
"Caravan Of Peace"
Left-of-center Marathi-language Maharashtra Times said
(4/8): “The bus that left Srinagar for
Muzaffarabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir on Thursday after a gap of 58 years
bears ample testimony to the fact that if India and Pakistan have the political
will, no force in the world can prevent them from becoming friendly neighbors. However, the question is whether the
political leaders in both countries have the courage to display such a will
that can overcome the opposition to peace from terrorists and fundamentalist
forces active in the subcontinent. Former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee had
launched a similar peace caravan from Delhi to Lahore but it crashed in the
aftermath of the Kargil war foisted on India by Pakistan soon afterward. It is
worrying to all concerned in India now if the new bus initiative wouldn’t meet
with a similar fate under the watch of Manmohan Singh. It is up to Pakistan President Musharraf to
prove these fears wrong by ensuring that the bus history doesn’t repeat itself.
If he fails to ensure that, the caravan of peace is sure to turn into a funeral
parade of peace.”
"Kashmiris Create History Amidst Terrorists' Threat"
Centrist Hindi-language Divya Bhaskar commented (4/8): “April 7, 2005, will go down in (the Indian
subcontinent's) history as a day which united the people living across borders
between India and Pakistan after a gap of 58 years. The Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus, which made its
maiden journey on this day, served as a bridge to peace by bringing the people
of Kashmir closer to each other after long years of separation. The bus service between India and Pakistan,
as part of confidence-building measures, is a significant step in their efforts
to establish peace in this region.
Despite terrorist threats and a number of bureaucratic and political
hurdles, the people of Kashmir displayed enormous courage by taking the first ride
to meet their relatives across the Line of Control. As everyone expected, the scene of people
meeting their dear ones turned out to be a truly emotional one…. The spirit shown by Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi who, despite the
looming threat by terrorists, made it to the venue to flag-off the inaugural
bus service is certainly praiseworthy.
This shows that despite hurdles and obstacles, India stands committed to
creating a congenial atmosphere for establishing cordial relations with
"Caravan Of Peace"
The left-of-center Free Press Journal noted (4/8): “The most touching confidence-building
measure between India and Pakistan was launched with the flagging off by
Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus ... Both the
countries are committed to protecting the life of the people who have risen
above the rigidities of alienation and animosities. These people who boarded the bus on Thursday
have done so in spite of the most vengeful attack by militants who have become
desperate. That even the separatist
voice of Hurriyat has become silent, at lest for the time being, is
significant. Nobody can pretend that
Muzaffarabad is the end of the peace journey for the two countries. Many things remain to be sorted out. But if procedural rigidity can be erased and
goodwill prevails on both sides, the Muzaffarabad bus and the bus from there to
Srinagar will have signaled a great beginning.
From here the two countries can go only in one direction: forward.”
"Terror Fight On Summit Table"
Pranay Sharma opined in the centrist Kolkata-based Telegraph
(4/8): “The meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President
Musharraf this month will for all practical purposes be a summit, and terrorism
looks set to top the agenda. After yesterday’s fidayeen strike in Srinagar,
Delhi is worried about coping with the situation if the peace bus comes under
attack from terrorists. The brave face shown by the leadership…in flagging off
the inaugural bus from Srinagar to Muzaffarabad may have helped Delhi salvage
some pride after yesterday’s attack. However, it is uncertain how long tight
security can be maintained to ensure passengers are safe. The Indian
leadership, therefore, has to take the opportunity of Musharraf’s visit to
extract a promise that he will do all he can to stop cross-border terrorism …
India has labored to explain that the President’s meeting with the Prime
Minister is not a summit. South Block has instead described it as a ‘friendly
visit’. However, it is clear that Musharraf’s visit will be regarded as a
summit. The two leaders will meet to discuss important issues and may even come
out with a joint statement. India will propose new confidence-building
measures, but the Pakistan President’s sincerity about combating terrorism will
remain the focus.”
"Kashmir Hug, Delhi Blush"
The centrist Kolkata-based Telegraph remarked (4/8): “History was in making when the two Kashmirs
were connected after 58 years as civilian vehicles rolled for the first time…on
Jhelum Valley Road. Wednesday’s militant attack on the tourist center in Srinagar
did not deter travelers on either side from taking the bus. But the bus from
Pakistan was full with 30 passengers and from India one-third empty with 19,
after five dropouts since Wednesday’s incident. The score - 30 to 19 -
symbolizes the difference between the ways Pakistan and India have managed the
occasion. India’s messy handling handed Islamabad a propaganda coup even the
best spin doctors in Islamabad could not have hoped for. For General Pervez
Musharraf, it is the feather in the cap after a string of diplomatic successes:
the F-16s, a triumphant return to the Commonwealth and a place at the strategic
high table in Southeast Asia that balances India, to mention a few. The
impression left in drawing rooms across the world after the dramatic attack in
Srinagar was that everything was rotten on the ‘Indian side of Kashmir’ and out
of control of the Indians. By carefully calibrating their pitch and not making
a big deal about the bus, Musharraf’s spin doctors projected the image that all
is well in what Pakistan calls Azad Kashmir, though it is far from the
truth. The Srinagar attack, followed by
Thursday’s blast in Pattan minutes after the buses had passed, created the
impression that the Indians are the problem in Kashmir. It is this impression
Islamabad had tried to perpetuate for decades by flogging the UN resolution on
Kashmir and repeatedly asking the world to intervene. The impact of this
campaign had lost its momentum after a high pitch in the early to mid-1990s.
But images of the burning shelter in Srinagar - contrasted by the calm in
Muzaffarabad - may well give it a new lease of life. The US condemned the
Srinagar incident and called it terrorism … Words of condemnation, in any case,
remain words and pale before images of helpless women leaping to the ground in
the backdrop of a blazing building. Privately, Americans in government are
aghast that India could not protect the most obvious target for the militants.
It did not help India’s case that several passengers dropped out.”
"Price Of Hype"
An editorial in the Kolkata-based centrist Telegraph read
(4/8): “The huge publicity and the high
profile given by India to the bus service from Srinagar to Muzaffarabad were
unnecessary and counter-productive. The attack on the Tourist Reception Center
in Srinagar…may have been a direct result of the hype surrounding the bus
journey. In contrast, Pakistan has prudently not raised great expectations from
the resumption of travel across the line of control in Jammu and Kashmir. The
build-up to the bus service has been extraordinary … All this fanfare was
entirely avoidable. It has put at risk the lives of the passengers who will
travel in the bus, and has perhaps allowed Pakistan to score a few brownie
points over India. Militant groups obviously felt that the bus journey was
intended to bypass the main issues revolving around the conflict in Jammu and
Kashmir. Notice that the United Jehad Council unanimously voiced its
disapproval of the bus journey. Militant groups were provoked to mount a
desperate attack on the passengers on the eve of the journey. As a result, many
of the passengers backed out and did not undertake the journey. It is possible
that there may be few takers for the bus journey in the future in the wake of
militant threats and attacks. The ordinary Kashmiri too seems to have been
alienated by this attempt by political leaders to hijack a measure ostensibly
designed to unite divided families across the Line of Control. What would be
unfortunate is if the leadership in Pakistan too comes under pressure from
elements from within its ranks, and develops cold feet about opening further
transport links across the LoC and does not allow any increase in the frequency
of the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus … The best confidence building measures are
those that are introduced subtly and slowly. Clearly, improving communication
links is important, but to do so with such tamasha reflects shortsighted
political gimmickry rather than real strategic thinking.”
"How Long Will It Be Possible To Safely Run The Bus?"
An editorial in Bengali-language pro-BJP Bartaman said
(4/8): “No doubt, this bus service is
really an effective initiative to enhance people-to-people exchanges aiming at
normalizing Indo-Pak relations. But at the same time, some questions have been
raised… Will it be possible to continue the bus service throughout the year
under such a terrific security cover? … How long will it be possible to bear
the huge cost associated with it? … Terrorists will continue to make attempts
to disrupt the 'Peace Bus' and intimidate passengers. So, the federal
government must maintain the strictest vigil… How do the terrorists still
manage to get Chinese weapons unless they have links with a section of the
Pakistani army? Delhi needs to check whether Pakistan is sincerely positive
about the bus service. Needless to say that al-Qaida, LeT or Hizbul Mujahid
terrorists have close connections with the Pakistani army and the ISI. Unless
and until the Indian government pressures Pakistan to take action against them
this 'Peace Bus' will turn into a white elephant. Delhi should start thinking
right now whether it will continue this risky bus service in the future or
initiate air service instead.... That
will reduce the danger of terrorist attacks as well as enable people on both
sides to travel tension-free and at a cheaper rate.”
"Embarrasment Over Much Ado"
Independent Bengali-language Anada Bazar Patrika concluded
(4/8): “It seems that the publicity-hype
generated by the Indian government over the 'Peace Bus' was not so prudent …
Pakistan did not go for a media blitz and accomplished its task relatively
silently … Neither Pakistan’s President nor any of his cabinet colleagues was
present in Muzaffarabad whereas in Srinagar the Prime Minister…and even Sonia
Gandhi were present to flag off the bus. When Pakistan chose to avoid the media
glare India did the opposite and dragged the entire event under the focus of
the international media. If for any reason, the bus service ultimately gets
postponed…after a couple of symbolic journeys, frustration will automatically
overwhelm the Indian political leadership and the society. Since Pakistan has
handled the event from the very beginning in a low key manner their loss will
possibly be much less in this regard. It seems that the high pitch of the
Lahore Bus diplomacy during Vajpayee’s regime has impacted the Manmohan Singh
government as well.”
"Stupid Militants Having The Last Gasp"
Urdu-language nationalist Akhbar-E-Mashriq commented
(4/8): "Jihadi elements in Pakistan
must have been overjoyed and thought that they had accomplished something
extraordinary through the blast they had triggered at the Srinagar tourist
center. But it is certain that as a result of this action the public will
surely not hold them in high esteem. For more than fifty years there has been
an unnatural ‘Berlin Wall’ in the shape of the Line of Control…dividing
Kashmiris into two identities. People on each side are extremely zealous to
meet their family members and relatives. Those who want to put up hurdles
towards this union are none but the enemies of humanity. Destructive elements
behind such an action should never expect the least sympathy from the public…
These foolish elements should realize that the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Bus
Service is not just a mere step towards confidence building…but it also
signifies fulfillment of the Kashmiris’ long cherished yearning. Anyone who
tries to hinder that yearning would certainly be broken in pieces.”
“Direction Unknown"
Prem Shankar Jha wrote in the nationalist Hindustan Times
(4/8): “The first bus in 57 years left
Srinagar for Muzaffarabad yesterday.
Eight days after it appears in print, General Musharraf will arrive in
Delhi, allegedly to watch a cricket match but in reality to confer informally
on the future of our countries. One does
not have to a historian to recognize that we are in the very cusp of
history. The next two weeks could decide
whether we move towards peace, greater domestic stability and purposeful
cooperation in international affairs, or towards a renewed, debilitating
confrontation that keeps us trapped as pawns in the American bid for
empire. But while Pakistan’s
policy-makers seem to have recognized the gravity of the moment, New Delhi’s
actions suggest a disturbing absence of strategy. How else does one explain the succession of
faux pas that the government has committed over the opening of the bus link
itself? ... The root cause of the lack of a strategic vision in India’s policy
is the inability of Indian policy-makers to look at themselves through Kashmiri
eyes. Were they able to do so, they
would see that Kashmir went through an irreversible change when Farooq Abdullah
agreed to fight the 1987 elections as an ally of the Indian National Congress.”
“This Bus Must Roll”
The centrist Indian Express noted (4/7): “Getting the Srinagar bus rolling on the road
to Muzaffarabad was never expected to be easy. But then, the stakes too could
not have been much higher. Reviving traffic and contact on the old Srinagar-Rawalpindi
road became, in effect, a test of sincerity on the part of the governments of
India and Pakistan to overthrow decades of accumulated maximalism to give
salience to the peace process. It was as simple as this.... It promised, in return, visible proof that
dialogue and adjustment could deliver results, that they could bring tangible
benefits to people on both sides of the border. In the end, New Delhi and
Islamabad pulled it off. Today two buses - one from Muzaffarabad, the other
from Srinagar - should cross each other on this high road. But the work for the two governments is not
over. Securing this bus service will require enormous tenacity and
cooperation. The suicide attack on the
State Road Transport Corporation office in Srinagar on Wednesday must serve as
a reality check of the changing matrix of the peace process.“
“Bus, A Threat To Jehadis”
The centrist Hindu commented (4/7): “The Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus is still set
to roll on Thursday. As demonstrated by the dastardly attempt on the lives of
the 25 bus passengers this afternoon in Srinagar, the threats hurled by
terrorist groups to this "peace link" are all too real. The importance of the bus service is clear.
It is a threat to the very survival of the terrorist groups, which have been
operating in the name of the Kashmiri people for far too long. These
"jehadis" have exposed themselves by attacking their Kashmiri
"brothers and sisters." Having
tried to attack the passengers as a group, it is entirely possible that the
terrorists will now try to target individual travelers, who are excited about
meeting their family members on the other side of the Line of Control
(LoC). Naturally, this will place a
greater responsibility on India and Pakistan to work together to ensure the
safety and security of the passengers. Given the fact that these groups operate
from the Pakistani side of the LoC, Islamabad's responsibility on this count is
that much greater ... India and Pakistan have shown that they could sink their
differences by agreeing to a creative compromise on the bus service,
safeguarding their national positions even while allowing people living on
either side of the LoC to meet each other. The bus is a "model"
construct that should guide the future course of India-Pakistan relations.
First proposed in October 2003 by the then External Affairs Minister, Yashwant
Sinha, many felt that the bus would never get moving given the fears and
reservations on both sides. These fears were proved wrong when the External
Affairs Minister, Natwar Singh, clinched a deal on beginning the bus service in
February with the Pakistani leadership ... With the inauguration of the bus
service, the Kaman bridge on the LoC will become only the second, official
crossing point for Indians and Pakistanis - the other, of course, being the bus
and rail link across Wagah.”
“Pecuilar Logic”
The centrist Asian Age editorialized (4/7): “The militants are isolated. The ordinary
Kashmiris are completely opposed to the extremists’ threat to turn the
Muzaffarabad-Srinagar bus into a coffin. A demonstration of this opposition is
the refusal of most of the passengers to back off and return to the safety of
their homes in the wake of these threats. Seven persons were hurt in a powerful
IED blast on the route to be taken by the bus when it sets out for its first
journey from Srinagar on Thursday, a message from the militants that they still
retain the power to strike close to the target. The hardliners in Kashmir and
in Pakistan are totally against the bus as they see in it a conspiracy by the
governments of both India and Pakistan to undermine the so called struggle for
freedom. Instead of embracing this as a people oriented confidence building
measure intended to bring relief to the divided families, the militants in
their peculiar logic are doing all they can to prevent it from operating. It is
this kind of lopsided vision that has also contributed to the suffering of the
Kashmiris who are finally becoming aware that they were as much the victims of
terrorist groups as they were of the security forces. The logistics of
operating this bus, that has emerged as a symbol of governmental good intent,
are giving sleepless nights to the security forces entrusted with ensuring its
safe passage to and from the Line of Control ... In case there is violence, the
blame will automatically go to rest at Pakistan’s door and sour relations with
India and the world. It is important to ensure through a combination of
effective security, and firm action that the extremists do not succeed in
turning the bus into a coffin, and thereby depriving Kashmiri families of the
one real CBM that has been worked around their specific desires, and not that
of Delhi or Islamabad. The tearful eyes, the look of anticipation, and the
excitement of the poor Kashmiris over the prospect of being re-united with
their families after over 50 years should act as a deterrent for cold blooded
terrorists who claim to be working in the interests of the people of Jammu and
“Don't Get Off The Bus”
An editorial in the centrist Times of India read
(4/7): “One day before the
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus was supposed to roll, terrorists attacked and set
aflame the safe house where passengers were lodged ... New Delhi and Islamabad
would have anticipated attacks from groups intent on disrupting the thaw
between the two nations. If so, both
governments should pay hardball and continue determinedly to push for
peace. If not, the attack was a serious
lapse of security, which should be investigated. The people of Jammu and Kashmir-parties like
the PDP, the Congress the National Conference, organizations like Hurriyat and
Kashmir’s civil society-must not allow this attack to disrupt Kashmir’s chance
to move beyond the politics of hate and fear.
Even hard line factions, which believe that J&K belongs to Pakistan,
should condemn the attack on the bus, as indeed has Pakistan’s foreign
minister. After all, bus diplomacy was
conceived of an implemented by both New Delhi and Islamabad. The attack is an embarrassment for Pervez
Musharraf 11 days before he lands in India to watch cricket. Terrorism and the collapse of governance had
turned Kashmir into a valley of sorrow since the 1980s ... The Srinagar attack
was preceded by explosions in Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. It is clear that terrorists are intent on
jeopardizing the coming together of Kashmiris.
Nobody must yield to these threats.
The biggest fear of terrorists is the prospect of people meeting and
talking to one another across the border, because such bonhomie would destroy
the paranoia abetted by people with a sectarian view of history. New Delhi or Islamabad shouldn‘t get into the
blame game: There’s evidence that many jehadi outfits are now independent of
the Pakistan government. Islamabad must
work harder than ever to make the bus route operational. Perhaps the two governments should think of
organizing a joint patrol of Indian and Pakistani military personnel to escort
the bus through the 170-km stretch-simply to show who is in charge. Any attempt to stop the bus will strengthen
the resolve of those who want us to get off the vehicle of peace. History and all peace-loving Kashmiri people
will not forgive India and Pakistan if their governments cower before terrorist
"Caravan Of Peace: One More Experiment With Bus
Right-of-center Gujarati-language Gujarat Samachar opined
(4/7): “The proposed bus service
(Caravan of Peace) between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad is expected to send across
the message of peace and goodwill between India and Pakistan. There is a general feeling, not only in the
Kashmir valley, but in the whole of India that this bus diplomacy will create a
cordial atmosphere towards solving all the outstanding bilateral issues between
India and Pakistan. However, caution
needs to be exercised before making such generalizations. India’s efforts towards normalization of
relations with Pakistan have not been met with the desired success in the
past. How can one forget the fate of the
Lahore bus diplomacy? Pakistan stabbed
India by thrusting Kargil! What is the
guarantee that Pakistan will not resort to its ulterior objectives vis-à-vis
Kashmir through this bus diplomacy? Will
this bus bring about a change of mind for President Musharraf? Will this bus help in ending cross-border
terrorism? Will the Inter Services
Intelligence of Pakistan stop aiding and abetting terrorism in India? This all seems to be next to impossible. We cannot expect Pakistan to change its
outlook towards India…. Interestingly,
the bus for peace and the arms acquisition are moving parallel to each
other. The U.S. has cleared the decks
for the supply of F-16s to Pakistan and also offered India these fighter
jets. China will be supplying Pakistan
with five warships. India also will be
getting a Russian-made warship in the next two years. Amidst all this how can we expect Pakistan to
be sincere in striking peace with India?
The role of nations like the U.S. in such scenarios resembles a monkey
who takes advantage by making the cats (in this case India and Pakistan) fight
against each other.”
"Caravan Of Hostility?"
Left-of-center Marathi-language Loksatta commented
(4/7): “A day before Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh could flag off the Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus on April 7, the
Fidayeen militants have ripped apart the security arrangements in
Srinagar. This lapse is detrimental to
the security concerns of the entire country.
It is rather condemnable that the Union Home Ministry, the army and the
security forces, which claimed to have done their spade work required for the
resumption of the historic bus service, fell short of deploying their resources
to avoid this terrorist attack.... It is
now obvious that the Muzaffarabad-bound bus passengers risk their lives. But,
of course, that should not lead to India’s surrender before the four militant
organizations which intend to sabotage the India-Pakistan peace
process.... While India still upholds
the legitimacy of this bus service, and the Indian Prime Minister has not cowed
down before the militants, Pakistan continues to demonstrate its traditional
narrow-minded response. By objecting to certain passengers in the bus,
especially National Conference leader Omar Abdullah and People’s Democratic
Party’s Mehmooba Mufti, Pakistan has unnecessarily opposed the mainstream
representatives of the Kashmiri people. They cannot dictate the choice of
passengers coming from India. It will only create bitterness between the two
neighbors. Thankfully, Pakistan has condemned the militant attack in Srinagar.”
"Army In One Of Riskiest Peace Time Missions"
Defense Correspondent Sujan Duttawrote wrote in the centrist
Kolkata-based Telegraph (4/7):
“The Indian Army will…shepherd a busload of civilians through hostile
territory in one of the riskiest peace time military operations in recent
history. The road to Muzaffarabad and an elusive peace in Kashmir is a
nightmarish scenario for any army, mined as it is with the threat from
militants who are not backed by any state. This afternoon’s attack on and the
burning of the Tourist Reception Centre in Srinagar has only underscored the
threat. Every country, including the US, is fearful of militants who are
non-state actors. In Kashmir, the Indian government has so far said the
militants are backed by Pakistan. But the bus service is the consequence of an
agreement between New Delhi and Islamabad. Prima facie, Pakistan does not
support the militants. In the wake of the fidayeen attack today, army
headquarters was asked for an update on the security situation. There was even
pressure from the political leadership on the army for a ‘security guarantee’.
The army top brass is understood to have said that such a guarantee is
unrealistic. The bus will be driven through terrain that can be deceptive. A
small improvised explosive device with a timer can prove to be deadly as can a
sniper on a hill top … The reason the army is hesitant to use the word
‘sanitize’ is military. Given the political environment and topography through
which the road runs, a 100 per cent security guarantee is impossible … Despite
the risk, army headquarters is in favor of the bus running as scheduled. It
feels an attack on the bus will alienate the militants from the people. Plus,
the bus service is practically, apart from the LoC ceasefire, a
Kashmir-specific confidence-building measure with Pakistan that can stabilize
the security situation in the long term. Without a shade of doubt, the attack
is an embarrassment for the security establishment. Also, it has struck fear in
the hearts of the passengers. There was no way of knowing what the passengers
who have got entry permits and have booked tickets are saying. They are in ‘the
safe custody’ of security forces, chiefly the CRPF.”
"Waiting With Open Arms"
The centrist Statesman observed (4/7): “On the highway to peace, if it still can be
called that after today’s attack in Srinagar, the countdown...has
begun.... For hundreds and thousands of
Kashmiri Muslims who have their kith and kin across the Line of Control, the
resumption of bus service between Uri and Muzaffarabad is the realization of a
long-cherished dream. As the bus rolls
a couple of hours from now, besides these Muslims who are waiting with bated
breath to meet their relatives, scores of these Hindus of Lagama-Bandi living
along the LoC…are also praying for the success of the bus-service. The
residents of the twin villages of Lagama-Bandi, predominantly two Hindu
villages here in Uri, will be the first ones to welcome the passengers from
Muzaffarabad.... Although the people of
Lagama village have no relatives in Muzaffarabad, they are more enthusiastic
about the opening of Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus than anybody else. Most of the
people from these villages who are non-Kashmiri-speaking Hindus had their
ancestors living in Muzaffarabad …Around 300 Hindu families have since been
living here in harmony with Muslims.
Most of these Hindu residents of Lagama-Bandi are nostalgic about the
historic bus that is plying after 58 years.
For them, the arrival of the first bus means that one day they can also
visit Muzaffarabad, a place many of them had to leave in 1947.”
"Bus Trial By Blaze"
Aloke Tikku and Mukhtar Ahmad opined in the centrist Kolkata-based
Telegraph (4/7): “India, with
little option but to carry on with the trip, declared…that the program would go
ahead as scheduled. Pakistan condemned the attack in the ‘strongest possible’
language but took its time in announcing that the bus from its side would roll
… The failure to protect the Tourist Reception Centre building - which had come
to symbolize the bus service and which was thought to be one of the most secure
corners in India with almost the entire world watching - will deal a severe
blow to efforts to boost the confidence of future bus passengers. The attack
was in one of Srinagar’s most protected areas, near the Chief Minister’s
official residence and the government radio and television broadcasting
offices. But the political leadership is determined to make the best of the
worst scenario … In sharp contrast, neither Pervez Musharraf nor any other
senior member of his government will be present when the reciprocal bus leaves
Muzaffarabad … The ostensible reason for the absence is the Pakistani leaders’
preoccupations with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao but some analysts feel Islamabad
has wisely chosen to keep a safe distance from the live-wire occasion in
Muzaffarabad. Against the backdrop of the terror strike, the marked difference
in the approach of the two sides has raised questions whether India committed a
tactical mistake by pitching the bus launch as a high-voltage spectacle. The
more high profile an event, the more it suits terror groups to mount a
desperate attack…and gain maximum mileage. Fortunately, the loss of civilian
life in the blaze has been nil. But the security establishment’s loss of face
is incalculable … A combine of four militant groups that had threatened to turn
the bus into a ‘coffin’ has owned up responsibility for the attack. In the
evening, the state government came up with a response to the coffin threat--it
decided to name the bus Kaarwan-e-Aaman (the caravan of peace).”
PAKISTAN: “Destination Of
Kashmir Bus Service”
Center-right Urdu-language Pakistan mentioned (4/8):
"Is the commencement of the bus-service tantamount to resolution of
disputes between Pakistan and India.
Negative is the simple answer.
However, the bus-service has created an atmosphere, which may help in
the resolution of the problems.... India
should eschew the misnomer of becoming a mini super power.... In Manmohan Singh’s own words, if we want,
jointly we can do anything."
“Muzaffarabad-Srinagar Bus Service: Possibilities, Apprehensions”
Popular Urdu-language Khabrain stated (4/8): "The reaction by Mujahideen was not
unexpected, as they had announced their intention of not letting the bus
service succeed. Following this threat,
appropriate security measures should have been taken (by India) but they were
not, and consequently this unfortunate incident (attack on the bus stand) took
place.... In another incident, the bus
carrying Pakistani cricket team was pelted with stones in the Indian state of
Jharkand, resulting in broken windows.
Pakistan is taking confidence building measures with utmost sincerity
therefore our eyes should be on the possibilities ahead, not
"Futile Attack On Peace"
The centrist national English-language News remarked
(4/8): "The attack designed to
sabotage the inaugural run of the much-awaited bus service between Srinagar and
Muzaffarabad is a highly condemnable act of terrorism. Among other things, the attack has damaged
whatever little credibility that certain unrepresentative militant groups have
enjoyed in Kashmir.... The Srinagar
attack by militants is, therefore, nothing more than an effort to derail the
peace process and keep the maintain the vicious circle of violence.... It is against this backdrop that the
determination shown by India and Pakistan to go ahead with the bus service in
the face of the terrorist threat is praiseworthy. It will send an unambiguous message to the
shadowy groups that there will be no bowing to terrorism. The political parties and the civil society
in Kashmir should clearly distance themselves from groups that are even
remotely militant. The social and
political isolation of the militants will ultimately squeeze their sphere of
influence and give dialogue a fair chance."
"Perils And Opportunities"
Center-left independent national English-language Dawn
stated (4/8): "It is important that
despite all the threats and risks, both sides should persist with and expand
travel links between the two parts of Kashmir, which will be one of the surest
ways of bringing the people of Kashmir to center stage in the effort to
normalize Indo-Pakistan relations. At
the same time, such gestures cannot be a substitute for a determined political
effort to tackle the Kashmir problem and other knotty issues that divide
Pakistan and India.... Because of
domestic compulsions on both sides and developments internationally, an
opportunity of a lifetime has presented itself to the people of Kashmir and the
people of India and Pakistan to live in friendship and cooperation. It should not be missed."
“Srinagar-Muzaffarabad Bus Service”
Urdu-language Nawa-e-Waqt noted (4/7): "Pakistan and India governments should
ensure the resolution of the Kashmir dispute before going for the
bus-service. The Indian government
should stop human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, something that was
admitted recently by the Indian Defense Minister.... Otherwise conflict would be our future."
"Muzaffarabad-Srinagar Bus Security”
Center-right Urdu-language Pakistan remarked (4/7): "Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid
Kasuri has described the attack on the tourist center, Srinagar as an act of
enemies of peace. Before this attack an
explosion had occurred on the route of the Bus on Tuesday.... Even Hurriat
Conference leaders, who oppose the bus service, have said that terrorism
against the bus-service would harm Kashmir freedom struggle. It appears that other extremist groups in
India are behind this attack. These
other extremist elements had also made statements against the bus-service. The Indian government should keep a vigil on
these elements and should do all possible for the security of the bus."
"The Start Of Kashmir Bus Service”
Independent Din opined (4/7): "Some passengers traveling on the bus
grew nervous following threats by militants; perhaps this is what the militants
were aiming at. Only they know what
wisdom there is behind opposing the bus service. Perhaps they feel that if the
two people revive contact, a solution to the Kashmir issue would move further
into the future, whereas the reality is that increased contact between
Kashmiris would raise their importance and participation in the resolution of
the issue.... For the present moment, it
is the human angle of the issue we should keep in mind, the political aspect is
only secondary right now.... The Kashmir
bus service should be termed as a restoration of ground links for the Kashmiris
- reading more into this effort is futile, as it would only engender baseless
apprehensions. However, security to this
service should be given prime importance.
End quote.
GERMANY: "Politics
With A Kashmir Bus"
Business-oriented Financial Times Deutschland editorialized
(4/8): "The people who cried of joy
yesterday had two good reasons for it.
Many celebrated the first meeting with their relatives in 60 years and
the fortunate end of the most dangerous bus journey in their lives.... That the passengers went on this journey
despite the deadly risks shows how great their longing for peace is. The governments of India and Pakistan are
therefore seeking further reconciliation.
Pakistan's President Musharraf is expected to go to a Cricket match
between both national teams in New Delhi.
But the attacks on 49 harmless bus travelers are a dramatic warning. Extremist groups have no interest at all in
rapprochement and will try to torpedo the peace process. Establishing a highly political bus route in
Kashmir cannot be seen as the beginning of a quick breakthrough in a long
conflict. The governments believe in
symbolic gestures for the time being - which is clever and realistic."
SAUDI ARABIA: "Jihadists Miss Bus In More Ways Than One"
The pro-government, English-language Arab
News opined (4/8): "That peace
is anathema to the people on the lunatic fringe was amply demonstrated by
Wednesday’s attack on the sprawling tourist reception center in Srinagar — the
very place from where Kashmiris in India were to take a historic new bus
service to visit their relatives across the border. It was sheer luck that they all survived the
attack. The bus service, small gesture though it may seem, is the first
tangible move since India and Pakistan decided to give peace a chance. And the
decision to start it after so many years was a bold move on the part of both
India and Pakistan. It spoke highly of the leadership in the two countries, as
did the statements that ensued after the attack, a sign of a new maturity in
relations between the nuclear rivals. Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid
Mahmud Kasuri was quick to condemn the attack and so was India’s Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh. The people who
perpetrated this vile attack do not deserve to call themselves jihadists even
by the depths to which the term has been degraded. What they did has nothing to
do with war, holy or otherwise. It was terror, plain and simple, designed to
kill as many tourists as possible. And who are these tourists? The very ones
who have borne the brunt of Kashmir’s separation. They have been cut off from
their brothers and sisters on the other side of the Line of Control for
decades. Why should they now be punished
yet again? The so-called jihadists and obscurantists have no idea of the
hardships that ordinary Kashmiris have been enduring for all these decades at
the hands of the Indian Army. The world
at large and the Indian leadership both in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and
in New Delhi acknowledge that excesses were committed by Indian security
Ride In Kashmir Is The Latest Clarion Call Of People Power"
The moderate, English-language Daily Star said (4/8): "Both countries, forged through division
out of what was once British India, claim Kashmir, and short as it was,
yesterday's bus ride represents a breakthrough in a stand-off that has lasted
more than half a century between the two countries. The passengers who travelled amid tight
security braved threats from Islamic militants who threatened to turn the
inaugural bus into "a coffin" and earlier this week launched an
attack on the service to prevent it operating.
Though their numbers were small, their spirit and actions were cut from
the same stone that saw millions of Iraqis defy the gunmen and vote in this
year's elections. They were also a reminder of those who defied the Lebanese
government and occupied Beirut's Martyrs' Square during that unforgettable
Sunday night in late February that brought down a government, and the million
who took to the streets a few weeks later to demand change and freedom..... Yesterday's bus ride, the first since the
Indo-Pakistan war of 1947, represents the first tangible result of political
dialogue between the Indian and Pakistan governments for many people in the
region. It is also further proof that
where governments are brave enough to lead, people respond with greater
bravery. An historic journey today,
let's hope it become routine. And let us
hope that the kind of fledgling dialogue that India and Pakistan have embarked
upon can encourage those in power in our own small corner of the world to lead
us to a better and safer future through dialogue."
UAE: "Rites Of
The expatriate-oriented, English-language Khaleej
Times commented (4/8): "When
the teary-eyed, overwhelmed Kashmiris from either side of the artificial divide
crossed the Line of Control yesterday, they created history.... For many of the Kashmiri families it took a
whole life to travel the short stretch between Srinagar and Muzaffarabad. The cross-Kashmir bus is indeed a big leap
forward in the relations of India and Pakistan. The opening of the LoC, albeit
limited, allowing the Kashmiris to meet their loved ones from the other side of
the divide is perhaps the best thing to have happened to the Kashmiris in the
many decades. No wonder parallels are
being drawn between the breaching of the LoC and the demolition of the Berlin
Wall. This was of course made possible
thanks to the bold steps taken by the Pakistani leadership which in turn were
reciprocated by the Indian leadership.
While many Kashmiris are disappointed over the limited nature of the
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad link and restrictions like the precondition of having
blood relations for permission to visit the other side, the cross-Kashmir bus
opens a new era for Kashmiris.... India
and Pakistan have certainly come a long way considering the fact only two years
ago they were locked in an eyeball-to-eyeball nuclear confrontation. But the path ahead is far from easy. The
unprecedented security along the route and the separatist attack on the Tourist
Centre in Srinagar on Wednesday, a day before the landmark journey of
Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus, illuminate the pitfalls on the road to peace..... The separatists believe that opening of
people-to-people channels is an attempt to undermine their struggle and put the
Kashmir dispute on the backburner. India
and Pakistan would, therefore, do well to address this irritant which has
poisoned their relations for the past many decades. While the measures like
Kashmir bus link are most welcome, Delhi and Islamabad must go beyond the
symbolic and media-friendly gestures. They must take real and meaningful steps
to bring down this vicious wall dividing Kashmiri people permanently by
resolving their dispute over Kashmir."
"Cross-Kashmir Bus A Symbol Of Normality"
The English-lanaguage, semi-independent Gulf
Times said (4/8): "It has taken
India and Pakistan two years of talks to get their relations back to normal
after they went to the brink of a potentially disastrous war. Among the
initiatives that have been achieved as a result of ministerial talks have been
the ceasefire on the Line of Control, which is holding well, and a number of
measures to allow interaction between people on opposite sides of that
line. These include making it easier to
get visas and travel documents and the introduction of a bus service between
the Indian and Pakistani controlled parts of Kashmir. Yesterday, militants launched a raid in
Indian-controlled Kashmir, attacking a building where passengers for today’s
landmark inauguration of the bus service between the two sectors. Despite that,
both India and Pakistan vowed that today’s journey would go ahead. The service on a 170km route between
Muzaffarabad and Srinagar is very symbolic.
It will be the first time in almost 60 years that a bus has been able to
travel between the cities and it will help to reunite families which have been
torn apart by decades of conflict. The
bus, therefore, stands for normality. It stands for allowing people to live
their lives as they wish, free from the restrictions imposed by political
hostility. And it represents the ability of the Indian and Pakistani
governments to work together to try to achieve peace, rather than working
against one another. Pakistanís Minister
for Kashmir Affairs underlined the new spirit of co-operation with his remark
that, despite the attack, ‘the bus is on.
It will not stop. The peace
process between India and Pakistan will not stop.’ The attack which was directed against a
purely civilian target has been claimed by four militant organisations who fear
that Pakistan’s agreement to the bus service is a political climb-down which undermines
their campaign against Indian rule."
JAPAN: "Coexistence In
South Asia"
Liberal Asahi said (4/14):
"It is historic that India and Pakistan, which have fought three
wars over Kashmir, opened a bus route connecting the two nations. Their nuclear weapons experiments in 1998
generated international concern over the vulnerability of the disputed region
and their deployment of a large number of troops to the border area in 2002
heightened tension in the district. A
summit meeting between the Indian and Pakistani leaders last January, during
which they reportedly discussed a wide range of bilateral issues, including the
dispute over Kashmir, appears to have paved the way for cooperative relations
between the two countries. The reopened
bus route would allow both Indian and Pakistani citizens to commute freely
between their hometowns. However, their
travels will not instantly solve the longstanding territorial dispute between
New Delhi and Islamabad. Other
conciliatory efforts in the region are being made by China. India and Pakistan appear to have realized
that establishing stable relations with China is indispensable for their future
economic development. There seems to be
a positive trend in South Asia to not take a military option but to seek
peaceful coexistence."
"Thaw Begins With Bus Service"
Liberal Asahi observed (4/8): "Bus service that
resumed between the Indian and Pakistani capitals of Kashmir signals détente
between the two southwest Asian giants....
The two sides appear to have explored confidence-building measures by
first increasing human exchanges and enhancing commercial trade. But, there are concerns that growing activism
on the part of Kashmir radicals might dampen small yet growing spirits of
"Milestone For Normalization"
Liberal Mainichi maintained (4/8): "The direct bus
link between the Indian and Pakistani capitals of Kashmir is a milestone in the
two nations' antagonistic history....
New Delhi and Islamabad have moved closer toward normalization amid the
growing international pressure they face to find a peaceful solution to their
territorial dispute in the post-9/11 era.
The two sides also appear to attach more importance to economic
development in the face of China's rapid growth. Human resource-rich South Asia has the
potential of becoming a center of economic growth if political stability is
ensured. There is the possibility that
armed militia in Kashmir would gradually lose influence over locals."
THIALAND: "The South
Asia Bus Stops Here”
The moderately-conservative, English-language Bangkok
Post declared (4/12): “India and
Pakistan have proved that a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single
stop. Last week's short trip by a
half-filled bus across the effective border in Kashmir was more than a token
event. It was a strong statement of the
recent South Asian confidence that Pakistan and India can do more than simply
refrain from war. With the encouragement
of friends, but more importantly with support of their own people, the
governments in New Delhi and Islamabad have set in motion an actual peace
process. It is informal, still
unpredictable but more optimistic than at any time since partition.... Pro-Pakistan terrorists even tried to
sabotage the first bus trip across the "temporary'' Line of Control in
Kashmir. But they failed. That is largely because public sentiment in
Pakistan and India favors friendly relations.
If the people want it and governments listen, there seems little chance
that violence or terrorism will overcome the spirit of peace in the air.”
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