May 11, 2005
** Conservative papers
praise Bush's "commitment to freedom in Moscow's backyard."
"Deteriorating" U.S.-Russia ties are now "based on
realism tinged with cynicism."
** Euro dailies decry
Putin's "dubious view of the past."
** Skeptics dismiss
comparisons between freedom in East Europe and the "Iraq experience."
An 'interventionist foreign policy'-- Supportive dailies backed Bush's
"enthusiasm to embrace" the new democracies of Eastern Europe. They judged the trips to Latvia and Georgia a
"political and diplomatic success" for Washington's "new
order," based on an "unrelenting faith in democracy," that
"overturns the canons of internationalist realism." Canada's leading Globe and Mail
welcomed this "admirable vision of promoting democracy and confronting
tyranny," and Italy's center-right Il Giornale hailed U.S. "encouragement
for democratic revolutions" to "isolate or neutralize tyrannical
regimes." Numerous analysts
concluded that "freedom is on the march" worldwide.
'Tensions and disputes' likely-- Other papers decried Bush's "program to
humiliate" Putin and alleged the U.S. is "repeatedly provoking"
Moscow by trying to "squeeze Russia's strategic space." France's regional Les Derniers Nouvelles
D'Alsace stated that "tensions with Russia are useless." Euro outlets noted Russia's "lost
grandeur"; Lithuania's independent Veidas described Russia as an
"elderly lady who hides her fatigue under thick makeup." Critics of Putin blasted the
"authoritarianism of today's Russia" and regretted the EU's failure
to affirm the U.S.' "firm language in favor of democracy" in
Russia. Hungary's center-left Nepszabadsag
assailed the "renaissance" of "Russian nationalism with a Soviet
flavor" under Putin.
Stalin's 'unparalleled harshness and
cruelty'-- Euro outlets balked at
"Czar Vladimir I's" praise for the "shameful" Soviet past
and urged Russia to embark on a "honest and critical historical
analysis." Austria's centrist Die
Presse called on Russians to admit Stalin was a "monstrous
tyrant" and Poland's centrist Rzeczpospolita added that Putin
"falsified history." These papers
contrasted Bush's "recognition of errors" by the U.S. at Yalta with
Putin's "Soviet--or even Stalinist--version of history." Euro commentators did "salute the
courage and valor" of Russians in World War II; the center-left Irish
Times expressed "gratitude and awe" for Russia's struggle.
A 'bogus line of argument'-- Leftist media dismissed Bush's attempt to draw a
"direct line from the Second World War to his view of current
events." Britain's Guardian
concluded that Bush's "subtext was Baghdad 2003" in an effort to
"lump together the epochal turmoil" of World War II with the plan to
boost global democracy. Germany's Sueddeutsche
Zeitung refused to accept this link to the "distortions of the Iraq
war." The UAE's expatriate-oriented
Gulf Today concluded, this "occasion to honor the war dead has
given Bush an opportunity" to imply that a long-term U.S. military
presence is necessary in Iraq "until the 'liberation' is complete."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
EDITOR: Ben Goldberg
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 92 reports from 30 countries over 4 - 11 May, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most recent
BRITAIN: "Stalin's
Long Shadow"
An editorial in the conservative Daily Telegraph read
(5/10): "In his choice of European
itinerary, Latvia and Georgia as well as the Netherlands and Russia, Mr. Bush
has underlined his commitment to freedom in Moscow's backyard. At the same time, Poland and the Baltic three
have demanded that Russia apologise for the Soviet occupation. Mr. Putin regards the westwards extension of
Russian dominance after 1945 as a liberation rather than an occupation. From a former KGB officer who believes that
the collapse of the Soviet Union was 'the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of
the century', such obtuseness is not surprising."
"Berlin, Baghdad And A Bogus Line Of Argument"
An editorial in the left-of-center Independent read
(5/9): "It suits Mr. Bush to lump
together the epochal turmoil of a world war--which was no war of choice for the
Europeans who resisted Nazi Germany--with the largely peaceful transition to
democracy of the countries held in thrall to Soviet communism, and the
electoral processes in train in places such as Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt. And Iraq is seen through the same prism as
just one more achievement for democracy and freedom along the way"
"Immortal Memory"
The left-of-center Guardian maintained (5/9): "True liberation for western Europe
meant the imposition of Soviet rule in the east--hence the current row between
the Baltic states and Russia. But was
the US really guilty of appeasement in the Yalta carve-up (and the long nuclear
standoff of the cold war) as Mr. Bush implied?
The president was talking about Berlin 1945, but his subtext was Baghdad
2003. Yet there is no epic grand
alliance onslaught that will topple today's tyrants in the manner of
FRANCE: "Between
Emotion And Stiffness"
Dominique Moisi wrote in regional Ouest
France (5/10): “A mixture of emotion
and stiffness characterized yesterday’s ceremonies in Moscow.... It was legitimate for world leaders to be
present in Moscow. Russian veterans deserved the tribute, as well as our
admiration and our gratitude.... But
celebrating the past must not hide the realities of the present or our concerns
for the future.... While part of Europe,
following France and Germany, seems ready to accept Putin’s game and the
re-writing of history, it is not the case for President Bush’s America. By
starting his visit to the former Soviet Union with Riga and ending it with
Tbilisi, President Bush’s intention was to send a clear message to the world in
general and Putin in particular. Liberty and democracy are on the
march.... Today, in Tbilisi, over one
hundred thousand people will celebrate President Bush’s visit, seeing it as a
sign of their liberation and their defiance of Moscow. Europe needs to hear
their message, in the interest of Russia and the Russians.”
"Indivisible Liberty"
Left-of-center Le Monde opined (5/10): “Commemorations are meant to celebrate
history, they are not meant for soul searching.... This would have been the case in Moscow
except for the fact that several leaders from Baltic countries decided to break
with the politically correct....
President Bush proved in his speech in Riga that recognizing one’s
errors could not be a one-way street. Having acknowledged that racial
segregation was a shameful episode of U.S. history, he also regretted
Roosevelt’s acceptance of Yalta’s division of well as the fact that
Americans sacrificed the right to freedom for the weakest in the name of
international stability, or more precisely for an illusion of stability. His
visit to Georgia, where the Americans have been active in the election of
Saakashvili, is part of this new policy. The U.S., under the leadership of
President Bush, is not a nation prone to the status quo but an advocate of
democratic change. The Iraqi experience demonstrates that this is also a risky
policy. Nevertheless, we regret that the EU, in its relations with Moscow, does
not speak in the same firm language in favor of democracy.”
"Russia’s Grandeur"
Pierre Rousselin wrote in right-of-center Le
Figaro (5/9): “The visit of
President Bush to taking place in a tense atmosphere. The American
President first chose to visit the Baltics, at the risk of alienating
Putin.... Germany has recognized its
crimes, just as Japan has newly done vis-a-vis the Chinese. Why does Russia have such a problem in
denouncing the reign of Stalin? In
presenting the 25th of April, the anniversary of the fall of the USSR, as ‘the
greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century,’ Vladimir Putin showed the
extent of his nostalgia.... President
Bush heralded all of these concerns when he spoke in Riga.... For the Kremlin, the call to order is
serious. It is in line with the U.S. President’s crusade for democracy in the
world, in the Middle East, but also in Georgia, Ukraine and Central
Asia.... Belarus illustrates
Washington's democratic offensive....
Because Russia is not just any other nation, because it is a nuclear
power, because it is a privileged and strategic partner of the U.S., it is
important for it not to feel trapped. It’s up to our leaders to make the
Kremlin’s chief understand that it is in his own bet on internal
democracy, and on democracy outside his borders. This is how Russia will regain
its lost grandeur.”
"Victory Without Russians…?"
Jean-Claude Kiefer said in regional Les
Dernieres Nouvelles d’Alsace (5/9):
“Memory is selective.... In the
U.S., too, they know how to interpret history. Yes, the Americans liberated
Western Europe from Nazism. No, they did not win the war alone, as successive
presidents in Washington would suggest, reinforced by hundreds of Hollywood
films. The credit for Victory belongs first to Churchill’s Great Britain which
resisted alone for two years. This credit goes, too, to the Soviet Union...a
troubling victor (who) replaced one yoke with another. Still, its role was
primordial.... Wherever one goes (in the
former Soviet Union) there are ONLY Verduns. Seeing those infinite battlefields
one understands that ‘the Great Patriotic War’ united the USSR with blood and
still unites Russia.... The ambiguities
(of war) are real. But it was not up to President Bush to remind Vladimir
Putin, from Riga, about them in remarks worthy of the ‘cold war.’ Tensions with Moscow are useless. Even if it means controlling, from
Georgia, Caspian Sea oil."
"Bush’s Three Slights To Putin"
Thomas de Rochechouart asserted in popular
right-of-center France Soir (5/9):
“May 8, 1945 marked the beginning of the Cold War between the U.S. and
the Soviet Union. May 8, 2005 seems to be opening an era of glacial peace
between Washington and Moscow.... As
Putin put together a ceremony that was meant to reaffirm Russia’s newly-found
power, President Bush built his own ready-made program to humiliate the Russian
President. He was careful to bring his support to the Kremlin’s adversaries
during his visit to Latvia.... He also
called for free elections in Belarus...and will visit Georgia where he will
promote freedom.”
"Separate Memories"
Dominique Quinio opined in Catholic La Croix
(5/9): “The ceremonies being celebrated
in Moscow are there to show what the European continent owes the soldiers of
the Red Army and the 27 million Russian casualties.... The American President and his weekend hosts
reminded everyone that sixty years ago half of Europe was freed from
totalitarianism while the other half was not.... Perhaps Russian patriotic pride, which is
mixed up with a misplaced nostalgia, is due to the nation’s frustration in
having lost its grandeur and the under-estimation, by history and by the West,
of the sacrifice of the Russian people. Justice must be rendered to it.... Here and elsewhere, a rigorous study of
history is in order so that lies and denials do not lead to humiliation or to
hate. Wars are perverse, and render even peace painful or at least incomplete.”
"For Putin, Operation Seduction"
Veronique Soule contended in left-of-center Liberation
(5/9): “Relations between Washington and
Moscow are now based on realism tinged with cynicism, with each acknowledging
it needs the other. Both partners remain ‘strategic partners’.... But President Bush will not make it easy for
Putin, convinced as he is about his world mission for democracy, and in
particular in former Soviet republics. His visit to Moscow, which was preceded
by a visit to Latvia and will be followed by one to Georgia, is the perfect
GERMANY: "America's
Stefan Kornelius judged in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (5/10): "It is strange
but America is far away when we remember the end of WWII.... U.S. veterans rather commemorate D-Day in
Normandy.... That is why the U.S.
president has embarked on a rather unspectacular commemoration tour across
Europe. That is why he did not play an
outstanding role among the leaders on Red Square and was satisfied with a few
calls to order to prevent Russia from painting an excessively one-sided picture
of its history. Even in Germany, the
U.S. role in ousting [Hitler] is playing an increasingly insignificant role.... The memory is fading.... America's significance is fading, while
Russia's re-discovery as a partner is becoming increasingly important. A few historical truths are subordinated to
this development. Russia and Putin's
dubious view of the past, and the revival of the Stalin cult, the stubbornness
with respect to the Soviet role in suppressing the peoples in Central and
Eastern Europe. And this is not even an
issue in the part of Germany that had to suffer from Soviet imperialism. But the change of America's significance has
been closely linked to geo-political shifts since the end of WWII, everyday
politics, the name Bush, and the distortions of the Iraq war, which have not
been resolved until today caused....
America is a European founding nation because the liberation and the
democratization of Europe would not have been thinkable without the U.S. America is a European power because it
created security when the continent and Germany in particular, were worried
about their prosperity. And beyond its
historical merits, America is an indispensable nation for Europe, because the
attractiveness of the democratic model and the strength of the country are
still big enough to divide the continent.
Iraq is only one example. That is
why doubts about the European role of America are dangerous because they damage
Europe's unity. The lesson from the
defeat and all the years of the Cold War is that Europe does not have the
choice to choose between Russia and the U.S."
"A New Thinking"
Right-of-center Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung of Hanover
argued (5/10): "It was the U.S.
president who contributed much with his unusual itinerary to a the new thinking
in the new East. He paid tribute to the
Soviet achievements in the fight against fascism, but also to the small
republics, which freed themselves from Russian centralism. The fact that Bush has now also referred to a
U.S. and British co-responsibility for the occupation of the Baltic nations and
addressed the mistakes in the post-war plans of the victorious powers, will
strengthen the credibility of his mission in the East. The struggle for a self-determined life
continues for the people in some of the former Soviet republics. For them the ideals are Georgia, Kyrgyzstan,
and Ukraine. The western democracies,
however, are called upon not only to act as shining examples but also to offer
vigorous support."
"Not Perfect"
Center-right Volksstimme of Magdeburg declared (5/10): "According to Vladimir Putin, the
Russian people should remember this picture: On the 60th anniversary of the
victory, the Russian leader is taking the salutes on Red Square, and the most
powerful leaders in the world, with the U.S. president at the helm, are
visiting him to show their respect to Russia's greatness. This worked out, but nevertheless, it could not
be a perfect day for Putin. The main
reason is that Bush showed up in Moscow only between his visits to the
ex-Soviet republics of Latvia and Georgia, which are still at loggerheads with
Russia. The U.S. president's itinerary
was cleverly selected. The Georgians
hope even more for U.S. backing than the Baltic people who are protected by the
EU and NATO. If Bush succeeded in
pushing the withdrawal of the last Russian forces and the settlement of the
conflict with the secessionist areas in the Caucasian republic, [the people] in
Tblissi would probably even set up a monument for him."
"Preferring The U.S."
Right-of-center Münchener Merkur maintained (5/10): "Shared memories: No one exposed the ambiguity of these
ceremonies so clearly than U.S. President Bush.
Bush traveled to Georgia where one wants to get rid of the rest of the
Soviet forces. But this was an isolated
gesture. Who is still talking about
Chechnya, Transnistria or even about human rights in Russia itself? The 'old Europe' has got used to a political
pragmatism toward Russia, which it calls 'reconciliation.' But people, for instance, in the EU forget
about the fact that, after the enlargement, they must integrate a totally
different picture of history, mainly towards Russia. This part of history must still be
discussed--and the allegedly side episode of the Bush trip indicated why the
peoples in Eastern Europe prefer to get U.S. support in times of danger."
"Turn Of An Era"
Markus Ziener concluded in business-oriented Handelsblatt
of Duesseldorf (5/10): "Is this the
good relationship between two strategic partners? The one, Putin, is inviting the other, Bush,
to a celebration in Moscow and receives in return many needle pricks that could
hardly be more painful.... What should
we think of Russia and America when the two partners pat their shoulders and
crack jokes on this commemoration day as if they were the best friends? No this 'realpolitik' that is as obvious as
this one does not create any appetite for more.
And Bush can afford it only because he is the president of the only
remaining superpower. Only this
president can afford such impoliteness.
But this is exactly what has been characterizing relations between the
U.S. and Russia. For Washington, Russia
is at best a 'junior partner'.... For
the foreseeable future, there will be no joint foreign policy at eye
level.... Bill Clinton may have
alleviated post-imperial Russian pain by showing consideration for Moscow's
problems, but George W. Bush is acting in an imperial way, at least like a
hegemon. As compassionate this may be it
is at least honest. And the American
president is treating the Russian president like every one else. He gives him advice, which is sometimes by no
means unfounded.... But it is
questionable whether George W. Bush's honesty is promoting the things that are
desirable, i.e. a political modernization of the country. But Putin and the large part of the Russian
elite react in a sensitive way to the breach of etiquette and
humiliations. The buddy-like behavior
during public appearances cannot obscure this fact. In order to understand Russia, it is
necessary to look at its long history as regional and later as major
power. This is the only reason to
understand that Moscow will continue to think in imperial terms for years and
decades.... Seen from a historical point
of view, a global power which is on a rapid decline, and a nation which has
probably reached the peak of its power are currently meeting. The pictures from Red Square could hardly
have made this more obvious. What was
presented there was the past, a memory of allegedly glorious times. But it created strage backward-oriented
effects. It was a bow to the
achievements of a people in the war against Germany. But the future lies elsewhere.... This is the sobering reality once the
celebrations from Moscow are over."
Hermann Krause said on regional radio station Norddeutscher
Rundfunk of Hamburg (5/9): "On this
day of celebrations, many questions have come up which Putin did not want to
see. For instance, the question of the
occupation of the Baltic states. Was it
an occupation--this is how the Baltic people see it--or was the 'integration'
of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania into a Soviet Union, as the Russian leadership
sees it? This is one of the basic
problems of Russia. The period in which
the past was discussed ended at the latest with Putin.... To simply exert pressure as President Bush
has now tried, will only create the opposite effect in the current Russian
"Free, Not Free"
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger noted in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (5/9): "The Baltic
peoples and other Central and Eastern Europeans witnessed their liberation from
the Nazis only as a transitional stage to new occupation and Soviet
terror. For them, the fall of the Soviet
Union meant nothing but the attainment of freedom. In Russia...people have a different opinion. It is this refusal to call an injustice by
name, which, for instance, fills the Baltic people with deep distrust towards
Russia and lets them seek closer relations with America. To an America that has been governed by a
man, who has made freedom the symbol of his presidency; a man, who first
reshaped global politics and is now appearing as revisionist of history: the U.S. and Great Britain are co-responsible
for the division of Europe, whose cement was prepared in Yalta.... This is something we have not heard from a
U.S. president. It is obvious why Bush,
who is certainly aware of the significance of the war alliance with Moscow in
defeating Germany, is speaking of a historical co-responsibility: It makes his own 'freedom mission' appear all
the more farsighted - as a challenge for a false...stability. In any case, Putin and Bush have something to
talk about. The error of imperial
nostalgia and the nature of democracy are part of this discussion, including
Russia's mental distance to Europe."
"A Bloody Chapter"
Centrist Südwest Presse of Ulm declared (5/9): "The global commemoration of the end of
WWII made clear the differences in dealing with this bloody chapter [of
history]. While tens of thousands of
democrats took to the streets in Berlin to protest neo-Nazis and shouted 'Never
a War Again,' President George W. Bush said something different in Riga and
near Maastricht. He said that no soldier
is as strong as a soldier who fights for freedom. With this remark he established a link not
only to the liberation fight of U.S. forces against Nazi Germany, but he also
wanted to include in this tradition the individual fighters for freedom in
Afghanistan and Iraq, too. This shows
that there can be no drawing the line."
"VE Day"
Karl Grobe stated in left-of-center Frankfurter Rundschau
(5/9): "In Riga, the U.S. president
tried to spoil the Russian president's mood....
For the Baltic states Latvia's president made clear that May 9, 1945 was
not a day of liberation, and she offered President Bush the opportunity to say
this too. President Putin has tried for
weeks to reinterpret...May 9 as the day of Liberation, and described the
collapse of the Soviet Union as the greatest geo-political disaster of the
century.... But President Bush's
perspective is in a similar way one-sided.
When he described the Yalta Agreement from February 1945 as an unequal
treaty in which the U.S. and Britain made too many concessions to Moscow and
put it on the same level as the Hitler-Stalin Pact, then this hits Putin's
understanding of history to the quick, but it is as unhistoric as
"The Periphery Of Spheres Of Influence"
Thomas Urban opined in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung of
Munich (5/7): "The media in Moscow
do not conceal their view that they consider President Bush's visit to an anti-Russian demonstration.
But the Americans formulate the visit with different terms: At issue is
a strengthening of democracy.... But in
Moscow people have by no means accepted yet that the three small Baltic nations
are now members of NATO and the EU. They
continue to call the former Soviet republics 'near proximity' indicating that
they are still under Russia's sphere of influence. This is the basis for the Kremlin's policy,
while the leaderships in Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius describe relations with
Moscow as diplomatically less friendly....
The Baltic nations hoped that these problems would be settled after the
accession to the EU...but experience was sobering: Chancellor Schröder and
President Chirac want to avoid any conflict with President Putin.... That is why the Chancellor is now--probably
inadvertently--contributing to close links between the former East Bloc nations
that are now part of the EU and the U.S. And the more he emphasizes his
friendship with Putin, the more the [Baltic nations] distrust him, and all the
greater resistance among the new EU states to this pro-Russian course. For Bush...this development is not
unwelcome. In the Baltic nations he
almost played a 'home game'...while Bush's military-strategic interest in the
region is rather small.... But Bush said
several times that he wants to spread democracy in the former East Bloc
states. In the Baltic nations, people
venerate him for this. Anti-Bush
protests would be unimaginable. No one
would take part."
ITALY: "Bush, The
Pedagogy Of Democracy"
Elite, center-left Il Riformista judged (5/11): “There’s the export of democracy, in all its
forms (the one having to do with guns is still difficult to digest, but luckily
it is being seen in a less dogmatic way by the left as well). And then there’s
the pedagogy of democracy. In both cases (we must acknowledge), George W. Bush
has developed a certain degree of skill....
Yesterday in Georgia he gave further proof of this, by exulting ‘the
rose revolution,’ which served as an example in three other former Soviet
republics.... And he told Russia once
again that it should be happy to have democratic countries along its border,
because democracies are peaceful. It’s the second warning. The first one, the
criticism of the Yalta accords and the division of Europe, didn’t sound so much
like an historical revision (for which the U.S. President is not equipped),
rather a political message for current times, and it has to do with the limits
of the new alliance against terrorism.
Putin...compared it to the ‘great anti-fascist alliance,’ between
Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. Bush took his precautions: unlike then, the
U.S. will not close its eyes, and it will not put democracy on the backburner.
The expansion of democracy is a condition for the victory against Islamic
fundamentalism, a follower of theocracy. It’s a message that Putin pretended
not to hear, but that he will have to take into account.... Bush’s mission between the Baltics and Caucasus
was a political and diplomatic success. Georgie boy has grown-up.”
"Bush-Putin, It’s Real Dialogue"
Mario Platero asserted in leading, business-oriented Il Sole-24
Ore (5/10): “Each one of the leaders
attending yesterday’s parade in Moscow had his own reason to be cautious
towards his neighbor. Japanese premier
Junichiro Koizumi was only few meters away from Chinese president Hu Jintao,
and nothing has yet been resolved between them.
Kofi Annan was going alone towards Red Square, only accompanied by the
oil-for-food shadow.... Silvio Berlusconi
was near Gerhard Schroeder and Germany has just received Russia’s support for a
new permanent seat at the UN.... But
most importantly, George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin were there next to each
other. They are really a strange
couple...confronting each other when speaking from far, [but] quite friendly
and clearly happy if speaking close....
A reassuring aspect of the dialogue between Bush and Putin, beyond their
strong personal relationship, is that factors bringing them together are more
than their divisions. In fact, both want
peace in Middle East, both don’t want nuclear proliferation, both work for
democracy and yet are authoritarian leaders.
These two leaders love to sit and talk to each other alone. And some White House source told us that
Bush’s respect for Putin is unassailable....
Therefore, this is the message one should be pondering about at the end
of Bush’s second mission in Europe in two months. It would also be wise to consider
that...EU-U.S. summit took place once, while Russia and U.S. met twice.... Washington continues to advance its new
order, which is based on market economy and democracy as guarantors of
stability.... It is normal that Putin’s
response is cautious, let’s think about Chechnya. However, it is exactly on this new order that
the two leaders are negotiating.”
"Bush In Red Square For Putin’s Victory"
Maurizio Molinari maintained in centrist, influential La Stampa
(5/10): “In the morning he was standing
alongside Vladimir Putin to take part as ally and friend in the parade of
symbols on Red Square.... In the
evening, he was on the streets of Tbilisi, which welcomed him as a sort of
protector from Moscow’s interference....
Behind Bush’s double face is Secretary Rice’s conviction that the best
way to convince Putin to accept internal reforms as well as the presence of
democratic countries along his border is to reassure Russia, to speak to the
heart of this immense nation by sending signs of friendship...that will push
away the specter of encirclement that in the course of history has often led
the Kremlin to commit errors and horrors.”
"Democratic Interventionism"
Massimo Teodori concluded in pro-government, leading center-right Il
Giornale (5/9): “By condemning
Roosevelt’s policy and bi-polar equilibria, the Bush Administration
consolidated, in Moscow, the new course of an interventionist foreign policy
that completely overturns the canons of internationalist realism established by
Henry Kissinger during Nixon’s presidency....
Now it appears that the encouragement for democratic revolutions with
the objective to isolate or neutralize tyrannical regimes throughout the world
has truly become the American strategic line which is not only being tested in
the very difficult situation in Iraq, but even more through diverse peaceful
means in North Korea, Iran, and other Muslim countries like Lebanon and
Syria.... It’s too soon to tell how the
policy of interventionism, global responsibility and of the spread of democracy
will affect authoritarian regimes....
Certainly, what first appeared to be unrealistic and dangerous was
subsequently evaluated more positively. It’s true that U.S. interventionism in
Iraq continues to be very costly...but we are beginning to see its effects in
the entire Islamic area, from Lebanon to Syria, and from Libya to Egypt.”
"The Risks of Idealism"
Vittorio Zucconi opined in left-leaning, influential La
Repubblica (5/8): “The agreement on
the tacit division of Europe...reached in Crimea by Stalin, Churchill and
Roosevelt, was not only an error for Bush, but a sign of continuity with the
secret understanding of division between Berlin and Moscow signed by Molotov
and Ribbentrop. Therefore, a pact that originated from the abominable acts of
political and military violence perpetrated by the worst dictatorships of the
twentieth century.... But Bush’s remarks
contain the necessary and inevitable continuity with the doctrine on 'the
export of freedom’ as the only real and long-lasting antidote to the war.... Given that democracy is painfully trying to
put down roots in the daily bloodshed in Iraq, and North Korea is shamelessly
flaunting the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that Saddam did not have, Russia
and the nations freed from Moscow have become a fundamental test of the success
and the feasibility of neo-conservative interventionism.”
"An Underlying Authoritarianism"
Mario Platero averred in leading business-oriented Il Sole-24
Ore (5/7): “There’s something more
at the center of the controversy: a strong debate on democracy, on its role and
values. And on Washington’s fears that Moscow could return to an underlying
authoritarianism. The memory of Moscow’s inept and blatant interference in
Ukrainian elections is still very vivid and repetitions are not wanted in
neighboring countries. This is also one of the reasons the U.S. is trying to
increase its political and psychological grip on Moscow: in case of an internal
destabilization, it doesn’t want to put neighboring countries at risk.... America and the West do not want democracy to
recede in Russia. This is why Washington is being relentless with Putin: the
objective is also to make sure that there will be fair play for the 2008
presidential elections in Moscow--and that other political adversaries between
now and then may have the opportunity to emerge in an open and direct debate.
And we can’t exclude that the U.S. may already have an alternative in mind for
Putin: Defense Minister Serghei Ivanov is increasingly becoming Washington’s
privileged interlocutor.”
RUSSIA: "Moscow On The
Valeriy Vyzhutovich said in official government-run Rossiyskaya
Gazeta (5/11): “Moscow remains on
the defensive not only because, feeling like a liberator, it hates being called
an occupier. Besides, for Russia, the
USSR’s legal inheritor, to acknowledge the act of occupation would mean to pay
enormous damages.... It is an easy guess
on whose side the U.S. is in this dispute.
The fact that George Bush arrived in Moscow for Victory Day after
visiting our neighbors in the Baltics says it all.”
"Triple Diplomacy"
Yuliya Petrovskaya held in centrist Nezavisimaya Gazeta
(5/11): “He was almost like a Russophobe
in Riga, a Russophile in Moscow, and a goody-goody in Tbilisi, guarding against
Moscow’s intrigues.... The presence of
the superpower’s leader was the highlight....
The way President Vladimir Putin treated the guest made that quite
clear.... The Kremlin can take credit
for the American’s ‘good behavior’-Bush keeping silent, with the West lively
debating the topic of Russian democracy, may be interpreted as support for
Putin’s policy. But Bush having a
liking for Putin and Bush epitomizing America are not one and the same person,
as confirmed by his European itinerary.”
"A New Arbiter In Post-Soviet Republics"
Gennadiy Sysoyev commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(5/11): “By visiting Georgia, the
forerunner and symbol of ‘velvet revolutions’ in CIS countries, George Bush
made it clear that the U.S. will support the democratic wave in the CIS,
whether Russia likes it or not. More
than that, Washington suggesting that it might mediate between Russia and
Georgia on Russian troop withdrawal is in fact a claim to play a new role in
what used to be the USSR. Until
recently, Moscow, as it made concessions elsewhere in the world, has always
insisted on special interests in former Soviet republics. Now the situation has changed radically,
with the U.S. actively trying for the role of the chief arbiter in those
countries. Moscow has had to accept the
new reality, as it must be the price it has to pay for a strategic partnership
with Washington.”
"Fighting On Two Fronts”
Georgiy Bovt wrote in Internet-based (5/9): "Stories of the appallingly miserable
life of those who shed their blood in half of Europe contrast sharply with the
geopolitical pomp of the festivities in Moscow attended by the heads of more
than 50 states.... From June 22, 1941, to
May 9, 1945, the Soviet Union, having lost in that bloodbath at least 27
million people, was fighting on two fronts: Hitler and the bloodcurdling
aftermath of Stalin’s crazy rule. But
then, all assessments by experts, grumbling by former allies, gloating by
former enemies, and official bombast and extravaganza are nothing compared to
the aching wounds of surviving war veterans.
The hubbub will end, and those involved in it will sink into
oblivion. Political debates over the
country with the ‘unpredictable past’ will die down, too. But after the dust settles, war heroes will
stay in eternity, sacred to us.”
"How Much Is Victory?"
Aleksey Shcheglov said in Internet-based
(5/9): "The Victory Day
celebrations show how much the interpretation of history means to the present
and future of a country affected by that war, the biggest event in the 20th
century. There is a world of difference
in how much each country paid for the victory.
Without a doubt, the sacrifices made by the peoples of the Soviet Union
are incomparable to what other countries had to pay in flesh and blood. But the exact figure of the losses will
probably never be named. That, too, is
a lesson of the war.”
"Bush’s Peculiar Itinerary"
Aleksandr Reutov said in business-oriented Kommersant
(5/7): “Some of Vladimir Putin’s friends
in the ‘far abroad’ the Kremlin has relied on since Gorbachev’s days have let
him down. British Prime Minister Tony
Blair has excused himself from coming by saying he can’t leave his country right
after the elections. Putin’s friend George
Bush, the U.S. President, has hurt him even more. With the itinerary the American chose to get
to Moscow, he would have done better not to come at all. Mr. Bush’s two-day stay in Latvia is a clear
signal to the Kremlin regarding the U.S.' political preferences. In Riga, the U.S. President more than once
emphasized that Washington had never recognized Latvian, Lithuanian and
Estonian membership in the USSR, considering those countries occupied by the
Soviets. Addressing his colleagues in
the Baltics, he even promised that, coming to Moscow, he would raise the
question of Russia having to apologize for having brought Latvia, Lithuania and
Estonia into the USSR. As a sweetener,
George Bush said national minority rights needed to be observed, which has a
direct bearing on the status of the Russian-speaking population in the
Baltics. But that isn’t going to repair
the situation, particularly because the upcoming Bush-Putin conversation, apart
from the Baltics, will include the worn and trite question of human rights in
"Putin’s Choice"
Vyacheslav Tetekin stated in nationalist pro-opposition Sovetskaya
Rossiya (5/5): “U.S. President
George Bush’s security service will have Moscow in a state of siege these
days. The Americans have put forward a
set of demands not even the Kremlin dares dispute, and will apparently have
Russian special services follow their scenario.
As he fawns on the West, Putin makes his choice clear: he is not with
Russia, he is with Western ‘partners’....
Today practically all of Europe is in a hostile camp, NATO.... Why this hullabaloo? Mr. Putin clearly hopes to boost his prestige
in the West’s eyes by presiding over the Victory Day celebrations. Vain hopes.
At the summit on May 10, the EU will come up with new ultimatums,
demanding new concessions. Even before
that, when Bush pays a visit to Riga on May 7 and 8, more aspersions will be
cast on our heads. Then Bush will go on
to Tbilisi to open another floodgate of slander about this country.... We are celebrating a victory in the Great
Patriotic War. It is our holiday, not
Europe’s. Europe fought against us,
building tanks for the Wehrmacht, and doing everything to delay the opening of
the Second Front.”
AUSTRIA: "Putin's
Phantom Pain"
Foreign affairs editor Livia Klingl wrote in mass-circulation Kurier
(5/10): "In Russia's former
satellite states, a mixture of fear and aversion against the erstwhile brothers
still prevails. Top government officials from Lithuania and Estonia have shown
this openly these days. This can be ascribed
mainly to Vladimir Putin's character....
Economically, Russia has moved towards a Wild East capitalism that
excludes millions of people. On the political side, it has established a
democracy in which the media wear a muzzle and are engaged in a permanent war
at the Caucasian edge that engendered terrorism. Externally, Putin tried to
enlarge his sphere of influence. However, he did not succeed in getting rid of
the phantom pain."
"Stalin's Return"
Burkhard Bischof held in centrist Die Presse (5/9): "Who of those in charge in Moscow these
days still remembers the unparalleled harshness and cruelty--not just against
the German aggressors but also against his own people--with which Stalin's
victory over Hitler was achieved?....
Who in Moscow still talks about the fact that whole ethnic
populations--such as Ingushians, Chechens and Crimean Tartars--Stalin had
deported to Central Asia because of alleged collaboration with the enemy? As
long as this internal process of coming to terms with Russia's past is blocked
by the Kremlin, the Russian leadership will not be prepared to face openly the
'external' consequences of the Soviet advance into Middle Europe. For this
would mean an admission on the part of Moscow that the liberation of Eastern
Middle Europe by the Red Army was followed by a decades-long phase of Soviet
colonialism. An honest and critical historical analysis in Russia will only be
possible when Stalin is finally perceived in terms of what he was: A monstrous tyrant who has to answer for the
deaths of up to 20 million of his own people."
"Russia's Truths"
Josef Kirchengast commented in independent Der
Standard (5/9): "Putin's words
mark a stark contrast not just to the widely noticeable Stalin nostalgia in
Russian society but also to the perception of history that prevail in official
Russia--which manifests itself in the fact that history books in schools
continue to honor Stalin as commander, and a work that deals critically with
the dictator and his war against his own people has been banned from lesson
plans for the past two years. Not Stalin but the people of the former Soviet
Union made a decisive contribution to victory over National Socialism and paid
the heavy blood toll of almost 27 million dead. A people that bore this
indescribable suffering and survived it can be trusted to cope with the
undisguised truth about its history. Even more:
It has a right to the truth--out of a feeling of respect for the victims
and as a starting point for a really fearless future."
Ceremonies Are Over But The Controversy Remains"
Pol Mathil wrote in left-of-center Le Soir (5/10): "It is easy to reconcile dead people,
but it is less easy with people who are alive. Praising Soviet soldiers’
heroism with the former USSR anthem as a musical background and in front of the
mausoleum containing Lenin’s remains, Vladimir Putin has perfectly illustrated
this dilemma. Of course, he managed to
turn the V-Day ceremonies into a world-scale event. Of course, everyone came
for very practical reasons, the Europeans coveting Russian gas and the
Americans needing help in the war on terror. But still, the presence of about
sixty world leaders--to begin with George W. Bush--around Vladimir Putin has
perhaps made the latter a world-scale statesman in the eyes of the
Russians.... But once the ceremonies
will be over, the controversies that were overshadowed by the Red Square
commemorations will be back on the agenda. Of course, George W. Bush did not
want to spoil the ceremonies, but he remained very critical of the democratic
situation in Russia by meeting with human rights groups and, first and
foremost, he is not giving up the idea of reinforcing America’s presence around
Russia.... Besides, the ceremonies in
Moscow did not give Baltic countries any reason to change their mind about the
Soviet occupation of their countries after their liberation in 1945. As for Poland, which is already not on good
terms with Moscow, it will probably see as a provocation the medal that Putin
offered General Jaruzelski.... The
ceremonies in Moscow are over, but clouds are remaining. In Grozny, there
wasn’t even any commemoration. But May 9 is also a day of remembrance there:
last year, Akhmad Kadyrov, Moscow’s man in Chechnya, was killed by a bomb in a
stadium where he was commemorating V-Day.”
"Bush And Putin Give Greater Importance To Reason"
Boris Toumanov said in independent La Libre Belgique
(5/10): "The ceremonies marking the
60th anniversary of V-Day gave Vladimir Putin a unique opportunity to assess
Russia’s real weight and role in the world, fourteen years after the collapse
of the Soviet empire. On the one hand,
the atmosphere that prevailed during the Russian President’s meetings with his
Western colleagues--and with George W. Bush in particular--seems to confirm
that they have a privileged or even faithful relationship, in spite of the
criticism that the United States and Europe recently voiced on some of Putin’s
policies.... Of course, one will have to
wait for the conclusion of the Russia-EU Summit that is taking place today in
Moscow to have a better idea of the state of the relationship between Russia and
the West, but it seems that Putin has already succeeded in maintaining his
ranking among major world leaders. On
the contrary, the Kremlin’s longstanding hopes to turn Russia into a kind of
political center of the post Soviet world seem irrevocably lost. Indeed, at the
CIS Summit that took place without great enthusiasm in Moscow on May 8, leaders
of former Soviet Republics almost unanimously confirmed their intention to turn
this institution into a purely economic and commercial body. That means that, in the future, Moscow can
only rely on the--pragmatic--faithfulness of regimes that need its help to stay
in power.”
"Charm Offensive"
Foreign editor Frank Schloemer commented in independent De
Morgen (5/10): "Vladimir
Putin’s charm offensive towards the world leaders was impressive, but it could
not conceal one thing: it was meant to show that Russia is still a nation with
superpower ambitions and the average Russian should understand that he owes
that to Czar Vladimir I. With his show,
master of ceremonies Putin once more drew the world opinion’s attention to
Russia and, for a moment, he was able to get out of the isolation where he put
himself after his clumsy acts in Chechnya and, more recently, in Ukraine. After yesterday, the EU friends--Germany and
France in the first place--will treasure him even more. Of course, economic self-interests play an
important role--given the fact that EU powers France and Germany are Moscow’s
principal trade partners. In such
circumstances, one tends to close one’s eyes to the patriotic--almost
nationalist--spectacle.... In Vladimir
I’s country democracy nowhere to be seen.
There is no genuine freedom of the press and barely free expression of
opinion. The Parliament must carry out
what the Kremlin ruler decides. Old KGB
apparatchiks--including Putin himself--hold high key posts. Even at the far horizon a properly
functioning social-economic system remains invisible. Of course, nobody said that to him during the
mass spectacle in front of the Kremlin where the old men’s club of Stalinist
leaders used to wave boringly at the marching masses. It is understandable: when you, as a
political coryphée, are invited to a party in Moscow, you are not going to
affront your host, are you?”
"Putin’s Moment Of Truth"
Pol Mathil wrote in left-of-center Le Soir (5/9): "For the former ‘kidnapped countries,’
reconciliation with Russia requires that Moscow acknowledges the truth on the
USSR’s arbitrary policies in 1945....
They want Russia to admit that the war did not begin with the Reich’s
aggression against the USSR in late 1941, but by the invasion by these two
countries of Poland and the Baltic countries in 1939 and 1940.... The ceremonies in Moscow represent a
fantastic PR operation. In a few words, Vladimir Putin--who once said that the
fall of the USSR was the worst geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th
century--could turn this May 9 not only into the anniversary date of the end of
WWII but also into the celebration of the real victory, that of the liberation
of people.”
"Stormy U.S.-Russian Relations"
Philippe Paquet observed in independent La Libre Belgique
(5/9): "The commemorative
ceremonies of V-Day on the occasion of which U.S President George W. Bush
intends to restore some historical truths are likely to deal a blow to
U.S.-Russian relations. Indeed, before
arriving in Moscow, the U.S. President made some thundering statements about
the Soviet occupation of Central and Eastern Europe, suggesting that the
consequences for people were hardly less painful than the Nazi occupation. The
choice of the countries he visited while in Europe could also hardly have been
more provocative.... Vladimir Putin does
no longer recognize his friend George. Of course, during her recent visit to
Moscow, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had candidly spoke with Putin
about the repression in Chechnya and about the freedom of the press, but the
smiles at the end of the meeting led people to believe that the partnership was
globally intact. One can henceforth have doubts about it.”
FINLAND: "Freedom Is
On The March And More Is On The Way"
A report in leading centrist Helsingin
Sanomat read (5/8): "The
President indirectly apologized to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for the fact
that small nations were left on their own devices in Yalta.... Bush’s polite message also included a call
for the Baltic countries to do more vis-a-vis their minorities."
"Baltic Countries"
Endre Aczel held in top-circulation, center-left Nepszabadsag
(5/10): “Russian nationalism with a
Soviet flavor is experiencing its renaissance in the Putin era. On the eve of
May 9 it became obvious that the Russia of the former KGB officer considered
its own World War II performance a kind of civilizing mission from under the
umbrella of which it refused to withdraw anyone.... This is a very bad message for the small
nations for whom a dream of an empire, regardless of whether it dons Russian or
Soviet clothes, is nightmare itself....
At the same time, neither is the conscience of the Baltic people clear.
They had welcomed Hitler’s troops as liberators, but the Nazis, of course, had
not restored their independence. Not even in return for the fact that they,
especially the Latvians, had collaborated [with the Nazis].... Never mind, time will straighten things out
in everybody’s heads. But until then: the Baltic countries now in NATO and in
the EU are not, cannot be, threatened by anything. They could be more generous
when they weigh on what May 9 has brought to the community where they now
(proudly) belong. Because the day of victory is not the celebration of Putin;
it is the celebration of a community.”
"Meeting At The Moscow River"
Oszkar Fuzes pointed out in top-circulation, center-left Nepszabadsag
(5/10): “Putin is only a victor in
the past, and hopefully, in the future; in the present, not quite yet. It is
the right and the obligation of the Russian president as a host to remind
people that his country carried most of the burden of that victory. They who
longer exist as an empire--lost the next war, the 'cold' one--and Russia is not
yet united enough, not yet democratic enough, and does not yet have a foreign
policy stable enough to be a true value for the world. But it is worth
encouraging Russia, and important to help it become so. The joint celebration
of the anti-Fascist coalition could be another step towards this, next,
IRELAND: "War That
Shaped Our World"
The center-left Irish Times argued (5/10): "The second World War was just that: it
involved 61 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa.... The outcome of this huge conflict, including
the crushing defeat of Nazi Germany, the fall of fascism in Italy and
throughout Europe, the defeat of Japan, the renewed division of Europe and the
world between two geopolitical blocs, and the end of colonial rule, laid down
the parameters of a world political order for the following two generations.
All this makes the 60th anniversary of the war's end in Europe last weekend a
momentous occasion.... It was a world
war originating in Europe, reflecting this continent's centrality in the global
system of power. But at its conclusion power shifted decisively to the United
States, which crafted the succeeding world order according to its own values
and interests.... Nazi Germany devoted
its greatest efforts to defeating the Soviet Union. The gargantuan campaign
there ended instead in Hitler's demise, a defeat co-ordinated with Stalin's
American and British allies.... It is
right to remember the huge human and material costs to the Soviet Union with
gratitude and awe.... The EU pointed out
correctly last week that for many millions the end of dictatorship came only
when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.
Ireland rightly remained militarily neutral to protect its independence,
while Northern Ireland participated fully in it. This newspaper was harshly
censored because of its support for the war against fascism, despite its
respect for neutrality. We now know that
the wartime government shared intelligence fully with the Allies, a policy
which reflected the fundamental political values of the Irish people in the
confrontation with fascism."
Elida Bucpapaj argued in pro-LDK, mass-circulation
Bota Sot (5/9): “If after the
fall of Berlin Wall and the conclusion of The Cold War Russia followed the same
path as did Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, then Russia would have been a
member of NATO and EU. If Russia gives
up of its Orthodox paranoia just as it got rid of the communist ideology, today
it would have been the main ally of the USA, first of all for its own good, but
also for the good of the rest of us.
After all, Russia and Russians were born before religion. The visit of President Bush for the
celebration of the 60th anniversary of the fall of Nazism (that ends today in
Moscow) is being misinterpreted by some Italian journalists who have given up
Catholicism and converted. One of them
is Vittorio Zucconi, the director of La Republica newspaper. From the position of a surrogate man, without
finding a single word to portray Stalin, in his article ‘Bush and the dangers
of idealism’ he goes so far to call Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower ‘cynics’ and
then turns on President Bush. One has to
be either nuts or a dirty Stalinist to define as ‘cynics’ the three Great
Saviors of Europe. However, it seems
that this Zucconi has been inspired for his article from the statement of
George W. Bush in Riga, whereas the latter defined the ‘Yalta Agreement’ as
‘one of the biggest mistakes of history'....
If this Zucconi does not suffer from sclerosis, he should recall that
Italy was saved from Stalin by ‘cynics’ Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Truman, while
Albania for example, had suffered the tragedy of the ‘Yalta Agreement’ after
the installation of totalitarian regimes in the Central, Eastern Europe and the
Balkans.... George W. Bush only spoke
the truth when he stated that ‘Yalta was one of the most fatal mistakes of
"After The Fireworks"
Askolds Rodins commented in independent,
centrist Diena (5/10):
"After the collapse of the USSR, November 7 lost it meaning
completely. 'The national idea' that was
attractive to all layers of society was being chaotically and unsuccessfully
sought. It turned out that for
present-day Russia, victory over Germany has in fact been the only
nation-uniting event for the last hundred years, and, according to Moscow,
Victory Day has to be celebrated with enthusiasm and delight throughout the
world. Any doubt about the Soviet Union
and now Russia's interpretation of any event during or after WWII is
automatically taken as sacred blasphemy....
Celebrations could be organized as an open public holiday that focused
everyone's attention on war veterans.
The main ideological emphasis could be put on the selflessness of the
nation and the sacrifices made to defeat the brown plague. The Kremlin made a different choice--to shake
up Russian citizens deceived in their hopes by inviting high-ranking guests,
organizing pompous events, and recalling and emphasizing the power and
excellence of the USSR. It corresponds
with the recent announcement by Vladimir Putin that the collapse of the USSR
had been one of the biggest geopolitical catastrophes of the previous
century.... It became clear that with the preparations for the Victory Day
celebrations, the rehabilitation of Stalinism was rapidly taking place.... The issue of Baltic occupation is talked
about not only in Latvia, but everywhere else. Latvians, however, are being
called the most wicked in Russian propaganda at the moment.... Russia has not been able to reevaluate its
history yet. The fireworks there have
ended, and the routine has begun. Sooner
or later, Russia will have to do so, and our task is to make them not
"Tired Empire"
Nerijus Kaucikas wrote in independent weekly Veidas
(5/5): "The Moscow celebrations of
victory in the Second World War were supposed to reflect the return of Russia's
growing might. However, as time goes by,
[Russia] looks more like an elderly lady who hides her fatigue under thick
makeup.... Despite a good rapport
between Putin and the leaders of France and Germany the development of the
relationship between Russia and the EU is not very smooth, among other things
because of the differences in values between the two sides. It is expected that an agreement on the four
common spaces, for which negotiations have long been under way, will finally be
signed on 10 May. Agreement has already
been reached on the common spaces in economy, education and culture; however,
there are some problems with the common spaces in internal affairs and external
security. It has been said that if the
treaty is signed, it will only be signed after some disputed issues have been
crossed off.... Vladimir Putin has grown
tired. The secret of his success in
becoming the president of Russia was his militaristic attitude.... The Kremlin public relations strategists
needed something that would boost the low ratings of the former secret service
officer. The war in Chechnya 'gave' the
nation a resolute, uncompromising leader.
Another war, this time with Yukos, helped Putin win the 2004 presidential
elections.... The verdict in the case of
the owners of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovskiy and Platon Lebedev was to be
announced last week. The court hearing
was postponed...most likely because they did not want to spoil the mood of the
guests who arrive in Moscow for the celebrations.... After the Russian president had read his
annual report, in which he 'pardoned' the oligarchs, Putin's advisor Andrei
Ilarionov hinted that the sentences could be rather light. However, observers of events in the Kremlin
stress that the court hearing was postponed because some unidentified oligarchs
who are in power have 'borrowed' Yukos assets and Khodorkovskiy's early release
is not beneficial for them. Thus, it is
quite clear that in the Kremlin 'life-and death' decisions are being made and
the country is ruled by whoever there is in power, but not by Vladimir Putin
Conservative De Telegraaf editorialized (5/9): "American President Bush, together with
Queen Beatrix, Prime Minister Balkenende, and thousands of visitors--among whom
were many veterans--commemorated in a dignified manner the 8,301 American
soldiers buried there who gave their lives for our freedom. Their graves show the horrible price they had
to pay for that freedom, Bush said. It
is good that Bush and Balkenende emphasize their sacrifices once again sixty
years after the end of World War II in Europe.
Amidst the trendy anti-Americanism that is looming here and elsewhere in
Europe, this is the message that serves history. It is, and both leaders are right, a message
that is still valid. The fight for
freedom must also be fought today: not
only to allow us to live in freedom but also for those who are denied freedom.”
Centrist Algemeen Dagblad declared (5/9): “The commemoration of the military victims
yesterday at the war cemetery in Margraten, in the presence of American
President Bush and queen Beatrix was absolutely impressive. Bush’s first visit to the Netherlands went
flawlessly, suiting the nature of the event.
Even the opponents of Bush’ foreign policy, apparently must have
realized that this was not the time for mass demonstrations. In the margins of the commemorations the
American and Dutch government had meetings, the content of which gave Foreign
Minister Bot the impression that the U.S. is changing its attitude toward
Europe. The notion of Europe obviously
being an ally of U.S. foreign policy is changing to one of more equal partners,
one in which the U.S. indicates that it needs the support of Europe. The fact that the Americans do not change
their views and do not radically change their approach should not surprise
anybody. The fact is that the new
attitude reflects more respect. And that
is the way it should be. Taking a
position of having no criticism and subservient loyalty to all that the U.S. is
doing can impossibly be an everlasting interest to pay for the lives that many
young soldiers gave for our freedom.
Prime Minister Balkenende pointed out rightly in his speech that freedom
is particularly accepting of one another’s differences.”
"Liberation And Occupation After The Second World War"
Left-of-center Trouw contended (5/9): “One does not need to support the entire
policy of American President George W. Bush to still support his main
vision: ‘Freedom is the birthright of
the entire mankind.’ Speaking these
words, standing before the graves in Margraten, Bush drew a direct line from
the Second World War to his view of current events: to the intervention in Iraq
and the recent democratization wave in the former Soviet republics, for
example. However, the long march to
freedom has not always been so unequivocal.
Particularly the Baltic states continue pointing out that their
liberation from the Nazis by Soviet troops launched a communist occupation and
dictatorship that would last decades.... It is, of course, right for Russia to
commemorate its 20 million soldiers who died in the fight against Nazism. But it is also time, as Latvian President
Vike-Freiberga said, for Russia to get the courage to make a distinction
between its heroes and tyrants, and to reject crimes which the Soviet Union
committed in the name of communism.
Hopefully, Bush made this very clear to Putin.”
"Riga And Margraten"
Influential liberal De Volkskrant observed (5/9): “Does American President George W. Bush have
a European statesman hiding in him, one who has a better view of European
history and the current fraction lines than many a European? This is the question that pops up when you
look at Bush’ commemoration tour to Riga, Margraten, Moscow, and Tblisi. The fact that Bush used the invitation by
President Putin to also visit two smaller European countries and the
Netherlands is not a coincidence. It
demonstrates his ability to flawlessly sail through the largest cliffs in the
political minefield of the joint commemoration today in Moscow. Two weeks after President Putin called the
end of the Soviet Union the ‘largest catastrophe of the 20th century, Bush said
in the presence of three Baltic leaders that the post-war Soviet rule of
European Europe is ‘one of the main black pages from history.’ Bush likes to cherish his good relations with
Putin in public, but that does not detract from his enthusiasm to embrace the
new European democracies.... The
question as to which consequences this freedom imperative will have, continues
to be topical. But this past weekend,
the most important question was: why did Bush travel from Riga via Margraten to
Moscow. Bush answered this question very
convincingly in his tribute to the fallen soldiers this past Sunday. He reminded us of the common history that
both countries share and he thanked the local people who have taken such good
care of the graves for the past sixty years.
That silent work of the people of Margraten fortunately overshadowed the
mediagenic roars of a small group of demonstrators who had a hard time with the
fact that an American President came here to commemorate the death of those who
gave us freedom.”
Victory With A Bad Aftertaste"
Newspaper-of-record Aftenposten noted (5/10): "In Europe, the Day of Victory has been
marked with great speeches, parades and the unveiling of new monuments. But the
fight over history continues.... The
memorial in Moscow yesterday, in Riga on Saturday and in other European
capitals on Sunday became a forum for a much-needed discussion on questionable
decisions and actions that were swept under the rug in the fight against a
greater evil, and then later opportunistically forgotten about.... There can be no doubt that the Soviet Union
carried the largest burden in the fight against Hitler Germany.... There hardly exists a single family in Russia
or in the 14 other Soviet Republics that were not in one way or another marked
by the war. Therefore it must seem hypocritical to very many that Joseph
Stalin, the great Soviet dictator, is now again praised as a great commander
bringing home victory to the Soviet Union. The truth is rather that Stalin’s
misguided military planning and his suppression of the Soviet people and land
that was included in the Soviet Union after an agreement with Hitler’s Germany,
strongly contributed to the high number of victims. After the war the shameful
Soviet treatment of people who ended up behind the German lines, or who were
taken captive, increased the number of victims. The same was true for the
occupation of, among others, the three Baltic states. Stalin’s newly dusted-off
glory does not shed light, but rather, casts a shadow over the victory over
"Liberation Day"
Newspaper-of-record Aftenposten observed
(5/8): "Sixty years ago, May 8,
1945, silence came to Europe. The war was over in Norway, as elsewhere in
Europe.... But the effects of it live
on, for better or worse. For the worse for those whose lives were marked by
their experiences forever, and who lost their close ones in actions of war or
through systemic genocide, for those who had their lives turned upside down,
their bodies impaired, their dreams shattered.... It is important to pay credit to those who
understood the importance of looking forward at the moment of victory, and not
let themselves be blinded by thoughts of revenge or by a wish for
payback.... With all its faults,
international society today is based on other principles than before the Second
World War. In Europe nations cooperate. The UN is with all its underlying
organizations a tool for conflict management and development--not a perfect
tool, but still a more effective one than its predecessor the League of Nations
was. When we today honor the victims in the Great War it is to prove that they
did not fight in vain.”
"Good Relations--Not At Any Cost"
Krzysztof Gottesman held in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(5/11): “Russia’s President Vladimir
Putin can feel satisfied. Almost the entire world was at the Kremlin grandstand
on Monday to hear his words about Russia’s power.... Contrary to Russia and Putin, the recent days
were moments of sadness and humiliation for Poland and Poles.... It turned out that goodwill on the part of
Poland--which was the main argument for our going to Moscow--was perceived as
weakness by Russia. This is something Poland cannot afford. We need good
relations with Russia...but not at the cost of humiliation.... Therefore it is a good thing that the 60th
anniversary resolution the European Parliament is to pass today says that the
year 1945 meant the start of communist tyranny in Eastern Europe. One must care
about relations with Russia, but not at the cost of truth.”
"The Words That Were Not Said"
Slawomir Popowski wrote in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(5/10): “What matters the most in
President Putin’s what he did not say. His very moderate address
contained no word about Stalin that many lovers of the Father of Nations had
been waiting for. However, it also did not contain any reflection on the complex
post-war history and a divided Europe. Painful to the Poles in particular, the
speech did not mention our contribution to breaking German fascism. Putin
promised he would not apologize to anyone, and he kept his word. But those who
assumed that the 60th anniversary...would become a propaganda campaign for
Putin and his program of rebuilding a Great Russia, must have suffered a
defeat. Moscow went overboard. First, because it falsified history, or rather
returned to the Soviet--or even Stalinist--version of history. Second, because
by Russia's irritation and sometimes hysterical reaction to the determined
stance of those who, regardless of political consequences, refused to take part
in the Moscow extravaganza, it only provoked a wave of criticism in the world
"Seen From Moscow"
Waclaw Radziwinowicz asserted in liberal Gazeta
Wyborcza (5/10): “Putin directed his
speech to the ‘sovek’--the average post-Soviet citizen, who sticks to the
stereotypes served by USSR propaganda....
The fact that those in power in Moscow today do not want to go beyond
the ‘sovek’ stereotype is dangerous for Russians above all. If Russians
understood that the much-loved Stalin squandered the lives of soldiers, there
would have been no bloody storm in Grozny in 1994. If they wanted to learn what
their soldiers did to women in the countries they seized, there would have been
no Colonel Budanov raping Chechen women. If they admitted that the defeat of
fascist Germany was a joint success of the civilized world, it would be easier
for Russia to become a full-fledged member of the world--and have a place it
really deserves.”
ROMANIA: "Apparent
Andreea Bratosin stated in newly-established
independent Gandul (5/10):
"It was as if nothing remained of the brisk coldness of the joint
press conference in February, in Bratislava, when President Putin could not, or
did not want to, hide his disapproval of what the Russian diplomacy is not
afraid to call ‘American interference’ in the former Soviet republics,
dominated, until recently, by the Moscow’s influence. This time, nothing of the
Kremlin leader’s attitude betrayed any annoyance at the ‘democratic lessons’
taught by his guest in speeches delivered prior to his arrival in Moscow or by
the latter’s references to the ‘Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe.' He didn’t even seem to care about the fact
that the White House leader stopped in Riga before going to Moscow, for a meeting
with the Baltic ‘dissidents’ who have boycotted the Red Square ceremonies, or
about the fact that, from Moscow, Bush would leave for Tbilisi, where he is to
meet another leader who is no longer under the influence of Moscow.”
Simona Haiduc commented in independent Curentul
(5/10): "Disappointment. Even anger
and confusion. This is the way that we
can describe the public reaction to the new refusal of President Bush of making
it clear, once and for all, to Vladimir Putin what the new world order is and
what the place and role of each pawn is on the large chess table of political
games.... One thing is for sure, though:
the two are definitely up to something.”
"Protecting Interests"
Bogdan Chirieac noted in newly-established
independent Gandul (5/10):
"Apart from the various interpretations of history, within such
celebrations, everybody protects their own interests or justifies their future
actions.... In other words, America will
export democracy, even if this means making use of force; for example, as in
Afghanistan and Iraq. In his turn, Putin
cannot condemn the USSR because Russia sees itself, at least in one direction,
as a continuation of the Soviet power: that of regaining, from every possible
from of view, the status of world power, together with America.”
"Severe Attitude"
Dana Hadareanu opined in independent Romania
Libera (5/10): "Confronted with
an increasingly severe attitude from the international community, the criticism
for democracy deficiency being added to the demand to acknowledge and denounce
the Soviet occupation, President Putin reaffirm Moscow’s role as
world superpower.... At the same time,
he intensely ‘wooed’ the one he called ‘his special guest,’ President
Bush...not leaving his side for the entire ceremony. Significantly enough, Bush
didn’t deliver any public speech and didn’t have any meeting with the press in
"Further Pressure On Russia"
Calin Stoica-Diaconovici commented in
independent Cotidianul (5/9):
"The past, which, at least in the neo-conservative vision of Bush’s
second mandate, serves the interests of the U.S., can add further pressure on
the relationship with Russia.... Even
though US officials usually deny any involvement in the recent ‘revolutions’ of
Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan or Lebanon, the American president did not
hesitate to recognize implicitly that this [involvement] is his policy."
"Bush's Trip"
Independent Romania Libera argued (5/4): "For the first time since the end of the
Cold War, an American president seams ready to send the world a message that
has been considered a taboo: East European countries did nothing but replace
one totalitarianism with another, which was just as malefic. From the point of view of the repression,
there was no difference between communism and Nazism.... The moral and political de-legitimization of
the Soviet Union represents an encouragement addressed to the democracies of
the former Soviet bloc...that America will stand by them.... What Russia will do now is play the blackmail
card; Washington has more to lose if the relations with Moscow grow
cold.... The important thing is for Bush
to follow the example of his role model, Ronald Reagan, and not give in."
SPAIN: "Anniversary Of
A Victory"
Conservative ABC opined (5/10): "It's important to separate the praise
that the Russian people deserve from any other apologist temptation for the
Soviet regime, which for many decades enjoyed an anti-fascist alibi to obtain
from European intellectuals, from the western left and from some 'pragmatic'
democracies, the absolution of Stalinist genocides. There are many reasons that the cordiality
among Putin and the leaders of the western democracies, especially Bush, must
reflect something more than the kindness of the commemoration. The experience of confronted blocs, areas of
domination, regional conflicts, and armament tensions should enervate any
retroactive temptation and give way to a multilateral cooperation based on the
spreading of democracy and human rights.
The best way to celebrate anniversaries such as this one is to make sure
that the causes will never be repeated."
"Summit In Red Square"
Conservative La Razon editorialized (5/10): "It's true that yesterday was not the
most appropriate day to denounce Stalin's brutality...but the use that Putin
made of Stalinist iconography in the parade was, to say it softly, scandalous
and indecent. The Russian President has used for his internal purposes a
ceremony of worldwide reach that looked to celebrate the triumph of freedom
over oppression and the victory of democracy over dictatorship. Putin refused to recognize the large
communist occupation of the Baltic Republics and, in the most unpleasant Soviet
style, organized a parade that didn't compare unfavorably of the ones of the
'Cold War'.... The Russian President has
pointed to the Soviet past not to repeat it internally but to emulate its
capacity to influence the worldwide scene and to recuperate the lost power of
big objective that won't be easy, having two giant neighbors in
expansion process: China...and Europe....
Fortunately, Russia has always survived to its worst leaders and there
is reason to think that Putin won't be one of those."
"Uncomfortable Situation"
Left-of-center El País declared (5/10): "Two realities overlapped in the Russian
capital, as both the absences of leaders from the former Soviet field and the
planning of Bush's trip show.... Disagreement
on the liberation of 1945 has two faces.
What for western Europe was the start of a stage of freedom and welfare
without precedent...was for many countries of Eastern Europe, as Bush reminded,
the replacement of Nazi tyranny with Stalinist dictatorship.... The dissimilarity of the experience and the
different time perspectives feed different versions of history and explain why
the three Baltic countries continue demanding that Moscow asks for forgiveness
for a brutal occupation of forty years....
Putin (does not) hide his evident hostility towards the democratic
revolutions he has not been able to prevent 'indoors', whether it is Georgia,
Ukraine or, more recently, Kyrgyzstan.
The rejection to assume a fundamental part of the past, unlike Germany
or even Japan, makes Russia indebted still to many of its former satellites and
explains why the celebration in Moscow, organized in order to celebrate the
historic triumph over one of the faces of evil, became the loudspeaker of
criticism of the Soviet role in a crucial period and denunciation of Kremlin's
antidemocratic drift."
SWEDEN: "Like The Bad
Old Days"
Conservative Stockholm-based Svenska
Dagbladet editorialized (5/10):
"It was like in the bad old days; a military parade, hammer and
sickle flags, and war veterans lurching under the weight of all their medals.
President Vladimir Putin spoke about good defeating evil, and victory of
liberty over tyranny.... But for half of
Europe peace turned into yet another lack of freedom. The Yalta Agreement
between the allies resulted in the replacement of Nazi Brown with Communist
Red. However, to the victims the color was indifferent.... In the East hopes that Russia would find a
natural place among the democratic states have been shattered, and nostalgia is
prevailing. President Putin is seeking his roots in the dictatorship and power
of the (old) Soviet Union. Democracy is pushed back, and there is popular
support for this.... More of Putin’s
guests ought to have followed the example of President Bush who praised the
Soviet Union’s contribution in the fight against the Nazi empire, and also
aimed criticism against the re-Sovietization.”
"More Democracy, Less Nostalgia In Russia"
Independent, liberal Stockholm-based Dagens Nyheter
editorialized (5/9): "Today Russia
celebrates the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany...and certainly it
is a victory worth remembering. For good reasons Russians have complained over
the fact the West often overlooks the enormous sacrifices that the Soviet Union
made during WWII.... However, today’s
celebration in Moscow also is a demonstration of the difficulties to isolate
the Soviet victory and the subsequent consequences. The representatives of the
East European countries that were liberated from Nazism only to fall under
Communist dictatorship have mixed feelings about today’s ceremonies. The victory ceremony in Moscow ought not to
be so politically charged. Should there have been an open and self-critical
historical description from all parties concerned, everyone would be able to
honor the heroic efforts by the Russian people in the fight against Hitler’s
Germany.... Russia’s development towards
democracy and openness in the 1990s has, in many respects, been
extraordinary.... Therefore, Putin’s
increasingly undemocratic methods, the calls (within the country) for ‘powerful
leaders,’ and the disinclination to come to terms with the Stalin era, are
alarming signs. With the knowledge of
the tragic history of the country, Europe must, without hesitating, speak
clearly on democracy, openness, and human rights in Putin’s Russia.”
TURKEY: "After The
Moscow Summit"
Yilmaz Oztuna obsered in conservative Turkiye (5/11): “The VE Day celebrations were marked by some
some very important messages from world leaders, including on the value of
peace and human rights. Even President
Bush’s criticism about Russian democracy and Putin’s harsh response did not
harm the overall positive atmosphere.
Yet the most important message in Bush’s speech was about the ‘Pax
Americana,’ which he explained at some length.
The ‘Pax Americana’ refers to the process of democratization in Asia and
North Africa. Bush expressed in a very
determined way the U.S. commitment on the democratization issue. This determination also stems from US desire
to control oil supplies in those areas.
But Washington should realize that democracy cannot be easily applied in
every society. Recent developments in
Egypt are just one recent example. Egypt
is discussing the method for electing a parliamentary speaker. At US insistence, the single-candidate system
is about to be changed. The Egyptian
‘democratic’ will now allow more than one candidate to run, but under one
condition -- all candidates must come from the ruling party!”
"Imperial Conflict"
Ergun Goze noted in conservative-sensational Halka ve Olaylara
Tercuman (5/11): “Presidents Bush
and Putin engaged in a war of words during the 60th anniversary celebrations of
VE Day. Bush criticized the Russians for
occupying Europe after World War II. In
return, Putin claimed that Russia had freed Europe from the Nazis. Bush continued urging Russia to become a
democratic state. Putin questioned
democracy in America by reminding Bush that he had to come to power through a
court decision. Both sides voiced their
differences in an open manner. We need
to thing about where Turkey fits in to this picture. Before WWI, Turkey was often depicted between
a bear and a whale--the bear symbolizing Russia and the whale representing the
West. Except for the fact that the West
is now dominated by the U.S. rather than Europe, not much has really
changed. Turkey’s fate is the same as
before, squeezed between the whale and the bear.”
"The Debate On Freedom"
Sámi Kohen commented in mainstream Milliyet (5/10): “The VE Day celebrations demonstrated
friendship between the old winners and losers, but they also highlighted
differences between friends of today.
The celebrations included a debate about facing up to history, which
predictably led to tension between Russia, Europe, and the U.S. over the Baltic
states. Russia wants to distance itself
from the historical responsibilities of the Soviet Union. Putin thinks that a one-time apology is good
enough. But the current debate is more
about the future than the past. The
differences stem from policies for the future.
In fact, the architect of this debate is President Bush. His speeches, both in Latvia and the
Netherlands, set forth a doctrine of democracy and freedom. Bush not only expressed support for democracy,
but also named a number of countries that need to go through the
democratization process. Bush believes
that the time has now come for countries like Belarus and Moldova. The U.S. is urging Moscow not to be afraid of
democratization in neighboring countries.
But the Russian leadership is expressing its discontent, effectively
telling the U.S. to mind its own business.
This debate looks like it could be a source for new conflicts around the
world. It may not lead to the
development of new and opposing ‘blocs,’ but it certainly has the potential to
create new tensions and disputes.”
"Bush In Georgia"
Fikret Ertan observed in Islamist-intellectual Zaman
(5/10): “Georgia’s capital Tbilisi is
going to host a very important and special guest today. Of course, this guest is US President George
W. Bush. This is the first-ever visit by
a US President to Tbilisi. The people of
that city have been preparing for this important visit for a long time. They will no doubt crowd the ‘Independence
Center’ today to listen to Bush’s speech on democracy and freedom with great
excitement. With this visit, President
Bush will try to improve and strengthen relations between two countries that
have been moving closer together for the past ten years. Bilateral relations between the US and
Georgia have been growing in three areas: military, economic, and
politics. Bilateral military relations
are definitely ahead of the political and economic dimensions, but President
Bush’s historic visit highlights Georgia’s growing importance for the US, and
its position as the Americans’ closest friend and ally in the Caucasus.”
"President Bush’s Self-Defined Mission"
Yasemin Congar wrote in mainstream Milliyet (5/9): “President Bush’s trip to Europe has given
certain indications about his foreign policy priorities as well as the
diplomatic style we can expect during his second term. During his first term, Bush focused primarily
on the fight against terrorism in the post-9/11 atmosphere, using this issue as
a main justification for toppling Saddam Hussein. In the second term, Bush is seemingly
broadening the concept of the struggle against terror. Both the war on and the administration’s Iraq
policy are combined with a mission to expand freedom.... This priority can be seen in almost every
foreign policy statement or remark by President Bush. He highlights that ‘freedom is the natural
right of all people,’ and urges ‘support for democratization instead of
appeasement for the sake of stability'....
President Bush’s recent speech in Riga contains both the essence of his
self-defined mission for freedom and the US expectation from its allies on this
"Have We Taken The Lessons From World War II?"
Yasin Dogan argued in Islamist-opinion maker Yeni Safak
(5/9): “The anniversary of the end of
WWII should remind us that this was one of the worst disasters of humanity, and
that it resulted from an imperialist policy.
The US used atomic bombs against Japan, another indication of the horrifying
aspects of imperialism.... WWII also
marked the end of fascism, the force that had turned both Germany and Italy
into war machines. The primary actors in
World War II distorted the notion of civilization, and neither side showed
respect for humanistic concepts.... With
the end of WWII, humanity took this lesson to heart by establishing the UN and
drawing up the International Declaration of Human Rights. Yet today, the world has drifted far from
this spirit. World politics is moving
toward the formation of a world system based on the interests of
superpowers. Despite the commemorations
of the tragedy of WWII, it seems that little effort is being made to prevent
such events from happening again.”
"Is Moscow Still A Potential Enemy For Washington?"
Dina Dakhlallah speculated in government-owned Al-Ba'th
(5/10): "Washington still considers
Moscow a possible enemy that must be contained by controlling its foreign
influence through alliances with its neighboring states to help the US control
borders. Thus, the US rests assured that Russia has become isolated and distant
from any foreign influence. Apparently,
President Bush who undertook the sacred responsibility of spreading democracy
and freedom in the world and considered the Soviet influence in Eastern Europe
as a tremendous mistake that should not be repeated, will strive to control
Russia's political aspirations....
Challenge and dispute between Moscow and Washington is no more taking
place as a clash, rather within the framework of exchange of smiles, even
though they are cynical. Bush says that
Russians should learn democracy. Putin responds: We do want to learn democracy
from a president who became a president in his first term of office by a court
ruling, not by clear majority."
"Pleading Guilty"
The English-language expatriate-oriented Gulf
Today held (5/9): "The World
War II memorial events in Europe have presented US President George W. Bush a
wonderful platform to propagate the pet American theme of 'freedom on the
march'.... Bush's master stroke was his
owning up of 'one of the greatest wrongs in history' that America did to Europe
after the end of World War II--the US role in the division of Europe into
Western and Communist blocs.... Bush
believes that the agreement marked the beginning of decades of communist
oppression in Europe and that it was America's historical mistake to let that
happen. The admission of guilt went
further. Bush insisted that the US has learnt its lessons and that it will not be
forgotten while the superpower leads the spread of 'freedom' in the Middle
East. Coming as a curious curtain-raiser
for the summit in Moscow on Monday between Bush and Russian President Vladimir
Putin, the American message bears the typical Republican stamp of sharp-edged
diplomacy. Bush may now prod Putin for a similar admission of guilt for all
that the Soviets did in Europe in the past....
It would surely be a diplomatic coup if Bush can achieve that. However,
Putin's past record shows no such possibility.... Bush feels that continued American military
occupation would have prevented Soviet control of Central and Eastern Europe.
He shows himself as setting an example in Iraq, where American military
presence is set for a long-haul, until the 'liberation' is complete. This is
also a warning that any future American invasion and occupation of a
country...would last as long as it takes, until Washington is convinced that
the people there are relishing the fruits of freedom and democracy. An occasion to honour the war dead has given
Bush an opportunity to reiterate America's carrot-and stick foreign policy.
Washington needs the Baltics dearly as its outposts in Europe. It does not want
a sulking Russia complicating the process....
Bush may use a different tone at the Kremlin, but the theme will be the
same--America has arrived in Russia's backyard and intends to stay there."
"Lessons Of History"
The expatriate-oriented English-language Khaleej
Times declared (5/8): "This
60th anniversary of WWII is no happy occasion. It’s a sombre affair partly
because of the unprecedented loss of life on both sides.... While no one is questioning the decisive role
played by the Soviet Union in defeating Hitler...its own role after the war has
come under spotlight amid the victory celebrations. The Europeans today shudder to think of the
consequences if the Red Army had not hit back at the Germans during the crucial
Stalingrad encounter of 1941 and thus incapacitated Hitler. The Soviet Union
and its people had to pay a heavy price for trying to stop the Germans.... Russian pride over their role in WWII is
therefore not unjustified. But it is
Moscow’s postwar role that generates much anger in the neighbourhood. Stalin’s
army saved Eastern Europe and Baltic states like Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia,
from the Nazis only to occupy them itself....
Last week, President Putin lamented the fall of Soviet Union describing
it as 'the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.' However, most of Russia’s neighbours, from
Central Asian Muslim republics to Baltic states to east European nations like
Poland, would disagree with Putin’s view. The end of Soviet Union for them
meant liberation and deliverance from absolute tyranny.... These states were largely treated as fiefdoms
of the new Czars in Kremlin. The wounds of Soviet occupation in these lands are
still raw. Moscow would do well to attempt to heal those wounds rather than
revisit its grand past this May 9.
Tomorrow as the world community celebrates the fall of Hitler and his
truly evil empire, it should reaffirm its commitment to a more just and
peaceful world where people are not punished for their creed or colour."
"U.S. President’s Visit To Baltic Countries Puts Further Squeeze on
Russia’s Turf"
Li Xuejun remarked in official Xinhua Daily
Telegraph (Xinhua Meiri Dianxun) (5/9): "The Bush administration’s intention is
obvious. It wants to squeeze Russia’s
strategic space by increasing its alliance with the Baltic countries of
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The U.S.
plan wants to rid the Baltic countries of Russia’s influence.... Recently the U.S. has provided strong support
to other 'color revolution' countries of the previous Soviet Union. Analysts point out it would be dangerous if
these countries become staunch U.S. allies since Russia dominates the resources
of these countries. Besides, the U.S.
doesn’t have geopolitical interests in the Baltic Sea region and Caucasia
area. It is clear that the U.S. will
continue to ‘disturb the water’ in the region and the U.S.-Russia relations
will continue to have a tense nature in the future.”
CHINA (HONG KONG AND MACAU SARS): "U.S. Encourages Three Baltic States To
Resist Russia"
Pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News remarked
(5/10): "On May 6, U.S. President
Bush started off on a five-day visit to four countries in Europe. He attended a commemoration ceremony for WWII
in Moscow. The White House called this
trip 'a trip to support democracy.' In
Latvia, Bush criticized Russia for invading the three Baltic states. With the support of the U.S., the three Baltic
states requested that Moscow makes an apology for the 50-year-long military
occupation.... The U.S. scrupulous
arrangement and Bush's words and deeds have reminded Russia and the Baltic
states of the historic scar, which led to U.S. and Russian leaders criticizing
each other shortly before the commemoration day. Bush met the three Baltic leaders in Riga and
said that the end of the war in Europe was 'a victory of justice over
evil.' The end of the war did bring
about peace to the three Baltic states, and it led to Russia's occupation and
pressure from the communist party. He
said that the west did not forget the 'painful history' of the three Baltic
states. It is obvious that Bush's move
is meant to encourage these former Soviet Union members to resist Russia."
"Time For Remembrance And
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
editorialized (5/9): "The world
leaders who gather in Moscow today to mark the defeat of the Nazis 60 years ago
have much to celebrate.... Much progress
has been made in that time. The
formation and growth of the EU has reconciled past foes and acted as a force
for peace. The cold war is over and
Russia is engaging the west. The emphasis at today's ceremony should therefore
be on reconciliation and remembrance--rather than focusing on historical wounds
which have sadly not yet healed.... The
role of Russia has been thrust into the spotlight as a result of today's
high-profile ceremony. But attention will soon shift back to the Sino-Japanese
relationship. The 60th anniversary of
the defeat of Japan is approaching. It
is not yet clear whether Japanese leaders will be invited to commemorations in
Beijing. There have been some signs in
recent days that the two governments are making progress--after the recent
plunge in Sino-Japanese relations. But big obstacles still remain. The ceremony in Russia today has reopened old
wounds. The one that will follow later
in Beijing will, it is hoped, be more about healing."
"New Conservatism Targets Russia"
Independent Chinese-language Hong Kong Economic Journal
noted (5/9): "Before flying to
Moscow, President Bush first visited Latvia.
In this former Soviet Union republic, Bush made a speech to warn Russia
not to interfere in the democracy of this country formerly controlled by the
Soviet Union.... Bush repeatedly
provokes Russian President Putin. As
early as February, Bush had already shown his dissatisfaction to the
retrogression of Russia's democracy and the rule of law. Secretary of State Rice repeated the warning
when she visited Russia last month. Many
people think that neo-conservatism has become more arrogant after Bush's
reelection. However, they did not expect
that the battle field of U.S. neo-conservatism will be moved to former Soviet
Union republics and will be targeted at Russia and Putin. When Bush met with Baltic leaders in Riga
last Saturday, he 'did not decline' the claim that the U.S. was the backstage
supporter of revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kirghizstan. The remembrance ceremonies for WWII should be
a chance to boost peace. However, the
smell of gunpowder is getting thicker and thicker in the international
JAPAN: "Bush Slows
Down Mission For Democracy?"
An editorial in top-circulation moderate Yomiuri read
(5/10): "President Bush's visit to
Latvia, Georgia and Russia on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the Allied
victory over Nazi Germany had been aimed at propagating his 'world mission for
democracy' in a region where democracy and freedom have yet to take root even
since the end of World War II and Cold War. At his meeting with Russian
President Putin in Moscow on Sunday, Bush toned down his rhetoric advocating
the 'democratic offensive' apparently in consideration of the importance of
fostering close and strong cooperation with Russia in waging the war on
terrorism and terminating nuclear proliferation."
"Bush, Putin At Odds Over Yalta Accords"
An editorial in conservative Sankei read (5/9): "Two days before commemorations of the
60th anniversary of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany in Russia, President
Bush, speaking in Riga, Latvia, criticized agreements reached at the Yalta
Conference, calling them the biggest mistake in history that led to the Soviet
Union's annexation of the Baltics and its rule over eastern Europe. It is
unprecedented that a president of a WWII victor nation has slammed the Yalta
accords reached by three leaders of the victor nations--President Roosevelt,
Prime Minister Churchill and Stalin. But Russian President Putin hailed the
Yalta Agreements as an instrument that saved the post-World War II world from
catastrophe. Their remarks indicated
that Bush and Putin were quite at odds over the accords that also defined the
Soviet occupation of the Japanese-held Northern islands off
Russia, V-E Is Also A Moment To Rediscover Its Soul"
Leading independent Kompas remarked
(5/10): "If the culmination of the
60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe was held in Moscow, this
is not without significance. Out of some 50 million victims of Nazi Germany, no
fewer than 21 million were Soviet Union citizens, both soldiers and civilians.
Citizens of the Soviet Union sacrificed a great deal in the struggle to defeat
Hitler.... Yet, no less important is
what Soviet citizens suffered. Millions of people became the victims of
Stalin’s brutality, who, since before the war, had regularly committed
cleansing [crimes] against his political opponents.... However, Russia’s feelings not only concern
Stalin’s position in history, but also the role of Russia in the international
arena.... When reality shows that the
significant influence Russia once had is now decreasing, there comes other
assessments. The West, especially the U.S., views President Putin, who has been
in office for five years, as becoming less democratic. In addition, a
discordant relationship can be seen between Moscow and a number of Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) members. From this perspective, the anniversary of
the end of WW II in Europe, held in Moscow and attended by more than 50 world
leaders, is expected to raise the international prestige of the Russian
About Some Payback?"
Publisher Max Soliven wrote in the moderate Philippine Star
(5/8): "We're all for Mr. Bush
cozying up somewhat to Mr. Putin, the fomer KGB chief.... For Russia's a good card to play...with
Pyongyang's nuclear rockets...ready to test their new delivery systems in the
direction of Tokyo and Washington DC....
Putin, of course, has his own agenda.
He's already selling the Chinese, but his nostalgia for
past Soviet Power is what's worrisome, not his mercantile instincts.... Longing for the old USSR? You betcha.
Putin doesn't hide his yearning....
Tomorrow [May 9] it will be emphasized how Russia demolished Hitler,
pounded Berlin to effect ended the war by bringing Germany down to
the ashes of defeat.... We salute the
courage and valor of the Russian people....
Yet, this might be a propitious moment for Bush to hand oil-rich...St.
Petersburg the unpaid bill. It's already
forgotten...that America supplied their Allies with more than $50 billion in
war material through Lend-Lease, with most of the weaponry...being rushed to
embattled Russia.... Could Russia have
won without U.S. Lend-Lease help?....
They still haven't paid and never will--not even in terms of gratitude
or a salute."
INDIA: "Sheer
The centrist Statesman averred (5/10): "Last week the American President, ventured
into regions next door to the Russian federation, to excel himself at what he
does best, insult good friends to little purpose. Appearing in the capital of
Latvia, President Bush laid a wreath with full ceremony, with his press and
personnel in attendance, to pronounce that the Second World War had ended, some
60 odd years later! He also delivered provocative well-worn homilies and was
quite unashamed as he intoned the virtues of democracy and representative
government and recommended them to his audience. You have to give it to the
man; he is not ashamed of anything he or his government have ever done.... The question arises why! Why after a lapse of
some 60 years does he think the world is ready to hear his lies and his
disgraceful protests of practicing good governance, like declaring war--a
wholly illegal and unjust war--on defenseless civilians, looting their oil,
murdering them in their thousands from the air without accounting, because
somehow they are a lower class in his view and count for nothing.... To hear him one would suppose that he was all
virtue unwrapped, dipped in holy water and a model of what a good leader should
be. Instead, he has been about the worst President the U.S. has ever had, a man
with a closed mind, a singular but unfortunate affliction.... The question still survives--why now? The
answer seems to be that Bush had said in Washington that he would withdraw from
Iraq next year, and was desperately looking to cover this disgrace, by another
scrap with Putin, fresh and inviting. It may also be that Bush is serving
notice that he, as the only surviving world class power, is determined to
interfere rudely in Russia’s affairs. Putin’s predictable reply will hog the
headlines for a while and may even push Iraq and its problems so wantonly
created, into the background. That may be Bush’s hope. The point is simply
this--if he does not succeed, he will try something else!”
Paul Jackson commented the conservative tabloid Calgary Sun
(5/10): "President George W. Bush's
extraordinary public confession that the U.S. and its wartime allies betrayed
hundreds of millions of people when they allowed Soviet dictator Josef Stalin
to enslave half of Europe in 1945 deserves applauding. That Bush's VE-Day
condemnation is true--and many politicians have privately mumbled about this
betrayal over the decades--doesn't make his stance less profound. Unlike so
many other world leaders, Bush has now shouldered his country's--and that of
other western nations--responsibility for perhaps the greatest sellout in world
history.... Finally, though, in Bush we
have a man who now admits a great 'mistake' was made in 1945 when the Allies
decided not to take on the Soviet Union and free the captive nations. Added
Bush, 'we will not repeat the mistakes of other generations by appeasing or
excusing tyranny and sacrificing history in the vain pursuit of stability.'
There was an implied message in Bush's words that apply to the terrorists in
Afghanistan, Iraq and the dictators in other Middle East countries: Their
regimes are coming to an end. Democracy is on the march. This time, the U.S.
will not be found wanting. Bush may not yet be of the stature of Reagan--but,
despite his hysterical detractors, he is turning out to be a president of some
"Yalta Was No Betrayal, Mr. Bush"
Conrad Black wrote in the leading Globe and Mail
(5/10): "Bush should remember, even
if he does not want to repeat it to live audiences in Eastern Europe, that, of
all those countries, only the Czechs were politically distinguished before the
war. The Hungarians and Poles jubilantly joined in tearing up Czechoslovakia
after Munich. Munich was a bad arrangement, undertaken with good intentions by
British prime minister Neville Chamberlain, because he knew that Britain and
France could not go to war against the desire of the Sudeten Germans to join
Germany. The Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939 was an act of stupefying cynicism,
carving up Poland and the Baltic states, and submitting them all to brutal
occupation. Yalta was an unexceptionable arrangement that required 45 years of
vigilant containment to enforce. Mr. Bush should not perpetuate the Yalta myth
and should not give ammunition to the forces of anti-Americanism in Europe,
which claim that the English-speaking countries betrayed Eastern Europe. The
West went to war for Poland. The English-speaking countries liberated Western
Europe and, with those liberated countries, withheld recognition of Stalin's
violation of his Yalta promises until Eastern Europe, too, was liberated. Sixty
years after V-E Day, this Republican president should stop parroting
McCarthyite defamations of Roosevelt, Churchill and Truman. He cannot seriously
lament that the West did not go to war with the USSR over Eastern Europe in
1945. He should stop apologizing for what was not, in fact, a discreditable
episode in American diplomatic history."
"What Bush Forgot In His Yalta Remarks"
The leading Globe and Mail editorialized (5/10): "U.S. President George W. Bush likes to
dismiss his critics as 'Monday-morning quarterbacks.' Yet there he was on the
weekend, passing retrospective judgment on one of the big plays of the Second
World War 60 years after the fact....
Mr. Bush has shown himself a bold thinker with an admirable vision of
promoting democracy and confronting tyranny. He is right to say that to
surrender to despotism for the sake of stability is often a bad bargain.
Americans learned that on 9/11, when they were attacked by a band of terrorists
who sprang from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, whose authoritarian rulers Washington
had supported as pillars of stability. But along with vision, leaders need a
measure of realism. Yalta was the supreme example of realpolitik--doing what is
possible, rather than what is ideal, in a complicated world."
"'Freedom Is Not Tired'"
The conservative National Post opined (5/10): "Few contemporary leaders enjoy the
clarity of purpose and the moral foundation of Mr. Bush, and fewer still have
the ability to deliver their message with the plain language and eloquent
idealism of the President. This was demonstrated again Saturday when Mr. Bush
delivered a speech in Riga, the capital of Latvia. It might have been a
throwaway, a collection of perfunctory niceties dispensed to an assemblage of
Baltic dignitaries on the 60th anniversary of VE Day. Instead, Mr. Bush used
the occasion to deliver an address that might well be rated as
historic.... All of this enraged Russian
President Vladimir Putin, who unsuccessfully sought to stymie Ukraine's Orange
Revolution, and who continues to insist the Soviet occupation of the Baltic
States was benign. But this did not cause Mr. Bush to hold back. Indeed, he
warned tacitly against Russia's future meddling in the affairs of neighbouring
states, and urged it to instead embrace the new democracies on its
border.... What was clear from Mr.
Bush's Riga speech was his unrelenting faith in democracy--he called its
progress a 'miracle'--and the rejection of relativism.... After the address, a reporter suggested to
Mr. Bush that the U.S. might be behind the 'revolutionary' change in Georgia
and Ukraine, and might be 'inappropriately meddling in the neighbourhood.' Mr.
Bush replied: 'Freedom is universal. Freedom is etched in everybody's soul. And
the idea of countries helping others become free, I would hope that would be
viewed as not revolutionary, but rational foreign policy, as decent foreign
policy, as humane foreign policy.' Well said, Mr. Bush. The spread of freedom
and democracy is more than decent, rational foreign policy. It is a human
Europe Amid A Confrontation With Russia"
Ana Baron noted in leading Clarin (5/7): "On the eve of his trip to Europe, which
will include a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President George
W. Bush expressed his concern over the 100,000 rifles that Russia has recently
sold to Venezuela. Bush said 'We are very concerned because those weapons could
well end up in the hands of the FARC, a very destabilizing force in South America.'
In this way, he made clear that Venezuela is not a minor issue in the
complicated and full agenda of his meeting with Putin.... In a letter sent to the leader of Lithuania,
the head of the White House said that the 60th anniversary of the end of the
Second World War is a tragic moment for Baltic countries due to the fact that
during the conflict they were annexed to the Soviet Union. Russia reacted in a
blunt way. The Russian ambassador to the EU said that one couldn't talk about
occupation because the Soviet forces of that time had been invited to enter
those nations, and that this explains why there was not a popular confrontation
of any kind whatsoever."
BRAZIL: "Ride In The
Center-right O Estado de S. Paulo remarked (5/10): “President Bush is right on everything he
said about the Soviet past and on the authoritarianism of today’s Russia. The
problem is that Washington only began to criticize Putin’s actions clearly when
he harmed the property rights of Yukos oil company. Putin’s actions against
freedom of the press, for example, have not received the same [USG]
criticism.... The U.S. and Russia are
subject to cycles of cooperation and tension.
Washington needs Moscow in the area of security, for example to pressure
North Korea to resume multilateral negotiations on nuclear issues…. And Moscow
needs Washington to project itself as a global interlocutor, particularly now
when the next G-8 meeting will take place in Saint Petersburg.”
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