June 29, 2005
** Blair delivered an
"impressive, saluted" speech to an EU in need of "shock
** EU "great
market" aspirations clash with EU nations' "socially romantic
** Is Blair's EU six-month
presidency enough time for his ambitious "reformist agenda?"
** Europe's future rests in
forging a "future-oriented mixture" of national economic models.
'Blair to EU: wake up'
because 'Europe is not working'-- Observers,
"one and all," agreed UK PM Blair delivered a brilliant and
impressive speech to the "initially sleepy and then applauding European
parliament." Pro-Blair media lauded
his "deep and daring" vison that suggested only he can
"liberate" Europe from "self-inflicted paralysis." Brazil's liberal Folha de S. Paulo
joined Canada's leading Globe and Mail to opine that Europe's leaders
were mystified over what went wrong since the "shock of spring's twin
noes." The Canadian paper supported
Blair's assertion that Europe's crisis offered "an extraordinary, historic
opportunity" for Europe to seize "the chance to renew and modernize
itself" since it is not now "economically competitive."
'If Europe wants to survive, it should change'-- If the EU's "main continental players"
opt for "real economic reform," concerns over "budget, treaty
reform and enlargement" should fall into place, declared the UK's
independent Financial Times. A
Polish writer added, "if the EU turns its back on global challenges and
does not launch reforms, it risks strategic failure." EU critics averred its economic model
"coddles workers" while "handing out checks left and
Is there 'just lip service' from Tony using 'argument, but no
solution?'-- Poland's centrist Rzeczpospolita
said the UK PM "calls a spade a spade." German commentators gave a mixed
evaluation. Left-of-center Berliner
Zeitung said that how Blair uses the UK's "hefty" rebate check of
"five billion Euros" would shed light on the UK as a "European
lead nation." Center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine held suspicions that Blair "wanted to deal another blow to
the turbulent European situation" since many continentals blamed him
"for having added a budget crisis to the crisis over Europe's
constitution." An Italian writer
stated, "Britons have a minimalist conception of Europe." French writers cited "handicaps and
doubts" confronting the "passions of Tony," and added that
"with only six months, his ambitious mission remains
impossible." An Austrian analyst
wrote, "what the man from Britain really has in mind with his reforms he
will soon have the opportunity to prove."
The EU must decide on the proper model to follow-- Austrian outlets lauded Blair's
"brilliant rhetoric and leadership affectations," but
mass-circulation Kurier opined that Europe cannot use the British,
French or German economic model. The
outlet declared it Blair's "job" to find a "future-oriented
mixture" of existing models. The
center-left Irish Times cautioned, Blair "will have to abandon many
English national obsessions to convince Europeans of the bona fides of his
vision and leadership of the EU."
Belgium's independent financial De Tijd held that "replacing
the European model with the British model is no option. What Blair wants to do for Europe must be
shown by his acts--not by his nice words."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITORS: Rupert D. Vaughan
and Steven Wangsness
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 34 reports from 12 countries June 23-24, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "A British
Case That Needs To Be Argued More Often"
The left-of-center Independent opined (6/24): "For Mr. Blair to take the argument to
Brussels so soon after the failed summit was a risk, and a risk that largely
paid off. The Parliament, though, is not
the forum where the coming battles will be won or lost. Mr. Blair has to win over his fellow national
leaders in the European Council. The
question is whether the six months of the British presidency will be time
"Europe Needs Hard Decisions, Not Hot Air"
The conservative Daily Telegraph declared (6/24): "He [Blair] presents himself as the
solitary agent of progress against the two forces of conservatism: reactionary
Thatcherism and old-style socialism.
Leaving aside his claims to have applied a successful third way at home,
the rhetoric of triangulation will not wash in Europe."
"Blair's Challenge To The EU"
The independent Financial Times editorialized (6/24): "If ever real economic reform starts to
take hold among the EU's main continental players, then other pieces in the
jigsaw--relating to the budget, treaty reform and enlargement--might fall into
place. But that could be well beyond Mr.
Blair's EU presidency, and perhaps his term in office."
"Nervous Europe"
The conservative Times took this view (6/24): "There is clearly an opportunity to
stitch together a new European alliance based on equality and opportunity. A freer Europe would unleash energy on a
scale that could transform the prospects of every citizen: a fine legacy
FRANCE: "Mission
Impossible For His Majesty’s PM"
Alexandrine Bouilhet wrote in right-of-center Le
Figaro (6/24): "Blair's speech
was saluted by one and all.... But his
mission, to wake up Europe, to modernize it and open its eyes to international
competition will be difficult.... His
adversaries are Schroeder and Chirac....
And in this remake of James Bond Against Dr. No, with Chirac in the role
of No, 007 has more than one ally....
Eastern European countries, plus Italy, Spain and Ireland.... But with only six months, his ambitious
mission remains impossible.... The war on
the budget has left deep scars and a political agreement seems out of reach by
December.... Meanwhile, Angela Merkel,
although she does not look anything like a James Bond Girl, could well play the
role of a strategic ally."
"The Passions Of Tony Blair"
Guillaume Goubert noted in Catholic La Croix
(6/24): "Blair is passionately
European.... He is also passionately
British.... His position, both as a
Euro-phile and a social-liberal is not only a matter of strategy. Blair believes in it. He could enroll others, such as the German
Christian Democrats, if they come to power next fall.... If France does not want to be isolated and
cut off from its German partner, it will have to be imaginative.... It could propose the implementation of a
joint research policy."
"Modern Europe"
Left-of-center Le Monde maintained
(6/24): "Blair is right to bemoan
the fact that the EU budget is not dealing with 'major issues.' He is right to say that Europe’s economy is
not internationally competitive.... But
he is not totally right to oppose this 'modern Europe' to yesterday's
'agricultural' Europe.... What Blair
doesn't do is propose a joint research policy.
In short he is asking the right questions but with the wrong words.... The right terms would be to say that the
European budget is insufficient.... But
Blair's position on the need to increase research means is solid.... The EU 25 need to get back to the future, in
short they need to find once again the meaning of compromise.”
"Handicaps And Doubts"
Pascal Aubertargued in centrist La Tribune
(6/24): "Tony the 'European' is
sticking to his mission of modernizing Europe.... But Blair's plan suffers from two major
handicaps and suspicion. The first
handicap touches on the method he has chosen:
playing on the EU crisis to reach his objectives.... The second handicap touches on
his--voluntarily?--unfinished plan. His
proclaimed European flame and his rejection of Europe as an open market are not
enough to hide the imbalanced nature of his plans. He clearly favors an economic vision and the
political is just a means to an end. The
suspicion of the ‘continentals’ resides in doubts about Blair’s sincerity in
his European commitment.""
Jean-Michel Thenard observed in left-of-center Liberation
(6/23): "Three weeks after one of
the worst defeats of his entire career, President Chiarc is trying to rebuild
his image at the expense of PM Blair, who is an easy target.... But nothing proves that the French public
will applaud the scenario written at the Elysee Palace with Blair’s clumsy
collaboration. Because the staging of
the cordial 'non-entente' between the two men smells of too much posturing with
domestic politics as the ultimate end."
"Two Visions of Europe"
Jules Clauwaert noted in regional Nord
Eclaire (6/23): "There is a
clash between two different conceptions of the European Union: one that is putting everything in the balance
in the interest of a great market, and one that does is not giving up on the
ambition for a political Union of states founded on common values and playing its
role in the world."
"Blair's European Offensive"
Günther Nonnenmacher observed in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (6/24): "Blair was
particularly blamed for having added a budget crisis to the crisis over
Europe's constitution. The suspicion
that he wanted to deal another blow to the turbulent European situation cannot
easily be dismissed: Blair opposed the
weakened French President and the lame German chancellor, which have not
convinced us as a European duo in recent months, with his British agenda. The timeout Europe wanted should be used to
discuss the divergent ideas of Europe--and to take the right measures
"Blair's Battle"
Center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung of Munich commented
(6/24): "Blair's appearance was
simultaneously clever and dangerous. He
is clever because he uses Euroskepticism and pretends to be a leader who
understands the concerns of the people, but it was dangerous to reject the
budget compromise. At Trafalgar, Nelson
won with risky maneuvers. However, the
signs are not so favorable for Blair.
French President Chirac will not miss a single opportunity to damage
Blair, and neither will Schroeder support his former friend. Blair must look for new allies, and he will
also have to show that he does not only think of British interests, but that he
is a great European."
"Europe's Statesman"
Roger Köppel asserted in right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin
(6/24): "With an impressive speech
to the initially sleepy and then applauding European parliament, British PM
Tony Blair made his claim to liberate Europe from its self-inflicted paralysis. The politician, often said to be dead by his
rivals and hit for his rock-solid stance during the Iraq war, delivered a
rhetorical masterpiece. A few weeks ago
in the British elections, he was seen as an outdated model.... A politician who is believed to be capable of
inspiring the EU spoke. The enthusiastic
politician Blair has apparently found a new mission. After the modernization of the Labor Party,
he will now remodel Europe, which is caught in socially romantic
"Time For Decisions"
Albrecht Meier asserted in centrist Der Tagesspiegel of
Berlin (6/24): "It is right that it
is difficult to enthuse the people for Europe, but the challenges Europe faces
are great. Europe is required in the
stabilization of Iraq, the integration of Turkey, and in the war on
terror. [Europeans] bear this common
responsibility, because every country on its own would not be able to master
the tasks. The U.S. is also expecting
Europe to be a political union. Although
Tony Blair does not want to see it this way, given this crisis, the question of
whether Europe wants to be simply a common market or a political union is
important. The Europeans should be
mature enough to discuss this issue openly in the years to come, even if this
ends in a break-up."
"Blair On The Way To Europe"
Alios Berger noted in left-of-center Berliner Zeitung
(6/24): "Tony Blair is taking over
the EU presidency in a week. It will be
up to him whether how successful he will be.
With the British rebate of five billion euros, he has a great asset in
his hands to get concessions by other governments. Giving up the rebate is overdue, and Blair
can even do something for Europe. If
Britain still has the rebate after the British presidency, we can all finally
forget the country as a European lead nation."
"Row Over Europe's Future"
Jürgen Thebrath commented on ARD-TV's (national channel one) late
evening newscast "Tagesthemen" (6/23): "The European Union is caught up in the
middle of a crisis. It has lost its
course and the officers aboard are fighting against each other. At least, Brussels' debacle has straightened
things out, thanks to Blair. Now, the
row over Europe's future has completely broken out. Do we want Europe to follow the British model
of a modern economic area or do we want Europe to continue the social and
political success story that made it strong?
Let's be plain: Every German pays
90 euros a year for the country's membership in the EU. In return, we get a free market, and are
allowed to travel and work everywhere.
Neither should we forget the 60 years of peace. This reality of Europe makes us attractive
for countries in to East. These poor new
members surprisingly offered financial sacrifices to protect Europe. Tony Blair has now repeated tough questions,
for instance concerning the agricultural policy, but he was not and still is
not ready for a common answer. The great
debate about Europe has started--it is worthwhile."
ITALY: "Blair Risks
Re-Uniting Europe"
Paolo Bagnoli judged in Rome's center-right daily Il Tempo
(6/23): "As we know, the Britons
don’t like the old continent; primary attention has always been for the former
American colonies; they have a minimalist conception of Europe and they are not
very interested in the political integration of new countries. Blair is
interested in the Europe of free trade, and not in a Europe that bonds its
members closer together...in a Europe of merits, competition, in order to
select the best to be rewarded. In other
words, a New Labor Europe.... Blair is
preparing to export the British model to Europe. The road won’t be easy, but the possible
government change in Germany might be of help.
In that case, an Anglo-German axis will replace the French German
one. For the time being, Chirac seems
cornered...but France can’t stay still, and most of all the process of
integration must be safeguarded, despite all the difficulties, including
Turkey. In fact, its arrest could be
fatal for a troubled Europe, which could overcome its problems if it had
greater self-cognizance."
AUSTRIA: "The Model
Ernst Trost contended in mass circulation tabloid Neue
Kronenzeitung (6/24): “Yes, it was a
rhetorically brilliant performance. The
picture that Blair painted of the current state of the EU and his vision of the
future is by no means an abstract painting.
Blair has confronted the Europeans with reality and brutally exposed
many of the Union’s weaknesses, for instance when he referred to the deficit in
productivity or the situation with regard to research and development in
relation to the U.S., or when he pointed out that China and India are on the
fast track. Also, his commitment to the
model of a Europe that is politically united on a solid social basis was worth
hearing. Whether this was just lip
service will be seen during the coming six difficult months of the British EU
"The Tony Blair One-Man Show"
Margaretha Copeinig held in mass-circulation Kurier
(6/24): "Blair’s diagnosis for
Europe, his brilliant rhetoric and the leadership affectations he displayed in
his speech at the European Parliament just serves to obscure what he really
wants: a quick ascension of Turkey to EU
membership status, and a weakening of EU institutions in favor of national
egotisms and power.... What the man from
Britain really has in mind with his reforms he will soon have the opportunity
to prove. Will he live up to his
reputation as unprincipled tactician or will he set new standards? Will he succeed in uniting all 25 members to
agree one position or will he leave them behind? At the end of the year one will be able to
tell. He who wants to mediate must
represent European convictions in a credible way. And he who sees himself as a mediator must
not engage in polemics and polarization.
The Green EU parliamentarian Daniel Cohn-Bendit is right when he says
that Europe cannot orient itself according to the British model, and not the
French or German one either. Europe
cannot function according to any national model. The political art lies in finding a
future-oriented mixture. This will be
Blair’s job."
"Light At The End Of The Tunnel"
Manfred Perterer commented in independent daily Salzburger
Nachrichten (6/24): "That’s how
quickly things can change. Just a while
ago, Tony Blair was Europe’s bogeyman:
Iraq war, backpedaling on the EU constitution and failed budget
negotiations had made him persona non grata, and not just for dyed-in-the-wool
Brussels EU bureaucrats. But now, after
his speech at the European Parliament he stands out as a hope for a modern,
competitive Europe that is accepted by its citizens. The specter of a crypto-liberal destroyer of
jobs who wants to scale down the EU to a pure market economy is fading. Blair appears as the light at the end of the
tunnel. Who would have thought
it?... However, caution is still the
order of the day. First, Tony Blair has
to prove that he is serious about his reform ideas. One speech alone cannot eliminate the years
of suspicion. What the man from Britain
has achieved, however, is that there is finally an open debate about the future
of Europe, something that many heads of government wanted to prevent. Those closed doors were thrust open by
"Tough Guy, What Now"
ORF Washington Correspondent Raimund Loew
commented in liberal Vienna city weekly Falter (6/23): "After the latest summit debacle, Tony
Blair has emerged as the new tough guy of Europe who, in spite of bad cards,
succeeded in rallying a respectable coalition behind his vision of an allegedly
more flexible and less bureaucratic EU."
"Must Show Muscles"
Koen Vidal stated in independent De Morgen
(6/24): "The British Prime
Minister worries about his position at home.
On May 5, the people dealt him an enormous electoral blow. Labor kept its majority, but Blair knows that
his position is unstable and that he is in danger from the leaders in his own
party. Blair is extremely smart and he
knows very well that a British politician must respect a number of fundamental
principles to stay in power. On of these
principles is that he must show his muscles in Brussels. A vulnerable leader who ignores that is in
trouble. In the coming six months Blair
will not deviate from that rule. We will
have to live with the slogan: 'Europe
will be more British, or it will not be.'
That may be good news for the opponents of Europe, but it will be
tragedy for those who want the EU to make progress the next six months."
"The Blair Show"
Kris Van Haver remarked in independent financial De Tijd
(6/24): "Blair presented
himself as a convinced European and a defender of a political and social
Europe. It was almost too nice to be
true, but his charm offensive worked.
Just like [Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude] Juncker, Blair
received applause for his European plans--and no punishment for sabotaging last
week’s EU summit. In Blair’s view,
Europe urgently needs a modernized economy.
It must change or it will disappear:
that is the British message.
Europe’s citizens want Europe to solve the problems of globalization,
unemployment and growing crime. If not,
the old continent will capsize, Blair warned with a clear reference to the 'No'
against the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands. Blair’s analysis is tough. The last few years Europe has not been able
to find an answer to the economic developments in the U.S., India and
China.... However, Blair did not come up
with concrete recipes to get out of the crisis.
He did not say either how that modernization should be carried out. The program of the British EU presidency the
next six months barely talks about European ambitions. Climate change, Africa and debt relief are
the British priorities.... That means
that Blair has an argument, but no solution.
He said what the problem is:
Europe must change and be appealing again. However, replacing the European model with
the British model is no option. What
Blair wants to do for Europe must be shown by his acts--not by his nice
HUNGARY: "Removing
Obstacles In Germany"
Peter Zentai said in liberal-leaning Magyar Hirlap
(6/24): "Tony Blair belongs among
the few who have recognized that in Germany today the division between the
opposing forces is exactly there where it is in the European Union. And the kind of thinking that wins in Germany
will also define the all-European thinking....
The question is: A. Should Germany (Europe) remain a...primarily social,
and [only] secondarily a market country (in the case of Europe, a union of
countries); B. or should it become an economic champion that, although not
entirely free of welfare features, focuses dominantly on the global market, and
for sustenance depends on that, and not on taxes?... Blair is eminently aware of the conditions in
Germany, and for the success of his concept of Europe, does what he needs to
do: works to overthrow Schroeder who continues to think in terms of the
French-German axis, and to help the victory of the Christian Democrats who seem
to be more and more Atlanticist (pro-America, pro-England) and more and more
market centered."
"Plan Gone Up In Smoke"
Adam Gere wrote in top-circulation, center left Nepszabadsag
(6/24): "The [French-German] Big
Plan [for close European integration] had one unacknowledged goal: to bring about a European superpower.... The failure of the constitution is now an
opportunity for an open 'economic Europe' to be born, instead of the integrated
'political Europe'. In a Europe based on
free competition and a market economy, the new member states have a good chance
to eliminate the difference in the living standard that has existed between the
two parts of the continent for centuries.
Their relatively well-trained labor, also ready for sacrifices, and an
economic policy encouraging competition may provide an opportunity for speedy
catching up.”
"Tony Blair's EU Presidency"
The center-left Irish Times declared (6/24): "After the shame of last week's bitter
recriminations...Blair faced a particular problem when he addressed the
European Parliament .... The rhetoric
was very good but does it mean anything?....
He is rightly blamed for the debacle of the last summit. Yet, he is the only EU leader who has
recognized and articulated the malaise among the citizens of Europe.... On balance he succeeded well yesterday in his
task. By concentrating on the need for a
substantive policy response to the problems facing Europe's states and
citizens.... But it remains to be seen
whether this will make it easier for Mr. Blair to advance his reformist agenda
with other EU political leaders over the next six months.... Without delivering Britain into the
euro-zone, as a real measure of commitment....
He failed to subordinate his transatlantic relationships in favor of
European interests. And, in the six
months of his presidency, he will have to abandon many English national
obsessions to convince Europeans of the bona fides of his vision and leadership
of the EU."
POLAND: "Tony Blair’s
Jan Skorzynski wrote in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(6/24): "The EU was
sidetracked. The reason is not the
British veto of the draft budget but the fact that the great aspirations of
[EU] leaders were accompanied by their reluctance to changes without which a
global power cannot be built.... Tony
Blair is one of the very few European leaders--if not the only--who is not
going to bury his head in the sand in this situation. One can agree with his vision or not, but
certainly it addresses real problems.
The British prime minister calls a spade a spade: if the EU turns its back on global challenges
and does not launch reforms, it risks strategic failure."
"Budget, Expansion, Constitution"
Robert Soltyk concluded in liberal Gazeta
Wyborcza (6/24): "Tony Blair
not just once proved that he has deep convictions and daring visions. Not only does he voice them, but he also
realizes them.... Now Blair has six
months to show that he is not only a visionary, but as well an architect of
European compromise."
SPAIN: "Europe,
According To Blair"
Left-of-center El Pais averred (6/24): "Blair deserves to be listened to when
he says he is ready to negotiate the hefty British check if it ties into a
reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.
The CAP is an acronym for an anachronistic and unjust system that
prevents subsidies, among other things, stops the development of fair trade
with some of the most impoverished countries on the planet, and will multiply
the EU's costs to modernize sections of the economy by seven.... The British strategy is based on the
predictable defeats of Schroeder and Chirac...that will bring about a European
political realignment that will eliminate the current Paris-Berlin axis."
"Blair On The Horizon"
Conservative ABC argued (6/24): "Europe has sunk into a deep
crisis. In this sense, it can be said
that the scene made in the last summit in Brussels was not very edifying from a
pro-European perspective.... The most
regrettable of the affair is that failure was due to excessive national
interest and the lack of pro-European involvement. In fact, the absence of sense of
responsibility was very grave and gave the political extent of those who are
piloting the European ship in this tempest of pessimism.... The EU needs shock therapy to recover the
confidence and peace it has lost, although some people have sworn to get even
with Blair and are waiting for the right moment to make his life impossible. If Europe wants to survive, it should
change. But as Blair said yesterday, if
it lets itself go by last inertia, failure will be its most certain fate."
"From Juncker To Blair"
Centrist La Vanguardia concluded (6/24): "In a simple interpretation of facts, it
is paradoxical that a Christian-Democrat acts as an advocate of social and
political Europe facing a Labor Party member.
The answer is to be found in the history of European construction
itself. [Luxembourg Prime Minister
Jean-Claude] Juncker is part of the group of founding partners and a heir to
social-Christian tradition.... Blair is
the most pro-European face of British politicians, but...'new Laborism' has integrated some of the reforms of the
Thatcherist revolution that the continental right...has not made yet. On paper, Blair's speech denies the
caricature that presents him as a champion of liberalism. His thesis--economic modernization and
structural reforms, planned in the agenda of Lisbon--are exactly the right
tools to confront the era of globalization and safeguard social Europe. That is the program of his semestral
presidency.... However, it remains to be
seen if he will have enough time and allies to win his bet."
CANADA: "Blair To
EU: Wake Up"
The leading Globe and Mail opined (6/24): "Since the shock of this spring's twin
noes, Europe's leaders have been asking themselves what could possibly have
gone wrong. Was the text of the constitution
too hard for people to understand? Were
they mad at us for something else? In
fact, the answer is straightforward.
Europe is not working. In an age
of global trade and rising competition from Asia, its economic model coddles
existing workers and companies instead of encouraging new ones. In an age when smart governments invest in
knowledge and skills, its social model relies on handing out checks left and
right. In an age when people demand more
responsive, more accountable government, the EU's is remote, high-handed and
bureaucratic. All is not lost. As Mr. Blair notes, Europe's crisis presents
it with 'an extraordinary, historic opportunity.' If it seizes the chance to renew and
modernize itself, it could still be an economic and political force in the world. If it pretends nothing has happened and
everything is dandy, the dream of a strong and influential European Union is
little more than a fantasy"
BRAZIL: "Crisis In The
European Union"
University of Sao Paulo Professor Gilberto Dupas commented in center-right
O Estado de S. Paulo (6/25):
"George W. Bush and Tony Blair were the great beneficiaries of the
'no' victory on the referenda in France and the Netherlands. The resulting political impasse, as well as
the economic crisis affecting the region, has left undecided the future of the
bloc.... But while Europe is nearing a
recession, England resists, keeping itself out of the euro area.... Blair has been a master of survival and made
intelligent bets aligned with the U.S. power.... In addition to problems in Germany and
France, difficulties have emerged in three other major European nations. The Spanish 'miracle' seems to have been
exhausted.... Italy is officially experiencing
recession since May, a situation that has occurred in the Netherlands too.... Meanwhile, Washington is taking advantage of
the confusion by occupying with its radicals key positions in the World Bank
and the UN, and, in a chorus with London, it has mocked the 'old decadent
French-German axis' Europe.' The
European project of power aimed at balancing the global game with the U.S. has
been adjourned. And the world will have
to assume the serious consequences of that fact."
"European Challenges"
Liberal Folha de S. Paulo asserted (6/24): "The truth is that the European leaders
are still astonished with the French and Dutch rejection of the proposal for a
new constitution for the bloc.... The
fact that Blair is involved in an almost personal dispute with Chirac does not
make his considerations less truthful.
The EU has reached a level of social welfare that must be preserved and
imitated, but, in order to ensure the maintenance of such achievements, it is
necessary that its economies are competitive.
To find formulas to reconcile the welfare state with an efficient
economy is the great challenge. The path
to do so requires, as Blair points out, more investments in science and less in
an agriculturally subsidized Europe."
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