July 1, 2005
** Ft. Bragg speech
"made clear" Bush has no "comprehensive" plan to end war in
** Critics fault Bush for
invoking "recycled" and "obsolete" 9/11 argument.
** Arab, Asian outlets call
Bush "more ambigious than ever" about true nature of Iraq mission.
** Even doubters mostly
agree that early U.S. withdrawal would be "fatal."
'Defensive' Bush reiterates commitment-- Saying he was "on the defensive at
home" as well as "stuck in the Iraqi quagmire," global
commentators said President Bush's speech on the anniversary of the return of
sovereignty to Iraq was an attempt to "buy time" in the face of
"declining support" from the U.S. public and "dissension from
within his own party." Bush
"admitted the difficulties and hardships of the armed conflict,"
judged Russia's centrist Nezavisimaya Gazeta. But he did not offer a "new
vision," leading Hungary's right-of-center Magyar Nemzet to
complain that Bush should have articulated "at least a proposal on how to
create better, more humane conditions in Iraq."
'Banking on Americans' fears'--
Dailies charged that Bush had played the "trump card" of 9/11
in order to stop the "escalation of criticism." Critics, declaring the U.S. had
"exaggerated Saddam Hussein's ties to al-Qaida," called the
references to 9/11 "Orwellian" and charged that al-Qaida's presence
in Iraq is "an effect, not the cause" of the war. Conservative papers, however, said Bush was
"right to describe [Iraq] as the latest battlefield in the global war on
terror." The point, contended the Australian,
is that "the Islamists have made Iraq the new front in the war on terror
by their choice, not ours."
'No surprises'-- Arab and
developing-country outlets dismissed the "defensive speech" as
"more of a PR exercise than a policy." The address "had nothing new in
it," held China's official Xinhua Daily Telegraph. Iraqi and Palestinian editorialists wondered
"exactly what mission" Bush is on, while a Jordanian stated that Bush
"purposefully ignored" the fact that Iraq's "tragic
situation...has made the slogans of freedom and democracy a moral and political
farce." Venezuela's pro-government Diario
VEA mocked, Bush "is at a dead end.
His only exit is defeat, which, sooner or later, will take place."
'Not the time to go wobbly'--
Arab papers said Bush "will have to" announce a withdrawal
"someday." Most analysts,
though, maintained that "rapid withdrawal...or even setting the agenda for
such withdrawal, is not an option."
Canada's nationalist Ottawa Citizen counseled that "the
struggle for a free Iraq is not something the West can walk away from,"
while others, like Germany's centrist Der Tagesspiegel, concluded that
pulling troops out "would cause an even greater catastrophe." Holland's influential NRC Handelsblad,
a frequent critic of the war, pointed out that a "stable and democratic
Iraq is also in the interest of Europe" and admonished NATO to contribute
more than its so-far "symbolic" assistance. "The Americans and the British cannot do
it alone," the paper said.
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Steven Wangsness
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 49 reports from 31 countries June 29-July1, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "They Have No
Idea How To Win Their War"
Former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook wrote in the left-of-center Guardian
(7/1): "In June there were more
casualties among coalition troops and Iraqi forces than a year ago in the same
month--before the handover of sovereignty that we were promised would transform
security. We will continue to lose this
conflict until U.S. forces grasp that they breed more insurgents by the
indiscriminate use of firepower and by putting higher priority on killing
rebels rather than protecting civilians."
"If You Reckon Americans Are...Trigger-Happy Warriors, Think
Gerard Baker concluded in the conservative Times
(7/1): "No one can set out a
detailed path to victory against an insurgent enemy. But the Bush administration needs to
demonstrate a commitment to getting the job done. That means not only protestations of resolve,
but actions to back it up; specifically more troops if needed. Otherwise the steady attrition of support
will gather ominous momentum."
"Bush Remains Steadfast Under Iraqi Fire"
The conservative Daily Telegraph editorialized (6/30): "Mr. Bush was...right to describe it as
the latest battlefield in the global war on terror, although that raises the
question of why Washington, having taken control of the country, allowed it,
through poor planning, to become so. For
the sake of its own reputation, and the safety of moderate regimes in the
Middle East, the United States must now see this conflict out."
"One Fine Speech Cannot Save A Presidency"
Chief editorial writer Mary Dejevsky commented in the center-left Independent
(6/30): "With the mayhem in Iraq
heading prime-time news broadcasts many nights of the week and no 'timetable'
in prospect for a U.S. withdrawal, the 43rd U.S. president is in trouble. He may escape impeachment--for knowingly
misleading the American public and Congress--but he may suffer the next worst
fate of a president: leaving no positive
legislative or other achievement that would mark his place in America's
"Desperate Bush"
The conservative tabloid Daily Mail judged (6/30): "This is a president who took his
country into a bloody conflict on a series of lies. With support for the occupation fast
crumbling in the U.S., the President is at it again as he tries to meld the
Iraq insurgency with the evil schemes of Osama bin Laden--this when Saddam's
Iraq was implacably opposed to al-Qaida.
It won't work. The American
public is beginning to see through his lurid rhetoric."
FRANCE: "Pullout Or
Retreat From Iraq?"
Jacques Hubert-Rodier observed in right-of-center Les Echos
(7/1): "Iraq is on the brink of a
civil war. Considering the risks for the
region's stability, one might have expected a new vision...which the U.S.
president did not provide.... No one
wants chaos or a civil war in Iraq....
The question today is how to stabilize Iraq and through what
means.... And this is exactly the
question to which President Bush did not bring an answer.... He rejected the possibility of a progressive
pullout calendar.... This position makes
even more difficult the return to full Iraqi sovereignty.... If George Bush does not begin to plan for a
progressive pullout from Iraq his soldiers could well be stuck in the Iraqi
quagmire. An exit strategy would require
that other countries send troops and/or re-enforce their military
presence. A difficult prospect when in
fact the trend is exactly the opposite."
GERMANY: "Unclear
Peter Sturm commented in center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine
(6/30): "Chancellor Schröder did
certainly not even dream of becoming the crown witness for Bush's Iraq policy,
but the American president, who has come on the defensive at home, referred to
the war opponent in order to explain to his people the necessity of staying
course. Indeed, there is no way around
it. Pulling out of Iraq would be
fatal. The Iraqi security forces will
not be able for the time being to create peace and order in the country."
"Helpless In Washington"
Michael Backfisch noted in business daily Handelsblatt of
Duesseldorf (6/30): "In the past,
the President has always known how to play the September 11 trump card. He dealt Republicans a landslide victory in
the 2002 congressional elections and he secured his own reelection by his
strict anti-terror policy. But Bush's
tactical strength cannot make up for his strategic weakness. His speech in Fort Bragg made clear once more
that the administration lacks a comprehensive concept for putting an end to the
terror in Iraq. This also explains the
unprecedented cacophony of its leading representatives. While Vice President Cheney grandiosely
announced that the insurgency is in its last throes, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
spoke of a fight that could last 12 more years.
Appeals to stand firm cannot remove such contradictions. Bush calls for patience, but that is exactly
what people are short of."
"Doomed To Patience"
Clemens Wergin asserted in centrist Der Tagesspiegel of
Berlin (6/30): "One year ago, the
U.S. officially handed over power to the Iraqi government, and because the
security situation is not getting better, there are more people in the U.S. now
calling for a date by when the troops can go home. U.S. President Bush was right to reject these
demands, because such a date would only encourage the insurgency. The West cannot afford to leave Iraq to the
terrorists.... You do not improve the
catastrophic situation by withdrawing U.S. troops. This would cause an even greater
catastrophe. The U.S. has made its own
bed there and now has to lie in it."
"Hindu Kush And Euphrates"
Business daily Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
editorialized (6/30): "In the
question of Iraq it is no longer important who was right in the past. What matters today is how the country can
overcome the dangerous chaos. The
differences between America and Europe are much smaller here than it looks like
at first glance.... There are no
convincing alternatives to the current twofold U.S. strategy. On the one hand, the young Iraqi democracy
must be further supported politically and militarily. For the time being, the U.S. forces are
indispensable in the fight against ruthless opponents.... Setting a date for withdrawal would be a
dangerous signal to all opponents of a democratic Iraq. Leaving Iraq and Afghanistan to Islamists and
terrorists would be a disaster for the region, the U.S. and Europe."
ITALY: "Bush Has
Overused September 11th"
Arturo Zampaglione contended in the left-leaning influential daily
La Repubblica (6/30):
"The reference to the blackest day in American history raised
strong emotions across the Atlantic. And
Bush wanted to have this collective fear raised to stop the hemorrhage of
consensus and escalation of criticism that is translating into a debacle of the
popularity of the White House. In
reality, before the American invasion, there were no traces of bin Laden in
Iraq. And the presence [of al-Qaida] now
is an effect, not the cause, of the actions of the Pentagon. But immediate polls reveal that Bush’s
political operation had a certain success."
"We Will Not Betray The Promises Of September 11th"
Alberto Pasolini Zanelli wrote from Washington in the
pro-government, leading center-right daily Il Giornale (6/30): "[Bush] didn’t promise anything.... For this reason commentators had the
impression that [he]...didn't say 'anything new' and didn’t 'delineate a
strategy'. [This is] an unclear
impression: the President has a strategy
and has just launched it with his keynote to the soldiers. He started, rather, a new 'offensive.' Only that the addressees aren’t Iraqis, but
Americans, and the 'offensive' is instead essentially a defense. And the key word was not found in the
specific promises or in a vision of the future of Iraq (that has changed even
if it has become even more nebulous regarding the timetable), but in a recall
of the past. A good eight instances,
almost obsessively, the man of the White House spoke of how September 11th had
changed everything, as an event on which every decision depended and to which
each of his strategies referred."
RUSSIA: "Getting
Hooked On War"
Sergey Strokan commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(6/30): "What made George Bush call
Iraq the main battlefield in the war for America’s security? [Coming] from the Administration, it sounds
new but quite improbable. It is risky,
too. George Bush is really taking
chances, as 'collective Osama bin Laden' may take advantage of him. The President’s words can be taken at faith
value only as long as explosions shake Iraq, not the United States. Once, God forbid, al-Qaida tries something in
the United States again, the Bush concept to move the war on terror to third
countries, away from home, will instantly fall through and the Iraq campaign
will make no sense anymore."
"Bush Admits Problems"
Artur Blinov observed in centrist Nezavisimaya Gazeta
(6/30): "Unlike Vice President
Cheney, whose recent statements caused many to protest their 'triumphant' tone,
Bush admitted the difficulties and hardships of the armed conflict."
Ernst Trost opined in mass-circulation tabloid Neue
Kronenzeitung (6/30): "Like
Donald Rumsfeld, Bush, has adopted a realistic view that sees no definite date
for a withdrawal of the GIs. However,
the main purpose of his exercise in rhetoric was to make clear to doubtful
Americans that Iraq is the most important battleground in the war against
terror.... The U.S. president didn't
give his citizens much hope. His
generals would decide when the Iraqis had reached the point where they could
protect themselves, he said. Notably, he
appealed to the Sunnis to commit to the democratic process instead of
continuing their fight. For the time
being, however, violence dominates everyday life in Iraq. The number of victims is continually on the
rise. The President led the Americans
into war, but he has no clue how to get them out of it."
"Getting Closer To Reality"
Foreign affairs writer Livia Klingl judged in
mass-circulation Kurier (6/30):
"George Bush in his second term only bears faint resemblance to
George Bush in his first. Not because his hair has turned grayer, but because
his thinking has become more realistic and his language has more nuance. Bush's speech...contained hardly any of the
platitudes uttered previously about the 'good' people and the sacrifices that
they will have to make to fight against the anti-American, anti-freedom, and
anti-modernity 'evil' that comes straight out of the Islamic middle ages. Pseudo-instant solutions for the erection of
democratic lighthouses in despotic desert areas were missing from the
speech--the everything-is-possible optimism that prevailed at the beginning of
the war was toned down considerably. The
President's speechwriters adapted his choice of words to a miserable
reality. The average Americans did the
same with their assessments of the President's political abilities.... The only comfort is that at present there is
no one else with a better idea how to get out of this long drawn-out tragedy in
Iraq than to have patience and muddle along."
"Banking On The Americans’ Fears"
U.S. correspondent Nathalie Mattheiem wrote in left-of-center Le
Soir (6/30): "President Bush
has tried to persuade Americans that he has a plan to win his Iraqi bet. It is a minimal one, i.e., staying the
course. Its justification remains the
9/11 attacks.... In his 30-minute
address on freedom and patriotic values, the President did not define what a
victory would be, or how he would obtain it, whereas Americans are witnessing
with an horror that he says he shares the daily bloodbaths in Iraq. On the contrary, the President recycled an
argument that was part of the initial propaganda to justify the invasion of
Iraq, i.e., the connection with the 9/11 attacks. Skipping the very controversial weapons of
mass destruction chapter, he mentioned al-Qaida and Usama bin Laden to claim
that Iraq is the main front in the war on terror. One has to have quite some nerve--or even be
somewhat desperate--to do that.... There
is also a taste of defeat in this constant repetition of an obsolete message,
after having promised a beaming liberation....
Whom did the President convince?
Probably not many abroad, where people will surely point out the
President’s exaggerations when he spoke about international cooperation. He probably did not convince many among the
Democrats either. Actually, the
President’s address seemed to be meant for an audience that supports him, i.e.,
the conservative and patriotic America."
BULGARIA: "From Orwell
To Bush"
Nationalist, stridently anti-U.S. daily Monitor commented
(6/30): "In an Orwellian style,
George Bush once again tried to convince the Americans and the world that he
was right about the war in Iraq. In the
last year, neither the attacks against the occupiers, nor the casualties on
both sides have decreased in number....
Even though bin Laden is nowhere to be found, Bush once again used his
name as an excuse for the war, even though it’s widely known that there was no
love lost between Saddam and bin Laden.
It’s all a means to an end when the safety of the Bush family financial
assets and Cheney’s oil business are concerned.... Is this what Bulgarian soldiers are dying for
in Iraq? What are the Bulgarians doing
in Iraq?"
CROATIA: "The High
Price Of American Defense In Iraq"
Salih Konjhodzic observed in Zagreb-based,
government-owned Vjesnik (6/30):
"It is almost certain that retaining of Americans [in Iraq] could
influence further strengthening of the Iraqi resistance movement, which would
contribute to a growing spiral of bloodshed and violence. Even though Bush is warning that there will
be no retreat from Iraq, there have been many signs that he is doing everything
he can so that American soldiers will return to their homes as soon as
possible. The key issue in all this is
how to preserve the strategic economic-political results of the violent
overthrow of Saddam Hussein? Americans
do not care so much whether Shiites or Sunnis will be in power in Baghdad. What they care about is the frantic attempt
to preserve current control over flow of Iraqi oil and gas."
"Bush’s Reminder Of The Enemy"
Right-of-center Aamulehti editorialized
(6/30): "Democratic politicians
criticized the President for referring to 9/11 five times in his speech. The critics said there is no evidence of
links between al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. But not even the Democrats can change the
fact that terrorism exists.... The
U.S.-led coalition cannot leave Iraq before Baghdad can guarantee safety in the
country. Setting a deadline would be a
clear sign to the terrorists who could just sit tight and wait."
"The Announcement Never Made"
Laszlo Szentesi Zoldi opined in right-of-center Magyar Nemzet
(7/1): "There are several
considerations that make the change, the replacement of the Bush doctrine with
some sort of a settlement plan necessary.
First of all: we have to see
that, with the exception of Baghdad and the Sunni triangle, the Iraqi war is
transforming into a low-intensity conflict....
In addition to the changes in the international environment and the slow
dissolving of the multinational military force, a new move would also be
justified by the fact that George W. Bush is now president for the second
time. As he cannot have a third term he
no longer has to worry about issues that could affect the elections.... What kind of an announcement does the world
expect from the American president? Some
sort of a settlement plan, or at least a proposal on how to create better, more
humane conditions in Iraq that has been bombed down and thrown into
poverty. Because, regardless of their
political orientations and interests, everybody agrees that the solidifying of
the current conditions will bring about an unprecedented poverty and despair in
the country that has suffered so much."
"The Man Of The Day"
Foreign affairs writer Eva Elekes opined in left-of-center Nepszava
(6/30): "Little is Bush disturbed
by the fact that, no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to find a
direct connection between al-Qaida and the Iraqi regime.... The President’s strategists are racking their
brains to find out how to stop his decline [of popularity]. Perhaps the Saddam trial can bring about a
breakthrough? Or if they finally find
Osama bin Laden? If things continue to
go the same way, Bush will stumble through his four years as a lame duck. Well, he can afford that, as now he will go
down in history as a president of dramatic times anyway."
Influential independent NRC Handelsblad editorialized
(6/30): "America will still meet
its military commitments in Iraq. That
was actually the message in President Bush’s remarks delivered at Fort
Bragg.... A high price is being paid for
the battle for the reconstruction of Iraq--in human lives, in suffering, and in
money.... The President said, 'our
progress has been uneven, but progress is being made.' The latter is certainly true. Earlier this year Iraq was able to hold free
elections and in between the bomb attacks the country is now working on putting
together a democratic government. And we
should also not forget that the Americans arrested the dictator. Saddam will have to account for his action
before a court. These are facts we
cannot ignore. However, President Bush’s
premise that American presence in Iraq is necessary to fight terrorism, is
still controversial.... For now Iraq
will continue to be in pandemonium. A
rapid withdrawal of the Americans, or even setting the agenda for such
withdrawal, is not an option.... The
coalition is thinning. NATO’s
contribution by providing military training is only symbolic and does not mean
much in numbers. German Chancellor
Schroeder during his recent visit to the White House said that a stable and
democratic Iraq is also in the interest of Europe.... Well-said.
But what is Germany doing as a NATO member state to fulfill these
words? Too little! The Americans and the British cannot do it
alone in Iraq. They are in a suffocating
swamp and need help, preferably provided within a NATO context."
"President Bush Fails"
Influential liberal De Volkskrant editorialized
(6/30): "During the American
election campaign last year, there was one subject with which President Bush
managed to repeatedly score off his opponent, and that was, 'the war on
terror'.... After the successful
elections there was hope that the tide would turn in Iraq but in the last few
weeks we have seen the security situation in Iraq again worsening
dramatically.... Withdrawing American
troops could in this current situation indeed have dramatic consequences. The interim government in Baghdad does not
yet have a reliable army and police force to maintain a minimum of law and
order. The danger of a civil war is not
imaginary. Is there any light at the end
of the tunnel? Fortunately, Bush did not
follow his vice president who said last week that the insurgents were in their
last throes, a statement which lacks every credibility.... The President asked his people for
patience. Opinion polls show that
patience is in short supply. Given the
fact that military efforts have reached their limits, political initiatives
will have to be used to break the cycle of violence. Unfortunately, Bush's speech did not include
any prospects in this regard."
NORWAY: "Bush Treading
Water In Iraq"
The newspaper-of-record Aftenposten judged (6/30): "With selected soldiers as back-drop,
President George W. Bush delivered a new speech to the Americans and to the
world on the crisis in Iraq--more than two years after he announced 'mission
accomplished.' One by one the grim
predictions on the dangers of such a military intervention are coming
true. Notable in this speech is that the
original reasons to enter the war--weapons of mass destruction being the most
important one--are not mentioned.
Instead the President sees a clear connection between the terrorism on
September 11, 2001, and the old Iraqi regime--a connection that is almost
unilaterally denied by a number of experts on terror and the Middle East. In reality, Bush is trying to tread water in
Iraq. He’s trying to buy time.... The Americans will manage to earn time, but
the question is what kind of development will take place in this period. It has not been long since the CIA pointed
out that the invasion in Iraq and the Americans' actions in the aftermath have
turned Iraq into a magnet and training camp for Islamic terrorists. Sooner or later the United States also has to
account for their losses and wins in Iraq.
So far the losses dominate."
"Everybody’s Quagmire"
Independent VG had this to say (6/30): "The Iraq war is worth the sacrifices
the Americans make, President George W. Bush says. Fewer and fewer Americans agree with him on
that.... The mistakes that were made,
both in relation to strategy and to the number of soldiers, are unfixable. [But] discussions on what went wrong do not create
peace in Iraq. Representatives for the
Democratic Party in the United States criticize the President for lacking a
concrete plan for how the United States can end its involvement in Iraq in a
proper manner. But neither can the
Democrats point out an exit route. The
Americans are in this quagmire together.
In fact, we are all there together.
Terrorists being trained in Iraq are everybody's business. They are terrorists, not resistance
fighters. Many are foreigners whose top
priority is not a free and democratic Iraq.
They want to achieve as much chaos as possible and create the deepest
possible wounds on the United States and the rest of the Western world. It has become too easy for the war opposition
in Europe to let the United States stand alone in the disaster they have
created. We are all counting on the
possibility that at some point in time it will be possible for the United
States to withdraw from an Iraq that functions well, a peaceful Iraq free of
hatcheries for new terrorists."
SWEDEN: "Bush’s
Top-circulation Social Democratic Aftonbladet
argued (6/30): "The road to peace
and security goes via Baghdad. This is
one favorite phrase among George W. Bush’s neo-conservative advisers.... But the 'road via Baghdad' has undermined the
U.S. ability to further Mideast democratization. This is clearly stated in the much-publicized
UN 'Arab Human Development Report,' which was also very critical of the forms
of government in the Arab world.... A
considerable part of Arab public opinion is also asking the question whether
the U.S. goal really is to promote democracy rather than unfairly appropriate
Arab oil supplies and secure military strategic advantages. In many parts in the Mideast the Islamists
are the ones who demand free elections, well aware of growing popular
support.... The American strategy, which
coincides with that of the authoritarian leaders in, for example, Egypt, is
aimed at fighting these movements (Hamas and Hizbollah). Mideast dictators generally support Bush’s ‘war
against terrorism.’ In the choice
between the unforeseen results of democracy in the Mideast and the need for
reliable, though authoritarian, allies, it is hard to believe that Bush will
choose democracy."
"Only Jihadists Want a U.S. Withdrawal"
Claes Arvidsson argued in the conservative Svenska Dagbladet
(6/30): "President Bush has
problems in Iraq and in U.S. opinion polls...and when the the other day
addressed the nation from Fort Bragg, it was an attempt to shift the
opinion.... The demand in the U.S. for a
U.S. withdrawal from Iraq is merely a play for the galleries, according to
George Friedman, head of the security consulting agency Stratfor. In reality only the jihadists are at present
interested in getting rid of the U.S., and they are of little importance in the
political arena."
TURKEY: "A Pathetic
Situation For Bush"
Fehmi Koru argued in the pro-government/Islamist Yeni Safak
(7/1): "It is hard to imagine how
the remarks of President Bush could possibly raise the morale of the American
people.... Bush talked about the
pressing need to attack Iraq and topple Saddam.
The justification used to be weapons of mass destruction. But this time President Bush gave 9/11 as
reason. He did not even bother to draw a
link, direct or indirect, between the events of 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. Bush’s approach is a clear indication that
the problems he created for his own country and for the world are not going to
end in the foreseeable future. President
Bush listed the reasons why the U.S. should remain in Iraq. He was hoping that none of us would notice
that these reasons were all consequences of the invasion of Iraq in the first
place.... The audience, mostly military,
gave no applause or any sign of enthusiasm.
Given the situation, there is nothing to justify high morale. This is a pathetic situation for Bush."
"No McDonald’s Without Douglas"
Akif Emre wrote in the pro-government/Islamist-oriented Yeni
Safak (6/30): "President Bush’s
Ft. Bragg speech is a defensive statement that comes at a time when criticism
of U.S. foreign policy has reached its peak.
But we would be underestimating this statement if we believe that Bush's
remarks indicate only his lack of intellectual capacity or a coherent military
strategy. In fact, President Bush is
defending the strategy of the occupation, and the arguments he used were strong
indicators of America’s pursuit of global hegemony."
WEST BANK: "Ambiguity
Of Mission And Inevitability Of Failure"
Mohammad Yaghi commented in independent Al-Ayyam
(6/30): "The contradictory
statements by leaders of this [American] administration confirm the
nonexistence of any exit strategy from Iraq.
While Cheney stressed that the resistance is on its way to defeat and
that it is on its last legs, Rumsfeld emphasized that the confrontation may
extend for 12 years to come. And while
Rice underlined that insurgency will be defeated as a result of its isolation by
the Iraqi people, Bush underscored that the confrontation will be violent and
difficult in the coming months. In his
Fort Bragg speech, Bush reminded the Americans time and time again that his war
in Iraq is part of his international war on terrorism...and that the exit from
Iraq will not be set by any timetable, but rather when the mission is
complete. However, everybody is clueless
as to what this mission is about. Was it
the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime?
Or is it safeguarding the unity of Iraq and maintaining its
stability? Is it defeating the
terrorists in Iraq? Or is it spreading
democracy in the Middle East? Or maybe
it is all these."
IRAQ: "Bush Does Not
Have A New Strategy For Iraq"
Bassem Al-Sheikh wrote in independent Ad-Dustoor
(6/30): "U.S. President George Bush
did not provide new information during his speech at Fort Bragg.... Bush appeared insistent in sticking to his
previous strategy.... Bush focused on
three main issues of concern. The first issue revolved around his attempt to
counter the concern of the American people regarding the increasing number of
U.S. soldiers that are being killed....
Bush seemed to be addressing the Democrats who have begun to refer to
the Iraqi situation as a quagmire. Bush
attempted to diminish these doubts while simultaneously admitting that Iraq
poses a difficult test.... At the same
time...Bush stated that setting a date for U.S. withdrawal would convey the
wrong message to the Iraqi people who want to be sure that the Americans will
not leave them before accomplishing the mission. Bush's clear statement on this issue puts an
end to the debate over whether a timetable should be established..... The U.S. will stay in Iraq until the mission
is accomplished. However...exactly what
mission is Bush referring to?...
Bush...indicates that he opposes sending more American troops.... He considers this would counter the U.S.
strategy that is aimed at supporting Iraqis to take the lead.... Perhaps President Bush meant to summarize his
strategy on how to deal with the situation in Iraq. However, he did not discuss many important
subjects because he chose to deal with the situation solely from an American
perspective. Today, Iraq is in worse
condition than it was a year ago. We do
not want to discover that the next year will become even worse."
"Way Forward In Iraq"
The pro-government English-language Arab News
held (6/30): "Bush is on the
political ropes, his domestic reputation bleeding faster than his soldiers in
Iraq.... This may not be a conflict that
ordinary Americans are going to stand for very much longer so the president
Tuesday played his last card--that if Washington gave a time and date for its
Iraqi disengagement--it would be a major victory for the terrorists.... The invasion of Iraq gave al-Qaida both an
abundance of U.S. targets and a fresh cause....
They have made bloody use of both.
But Washington’s problems are nothing compared with those being faced by
Iraqis.... The Americans cannot solve
the violence because they are part of the problem. There is still however the chance that the
Iraqis can do it for themselves.... A
rapid agreement on a constitution that strongly reflects the interests of all
Iraqi communities is absolutely essential.
So too is the rapid inclusion of all local militias within the Iraqi
military.... If the majority in the
transitional government are serious about a united and free Iraq, they must
look to defending themselves and dispensing with American help as quickly as
possible.... But will Bush ever admit
that while America, for all its power, cannot defeat itself the insurgency in
Iraq, truly united, the Iraqis very probably can?"
"Bush’s Speech And The Occupation’s Crisis"
Samih Ma’aytah noted in independent Al-Ghad (6/30): "U.S. President George Bush was not
particularly intelligent in saying there will not be an announcement of a
timetable for withdrawing his troops occupying Iraq on the grounds that such
could be considered a victory for the resistance. Yet, this American declaration confirms what
Bush wanted to deny: even the very
thought of withdrawing is in the cards but its rejection is due to fear that it
would be seen as a victory for the fighters....
America’s problem in Iraq is not just in the military losses or even in
the failure of its forces to maintain security; it is in reconstructing Iraq to
what it used to be before the war....
America knows that Iraq’s problem is not going to be resolved by holding
elections under the occupation, but rather by building a new Iraq where its
citizens benefit from its riches, have control over their sovereignty and feel
safe. This is where the occupation
failed. If President Bush refuses to
announce a withdrawal timetable now, then he will have to someday."
"Bush’s Speech"
Chief Editor Taher Udwan asserted in independent, mass-appeal Al-Arab
Al-Yawm (6/30): "At first
glance, someone reading Bush’s recent speech about Iraq would have the
impression that America is not going to withdraw from Iraq despite the fact
that it has turned into a quagmire for the American troops.... Bush considers setting a timetable for his
troops' withdrawal a grave mistake, a bad message to the Iraqi people, the
American soldiers and what he calls the terrorists. The question is: is there anything worse for the Iraqi people
and the American soldiers than the current situation, and is there anything
better for the terrorists and the resistance?... Bush purposefully ignored [that]...there is a
resistance against his troops...that the tragic situation under which the Iraqis
live has made the slogans of freedom and democracy a moral and political
farce...that the slogan of rebuilding Iraq has become nothing more than a
bitter joke .... The Iraqi people and
America’s soldiers and their families find nothing worse than Bush’s messages,
bringing them news of an extended war without further purpose or aim than what
the world sees today."
"Bush Speech Lacked Vital Points On Iraq"
The semi-official English-language Gulf Times
maintained (6/30): "There were no
surprises in the speech that U.S. President George W. Bush made.... It was more of a public relations exercise
than a policy statement.... His speech
didn’t contain an exit policy but it sounded more ambiguous than ever and must
have left the Americans wondering when the 140,000 U.S. servicemen will return
home.... After the Bush speech it
appeared that there is no cohesion among U.S. leaders and their statements on
Iraq have given mixed messages.... As
the Iraqi security forces are still years away from being able to tackle the
insurgency on their own, the Americans will have to stay for a longer period in
the country than generally anticipated....
The much-anticipated speech lacked the two most important points as to
how and when Iraqi forces would be able to fight without U.S. support and about
reconstruction goals, which have been floundering amidst rising
"Repercussions Of War"
Mohamed Khair Jamali opined in government-owned Al-Thawra
(6/30): "President Bush's defensive
speech is part of a stable policy the U.S. administration has adopted to
prevent the growing criticism from creating a shift in the U.S. pubic opinion
as happened during the Vietnam war....
Linking the war on Iraq with the war on terrorism, depicting Iraqi
resistance for occupation as terrorism and warning against scheduling a
withdrawal...all these will not contain the crisis or eliminate it."
UAE: "Bush Delivers A
Recycled Speech"
The English-language expatriate-oriented Gulf News declared
(6/30): "President George W. Bush's
attempt to bolster support for his policy in Iraq contained nothing new and
nothing pointing to a way out of this mess....
He reverted to his usual rhetoric on freedom and the fight against terrorism. First, the Iraqi government's performance has
been lackluster so far. It still
contains friction between the Shiites, who are themselves divided, and the
Sunnis.... Suffering the lowest approval
ratings in his career...Bush repeatedly harked back to 9/11 and cited Osama bin
Laden as a reason for continuing U.S.involvement in Iraq. It is no secret, though, that his
administration exaggerated Saddam Hussein's ties to al-Qaida. Iraq is not 'the latest battlefield in this
war,' as he contended. Bush's speech did
not answer any questions about Iraq's future either. There is still a large U.S. military presence
in this country and the insurgency is showing no sign of abating. Indeed, it appears to be escalating. And yes, the United States is fighting the
insurgents, but that is not why it invaded Iraq. Bush's speech was a smokescreen for not
offering an exit strategy.... The
questions most Iraqis might well ask are:
where is [the promised] freedom
and what is its price? Bush did
not have a clear answer to that. What
was clear, however, is that Iraqi security forces are far from prepared to
tackle the insurgency on their own.
There must be an effective strategy to end this war and Bush's recycled
speech again failed to offer a clear vision for Iraq."
AUSTRALIA: "Challenges
For The U.S. And Us"
The conservative national Australian
editorialized (6/30): "George W.
Bush made a strong case for staying the course in Iraq yesterday. While critics
will say he harped too much on 9/11, given the original casus belli in Iraq was
WMD, the point is the Islamists have made Iraq the new front in the war on
terror by their choice, not ours.
Second, while the political evolution of Iraq has suffered numerous
setbacks, courtesy of the insurgents, it has nevertheless been a wonder to
behold. And given how long it took for
democracy to evolve in the West, Iraq's two-year trajectory from tyranny, to
war, to multi-party, multi-ethnic democracy can hardly be dismissed as
tardy.... But even if Mr. Bush had not
made a forceful case, it is difficult to see any alternative to the policy of
maintaining coalition troop levels until an indigenous Iraqi security force can
be trained.... What do those who counsel
an immediate withdrawal of troops imagine would follow it?... The answer would likely be a bloodbath,
followed by the collapse of Iraq's democratic architecture. While cutting and running has never been an
option, there is plenty the U.S. and its allies could be doing better,
particularly in allocating more resources to training those who will replace
them.... Second, in the U.S. there has
been a decline in public confidence in Iraq policy that will give heart to the
insurgents. One thing Mr Bush could do
to stem it would be to cut loose Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.... Given that the insurgency lacks an
organizational structure, a charismatic leader and a coherent ideology, the
argument that victory is there to be won should be compelling."
CHINA: "Even The U.S.
Doesn’t Believe The Democracy Bush Talks About"
Zhao Yi commented in official Xinhua Daily
Telegraph (Xinhua Meiri Dianxun) (6/30): "The U.S. president’s speech...had
nothing new in it but merely repeated his previous position.... Most Americans don’t agree with Bush’s
actions in Iraq. The White House however
has no plans to change what the U.S. is doing in Iraq. On the contrary the U.S. stated that the
sacrifices that have been made in the Iraq war are crucial for U.S.
security. Bush has refused to establish
a schedule to withdraw troops from Iraq.
If the U.S. continues to stay in Iraq for many years, the U.S. will
spend taxpayer's money as well as lose American soldiers' lives. However, the U.S. may have ulterior reasons
for its unwillingness to withdraw from Iraq."
"U.S. Should Discuss Security Issues With Iraq's Neighbors"
Liberal Mainichi editorialized (7/1): "Although Iraq's security situation
remains risky, there has been slow but steady progress in the reconstruction of
the war-devastated nation under the leadership of Prime Minister al-Jafari. The most important task for the al-Jafari
government will be to draft a new constitution by August. The opposition Sunni group has reportedly
decided to join in the drafting of the constitution--a positive step toward
Iraq's reconstruction. The most serious problem in Iraq at present is the restoration
of security. Vice President Cheney's
remark in which he reportedly said terrorists are engaged in a 'last-ditch
struggle' is too optimistic. The
situation in Iraq may further deteriorate.
The strengthening of cooperation between U.S. and Iraqi forces, as
suggested by President Bush in a speech on Tuesday, will not contribute greatly
to restoring Iraq's security situation.
The U.S.-led coalition of the willing should withdraw troops soon after
helping Iraqis restore security. Now is
the time for the U.S. to review its Middle East policy. The U.S. should start a dialogue with Iraq's
neighbors concerning regional security.
The Arab and Islamic world continues to have cool feelings toward the
U.S. Unless the U.S. successfully
resumes dialogue with the Arab world, it cannot come up with any good ideas for
resolving the Iraqi crisis."
"Do-Or-Die Moment For Bush's Iraq Policy"
Business-oriented Nihon Keizai commented
(6/30): "U.S. policy toward Iraq
appears to have come to a standstill. In
[his] speech...President Bush appealed to public support for the deployment of
U.S. troops by linking Iraq's reconstruction and U.S. national security. The President even called for patience and
sacrifice from Americans, who question the Iraq war's painful costs. Despite the President's speech, senior
administration officials appear to have become divided over the pros and cons
of the costly war, with the crafting of what is called an 'exit strategy' or a
timetable for withdrawal from Iraq not in sight. With a continuing decline in the public
support rate for the administration, Iraq policy, the most important issue in
the second Bush administration, appears to be trapped in a do-or-die
Iraq Is Already In A Mess"
Leading independent daily Kompas commented (7/1): "Bush delivered a speech to gain support
for U.S. policy in Iraq. What is
happening though, is that Bush is facing declining support from the American people
and dissension from within his own party....
Bush said, among other things, that the sacrifices made by U.S. soldiers
in Iraq each day have been worthy and vital to the future security of the U.S.
... That reality proves that the White
House has waged war without proper consideration of the high cost incurred,
either financial or in blood, during the post-invasion period."
PAKISTAN: "Iraq: Elusive Stability"
Najmuddin A. Shaikh said in Karachi-based center-left independent
national English-language Dawn (6/29):
"By the time this article appears President Bush [will] have made
his speech.... Even without hearing his
speech one can anticipate that in addition to reiterating his determination to
keep American troops in Iraq, the president would have termed the battle
against the insurgency in Iraq as part of the struggle to bring democracy and
moderation to the Middle East.... It is
clear that the military situation is bad.
The methods that the Iraqi government and the Americans have now had to
adopt to cope with the insurgency may lay the foundation for further
instability. The only redeeming feature
in an otherwise grim situation appears to be the possibility, no matter how
slim, of the political situation evolving in a more positive direction.... The region will have to live with the fact
that over the past two years Iraq has become the testing zone in which
non-Iraqi terrorists have honed their destructive skills and if Iraq
stabilizes, these terrorists will be deployed in neighboring countries - an
inevitable fallout. A prolongation of
Iraq’s agony will only make the fallout worse."
Not The Time To Go Wobbly In The Iraq
David Warren wrote in the nationalist Ottawa Citizen
(6/29): "President Bush spoke...to
the need for patience. The struggle for
a free Iraq is not something the West can walk away from. But time is beginning to tell against the
Bush administration. It must be able to
reduce the U.S. military in Iraq to much smaller, more permanent, regional
bases, within three years, or the next president of the United States is not
going to be a Republican. That, however,
is not my concern. It is instead that
the U.S. might fail to consolidate a victory which has brought more hope to the
Middle East than any event in recent history.
For this, Clausewitzian ruthlessness is required."
"Non-Accomplished Mission For Troops"
Mercedes Lopez San Miguel opined in leftist Pagina
12 (6/29): "The President asked
for 'sacrifice' and praised the courage of those Americans that are in Iraq
'seeking to make a safer nation'--and once again linked 9/11 terrorism with
Iraq, trying to force the meaning of the invasion, trying to make people believe
the invasion of Iraq was part of the pre-emptive war against global terrorism,
putting everything in the same bag: bin
Laden, Hussein, the Taliban. In the
scenario of the 'fight against Iraqi terrorists' he pointed towards al-Qaida
and the remaining Saddam followers, and tried to explain the state of
insecurity in the occupied country.
'There's significant progress,' he said on several occasions. But it's obvious that security is minimal and
violence is part of the everyday lives of the Iraqi people.... Even though there were elections in January
and there's a 'democratization' process in progress, the 1,740 dead soldiers
and the 12,000 wounded have made a strong impact on U.S. public opinion, now
highly critical of the situation in Iraq and practically everything done by the
Bush administration."
"Iraq: Bush’s
Academic Jesus Velasco wrote in nationalist Diario Monitor
(6/29): "The Bush administration
faces a number of problems as a result of the continuous criticism of the U.S.
invasion of Iraq and the daily casualties of American soldiers.... There is increasing questioning of President
Bush's policy both domestically and abroad....
So far, Bush has managed to deal with the situation even though no WMD
have been found in Iraq and the links between al-Qaida and Hussein have not
been proven.... Eventually, the invasion
of Iraq will become the Achilles' heel of U.S. foreign policy. All it would take is to conform a strong
movement towards peace unifying the people’s discontent with the current
VENEZUELA: "Bush: Completely Trapped In Iraq"
Pseudonymous columnist Marciano wrote in pro-government daily
tabloid Diario VEA (6/30):
"Bush believed that his power was limitless. That’s why he came up with the pretext of
'weapons of mass destruction' to invade Iraq.
The adventure worked on the ground where was logical: the conventional confrontation with Saddam’s
army. The U.S. could easily destroy
Iraqi army. But Bush did not foresee the
Iraqi people's resistance. This
resistance has proven to be more effective than former dictator’s army. It was smashed in only two weeks, but the
occupying force has been trapped in a unending fight for two years. The Iraqis that fight against the American
occupiers are not terrorists: they are
patriots. The military of the empire are
the terrorists. Against the invader,
everything can be justified. History
proves that. It is the lesson the
world's peoples must keep in mind.
Because Mr. Bush, despite the power he has, is defenseless. He is in a dead end. His only exit is defeat, which, sooner or
later, will take place."
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