July 19, 2005
** Europe
is widely seen as the "largest culprit" in the Srebrenica massacre.
** Serb
media commemorate and condemn the massacre, to mixed foreign reviews.
** Balkan
papers criticize Serbian politicians for pouring "fuel on the fire."
** For
some, Srebrenica symbolizes the divide between Islam and the West.
'Shame for the whole of Europe'-- Generally regarded as the "most
shameful" episode in Europe's history since WWII, Srebrenica was viewed as
both a reminder of Europe's "tragic impotence" and a warning that the
"moralization of international life" remains
"uncertain." The center-left Irish
Times claimed Srebrenica "characterizes the vanity and ineptitude of
this project of a united Europe," while Britain's conservative Daily
Telegraph called the "continued freedom" of Karadzic and Mladic
"a standing rebuke to Western forces." Croatia's government-owned Slobodna
Dalmacija opined, "Evil obviously hasn't been eradicated. And, what's worse, justice seems even more
Breaking a 'controlled silence'-- While many Euro papers criticized Serbian
unwillingness to "accept the truth about Srebrenica," many Serbian
and Bosnain papers emphasized that "the majority" of Serbs
"condemned" the crimes that were committed "on behalf of the
Serbs--without asking for their permission." Serbia's influential Politika
identified Srebrenica's place as "the most horrible event/crime in the
civil war." Bosnia's pro-government
Dnevni Avaz, discussing the commemoration, applauded the fact that many
Serbian leaders "used this word [genocide] without hesitation," and
also praised the "voice of reason of those who believe that it is
necessary...to come to terms with the truth, no matter how painful it may
'Counting graves'-- Regional papers faulted some Serbian
politicians for having exploited "the politics of mistrust and
intolerance" that lay behind the massacre.
Bosnia's pro-opposition Nezavisne Novine assailed these
politicians and the media for "counting graves, peddling them, and
relativizing the victims...definitely to the detriment of truth and
reconciliation." Serbia's
independent Danas expressed concern over "pragmatic-political"
efforts to emphasize Serbian victims "as a counter-balance to the
Srebrenica genocide." Serbia's
centrist Nin noted, "Politicians are using the imposed subject of
truth and reconciliation to score points."
'Srebrenica and Muslim memory'-- Some conservative Muslim observers described
the Srebrenica massacre as "the true face of the West," while
moderate papers highlighted how "victims of terror...can be Muslims as
well as Christians or Jews." Iran's
conservative Keyhan argued the Srebrenica massacre "exposed the enmity
towards Islam" of European and U.S. leaders. A Pakistani writer reminded the West that
many "who today count themselves as allies of al-Qaida cut their jihadi
teeth in Bosnia." Turkey's
conservative DB Tercuman claimed the West's "double standard"
regarding Srebrenica "feeds the attacks they call 'Islamic
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
203-7888, rmrmail@state.gov
Erin Carroll
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 42 reports from 18 countries over 6 - 18 July, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
"Unfinished Business"
The conservative Daily Telegraph (7/6)
editorialized: "There was a fitting
symbolism in the discovery of two bombs yesterday near the memorial centre for
the Srebrenica massacre. It was a
reminder, nearly 10 years after... of unfinished business in the
Balkans.... two of the main suspects,
the civilian leader Radovan Karadzic and General Ratko Mladic, are still at
large,.... Their continued freedom is a
standing rebuke to Western forces, which at one stage numbered 60,000 in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and to the Serbs, who are affording them asylum.... Srebrenica is one of the most shameful
passages in post-war European history, from the failure of the United Nations
to deter an attack on what it had declared a 'safe haven,' to a subsequent lack
of will in pursuing two of the chief culprits.... Yesterday's bombs point to continuing
instability... part of which is due to
the refusal of Serbs to acknowledge what was done in their name at
"The Moralization Of International Life Is Nonetheless
The left-leaning daily Liberation (7/12)
commented: "[The Sebrenica
massacres] forced us to recognize that good, humanitarian intentions do not do
away with either clear political vision nor a solid stick to make yourself
heard.... The anger raised by Srebrenica
perhaps allowed the worst to be avoided in Kosovo,.... [but it warns] the moralisation of
international life is nonetheless uncertain,.... [the US and UK's intervention in Iraq] is a
new opportunity of measuring the gap between the justifications for military
intervention and its concrete effects on the ground.... Diplomatic calculations contributed to
pulling a convenient veil over Putin's policy in Chechnya and repeated calls
for help have not stopped pro-government 'militias' in Darfur too
much,.... in Srebrenica itself, the
ethnic cleansing imposed by the Serb nationalists remains in force, despite (or
because of) international agreements,....
This is why the ceremonies in Srebrenica... cannot be seen as a full repayment for the
errors of the past."
"The Criminals Are Always The Others"
Foreign affairs editor for mass-circulation
daily Kurier (7/12) Livia Klingl editorialized: "Ten years after the Srebrenica
massacre, the state of Bosnia is grappling with problems more severe than those
affecting widows and orphans: No
functioning structures and no hope for improvement, a horrendous unemployment
rate, and a political system that allows for no more than coexistence of ethnic
groups. In Serbia--which subsidized the
war in Bosnia during the Milosevic era not just ideologically, but also with
money, logistics and weapons--most citizens and many politicians do not want to
confront their own criminal energy.
True, many Serbians were disturbed when a video showed the cold-blooded
murder of captive men from Srebrenica, but the backlash that followed was in
bad taste. On the evening before the
Srebrenica anniversary, many television stations showed pictures of badly-hurt
Serbians from the various Balkan wars.
Despite the many millions of euros that a helpless international
community invested there, the tenor on the Balkan remains unchanged: The others are the bigger criminals."
"The Crime That Was Never Avenged"
Foreign affairs writer for independent daily Der
Standard (7/12) Adelheid Wölfl commented:
"Srebrenica--the greatest crime on European soil after the Second
World War--has still not become a reality that can be collectively remembered
in such a way as to make political consequences possible and restore the
dignity of the victims. And that is not
just because the mass graves were hidden for so long.... Today, Srebrenica lies in the Bosnian Republica
Srpska. For many Bosnian Serbs, this is
as if the 'ethnic cleansing' of the Serbs had been confirmed in the Dayton
peace agreement. In addition, the
representatives of Republika Srpska are still undermining the creation of a
common Bosnia. After ten years, this
ought to result in a thorough re-writing of the peace treaty. After ten years, however, Srebrenica also
continues to remind the Europeans of their duty to acknowledge their
responsibility today at least--considering they shunned it earlier.... Europe must do all it can to reconstruct and
integrate the country. This will restore
the dignity of many people standing before green wooden plates that bear the
inscriptions of their loved ones that died in the massacre of Srebrenica."
BELGIUM: "A Farce And
A Shame For The EU And NATO"
Foreign editor Frank Schloemer in independent De Morgen (7/12)
commented: “The search for and the
prosecution of the main culprits of the genocide in Srebrenica is a farce and a
shame for the EU and NATO. Ten years
after the facts the two most wanted criminals of Europe are still at large.
Nobody knows--or wants to know--where Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic are
hiding--undoubtedly under high protection.
It is a shame for the West that the butcher of Srebrenica, Mladic, and
his political master, Karadzic, are still at large. Regular declarations by NATO officers that
the net around both men is closing must sound like scornful laughter in the
ears of the victims’ relatives.... Of
course, there was the Dayton peace agreement that ended the genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and that created an artificial state.
But, that came about mainly under pressure from the United States--while
Europe felt at ease with its role of spectator.
Yes, there is the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia, but what kind of tribunal is it where the two main defendants are
absent and where the public prosecutor cannot do much more than urge the
authorities involved to speed up the arrests?”
BOSNIA - HERZEGOVINA: "Our Strength Is In Truth, Our Fate In
The Sarajevo-based pro-ruling Bosniak newspaper Dnevni
Avaz (7/12) reported on speeches of foreign dignitaries in Sebrenica: "There were claims of gruesome crimes,
of serious violations of the Geneva Conventions, of the many violations of the
international humanitarian law....
Genocide was a forbidden word.
But, yesterday, many used this word with no hesitation."
"Srebrenica--The Day After"
Former deputy prime minister of Serbia Zarko
Korac said in the pro-opposition Banja Luka-based newspaper Nezavisne Novine
(7/12): "Many more steps will have
to be taken before we can confront the fact that atrocities were committed in
our name."
"Srebrenica For One-Time Use"
Ruzdija Adzovic wrote in pro-ruling Bosniak
party daily Jutarnje Novine (7/9):
"The question is what will happen after 11 July. After a good night's sleep, how many
international and domestic officials will think about Srebrenica and the women,
children, and the elderly trying to regain the shattered pieces of their former
lives and return to some kind of decent existence.... The Srebrenica Declarations certainly do have
their significance and their specific weight.
However, unless the leaders of the world finally realize that Srebrenica
has to be a planetary memorial and a testimony to crime and unless they accept
it and proclaim it as such, and if our politicians remember Srebrenica only for
several days every July, then that will be a very clear sign that for them
Srebrenica is only for one-time use--for the former, to soothe their guilty
conscience, and for the latter to collect political points, and, worst of all,
to use the Srebrenica tragedy to homogenize their body of voters."
"Without Pathology"
Pero Simic commented in Banja Luka-based
pro-opposition Nezavisne Novine (7/7):
"All of this time of remembering the victims of the Srebrenica
massacre, when, besides confronting the truth, reverence toward the killed, and
sincere repentance, nothing else was even expected, has unfortunately been
exploited, above all by many politicians, some services, and the media. In the first place, counting graves, peddling
them, and relativizing the victims is increasing the estrangement and deepening
the division between the two sides.
Definitely to the detriment of truth and reconciliation. All of that seems to me to be beyond the
wishes and control of the victims' families and the ordinary people in the Serb
Republic, the majority of whom have compassion for the families of the
Srebrenica victims.... The truth is that
the majority of people in Serbia condemn and do not support the crime in
Srebrenica, just as it is true, unfortunately, that those who do not want to
accept the truth about Srebrenica are making the most noise.... purported concern on the part of the homeland
is, rather, a pouring of fuel on the fire and an attempt to deflect attention
from the most pressing problem--that the authorities in Serbia have to bring to
justice Ratko Mladic,..."
"Last Attempt To Deny Genocide"
Edina Sarac commented in pro-government Dnevni
Avaz (7/6): "As 11 July
[anniversary of fall of Srebrenica] is drawing near, there is an increasing
number of Belgrade's (unsuccessful) attempts to deny through Banja Luka the
genocide committed in Srebrenica.... Serbian
officials, instead of bowing to the victims of Milosevic's and Karadzic's
project entitled 'all Serbs in one state' and finally admitting that someone on
behalf of the Serbs--without asking for their permission--has committed crimes,
are trying in every possible way to show the truth in a different
light.... Belgrade is living in an
illusion;.... Why are both banks of the
Drina River doing everything they can to minimize the severity of the
Srebrenica holocaust and to accuse, through various fake lists of murdered
Serbs in Srebrenica and Sarajevo and though ridiculous criminal reports,
certain people of crimes against the Serbs?....
It has become clear after the airing of the videotape of the cruel
murder of six Srebrenica residents that Serbia was living in a complete media
blockade. Apparently, many politicians
and citizens, after seeing the videotape, have awakened from a dream. Growing louder is the voice of reason of those
who believe that it is necessary, for the sake of the future in this region and
normal coexistence, to come to terms with the truth, no matter how painful it
may be. Serbian leaders and the Great
Vozd [leader -- reference to Slobodan Milosevic] are trying to profit from the
intense campaign conducted in the past month.
The former are using it as a counterargument in Bosnia-Herzegovina's
lawsuit against Serbia-Montenegro, while Milosevic is using it in his defense
before the Hague tribunal. These,
however, are the death throes of the policy conducted in the past 16 years in the
territory of former Yugoslavia, whose principal thesis was that 'the whole
world is against the Serbs.' Fortunately
for everyone living in this region, including the Serbs, this policy is
becoming a thing of the past;..."
"Mladic To The Hague, Tadic To
A reporter commented
in an interview in pro-opposition Nezavisne Novine (7/6): "Unfortunately, Serb public opinion has
long been led to believe that genocide did not take place in Srebrenica. That
stance is along the lines of, "yes, there was a crime, but crimes were
committed on all sides, and it is all relative." Thus, it is a purely political intention to
equate the crimes, to say that we are all to blame. I think that those who take that position are
wrongly deceiving their people. It is
also a fact that certain paramilitary units in Sarajevo, and even regular units
of the B-H [Bosnia-Herzegovina] Army, committed crimes against some innocent
Serbs. People were murdered simply
because they are Serbs.... On the other
hand, I do have understanding for the associations of families of the
Srebrenica victims. They are ordinary people, and it is hard to explain to them
that 10 years after the signing of the Dayton Agreement the most sought-after
Hague indictees have still not been brought to justice."
CROATIA: "Anniversary
Of World Shame"
Zagreb-based mass-circulation conservative Vecernji List
(7/12) commented: “Unfortunately,
instead of thanking Croatia, the international community today accuses it for
things it should have done. That’s why
it was inappropriate yesterday to hear American Ambassador for War Crimes
Richard Prosper warn of the urgency to arrest Karadzic and Mladic, and recall
at the same time the Republic of Croatia’s commitment with Gotovina. Such comparisons, in Srebrenica of all
places, equalize the victim’s and the aggressor’s guilt. And blur the real picture--in which the
international community bears a big stain.
Srebrenica is one of the larger ones.
That’s why yesterday was the anniversary of their shame as well.”
"International Community Is The Largest Culprit For The
Srebrenica Massacre"
Deputy editor-in-chief Davor Butkovicin of the Zagreb-based
mass-circulation Jutarnji list (7/12) wrote: "It is unbelievably tragic that the
Srebrenica genocide had to happen in order to initiate the international
military operation against Bosnian Serbs, and for Croatia to receive tacit
approval for operation Storm. Such a
tragic situation primarily speaks to a total misunderstanding of developments
in the former Yugoslavia, by most important European countries whose leaders
thought they could reach an agreement with the Serb dictator Milosevic, and at
least to some extent control military and political moves by Bosnian as well as
Croatian Serbs. The international
community’s guilt for the massacre in Srebrenica, therefore, does not lie only
in an inability to make decisions, or certain governments’ indecisiveness, but
most of all in its inability to assess developments in the field and articulate
their policies based on such assessments....
From the moral standpoint, the Srebrenica genocide is the darkest event
in the history of European Union, since the international community and the
E.U. are definitely the most responsible."
"(Un)Realized Justice"
Tomislav Klauski commented in government-owned Slobodna
Dalmacija (7/12): "Yesterday,
survivors grieved for their dead. What
were foreign diplomats grieving for?
Their conscience? Murderers are
guilty of crimes, and the Serbs who covered up these crimes, as well as the
international community which enabled them to do so, are responsible. Which punishment should they get?.... Which punishment will befall diplomats who
had left Srebrenica at Ratko Mladic’s and his cut-throats’ mercy?.... Srebrenica once again opens the most painful
question: Does the civilized world have
a response to such a monstrous crime?....
Evil obviously hasn’t been eradicated.
And, what’s worse, justice seems even more helpless."
"Srebrenica Challenges Dayton"
Zeljko Kruselj commented in Zagreb-based government-owned Vjesnik
(7/12): “Serb ultra-nationalists are
aware that the Srebrenica massacre is permanent evidence that the current
Republika Srpska was founded on ‘ethnic cleansing. That’s the key reason why there has been more
and more talk about a revision of the Dayton Agreement. Namely, Republika Srpska continues to be
‘more equal’ than the B&H Federation, considering the fact that it has an
institutional framework for a continued policy of obstructing
reconciliation. Draconian decisions by
High Representative Paddy Ashdown cannot resolve that, because they only punish
individuals, and institutions which had inspired the Srebrenica tragedy remain,
and then for years hide the true chain of responsibility.”
"Knife, Wire, Srebrenica"
Branko Mijic wrote in Rijeka-based liberal Novi List
(7/12): “Not even the tenth anniversary
of the ‘largest massacre after the Second World War,’ which has already become
a phrase of the world media in characterizing Srebrenica, or the presence of
‘strong international factors,’ or the United Nations’ late recognition of
co-responsibility, can provide a reliable response to the question which keeps
coming up: Could such evil happen
again? Because, as much as we swore
differently, and as much as we invited the future to remember, the latest
show-down with posters and gatherings in honor of Srebrenica testify that there
still isn’t a single firm foothold to believe that.”
"Srebrenica Memento Is Valid"
Alexander Tolcinsky opined in the leading, centrist daily MF
Dnes (7/12): "The dreadful
casualty of eight thousand people of Srebrenica, but also of 200,000 other
people who lost their lives during the war in Bosnia, should remain a great
warning even ten years later. The war in
Bosnia was a result of the politics of mistrust and intolerance, when
politicians in the former Yugoslavia managed to convince a majority of people
that their fellow citizens who use practically the same language but have a
different religion and culture are their irreconcilable enemies with whom they
cannot co-exist anymore. The Islamic
terrorists who struck in London last week are also trying to stir up fear,
intolerance and mistrust. But Britons,
given their proverbial coolness have not let themselves be provoked to massive
acts of vengeance against the Muslim community there, as many expected. Common sense has won for this time. Let's hope for a long time."
"Srebrenica Ten Years After"
Martin Hekrdla editorialized in the center-left daily Pravo
(7/12): "Aside from a chill in the
back, Srebrenica is still begging a series of questions even ten years after
the massacre.... In the pious atmosphere
of the anniversary some aspects and connections are not put in the forefront
and therefore are escaping the notice of the broader public.... As for Srebrenica, it is terrifying to follow
some "technical" details concerning the timing and the actions of
some key figures back then--the commander of the Dutch U.N. blue helmets,
Mladic, the commander of Bosnian Serb units in Srebrenica Nasser Oric, the U.N.
expert in Bosnia Rupert Smith.... This
raised and is still raising doubts whether cynical realpolitik even at that
time did not enter the political game in Bosnia as a concrete project of
Western diplomats to end the war there."
"Rapprochement In Srebrenica"
Martin Ehl declared in the business daily Hospodarske
Noviny (7/11): "Srebrenica was
surrounded for three years and its citizens were starving.... They underwent bombing like in Guernika, and
were under a massive attack as defenders in Grozny. Today, 10 years after the Serbian slaughter
of 8 thousand Muslims in Srebrenica, politicians and lay people will meet to
attempt to reflect about the war. The
East Bosnian town has become a synonym for the deepest animosity between two
European nations in the modern times. It
is also a symbol of the inability of the international community, represented
by the U.N. (in this case, Dutch members of the "blue helmets"), to
prevent such atrocity. Among the participants,
there will also be Serbian politicians.
It is hardly expected that they will come hand in hand. It is too early for such gestures. There are too many culprits at liberty, too
many wounds are still open and too many people desire revenge."
HUNGARY: "Past, And
Facing It"
Endre Aczel editorialized in left-of-center Nepszabadsag
(7/12): "The whole issue continues
to live in the form of questions. In
some places, not even in this form.
Anyone who believes that the decisive majority of Serbs living inside or
outside Serbia are now, 10 years after the "events," willing and able
to face the facts of the massacre is wrong.
A learned friend of mine who lives in this area has told me that people
immediately switch off their television sets when a news item starts with the
word Srebrenica or the first clips of the infamous video of the killings
appear. Those who broke up Yugoslavia
and made many hundreds of thousands of Serbs (from Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo)
homeless are not to feed them with Serbian crimes. This is the reason Karadzic and Mladic, the
two Bosnian Serb chief executioners, can still find hiding places somewhere in
the Bosnian Serb Republic or in Serbia itself."
"An Irishman's Diary"
Columnist Kevin Myers of the center-left Dublin Irish
Times (7/12) commented: "How
apposite that the British commemorations to mark the end of the second World
War should fall on the 10th anniversary of the massacre of Srebrenica.... Srebrenica in its way characterises the
vanity and the ineptitude of this project of a united Europe, which, the last
time it was tried, was also the home of the Final Solution.... fifty years later, the might of democratic
Europe proved utterly incapable of preventing another little exercise in
genocide, though it had full warning.....
for Europe's elites had another project on their minds: the bureaucratic
creation of a vast but toothless super pan-European welfare state.... the fantasy that is 'Europe'
was...exploded...10 years ago in the hills around Srebrenica. The murders convulsed Europe's Muslims, and
turned Omar Sheikh, a beer-drinking, womanising, rock-loving Englishman of
Pakistani origin into a Islamic fundamentalist.... The irony here is perfectly terrible. For it was the US, acting almost unilaterally,
which brought the agony of Bosnia to an end, and which similarly curtailed the
pogroms of Albanian Muslims by Serbs in Kosovo.
But this seems to have made little difference to the perception of the
US among European Muslims."
"Srebrenica's Dead"
The center-left Dublin Irish Times (7/11)
commented: “Today, 10 years after they
were massacred, Srebrenica will rebury some 570 of its dead.... Yet while the world mourns with Srebrenica it
is crucial too that it acknowledges a broader culpability. Much has been written about the bureaucratic
failures of the UN whose tiny Dutch contingent watched on, unable itself to
act, and unsupported by headquarters, as Srebrenica's men were marched off to
almost certain death. That tragic
impotence was the direct product of a yawning gulf between the pious
resolutions of the Security Council and any real will on the part of member
states to implement those fine words.
The absence of means on the ground was no accident.... As the UN prepares this autumn to debate
reshaping itself to face the future they are words that must be heeded. The world community must give the UN the
ability to act. The dead of Srebrenica demand it of us.”
“Srebrenica, 10 Years Of Fake Tears And Mea Culpa”
Enzo Bettiza wrote in centrist, influential
daily La Stampa (7/18): “In Srebrenica,
the 10th anniversary of the most systematic mass extermination in Europe after
WWII…. Srebrenica… was the last massacre and bloody Serbian purge against the
‘diversity’ of moderate Islamic Bosnia.
Obligated by the Dayton Accords to military withdrawal… Serbia today is
paying for the consequences of the disasters inflicted upon and suffered in
Bosnia and Kosovo. Milosevic is being
tried by the international tribunal while on the anniversary of the massacre,
the absence of the murderer Mladic and his inspirer Karadzic appears to be
coming to an end. Negotiations for the
entrance of Serbia into the EU begin in October.”
NORWAY: "Srebrenica’s
The newspaper of record Aftenposten commented (7/12): "A small, heartfelt prayer from a simple
memorial in the Potocari cemetery in Srebrenica says it all: ‘Let revenge turn into justice, let the
mothers’ tears turn into prayers that there will never be another
Srebrenica.’ These are words that
hopefully will make a mark on [politicians’] minds, and--through the
media--also on ours. Srebrenica should
not just remain a dishonor and a disgrace to Europeans, to Americans, and to
organizations like the UN and NATO, but become the end of ethnically driven
wars on our continent and a starting point for political co-existence with a
new base.... [Serbian] President Boris
Tadic’s presence [at the memorial] is a sign that Serb authorities and most
Serbians no longer deny what happened.
From this acknowledgement we can move on to reconciliation, as hard as
this may sound today.... The signals
that something could go wrong in Srebrenica and in other so-called UN-created
safe zones were many and substantial ten years ago. But the will [of the international community]
to intervene was lacking. The Western World will never be able to wash away
this stain, even though the tragedy taught us something. NATO’s military power
finally intervened. This resulted in an
end to the Balkan wars, even though political solutions are not in place
yet. They may come. If the prayer of Potocari is heard."
Influential daily Politika wrote (7/12):
"Yesterday the world commemorated the most horrible event/crime in the
civil war sparked by the disintegration of SFRY. Srebrenica is the site of a grave and a very
serious crime. The large number of
persons gathered yesterday confirmed that.
Many high ranking officials condemned the crimes and promised that the
perpetrators will face justice.
President Tadic paid homage on behalf of Serbia. His appearance in Srebrenica was a wise,
clever move, despite the many risks. He
went to show that Serbs distinguish themselves from the crimes committed in their
names. The message sent by the
commemoration was that the crime cannot go unpunished, that life must go on,
and that the future cannot be founded on revenge."
"Counting Skeletons"
Independent Danas (7/11) commented: "In spite of Nikolic's almost messianic
assertion that victims should not be differentiated by their ethnic
affiliation, 'because the sorrow of a Serb mother, a Croat mother, and an
Albanian mother is equal,' the pragmatic-political part of last Saturday's
spectacle and the almost ritual explanation, 'our obligation is to condemn all
crimes, but also to defend Serbia,' have shattered even the faintest notion
that the Radicals and the part of Serbia they personify, have made any progress
whatsoever.... the problem is that this
succession of individual and group crimes committed against Serbs has been
packaged into a special film--undoubtedly as a counterpart to the recently
shown footage of the execution of six Bosniak boys and young men--and presented
as a counter-balance to the Srebrenica genocide."
"The Most Successful Western Propaganda
Zeljka Aleksic wrote in independent tabloid Srpski
Nacional (7/8): [According to Prof.
Dr. Emil Vlajki, a political analyst and researcher] "'The
"Srebrenica" case is a pure fabrication. It is one of the most successful Western
propaganda campaigns carried out during the war in Bosnia, which has become a
myth about Serb beastliness,.... All
indications are,...that the Bosnian enclave under UN protection was
intentionally turned over to the Serbs in order to fabricate the
"Srebrenica massacre"'.... In
order to cover up the much greater tragedy that was to follow, the tragedy of
Krajina in Croatia, inhabited by Serbs, its fall, and the exodus of some
250,000 Croatian Serbs.... it [is] clear
that no one is innocent in the Srebrenica massacre; the only question is whose
share of the collective guilt is greater--that of the Serbs, the Muslims, or
the international mediators, personified by the EU-NATO-US coalition.... Until the veil of secrecy is lifted from the
suffering endured by Muslims and Serbs alike in that Bosnian enclave, where a
crime was committed that is attributed exclusively to Serbs, Srebrenica will
remain an object of heavy-handed manipulation."
"Serbs Need The Truth The Most"
Djuro Bilbija commented in independent Belgrade
daily Vecernje Novosti (7/8):
"The House of Representatives would not need the 'regime of
Slobodan Milosevic and his supporters' if the agenda of most congressmen was
not to exact payment for the Serbs' collective guilt, to impose therapy for
all-national penitence, and to demand the price of collective responsibility
through the loss of Kosovo and Metohija....
The ultimate goal is no secret: to have a terrified, paralyzed, and
hypnotized Serbia drop down in penitence and receive without objection
everything that is attributed to it. Its persecutors would no longer need
arguments or pretexts for the planned seizure of Kosmet or a persistent quiet
dismantling of the RS.... The Serbs,
Serbia, and the Serb Republic are the ones who need the full and ruthless truth
about Srebrenica today the most. The "truth" being imposed and
planted decries every Serb for personally dictating to Milosevic the "war
option" and directly taking part in the liquidation of each Bosniak in
Srebrenica.... Thus Serbia must do
whatever is necessary and whatever it can so that its possible participation
and guilt are separated from the guilt and responsibility of Ratko Mladic,
Radovan Karadzic, and the RS Army.....
The international chorus and conductors need the connection between
Srebrenica, Auschwitz, and plebiscitary support not only to take Kosmet away
from Serbia, but to take away its past, as well.... If the Serbs and Serbia let their past be
dragged through the mud, slandered, decried, and falsified, they will lose
their dignity and future. The prophesy of Georges Clemenceau might come true:
"A country that continually makes concessions and compromises will
eventually cease to exist politically."
"In The Clutches Of Petty Politicking"
Marijana Milosavljevic reported in
Belgrade centrist political weekly Nin (7/7): "The screening of the video of the
brutal murder of Muslim youths brought surprise and questions. From that day to this and on into the future,
we are not the same people that we were before.
The suppressed and unwanted past has emerged and become
omnipresent. The uninvited guest with
the face of death is waving from billboards, television screens, and government
institutions, enticing us like a mermaid to look into the depths of darkness
and think about condemning crimes that some of us inflicted on many. The screening of the footage of the massacre
really could have been a watershed not just in facing up to crimes, but also in
abandoning the conviction that our truth was the only truth; in trying to
understand why we agreed to the conflict, why individuals committed crimes, and
why it has been so hard for us to talk about this; to begin again to
differentiate between right and wrong, just and unjust, to break a controlled
silence.... The impression is created
that politicians are using the imposed subject of truth and reconciliation to
score points, not out of a feeling of moral responsibility after which the
country could finally move on to a positive future. After this clumsy tumbling into the matter,
the impression is created of a prevalent unease that learning and admitting the
truth about crimes will be abused, that there will be a one-sided proclamation
of the main culprits for the war, that 'we' will be proclaimed to be the
villains and that the 'others' will be made out to be innocent. When only one truth is so clumsily presented,
everybody knows that the result is denial.
"A Crime Against History"
Serbia-Montenegro Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic
was reported to have said in Belgrade FoNet (7/6)--independent Belgrade
press agency in Serbian: "The Serb
people had been shocked after having found out about the crime committed on its
behalf in Srebrenica.... the Serb people
had been under the influence of [former Yugoslav President] Slobodan Milosevic's
propaganda for a long time.... Draskovic
said that, besides such propaganda and in spite of it, the Serb people was
'what it historically is' and that the crime in Srebrenica was, above all, a
crime against the history of Serb people.
'By killing innocent Muslims, those people, those non-humans were
killing our history. Exactly because we
know what a crime is, since one has been committed against us so many times,
no-one on the territory of the former Yugoslavia feels the crime committed in Srebrenica
as much and suffers as much as the Serb people'."
"Seven Days In July"
Left-of-center daily El País (7/12) wrote: "Srebrenica
represents the failure of the UN, NATO, and the EU in 1995 to flaunt their
moral and military power, and to avoid the worst genocide committed in Europe
after the Nazis.... The victims of this
colossal deceit merely committed the sin of trusting the international
community that, throughout the conflict and until its final moment,
precipitated by the American intervention, was more attentive to its grievances
and national interests than to the preservation of human dignity that they
tried to invoke. The lesson is still
perfectly alive today."
"Much Remains To Be Done"
Liberal tabloid Expressen (7/12)
said: "The truth has to be brought
into the light and justice must be done....
[if the former Yugoslavia is to] take the step into the modern Europe
and Nato.... On the other hand, Europe
has to be able to hold the door open to its southeastern flank even though
fatigue from enlargement is now spreading....
Without the promise of a future in the EU, the Balkans risk becoming a
black hole in Europe.... But much
remains to be done,.... The least the
world can do to honour the victims is to ensure that the guilty are arrested
and that the genocide isn't rewarded by a Bosnian-Serb breakaway state in the
"Shame For The Whole Of Europe"
Another Swedish daily, liberal Dagens Nyheter
(7/12) said: "[The anniversary of
Srebrenica is] filled with shame for the whole of Europe.... No speeches in honour of the occasion, no
visits from high-ranking politicians, no ceremonial burials can
help--Srebrenica remains a shameful name....
Europeans knew what Europeans could do to other Europeans [50 years
after Hitler was defeated] and yet General Radko Mladic's forces could do it
again--practically within sight of troops from the international
community.... Perhaps today the EU would
intervene more quickly and decisively if war broke out in the former Yugoslavia,
for example in Kosovo. But how quickly
and how decisively? After all, we are
far from having joint leadership and joint forces which are ready to be
deployed,.... And it is a long political
road for Sweden,.... As an EU member we
are still being awkward with non-alignment and for most people Nato is a
swearword, not the name of a military alliance for the defence of democracy and
human rights."
"Do Not Forget This Massacre"
The fundamentalist Milli Gazete (7/13)
published in a front-page report:
"The Srebrenica massacre [is] the true face of the West, which
watched the [Serbian atrocities] from the sidelines for days."
"Christian Terrorism"
Emin Pazarci argued in the
conservative-sensational DB Tercuman (7/13): "Thousands of Bosnian Muslim men were
killed in Srebrenica ten years ago.
These people did not occupy anyone's land, and they didn't bomb any
country. All they wanted to do to live
on their on land as Muslims. Why were
they massacred then? The only reason was
that they were believers in a different religion. They were the victims of Christian
terrorism. The international community
would have forgotten the massacre if it weren't for the commemoration
ceremonies held on July 11. If not for
those ceremonies, the world would still be talking about 'Islamic terror.' During the ceremonies, the Bosnian Muslims
turned to the Serbs and said 'even murderers are welcome here.' If it had been the Christian Serbs who were
murdered ten years ago, would they have offered such tolerance? I don't think so. The massacre in Bosnia was never called
'Christian terrorism,' but the actions of suicide bombers in Iraq, which are
carried out as a rea ction to the US occupation, are always referred to as
'Islamic terrorism.' The West's double standard
feeds the attacks they call 'Islamic terror.'"
"A Shame For Europe"
Oktay Eksi wrote in the mass appeal Hurriyet (7/12): “When Serbian forces entered Srebrenica and
started rounding up all Bosnian men between the ages of 16 and 70, and raped, robbed,
and killed women, neither the French General nor the Dutch forces
intervened.... years later people gather
in Srebrenica to mark the 10th anniversary of the massacre. The most critical issue here is that the
European countries, which always boast about being so civilized, remained
indifferent to the massacre. If US
President Bill Clinton hadn’t forced NATO to intervene, Serbian forces easily
could have carried out at least ten more massacres like Srebrenica and Europe
wouldn’t have lifted a finger to stop them.
The Srebrenica disaster is a shame not only for the UN, the Dutch
troops, and the French general, but rather a shame for all of Europe.”
"The Srebrenica Massacre And Europe’s Double Standard"
Ismail Kapan commented in the conservative Turkiye
(7/12): “It is sad to see that these two
murderers are still in hiding while the former Serbian president and his team
are being tried in the international court.
Europe has failed to pass many tests like Srebrenica because of its
tendency to adopt double standards.
Europe’s long-standing tolerance of PKK terrorism, and political support
for the PKK in Holland and many other European countries are clear signs of
that. Europe exhibited its double
standard once again after the bombings in London. Although the bombings in Spain have been
mentioned frequently in recent days, the terrorist attacks in Istanbul never
seem to be mentioned, even though the death toll in Istanbul was higher than
that in London. It is clear that a
Europe that ignores massacres like Srebrenica and supports terrorist
organizations operating away from its territory can never fight effectively
against terrorist groups that have started taking actions within Europe. In order to fight terrorism effectively,
Europe needs to relinquish its double standard.”
"A Lesson Learned In Srebrenica"
Omer Lutfi Mete wrote in the mass appeal Sabah (7/12): “The British Independent newspaper
wrote yesterday that ‘humanity should take a lesson from the biggest massacre
since the World War II, which took place in Bosnia, and apply this lesson in
London.’ The lesson is that while our
paranoia increases about radical Islam, the anniversary of the Srebrenica
massacre reminds us that victims of terror attacks in Europe can be Muslims as
well as Christians or Jews.”
"Mothers In Srebrenica Still Cry"
Semih Idiz wrote in the mainstream daily Milliyet (7/11): “This massacre was a clear manifestation of
pathological nationalism. Many Serb
nationals still consider Karadzic, Mladic, and their ‘scorpions’ who carried
out this massacre as heroes. Today’s
ceremony should cause us to reflect on Europe’s deliberate ignorance during the
war in Bosnia, and the perverted mentality of the Serbs, who massacred
defenseless young Muslim boys by the thousands.”
"Message From Srebrenica"
Jakarta's leading independent Kompas
(7/13) remarked: "...The Srebrenica
massacre on 11 July 1995 has obviously been a black mark on history not only
for the Dutch troops as UN peace forces that were assigned to secure the city,
but also for the UN as a whole. The
cruelty of the Serbian troops in the form of genocide has at the same time
become a crime against humanity. We do
not forget such cruelty which took place at the end of the 20th
century.... Srebrenica and the 10th
commemoration of the massacre still send out strong humanitarian messages to
which the world ought to listen."
"Srebrenica And Muslim Memory"
Liberal English-language Lahore Daily Times
(7/13) commented: "The 10th
anniversary of the massacre of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica has moved
the Europeans to comment wistfully on how Europe and NATO failed to protect the
Muslims in an area under UN protection....
The Muslims of the world were greatly agitated by the fact that Europe
actually wanted to do nothing about the genocide. Many young people who today count themselves
allies of Al Qaeda cut their jihadi teeth in Bosnia fighting the Serbs.... There was some celebration in the Muslim
world on the comeuppance that Serbia and its rulers received in 1999, but the
grief over what had happened to the Muslims of Bosnia earlier was not forgotten
and what the US and Europe finally did for the Muslims of Kosovo did not properly
register.... the Muslims have forgotten
the good done by Europe and the US in Kosovo.
Instead, the pain of what was not done in Bosnia has lingered on. That is why when European leaders go to
Srebrenica today and offer regrets, the Muslims are not able to respond with
understanding. The 'mujahideen' who went
into Bosnia under the US shield have attacked New York's World Trade Centre in
2001 and the entire Muslim world is paying for it. Ironically, Iraq has been attacked by
bypassing the UN in the same manner that Serbia was in 1999. Bosnia could have become a symbol of
understanding between the Muslim world and the West, but it did not. Alas!"
IRAN: "Recalling The Bosnia Bloodbath"
A. Sabzevari asked in English-language
Conservative Tehran Keyhan (7/12):
"Why did the UN and the supposedly civilized European states turn a
blind eye to the genocide of Europe's native Muslims in the Balkans during the
years 1992-95 that claimed as many as 250,000 lives?.... Was it concern for peace or fears of a Muslim
victory that made the US to hastily impose the Dayton Accord on the Bosnians
just as the tide of the unwanted war was turning against the aggressor
Serbs?.... Is it justice that
procrastinates the final verdict against the evil brain behind Europe's most
bloody crisis since World War 2, former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic,
and the reluctance to nab Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic and his military
commander, General Ratko Mladic, despite the fact both have been indicted by
the UN tribunal at the Hague for genocide and crimes against humanity?.... The crisis nailed the lie of the West's claim
to respect human rights, freedom and democracy.
It exposed the enmity towards Islam of European and American leaders in
view of the fact that the victims of the Serbs' savagery were Europeans
practicing a different set of beliefs than Christianity.... The area is a powder keg that could explode
any moment. The Europeans and the
Americans may not want a fresh crisis at this juncture but in view of the
denial of basic Islamic rights by the West, the uneasy status quo is definitely
not the lasting solution.... It is worth
recalling that the Bosnian crisis was the only instance that saw some sort of
solidarity at the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The frequent meetings between foreign and
defense ministers of 8 influential Islamic countries including the Islamic
Republic of Iran was an instrumental factor in reviving the spirits of the
Bosnians and preventing an ethnic cleansing by the Serbs who threatened to
massacre millions of European Muslims with the tacit approval of the Christian
World. These facts should never be
forgotten, neither by European Muslims nor by the Islamic world for the sake of
peace, prosperity and understanding.
However, what is essential is the trial of the Serb criminals and
justice to the Bosnian Muslims, instead of the crocodile tears that certain
dignitaries from Europe and the US shed on Monday at Srebrenica in a clear
mockery of the tragedy."
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