July 22, 2005
** Indian papers see a
"transformation" in Indo-U.S. relations, yet remain apprehensive.
** Virtually all media see
U.S. as intent on gaining an ally to "balance the power" of China.
** Leftist Indian dailies
see reactor deal as first sign of India being "sold' to U.S.
'A test of the new strategic partnership'-- The Bush-Singh meeting, which writers described
as "momentous," surprised Indian analysts who had expected Bush to
give "fewer concessions."
Indian outlets applauded Bush's "willingness to take India out of the
nuclear doghouse" by recognizing it as a "responsible state with
advanced nuclear technology." Some
commentators warned however, not to "pop the champagne corks yet," or
let "the present euphoria" cloud India's judgment. The centrist Asian Age warned that
Bush "does not have control over either the U.S. Congress or the Nuclear
Suppliers Group" or NPT signatories who will put up "stiff resistance
to the American decision to support India." Meanwhile, Pakistan's nationalist Nawa-e-Waqt
saw the agreement as "dangerous" because India "now has a free
hand to further develop its nuclear program."
'The Asian balance of power'--
universally, Indian editorialists saw the impetus for U.S. support of India's
civilian nuclear program as an effort to gain "a large and economically
thriving Asian nation" as an ally, one that "possesses sufficient
gravitational force to keep the balance of power stable in the face of a rising
China." According to the centrist Indian
Express, "The prospect that India is emerging as the 'swing state' in
the global balance of power" shaped Singh's visit. The leftist News Today agreed, saying
Washington "foresaw the rise of China" and sought to shift the
"political and economic balance of power in Asia" by allying itself
with India. Noting Bush's prior
"strength" on preventing nuclear proliferation, Russia's
business-oriented Kommersant found he "forsook his principles"
to gain an ally "in the struggle with China for global domination."
'Is the Indian PM out to sell the country?'-- Indian journals observed that domestic leftists
were "crying hoarse" over Singh's visit, arguing that by
"entering into a strategic dialogue with a superpower," India's
"strategic influence in South Asia" is being "sold." However, most Indian media responded that
bilateral relations should not be "miscontrued"; the left-of-center Maharashtra
Times opined that a U.S.-India "strategic partnership" will
"bolster India's energy requirements, including civil, nuclear and
military needs." The nationalist Hindustan
Times saw Indian foreign policy as a "search for status." Pursuing "mutually beneficial"
policies such as developing energy strategies with the U.S. will help
"underpin [India's] long-term interests." On the down side, the centrist Hindu
argued, "The more New Delhi is drawn to Washington's embrace, the less
respect and room for maneuver it will have on the Asian and world
stage." The right-of-center Pioneer
recognized that while following IAEA safegaurds is "a small price to pay
for larger gains," it is possible the agreement could force India "to
forego the advantages of a flexible credible minimum deterrent."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Louis S. Dennig IV
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 88 reports from 9 countries July 18-21, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "Indian
The conservative Times opined
(7/20): "American gossip columnists
were abuzz yesterday over the rare White House state dinner for the visiting
Indian Prime Minister, only the fifth such occasion in George W. Bush's
presidency. Political analysts, meanwhile, were equally struck by the
President's effusive reception for Manmohan Singh, seeing this as evidence of a
growing strategic relationship that will have repercussions throughout Asia and
Mr Bush went out of his way to underline the new
ties. Only seven years ago, after India's first declared test of nuclear
weapons, Washington led the world in condemning Delhi's nuclear ambitions and
banning all co-operation in high technology. Yesterday Mr Bush promised Dr
Singh substantial US help for India's civilian nuclear power programme in
return for a commitment to adhere to international regimes intended to curb
nuclear proliferation. Only a few years ago, America saw the burgeoning Indian
call centres and high technology campuses as a threat to US jobs; now most
major US corporations rely on the backroom expertise of Indian specialists to
hold down costs and remain competitive.
For the US, India is a natural ally. The
country's long self-imposed isolation and post-independence autarky have
disappeared, together with the stultifying former alliance with Moscow.
Instead, there has emerged a confident, well-educated generation, eager to
grasp global opportunities, and with an expanding middle class that looks with
admiration to America. Not only is India the world's largest democracy, whose
vibrancy endorses the US commitment to spreading democratic values around the
world; it is also a fast-growing economy offering a tantalising prospect to
international investors of a still developing market.
Dr Singh, the architect of India's first modest
economic reforms a decade ago, is limited by the old-fashioned leftists who
form part of his fissiparous coalition; and although progress on reform has
been somewhat disappointing since he took office last year, he has made it
clear that he is determined to seize the opportunities that globalisation
offers. A growing self-confidence has not only persuaded India to make an
overdue effort to settle the long, destructive quarrel with Pakistan; it has
led to Delhi playing a more assertive role on the world stage -- in
peacekeeping, regional stability and in international organisations.
The contrast with China could not be more
marked. India, despite its ramshackle infrastructure, is now attracting Western
investors who have been burnt by sharp practice, the opaque legal framework and
narrow-minded nationalism in China. India's political system is more
multilayered, its society more open and economy more transparent. And whereas
the Chinese leadership now seems swayed by a dangerously inward perspective,
India's body politic is more predictable, mature and global. Little wonder,
therefore, that Washington sees India as a counterweight to China. Little
wonder that the toasts at Monday's dinner were unusually and genuinely
GERMANY: "India And America"
Jochen Bushsteiner judged in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (7/21): "Manhoman
Singh is not the first Indian president who was received in the White House,
but, unlike his predecessors, the government leader from Delhi did not act as
representative of the 'Third world' but, according to Secretary Rice, as
'global partner.'… Nothing emphasizes
the overwhelming significance, which the United States attributes to India,
more than Bush's announcement to establish nuclear cooperation.... This change is all the more remarkable, since
the fight against nuclear proliferation dominates the U.S. foreign policy
agenda.... India's calculations have
become true. The advocates of the
country's nuclear tests in 1998 triumphed, since they argued that the risk of a
short-term isolation in favor of a long-term increase in prestige must be
accepted.... In addition, in domestic
and international developments turned India into a factor of power, which can
no longer be ignored....
The Indian government is fully aware of its comfortable position
and is not even thinking of selling itself under value. The insight of the need for U.S. assistance
on its way to an Asian major power corresponds with the certainty that
Washington, too, is dependent on India.
That is why India self-confidently insists on positions that America
does not like: It rejects the mission in Iraq, and does not send forces despite
requests. It resists the U.S. policy
towards Iran and prepares deals with Tehran that will cost billions of dollars. Towards China, it does not seek rivalry, but,
on the contrary, is striving for a 'strategic partnership. There is much, India
can use to get from America what it has not received yet: support for their
application for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council."
"Asian Tightrope Act"
Oliver Müller editorialized in business daily Handelsblatt
(7/21): "George W. Bush's courting
of India resembles Richard Nixon's China policy at the beginning of the 70s,
which aimed at creating a counterweight to the Soviet Union. With India, the United States is now trying
to guarantee a new power balance, which has been set in motion through
China…. During President Manhoman
Singh's visit to Washington, President Bush promised 'full cooperation in the
civilian use of nuclear energy.' Bush
will also try to prompt other countries to follow suit. With this move, Washington is now breaking
with its 40-year old anti-proliferation policy.
Traditional schemes of international order are reviewed to find out
whether they are still useful and [the United States is now] daring bold
"But the main thing is that India will be upgraded on the
international stage. Even though India
continues to reject to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the United States is
now accepting India as a 'responsible state with a modern nuclear
technology.' With this formula, the
United States de facto recognizes India as a legitimate nuclear power…. If Congress also approves the necessary
amendments to the laws, Bush's pact with Singh creates the first exception from
the ban of nuclear shipments to countries that do not allow international
controls of their nuclear facilities.
With this decision the president makes a risky difference between nuclear
weapons in 'good' and 'bad' hands like the ones of North Korea and Iran…. America has obviously realized that the
center of gravity of global policy and global economy is shifting to Asia. That
is why the United States is determined to shape this process in such a way that
it does not undermine the U.S. claim for leadership. And on the grounds of a convergence of values
and interests, India should help as a 'natural partner.'"
ITALY: "Bush Welcomes Sing; Many 'Yes's, One 'No'"
Mario Platero opined in leading business daily Il Sole-24 Ore
(7/19): “Yesterday in Washington, the
Indian Prime Minister Mammohan Singh received a welcome worthy of a great
power: a ceremonial visit, with a parade of troops on the southern lawn, even a
formal dinner offered by President George W. Bush at the White House, rare
events for this American presidency typically resistant to social events. On a simple level therefore, everything
worked out for the best, but Singh did not obtain that which he wanted most:
American acquiescence on Indian entrance into the U.N. Security Council as a
permanent member…. In effect, relations
between the U.S. and India are currently very solid, also from an economic
standpoint…. On a symbolic level, America
needs the Indian democracy that hosts an enormous Muslim population. India has been the target of terrorist
attacks and after its compliance to the document issued by the G8 against the
attacks in London, Delhi also has joined in the fight against global
RUSSIA: "India Passes
Nuclear Test"
Sergey Strokan said in business-oriented Kommersant (7/21):
“Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh ended his official visit to the United
States yesterday. Its results are
sensational in many respects. George
Bush, who is very tough on nuclear proliferation, made an exception, his first
ever, for India. Even though New Delhi
has not acceded to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, Washington has signed
an agreement with it on nuclear cooperation.
Mr. Bush forsook his principles in the hopes to win a strategic ally in
Asia, so America can rely on it in the struggle with China for global
AUSTRIA: "New Game In A New Triangle"
Senior editor Helmut L. Mueller editorialized in independent Salzburger
Nachrichten (7/21): "The eye is
no longer on the rise of China, America's future antipode. After a long period
of neglect, Washington is now seeking to form closer ties with Delhi....
However, the distribution of carrots (civilian nuclear technology) to a country
that builds its own nuclear weapons is a tricky business. What if US ally
Pakistan soon demands similar favors, despite the fact that it passed on
nuclear know-how to risky states? And if this demand were denied, would that
encourage radical Islamists there? The new power constellation in the Pacific
triangle demands clever management from Washington. India and China are
striving to counterbalance US power through a multipolar system. The Asian
aspirants are also getting in America's way on the global energy markets. The
nuclear problem and the energy issue are linked: The US wants to prevent Iranian nuclear
weapons by way of UN sanctions if necessary - China would perceive this as an
embargo against Iranian oil and veto it accordingly."
CHINA: "The Strategic Considerations Of Bush's High-Level
Rection Of Sing"
Ni Xiayun, Li Meng and Zhong Qiu commented in the official
Communist Party international news publication Global Times (7/20): "Bush’s high-level reception of the
Indian President Singh reflects the fact that the U.S. prizes its relationship
with India. The U.S. has adopted a new
policy toward India. It has clearly
expressed a will to help India to become a major nation. This fits into Washington’s larger strategy
in South Asia. India’s geographical
position and its strategic influence in South Asia have convinced the U.S. to
improve relations with India. Media
commented that U.S. moves to improve relations with India aim to defend against
China. In March, Secretary Rice said on
her visit to Asia that one of the measures to deal with China’s rising is to
set up new alliances and improve old ones.
Secretary Rice has expressed President Bush’s desire for the U.S. to set
up ‘a decisive and broad strategic partnership’ with India. The U.S.-India strategic partnership has
manifested itself in the military field.
However, on the issue of India pursuing permanent membership of Security
Council, the U.S. attitude is firm and clear.
It doesn’t want to see India fulfill this ambition. This demonstrates that U.S. diplomacy is very
practical and the limitation of the U.S.-India relations.”
"Indian PM's U.S. Visit A Qualified Success"
Official communist party People's Daily opined (7/20): "Visiting Indian prime minister Manmohan
Singh on July 18 held a bilateral meeting, which lasted more than two hours,
with US President George W. Bush at the White House. The two sides conducted
broad and in-depth discussions on topics such as defense, economy and trade,
energy, anti-terrorism, high-tech transfer and the United Nations reform etc.
Singh said after the meeting that his meeting
with president Bush was fruitful and constructive. Indian media also generally
believed the summit "brought the two countries closer to each other",
which is most obviously seen in the US' agreement to enhance cooperation with
India in civilian nuclear technology.
Singh is the first Indian government leader to
visit the United States in the past five years and both sides expect the summit
can bring the bilateral relations onto the right track. The United States
showed rare enthusiasm for the visit with high-profile receptions "rarely
seen except for traditional allies". The two leaders emphasized the positive
aspects in the bilateral relations at the joint press conference following the
meeting, agreeing to enhance cooperation in security, economy and energy. They
said that following decades of distrust, the bilateral relations now step on
the right track. Regarding the war on terrorism and a strategic partnership,
President Bush said that a cooperative partnership to be established will help
the two countries further enhance their cooperation in nuclear and space
technologies for civilian use and high-technology commerce
Public opinions in India generally believe that
the success of Singh's visit depends not on how well the meeting goes, but on
the final results. One of the criteria is whether he can win the US' consent
and support for India's development of civilian nuclear technology, of which
India has been dreaming for years. Singh stressed it at the meeting with
President Bush. Though in a dilemma, president Bush nevertheless promised India
to have comprehensive cooperation in nuclear power for civilian use.
The reason for Bush's hesitation is India's
refusal to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
and the US legal ban of nuclear technology transfer to countries that do not
sign it. In a joint statement issued after the meeting, president Bush
acknowledged India as a rising country and said he would ask the US Congress to
make amendment so that the two countries could conduct cooperation in the
nuclear area. The joint statement says, as a responsible power which has commanded
advanced nuclear technology, India needs to enjoy the benefits and advantages
as other countries. Singh told the press after the publication of the joint
statement that India develops civilian nuclear energy projects only for enough
electricity for itself. However, international analysts believe the US'
agreement to supply India with civilian nuclear technology is a victory of
power politics against the NPT.
Most Indian media on July 19 gave detailed
coverage on the summit headlines like "India and the United States start
nuclear cooperation", regarding it as a major transition of the US' policy
toward India, which signifies that the two countries have turned from foes to
allies. India believes the agreement reached by the two sides in the nuclear
energy area is a major breakthrough in the bilateral relations. It not only
means the United States has officially acknowledged India's nuclear status, but
at the same time will effectively help ease up energy gap in India. Some
analysts believe the fact that the United States could make an exception to
consider amending relevant laws for India reflects the US' special preference
accorded to developing relations with India.
Singh's visit could be called a full success if
he had been able to gain the US' explicit support for India's bid for a
permanent seat in the UN Security Council. At the meeting, Singh sought support
from the US for India's bid. president Bush, however, "deliberately"
kept silent and did not make clear his stance on the question. Later on, the US
Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns said the United States would not show
support for any country's bid for UNSC permanent seat except for Japan. Public
opinion in India believes the US did not spare India' feelings on this issue,
which made the Indian prime minister's visit fall short of promise.
INDONESIA: "U.S.-India Nuclear
Leading independent Kompas commented
(7/21): “The desire to forge cooperation
in a nuclear program area has given a new sensation in the dynamic relations between
the U.S. and India. When receiving Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit
to Washington early this week, U.S. President George W. Bush stated that he
would ask Congress’s approval to lift the nuclear technology sanction on India…
With or without the sanction, India is capable of developing its nuclear
program. However, the lifting of sanction on India will undeniably make the
U.S. to lose its moral right to prohibit other countries to supply nuclear
technology to certain countries. The U.S. cannot ban Russia, for example, to
supply nuclear material and technology to other countries such as Iran… In the
case of India, the U.S. seems to disregard the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the
risk of nuclear program competition in Asia due to pragmatic consideration for
a tempting economic cooperation with India. The U.S. views India’s potential as
a giant market with 1.1 billion population and the enthusiasm of high economic
growth such as China.”
INDIA: "Born In The Future"
Centrist The Indian Express opined (7/21): “When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met
President George W. Bush in September 2004, the two leaders had declared that
Indo-US relations had never been as good, but that the best was yet to come ...
The nuclear and Kashmir issues were about the past, which the two sides are
determined must look very different from the future. Bush and Singh have
identified three broad areas for future joint initiatives. These include
bilateral economic cooperation, which brings together the full range of new
complementarities, including those of demographics and knowledge industries.
Second was on spreading the virtues of democracy. In the past, India and the US
were unwilling to make their own shared democratic values a basis for their foreign
policy - the US supported pro-Western dictators and India, the anti-imperialist
ones who mouthed third world slogans. Now Singh and Bush recognize the
importance of promoting the values of pluralism and tolerance which they
identify as the key to winning the war on terrorism. Finally, India and the US
have also figured out they need each other to structure a new balance of power
in Asia and beyond. Together the three new areas of engagement should
constitute the long awaited transformation of Indo-US relations.”
"Needed, Consensus"
Pro-BJP right-of-center The Pioneer editorialized
(7/21): “It is reassuring that even the
world's sole superpower can be compelled to accept awkward realities. When
India conducted its May 1998 nuclear tests, the US reacted by furiously
denouncing and denying the truth that had emerged from Pokhran. Eight years later, that truth stands
vindicated. Never mind semantics, the joint statement issued after Prime
Minister Singh's meeting with President George Bush constitutes an implicit
acknowledgement by the US of the reality of India's nuclear program. Purists, of course, will point out that the
acknowledgement falls short of according India the formal status of a nuclear
weapons power and welcoming it to the nuclear club. That is indeed true, but it
is no less important to note that the Americans have formally accepted that
India is a responsible nuclear state. Equally important is the US assertion
that India deserves the privileges and accesses to which similar states are entitled
in the crucial areas of civilian nuclear technology and fuel. That does mark an important departure from
stated American policy. It would be in order to recall that the US Congress had
adopted the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act in 1978 to punish India after Pokhran
I in 1974 ... Two concerns, however, cannot be wished away. The first pertains
to the nature of the deal that has been struck. India is seen as having
committed itself to taking steps that could result in drastically refashioning
its nuclear policy. Designating nuclear facilities as military or civilian and
opening the latter to the UN watchdog body International Atomic Energy Agency's
scrutiny may appear logical and a small price to pay for larger gains ...
The second concern is linked to the future of India's nuclear
weapons program. An initial analysis of
the joint statement's text suggests that India may have to forego the
advantages of a flexible credible minimum deterrent. In other words, the new
arrangement may force a cap on India's nuclear arsenal and thus deprive New
Delhi of the independence it has had till now of determining what constitutes a
credible minimum deterrent. If that were to happen, India's national security
interests would be severely compromised. On the other hand, the US has not made
any commitments. Whether or not Bush
will be able to convince the US Congress to change its laws that prohibit
Indo-American nuclear cooperation and member countries of the Nuclear Suppliers
Group to do business with India is anybody's guess. Meanwhile, the UPA
Government must take the nation into confidence and seek a national consensus
before it takes any irreversible step. India's nuclear policy cannot be made
subservient to exigencies of partisan politics or relations with the world's
sole superpower.”
"Momentous Visit"
Centrist The Indian Express opined (7/21): “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the
United States was, by all means, a momentous one. His description of India and
the US as “natural partners” while addressing the US Congress, which in itself
was a rare honor, exemplified the bonhomie witnessed throughout his visit. The
joint statement issued at the end of the summit meeting between Dr Manmohan
Singh and US President George W. Bush is one of the most elaborate ones and it
covers a whole gamut of bilateral issues. Primarily, it underscores a
metamorphosis in India-US relations, which touched a nadir following Pokharan
II. The US now recognizes India as a nuclear state with all the attendant
advantages. This implies that India can look forward to receiving full
cooperation from the US in all its civilian nuclear programs, particularly in
power generation. Rights come with
responsibilities and it’s only in the fairness of things that India has
mandated itself to honor all the commitments expected of a nuclear state. It is
significant that India has attained the new status without compromising its
known positions, the high-water mark of which is its own strategic interest.
It’s not the result of a dramatic event that there is now a turnaround in
India-US relations.
“The US recognizes the growing economic clout of India, which is
expected to become one of the biggest economies of the world in less than two
decades. Aside from this, the two
countries have many things in common like their unflinching adherence to
democratic values and unwavering determination to fight terrorism. Once the
steps outlined in the joint statement get a concrete shape, bilateral relations
will reach a stage of apogee ... In short, Dr Manmohan Singh’s visit marks a
watershed in India-US relations.”
"The Financial Express"
Right-of-center pro-economic-reforms The Financial Express
noted (7/21): “Going by initial
reports, the outcome of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the US has far
exceeded expectations. Initiatives such as the setting up of an India-US forum
of CEOs, enhanced trade, investment and technology collaboration and a dialogue
to beef up energy security may be along expected lines. But in the area of
nuclear energy, the visit has achieved a significant breakthrough. President Bush’s offer of ‘full civil nuclear
energy co-operation with India’ will go a long way to ease worries about both
fuel supplies for our nuclear power plants and transfer of technology ... It is
in line with our stated position, one the PM has reiterated, of ‘adhering
scrupulously to every rule and canon in this area.’ ... However, it would be premature to pop the
champagne. The proposal will have to be approved by the US Congress before it
can be operationalized. And here, given Congressional opposition to anything
that even remotely suggests tacit recognition of India’s status as a nuclear
power, it is likely to run into rough weather.
On the economic and trade front, however, the road ahead is likely
to be far smoother. The US is India’s second largest trading partner, next only
to the EU, in merchandise trade ... The Indian economy may be less than half
China’s, but our young and growing population makes us a story that cannot be
Today, the balance of bilateral trade is in India’s favor, thanks
to the overwhelming dominance of the US in our software exports. That may
change if the services FTA that the US has been lobbying for sees the light of
day. The government has already indicated it will not be rushed into any such
agreement. And that is good news. The present euphoria about Indo-US relations
must not be allowed to cloud our judgment.”
"A Grand Bargain"
Pro-economic-reforms The Economic Times commented
(7/21): “It looks a major breakthrough,
but cool the euphoria. The U.S.
agreement to give India ‘full-civil nuclear cooperation’ in return for Indian
commitments on nuclear safeguards represents a historic change in strategic
thinking. Yet there remain several
hurdles in translating this grand bargain into action. Opposition could come from three quarters: US
Congress, other members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and NPT signatories ...
Finally, there are the countries that once had nuclear weapon ambitions but
gave them up in order to qualify for civilian supplies. Countries like Brazil, Argentina and South
Africa have signed the NPT and forsworn nuclear weapons. They will not be happy that India has broken proliferation
rules and yet been forgiven, indeed, offered a seat a the nuclear high table
... So, the grand bargain is not quite a done deal. India must wait for the US
to implement its commitments before acting on its own commitments.”
"Will Partisan Politics Nuke A Good Deal?"
K. Subrahmanyam judged in centrist The Times of India
judged (7/21): “Unsurprisingly, the
Indo-US joint statement on their future nuclear relationship has attracted flak
from certain quarters. Many ask why
India, a recognized nuclear-weapon state, should declare which facilities are
military and which civilian, and implement IAEA safeguards on the latter? But
the fact that we’re asked to do that is a recognition of India as a military
nuclear power ... The new arrangement doesn’t prevent India from having not
just two but more reactors declared as military facilities are exempt from IAEA
safeguards. But to do that, India must
first fix its overall nuclear strategy within the consensus of minimum credible
deterrence. Strategists are debating if the deterrents should number in the low
hundreds or a medium three-figure number, roughly on a par with British and
French arsenals. No one in India wants huge arsenals of the size that US,
Russia and China have built.”
"A Paradigm Shift In Indo-U.S. Ties?"
C. Uday Bashkar opined in pro-economic reforms The Economic
Times (7/21): “The joint statement
signed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Bush has the potential
to effect a paradigm shift in Indo-US relations if it is implemented in
totality ... The paradigm shift is predicated on the manner in which the US,
under Bush’s personal direction, has sought to square the circle apropos the
nettlesome nuclear issue that has bedeviled bilateral relations since India’s
PNE (peaceful nuclear explosion) of 1974 - when the Buddha first smiled ... In this
context Bush assured his Indian counterpart that the US would seek
Congressional approval to bring about the necessary changes in the US law to
facilitate meaningful nuclear commerce with India in the civilian program, as
also encourage the global nuclear suppliers’ cartel to engage with India as it
seeks to redress its energy deficiency through a greater contribution from the
nuclear strand ... It is the symbolism of the US engaging with India in the
nuclear domain that will have a greater cascading effect on India’s overall
profile in the global comity ... Paradoxically India’s improving relations with
the US will enable Delhi to manage its own relations better with China. It is nobody’s case that the India-US relationship
has an anti-China orientation but India’s credibility as a swing state that can
strengthen the emerging balance of power and relevance will be derived from the
strategic equipoise that Delhi can bring to bear in its relations with both
Washington and Beijing ... It is clearly in the larger national interest of
both countries to husband the relationship in a prudent manner with the
appropriate candor and sensitivity to each other’s democratic prickliness. It is too early to pop the champagne corks
but the vintage of the grape that will be savored in the near future can be
"Gains Now and Distant"
Mumbai edition of left-of-center Free Press Journal
editorialized (7/21): “The atmospherics
and the peripherals are ideal. A red
carpet, 19-gun salute welcome and address to the US Congress. Oval office discussions. All befitting India’s growing status. But is the outcome, when it comes to counting
India’s gains from this adequate performance of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
and the winsome response from President Bush and the US Congress, commensurate
with the show? One can only hope that
the promises made by Bush in return for the major concessions made by India on
civilian nuclear issue will be fulfilled.
The understanding, the work-out or the agreement may be interpreted in
more than one way. President Bush’s
words that India, “a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology should
acquire” the same benefits and advantages as other such states are soothing. Towards that India, Bush would persuade the
U.S. Congress to adjust its laws to enable India to acquire such benefits. He would also persuade the Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG) to see the reality of India’s nuclear capability and allow India to
benefit. Well said. However, there is a
lot of difference between persuading and actual action…. France and Russia are willing to do the
needful in the matter even without U.S. persuasion, provided U.S. does not
insist on India signing the Non-proliferation Treaty. But Indian commitments on the civilian
nuclear fronts are too many, which, in the eyes of some experts, indicate a
policy shift. India has agreed to bring
all Indian civilian nuclear plants under International Atomic Energy Authority
(IAEA) safeguards regime. Which means
IAEA inspectors get across to the Indian nuclear establishments which India has
been resisting for decades…. Coming to
an overall view, India is depending on Bush’s promise of “seeking agreement”
and consult the U.S. Congress to help India to secure higher technology. Even if Bush can persuade the Congress, it is
long-term enterprise. He may stand a
reasonable chance, if he makes up his mind to help. But no word on immediate supply of urgently
needed fuel for Tarapur. Nor any mention
of the recognition of India as nuclear status state. The latter least expected. For the rest, Bush has stood by the Clinton
line that the LoC in Kashmir is sacrosanct.
But as long as the Pakistan lobby in the U.S. state department is
strong. Bush will not raise a small
finger to mount a united fight against Pakistan terrorism in India which forms
an integral part of the Prime Minister’s address to the Congress. And lastly, no word about improving trade and
"America's Plan To Checkmate China By Empowering India Is
Just Like Pitting Fire Against The Devil"
Gujarat Samachar noted in Mumbai edition of right-of-center
Gujarati Gujarat Samachar (7/21):
“Indians are rejoicing at America’s decision to recognize India as a
nuclear power. President Bush’s
generosity and Prime Minister Singh’s skills are earning kudos from all
quarters. However, we need to understand
that America will never act where it does not see its domestic self
interest. There is a pertinent concern
over America’s sudden change of outlook -- which had till recently resulted in
step-motherly treatment -- towards India.
The U.S. has realized that it is time to control China’s growing
military might, especially now that China has threatened to use nuclear weapons
if America comes to Taiwan’s rescue. It
is America’s policy to create fissures among nations and keep its position safe
and secure. The Arab-Israel conflict,
the frictions between South Korea and North Korea, India versus Pakistan, and
the Iran-Iraq conflicts are all the creations of Uncle Sam…. Hence there is no need for India to be
euphoric over America’s gesture. India
is a nuclear weapons state and it has not lost anything in the last 25 years
despite U.S. sanctions. The only
difference now is that it will receive nuclear fuel and some other benefits as
a result of the lifting of sanctions. As
compared to India, America has gained a lot by this move….”
"A New Direction"
Mumbai edition of left-of-center Marathi daily Maharashtra
Times opined (7/21): “It is
commendable that America will now provide fuel to the Tarapore atomic power
project. It is certainly a remarkable
achievement. But that is only one aspect of the Indo-US bilateral relationship.
India will now have to see what it has to promise in return for the nuclear fuel
given by America. It will also have to reason out America’s change of mind,
especially since the U.S. was not very keen on any such transfer of
technology.... Global equations have
changed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and also due to China’s growing rise
in Asia. America knows that it cannot
rely on the European nations, which have themselves lost their international
clout. In such circumstances, India, which is making a mark on the global map,
needs to be wooed. Similarly, India also needs a strong ally. It once relied
heavily on the erstwhile Soviet Union. It seeks similar support from the U.S.”
"How Nuke Freedom Was Won"
K.P. Nayar commented in centrist The Telegraph (7/21): “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will return
home… having unleashed a worldwide storm that threatens to bury a
discriminatory global nuclear non-proliferation regime his predecessors have
unsuccessfully tried to change for at least four decades. The full force of the
nuclear storm, which the Prime Minister has set in motion, is not yet being
felt: its early gusts are between the lines of a joint statement issued after
Singh and President George W. Bush ended their talks. Singh is taking home an
endorsement of India’s unfettered right to not only continue the nuclear
weapons program, but also expand it. India will not stop producing fissile
material needed for nuclear weapons. Nor is it required to initial any Fissile
Material Cut-off Treaty, which discriminates between countries that have signed
the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and those, like India, that have
refused to do so. Singh secured an unexpected prize when Bush agreed with him
that in New Delhi’s quest for nuclear energy, it would be India’s prerogative
to separate its ‘civilian and military nuclear facilities and programs’. The
implications of such an agreement, spelt out in black and white in the joint
statement, are two-fold: India, not another country, not any international
agency, will determine which of its nuclear facilities will be used for
military purposes. Such military facilities will not be opened up for any
inspection. Second, such voluntary separation means India retains the right to
build more reactors for its nuclear weapons program and expand its nuclear
armory at its discretion. Behind such gains, which Singh is taking home, is the
story of dogged negotiations, arguments, even verbal duels which bordered on
acrimony: ironically, not between the Indian and the US delegations but among
the star-studded team of negotiators who accompanied the Prime Minister. On one
side were representatives of the scientific community who would not agree to
open nuclear facilities to international agencies. On the other were diplomats
who could not permit the Prime Minister to return without something to show for
the visit ... It was only when the Prime Minister and the President sat down
for their formal talks…that the Indians got the answer they wanted.”
"Trust In Us"
Centrist The Telegraph noted (7/21): “Singh’s recognition that India and the U.S.
are ‘natural partners in many respects’ is a reversal of India’s political and
economic attitude towards the U.S. … Singh’s successful visit to Washington,
and the applause and the plaudits that he has earned, is a culmination of this
process of change and mutual recognition of reciprocal interests. A new mood of optimism has come in the train
of the Prime Minister’s visit. There can
be no denial of the fact that India stands to gain significantly from a close
friendship with the U.S. Only the
ideologically blind will find in this friendship a threat to India’s
independence. Such prophets of doom are
irrelevant and incorrigible. A different
kind of caution is in order. India’s
policymakers have a tendency to be swayed too much in one direction. Instead of becoming too cozy with Washington,
South Block should keep in place a dose of skepticism. Foreign policy can only be dictated by the
furthering of national interests and not to protestations of friendship. The U.S. should not be allowed to set the
terms of friendship. There are no
natural partners in diplomacy, only the assiduous cultivation of self-interest
… The success of Singh’s visit and Washington’s bonhomie should not be allowed
to cloud judgment. To be invited to the
high table has its own demands on responsibility and protocol.”
"This Very Courage Is Needed"
Independent Calcutta Bengali-language Anandabazar Patrika
opined (7/21): “President Bush's
assurance to supply Uranium and advanced technology to help India generate
nuclear power in the civilian sector should be considered a milestone in the
U.S.-India relations. Manmohan was not afraid of clinching a deal with America
though Leftist leaders had viewed India's hobnobbing with America with
suspicion. This courage being rare is especially precious … It was only due to
Manmohan’s guts that India’s economic liberalization and globalization were set
into motion. Let him prove himself once again. He must ensure necessary steps
for taking India’s economy to desired global standards. The process has been
kick-started with the signing of the present agreements with the U.S. It will
be Manmohan Singh’s responsibility to firmly proceed along the reform path
without having any fear of Leftist antagonism.”
"Manmohan And Bush Face Domestic Critics"
L.K. Sharma editorialized in Bangalore-based left-of-center
English-language Deccan Herald (7/21):
"Having taken a bold step together, Manmohan Singh and George Bush
are in the same boat. Both are facing domestic critics. They may have done
something right since both are being attacked for finalizing a blueprint for
transforming the relations between their two countries. The critics of Bush are
saying that he has been too generous to India. The critics of Manmohan Singh
are saying that he has given too much to the United States. The negotiating
teams of the two sides must be feeling that their relentless efforts to strike
a fair and balanced deal are not being appreciated. Dr Manmohan Singh is being
blamed in India by some who fear that the nuclear deal may cap India’s
development in this field. The Indian prime minister may find that he will have
to conduct his America policy in the face of attacks both from the Right and
the Left. Of course, that may only strengthen the Congress Party’s claim to be
a centrist party. The BJP has a peculiar problem because it has to change its
tune towards America and Pakistan, now that it is in the Opposition. The
Communists are happy to invite the US businessmen to provide jobs to their
cadres in West Bengal, but hate the idea of Dr Manmohan Sing ringing a bell in
the New York Stock Exchange. In the US, the non-proliferation lobby has become
active against Bush. Some Congressmen are bound to make token efforts to bar
the Bush administration’s move to ease export control restrictions related to
India ... Before Bush approaches Congress to make legal amendments to implement
his new India policy, a Democratic Representative warned that the US was
playing with fire in making exceptions to the implementation of the
non-proliferation treaties ... The State Department had to do some explaining.
A senior official emphasized India’s strict adherence to non-proliferation
procedures and protection of sensitive technology as a basis for the US
decision. He said Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice telephoned the
International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei to brief him on the
US decisions and that he seemed “supportive of what we have done”. The
Secretary of State rang up Pakistani President General Musharraf to brief him
on the agreements with India. She reaffirmed the central importance of Pakistan
as a strategic partner in the war on terrorism. He did not comment on
Pakistan’s non-proliferation record, though he praised India’s record. US
officials have already taken France, Germany and Britain into confidence about
the US move to share civilian nuclear technology with India."
"It Is Good, But"
Independent Telugu daily Vaartha opined (7/20): "Prime Minister Singh’s U. S. tour has
achieved tremendous success. The U. S.
has not only recognized India as a reliable nuclear power but also agreed to
extend its support for India’s nuclear energy programs. Any way, India has to be very vigilant about
America’s intentions in extending a friendly hand to it.”
"Strategic Relationship With America Is Beneficial To
Mass-circulated independent Telugu Eenadu wrote
(7/20): "The joint statement of
President Bush and Prime Minister Singh has clearly indicated that the
bilateral ties between both the countries has now been transformed into a
strategic relationship. It is a welcome
sign that the statement of the U. S. President has reflected a positive change
in the superpower’s attitude towards India.
In the changed circumstances, the U. S. has recognized India as a
trustworthy nuclear power. President
Bush’s assurance that the U. S. would extend support to India in developing
nuclear energy has itself marked a wonderful phase in bilateral ties. Prime Minister Singh’s three-day tour in the
U. S. has achieved more results than expected.
It is beneficial for India to continue the momentum generated in
bilateral relations and forge a strategic partnership with the superpower.”
"Nuclear Cooperation"
Bangalore-based, left-of-center English-language Deccan Herald
noted (7/20): "The United States,
in a dramatic policy shift on Monday, has expressed its intent to co-operate
with India in the sphere of civilian nuclear energy, which is the high point of
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Washington. This move should help
India increase its power generation capacity and can supplement the country’s
efforts to meet its burgeoning energy needs. The US may take steps to remove
certain restrictions that exist in forging nuclear cooperation for peaceful
purposes, as Washington is willing to concede that India is a responsible
nuclear power. The US offer has to be seen in the context of Washington’s
eagerness to improve ties with India, which has a high level of technological
expertise, a growing commercial market and strategic importance as a
counterweight to China. Dr Singh had occasion to meet President Bush at the
recent G-8 summit in Scotland, when he reminded the US President of India’s
need to pursue nuclear co-operation for energy security in order to sustain a
7-8 per cent growth particularly in the face of surging global oil prices. To
sustain such a high growth rate, India will have to develop massive power
generating capacities. It will have to pursue hydel and nuclear power programs,
which are the two main sources of clean energy. The US offer of nuclear
cooperation with India, specially for power production, is therefore welcome,
but India should be vigilant against Washington using it as an excuse to
scuttle the gas pipeline projects which it is negotiating with Iran, Pakistan
and Myanmar. The Indian interest is to procure fuel for its Tarapur nuclear
plant, where it needs crucial US support. Until recently, Russia was providing
it with fuel. Although Tarapur is a safeguarded facility under the
International Atomic Energy Agency’s bilateral safeguards standards, the US put
pressure on all nuclear fuel suppliers to stop supply to India, in order to get
India to the table for talks on its civilian nuclear program. India has 15
nuclear reactors with 11 of them being developed indigenously. These are
outside the scope of safeguards. The US wants to get all the indigenous
reactors under the purview of safeguards but India has all along been resisting
this. India has also to be on guard in its dealings with the US because
Washington has often proved unreliable in the past in meeting its obligations
on crucial matters like supply of spare parts."
"Unwelcome Shift"
Secunderabad-based left-of-center English-language Deccan
Chronicle commented (7/20):
"India is extremely possessive of her nuclear program and resistant
to external influences and pressure. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in seeking
US President George W. Bush’s intervention to help India meet her burgeoning
energy demands through civilian nuclear energy, has actually agreed to bring
about a major shift in Indian nuclear policy that might not be acceptable to
the rest of the country. The joint statement issued by the two leaders after
their meeting at Washington has not comforted the nuclear establishment at
home. Instead it has sent out signals that are being deciphered with
considerable apprehension as experts detect in the joint statement a
compromising of Indian nuclear interests. In return India has got an assurance
from President Bush that he would try and soften the US Congress to adjust its
laws and work with friends and allies to adjust international regimes to enable
civil nuclear energy cooperation with India. This is little more than assurance
at this stage, as President Bush does not have control over either the US Congress
or the Nuclear Suppliers Group, both of which are expected to put up stiff
resistance to the American decision to support India on this front. Besides, no
time frame has been indicated. Prime Minister Singh, on the other hand, has
been more specific and agreed to identify and separate military nuclear
facilities from civilian nuclear facilities and place the latter under IAEA
control. Not just this, India has also agreed to sign and adhere to the
Additional Protocol that will allow IAEA inspectors access to its nuclear
facilities at any time. It has also agreed to harmonize its policies to the
Missile Technology Control Regime and the Nuclear Suppliers Group without of
course getting nuclear power status in return. In short, India has agreed to controls
over its control program in return for the “ifs” and “buts” of the US assurance
to work with others to facilitate India’s nuclear civilian program. India has
also agreed to work along with the US to prevent the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction. It will be interesting to see what New Delhi’s position
will be on Iran that is being accused by the US of proliferation. Prime
Minister Singh does not have the mandate to negotiate India’s nuclear policies
at the White House altar and will now have to convince Parliament of the
soundness of his approach."
"American Idol"
Ashok Malik editorialized in centrist The Indian Express
(7/21): “It must be a good month for
ironies. George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh both came into office dismissed as
lightweights who paled before their predecessors. Bush succeeded Bill Clinton,
among the most cerebral men to live in the White House. On his part, Singh had
none of the charisma, aura and political authority of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Yet
the two men reached agreements over the past week that could, potentially,
shape the 21st century. It was both poignant and paradoxical that they did so
building on the framework Clinton and Vajpayee left them. This is the way of
great nations. Prime ministers come and presidents go, but the broader interest
moves ahead - thanks to everybody and yet nobody in particular. Nevertheless, being more or less recognized
as a nuclear power notwithstanding, there are cautionary tales for New Delhi. The
battle has not ended, in many ways it has just begun ... Further, if India is
to become a genuine leader nation, it cannot pursue economic reforms without
mass employment. A ‘‘knowledge-based economy’’ and a services boom is very
well, but a genuine thrust towards making India a meaningful manufacturing base
cannot be forgotten forever. When this
happens - and perhaps the idea of a defense industrial complex is only one of
many starts - India will begin to encroach upon China’s turf. It will become
China’s competitor, even if it doesn’t want to. Nations don’t become powers by
investing in risk-free bonds; they need to place bets on destiny’s stock
market. For decades, Indian foreign policy was a tearjerker starring
institutionalized victimhood. After Singh’s visit, America has left India with
very few excuses to hang on to. Depending on how one sees it, this could be
either an opportunity or a problem. The option is India’s.”
"Selling The United States of America In India"
Harish Khare editorialized in centrist The Hindu
(7/21): “On his way to the United
States, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made bold to say India was not for sale
... The crux of the matter is that if indeed the deal is as dramatic as is
being made out by the official storytellers on both sides, domestic opinion has
not been prepared for it. The nuclear aspect may be a crucial element in the
new relationship but much would hinge on a perception whether India has
committed itself to a political relationship closer than warranted by domestic
public opinion. And, let there be no mistake, notwithstanding the preferences
in the so-called strategic community in this country, the national sentiment
remains strangely reluctant to trust the U.S. to wish this country well in the
long run ... It is all very well for the bureaucratic elites to argue that the
Cold War is over and that we must move on and exorcise ourselves of the
"non-alignment" mindset. Yet the national sentiment refuses to give
the U.S. the benefit of the doubt and no political leader with roots in
democratic India can afford to overlook this simple fact. Mr. Vajpayee
understood this, even when his closest ministerial colleagues were keen on
obliging the U.S. in the matter of sending troops to Iraq. The larger issue is:
can a government - however sincere or nationalist or patriotic the Prime
Minister may be - re-do its foreign policy without a debate or dialogue at
home? The Vajpayee regime's most dramatic initiative - the January 6, 2004,
Islamabad breakthrough - floundered at home because it sought to reverse
overnight the prevailing domestic mood. Having abetted for five years an
anti-Pakistan sentiment, the Vajpayee establishment suddenly asked the country
to trust President Musharraf's word of honor.
The long and short of it is that there is an entrenched reluctance
to bring foreign policy issues out into the democratic domain; behind this
reluctance is a cultivated disdain for the popular sentiment or democratic
voices as incapable of understanding the intricacies of global diplomacy. This
means that the Government deprives itself of the creative uses of democratic
structures to finesse its foreign policy ... Secondly, the Manmohan Singh
establishment will need to address itself to the middle class sentimentality.
The middle classes in India remain wedded to the Nehruvian idea of total
autonomy in the pursuit of science and technology. Credible and honest
assurances would need to be given - and believed - that nothing has been said
or done in Washington that would put a cap on India's autonomous quest ...
Thirdly, there will be reservations in the political arena, especially from the
Left parties, though not necessarily confined to them. The opposition from this
source can again be used to ensure that the American side is not able to ramrod
through its agenda and timetable for an overactive inspection raj by the
International Atomic Energy Agency ... The Manmohan Singh establishment is
entitled to claim credit for having cut a path-breaking deal with the U.S. But
the polity too is entitled to demand an explanation and to insist on a periodic
audit. Having committed the country to a new and qualitatively different
relationship with the U.S., the best that the Government can do is to discover
the joy and usefulness of democratic noises in the conduct of external
"Making History"
Nationalist Hindustan Times editorialized (7/20): “There should be no doubt in anyone's mind
that the United States decision to recognize India as a "responsible State
with advanced nuclear technology" is part of a historic bargain which
could transform the global balance of power in as significant a manner as
Richard Nixon's opening to China did in the Seventies. The formulation is a euphemism for the US
accepting India as a `nuclear weapons State', a technical definition from the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, that has important implications for India's
ability to acquire civil nuclear technology and materials denied to us till now
... The US intention, spelt out in the joint agreement signed by President Bush
and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Washington on Monday to work to achieve
`full' civil nuclear cooperation is fraught with enormous portents, all
favorable for us ... Nuclear energy is that obvious source that will be vital
for India's economic growth in the coming decades ... The US may not have much
nuclear technology to give, but it holds the key to unlock the tightly closed
doors of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, many of whom are ready to meet India's
needs. What does the US get in exchange? An Indian commitment to place its
civilian reactors under safeguards is important, but not that much because of
our impeccable record of keeping our technology at home. The US is looking for something that is not
easily tangible -- a large and economically thriving Asian nation that possesses
sufficient gravitational force to keep the balance of power stable in the face
of a rising China. This nation should have an in-born tendency to promote
democracy, non-proliferation and fight terrorism. India is obviously that
nation, but past policies hang heavy over the American overtures. The nuclear
deal, part of a complex of agreements the two countries are working on, is a
giant friendship band, as well as a practical step to clear the detritus of the
past and construct the foundations of a new relationship.”
"Stepy By Step"
Centrist The Tribune opined (7/20): "The new Indo-US joint statement by
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President George W. Bush reflects the breadth
and depth of the transformation that has taken place in the relationship
between the two countries ... So, while cooperation in the civil nuclear realm
is yet to materialize, progress in other sectors has been visible over the last
couple of years, auguring well for the future. A couple of billion dollars
worth of high-tech goods have already come in, indicating a steady dismantling
of the earlier `presumption of denial’ regime. The US has now offered to help
modernize India’s infrastructure, and to remove the remaining Indian
organizations from the notorious `entities list’ proscribing high-tech exports
to them. On the issue of a permanent membership of the UN Security Council, the
statement is guarded, with the leaders only agreeing that international
institutions must reflect changes in the global scenario. The `global partnership’ being envisaged
reiterates co-operation in a range of sectors covering international terrorism,
the economy, agriculture, science and technology and AIDS. Indian officials
have clarified that the reciprocal measures indicated in the statement will not
be exceptional to those being followed by other nuclear weapon states ... The
calibrated, measured approach being followed is better for the long-term
viability of the relationship. In any case, Singh has tellingly noted that the
results of this major summit will be fully visible when Bush visits India,
sometime this year or early next. The world will be watching.”
"Unwelcome Shift"
Centrist The Asian Age commented (7/20): “India is extremely possessive of her nuclear
program and resistant to external influences and pressure. Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh in seeking US President George W. Bush’s intervention to help
India meet her burgeoning energy demands through civilian nuclear energy, has
actually agreed to bring about a major shift in Indian nuclear policy that
might not be acceptable to the rest of the country. The joint statement issued by the two leaders
after their meeting in Washington has not comforted the nuclear establishment
at home. Instead it has sent out signals that are being deciphered with
considerable apprehension as experts detect in the joint statement a
compromising of Indian nuclear interests. In return India has got an assurance
from President Bush that he would try and soften the US Congress to adjust its
laws and work with friends and allies to adjust international regimes to enable
civil nuclear energy cooperation with India. This is little more than assurance
at this stage, as President Bush does not have control over either the US
Congress or the Nuclear Suppliers Group, both of which are expected to put up
stiff resistance to the American decision to support India on this front ...
Not just this, India has also agreed to sign and adhere to the Additional
Protocol that will allow IAEA inspectors access to its nuclear facilities at
any time. It has also agreed to harmonize its policies to the Missile
Technology Control Regime and the Nuclear Suppliers Group without of course
getting nuclear power status in return. In short, India has agreed to controls
over its control program in return for the "ifs" and "buts"
of the US assurance to work with others to facilitate India’s nuclear civilian
program. India has also agreed to work along with the US to prevent the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It will be interesting to see
what New Delhi’s position will be on Iran that is being accused by the US of
proliferation. Prime Minister Singh does not have the mandate to negotiate
India’s nuclear policies at the White House altar and will now have to convince
Parliament of the soundness of his approach.”
'Crossing The Milestone"
Centrist The Indian Express noted (7/20): “The new arrangement worked out between
President Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the nuclear issue is a
major landmark in several respects. The agreement promises to end India’s
nuclear isolation. The United States has committed itself to adjusting its
domestic laws and international treaties to facilitate nuclear fuel supply to
India. India will, as it always has, behave like a responsible power and put in
all possible safeguards against proliferation. If the Bush Administration
follows through on its commitments, this agreement could pave the way for a
massive expansion of India’s civilian nuclear energy program. In the short run, this agreement will pave
the way for expeditious consideration of fuel supplies to Tarapur, which is
facing a critical shortage of fuel enriched uranium. This agreement is also a tribute to India.
India is slowly being acknowledged as a full-fledged nuclear power, and an
important player in the shaping of a new proliferation order ... It is,
therefore, of the utmost importance that our political parties work together to
leverage India’s new power towards creating a sustainable nuclear program. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh deserves credit
for his perseverance and his ability to carry along all the branches of
government with him in this endeavor.
While the agreement is a major breakthrough, it is also a work in
progress. The Bush Administration will have to put in considerable effort to
change US domestic laws. But the very fact that it is willing to do so, is a
measure of how important India has become in US eyes. It is also a measure of
its sincerity that it is willing to expend political capital on India. On the other
side, India will have to carefully deliberate on the terms under which its
nuclear program will come under international safeguards. But these residual
uncertainties should not detract from the fact that India and the US have just
crossed a major milestone.”
"Washington Summer"
Centrist Times of India editorialized (7/20): “Since India's 1974 nuclear tests, it had
been seen by the US principally through the grid of nuclear non-proliferation
concerns. That had begun to change recently, and the seal was set on the
process by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's current agreement with president
Bush, which allows New Delhi to take some giant strides out of the nuclear
doghouse. Washington's formally welcoming New Delhi as the sixth member of the
nuclear club would wreck the current non-proliferation order, and ought not to
be expected. But the next best has happened, with Washington recognizing India
"as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology", who should
get the same advantages as other such states. Bush has committed to working
with the US Congress and with other countries to ease supply of nuclear fuel to
Tarapur and other power plants ... New Delhi's committing in return to place
its civilian nuclear plants under international safeguards does not damage our
interests, since military facilities are out of their scope. It may, in fact,
be a plus, as India's nuclear plants are ageing and doubts have been raised
about their safety. International safeguards will stimulate them to upgrade
their standards. Among other encouraging signs, Bush reiterated that the
sanctity of the LoC should be maintained. New Delhi did not get support for the
G-4 resolution on expanding the UN Security Council, but this was a foregone
conclusion. Washington has its own agenda of management reform in the UN, and
it will not allow other agendas to get ahead before its own concerns are met.
Besides, there is the tricky question of Germany, a G-4 member, who Washington
doesn't want to see in the Security Council. There don't seem to be any
breakthroughs comparable to the nuclear deal in the sphere of trade and
economic ties, but the onus for that may be on New Delhi. If it were to remove
sectoral restrictions on FDI that would give it a better hand in negotiating
with the Americans. Neither would that be against Indian interests, as easing
FDI flows to India would be good for its economy.”
"New Clear Policy"
Nationalist Hindustan Times commented (7/20): “The changes US position on nuclear issues
means that India's nuclear power program can pick up some badly needed steam.
Besides fuel for Tarapur, New Delhi now also has an opportunity to shop for
reactors in the international market, and participate in frontier research like
the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and the G IV
advanced reactor program ... These changed circumstances will help India to put
behind it the crippling sanctions that its nuclear program has faced and take a
closer look at its atomic ambitions ...
India's nuclear program comprises three stages for the optimized use of
a very limited uranium base, and extensive thorium reserves. The first stage of
pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) is established, while the second stage
with fast breeder reactors (FBRs) is yet to take off. The crucial third stage
using thorium is even more distant. As of now, despite achieving
self-sufficiency in the nuclear fuel cycle from exploration and mining through
fuel fabrication, heavy water production, reactor design and construction, to
reprocessing India's weak uranium resource base is still its Achilles' Heel.
The breakthrough in Washington -- along with the access to global technological
developments it will provide -- has come as a saving grace for India's
ambitious atomic program.
"A Peck On The Cheek"
Pro-economic-reforms The Business Standard opined
(7/20): “For the last several years
India and the US, like two uncertain suitors, have been slowly “discovering”
each other. Since the Bush
administration came to power five years ago, the wooing has been at an
accelerated pace. For reasons of its
own, the US has found India worth courting more assiduously now than
earlier. India, on its part, has been in
a swooning mode, as any long- shelved maiden would be on being paid some
attention. Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh’s visit has resulted in a quick peck on the cheek by the US, which has
indicated its willingness to take India out of the nuclear doghouse to which it
had been consigned after the first set of tests in 1974. India has agreed to place its reactors under
IAEA safeguards. It is not known yet if India has secretly agreed not to go
ahead with the Iran gas pipeline as a quid pro quo. It is unlikely that the US would not have
extracted its pound of flesh, especially now that the new Iranian president is
a virulently anti-US leader.
The outcome of the visit shows that the fundamental requirements
of the two countries have not changed. India wants several things but the three
most important are a freer flow of new technologies, to be treated as a major
player rather than as a country with a walk-on part, and, of course, assurances
about Pakistan and terrorism. It had
wanted the second of these to be instrumentalized via a permanent seat in the
UN Security Council. But the US was never willing to consider India ahead of
Japan. Nor was it willing to annoy
China, which has clearly expressed its opposition to India becoming a permanent
member. The choice of Shirin Tahir-Kheli, an American of Pakistani origin, to
handle UN reforms was a clear indication of US intentions. So India, deciding that discretion is the
better part of valor, took the issue off the agenda for this visit ... The
U.S., in turn, as befits an imperial power, has wanted explicit guarantees from
India that it will cooperate fully by falling in line over its nuclear
non-proliferation agenda.
This has been a foregone conclusion for some time and is no longer
a matter of high policy. But the speed with which the outcomes are achieved is
critical. This is where Dr Singh’s
domestic constraints become important because the future course does not depend
on personal equations between the leaderships. Instead, it is the speed with
which US firms can come in and make money here that will decide it. India is
still seen as sclerotic and confused.
Given the company he keeps at home, it is unlikely that Dr Singh would
have been able to dispel this view.”
"America Discovers India"
Manoj Joshi commented in nationalist Hindustan Times
(7/20): “Historic is a kind of word that
tends to be overused. But only a word like that would be able to do justice to
the joint statement signed on Monday in Washington by Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh and President Bush. Despite being
the representative of the much weaker interlocutor, one with historical grouses
against the United States, the prime minister made it clear that he would be
driven by a rational calculus of India's needs and interests, rather than the
sum of all the fears of his colleagues, officials and truculent allies. The achievement is `historic' because it
marks the end of a US policy that began in the late Sixties to contain India,
and the beginning of one that seeks to help it to become a great world
power. When in April, an aide to US
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told journalists that the US was committed
to making India a great power in the 21st century and understood the
implications of the same, there were some sniggers and a lot of scepticism. In three short months, the US has lent
substance to its declaration by the announcement that it accepts India as a
"responsible State with advanced nuclear technology (read: nuclear
weapons)". The US signal that it is
willing to accommodate India as a de facto nuclear weapons State has
ramifications beyond that of providing us access to civil nuclear or other high
technology. It is a gesture to assuage India's bruised sensitivities over the
way the US has shortchanged us through much of the Cold War. It is also a recognition
that India's size, economic growth, technological prowess, as much as its open
culture and democratic traditions, have made it the preferred partner for the
world's sole superpower. Coming back to the nuclear agreement: the main point
is not just the changed nomenclature, but the American belief, contained in the
sentence that India "should acquire the same benefits and advantages as
other such States".
The Washington joint statement clearly indicates that there is
still work to be done on this -- the US has to persuade Congress and its NSG
allies to `adjust' their rules and India has to fulfill its part of the bargain
by putting its existing civilian reactors under safeguards. But it also under
scores the administration's commitment to work achieving " full civil
nuclear energy cooperation and trade with India" ... The American decision
to change the way it deals with India in nuclear technology will have a
cascading impact on the other regimes that block India's access to US hi tech
in a range of areas, including bio- and nano-technology and robotics. This
could have its most beneficial impact in promoting closer Indo-US ties in space
exploration, satellite navigation and enable us to offer commercial launch
services on Indian rockets. There have
been two previous occasions when India sought closer strategic ties with the
US. In 1947, when fledgling India, just independent, became embroiled in a
conflict with Pakistan, and then in 1962 after being defeated by the Chinese in
a border war. But the difference between now and those periods cannot be more
striking. When today, nuclear-armed India, with one of the more powerful armed
forces in the world, with a thriving economy and a measure of self-confidence
induced by its IT prowess seeks strategic ties with the US, it does not do so
because it is defeated or weak, but because it is strong and getting stronger.
And because it is so, the resulting relationship will be more equal than it
would have been in the past, and will also present a clutch of opportunities
that to boost India's economy and enhance its security and its regional
footprint. Yet the self-doubt and scepticism over the outcome of the Washington
visit were more than manifest in its run up. They seem to be a product of,
first, an inability to decide just what India wants from its relations with the
US beyond the usual checklist of removing the nuclear embargo, getting hi-tech,
support for a seat in the United Nations. And, second, a lingering lingering
fear that India will be somehow trapped by the US into doing things it does not
want to ... The rule of the game remains: take what you can, and don't give,
unless you have to. There is no reason why India cannot engage the US on those
ground rules and construct a mutually beneficial relationship. It's not that
difficult. Ask the Pakistanis, for the past 50 years they have done well, and
are managing even now, when they have very few cards in their hands.”
"An Embrace Too Ardent"
Pratap Bhanu Mehta opined in centrist The Indian Express
(7/20): “Winston Churchill once called
on the British-American relationship to “roll on full flood, inexorable,
irresistible and benignant.” Whatever the wisdom of Churchill’s advice, our
admirable strategists are falling head over heels to give similar advice to India
... The sheer momentum of economic and social links will ensure a substantial
measure of cooperation. But it will be fatal if the allure of aligning to US
political and military objectives becomes irresistible. It will certainly not
be benign. There is some truth to the claim that nothing in our current
commitments seriously jeopardizes our independence. But equally, it has to be
admitted that the discourse on Indo-US relations, as a signal of our political
intent and identity, is taking an alarmingly Panglossian view of how American
and Indian interests align.
Notwithstanding the current bonhomie, at least ten questions need to be
asked more pointedly. India and the US allegedly converge on combating
terrorism and promoting democracy ... The same applies to terrorism. A genuine
partnership is possible only if India is given a significant role in shaping
the long-term global political strategy to deal with terrorism. But what is the
US’s version of partnership? “We have decided on a strategy for dealing with
terrorism: that strategy is on display in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan ...
India needs to be tough on terrorism. But our political strategies will be
different from those of the US. Much of our terrorism problem is rooted in the
histories and geo-politics of our region ... We can criticize our
anti-terrorism strategy on many counts. But it will be an illusion to think
that we can afford to combat it by American methods. Three, India wants to help
shape a new nuclear non-proliferation order but isn’t it astonishing that we
want to sign on to cooperation in this area without clearly ascertaining what
kind of non-proliferation regime the US wants? How onerous will be the
restrictions on us? The US not only watched, but abetted, the subversion of the
last non-proliferation regime. Its own objectives, from Iran to Pakistan, are
thoroughly confused. Let us clarify our own objectives rather than partner the
US in its confusion. Four, the US has committed to facilitate civilian nuclear
cooperation ... Five, there is something myopic about India trying to position
itself in American plans for containing China.
Six, in one profound sense, the India-Pakistan hyphen has been
broken. The US has acknowledged India as a qualitatively different kind of
power. But two core elements of the hyphenation persist. The US will encourage
Pakistan to tailgate India on everything from technology transfers to weapons
systems. The illusion that the hyphen has been broken is sustained because at
the moment Indo-Pak relations are improving, ... Seven, the interests of the US
and India do not converge on the shape of international institutions ranging
from the UN to an Asian Monetary Union. Eight, they do not converge in the
approach we have to our region. There is talk in Washington of imposing
sanctions on companies doing business with Iran. One does not have to condone
the Iranians to recognize that US tactics will only make things worse. The US
consistently wants to subvert the natural geography of Asia and deny us the
power of creating the links we need. Does this fit in with our strategic
objectives? Nine, every single power that the US has helped to build up, from
Germany to Japan, lost its capacity for independent political and military
action. China engaged with the US, but entirely on its own terms. Finally, the scepticism about the US does not
come from, as critics allege, an old mindset, paranoiac about the US. It comes,
instead, from confidence in our strength, and a sense that we overestimate US
power. By embracing the US as ardently as we are, we are giving up our
bargaining chips too soon. We are letting the US set the terms of this
relationship more than is warranted. India should become a different kind of
great power, not one that orients itself to endorsement by the United States.”
"From Non-Proliferation To Civilian Energy Cooperation"
K. Ramanathan and Veena Agarwal noted in centrist The Indian
Express (7/20): “This is the right
time for India to look again at nuclear power as an important source of energy
in the future. Energy security is a hot topic today, and so is sustainable
development. Environmental concerns relating to carbon emissions are also
increasingly centre-stage. The role of nuclear power has to be appraised in
this context. The US has already begun
promoting nuclear power as a clean fuel ... On July 18, Manmohan Singh and
George Bush made an agreement on civilian nuclear energy cooperation ... Would
US support be in the form of transfer of technology, or would it be simply an
export of certain equipments? Is it that the US is merely trying to create a
market for its equipment companies? It is for India to understand its specific
needs and assess whether the offer for cooperation serves its purpose. Some other aspects will also have to be kept
in mind. For one, this cooperation should not have a hidden cost. Concerns are
already being expressed in some quarters that Indo-US energy cooperation would
mean India forgoing the option of the Iranian piped gas. If it were so, this
would be unfortunate ... Secondly, cooperation with US should not lead to a
slowing down of indigenous R&D on nuclear power generation. India should
continue to focus strongly on indigenous technology as per the three-stage
program ... Another important aspect with respect to the indigenous development
program is the issue of safety. There have been apprehensions about the levels
of radiation at some of the NPCIL plants such as the Kakrapara Plant ... This
definitely is a matter of concern. There have also been reports about temporary
workers being brought from backward states for repair work at nuclear power
plants, who in a very short time are exposed to permissible lifetime limits of
radiation ... Perhaps it is time to look at international cooperation in
nuclear power as an instrument for progress and energy security.
"A Good Beginning For Indo-U.S. Strategic Partnership"
Mumbai edition of right-of-center Gujarati daily Mumbai
Samachar editorialized (7/20):
“Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the U.S. has created a
conducive atmosphere for increasing Indo-U.S. cooperation in areas such as
space technology, civilian use of nuclear technology and other hi-tech fields. In the present international political setup,
America has realized the importance of India.
The formulators of U.S. foreign policy at the topmost level have
understood the fact that it inevitably must make India stronger vis-à-vis
China. America is concerned about the
Chinese yen becoming stronger and thus increasing the costs of U.S. imports of
Chinese goods and raw material. On the
other hand, Pakistan-sponsored terrorism is the biggest hurdle for India in its
economic progress and development. In
this light, the Indo-U.S. defense agreement and America’s plain speaking
[order] to Pakistan to shut down the terror camps on its soil is a welcome
development for India. Strong economic
cooperation and political relations between India and the U.S., the world’s two
great democracies, will benefit all nations….
There is ample scope for both the nations to extend their bilateral
cooperation in the service sector, the financial sector, capital markets,
insurance, and the development of ports.
Nevertheless, this is a good beginning.
President Bush has scotched a feeling [in India] that Indo-U.S.
relations have not been at their best during the Republican’s rule at the White
House. As two mature democracies, it is
necessary for India and the U.S. to work towards world peace and at the same
time to ensure regular dialogue and mutual cooperation between them.”
"Transaction With America"
Mumbai edition of left-of-center Marathi daily Loksatta
commented (7/20): “America’s keenness to
improve bilateral relations with India is not a swift phenomenon. The American
mindset has not changed overnight. The
U.S. fears China’s domineering status in Asia. If the U.S. has to check China’s
rising power, no other country but India, and certainly not Pakistan, will come
in handy in this context…. Moreover, India’s indigenous marketplace is another
attraction for the U.S. In fact, Chinese goods currently flood the U.S. In
order to counter this growing Chinese menace, the U.S. feels that a budding
superpower like India should be recognized.
The U.S. is keen on transferring nuclear technology to India, mainly
because it has been admittedly deceived by Pakistan on this count. America has also realized that Pakistan has
not allowed the U.S. to hold an inquiry into A Q Khan’s clandestine sale of
nuclear weapons to Iran and North Korea.
Therefore, there are enough reasons to woo India, especially in the
context of Pakistan’s deceitful ways.”
"Prime Minister's Historic Visit"
Nationalist Rashtriya Sahara opined (7/20): “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the
US assumes historic significance in more than one respect. First of all, it is
first time that the US has recognized India as a responsible state with
advanced nuclear technology. However, the recognition is in no way a special
favor accorded to India as it has already proved both capable of making
technological progress and responsible enough to keep its words on
non-proliferation. India has already committed itself against to the principle
of no-first-use of its nuclear weapons against any country, which is not the
case with China. Secondly, the US has reiterated its position on Kashmir as a
problem to be resolved only by India and Pakistan bilaterally and without any
interference from Washington. Third, the US has not only agreed to supply fuel
to the Tarapur atomic power plant that was stopped since the first nuclear
experiment in 1974 at Pokharan, but it is very likely to lift other remaining
sanctions as well, imposed after the 1998 tests…. It is true that the US is a super power, it
could no longer ignore India as an emerging democratic power and deny what it
needed to accelerate its pace of economic and technological development…. However, India must remain watchful of US
policies in the region. Especially, New Delhi will have to be careful that it
is not made to serve American designs against China. On the issue of the
permanent membership of the UN Security Council too, the US has attitude is not
"Singhbad Calls For A Joint Voyage"
Bharat Bhushan editorialized in centrist The Telegraph
(7/20): “After scoring a major
achievement in getting America’s stamp on India’s nuclear weapons status and
President George W. Bush’s commitment on civilian nuclear co-operation, Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh ... sought the help of the US Congress to underwrite
the agreement. Congressional support is needed to change nuclear
non-proliferation laws to ensure that such co-operation becomes functional. In
his address to the joint session of Congress…Singh was making India’s case for
a role in global governance as the world’s largest functioning democracy. His
message was that America should work together with institutionalized
democracies and open societies to guarantee global stability and prosperity …
The Prime Minister spent considerable time impressing upon Congress members the
deeply institutionalized nature of Indian democracy and its relevance within
the country and outside. His two-fold attempt seemed to be to show how
deep-rooted Indian democracy was and how this offered an opportunity to the US
and India to forge close economic ties - 400 of the Fortune 500 US companies
are already in India - and promote democratic institutions in other
"Uncle Sam's Nod"
Centrist The Telegraph editorialized (7/20): “By virtually recognizing India as a nuclear
weapons state, Washington is finally changing a policy that it has stridently
sustained … There can be no doubt, therefore, that Mr. Manmohan Singh’s visit
to the U.S. has yielded unprecedented dividends … Some of these commitments
might generate controversy at home, but there is no doubt that these are in
tune with the national interest on which there is a near-consensus across
political parties. The U.S. too is
driven by its national interest. It sees
India as a strategic partner in a potentially unstable Asia. Clearly, the most fruitful relationships in
international politics are those that are rooted in common interests and common
values. On present evidence, India and
the U.S. share these in considerable measure.”
"Nuke Pledge To Come Dear"
Science correspondent G.S. Mudur editorialized in centrist The
Telegraph (7/20): “India’s pledge to
separate its civilian and military nuclear facilities envisaged in the Indo-US
joint statement…will be a difficult and expensive exercise … India’s assurance
that it would identify and separate civilian and military nuclear facilities
and open civilian facilities for international inspection, in reciprocity to US
assistance in the civilian nuclear program, has evoked mixed reactions from
nuclear scientists … Some experts said such an exercise was overdue, but a top
scientist said it would be ‘impractical and hugely expensive’ because India
does not have a large nuclear weapons program ... A top nuclear engineer said
demarcation of India’s civil and weapons program will be difficult because the
activities are near-seamlessly integrated … However, a nuclear technology
expert involved in India’s nuclear weapons development effort…said India has
nothing to lose by agreeing to the IAEA safeguards at some of its indigenously
produced commercial nuclear power reactors … India could designate specific
facilities, such as the Dhruva reactor at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in
Trombay complex and fuel reprocessing plants that extract plutonium, as
non-civilian facilities and thus out-of-bounds for international inspections …
Such a division of facilities may help India procure foreign nuclear technology
that…India will need to meet its nuclear energy targets … Scientists say
India’s nuclear power program, dogged by delays and cost overruns, could do
with infusion of western technology. Imported light water reactors from the
West may help India reach its target of generating 20,000 mw of atomic power by
"New Era"
Independent Calcutta Bengali Anandabazar Patrika
editorialized (7/20): “India had pursued
the policy of anti-Americanism for a long time under the veil of nonalignment.
The Congress party led by (Jawaharlal) Nehru-Indira (Gandhi) was the exponent
of that policy. So, the significance of this newly achieved Indo-U.S.
friendship under the prime minister ship of Manmohan Singh of that very
Congress party is easily felt … This cycle of events has another significance.
The U.S. stand about India’s nuclear capability and its recognition of her
(India’s) role in curbing terrorism may become especially helpful for India
because the historical ‘hyphen’ between India and Pakistan in American policy
will further fade out … Chances are bright that in the defense sector too,
India will be prioritized to receive U.S. weapons and advanced technology. No
matter what the so-called ‘nationalist’ Leftists say, this will further
strengthen Indian defense. In fact, Washington’s apprehensions about Delhi have
disappeared to a large extent … The more this multi-dimensional cooperation
becomes fruitful the better will it be for India to get a permanent membership
in the UNSC.”
'Meeting Between Bush and Manmohan"
Calcutta Urdu-language centrist Azad Hind opined
(7/20): “The US is under compulsion to
improve the relation…because India’s position as a formidable global economic
power has turned out to be so strong that the US can no longer afford to ignore
it… Among the developed countries it is only China that still maintains its
distance from the US, but at present it also does not want to go into any
conflict with Washington. Under such circumstances if the US can bring India
under its fold then Washington, for the time being, will have no concern in
South Asia. On the other hand, the relation between India and China has not
been so good… Under this condition strong relation between India and the US
will certainly worry China, a situation that the US also wants to see. Actually
the US is trying hard to make India stand in confrontation with China…
Manmohan’s success would be considered great if he can make Bush endorse
India’s claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council. So far there is
nothing on this in the agreement between the two leaders except for the de facto
US recognition of India as a nuclear weapon power.”
"Nuclear Bargain May Prove Costly In Long Run"
Siddharth Varadarajan noted in centrist The Hindu
(7/19): “The joint statement released in
Washington after Monday's meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and
President George W. Bush is `historic' in many different ways but none more so
than on the nuclear front ... While both sides have shown considerable
flexibility, it is India that has leapt a greater distance in conceding a key
demand of the Bush administration that the IAEA be allowed to monitor the
`non-military' side of the Indian nuclear energy program. Apprehending such a
decision, former and serving scientists at the Department of Atomic Energy had
told The Hindu on Sunday that allowing international inspectors access to all
civilian nuclear plants would seriously hamper ongoing research work on the
fast breeder reactor (FBR) program and compromise India's long-term energy
security. On Tuesday, when news came from Washington confirming that this was
precisely the bargain struck, the scientists reacted with anger and
disbelief. "I shudder to think how
we could have conceded such a thing," A.N. Prasad, former director of the
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), told this writer. "It is totally
against the national interest." India, he said, would now face the
prospect of its FBR program being undermined and the cost of its nuclear
weapons program dramatically escalating.
According to Dr. Prasad, segregation of civilian and military facilities
in the nuclear field in India is "impossible." "Our military
activities are not aimed at stockpiling nuclear weapons," he said.
"Rather, the aim is deterrence, which in turn is based on a given level of
threat perception." Since the United States and the other big nuclear
weapons state have doctrines based on stockpiling, they can perhaps afford to
maintain dedicated military facilities for the production and maintenance of
nuclear munitions. "But even they are finding that stockpiling imposes further
costs. The weapons become old, their materials degrade, they have to be
dismantled and replaced."
“Ever since Mitchell Reiss, head of the U.S. State Department's
Policy Planning Division in the first Bush administration, started advocating
IAEA safeguards for Indian civilian nuclear facilities, the DAE had been
bracing itself for the day when this would be pushed through. At stake, says
Dr. Prasad, is the fast breeder program and its eventual third stage when
India's huge reserves of thorium will allow it to enjoy energy security
"for the next 300 years." "Allowing IAEA inspectors and signing
the Additional Protocol means throwing open not just your reactors but the
entire chain, the whole fuel cycle. This is the crux of the whole issue."
Only those who have worked on advanced nuclear research know the harmful effect
intrusive inspections can have, he added ... Calling India a "state with
advanced nuclear technology" has helped the U.S. bridge a semantic gap but
it is not clear whether it will help the wider world of NPT signatories and
Nuclear Suppliers Group members bridge what they perceive to be a legal
gap. There is one final issue that needs
to be highlighted. What was the need for India to reiterate its commitment - in
a bilateral statement - to a moratorium on nuclear tests? At the very least,
India should have insisted that the U.S. too reiterate its own moratorium and
not pursue research on new nuclear munitions like "bunker busters"
and space-based weapons. Not to speak of its disarmament obligations as a state
with "advanced nuclear technology." Presumably, silence on these
issues is also part of the grand nuclear bargain.”
"Democracy Talk"
Kuldip Nayar editorialized in centrist The Indian Express
(7/19): “It will be naive to weigh Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Washington purely on the scales of what he
actually brings back from this summit. Whether it is support for UN Security
Council membership, or cooperation in civil nuclear energy to make up the power
shortage or the ‘‘end of the illusory idea of military balance between India
and Pakistan,’’ as suggested by the Carnegie Endowment, these are all pertinent
gains that are demanded by New Delhi’s self-interest. But even if all of them
were to come about, India still would not be able to offer the kind of equation
that America desires. There are reasons
for this. The main one is the different perceptions of the two countries on
China. America’s long-term interests demand an ally in this part of the world
whose ports, aerodromes and other infrastructure are available to it if and
when it wants to lay low the Chinese dragon. Washington feels, as the Carnegie
report of July says, that an unbridled China is not in US interest and that by
bolstering India, the US can arrest the ‘‘growth of Chinese influence in the
Indian Ocean rimlands and Chinese penetration of Myanmar.’’ New Delhi, on the other hand, has come a
long way from 1962. It is cultivating friendship with Beijing and firming up
boundaries. India does not think that it needs to align itself with Washington
to thwart Beijing. India believes that the clash with China is not inevitable -
a different thinking from that of Jawaharlal Nehru - and that the region is big
enough to accommodate both. If India can have a peace process with its
inveterate foe Pakistan, why not bury the hatchet with China?
The world is not interested in the alliances or agreements America
is striking with India. People want to
know what the two countries, which loudly proclaim that they are the biggest
democracies, propose to do to bolster faith in liberal thoughts and free
society, shrinking the world over. That America and India have renewed their
determination to fight against terrorism strengthens the global resolve that
the fundamentalists, jehadis or others, will not be allowed to hold entire
societies to ransom. Yet both countries are missing the larger question: why
are terrorists proliferating? The grievances that their guns or brutal killings
highlight have not evoked a debate, much less any signs of redress. Democracy does not mean justice for a few. It
connotes fair play even for its opponents. The system assures that even when
provoked, democracies will not destroy the individual’s inalienable right to
stay free. When democratic America
imposed an unnecessary war on Iraq, Washington laid down new rules of morality
which do not fit into the values free societies cherish. No doubt, terrorism
has blinded normal judgment ... Governments are obliged to strike a balance
between that which seems to be demanded by the rush of anger and outrage and
that which is adequate to deal with the situation. The democratic temperament
of a country is tested only when it is challenged by deliberate, indiscriminate
violence. How much force is to be used and when, is what differentiates
authoritarian functioning from the democratic. Terrorists, with no morals at
stake, indulge in blatant and banal killings.
They want to brutalize the society. It is for the state not to descend
to their level to counter them. It has to sustain faith in justice and
fairness. This is where democracies are beginning to fail.
New laws are giving the state sweeping powers without
accountability. They are creating an atmosphere of helplessness as well as of
acceptance. Legitimate rights of people are being superseded. This process may
prove to be dangerous for a democratic structure in the long run. What America
did after 9/11 was an expression of anger and vindictiveness. There was little
indication of the distilled experience of a mature democratic state ... Coming
to democratic India, New Delhi is proposing another detention law to fight
terrorism. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, which has created havoc in
the northeastern states, particularly Manipur, is sought to be extended all
over the country. What it means is that the armed forces will continue to use
force and to kill when they are convinced that ‘‘the individual is acting in
contravention of the law in a disturbed area.’’ ... It is no more a secret that
the Taliban is America’s creation. Today the cult of Taliban has spawned the
Al-Qaeda. Stories emanating from Pakistan say that the training camps are back
and fundamentalists are queuing up again. If the democratic legacy is to be
protected, all countries should restore and enshrine the principles of truth
and liberty in their social, economic and political order. As Robert Frost
said, ‘‘most of the change we think we see in life is due to truth being in or
out of favor.’’
"Is the Indian PM Out To Sell The Country?"
Diwakar Deshpande noted in left-of-center Marathi Maharashtra
Times (7/19): “The Left parties have
started crying hoarse over the possible sale of India by Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh, who is on a three-day visit to the U.S. It is only after the
end of the three days that we will know if Singh actually sold the
country. As has happened in the past,
the Left and the extreme Right-wing parties will realize that the PM has not
sold the country by entering into a strategic dialogue with a superpower…. In fact, it should have been clear by now
that India’s non-alignment with any superpower does not stop it from holding
friendly talks with other countries. In
other words, strengthening of bilateral relations with the U.S. should not be
misconstrued. The Indian Prime Minister
has entered into the U.S.-India strategic partnership for bolstering India's
energy requirements, including civil, nuclear and military needs. Obviously,
the U.S. also expects India’s support on many counts in return…. It is certainly necessary for our defense
experts to keep a watch on India’s promises and America’s intended gains.
However, there is no need to associate such pacts with India’s surrender….”
"Nuclear Dialogue A Test Of The New Strategic
N. Ravi opined in centrist The Hindu (7/19): “The India-U.S. dialogue on civil nuclear
energy is emerging as a vital area of focus for India's energy security and
will test how far the United States is willing to go in this sensitive area in
the context of the new strategic partnership.
Indian officials have been emphasizing that this would be the start of a
new process of engagement in this area that both the Governments would have to
get used to, moving away from their old mindsets. Such an engagement through a
working group or some such mechanism may not result in the signing of immediate
agreements but would open the way for specific steps for the supply of nuclear
fuel and nuclear technology. For India,
nuclear energy has become critical in meeting its needs in the medium term.
Right now, the country is heavily dependent on oil imported from West Asia and
the increased use of coal would run up against the issue of greenhouse gases
and global warming. It would need to expand its nuclear energy program from 2400
MW to 40,000 MW in the medium term.
Indian officials recognize that the Bush administration would have
to spend considerable political capital if it were to get Congress to amend the
law to permit nuclear supplies to India at this stage. Its nuclear non-proliferation
goals would also suffer some loss of credibility if it were to persuade the
Nuclear Suppliers Group to lift the ban on supplies to India. Yet, they have
been at pains to point out to the U.S. administration and to the broader
nuclear community that India has remained a responsible nuclear power with a
tight control over its nuclear material and facilities, and that the
restrictions would not make any sense in the light of its record. So far there has not been any indication from
the American side that it would be willing to consider nuclear fuel supplies or
let other countries supply nuclear fuel so long as some of the Indian nuclear
facilities remain unsafeguarded. One possible move could be to provide fuel for
the U.S.-supplied reactors at Tarapur. That should be possible without an
amendment of the law, but for the large scale expansion of the nuclear energy
program, much more would be needed. If
neither the U.S. nor the Nuclear Suppliers Group were to change their position,
India will be faced with the hard choice of limiting its nuclear energy program
to 10,00 MW in the medium term or of taking up the domestically unacceptable
issue of subjecting all of its nuclear facilities to international safeguards.
It is in this context that the present diplomatic effort at the highest level
to work for a change of U.S. attitude and policy assumes importance.”
"Goof-Up, In God's Favored Country"
New Delhi Senior Editor Bharat Bushan commented in centrist The
Telegraph (7/19): “When a
5,000-year-old civilization meets a developing civilization, is there a clash?
No. Instead of a clash of civilizations there is a crash of machines. This is
what happened at the Andrews Air force Base when the Indian Prime Minister’s
delegation landed. At the customs and immigration post, there was a pile up of
passports and a crowd of Indians - all duly fingerprinted by the US Embassy in
Delhi and with machine-readable visas waiting eagerly to be photographed for US
records through a web camera for posterity. And their fingerprints had to match
with those given in Delhi. Every visitor to God’s Favorite Country, after all,
could be a potential terrorist … There was one snag. The scanner would not read
the machine-readable visas … Then there was another snag. The web camera
started acting erratically and would not take a picture … Some delegates were
let in through immigration with only fingerprints and manual typing of their
visa details.
But how does one handle 50 Indians getting impatient after a long
flight. Not that they said anything - we are a docile people when it comes to
dealing with the sole superpower. Powerful editors, columnists and diplomatic
correspondents, whose roar can normally be heard tearing through flimsy
newsprint, waited quietly … Then something snapped. The US official started
stamping all the passports without bothering to type anything. The fingerprint
scanner worked but he had given up on that also. Like a good Indian postman, he
went about stamping the immigration forms and passports in a rhythm everyone
seemed to enjoy. The essay in mutual comprehension with the world’s greatest
superpower, as the Prime Minister is wont to describe our relationship with the
outside world, was far from over … Is there something fascist about grandness
or is beauty really in the eyes of the beholder? Before this question could be
mulled over, a senior member of the delegation found that his room was already
occupied - he had been allotted a room that had not yet been vacated. Oh well,
put that down to computer error.”
"Nuclear Boom Reaches U.S. Ears"
Bharat Bushan opined in centrist The Telegraph (7/19): “That there was positive news in the offing
on the nuclear front was indicated by Singh when he said in his White House
joint press conference with Bush that the civilian nuclear issue had been
resolved in a manner that gave him ‘great satisfaction’ … In the joint press
conference held in the East Room of the White House, Singh thanked Bush for his
‘leadership and personal role’ in achieving ‘a resolution’ of this issue. Bush
reciprocated by describing the Prime Minister as a man whose vision he
applauded and who was committed to ‘peace and liberty’ … Bush for his part said
the U.S. was committed to completely implementing the Next Steps in Strategic
Partnership (NSSP) to strengthen cooperation in ‘civilian nuclear, civilian
space and high-technology commerce….”
"Sing The Tune"
Centrist The Telegraph editorialized (7/19): “Too much goodness in politics often
translates into timidity in action. This is what has happened to Manmohan Singh
… The Left has thwarted every attempt made by the Prime Minister to push
through economic reforms... Moreover, the Left has tried to tell the Prime
Minister about how he should conduct himself during his negotiations with the
President of the United States of America. Singh, not to put too fine a point
on it, has failed to tell the Left who is running the government. This failure
has raised the suspicion that maybe he is not running the government. A man of
Singh’s stature cannot allow himself to be reduced to a puppet of the Left or
of any other person or pressure group. It is better to admit failure as a
leader than to be a leader who is not the master of his own mind. The Left has
about 60 members in the Lok Sabha, and on the basis of this it is trying to
hold Singh’s government at ransom. It is time Singh called its bluff….”
'Anything For A Place At The High Table"
Professor of International Relations and Global Politics at Delhi
University Achin Vanaik noted in centrist The Telegraph (7/19): “Of course, the enthusiasts of this defense
arrangement are never upfront about stating what the US’s political purpose is
- to tie up as many countries as possible into its hub-and-spokes strategic
arrangement. This way, all potential opponents would pay more attention to
maintaining the health of their relations with the US, than think about ways to
counter it. Indian strategic analysts trot out all the usual rationale about
how good the defense deal is, how it is to be valued because of the common need
to tackle terrorism. In practice, this refers to how the arrangement might help
the US - the state most guilty of international terrorist-like behavior -
confront its selectively defined ‘terrorist’ opponents more strongly. The deal
will help India get more defense goodies, they say. But this will only make
India more dependent on, and grateful for, US military help. And how the deal
will lead to regional stability - in other words, help stabilize US dominance
over the Indian Ocean up to the Straits of Malacca with India faithfully
playing the role of junior naval partner in this geo-political project. But
since the US has its own gameplan, signing the deal is not going to help India
in its efforts to get a permanent seat in the United Nations Security
"U.S. Stamp On Cow Urine Drug Booster"
G.S. Mudur commented in centrist The Telegraph (7/19): “The virtues of cow urine, which the director
of the Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra near Nagpur has claimed for years, now has a
seal of approval of the US patents office. The US patents and trademarks office
has granted a patent to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) on what is claimed to be ‘an absolutely novel use of cow urine
distillate’, or ‘go mutra’, in medicine … The patent describes cow urine
distillate as a ‘bioenhancer’ - a substance that can increase the efficiency of
drugs such as antibiotics or anti-cancer agents in the body. A smaller amount
of a drug given along with a bioenhancer can produce the same biological effect
in the body as a larger amount given alone … The bio enhancer from cow urine
has the potential to ‘drastically’ reduce the dosage of antibiotics and
anti-cancer agents, the patent claim said….”
"Symbols Of National Power"
C.P Bhambhri editorialized in pro-economic-reforms The Economic
Times (7/19): “The first official
visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to U.S. from July 18-20, 2005, preceded
by defense minister Pranab Mukherjee’s signing of a 10-year defense agreement
between India and the U.S. on June 29, 2005, deserves to be understood and analyzed
in the context of changing perceptions of the ruling classes about the status
of India in the 21 century. The Indian
ruling elite seems to feel that India has arrived as a ‘middle power’ in the
international arena and now it should not play the role of just a developing
country, dependent on concessions given by the super powers ... Americans have
a very hospitable climate in India because every influential class, strata,
group or lobby is willing to do ‘business with America’. Anti-Americanism is a thing of the past and
prosperous social groups in India identify themselves with a prosperous and
powerful America. Will America respond
to the desires of their friends in India?
The pro-American powerful social constituencies are a necessary but not
a sufficient reason to motivate the US to patronize India of the 21st century
... In a 2003 report by American Council on Foreign Relations on South Asia it
has been clearly stated the US (has) an opportunity to influence major regional
developments and India-U.S. should work on ‘genuine partnership’. In other words, India can depend on US
friendship and generosity if India supports American ‘interests’ in Asia and
unstated but well known fact is that India versus China is the American
national goal in this part of the world.
So India has apparently opted for a pro-American stance since without US
support India cannot play its desired role of a middle power.”
"To The Next Level"
Pro-economic-reforms The Economic Times editorialized
(7/18): “Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
has a unique opportunity to redefine Indo-U.S. relations. Distrust between Washington and New Delhi is
now well into the past. Anti-Americanism
in India is confined to the Left and American leaders of the 1970s vintage are
embarrassed and apologetic about what they thought and said then. Relations have even moved beyond early
post-cold-war daydreams of the US largesse towards the largest democracy. If Dr. Singh needed a reminder that such
unequivocal support was never on the cards, it was provided in the UN last week
when the US called for a vote against the G-4 proposal that would have given
India a permanent seat in the Security Council.
And yet there are a number of critical areas, from fighting terrorism to
developing energy strategies, where India and the US can, and need to, work
Closer Indo-U.S. relations will then be just one of several
alliances that each nation will pursue.
Prime Minister Singh will have an opportunity to demonstrate in the US
that India has the maturity to handle the multiple relationships of a
multi-polar world with the responsibility of a country that represents a sixth
of humanity. Dr. Singh’s message that
New Delhi intends to rapidly increase its cooperation with Washington without
in any way compromising its sovereignty will have an audience at home that
could prove more difficult. As Dr. Singh
learnt from the reaction to his speech in Oxford, there are section in India
looking for a loss of national pride in every sentence of a speech. And it will not help that a substantial
number of those critics belong to the anti-American Left, on whose support Dr.
Singh’s government depends. The PM will
have to show the world that he has not only the vision needed to take Indo-U.S.
relations to a higher and mutually beneficial level, but also the political
spine to make that vision a reality.”
"Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
Brahma Chellaney noted in nationalist The Hindustan Times
(7/18): “Manmohan Singh’s address to the
US Congress on Tuesday will attract more attention in India, where it has been
billed as a major event, than in the US. In this interregnum between the Fourth
of July holiday recess and Congress's month-long August break, many lawmakers
will be absent, and their seats will be filled by congressional staffers and
their friends to create an impression of a full audience. Few in the US take
such an event seriously. This is not the equivalent of a US president
addressing the Indian Parliament, as Bill Clinton did, with appreciative MPs in
full attendance and a live telecast captivating the nation's attention. Yet,
because the Indians make a big deal of such an event, as when Vajpayee
addressed the Congress, the Americans find it useful to pander to Indian pride
through such a gesture. India's craving
for international recognition and status is so apparent that other powers play
to that weakness through pleasing, if empty gestures or statements. The best
way a foreign power can get a good press in India is by mouthing sweet nothings
on India or lavishing attention on a visiting Indian dignitary. Each time the
US president has `dropped by', his national security advisor's meeting with a
visiting Indian minister, India has read the gesture as a sign of its growing
importance in US policy.
Much of Indian foreign policy remains a search for status, a
recognition from rich foreigners that India is not an assemblage of poor people
repeatedly conquered by bands of outside invaders for nearly a thousand years.
In seeking to play a greater international role, India unsuspectingly displays
signs of its long subjugation, including a psychological dependency on
outsiders to assist its rise. Pakistan
also seeks status, as recompense for lacking a national identity, but it has a
clear and immediate goal -- undermining India. That aim gives a distinct focus
to its foreign policy. In contrast to
India's fuzziness, China, also ravaged by colonialism, has defined a clear
objective for itself -- to emerge as `a world power second to none' -- and is
expanding its capabilities at the fastest pace possible. India strives more for
external recognition than to build up its own economic and military strength,
even though status comes with might. Indeed, it began economic reforms, unlike
China, not by choice but under external compulsion ... The absence of clear,
long-term strategic goals and political resolve only swells the longing for
outside approbation and recognition. India is the only known country that
overtly moulds its policies to win international goodwill. Even when faced with
aggression, like in Kargil, India did not open a new front to relieve pressure
and allowed the US to midwife an end to the war because its main concern was
international goodwill. The desire for external endorsement and certification
is deep-seated ... A nation's influence and prestige are built on capability
and what it stands for. Ideas and themes serve as the rationale to the
assertive pursuit of national interest, providing the moral veneer to the
ruthlessness often involved in such endeavor. The philosophy of non-violence,
on which India was founded, was crushed in 1962. Non-alignment has become
passé. India is left only with advertising itself as a liberal, secular
democracy -- a notable achievement but hardly a galvanizing element.
India has to start thinking the ideas that would enhance its
appeal and help aid its rise as a great power ... India's love of flattery
makes it particularly vulnerable to seduction by praise. Remember the elation
that greeted Washington's offer -- made the day it decided to sell F-16s to
Pakistan -- to "help India become a major world power in the 21st
century"? India has shown it can exercise power self-protectively to
withstand external pressures. But the same India can be sweet-talked into
ceding ground ... India should persist with its efforts to build a mutually
beneficial strategic partnership with the US to help underpin its long-term
interests. But if India allows process to matter more than results, the US will
continue to play to its quest for status through syrupy promises while it
develops aspects of the relationship beneficial to US interests. The warm
ambience of Manmohan Singh's meetings in Washington should not deflect India
from insisting that the relationship progress in a balanced way so that it
secures clear economic and strategic gains, not status-enhancing inducements.”
"Nuclear Cooperation With U.S.: Experts Urge Caution"
Siddharth Varadarajan commented in centrist The Hindu
(7/18): “When prime Minister Manmohan
Singh meets U.S. President George Bush in Washington on July 18, his attempt to
push cooperation in the civilian nuclear field will face one big hurdle:
Washington's desire to tighten the already restrictive global regime governing
the transfer of nuclear-related material for civilian purposes. No matter how important a position India has
come to occupy in U.S. strategic thinking, Washington will be careful not to do
anything that will weaken the non-proliferation initiatives announced by
President Bush in February 2003. If anything, the ongoing crisis over North
Korea and Iran has increased the salience of these initiatives and reduced the
Bush administration's appetite for making exceptions. The American embargo on the supply of
civilian nuclear equipment to India is linked to both its domestic laws and its
membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Part I of whose guidelines
prohibit the transfer of nuclear equipment to a country that does not accept
comprehensive safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at
all its nuclear facilities ... Among American analysts, Selig Harrison and
Ashley Tellis have suggested that the best way for the U.S. to integrate India
into the global non-proliferation order as a de facto nuclear weapons
state and allow it access to nuclear equipment and fuel is to insist that all
existing and future power reactors be safeguarded by the IAEA. The Indian atomic establishment is, however,
wary of safeguards except at any new facility that is created with outside
equipment or help.
There is scepticism about the outcome of the Prime Minister's
visit on the nuclear front. Joining issue with Ashley Tellis' recommendations
that the easiest thing for the Bush administration to do is to invite India to
join ongoing research programs for next generation prototype reactors, a senior
DAE official said that India needed fuel and equipment today ... A.
Gopalakrishnan, former chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, is not
convinced India should be looking at the U.S. for light water reactors even as
an "additionality." ... The critical issue for India right now, he
says, is the shortage of natural uranium for its pressurized heavy water
reactors. If the U.S. wants to help, it should facilitate the purchase of
uranium, he says. India should also think of approaching Niger and Namibia, two
countries with enormous reserves of uranium, which are not members of the
"Will India Succeed In Gaining Security Council Membership
Without U.S. Support?"
The Mumbai-edition of centrist Gujarati Gujaratmitra
editorialized (7/18): “At a time when
the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is all set to discuss a variety of
issues with U.S. President George Bush, India has indicated that it will
continue its efforts for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. The U.S. has neither openly favored nor
rejected India’s claim for the Security Council seat. However, it has openly expressed its support
for Japan, one of the G-4 countries claming a Security Council seat, on this
issue. Despite this, India has not lost
its nerve. India is trying its best to
convince all the member-nations to support its draft resolution on the
expansion of United Nations. Nevertheless,
it remains to be seen whether India can achieve its goal without the blessings
of the U.S. on this. Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh’s political acumen and diplomacy will be put to the test when he
presents India’s case in his meetings with the U.S. President on this subject. Only time will tell how far he succeeds in
his efforts to convince the U.S. to support India’s claim.”
"Will The India PM Be Able To Counter U.S. Doublespeak?"
Mumbai edition of Marathi Tarun Bharat commented
(7/18): “Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh needs to take the U.S. to task on one specific count - the U.S.
doublespeak on terrorism. In the entire
history of international affairs, no country in the world has so far been able
to beat America in the double standards that are inherent in US policies to
counter global terrorism…. The U.S.
declared a war against terror after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. A country like
India couldn’t have agreed more with the U.S. on this count. Much enthused by the U.S. foreign policy
shift, India speedily brought the US attention to the Pakistan-sponsored
terrorist activities in the Kashmir Valley.
But the U.S. never found it necessary to reprimand Pakistan. Instead it
gave a clean chit to General Pervez Musharraf. The U.S. has unfailingly
remained non-committal in its stance on India-Pakistan bilateral relations,
thereby keeping both the neighbors guessing. American presidents and diplomats,
including Bill Clinton and Colin Powell, have made very cautious and
neither-here-nor-there observations during their visits to India and Pakistan…. America has now claimed that it has warned
Pakistan against the terrorist camps operating from its soil. But, in reality,
such a warning has not been given. The U.S. claim is merely a whitewash job in
the context of the Indian PM’s U.S. visit….”
"Chalo America"
C. Raja Mohan commented in centrist The Indian Express
(7/17): “While the Indian media is
obsessed with specific outcomes from the Singh-Bush meeting, such as agreements
on civilian nuclear energy, cooperation in high technology areas, and American
support for India’s permanent membership of the United Nations Security
Council, the talks signify a lot more. The Singh-Bush parleys on Monday, July
18, are about the new dynamism in the triangular relations between New Delhi,
Washington and Beijing. The results from these talks will constitute an
important step in the long process to establish a new balance of power in Asia
and the world. By any measure, Singh’s visit to the United States is a rare
one, when considered either in the context of American diplomatic practice or
the history of Indo-US relations. Not since the arrival of Chinese leader Deng
Xiaoping to the US in January 1979, has an administration so chosen to hype a
foreign dignitary’s visit. While India’s weight in the world system is growing,
it is much weaker than either the US or China. But it is the prospect that
India is emerging as the ‘‘swing state’’ in the global balance of power that is
shaping Singh’s visit to Washington. It is the Bush administration that has
taken the initiative on Singh’s visit. Three months ago, President Bush
dispatched the new secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, to Delhi to lay out a
fresh template for Indo-US relations. External Affairs Minister Natwar Singh
was in Washington three weeks later to have it confirmed that the US meant what
it was saying. The essence of Bush’s message is that America wants to assist
India realize its aspirations to become a global power. Why would one nation
want to build up another, sceptics in India ask. After all, they rightly point
out, international relations are not based on charity or altruism. The answer
is quite simple. As China rises like a colossus, the US would like to see a
stronger India that can contribute to peace and stability in Asia. Not very
different from what the US did with China in balancing the Soviet Union in the
1970s and 1980s.
India is fully conscious that the density of the Sino-US
relationship is much thicker today than that between either New Delhi and
Washington or New Delhi and Beijing. India’s total commerce with the world is
smaller than the Chinese trade surplus - Dols. 160 billion in 2004 - with the
United States. Further, India’s relations with China have never been as good as
they are today. For the first time in decades, India and China have a rapidly
growing economic relationship and are making progress in resolving their
political disputes. India is aware it
has begun to matter in world politics in a manner it did not in the past. New
Delhi knows the world is big enough to accommodate a rising India and a rising
China. Unlike some in India, the government has no reason to be apologetic
about its growing capabilities. India’s strategy towards the US and China will
not be dissimilar to that followed by Deng towards America and the Soviet Union
in the 1980s. While deepening relations with Washington, Deng also began
normalizing bilateral ties with Moscow. Deng was playing a balancing game, at
the end of which China was much stronger than before. In one line, that’s
Manmohan Singh’s agenda in Washington.”
"Will Bush Singh India's Tune?"
Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar editorialized in centrist The
Times of India (7/17): “When Indian
Prime Minister visit the US. They make big headlines in India, but very small
ones (or none at all) in the US. That
should put Manmohan Singh’s visit in perspective. India today occupies only tiny corner of the
US radar screen. However, making even a
blip is an achievement. Ten years ago,
India was not on the screen at all. It
has now arrived, thanks partly to 9/11 but mainly to Indian success in computer
software, BPO and R&D. These service
industries suddenly make India look world-class, threatening millions of white
collar jobs in the US and Europe ... For the US, good relations with India are
useful but not essential. For India,
good relations are crucial. India may like to pose as partner rather than
supplicant, but it will be a very unequal partnership. Dr. Singh will ask a lot of the US, yet have
little to give. India can present itself
as a force for stability in an unstable region breeding Islamic militants ...
The fact is, prime ministerial visits aim to improve the climate for
decisions. They rarely yield agreements
that have not already been negotiated.
Dr. Singh will be lucky to get many US commitments on the wish list he takes
to Washington. But as Dubya himself
would say, we might be ‘misunderestimating’ our Man.”
"Why FCRA Needs A Quick Burial"
N.K. Singh opined in centrist The Indian Express
(7/17): “The much awaited visit of the
Prime Minister to the US has begun ... the Indo-US co-operation has entered a
new intensive phase. The Prime Minister’s visit will deepen this process
notwithstanding the caveats by the Left and disclaimers even before the visit
began. There is, however, one area where progress has been zero if not negative
... the scrapping of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) ...
Fortunately, one obnoxious regulation making it compulsory for any contribution
aimed for educational institutions going to a Bharat Shiksha Kosh, overlooking
that such contributions to the alma mater was a way of repaying back, was
scrapped by the new government ... The Act is administered by the Ministry of
Home Affairs ... The FCRA is an archaic legislation. Even as India has become
increasingly globalized, this Act reflects undue diffidence ... There are,
however, other means to achieve this unexceptionable goal. Several existing
laws like the Money Laundering Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act and other
legislations under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs can be strengthened
to meet this objective. The FCRA deserves to be scrapped. Democratic
institutions and our pride in preserving an ‘‘open society’’ need repeated
vindication. Can we arrange a decent but quick burial for this outmoded law?”
"Stung, Singh Returns Sellout Fire"
New Delhi Senior Editor Bharat Bhushan noted in centrist The
Telegraph (7/17): "Chaffing at
criticism that his government’s eagerness to forge closer ties with the US amounts
to a ‘sellout’ of India’s national interests, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
described such allegations as an ‘insult’ ... The Prime Minister has come under
attack from the Left parties which have expressed apprehensions about his US
visit in their party organs as well as in face-to-face meetings. And he has
been at pains to allay such fears. An upset Singh wondered how such allegations
could be made against the Congress ‘which has produced the most outstanding
leaders of our freedom struggle and who gave their lives to defend the dignity
and honor of this country’. How could anyone even imagine that ‘any Prime
Minister of the Congress party will ever think consciously or unconsciously to
sell India cheap’? ‘India is not for sale,’ Singh said, adding that it was the
‘unquestionable’ obligation of the Prime Minister as the ‘bound servant of the
people of India’ to preserve and protect India’s interests and rights in the
international arena. At the same time, the Prime Minister made a strong case
for finding areas of convergence with the US to create a facilitating
environment for India’s economic growth … The US was a superpower whose
influence extended to almost every world arena. It was not always necessary or
possible that all the interests of the US would coincide with those of India …
The purpose of his visit to was to give the US Administration an opportunity to
understand India’s domestic and international concerns and ‘to enlist their
cooperation in achieving our objectives’. He hoped that his visit would
contribute to a better understanding of India’s commitment and concerns ‘as a
responsible nuclear power that accepts all the rights and obligations’ which go
with such a status. India…had been subjected to several restrictive and
discriminatory measures in a number of technology areas - especially nuclear
technology to generate power. These were outdated and should go. India is
seeking some understanding with the US to facilitate purchase of civilian
nuclear reactors in the world market….”
"Bush Waits For Singh, With Tiger"
K.P. Nayar commented in centrist The Telegraph (7/17): “After scouting for months for a policy gift
which would personally please Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his
three-day visit to Washington…the White House has settled on an issue that is
close to Singh’s heart: protecting the tiger. One of 16 Indo-US joint
initiatives to be launched during Singh’s meeting with President George W.
Bush…is a project to protect the Bengal Tiger. Final details of the initiative
are still under scrutiny … Until now, the US has kept out of the initiative,
which groups India, Bangladesh and several other countries, which are the
natural habitat of tigers. Canada is the initiative’s most recent member. The
Indo-US project to protect the Bengal Tiger from threats of extinction follows
Bush’s insistence that he must do for Singh something that is in addition to
grand policy visions, such as co-operation in space or nuclear energy:
something that the Prime Minister would treasure as a gain not only for his
country, but also for an issue to which he is individually committed ... The
joint project to be unveiled ... will focus on the tiger population in the
Sunderbans and Buxa in West Bengal, in addition to other parts of India where
the species are threatened, according to officials giving final touches to the
initiative. It will seek to revive co-operation between research and
educational institutions in both India and the US, which are engaged in
wildlife protection and the environment. In preparing the project, officials
here are said to have pored over details of Singh’s visit to the Ranthambore
National Park in May, when he ventured up to five feet of Lady of the Lake, one
the tigresses in the park.”
"PM's Washington Visit"
Chennai-based independent financial The Hindu Business Line
editorialized (7/17): "At this
juncture, all indications point to the fact that Dr Manmohan Singh's visit to
the US will be of more than usual interest to both New Delhi and Washington. As
far as the latter is concerned, there are clear signs that it wants India to
play an important part in its world-view of politico-economic alliances in the
second and third decades of the 21st century. For New Delhi, in the emerging
"global" environment - where erstwhile Cold War calculations are no
longer applicable - support of any sort from the US would be welcome because it
would help to increase Indian leverage in international negotiations in diverse
fields. Seen in this perspective it is probable that the Indo-US defense framework
agreement is an integral part of the developing Washington-New Delhi entente.
In other words, going by public criticism of the agreement, it would seem that
New Delhi has conceded some ground in this particular sphere in the expectation
that the US would give way in other areas, which would be of strategic-tactical
value to the Indian position on the world stage. It is, of course, not known
whether US support for the G-4 UN General Assembly resolution on the changes in
the Security Council's membership, etc, formed part of the
"arrangement". If it did, events over the past couple of days
indicate that this part of the package will not work out now, particularly
after Shirin Tahir-Kheli, adviser to the US secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice,
told members of the General Assembly that Washington would work to
"achieve enlargement of the Security Council but only in the right way and
at the right time"... Why Washington has chosen to take this step now is
not known although it is clear that the decision represents a victory for those
Americans who feel that the "Big Five" concept of yesteryear -
namely, the US, France, Britain, Russia and China (replacing Taiwan) - is still
relevant in the governance of international relations in the present century.
Certainly, there is little relevance for the concept today when the catchphrase
is global liberalisation and equity in relations among nations. However, seen
strictly from the narrow American point of view, there is still a lot of use to
which the veto can be put to, and a lot of practical sense in keeping Security
Council membership down to the present five, as became apparent during
Washington's Iraq misadventure. This is the general world-view of Washington at
the altar of which, understandably, the specific Indian consideration of
supporting enlargement of the Security Council has been sacrificed. It would of
course be mis judgment on the part of New Delhi to see in this development
anything more than a temporary setback to its drive to a permanent berth in the
Security Council. More importantly, it should in no way disturb the Prime
Minister's discussions with the US Administration beyond making the point that
New Delhi has been more than a little disappointed with the US stand on the
issue ... This apart, convincing US investors that the "India door"
is wide open for them (which would also be a signal to investors from other
parts of the world) should be an important target for Dr Singh, specially now
when the economic-reform waters have been muddied a bit at home by coalition
politics. Given the PM's high stock in the West and his gentle way with people
generally, there is no reason to believe that he will not succeed in his
"Rising Terrorism: Focal Point For Manmohan-Bush
Mumbai edition of centrist Gejarati Gujaratmitra noted
(7/17) “During his three-day state visit
to the U.S., Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will be discussing various
issues with President George W. Bush.
The two are expected to discuss issues such as the peaceful use of
nuclear energy, the strengthening of Indo-U.S. strategic relations, bilateral
defense cooperation and the expansion of the UN Security Council. Despite all this, the focal point in the
dialogue between both the leaders will certainly be the rising threat of
terrorism that has spread its wings globally.
The past terrorist incidents in Ayodhya and London have once again
underscored the urgency with which the world needs to act to crush this global
menace. The Ayodhya and London terrorist
attacks point fingers towards Pakistan.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will have to do some plain speaking on
this issue during his meeting with President Bush. America is known for its double standards on
this growing concern. Manmohan Singh’s
visit to the U.S. will not be considered a complete success unless he succeeds
in getting the U.S. to act on terrorism without any bias.” End Message.
"Fare Foreward, Dr. Singh"
Nationalist The Hindustan Times opined (7/16): “In the past ... some have suggested that the
recent Indo-U.S. defense agreement has the makings of a principal-surrogate
relationship. The perspective of the
detractors, most actually allied to the UPA, is to chastise the government, is
to chastise the government rather than offer constructive criticism that could
better assist policy-makers. A glance
back at India’s recent history will reveal the appalling record of colonial
misrule, or the negative consequences of the US relationship with Pakistan on
our security. But despite every thing,
India has prevailed and is today a respected nation, a vibrant democracy with a
thriving economy, and a strong nuclear-armed military. Looked at from any way, we stand to gain a
lot from developing close ties with the U.S.
In the Left’s fantasy world, relations with America are not particularly
important, but in the real world they are.
In this world the price of oil is $60 a barrel and climbing ... There is
a common interest in stabilizing Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. India’s military can only become stronger by
accessing US technology. Closer ties
with the world’s biggest economy will enrich India’s knowledge-based
industries, boost commerce and help us overcome our biggest challenge-poverty. For reasons grounded deep in its own national
interests, the US is seeking closer ties with us. India’s response has to be based on rationale
calculus of its interests and needs, rather than the sum of all the fears. Nations like Vietnam and China, who have
actually fought wars with the U.S., have moved along this path. Self-confident pragmatism has to be our
guide, not outdated ideological bogeys.”
"Friends Yes, But Not Allies Please"
Centrist The Hindu asserted (7/16): “Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee returned
from his "exploratory" visit to Washington last month with a
"framework" for military cooperation under his belt. The agreement
goes way beyond the current state of play in defense matters. It conjures up a
world in which India can join the United States in the enforcement of
counter-proliferation, "freedom," and other Bush administration
foreign policy goals. Further collaboration on missile defense is envisaged.
Mukherjee's plea that his Government has only agreed to let Indian troops join
their U.S. counterparts in multinational operations "when it is in mutual
interest" will hardly reassure people in this country. Washington wants
India to put "boots on the ground" for "low-end" duties as
and when a crisis situation demands so that its own troops are free to do the
"high-end" work of waging war ... As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
leaves for Washington, he will be conscious of the popular backlash the defense
framework agreement has triggered. Such opposition is not confined to the Left.
Dr. Singh must resist any attempt to widen the scope of the "strategic
partnership," particularly in the military and political spheres. The Bush
administration is keen to recruit India to its cause of promoting
"democracy" worldwide. Any new institutions aimed at promoting
democracy and good governance must be U.N.-run if they are to succeed. George
Bush knows that what Dr. Singh wants more than anything else is forward
movement on civilian nuclear cooperation. Washington continues to deny nuclear
technology to India; it also works overtime to ensure that others fall in line.
Such a stance, Dr. Singh should tell Mr. Bush, is incompatible with the
strategic closeness professed towards India. If, however, there is some
unexpected softening in the U.S. position, India needs to avoid offering
unpalatable concessions as a quid pro quo. For instance, Washington is
not pleased with the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline project, and may ask New
Delhi to review it. Or there might be pressure to bail out Texas-based Lockheed
Martin by selecting the F-16 as its new fighter of choice. One of India's major
strengths today is the ability to build constructive partnerships with all
current and future world powers, including the U.S., China, Russia, the
European Union, Japan, and Brazil. The more New Delhi is drawn into
Washington's embrace, the less respect and room for maneuver it will have on
the Asian and world stage.”
"Emerging As A Global Player"
Retired Army Officer V.R. Raghavan editoriailzed in centrist The
Times Of India (7/16): “Today,
Manmohan Singh begins his tour of the US. The visit has raised a flutter about
its strategic implications. Some of these opinions spring from Cold War era
ideology, others portray India as a vassal state of the super power. Neither
reflects today's strategic scene nor one that is likely to prevail in the
future. India needs to secure its core interests at present and for the future.
The strategic certainties now are of new power centers emerging and a shifting
of the global strategic centre of gravity. The prime minister's visit can
prepare the ground for both ... India remains one of the few major states that
has emerged stronger from the three tectonic events. It has broken away from
its ideologically stultified foreign policy. It has successfully demonstrated
both its capability in handling international and state-sponsored terrorism and
the resilience of its people in standing up to it. It has restructured economic
policies and benefited from globalization. It has repositioned itself to engage
with and contribute to the emerging international order. On these issues, there
is a large middle ground of political consensus and public support. The immediate strategic requirement for India
is to be a constructive member of the group of major states. This group will
determine the scheme of things in the decades to come. That there will be new
major powers on the scene is accepted by all: Most concede that India will be
one of the rising powers. India has attempted to forge strategic alliances with
every major state. Where historical animosities and disputes have prevented it,
relations have been stabilized through peace processes and dialogue. It is a
record many nations regard with envy.
The defense cooperation framework signed recently by defense
minister Pranab Mukherjee and his US counterpart Donald Rumsfeld, has raised
misplaced fears. It is one among a range
of bilateral mechanisms India and the US are putting into place to meet future
challenges. More than its specific clauses and paragraphs, the framework is an
acknowledgement by both states of their shared perspectives on security. It
neither commits India to supply military labor to serve US interests as
perceived by some, nor does it let the US decide where and how India should
meet its security requirements. The
security cooperation already in place between India and the US demonstrates
their shared concerns. Naval cooperation against high sea piracy, securing sea
lanes and terrorist-related contraband movement, is in all countries'
interests. That India and the US can do this is evidence of their capabilities
and of their willingness to play a regional and international security role.
The series of joint military and air exercises was designed to develop
competence in small-to-medium scale operations. The joint exercises are meant
for likely contingencies where out-of-area operations demand local knowledge,
acclimatization and quick response. None of these is against Indian interests
and all of them posit our capability favorably.
Nowhere is India under a treaty obligation to participate. The India-US relationship has gone through
many turbulent phases. Those phases were a product of belief systems in both
countries that are now gone. The visit by the Indian prime minister needs every
Indian's support.”
"The India-America Nuclear Dialogue"
R.Ramachandran noted in centrist The Hindu (7/16): “If one were to believe recent media reports
in general, the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the United
States, beginning July 18, is likely to result in a major Indo-U.S.
announcement on the nuclear front. Nuclear matters came to focus soon after the
visit of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in April when Washington
sought to broaden the strategic partnership beyond the ongoing Next Steps in
Strategic Partnership (NSSP) initiative to include nuclear energy as well. A realistic analysis would, however, suggest
that little can be expected out of this India-U.S. nuclear dialogue, unless the
latter can prevail on the 44-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) to relax its
guidelines and also change its own domestic laws. In fact, even under the NSSP,
the U.S. has been inflexible in relaxing controls on the export of a class of
nuclear-related dual-use goods - the so-called NP2 controlled items - which
could have been easily done without violating its domestic laws or NSG
What is it that the Indian nuclear program critically needs today
from the global nuclear suppliers? It is not technology or reactors or
cooperation in safety-related matters. It is access to nuclear fuel ... So
among all the possible areas of nuclear cooperation, U.S. support to India's
entry into International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) ITER appears
to be the most likely. RTR may be possible if the U.S. decides to treat India
on a par with Israel. In all this India-U.S. nuclear talk, curiously enough,
both India and the U.S. have been reluctant to raise the contentious issue of
the American spent fuel at TAPS, huge quantities of which lies accumulated in
the water pool. According to the original 1963 agreement, the U.S. has the
first right to take it back failing which any reprocessing can be done only
after a joint determination. Under the current more conducive climate of
dialogue, the U.S. should be urged to take back the fuel. There are no domestic
laws or NSG Guidelines to contend with here and could mark a significant step
in building mutual confidence in nuclear matters. If U.S. rejects the proposal,
India could seek to reprocess the fuel now and kill two birds with one stone.
The separated reactor-grade Pu-239 could be used for introducing as MOX fuel in
TAPS. More importantly, the separated uranium - which will still have an
enrichment of one per cent - is eminently usable as fuel in PHWRs, subject to
some physics considerations, instead of natural uranium. The most suitable
candidate for this would be RAPS reactors, which are already under safeguards,
and would partially offset the squeeze on natural uranium for PHWRs."
"India Should Be Warry"
The Chennai-based leftist English-language News Today
opined (7/16): "India's foreign
policy has maintained its consistency, as rooted in preserving peace at home
and avoidance of friction abroad. This did not mean any hidebound approach
which could ignore contemporary expediency. During the Cold War period, India
was protecting itself through its 20-year treaty with the then Soviet Union.
Its best fruits were witnessed during the Bangladesh war of independence when
Indira Gandhi cut Nixon to size. Nixon could only be impotently angry heaping
abuses on her, while his Secretary of State, Kissinger, called Indians
bastards. Then and now Pakistan being a valued ally of Washington, India had
been discriminated against. The Americans could never forgive India for
conducting nuclear test and was particularly mortified by the inability of its
spy satellite in the sky to detect what was being done under its very nose.
After the Frankenstein raised by it hit it in its soft belly through downing of
New York's twin towers of the World Trade Centre, it launched its global war on
terrorism again deepening its alliance with Islamabad. It did not omit to
maintain double standard. It turned a blind eye to Pakistan's proxy war with
its sponsorship of insurgency in Kashmir. It could not displease Musharraf
because he was the safest bet against jehadis in that country. Yet Washington
was forced to mend fences with India because US corporates intending to
capitalize on the huge market potential of China pressed it to befriend that
country. They had already poured into that country huge volumes of investment
directly and through joint ventures. Washington foresaw the rise of China as a
power to reckon with in Asia and wanted to redress in anticipation the shift in
political and economic balance of power in Asia by getting closer to India..
That is the background of the dialogue on defense framework and promise of
collaboration in the production of missiles. US' protectionist trade policy has
been marginally eased in favor of India. India has to be very alert in these
circumstances not to be sucked into the missile shield temptations being
extended to it nor should it miss to perceive the reality that the game plan is
to keep India in the status of a dwarf as against the giant."
"Poised For The Jump"
Director and C.E. of ICRIER Arvind Vermani commented in centrist The
Indian Express (7/15): “US President
Nixon transformed US relations with China with his breakthrough trip to China.
This led after a decade or so to a transformation of China’s role in Asia.
President Reagan transformed US relations with the USSR, contributing to the
disintegration of the Soviet empire. Will President Bush transform US
relationship with India leading to a transformation of India’s role in Asia? A
change in objective conditions suggests this is likely. There are, however,
obstacles on the US side that will have to be overcome. President Clinton, after his statement about
China and the US being strategic partners and jointly deploring India’s 1998
nuclear tests, repaired relations by condemning Pakistani aggression in Kargil
and supporting the Strobe Talbot-Jaswant Singh talks. These talks, along with
candidate Bush’s advisory group, ‘‘Vulcans’’, that included Condoleezza Rice
and Robert Blackwill, laid the foundation for a changed approach of the US
towards India. President Bush envisaged a much bigger role to India in global
affairs than his predecessors ... The transformation had, therefore, to await
President Bush’s second term and the visit of Secretary Rice to India in March
2005 followed by the background briefing recognizing India’s potential power. A
major landmark will be PM Manmohan Singh’s visit to Washington this month. A
key test will be US support for a permanent UNSC seat. A possible deliverable
is the formation of an India-US study group for a CECA ... The global economy
is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Over the next 35 years both the
Chinese and Indian economies will become larger than the US economy in size.
"Constructive Thinking"
K.P. Nayar opined in centrist The Telegraph (7/14): "The challenge for Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh during and after his visit to Washington will be one of form rather than
substance, if the opposition by Left parties to the ‘New Framework for the
US-India Defense Relationship’ is any indication. By this yardstick, the Prime
Minister is already in trouble, even before he has packed his bags for next
week’s journey: he may not be aware of it, though, At least, not yet. The
trouble that is brewing for the Prime Minister is over a state dinner, which
President George W. Bush is planning for Singh at the White House… Indian
officials and those in charge of protocol at the White House have spent
considerable time making arrangements for this dinner. It will be nowhere on
the scale of a banquet, which Bush’s predecessor, Bill Clinton, put together for
Singh’s predecessor, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The guest list will be much smaller:
the dinner, and the reception which precedes it, will all be held inside the
White House, not on the lawns unlike in 2000. But that should not obscure the
significance of Bush’s gesture in welcoming Singh to Washington. In his entire
first four-year term, Bush hosted just four state dinners. His parents hosted
the same number of dinners even before they had time to fully settle down in
the White House - during the first six months of the 41st presidency. The White
House wants to invite to next Monday’s dinner all 10 American members of the
Indo-American CEO’s Forum, which has been set up in time to hold its first
meeting in Washington during the Prime Minister’s visit. But it does not want
to invite to dinner the 10 Indian CEOs who make up the forum. Indian officials
in Washington are unhappy with the discrimination, but there is little they can
do about it … That will be Singh’s problem, just as the Left parties see
nothing good in the new defense framework and want it to be thrown into the
dustbin. Singh’s dilemma during and after his visit to Washington will be
fundamental … What the Prime Minister needs in his dealings with America is
constructive support and constructive opposition, without which his trip…will
be like that of several of his predecessors.”
"Karat Tips To PM On U.S. Trip"
Kary Benedict editorialized in centrist The Telegraph
(7/14): “Ahead of Manmohan Singh’s
five-day visit to the US, CPM general secretary Prakash Karat has asked the
Prime Minister to be cautious while dealing with the Americans … Karat advised
against India becoming a ‘junior partner of the US in Asia’ for a permanent
seat in the UN Security Council … The CPM General Secretary asked the Prime
Minister to find out from President George W. Bush why he could not push
through privatization of social security funds in the US … Bush had proposed to
privatize the American social security fund, to which US citizens contribute,
and put the money in the stock market. But ‘the proposal has met with
widespread opposition and the President has been forced to backtrack’. The
Prime Minister should find out about the ‘fate of social security reforms that
Bush wanted to push through’ … The CPM leader cautioned the Prime Minister on
the ‘deleterious impact of US unilateralism on the UN’, saying that enlisting
Washington’s support for a UN Security Council seat would ‘detract’ India’s
credibility as an independent power … On the US’s reported objection to the India-Iran-Pakistan
collaboration on a gas pipeline project, Karat said Singh should ‘convey in
clear terms the country’s determination to pursue the project’. ‘The US should
be told that it cannot hamper India’s quest for energy security,’ he said …
Unfortunately, India has already sent a signal to go along with the US by
signing the framework of an Indo-US defense relationship, the CPM general
secretary said.”
"PM Sets Aside Day To Be Seen & Heard In U.S."
K.P. Nayar wrote in centrist The Telegraph (7/14): “For the first time in more than a decade, an
Indian Prime Minister will be both seen and heard widely in the US when
Manmohan Singh arrives here on Sunday on a three-day visit. In a departure
befitting India’s growing profile on the world stage, Singh will make himself
available to no-holds barred grilling by the international media for one whole
hour at the National Press Club … Manmohan Singh has decided to chart a
different course with a vengeance. He has set apart the entire last day of his
stay here for the media. At the Indian embassy here, at the Prime Minister’s
office and at the External Affairs ministry’s spokesperson’s office in New
Delhi, requests have been coming in for interviews with Singh. In the recent
past, it has been a refrain in India that the country’s Prime Ministers go to
and come from America without creating so much as a ripple in the US or
international media. Many Indians have found difficult to comprehend this lack
of media interest in their leaders: especially since the domestic media always
proclaims every prime ministerial trip abroad as a great success. It has also
been galling for Indians to see that compared to the lack of interest in their
Prime Ministers, General Zia-ul-Haq, Benazir Bhutto and General Pervez Musharraf
have all got prime spots in the US media because of Islamabad’s alliance with
Washington … Singh’s engagements in Washington will begin with a joint media
appearance with President George W. Bush in the East Room of the White
House…after his formal welcome. As of now, Singh will start…with a breakfast
meeting with the editorial board of The Washington Post. In a departure from
usual practice, the newspaper has invited not only its staff writers, but also
its regular columnists for the session at Blair House, the presidential
guesthouse adjacent to the White House. From that meeting, Singh will go to the
National Press Club, after which he will be interviewed by CNN ... Several
other interviews are still in the works, including requests from Fox News and
the highly regarded News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS … A talk show host who
introduced Singh to the US media…with an interview, is also seeking to repeat
his effort. It is that interview which set in motion the unprecedented string
of requests here to have the Indian Prime Minister on the screen and in print
next week.”
"Three Grand Bargains"
C. Raja Mohan editorialized in centrist The Indian Express
(7/12): “As Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh heads to Washington this week, domestic opposition to his bold foreign
policy initiatives is beginning to crystallize. Not all of it is from the
political parties. A lot of it also comes from the permanent establishment,
which is struggling to come to terms with the new opportunities before Indian
diplomacy. The Left parties have
signaled that their opposition to new elements in the engagement with the US is
not pro forma. They want to bring their rare clout on the central government to
bear upon foreign and defense policies ... Manmohan Singh inherited an exciting
foreign policy agenda from Vajpayee. At
the end of his six year tenure, Vajpayee had handed down a new framework for a
sustainable peace process with Pakistan, a new approach to boundary
negotiations with China, and positive engagement with the US that involved not
just transforming bilateral relations ... It fell upon Manmohan Singh to build
a new architecture of foreign policy on the foundations laid by Vajpayee. After
some initial confusion, Manmohan Singh and External Affairs Minister Natwar
Singh persisted with a purposeful approach on the three big foreign policy
accounts of the nation. On the Pakistan
front, Manmohan Singh’s talks with Pervez Musharraf on September 24, 2004 in
New York and April 18, 2005 in New Delhi served to intensify the peace process
... The UPA government successfully completed the first phase in the boundary
negotiations with China initiated by Vajpayee.
The hardball negotiations that produced this document are only the
beginning of a complex endgame on a question that has hobbled Sino-Indian
relations ever since Independence. The stage is now set for some serious talks
on the specific territorial concessions the two sides have to make on the
boundary settlement. On the US, too,
confounding skepticism at home and abroad, the government pressed ahead with
the expansion of bilateral relations with the US and an attempt to resolve the
long-standing nuclear problems with the American-led global nuclear order. While the commitment of the government for a
purposeful foreign policy has not been in doubt, the initiatives towards
Pakistan, China and the US have entered a delicate phase. All three involve a
significant departure from long-held national positions on the disputes with
the three countries. The talks with
Pakistan necessarily demand out of the box thinking on J&K in New Delhi.
The boundary negotiations with China involve giving up dearly held notional
territorial claims as well as adjustments on current territorial controls. The
much sought after nuclear deal with the US, too, involves difficult political
give and take.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is surely aware that the three
fronts are deeply interconnected. Without cooperation from China and the US,
the negotiation of a final settlement on Kashmir will be near impossible. An
expanding engagement with the US and Pakistan will provide important leverages
for India in its talks with China. An India that sorts out its long-standing
territorial problems with Islamabad and Beijing will have greater weight in
Washington and in the Asian balance of power.
India has an unprecedented opportunity to restructure three of its most
important bilateral relations. Movement
on one front will open up space on the other. The obverse is also true. Unless
India simultaneously moves on all the fronts there will be no breakthrough on
any. As the prime minister demonstrates
he has the vision as well as political courage to think and act beyond
conventional wisdom, he also needs to more actively mobilize public support to
foreign policy, by going beyond the permanent establishment. The Indian middle
class today is less burdened by self-doubt and is willing to support deliberate
foreign policy experimentation towards Pakistan, China and the US aimed at
transforming India’s standing in the world.”
"The Ball Is In America's Court"
Pundit K. Subrahmanyam noted in centrist The Times Of India
(7/12): “In another week, we will know
whether Indo-US relations will take a historic turn for the better. On both
sides, there are optimistic expectations as well as pessimistic predictions.
Given the history of last 60 years, mistrust and suspicion cannot be expected
to disappear overnight. It took several years after Henry Kissinger's secret
visit to Beijing, which led to a breakthrough in Sino-US relations, for normal
diplomatic relations to be established between the two countries. In spite of China deriving enormous benefits
from its alliance with US, after it first abandoned the Soviet Union and then
communism, there is tremendous suspicion between the two countries ... As in
the case of Sino-US relations, the US initiative to help India build itself as
a major world power in the 21st century is the result of a "top-down"
strategy worked out between the US president and some of his closest advisors.
There is bound to be enormous resistance to change within the US bureaucracy -
the non-proliferation Ayatollahs and cold warriors who still dream of unbridled
US supremacy. Meanwhile, in India, our political class and bureaucracy have yet
to overcome their Cold War and non-alignment mindset. India expects the US to support it openly for
a permanent seat in the expanded Security Council, and for revocation of
nuclear sanctions. If India is to be the natural ally of the US, to use natural
security advisor Condoleezza Rice's expression, these are perfectly normal
expectations. But have Indians thought through US expectations from India? The proposition that the US wants to use
India in military terms against China is absurd.
The US secretary of state has clearly explained the linkage
between long-term US economic interests on the one hand and its interaction
with India as a rising economic power on the other. The US is focused on
India's rapid growth, the latter's role as a factor in Asian balance of power
and its contribution to US economic pre-eminence. Manmohan Singh, in his
statements, has already declared India to be among liberal democracies, with
every intention to tap international resources. There is, therefore, a basic
framework for a bargain between the two countries, even as India's bureaucracy
has not assessed US's objective. The
only problem - a major one at present - is how far the bureaucracies and cold
warriors on both sides would allow the leaderships to reach a mutually
satisfactory agreement. In proceeding on these lines, the prime minister is
handicapped by political dependence on the Left, which lives in a Cold War time
warp. Though Bush too has to deal with a bureaucracy and politicians who share
the Cold War time warp, he has returned to power with the largest electoral
margin in history. To that extent, he can set the ball rolling. A section of the US administration, in fact,
feels that the NSSP (Next Step in Strategic Partnership) is not adequate, and
that the US must declare its commitment to help India in its move to become a
major power of the 21st century and extend support on nuclear energy ...
Indo-US relations could revert to the dark ages of the 70s. The US credibility
will be damaged not only in Indian eyes but in the rest of the world. The Left
in India and others who have been campaigning against improvement in Indo-US
relations will be able to step up pressure on Manmohan Singh government even on
economic liberalisation. The objective
international reality is that the world does not have and will not have any
more superpowers and will have to reconcile itself to a six-actor balance of
power system. In that system, with the rising Chinese economic challenge, the
US will need India and not vice-versa. The US and India have the potential to
be natural allies. Whether the alliance firms up in the near future or suffers
a setback because of Cold War mindsets depends on the US leadership.”
"Singh Curtains On U.S. Lobbies"
K.P. Nayar opined in centrist The Telegraph (7/11): “One week from now Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh will bring to Washington qualities which have landed him India’s most
powerful job: probity in public dealings and a reliance on meritocracy. During
his three-day visit to the US…Singh will firmly turn his back on a Washington
institution, which has been a powerful instrument in transforming Indo-US
relations for nearly 15 years -- lobbyists paid to argue India’s case with the
American establishment. The government has decided to return to the practice
during the times of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi of not
dealing with America’s political powerhouse with the aid of paid lobbyists.
Montek Singh Ahluwalia, who heads the High Level Co-ordinating Group on Indo-US
Relations, has, instead, marshaled 10 of America’s most influential chief
executives to plead India’s case in the US -- for free. These 10 chief
executives will work with 10 captains of India’s corporate world through an
institutionalized ‘CEO’s Forum’ in an innovative effort to advance Indo-US relations
… On paper, the CEO’s Forum will be an engine to take forward Indo-US economic
relations, help Indian and American companies to find their way in each other’s
countries and create a high profile joint corporate interaction. But in
practice, it will be much more … Beijing has consistently used its corporate
influence in Washington through companies doing business in China to overcome
formidable obstacles here to most favored nation treatment, entry into the
World Trade Organization and even consideration on issues of non-proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction. But Beijing has done this through the clout of
individual business giants it has relations with. India wants to
institutionalize this process so that it is enduring.”
"N-Cooperation: Will Bush Go Ahead?"
Centrist The Indian Express analyzed (7/10): “As the Left parties chip away at the efforts
to improve relations with the United States, they have a powerful ally in
Washington - the American bureaucracy committed to old think on non-proliferation
and nuclear cooperation with India. With the nuclear question once again
becoming the touchstone for measuring the transformation of Indo-US relations
on the eve of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Washington this weekend,
the resistance to change appears as strong in the American capital as it is
here. The Left in India and the
non-proliferation bureaucracy in Washington share a deep aversion to India’s
acquisition of nuclear weapons. But unlike the non-proliferation champions in
Washington, President George Bush has been putting out a different political
message. In his frequent encounters with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in
recent months, including at the Gleneagles summit last week, Bush has
reportedly conveyed his empathy for India’s attempts to acquire civilian
reactors from the international market to boost its nuclear electric power
program ... Bush’s enthusiasm for nuclear cooperation with India is not
necessarily shared by the powerful interests in Washington that cite chapter
and verse the US legal impediments for reviving nuclear cooperation with India.
For India, however, these arguments at home and abroad against its nuclear
weapon capability have been par for the course since 1998, when it declared
itself a nuclear weapon power. The real
question before the Indian leadership, on the eve of Singh’s visit to
Washington, is whether Bush has the political will to overrule the bureaucratic
opposition to nuclear cooperation with India. The failure to move forward on
Indo-U.S. nuclear cooperation, at a time when the U.S. sells nuclear reactors
to China and finances their construction and Beijing continues nuclear
cooperation with Islamabad, will severely diminish the credibility of the Bush
regime in Delhi.
After all, India had little
expectation of any progress on nuclear cooperation until Bush signaled a change
in the American approach at the beginning of this year as part of a new
determination to transform relations with India in his second term. Condoleezza
Rice during her first visit to Asia as the new U.S. Secretary of State, in
mid-March, outlined suo motu the plans of the Bush Administration to upgrade
ties with India across the board, especially in the area of technological
cooperation ... But there has been no public indication that the talks on
nuclear cooperation have made any significant progress. Suggestions from both
sides are that a breakthrough, if any, on nuclear cooperation could only come
from the talks between Bush and Singh.
Having raised expectations on Indo-U.S. nuclear cooperation, it is now
entirely up to President Bush to demonstrate that he means what he says about
the future of Indo-U.S. relations. Lack of movement on nuclear energy issues in
Washington next week will reinforce the armies of sceptics in both the capitals
about the prospects for Indo-U.S. ties.”
PAKISTAN: "N-Deal With India Not Aimed At Pakistan:
Karachi-based center-left independent English-language Dawn
editorialized (7/21): "U.S.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has assured President Pervez Musharraf that
Washington’s nuclear agreement with India was not aimed at Pakistan, a State
Department official told "Dawn" on Wednesday. A senior U.S. official, Undersecretary of
State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, told reporters that General
Musharraf’s response to the Indo-U.S. deal was “constructive and not overly
problematic.” Senior U.S. officials,
including Ms Rice, began to call world leaders hours after the U.S. and India
signed a deal on Monday granting New Delhi “the same benefits and advantages”
given to other states “with advanced nuclear technology.” Besides General Musharraf, Ms Rice also
called Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, to explain the deal...."
"Musharraf's Reaction To Indo-U.S. Deal Constructive"
Lahore based liberal English-language Daily Times opined
(7/21): "President Musharraf’s
reaction to the U.S.-India nuclear deal has been described by a senior State
Department official as “constructive” and “not overly problematic.” The call by Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice to the Pakistani President on Tuesday suggests that Pakistan had not been
informed of the U.S. decision beforehand.
The Pakistan Embassy had no comment to offer and the Foreign Office has
refrained from making a statement so far.
Pakistan’s reticence can only then be interpreted as a sign of
acceptance of a decision that is not likely to be popular with the Pakistani public...."
"Pakistan Certain To Demand Similar Concessions: U.S.
Karachi-based center-left independent English-language Dawn
commented (7/21): "Pakistan is
certain to demand similar concession as India, which is being recognized as a
de facto nuclear power under a new deal, the U.S. media said on Tuesday. Commenting on the deal the U.S. and Indian
leaders signed on Monday, The New York Times observed: “Pakistan ... is
considered certain to demand similar concessions and some analysts were concerned
that the step would weaken international control on nuclear arms.”... The fear is that these countries, seeing the
deal offered to India, might be tempted to get nuclear arms, especially if the
crises over North Korea and Iran spin out of control, the paper said. “If you open the door for India, a lot of
other countries are likely to step through it,” the article quoted Leonard S.
Spector of the Monterey Center for Non-proliferation Studies as saying. “China is already thinking of selling
additional reactors to Pakistan.” The
Post said Robert Blackwill, a former ambassador to India and a Deputy National
Security Adviser under Condoleezza Rice, conceived the deal with India along
with his close confidant Ashley J. Tellis."
"U.S.-India N-Deal May Affect CBM Talks: Diplomats'
Karach-based center-left independent English-language Dawn
noted (7/21): "A controversial
nuclear cooperation deal for civilian projects between India and the United
States may cast a shadow on the nuclear CBM talks between Islamabad and New
Delhi scheduled here on August 5 and 6, diplomats and analysts said on
Tuesday. The additional secretary-level
India-Pakistan talks were originally expected to consider the usual agenda of
advance notification of missile tests that the two countries have not yet
resolved. Issues such as the corridor of
the missile tests and the point of impact as well as differences over the type
of nuclear-capable missiles to be brought under the purview of their
discussions has so far been the staple fare of these meetings. Indications are growing though that Pakistan
will now “study and react appropriately” to the outcome of Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh’s meeting with President George W. Bush, mainly looking at the
nuclear content, diplomatic sources said."
"Postponement Of Prime Minister's Visit To America: Heart
Searching Needed"
Irshad Ahmad Haqqani opined in leading mass circulation Urdu Jang
(7/21): "It should be absolutely
understood that the main reason for the postponement of Prime Minister Shaukat
Aziz’s visit to the U.S. was the fact that the U.S. was not ready to accord the
same importance and status to the visit of Shaukat Aziz as it did to the visit
of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Pakistan did try to secure a visit at par to that of Indian premier but
failed to have it. Since both the visits
were only ten days apart from each other, it was not possible to hide the
lesser status of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz’s visit. Pakistan did not want that it should become
evident before the entire nation as well as the world at large that the
position of Pakistan in the eyes of the U.S., despite its role in war on
terror, is no more than a ‘poor relative.’
The U.S. refused to enhance the protocol of this visit on the ground
that Shaukat Aziz was the elected leader of the country just in the technical
sense while the real powers vested in the President. Pakistan may not like this reasoning but this
American justification is not devoid of sense.
What the U.S. has said is the reality.
As the adage ‘first deserve then desire’ goes, Pakistan should think
whether Prim Minister Shaukat Aziz is justified in securing the honor of dinner
at the White House and address to the joint session of the U.S. Congress? The answer is in the negative."
"U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation"
Second largest Urdu daily Nawa-e-Waqt editorialized
(7/21): "The U.S. act of giving
India status of nuclear state is dangerous for Pakistan. India now has a freehand to further develop
its nuclear program to the extent of generating electricity using nuclear
energy.... Obviously, this
discriminatory U.S. attitude shows that America wants to make India a threat
for Pakistan and other countries of the region.
Our rulers should choose a path for themselves and should talk with
America in categorical terms in order to determine its status as a frontline
"New American Gift For India"
Sensationalist Urdu Ummat commented (7/21): "America and Pakistan both claim of each
other's friendship. Pakistan stood by
the side of America and fully cooperated with it in the war on terror, which
was acknowledged time and again by President Bush and Prime Minister Tony
Blair. The fact is that India as such
played no role in this connection. On
the contrary Indian forces are playing havoc in Kashmir and have so far killed
more than a million innocent Kashmiri civilians. Pakistan was forced to go nuclear by India in
1998 when it simultaneously conducted five atomic blasts. Earlier in 1974, Pakistan had shown great
restraint when India conducted its first nuclear test. Pakistan's nuclear capability is far too
superior and sophisticated than that of India.
But during Indian Prime Minister's recent visit to the U.S., President
Bush has given the indication of recognizing India as a nuclear state. This is something to think for Pakistan,
which has lost everything in American friendship while India is reaping the
fruits without even sowing the seeds."
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