August 1, 2005
** The IRA's pledge ending
"armed struggle" lends hope "36 years of bloodshed" is
** "There is reason
for optimism" but the IRA must follow through by disarming.
** The IRA's degeneration
into "an ordinary criminal organization" cost it political support.
** One possible lesson is
that "terrorism can be beaten"--but the IRA is not al-Qaida.
'At long last the IRA is going away'-- Global media welcomed the Irish Republican
Army's "admirably direct" statement that it was abandoning its
"armed campaign," hoping it would "close the chapter" on
Northern Ireland's "Troubles."
The IRA "has made an appointment with history" with its
"farewell to arms," said France's right-of-center Le Figaro. Italy's center-left Il Messaggero
declared that the IRA's recognition of "the supremacy of politics over the
armed struggle" can "undoubtedly be defined as historical." If the IRA "does what it says it
will," argued the center-left Irish Times, "it will be a
seminal day."
Skepticism is 'understandable'--
"After so many false dawns, there is bound to be a degree of
doubt," observed Northern Ireland's unionist Belfast Telegraph,
speaking for many. Papers held the IRA
would need to "match its words" with deeds by
"decommissioning" its arms and ceasing "all paramilitary and
criminal activity." A German daily
pointed out that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating"; the IRA
must give up an "entire mentality" that "intimidated and
terrorized." The center-right Irish
Independent said the next few months would reveal if the IRA was serious
about accepting "normal politics," including support for policing.
'The IRA defeated itself'-- Analysts
credited the IRA's change of heart to its "diminished" political
legitimacy in Northern Ireland's "republican" community and loss of
support among Irish-Americans. Northern
Ireland's people "grew more and more sick of the mayhem and
bloodshed," noted Canadian outlets; "over time, it became clear that
many IRA men were simple thugs" rather than a "band of true believers
fighting on behalf of Catholics."
The 9/11 attacks also "changed the context" of the
struggle. "Any support for the IRA
using violence" disappeared after 9/11 and the London bombings, claimed
Slovakia's centrist Pravda; instead of uniting Ireland politically
through violence, the IRA "united Ireland in hostility to terror."
'Terrorism can be beaten'--
sought to draw lessons from the end of "one of the longest and bloodiest
terrorist campaigns in Europe."
Britain's left-of-center Guardian stressed that "bitter
experience has taught that the peace process is only as good as the commitment
to it on both sides," while Spain's conservative ABC decided
"the State must always prevail on terrorism, even when it establishes the
conditions for a definitive peace."
The IRA's declaration "shows that the slow, frustrating and unsung
work of diplomacy and negotiation can help prevent violence," stated
Canada's nationalist Ottawa Citizen, but it warned this strategy
"cannot be applied with the same success" against the "motley
collection of extremists who adhere to al-Qaida's goal of annihilating the
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Steven Wangsness
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 45 reports from 20 countries July 28 - August 1, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
Must Now Match Its Words"
The conservative Daily Telegraph editorialized (7/29): "The people that Sinn Fein/IRA needs to
convince about their intentions are not Tony Blair, [Irish Prime Minister]
Bertie Ahern, sympathetic American congressmen or the commentators who have
hailed so many false dawns before. It is
the Unionist community of Northern Ireland that needs to be won over if the
power-sharing executive is to be re-established with any realistic prospect of
continued success."
"The Unionists Must Respond To This Historic
The center-left Independent took this view (7/29): "There are lessons to be learned from
the Northern Ireland experience in how we respond to the threat from Islamist
fanatics. A heavy-handed policy of
internment, not to mention several high-profile miscarriages of justice, proved
deeply counterproductive in efforts to defeat terrorism in the past. The government and the legal establishment
must be scrupulously careful to avoid repeating these same mistakes."
"A Farewell To Arms In Northern Ireland"
The independent Financial Times commented (7/29): "The two traditions in Northern Ireland
have grown further apart during the Troubles, and reconciliation will not be
easy. Yet for now, there is hope that
the differences that have divided the province since Ireland's partition can
now be resolved through democratic politics, rather than mindless death and
"Beginning Of The End"
The conservative Times concluded (7/29): "The peace process could not, for all
[President Clinton’s] charm, work as a private club. There were also members of his staff who saw
the IRA as a romantic organization.
Unionists, correctly, did not see Washington as an honest broker. There has been no such ethical uncertainty
from the Bush White House. The President
has made it plain that terror is terror and that Sinn Fein would receive no red
carpet from him while the IRA equivocated over the armed struggle."
"Possibilities Of Peace"
The left-of-center Guardian held (7/29): "Bitter experience has taught that the
peace process is only as good as the commitment to it on both sides. There must be real proof of real disarmament
and real operational changes in the two reports of the independent monitoring
commission now set for October and above all, January."
"Only Actions Will Show If History Is Being Made"
The moderate Unionist Belfast Telegraph editorialized
(Internet version, 7/29): "After so
many false dawns, there is bound to be a degree of doubt about yesterday's
statement by the IRA announcing an end to the 'armed struggle.' But taken at face value, it means that one of
the longest and bloodiest terrorist campaigns in Europe is finally over, and
that must be a reason for relief.... The
statement suggests that the IRA has finally got the message. Peaceful means, not the gun, is the way to
seek to bring about political change in Ireland. Inevitably, the IRA statement falls short of
what might have been hoped for insofar as there is no hint of an apology for
its appalling actions over the years....
Nonetheless, it does seem that--as a new onslaught by Islamic extremists
is beginning in Britain--the IRA's ruthless campaign is at last at an
end.... The pity is that it has taken
the IRA 11 tedious years to progress from a cease-fire to full disarmament.... While dissidents still pose a danger, the
Sinn Fein leadership has effectively marginalized them.... Much will hinge on the speed with which the
decommissioning process is completed....
The IRA's actions still have to match its words, but there is no doubt
that internationally, this statement will be regarded as a major step
forward. Against this background,
unionists need to be careful as to how they respond. While it is perfectly reasonable for the
unionist parties to wait to see what emerges from the statement, they should
not adopt an unduly begrudging or negative stance.... Unionists are entitled to remain skeptical,
but that should not prevent them from adopting a positive approach to the way
ahead. This is not a time for any party
to shut doors in people's faces."
"How Does An Illegal Army Become A 'Lawful'
Eric Waugh wrote in the moderate Unionist Belfast Telegraph
(Internet version, 7/29): "How does
an illegal army, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of two governments and
ready in the recent past to murder the servants of both, become a 'lawful'
organization? The crux of the new
situation created by the IRA's formal closure of its campaign is what happens
to itself. The clear burden of its
statement is that it will continue to exist.
This poses a grave difficulty for the drive which will now be renewed to
get the political show in Northern Ireland back on the road.... If the IRA continues to exist, however much
in the background of affairs, its critics will continue to question its
status. An army is...not democratic. When it denies itself the option of force it
becomes irrelevant. The difficult
question for republicans, then, will be:
why is the IRA not to disband?
Its critics, of course, will speculate at once that a campaign called
off can be as easily revived.... Arms
dumped, after all, can be replaced.... The Prime Minister, naturally, has
boosted the statement as an historic event.
But it may be rather premature to exercise that judgment.... Now the nature of the necessary miracle
begins to take shape. Reduced to
fundamentals, it consists of a requirement that Irish republicans agree to
dissent from the current constitution of Northern Ireland democratically; in
effect, that they become comrades of mainstream SDLP, the SNP and Plaid
Cymru--until such time as the said republicans become persuasive enough to
command a convincing electoral majority within this part of the British
state. This means that, in the meantime,
to become 'lawful' they must observe its laws; not oppose the armed forces of
the State.... They must join its police
force; play a full part in Parliament, according to the will of the electorate;
and its representatives accord a modicum of courtesy to the head of state and
her family on ceremonial occasions."
"Step Closer To Goal Of Lasting Peace"
The center-left, moderate nationalist Irish News
editorialized (7/29): "IRA members
have been told to dump their arms and not to engage 'in any other activities
whatsoever.' In other words, no more
murders, punishment attacks, targeting, robberies or anything else which is
unacceptable in a democratic society.
These activities could never be justified and should have stopped long
ago. However, we must deal with where we
are now and republicans can expect rigorous scrutiny in the weeks and months
ahead to see if they are adhering to the spirit and letter of this
statement.... While the Irish and
British governments, along with the U.S. administration, have reacted
positively to yesterday's developments, republicans should not be surprised at
the skepticism which is rife among unionists.
Indeed, events such as the killing of Robert McCartney and the Northern
Bank robbery will make it harder for many people--and not just unionists--to
accept that republicans have fully embraced peaceful and democratic
methods. Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams
has called for all elements of the Good Friday Agreement to be implemented,
which is absolutely vital. However, it
is disappointing that he did not signal an intention to support the new
policing arrangements which are a central element of that agreement. He may be adopting this delaying position for
tactical reasons but this is simply deferring the inevitable. But there can be little doubt this statement
is a watershed in terms of the history of violent republicanism. With the IRA off the stage, the focus must
now be on the loyalist paramilitaries who are running amok. They pose a serious threat, not just in their
own districts where they are exercising a sinister authority, but also in
nationalist areas where Catholics have reason to fear their malign attention. It is time the various loyalist groupings
disarmed, disbanded and disappeared for good."
"No More Deceit, We Want Action"
The center-right, unionist News Letter had this to say
(7/29): "Only a man of Tony Blair’s
double standards could claim to be spearheading the war on terror while acting,
as he did yesterday, as a cheerleader for the Provisional IRA--an organization
which has murdered more than 1800 people over the past 35 years. Along with his Dublin counterpart Bertie
Ahern, he was among the so-called great and good who were falling over
themselves to give plaudits to a gang of criminals for announcing that they are
no longer going to murder innocent people.
The IRA statement, while a seismic shift in republican policy and
ideology on the 'armed struggle' concept, contained too many gaps and omissions
for law-abiding people in Northern Ireland to take comfort. They did not say the war was over nor
apologize to their victims while the IRA structure is to remain in place. They still hold themselves outside the law
and offer no support for policing while their decommissioning scheme falls
short of the minimum demands of unionism....
The IRA statement, fawned on by the political establishments in London,
Dublin, Washington and Brussels, was longer and paradoxically, less convoluted
than what is normally expressed by this shadowy and sinister
organization.... Clearly the IRA is not
disbanding and the statement, far from apologizing for the heinous deeds
committed against innocent victims by members over the last 35 years,
reiterates that the armed struggle was entirely legitimate--a view that will
grate the vast majority of people, both unionist and nationalist.... Actions speak louder than words, and it will
take many months--indeed several years--before it can be firmly established that
clear water has emerged with a movement which plied an evil trade in
indiscriminate killing and has reformed to the point where its representatives
are acceptable as part of the democratic process."
"Living In Hope Of A Reasoned Response"
The leftist, republican Daily Ireland argued (7/28): "It seems inconceivable that today’s
expected statement from the IRA will be anything other than positive--the same
can not be said for the response to it.
It would be nice to think that calm and reasonable voices within
unionism might start to make themselves heard, but the unremittingly negative
words that we have heard...are not a cause for optimism. It’s interesting to note the unionist
response to British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s unremarkable assertion that the
IRA and al-Qaida are not two sides of the same coin.... His unscripted words seemed to be more a case
of stating the obvious. Given that the IRA, with its bomb expertise honed over
decades, could have caused untold carnage had its aim been to target innocent
Protestants, Mr. Blair’s words nevertheless sent unionists into a white-knuckle
rage.... We can rest assured that in the
aftermath of the IRA statement, unionists will attempt to pin every pub car
park brawl and every post office stick-up on republicans in an attempt to
invalidate this latest initiative.
Dublin has been all too eager in the past to accept unsubstantiated
reports by the enemies of republicanism--on both sides of the border--as hard
fact. Nationalists will rightly look to the Irish government to ensure that the
securocrats who have done so much to stymie progress in recent years do not
have the final say in how the IRA and this latest initiative are judged."
IRELAND: "A Long Time
The center-left Irish Times editorialized (7/29): "It will be a seminal day, nonetheless,
if the republican movement does what it says it will do now. And there is reason to believe it may. The worldwide war on terror has changed the
political climate for Sinn Féin and the IRA in ways that could not have been
imagined a few years ago. Suicide
bombing has devalued the so-called 'armed struggle' as a means of achieving
political aims. And there is less
willingness among the people of Ireland--nationalist and unionist--to tolerate
ambiguity on paramilitarism, money-laundering and criminality any longer. There is no doubt that yesterday's IRA
statement is different to those issued before.
For one thing, the republican movement is in total control of the
commitments made. It is not dependent on
any government or party to honor them....
This seems to be the most positive and least ambiguous statement ever
issued by the IRA's leadership. There is
less republican theology. The language
is more clear. The corollary is that the
words can only have one meaning. The IRA
seems to be committing the republican movement to an end to the IRA as an army
and an end to its ancillary activities....
A defining moment in Irish politics will be reached if yesterday's words
are translated into actions. Then, and
only then, can it be put validly to the Rev. Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist
Party that a new government should be formed in Northern Ireland."
"The IRA Goes Away"
The center-right, populist Irish Independent commented
(7/29): "So at last--at long, long
last--the IRA is going away. Only
someone perversely determined to find difficulties could put any other
interpretation on yesterday's statement from the Provos. Of course it could have said a lot
more.... But all of that is for another
day. The important thing this morning is
to recognize the significance of what has happened. If words mean anything, yesterday's statement
signals the end of the IRA as an armed force.... The statement, in contrast to [pseudonymous
IRA spokesman] P. O'Neill's usual pronouncements, was admirably direct.... It is clear, it is emphatic, it is
definitive. And it is part of a clear,
emphatic and definitive strategy which Sinn Fein hopes will greatly advance its
electoral prospects on both sides of the border.... The word criminality is not used. That should not be a surprise to anyone,
since the IRA has never accepted that anything it does is criminal.... The import of this is absolutely clear. It means the end of intimidation, punishment
beatings, kneecappings, expulsions and all the other invasions of individual
rights and safety.... Will this be
enough for unionists? If they have any
sense they will, like the rest of us, adopt a wait and see attitude. Within a few months it will be clear whether
the IRA is living up to the statement.
The abandonment of all kinds of violence and criminality, the acceptance
of normal politics, support for policing--all these will be far more important
than whether we have pictures of arms dumps being decommissioned. Overall there was a somewhat muted response
to the statement yesterday. It is not
just the unionists who are being cautious. But if the IRA lives up to what it
has said, yesterday's statement will mark a new beginning for us all."
"Historic Move Opens Door To Lasting Peace"
The left-of-center Irish Examiner observed (7/29): "When it came, ultimately, the statement
from the IRA was unequivocal in its intent.
It has ended its armed campaign and ordered all units to dump arms.... It is, hopefully, a chapter that now has been
closed. Both [Prime Minister] Bertie
Ahern and British Prime Minister Tony Blair welcomed the IRA move in a joint
statement, the latter describing it as a 'step of unparalleled magnitude.'... Too often has the word historic been applied
to various events in Northern Ireland only to have the promise of peace and
normality they held out dashed.
Consequently, it is understandable that unionist reaction to yesterday’s
announcement was couched in hesitant and slightly skeptical language. But, as the IRA held out the real promise of
a normal future for the North, so, too, must the unionists determine that they
have a responsibility to endeavor that relations in the community are
harmonized. As they hope to share in a
bright future, they must realize that they are part of its past, as well. DUP leader Ian Paisley, was,
characteristically, skeptical that the IRA had abandoned the armed struggle in
favor of politics and democracy. He is
quite entitled to reserve judgment on the IRA’s bona fides, but he must realize
that as leader of the biggest unionist party he will be judged, too, on the
quality of his sincerity insofar as the realization of achieving a peaceful
coexistence is concerned. Yet, if he is
determined, as he wishes the IRA to be, he must apply himself to the good of
the entire of Northern Ireland, not just what he decides is best for his
constituency. Decommissioning will be
witnessed by the IICD and independent witnesses from Catholic and Protestant
churches have been invited to see the process.
That is good enough for the two governments, and so should be good
enough for anybody else... Yesterday's
announcement should open the way for its restoration to be implemented again,
such as the Northern Ireland Assembly with a power-sharing executive, the
cross-border institutions involving the Republic and a body linking devolved
assemblies across Britain with Westminster and Dublin."
FRANCE: "Cleared
Gérard Dupuy wrote in left-of-center Libération
(7/29): "Since the so-called Good
Friday agreements, the context of violence in Northern Ireland has changed a
lot; September 11 has definitely changed the political use of explosives, and
the brilliant [economic performance] of the Irish Republic can only facilitate
a reconciliation between the two parts of the island. IRA’s gesture can clear the horizon even if
most observers remain cautious about the speed of progress to come.”
"IRA Announces Its Farewell To Arms"
Jacques Duplouitch observed in right-of-center Le Figaro
(7/29): "Unrealistic until
recently, the farewell to arms and the end of the Irish Republican Army as such
are becoming reality.... The IRA has
made an appointment with history.
Unionist Northern Ireland refuses to be at the event."
GERMANY: "Terrorists
At Rest"
Gerd Zitzelsberger noted in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (7/29): "The weapons
renunciation was not an independent decision:
after the death of Robert McCartney in January, the IRA lost its
political and financial support in the United States, which is home to more
Irish Catholics than the whole of Ireland....
This was not the only crime the IRA had committed. A bank robbery in last December-- the biggest
in Britain's history--also carries the marks of the IRA. The more the pseudo-political legitimacy for
the terrorism diminished and the political conflict lost significance after the
Good Friday agreement, the more the IRA degenerated into an ordinary criminal
organization. Since the bank robbery,
Ireland's government also took discreet but massive actions against the
IRA. Like the IRA, Dublin wants the
reunification of the south and the north, but, given that its political wing
gained more influence in the republic, the IRA has become too powerful and too
eerie. The southern political elite is
horrified by the idea of a unified Ireland under the leadership of Sinn
Thomas Kielinger observed in right-of-center Die Welt of
Berlin (7/29): "We welcome the
message, particularly against the background of the current terrorist threat
that has reached England. However, the
saying is right that the proof of the pudding lies in the eating. We want to see proof for the conversion to
peace. The disarmament is difficult
enough if Ian Paisley and his Democratic Unionist Party insist that pictures
only must be acceptable as evidence....
More than the destruction of arsenals must be done. An entire mentality--one that intimidated and
terrorized people by the use of weapons--must be renounced. Peace in Northern Ireland is the great
goal. It is good that the IRA has made
the first move."
Peter Sturm commented in center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine
(7/29): "The IRA's serious mistakes
accelerated the disarmament. The killing
of a Catholic a few months ago and the disclosure that Columbian rebels trained
IRA terrorists had a very negative effect on the public opinion. The IRA gambled away the support for its
cause, especially in the U.S., which was important for the IRA's funding. Northern Ireland's problem is now that recent
elections strengthened extremists on both sides. The moderate David Trimble is one of the
Protestant victims. The political future
of the province still depends on whether fire and water can be
combined.... But they [Protestants and
Catholics] should achieve to live together in peace. The people have clearly told their
politicians that they do not want to return to the time of violence. However, it is not an exaggerated prediction
that it will take a generation until peace is created."
Announces Disarmament"
Pro-government, elite daily Il Foglio observed (7/29): "The official and definitive
renunciation of the use of terrorism on the part of the IRA came in a country
that is in full bomb alert.... Northern
Irish policy is influenced by the firm international denunciation of terrorism
that followed the attacks of September 11.
For decades the U.S. administration had closed an eye to the activities
of the IRA in America--one of the few reasons for tension in the 'special
relationship' between the U.S. and Great Britain. As of September 11, Washington’s doors have
been closed to the leaders of Sinn Fein and the IRA. Now it's Paisley's unionists turn to decide
how to react to the IRA's announcement.
Negotiations will certainly continue and the prospect of a reactivation
of the institutions of self-government included in the [Belfast agreement] have
"The Long War"
Gianni Riotta concluded in centrist, top-circulation Corriere
della Sera (7/29): "Yesterday
the IRA asked its last lay down their arms and to use only
democracy and legality to advance the republican cause. The radical differences between Irish
Catholic terrorism and Wahabite fundamentalist Islamic terrorism are
evident. And yet, yesterday’s surrender,
besides historical and geographic diversities, contains a lesson of political
strategy to face, and win, wars against terrorism, low intensity asymmetrical
conflicts. The first is that the clash
is long lasting, over three decades for the IRA, with acute phases and long
quiescence. That military repression,
police investigations and the work of magistrates are indispensable. That violent persons must be isolated in the
community with force, that the code of silence must be broken day after day, by
creating a climate in which terrorists no longer act without fear. Therefore, it is up to patient and tireless
political demonstrate that free democratic play pays more than
hatred. The jihad is re-proposing on a
global scale what the IRA imposed on the British.... When the jihadists will have to surrender
like the 'Provos', the tombs of the innocents will unfortunately be many more
than three thousand. But if the joint
counteroffensive of force and reason is shared, then the outcome for the
terrorists is inescapable: strategic
defeat, complete ruin."
"The IRA Throws Away Its Weapons"
Marco Niada noted from London in leading business daily Il
Sole-24 Ore (7/29): "According
to experts, if everything goes smoothly we will need at least six months to
verify that commitments follow words....
There are no hopes for the resumption of the Stormont Parliament before
spring of next year. But, at this point
time is a less important factor. What
matters is that things have taken a new direction. After 30 years of violence that brought 3,600
deaths, a new era is unfolding."
"The IRA Abandons Armed Fight"
Roberto Bertinetti remarked in Rome's center-left daily Il
Messaggero (7/29): "Seven years
of negotiations, of closed meetings, and of discrete mediations have produced a
result that, in Ulster, can undoubtedly be defined as historical: the recognition on the part of the IRA of the
supremacy of politics over the armed struggle.
It is as an indispensable premise to recommence the dialogue between
Catholics and Protestants....
Yesterday’s announcement...without a doubt opens a new phase for Ulster,
although it will not be easy to reach a peace agreement...capable of healing
the very deep wounds opened between the two communities in the course of a
bloody civil war begun in the first decades of the last century."
Of Business"
Aleksandr Samokhotkin wrote in reformist Vremya Novostey
(7/29): "The fact that the IRA has
at least twice declared a cease-fire before overshadows Prime Minister Tony
Blair’s satisfaction with a 'step of unprecedented significance.' The IRA's breakaway groups uncontrolled by
the central leadership are responsible for some 2,000 human lives destroyed in
terrorist attacks. Even so, the Irish
Republicans are no jihad soldiers....
The IRA's is a noble deed, as it enables the British police to
concentrate on hunting down Islamic militants."
AUSTRIA: "Words And
Martin Alioth wrote in independent Der Standard
(7/29): "The wording of the IRA
declaration issued Thursday meets high expectations. An organization that understands itself as
the only legitimate authority on the Irish island has declared it has ended its
existence as a paramilitary group. 'The
armed fight was legitimate. We are aware
that many people suffered in this conflict.'
That was all the IRA had to say about its victims. The Irish Republican Army's weapons that for
years blocked the political process will now be disposed of. Since nobody knows how large these arsenals
originally were, nobody will be able to say with certainty that all weapons
were destroyed. New guns and explosives
are easy to come by. What is important
are the IRA's long-term intentions and those can only be measured against their
actions.... The next few months will
bring clarity. The real test is not the
rusty weapons but the unconditional support of Sinn Fein and the new veterans'
association called IRA for the police in Northern Ireland. Only that will end the war."
"An Historic Ray Of Light In The Shadow Of The London
Erhard M. Hutter commented in mass-circulation provincial daily Kleine
Zeitung (7/29): "The timing was
not randomly chosen: while London,
after two terror attacks, is preparing for a time of Islamic terror, the Irish
Republican Army (IRA) has credibly pledged to end its more than 30-year-long
terror campaign once and for all.... [It
is] indeed an extraordinary day for the people of Northern Ireland. The IRA, which terrorized the population for
so long, has announced its renunciation of armed conflict in favor of
democratic and peaceful means.... The
Unionists might criticize the IRA's statement and distrust its offer, but they
can't ignore it."
Pavel Masa opined in center-right Lidove Noviny
(7/29): "It looks like evidence of
mercy. Members of the IRA ceased their
violent fight against the British government.
Maybe their conscience was shaken after the attacks in London? In reality, this is only a coincidence of
timing. The IRA was internally
collapsing under the burden of its crimes for a long time already.... Despite the dubious motivation of the
'peace-makers,' the prospect of peace in the country, which was the historical
cradle of terrorism in Europe, is a reason for relief.... The problem is that politicians learn
desperately slowly. And it takes too
long for people inclined to excuse murders committed allegedly in the name of a
fight for freedom before they understand that there are no good and bad
terrorists. Regardless, whether in
Ireland, Chechnya, or Palestine."
HUNGARY: "Laying Down
Columnist Oszkar Füzes stated in center-left Nepszabadsag
(8/1): "The Irish case is the same
as all national minority conflicts in Europe:
a history of grievances. It is a
story in which when retold today it no longer matters who was or could have
been right in what and to what extent.
It is hard even to
admit this, not to mention overcome it:
he who tries to overcome it has to overcome himself....
What the IRA could not have won by arms it has managed to accomplish
through outside pressure. The question
is whether the Catholic Northern Irish would have been able to achieve this
without arms?... The Irish case is
another justification of what we [Hungarians]...know from our own experience: that the cure of all national grievances, the
winning of minority rights depends on how much we are able to reconcile. With ourselves and the other side at the same
time. And for that we need outside help
from large powers, for which radicals have no chance--true, not always those
desiring reconciliation have that, either."
"The Next Step"
Liberal-leaning Magyar Hirlap noted (7/29): "It would be hard to evaluate how big a
role the London bombings played in yesterday’s announcement by the IRA to lay
down arms against British rule in Northern Ireland. In many respects the timing couldn’t have
been better from a PR point of view:
while the Brits are slowly becoming suspicious of all foreigners, the
'ancient enemies' on the island lay down arms, armed conflict ends, and nothing
else only a political fight remains. It
is likely that a long time has to go by before all prejudice disappears. Although the opinion of the world [about
IRA’s role in associating the name of Northern Ireland with religious quarrels,
attempts and terrorists] will change faster than the mistrust between the
communities of the province, it does not change that fact that yesterday a very
important thing happened which can only be welcomed. And we can root for it to last."
NORWAY: "Farewell To
Independent daily VG remarked (7/29): "It has taken 36 years of bloodshed and
roughly 10 years of negotiations, but yesterday the Irish Republican Army (IRA)
finally proclaimed that they have put violence behind them and from now on will
seek purely political solutions.... Is
the IRA serious this time around? They
have convinced a lot of people....
Others have expressed anything from joy to reserved optimism to sheer
skepticism. There can be little doubt
that they have a significant challenge in controlling all former members,
volunteers and sympathizers. A serious
crime problem has developed outside the political core of the IRA. It has already been quite some time since
bombs and attacks yielded to gang-related violence and torpedoing to control
different fractions internally in the organization. The IRA’s peace declaration also comes at the
same time as a new, even more substantial type of terrorism threatens civilian
life in the British Isles. The wear and
tear on the whole of Northern Ireland’s society, combined with this new threat,
resulted in only two real choices for the IRA:
either they would have had to be marginalized even further into a small,
criminal cult of violence without an anchor to in the people they claim to be
fighting for. Or else to opt for
yesterday’s solution."
POLAND: "Peace In
Wojciech Pieciak commented mainstream Catholic weekly Tygodnik
Powszechny (8/1): "At the time
when terrorism has become a synonym of modern evil for Western countries, to
use terrorism for a political becoming not only anachronism, but also
an action deprived of any credibility....
Is the IRA’s statement a breakthrough?
Sinn Fein, the party of Irish Catholics linked to the IRA, had called
for such a step for months. The
Protestants as usual are reacting with skepticism. They have their reasons: the IRA has issued a large number of various
statements in the past. None, however,
was so clear...and so concise in its own way."
SLOVAKIA: "Terrorists
Made IRA Turn Away From Violence"
Centrist Pravda observed (7/29): "Any support for the IRA using violence
to achieve its goals has disappeared [following 9/11 and London
attacks.... The IRA failed to achieve
its goal through violence; instead it united Ireland in hostility to
SPAIN: "Goodbye To
Left-of-center El País held (7/29): "In the middle of the celebration it is
understandable that some are skeptical, especially among the Protestant parties
in Northern Ireland. Their incredulity
is probably provoked by the circumstance that the IRA has not announced its
dissolution.... But the euphoria of Tony
Blair, and the more cautious support in Washington, is also
understandable.... This decision of the
IRA is filled with repercussions, above all that this turn can give life to
millions of people.... But the British
government...this is a crucial moment as they will have their security forces
fully available to fight Islamic terrorism, a threat much less predictable and
much more difficult to handle and to understand."
"Peace With The Facts"
Conservative ABC had this opinion (7/29): "The only thing of interest of this
communiqué is if it really is the final point of violence in Northern still reveals that terrorists have no qualms, and not
only do not ask for forgiveness for their murders, but repeat again that their
'armed struggle was totally legitimate.'
Terrorists, even when they announce the cessation of violence, are still
terrorists.... With all the reservations
terrorists deserve, the announcement by IRA is good news that has to be
ratified with unequivocal facts like the real disarmament of the nationalist
organization.... Although there are such
substantial differences that should discourage any simplifying attempt, the
temptation to import the Irish model to the case of ETA is very strong.... It will be better for the comparisons to be
made with good sense and to learn from this the lesson that the State must
always prevail on terrorism, even when it establishes the conditions for a
definitive peace."
Le Temps editorialized (7/29):
"Perhaps the IRA is hoping to regain some sort of
respectability.... The horror to which
Islamist terrorism is giving rise today may lead people to forget its own
bloody actions.... [The Good Friday
Agreement was followed by a] very chaotic [process, but] it is this fragile
method whose effect can be seen today.
A spiral of peace is being
established in Northern Ireland."
"Asia's Insurgents Should Follow IRA's Example"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
concluded (7/30): "Asia's insurgent
groups should follow the lead of the Irish Republican Army and lay down their
weapons in favor of genuine dialogue.
Like the Republican guerrillas, all their struggles have achieved is
bloodshed and misery.... In the changed
political environment since the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11,
2001, such groups could easily be termed not freedom fighters, as they would
have it, but terrorists....
Pre-September 11, the U.S., for historical reasons, supported the
objectives of Sinn Fein. A blind eye was
turned to the activities of American groups which raised funds to buy weapons
for the IRA. The U.S. could no longer
tolerate this in the climate of fear that followed the attacks on its soil and
the networks were closed down. Sinn Fein
officials, previously given access to senior members of the government, were
shunned. IRA leaders have taken almost
four years to realize their isolation is not going to end any time soon. They are taking the previously promised step
of laying down their weapons as a prelude to destroying them. In the wake of the bombings on London's
transport system, they can see the fear invoked by terrorism and have found
that rather than inviting surrender, such acts instill a resolve to overcome.... But the fruits of the landmark announcement
were already apparent yesterday as Britain began demolishing one of its army
watchtowers in Northern Ireland, a symbol of its military presence. If the guerrillas fulfill their pledge, the
next step could well be the reopening of the suspended Belfast-based assembly,
set up under 1998's Good Friday peace deal for Protestants and Catholics to
jointly run Northern Irish affairs.
These are small rewards, but nonetheless create an environment under
which negotiations can better take place."
Armed Campaign"
The business-oriented Nikkei observed (7/29): "Senior British officials, including
Prime Minister Blair, welcomed the latest IRA statement as much more positive
and peace-oriented than previous declarations.
Under these circumstances, optimism is already growing that a new
situation--peace and stability--will take root in Northern Ireland."
INDIA: "Disarming
The nationalist Hindustan Times editorialized (7/30): "Long before Islamic terrorism came to
Britain, there was the Irish Republican Army.
If Thursday's words are put into action, it might be the happy demise of
Republican terror. But the IRA's
statement that it is no longer going to continue its armed campaign may not
automatically lead to the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Catholic
Republicans and Protestant Unionists....
The irony of one ideology of terror pushing another ideology of terror
to the point of giving up its violent ways cannot be missed. After 9/11, the IRA--along with its fellow
political wing, Sinn Fein--has been getting less and less response from its
traditional supporters in the United States....
Rejectionists from both sides have made genuine peace seekers nervous in
the past. It is one thing to sell peace
to the other side, quite another to sell it to one's own 'soldiers.' And even convincing the Unionists that the
IRA has signed its own 'vanishing warrant' will take effort and time. But too much skepticism is not going to help
anyone. The IRA must not only give up
arms, but must be seen to do so."
"Momentous Ceasefire"
The centrist Indian Express held (7/30): "Two recent developments may have
hastened the decision of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) to formally declare an
end to its strategy of violence against Britain for the cause of a united
Ireland. The first was the recent murder
of Robert McCartney on January 30. His
killing--by elements within the IRA--curiously held up a mirror to the inherent
violence within the organization.... The
violence perpetrated by jihadi elements in the London underground earlier this
month--and the universal outrage it caused--may possibly have been the second
immediate reason for prompting this welcome change in the organization’s
strategy and thinking. But, in a sense,
the shift had already taken place....
The IRA’s decision to dump arms represents a turning point, not just for
Ireland but a world in which enduring and incipient insurgencies continue to
fuel terrorist violence. The IRA, by
opting for the sanity of dialogue and the stability of the democratic process,
demonstrates that there could be a different way of achieving political ends
that have defied a solution for decades."
"Peace Wins"
The centrist Times of India had this to say (7/30): "With the formal renunciation of arms by
the Irish Republican Army (IRA), it is safe to say that Western Europe's
longest running civil war is now over....
This establishes a very important principle: no matter what political differences might
exist, violence is now an outmoded manner of settling them, while peace is its
own guarantee. What also helped, no
doubt, was the economic transformation of neighboring Ireland.... Does Northern Ireland hold lessons for Kashmir? One important difference is that Pakistan is
not quite Ireland, which has historically been a democracy as well as
uninterested in involving itself in Northern Ireland's sectarian troubles. But that should not obscure the
similarities. People are ahead of
politicians in both cases. After
one-and-a-half decades of civil conflict Kashmiris are tired of violence and
wish desperately to give peace a chance.
Hurriyat ought to take a leaf out of the IRA's book--violence has become
a liability for them, and politics is a better way of resolving
CANADA: "Hope,
Skepticism Greet IRA Gesture"
The liberal Toronto Star editorialized (Internet version,
7/29): "For decades, the Irish
Republican Army has tried to portray itself on the international stage as an
idealized band of true believers fighting on behalf of Catholics against
British rule in Northern Ireland.... But
the reality was that the IRA...had long ago become little more than a bunch of
criminals whose reign of brutal terror against both Protestant and Catholic
communities was highlighted by bank robberies, money-laundering and
violence.... The IRA, along with Sinn
Fein, its political wing...clearly realized that it could no longer achieve its
goal through violence.... In January,
the IRA lost much of its remaining credibility when its thugs stabbed to death
Robert McCartney, a Sinn Fein supporter, over a minor barroom argument. They terrorized 70 witnesses into
silence. The murder came shortly after
the IRA was accused of a $60 million bank robbery. Those events prompted a massive backlash
against the IRA among Catholics...[who] saw the IRA as the biggest barrier to
peace. Skepticism is justifiable on the
issue of whether the IRA will disarm.
Along with Protestant paramilitary groups, it made a similar undertaking
in 1998 as part of the Good Friday peace accord that guaranteed minority
Catholic representation in a Protestant-led government. Also, the IRA made it clear yesterday it is
not disbanding. It still has up to 1,000
'volunteers.'... Still, the gesture to
disarm and opt for a political route to reunification is welcome. Now the IRA must act with speed to turn in
its weapons and immediately cease all paramilitary and criminal activity. Such haste is necessary because all trust in
the IRA is lacking. It will take time to
rebuild. But for once, there is hope for
peace in this land of 'the Troubles.'"
"How The IRA Reached This Point"
The leading, centrist Globe and Mail opined (7/29): "The Irish Republican Army's decision to
renounce violence teaches an important lesson:
terrorism can be beaten.... [A]t some point along the way, the IRA was
forced to a sobering conclusion. Though
armed struggle had gained the organization enormous international publicity, it
was not advancing its cause. Far from
driving the British from Ireland, violence had made them dig in their
heels. Meanwhile, in Ireland--north and
south, Protestant and Catholic--people grew more and more sick of the mayhem
and bloodshed. Terrorism works, it is
often said, which is why so many political movements have embraced it. But if
confronted with intelligence and resolve, it can be overcome.... But if the subtlety and resolve of the
British government was critical, the IRA's own behavior was key, too. Atrocities such as pub bombings helped turn
people against the organization and destroy its self-made image as a
disciplined group of noble nationalists.
Over time, it became clear that many IRA men were simple thugs.... To a large degree, the IRA defeated
itself. So, over time, will other
terrorist groups, if democratic countries can only stand firm."
"Fresh Hope In Ireland"
The nationalist Ottawa Citizen contended (7/29): "Amid the despair of this summer's
terrorist attacks, there is a reason for hope:
the Irish Republican Army has made an unqualified, unprecedented declaration
of peace.... The peace process has
leaped forward. It may yet move backward
again. But this declaration bears little
resemblance to the ceasefires of the past, and that is reason for optimism. The declaration shows that the slow,
frustrating and unsung work of diplomacy and negotiation can help prevent
violence. But this strategy cannot be
applied with the same success to the Islamist terrorism that now threatens
Britain. Unlike the motley collection of
extremists who adhere to al-Qaida's goal of annihilating the West, the IRA is a
defined entity with unrivaled organizational power and influence. When the IRA calls for peace, its supporters
are likely to honor that. New groups
could, however, take up arms in Ireland, while parts of the IRA and other
paramilitary units disintegrate into gangs of petty thugs, more interested in
profit than politics. But this
declaration should cause even the most jaded observer to rejoice and echo the
reaction of the Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern: 'the war is over'."
Increasingly Cornered Group"
Graciela Iglesias wrote from London in daily-of-record La
Nacion (7/29): "Saying that the
IRA's historical decision to renounce violence... is related to the recent wave
of attacks against this capital city would be a mistake, but saying the
opposite would also be erroneous. As
usually happens in delicate and complex issues like this one, the truth is
mid-way between both extremes. In this
case, it is not located in London but on the other side of the Atlantic. Yesterday's well-prepared announcement by IRA
is a direct and positive corollary of the U.S.-led 'global war on terror' since
the September 11 attacks. It is not by
chance that the message...coincided with [Sinn Fein] Martin McGuinness' arrival
in Washington.... The Irish Republican
movement has always been supported by the U.S. Irish Diaspora.... Groups like the IRA no longer fit in the U.S.
strategic map. The Irish Republicans'
illegal activities are not aligned with George W. Bush's 'worldwide war against
the evil,' in which the UK plays a vital role.... According to UK PM Tony Blair, the 'day of
unprecedented magnitude' was the result of three months of intense
negotiations.... Some said in London that Irish terrorists wanted to announce
the end of their 'armed fight' some days ago, but that they feared the message
could pass unnoticed amid so many suicide attacks and deadly shots. But this is a mistake. The IRA simply waited until London made
several concessions, among them the release of Seamus Kelly, who was guilty for
one its bloodiest attacks."
CHILE: "The Conclusion
Of A Phase"
Raul Sohr opined in government-owned, editorially independent La
Nacion (7/29): "The IRA ended
more than 30 years of armed struggle....
In London there was enormous satisfaction over the IRA’s announcement,
as it reflects the success of a strategy that in recent years had emphasized
political negotiations. Despite attacks,
the British government never cut its ties with Sinn Fein.... They were well aware of the communications
channels between the political arm of the IRA and those who carried arms. They
knew Sinn Fein was not merely a conduit to reach those in the underground, but
also a means to influence them. Many
demanded that Sinn Fein be declared illegal, but vision triumphed over the
pressure and the demands were resisted.
Thus ends a process that now buries weapons to fully enter politics. The
latest election shows the IRA, through Sinn Fein, will harvest more victories
with votes than with bombs."
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