August 10, 2005
** Hiroshima's 60th
anniversary marks a "new age of global instability" after the NPT's
** Observers lament that
many countries remain "incredibly keen" to attain nuclear
** Liberal papers blast the
"double standards" of the five declared nuclear powers.
** Outlets dub Hiroshima
and Nagasaki "poignant reminders of what havoc WMD...can wreak."
'Signs of obsolescence' in the NPT-- Papers agreed the "very shaky"
non-proliferation system is in a "state of crisis." The NPT conference's "deadlocked
negotiations bring into sharp focus the lack of progress" in combating proliferation,
said India's centrist Hindu, while other writers urged "stronger,
more consistent steps" to "revive the floundering NPT." Denmark's center-right Jyllands Posten,
however, insisted that the "NPT has never worked." Several outlets instead sought a "very
strong commitment to disarmament"; the center-left Irish Times
stated the "objective should be to get rid of nuclear weapons," while
Japan's liberal Mainichi called for global "resolve to realize the
elimination of nuclear weapons."
'A new, dangerous nuclear arms race'-- Writers feared the "taboo against igniting
another bomb" will be breached because the "ambition to possess
nuclear weapons has been spreading."
As "even poor and bankrupt states" have a "deadly
fascination" with nuclear arms, papers saw "potential for a new
nuclear competition" worldwide.
Austria's centrist Die Presse envisioned up to "two dozen
nuclear powers" in the future, agreeing with Belgium's left-of-
center Le Soir that "risk increases as the number of
countries with these weapons grows."
Other observers highlighted the "nightmare of atomic
terrorism"; Chile's conservative La Tercera said the "greatest
threat today" is that "terrorist groups may obtain nuclear
'Disrespect for the obligation to disarm'-- Leftist outlets urged the nuclear five to
"enter into binding NPT agreements."
South Africa's Star castigated the "parochial and
self-serving" nuclear five for being "too selfish--and too
foolish" to pursue disarmament--an "ever more distant
dream." Editorialists singled out
"U.S. unilateralism" for special criticism. Germany's business-oriented Handelsblatt
assailed the U.S. for "examining the option of bunker-busting nuclear
weapons," while Bangladesh's independent Daily Star saw the
"prospect of further proliferation" given the U.S.' "intent to
develop and produce new nuclear weapons."
Debating the morality of the 'terrors of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki'-- Commentators debated if
the atomic bombings were justified.
Defenders such as the conservative Australian argued that acting
"in defense of democracy was unavoidable," joining others to say
Japan was "a still-dangerous enemy" when the bombs fell in 1945. Chinese writers held that the bombs "quickly
ended the war" against Japan's "right-wing warlords." But critics blasted the "anti-human
nuclear attacks" as an "appalling assault on unarmed civilians";
more moderate commentators labeled the bombs "difficult to justify." Attacking the use of such "inhuman
weapons," Japan's conservative Sankei stated the "country that
must apologize is the U.S."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
EDITOR: Ben Goldberg
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 46 reports from 22 countries over 3 - 10 August, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "The Shadow
Of The Bomb Still Lingers After 60 Years"
An editorial in the left-of-center Independent read
(8/5): "We have entered a new age
of global instability, less predictable than the Cold War. Unless the entire world makes serious efforts
to destroy its nuclear weapons we are in grave danger of seeing the terrors of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki repeated in our own lifetimes."
FRANCE: "The Nuclear
Yves Pitette opined in Catholic La Croix (8/5): "Some historians are debating today the
idea, up to now commonly accepted, that the bombs of Hiroshima and of Nagasaki
accelerated the end of the war with Japan....
Whatever the debate on the respective responsibility of who unleashed
war without mercy in the Pacific and who wanted to end it the quickest, the
tragic demonstration made on August 6, 1945 of the terrifying power of the
atomic bomb changed the world.... Today,
we realize every day that the end of the East-West face-off is not resolved,
even to the contrary, and that the arms of nuclear dissuasion are powerless
against terrorism...Never, since August 1945, has the risk that they (nuclear
bombs) could be used on a local scale (Kashmir, Korea, Iran tomorrow maybe)
been so trivialized. Will the horror of
the ending of Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s victims never serve as a lesson?"
GERMANY: "Thinkable
Right-of-center Münchener Merkur argued (8/5): "The bomb that was unthinkable after
Hiroshima has become thinkable again.
One and a half decades after the collapse of the East Bloc, a new
dangerous nuclear arms race has begun.
Iran's...fanatic striving for the 'Islamic bomb' is only the most recent
and, at the same time, most depressing example of a deadly fascination, which
this weapons exercises.... The danger
that it could fall into the hands of terrorists has never been as great as
today, now that the know-how for the construction of the nuclear bomb has left
Russian and Pakistani research laboratories.
The nuclear cancer has spread its metastases everywhere in the world. Gradually, even the U.S. nuclear super power
begins to understand that Iraq was probably the wrong opponent."
"The Ghost From The Bottle"
Ewald Stein wrote in business-oriented Handelsblatt of
Duesseldorf (8/4): "Iran's and
North Korea's nuclear ambitions as well as the debate about how to put a stop
to them cast light on our world's fragile security situation. Sixty years after the first atom bombs were
launched on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has not found a way out of the
nuclear dilemma. And we are not really
looking for an exit.... One example for
the disrespect for the obligation to disarm is the conclusion the U.S. drew
from the war in Afghanistan. The U.S.
forces had difficulties to combat Taliban and al Qaida fighters who hid away in
bunkers or caves by using conventional weapons.
The U.S. is therefore now examining the option of bunker-busting nuclear
weapons. Nuclear armament is continued. The unofficial doctrine to renounce a nuclear
first strike becomes irrelevant with these mini-nukes. Washington and others should be careful to
divide the world into good and evil.
Those who have power due to the bomb should also be models. With martial threats alone you cannot catch
the nuclear ghost the U.S. released from the bottle 60 years ago."
AUSTRIA: "Once More
Senior editor Hans Rauscher opined in independent Der Standard
(8/8): “It is simply not true that Japan
was prepared to capitulate. It might have been true for some civilian
ministers, perhaps for the marine commanders who no longer had ships, but
definitely not for the still largely functioning army. There were enough
fanatics that were prepared to go on fighting and announced that they would do
so--even and particularly after Hiroshima....
It is absolute nonsense that President Truman primarily aimed to impress
the Russians rather than the Japanese with his order to drop the bomb. In the
eyes of the Americans--as well as in reality--Japan was a still-dangerous enemy
that had to be brought to surrender. Whether that justified Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in the end, is a different question. Fact is, however, that the main
motive of the US in dropping the bomb was a quick victory with as few losses as
possible. Any other assertions are belated constructions in the spirit of
today’s anti-Americanism.”
"A-Bomb And Ignorance"
Foreign affairs editor Christian Ulsch commented in centrist Die
Presse (8/5): "It was a
conference that nobody was really interested in, and its failure was only
noticed by a few insiders--the review conference for the Non-Proliferation
Treaty that took place end of May....
Today, 60 years after the dropping of the first nuclear bomb on
Hiroshima, the non-proliferation system is very shaky indeed. The Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty is inadequate. Iran could get to the threshold of
becoming a nuclear power without even violating an article of the law. However,
if Iran and North Korea are not reined in, this could be the start of a race at
the end of which there might be two dozen nuclear powers. The more actors there
are, though, the more difficult it will be to control them. And that will make
it likely that the taboo against igniting another bomb will fall at some
BELGIUM: "The Time Of
The Equilibrium Of Terror Is Over"
Foreign editor Jurek Kuczkiewicz wrote in left-of-center Le
Soir (8/6): "A so universal and
symbolic commemoration has rarely appeared more unimportant in light of what is
currently going on. Indeed, at the moment when the world commemorates the 60th
anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki--where over 200,000 people died
instantly--Iran is about to resume its nuclear enrichment program and the
international community has a hard time finding the right words to convince
North Korea to give up its nuclear military program. At the same time,
intelligence services of the most powerful countries are hunting down a
terrorist who is very likely to use nuclear weapons if he managed to get his
hands on them. When talking about
nuclear weapons, the Cold War almost appears like the good old days. Everyone
knew which countries had nuclear weapons and that their sense of
responsibilities made their use unlikely. Today, that risk increases as the
number of countries with these weapons grows.
It is hard to deny that the world would be better without nuclear
weapons. But unless one wants to be angelic, one needs to ask other questions.
Is the world, and countries that have these weapons in particular, safer with
them? Is there less chance that a country that has them would push the button
than the U.S. or the USSR would have done yesterday? Among the big countries,
is the taboo of unilateral military action as strong as forty years ago?
Lastly, are nuclear weapons the appropriate weapon against what appears to be
the most imminent danger, i.e. blind terrorism against civilian targets? No reasonable
person will easily answer these questions, and certainly not give an
affirmative answer. Calls from the
international community to give up nuclear weapons are, of course, legitimate
but unfortunately illusory. One can only call on responsible countries to show
restraint while threatening irresponsible ones before it is too late. But among
responsible countries, some are more responsible than others. In the past, it
was an equilibrium of terror. The equilibrium has gone, terror remains.”
"Hiroshima: Truman Was Right"
Chief editor Michel Konen contended in independent La Libre
Belgique (8/6): "U.S. President
Harry Truman once said that ‘the atomic bomb is too dangerous to be entrusted
to a lawless world'.... Since August 6,
1945, the threat of total extermination has been hanging on mankind. ‘Little
Boy’ has generated a monster, i.e. arms race and the equilibrium of terror.
Today’s nuclear arsenals of big countries would be capable of reducing the
planet to ashes several times. Nuclear
weapons upset relations between countries in as far as they create a decisive
unbalance between those that have them and those that do not. What is worrying
these days is nuclear proliferation out of the circle of the five big
countries.... The bigger the circle becomes,
the bigger the risk that such weapons will fall into the hands of rogue states.
And with the implosion of the USSR and the trafficking of fissile materials
that followed, there is fear that a terrorist organization would acquire
nuclear weapons."
"Never Again?"
Chief editor Yves Desmet observed in independent De Morgen
(8/6): "The NPT, which was
supposed to prevent another Hiroshima from happening again, has in the meantime
increasingly become a dead letter. That Treaty required the then five nuclear
countries to disarm, in exchange for which other countries promised not to
develop their nuclear programs. Both
sides have not and are not following their pledges. There has perhaps been a
strategic reduction of the number of nuclear warheads within the five big
countries, but they have at the same time continued to massively invest in
their nuclear weapons.... One can
certainly not speak of a reduction of nuclear arsenals.... But non-nuclear countries have also not
abided by their commitment. At the very moment when the world is observing a
minute of silence for the victims of Hiroshima, the new strongman of Iran,
President Ahmedinejad, is being sworn in. The uncertainty about Iran’s nuclear
activities will only increase. North
Korea is also imperturbably continuing the development of nuclear weapons,
convinced that they are probably the main reason why George Bush attacked Iraq
and left North Korea alone. India and Pakistan have in the meantime also
acquired nuclear weapons, and experts no longer rule out that there are enough
materials available on the black market for terrorists to manufacture ‘rucksack
bombs.’ Sixty years after Hiroshima, an
increasing number of countries can now blow up the entire planet several
times.... Who would dare to say ‘never
again’ with certainty?”
Man And Little Boy"
Petr Kambersky noted in business-oriented Hospodarske noviny
(8/8): "Its sounds unnatural to say
today, in the time of respect for life of every creature, that dropping atomic
bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is understandable.... The
principal objection is that the U.S. military won the war by a cruel
attack on non-military targets....
[However] there were perhaps many more lives which the one plutonium and
one uranium bombs saved.... The Cold War
remained cold because the barbaric regime in Bolshevik Russia saw what
universal destruction a nuclear war could bring about. And who knows, without
Hiroshima and Nagasaki the radiance of a thousand suns could have been lit by
the heat of mutual hatred between Pakistan and India, or Israel could have
perhaps turned its neighboring states into moon-like landscapes in the toughest
moments of the Yom Kippur war."
DENMARK: "Keeping
Weapons Out Of The Wrong Hands"
Center-right Jyllands-Posten stated (8/6): "The NPT has never worked. As the result of this we see increasing
numbers of countries with nuclear capacities and weapon types. China's atomic arsenal has increased
dramatically and the U.S. is in the throes of developing new, smaller and more
versatile nuclear weapons. It seems to
be becoming more difficult to keep nuclear weapons out of the wrong hands--a
sobering thought sixty years after Hiroshima."
IRELAND: "Getting Rid
Of Nuclear Weapons"
The center-left Irish Times averred (8/8): "New uncertainties in world politics
have added to the dangers involved since the end of the Cold War.... Iran announced last week that it is to
proceed with a nuclear gas enrichment program, despite the protestations of the
three major European powers with which it has been negotiating. An equally
fraught negotiation is being conducted by six powers with North Korea in an
effort to dismantle its admitted nuclear arms program. Alongside these, there
is a vicious power game going on to expand the number of permanent seats on the
UNSC beyond the current five such members, all of which are nuclear states and
determined to remain so. Germany, Brazil, Japan, India and Pakistan either have
access to nuclear weapons or the industrial capacity to gain access. Only a
complacent set of assumptions about the existing relatively benign balance of
power between them prevents us from seeing the potential for a new nuclear
competition if political talks break down. Beyond that there are the dangers
that rogue states, or those which believe they are under extreme threat, will
resort to nuclear blackmail. And beyond that again there looms the danger that
terrorist movements would gain access to nuclear weapons. All of this should
reinforce the political determination to prevent nuclear proliferation and
re-emphasize that, without nuclear disarmament, this is a formula incapable of
delivering strategic stability. In recent years India and Pakistan have crossed
the nuclear threshold, while Libya is the only state to have gone the other
way. The objective should be to get rid of nuclear weapons, however utopian
this may seem. That means holding existing nuclear states to such a commitment
and maintaining international pressure for linking non-proliferation to nuclear
disarmament--despite last May's setback on the NPT.”
"Living With The Bomb"
The center-right populist Irish Independent declared
(8/6): "Was it justified?.... But looking back now, it is difficult to
justify what was done to so many innocent people. More than anything, it is the
tragedy of those who were sacrificed on this morning 60 years ago that speaks
to us over the decades.... The collapse
of Communism and the end of the missile race between America and the old USSR
have lulled many of us into the assumption that the nuclear threat to mankind
is over. That is a mistaken belief. In
fact the situation appears to get worse by the day. This week, for example,
Iran said it would be restarting its nuclear program. North Korea already has
nuclear weapons and would rather let a few million of its children starve than
get rid of them, so far at least. India
and Pakistan both have nuclear weapons and are still at loggerheads over
Kashmir. If Islamic militants were to overthrow General Musharraf in Pakistan, how
long might it be before mushroom clouds were rising over the Indian
subcontinent? Israel also has a nuclear
arsenal. Although so far none of the Arab states does, that could change in the
future. And then there is al-Qa'ida and
other terrorist groups. Some of the poor and corrupt member states of the old
Soviet Union still have nuclear stockpiles and money talks. The original nuclear five--America, Britain,
France, Russia and China--were supposed to give a lead to everyone else. But
although efforts are being made to limit the spread of nuclear weapons, they
have failed to do much themselves.
America is now developing ‘battlefield’ nuclear weapons. China, still a
very long march from being a democracy, has ambitions to be the world's
dominant superpower in a few decades, with all the tensions that will
bring. Today, as we remember the people
of Hiroshima, we should all be aware that we are still living in the shadow of
the bomb. “
Independent Dagbladet commented (8/7): "Yesterday it was 60 years ago since
nuclear weapons were used against human beings for the very first time.... We can conclude that the world entered a new
epoch with the development and use of nuclear weapons. The human race has since
then been able to exterminate itself. Luckily, WMD have only been used those
two times 60 years ago. That does not mean that we are safe for the future.
Today we know of eight countries that have nuclear weapons. In addition there
is North Korea, which has most likely come far in its development of the
weapons, and Iran, which also has a nuclear program. And today’s nuclear
weapons are many times stronger than the two bombs that were dropped over
Japan. The type of desperate terrorism that we have seen developing over the
past few years is maybe the most imminent danger in this connection as
well.... It now becomes even more
important that the nations in possession of nuclear arms enter into binding NPT
agreements.... Today’s grim anniversary
therefore creates an important prelude to the UN summit on the subject in
Razvan Voncu wrote in conservative Realitatea Romaneasa
(8/6): "The U.S. claimed that they
resorted to these bombardments because Japan did not want to capitulate. A lie,
obviously.... Only the technical
conditions and the reluctance of American scholars made it impossible for the
bomb to be used earlier, as the American generals ardently desired. North
Korea, the main target of American politics in Asia, has found in the nuclear
weapon a means of keeping the US at bay....
From here to terrorism, there was only one step.... The construction technology of the atomic available to anybody on the Internet.... We should thank the White House and the
American generals for this nightmarish existence.... Money spent on the development of nuclear
arsenals could have eradicated world famine a long time ago, and could have
solved many other chronic problems of the planet, but do the powerful care about
SPAIN: "August Of
Left-of-center El País asserted (8/7): "But the [60th anniversary of Hiroshima]
coincides with the awakening of Japan's own military and nationalistic currents
which oppose the limitations of their own rearmament. The anniversary also
coincides with the identification of the national independence with possession
of the atomic weapon in countries like North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, or Israel
and others that already have them or are on their way to getting them. The
anniversary of Hiroshima recalls the tragic effects of militarism for their own
people to eliminate arms that for their own population but also the need to
eliminate some weapons that are not in the name of a good cause to stop
strictly inhumane effects."
"The U.S.' Nuclear Ethics"
Jawad Bashiti wrote in independent Al-Ayyam (8/10): "The ultimate goal of the super
imperialist power in the world is to ‘monopolize nuclear weapons’ beginning
with preventing their spreading outside the ‘nuclear group,’ which Israel, the
only country in the world that possesses an unrevealed nuclear arsenal, is a
member of. The U.S. will not relax until
the nuclear arsenals in Russia and China become weak and helpless in the
international conflict. It’s the ‘nuclear rhinoceros’ world that it [the U.S.]
wants in the 21st century. A world in
which the balance [created by] the horror of nuclear power has vanished, is
much more dangerous than the world in which the U.S. was the only country with
a nuclear bomb and thus, nothing can stop it from using [this bomb] just as it
used it in Hiroshima and Nagasaki... This great crime that the U.S. committed
is the best evidence that the ‘nuclear ethics’ of this country is a big
lie.... Until it’s possible to make the entire
world free of nuclear weapons, the only option is one of two evils: the spread
of nuclear weapons, because the world will become another Hiroshima if the U.S.
monopolizes nuclear weapons.”
"Hiroshima Lessons"
The expatriate-oriented English-language Khaleej
Times opined (8/3): "As the
world goes about the perfunctory observation of the 60th anniversary of the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, it doesn’t appear as if we have learnt our
lessons from the great tragedy. In spite of the fact that the Cold War is long
over...there are enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world and everything in
it many times over. The world has seen
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki how utterly destructive the nuclear weapons can be.
Yet there are many countries today that can do anything to possess them.
Ironically, many states in the developing world may not have enough resources
to feed their people but they are prepared to spend their precious wherewithal
on the efforts to have a nuke or two of their own.... Interestingly enough, many rich nations in
the developed world like Japan...have enough economic resources but aren’t
interested in developing and possessing nukes. On the other hand, poor and
bankrupt states like North Korea are incredibly keen to lay their hands on
these dangerous arms perhaps to sate the delusions of grandeur of their
leaders. While the developed world is cutting down on its existing military
strength, the developing world is chasing after more lethal and destructive
arms.... About time the developing
countries learn a lesson or two from the rich and developed world. It’s not the
weapons, nuclear or otherwise, that dictate the balance of power in the 21st
century but economic muscle and clout....
Few in the developing world appear to have woken up to this strategic
shift. To be fair, Asia appears to be catching up with the trend. China, ruled by Maoist dictators, appears to
have got it right. It’s completely
focused on building itself as an economic superpower.... India, which in ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s was
preoccupied with military grandeur, has realised the power and effectiveness of
economic progress."
Act In A Just Cause"
The national conservative Australian
observed (8/6): "It is easy for
critics to point to the monstrous death toll on Truman's watch, in the same way
Kennedy and Reagan were denounced for accepting the risk of a nuclear exchange.
It is easy for faux realists to hold democracies to impossible moral standards
when defending themselves against implacable enemies. It is easy for appeasers
to blame the victim in the face of totalitarian aggression. But since the start
of WWII there have been many occasions when the awful was the lesser of two evils
and to act in defense of democracy was unavoidable. Truman had the courage to
set a precedent that still applies.”
"Nuclear Cloud On The Horizon Has Never
Gone Away"
The liberal Melbourne-based Age stated
(8/6): "The bombs ended World War
II, but have cast a shadow over the world ever since. While the world paused to
consider what kind of Pandora's box it had opened and the view of the nuclear
bomb as an evil has helped avoid its use again--global powers have never turned
away from the dark side of the nuclear age....
That belief depends on the people of the world also finding the resolve
to demand that their leaders take stronger, more consistent steps to control an
evil weapon. The countdown to catastrophe that started 60 years ago is
continuing, but it is not too late to halt it.”
CHINA (HONG KONG AND MACAU SARS): "U.S. Holds Key To Ending Nuclear
Weapons Fears"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
editorialized (8/8): "India and
Pakistan have taken a welcome step in reducing the threat of a nuclear war by
setting up a telephone hotline and pledging to warn each other of ballistic
missile tests. But two other nations
worrying non-proliferation advocates, North Korea and Iran, are being less
co-operative. Six-party talks in Beijing
on convincing Pyongyang to scrap its nuclear program have made no headway in
the past two weeks and will reconvene on August 29; Iran's equally hardline
leaders are adamant that they will go ahead with uranium enrichment despite
threats of UN action. At the centre of
all the potential flashpoints is the U.S., which could easily vanquish global
concerns about a nuclear conflict if it wanted.
Instead, U.S. President George W. Bush's administration is flouting
international non-proliferation rules and using nations' economic, political
and strategic influence to choose which of them should or should not have
nuclear capabilities.... There is little
possibility of ridding the world of nuclear weapons while nations such as the
U.S. maintain a two-track policy. If it
truly wants international security, the Bush administration should be setting
an example by ending proliferation and eliminating its weapons, as it has
promised. Only with such a message can
the nuclear threat be diminished."
"A Timely Reminder Of Modern Nuclear Threat"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
maintained (8/7): "The 60th
anniversary yesterday of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima was not only a
remembrance of the 140,000 people who died in the blast and another 100,000
found to have died of related causes, but a reminder of the horror of nuclear
war that is always timely.... Fifteen
years after the end of the cold war and the arms race between the U.S. and the
old Soviet Union, it is debatable whether the world is now safer from a nuclear
attack.... The reasons are the spread of
nuclear weapons, the risk of an accidental missile launching and a new
fear--that they could fall into the hands of terrorists. And there is concern about another arms race,
with some nuclear powers considering an end to test bans and resuming
production of nuclear weapons. Yet
signatories to the 35-year-old nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty recently failed
to even agree on an agenda for discussing the much-needed closing of loopholes
in the pact.... Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
which suffered the world's second atomic bombing three days later, have become
beacons of a pacifist Japan. For a day
yesterday, Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park became the epicentre of hopes for a
world free of the threat of nuclear weapons.
If these hopes are to be fulfilled, and crises of the kind involving
Iran and North Korea are to be avoided, progress must be made in transforming
the NPT into an effective agreement for the 21st century."
"Did the Atomic Bomb Attack Teach Japan A Lesson?"
Center-left Chinese-language Hong Kong Daily News noted
(8/7): "Hiroshima held a
commemoration to mark the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack. Japanese people gather annually to
commemorate the atomic bomb attack and treat themselves as the 'war
victims.' However, the fact is that it
was the right-wing warlords and their supporters in Japan who provoked the
war. For sixty years, they have never
repented for launching the war. In
contrast, they once again request that Japan build up its military
strength. When people are mourning for
the victims of the atomic bomb attack, did the Japanese society try to stop the
rejuvenation of militarists?"
"Japan Should Learn A Lesson From The Two Atomic Bombs"
Pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News remarked
(8/7): "While Japan is
commemorating the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, a report said...that Japan had stockpiled 45 kilograms of plutonium
and it was getting ready to build the world's biggest plutonium factory. Survivors of the atomic bomb attack worry that
Japan may finally give up its post-war pacifism and develop nuclear
weapons.... Sixty years has gone but
the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki still makes people's hair stand on end. If it was not for the two U.S. atomic bombs
that quickly ended the war, no one knows how many millions more Asian people
would continue to be slaughtered by Japanese soldiers. We hope that Japanese people can do some soul
searching at the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack and learn a
lesson. They should never launch
invasion and create such a tragedy again.
Otherwise, they will only suffer from their own actions."
JAPAN: "The 60th
Anniversary Of The Bombing: Stop
Interpreting History From Occupation Viewpoint"
Conservative Sankei contended (8/7): "Japan should free itself from the
interpretation of the history from occupational forces' viewpoint, including
the perception of the history concerning the U.S.' dropping of nuclear
bombs.... We would like to renew our
resolve not to let anyone to use inhuman weapons again, but Hiroshima Mayor
Akiba and Lower House Speaker Yohei Kono deserve criticism for making an
apology for what was done in the war....
The country that must apologize is the U.S. because it dropped atomic bombs.... After the war, the General Headquarters of
the Allied tried to suppress Japanese people's criticism of U.S. dropping of
atomic bombs by giving the impression that the atomic bombs were dropped on
military facilities.... Such a campaign
made people have the distorted view that the dropping of atomic bombs was
unavoidable...this view is still deep rooted.... Thus, the view that Japan should take all the
blame should be corrected."
"The 60th Anniversary Of The Bombings: Eliminate Nuclear Weapons"
Liberal Mainichi stated (8/5): "We would like to reiterate our resolve
to realize the elimination of nuclear weapons.... Countries that want to have nuclear weapons
continue to increase although they know how dangerous they are.... North Korea's policy to possess nuclear
weapons and China's military expansion both are matters of concern.... In the recent NPT conference...the move to
realize the elimination of nuclear weapons has backpedaled because of the five
nuclear powers' double standards....
They called on other countries not to develop nuclear weapons while
maintaining the rights to use nuclear weapons on non-nuclear countries.... The Bush administration, too, should show a
process toward the elimination of nuclear weapons."
"Anti-Nuclear Campaign Should Reflect Reality"
Top-circulation, moderate Yomiuri editorialized (8/5): "As Hiroshima and Nagasaki prepare to
mark the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombings Saturday and next Tuesday
respectively, the fact that the world is not yet free from the horrors of nuclear
weapons comes to mind. Instead, the
world has witnessed the proliferation of nuclear weapons along with a rising
threat of terrorists launching nuclear attacks.
Appeals for preventing any recurrence of the nuclear attacks suffered by
Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be persuasive only when such calls reflect the
reality of nuclear weapons in the international community.... Today the world community effectively accepts
India and Pakistan as members of the nuclear club, in addition to the U.S.,
Britain, France, Russia and China. North
Korea has also declared a nuclear capacity, while Iran is suspected of having a
nuclear development program.
Furthermore, a black market for such weaponry is said to exist, and
nuclear materials are still reportedly being smuggled out of the former Soviet
Union. In May, the seventh Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
was held in New York, but no agreement was reached. In other words, the
international regime for nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation is in a state
of crisis. Many Americans have
persistently justified the atomic bombings.
However, since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., some Americans
have questioned President Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs on
"Nuclear Proliferation Continues 60 Years
After Hiroshima"
Business-oriented Nihon Keizai stated
(8/5): "Sixty years after the
atomic bombing of Hiroshima and more than a decade since the end of the Cold
War, the world is no safer from the threat of another nuclear explosion.... The dire situation regarding nuclear
proliferation was highlighted by a conference reviewing the NPT that was held
in New York in May.... Delegates from
nearly 190 countries were divided into the arms control camp and the group led
by the U.S. focusing on the proliferation side of the equation. Wrangling between the two groups and a
confrontation between the U.S. and Iran over Tehran's nuclear activities led to
the failure to agree on new measures to stop weapons proliferation.... The number of nuclear weapons in the
stockpiles of the two nuclear superpowers--the U.S. and Russia--have dropped
substantially from the Cold War era....
The reductions are by no means sufficient, but they have at least
sharply lessened the danger of a global nuclear catastrophe. Meanwhile, the ambition to possess nuclear
weapons has been spreading, not only to countries like North Korea and Iran,
but also to terrorist groups. Nobody can
deny that the continuing spread of WMD now poses one of the biggest threats to
international security. It was therefore
very disheartening to see the countries at the NPT review conference fail to
share a common perception about the danger posed by the nuclear programs in
North Korea and Iran.... With the
changing dynamics of international politics eroding the momentum of the
anti-proliferation effort, world leaders must remember Hiroshima's overwhelming
lesson and work together to revive the floundering NPT."
INDIA: "Six Decades
After The Nuclear Attack On Nagasaki:
The Danger Still Exists"
Mumbai-based centrist Gujarati-language Gujaratmitra said
(8/9): "Sixty years ago, on this
day, the U.S. dropped atom bombs on the city of Nagasaki...and forced Japan to
concede defeat during the Second World War....
It needs to be underscored here that although the U.S. used atom bombs
to put an end to World War II, it is struggling still to establish peace in the
world. This act by the U.S. has left an
indelible mark on world history, which will continue to haunt mankind
forever.... The world, realizing the
deadliest impact of atom bombs, has fortunately not witnessed another such
holocaust. However, owing to the
policies of the U.S. during the Cold War period, the danger of ‘dirty’ bombs
continues to exist even today. Despite
the ongoing war against terrorism, there is no guarantee that the terrorists
will not create mayhem by using this weapon.”
"Sidelining The Disarmament Agenda"
The centrist Hindu argued (8/6): "The deadlocked negotiations at the
seventh Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) bring
into sharp focus the lack of progress in global nuclear disarmament, in the
context of an increased threat of nuclear proliferation.... Global disarmament commitments thus stand
dishonored. The only country that has so far used nuclear weapons in war,
killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process, and other nuclear
weapon states have done little to reduce their arsenals.... The double standards and inequities built
into the unequal global nuclear bargain that is the NPT, and the one-sided
anti-proliferation drive of the nuclear haves, are paving the way for a risky
nuclear nationalism in some threshold nuclear states. The question of genuine
movement towards global nuclear disarmament assumes greater urgency given the
real possibility of extremist movements and terrorists getting their hands on
nuclear weapons.... As the world
observes the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is obvious that
nuclear weapon states have turned their back on the lessons of history. The
U.S. has extracted from Japan an apology for the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor
but has itself refused to express regret for its anti-human nuclear attacks on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. India will be betraying both its people and its
international affairs heritage if it follows the nuclear weapons club in
sidelining the disarmament agenda."
"Lessons Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki"
M. S. Swaminathan analyzed in the centrist Hindu
(8/6): "The prospects for nuclear
terrorism and adventurism have now become real. The voice of sanity of the
survivors of the 1945 nuclear annihilation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is yet to
be heard.... The Seventh Review
Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)...ended in a
deadlock. The five original nuclear
weapon states...showed themselves unwilling to take decisive action to...move
decisively toward the irreversible elimination of their nuclear arsenals. All
states must share the blame for missing a solid resolve
problems such as equitable access to civilian nuclear technologies...while at
the same time tightening protections to ensure that such materials are not
diverted for military use. The broad
framework of nuclear weapons disarmament is in danger of collapsing.... Far more needs to be done to control and
dispose of existing stockpiles of HEU that run the risk of falling into the
hands of terrorist groups. Large numbers of tactical nuclear weapons continue
to be deployed...while pressures mount from certain quarters for developing and
deploying space weapons.... Without
global political commitment, this goal cannot be achieved.... Without public and political education, the
climate for peace and nuclear disarmament will not exist.... Unfortunately, the growing number of suicide
bombing incidents indicate that we are now entering uncharted territory in
human conflicts and retribution. At least to prevent the potential non-state
use of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapon states should not lose even a day in
working towards the goal of totally eliminating such weapons."
"Let's Talk About Hiroshima"
C. Uday Bhaskar wrote in the centrist Indian Express
(8/6): "Clearly the enormity of
what Hiroshima connotes has been gradually relegated from public memory. August 6, marks the 60th anniversary...will
be commemorated at a time when the immediacy and scope of global nuclear
challenges is becoming more complex....
Global nuclear entropy has increased exponentially.... North Korea and Iran are the more visible
nuclear nettles at the state level while the A.Q. Khan episode, relegated to
the back-burner for reasons of political expediency, is symptomatic of the
iceberg that could yet sink the Titanic of complacence if the latest Al Qaeda
threats close the terrorism-nuclear material loop.... In the bargain, nuclear disarmament that was
the corner-stone of all nuclear initiatives including the NPT has become even
more elusive. More disturbingly, it is no longer part of the global nuclear
discourse.... India, which has distanced
itself from the global nuclear order by way of the NPT, is in a paradoxical
situation. While restraint and rectitude have always been the defining
characteristics of the Indian position, it was compelled to carry out the May
1998 nuclear tests for security reasons--albeit reluctantly. Yet it has always
been in the vanguard of the nuclear disarmament movement.... Consequently disarmament which was once
superseded by non-proliferation, arms control and arms reduction has now moved
to a new semantic--countries of concern, counter proliferation and
BANGLADESH: "Hiroshima
And Nagasaki: Names For American Guilt
And Shame"
Defense and Strategic Affairs Editor General Shahedul Anam Khan wrote
in the independent English-language Daily Star (8/4): "Hiroshima and Nagasaki are poignant
reminders of what havoc WMD in the hands of men, overcome and obsessed with
power, can wreak upon human civilization....
The bombings have been castigated, as they deserve to be, both on
strategic and moral counts. There is a
stark similarity in the position taken to justify the barbaric acts...and all
subsequent U.S. intervention since then, right up to the invasion of Iraq; a
position propped up by lies, falsehood, deceit, and exploitation of the fear of
the enemy who were painted as demons and barbarians.... Hiroshima and Nagasaki must therefore compel
us to take a more serious look at the NPT regime and how it can be fully
opertionalised to ensure that never there will be another such
catastrophe. Unfortunately, the five
yearly Non-Proliferation Review Conference, held in May 2005, has ended
inconclusively. This has led many to apprehend that the thirty-year nuclear non-proliferation
regimen, crucial to our common survival, is in danger of
disintegrating.... More so when we see
the double standards of the nuclear states in dealing with the newly emerged
nuclear powers.... And many unstable
states are in possession of nuclear warheads.
Only recently has India been accorded the status of a nuclear power,
something experts believe might weaken nuclear weapons control.... Even more disconcerting is the prospect of
further proliferation that might ensue following the U.S. declaration of its
intent to develop and produce new nuclear weapons. The current international flux raises the
apprehension that not logic but obsession with power and a parochial and
self-serving view of national interest might force the hands of some nuclear
weapon states to use their nuclear weapons."
"A-Bombs: No End In
The liberal Star observed (8/5): "Decades after the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings brought a new dimension of horror to war the abolition of
nuclear weapons is becoming an ever more distant dream. The U.S. has been joined by an ever-growing
number of states that are in possession of these fearsome WMD.... Obviously the ideal scenario is when all
A-bombs are obliterated from the face of the earth. Yet humankind has proven to be too selfish--and
too foolish--to aspire to this. This is
in spite of the evidence seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki of what devastation
atomic weapons can wreak.”
"Nuclear Treaty Has Failed When It Is Most Needed"
Peter Fabricius noted in the liberal Mercury (8/5): "The collapse of the Nuclear
Non-proliferation Treaty [NPT] review conference at the UN in May could not
have happened at a worse time. With
tension rising between al-Qaida, broadly defined, and Western powers, the
danger of nuclear terrorist attack is probably greater today than it has ever
been.... Another setback: the agreement
by the U.S. last month which implicitly acknowledges India’s right to possess
nuclear weapons.... Bush’s motives in
doing this deal seem purely strategic--the need to bolster India as a
counterpart to the rising giant of China....
This has been interpreted by some disarmament watchdogs as an implicit
acknowledgement that the NPT has failed and that nuclear weapons states like
India and Pakistan which have not joined the Treaty must now be controlled by
some other means. Sources among the
seven ‘disciples’ deny this and insist that the NPT must remain the pillar of
international efforts to control the bomb.
But it is hard not to see this as at least a stopgap measure, to try to
hold the line against the bomb while the NPT is put together again.”
CANADA: "Nuclear
The centrist Winnipeg Free Press opined (8/8): “Despite the NPT, despite intense efforts by
international organizations such as the UN, despite unilateral and multilateral
efforts by Canada, the U.S. and Europe to promote disarmament, despite
negotiations between the U.S. and Russia to promote disarmament, the world's
nuclear arsenal does not seem to get smaller in any effective way and the
number of nations seeking to acquire nuclear arms continues to grow. North
Korea claims that it already has nuclear weapons, and Iran has an active
nuclear program. Both nations resist all efforts to dissuade them--Iran even
denies it has a weapons program; talks in China with North Korea collapsed on
the weekend. The situation seems likely to get worse rather than better.
Pollyanna might believe that nations will disarm someday--and the world needs
to keep working towards that goal--but a pragmatist will recognize that someday
will not come soon. In the meantime, it is a good thing that the big powers,
such as the U.S., have large nuclear arsenals because that is the most
effective way of deterring the smaller powers from the temptation to try out their
new nuclear toys when they get mad at their neighbours.”
"Hiroshima, 60 Years On"
The leading Globe and Mail declared (8/6): "The decision by U.S. president Harry
Truman to use atomic weapons against Japan continues to be hotly debated. How
many thousands of Allied soldiers' lives were saved by Japan's rapid surrender?
Could an explosion on an uninhabited island have achieved the same end? If the
first bombing could be justified, what of the second, three days later, of
Nagasaki?.... The hypothetical questions
are unanswerable, leaving contemporary observers deeply divided.... The debate is kept alive both by the
touchiness of Americans who don't like to remember that theirs is the only
nation ever to have used nuclear weapons, and by the reluctance of Japan to
apologize for its war record.... More
Japanese forthrightness on these atrocities would help close down attempts to
justify what appalling assault on unarmed civilians. And it is, in the
end, a fruitless debate. The point in discussing Hiroshima is not to play
Monday-morning quarterback on the Second World War, but rather to learn its
lessons and ensure such devastation is never repeated. In that regard, the
decade since the 50th anniversary has not proved encouraging. In 1995, a few
years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there appeared a real opportunity
to further nuclear disarmament through the reduction of the stockpiles held by
the five declared nuclear powers and by the extension of the NPT under which
the powers agreed to some day dismantle all nuclear weapons. In 2005, however,
stockpiles remain at similar levels, and the U.S. has refused to cooperate with
the most recent UN review of the treaty even as Washington has taken India off
a nuclear blacklist. Meanwhile, nuclear disarmament has been pushed out of the
public consciousness by terrorist attacks that...have caused casualties whose
number would pale into insignificance beside the toll from a nuclear blast. The
greatest danger is the nuclear arming of terrorists. Rather than an occasion
for historical debate, the anniversary of Hiroshima should be the moment to
renew international commitment to the expensive, delicate and crucial task of
reducing nuclear stockpiles."
"A Past Without Context Is Radioactive"
Andrew Cohen commented in the leading Globe and Mail
(8/5): "Memory and peace meet in
the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, on the edge of the park, offering a grim
catalogue of horror: a child's charred lunch box, a fused bottle, photographs
of the Black Rain carrying its wasting diseases.... The problem is that the commentary barely acknowledges
the events that led to the Bomb. While the history here is neutral in tone, it
is unconscionably incomplete. You could think that the Second World War just
happened, deus ex machina. There is no association made between Pearl
Harbor and Hiroshima. In fact, it seems that nothing before Hiroshima was
Japan's fault; history begins in 1945....
The complexities of memory reveal themselves in other ways. The
inscription on the cenotaph, which contains a register of the names of the
dead, reads: 'Let all the souls here rest in peace; For we shall not repeat the
evil.' Who is the "we"? The
Japanese, who began the war which ended with the Bomb, or the Americans, who
dropped it? Or, all of us, as in mankind itself? The difference is more than words
lost in translation.... You rage at the
Bomb, convinced that Harry Truman could have demonstrated its power elsewhere
or waited for a crumbling Japan to surrender.... At the same time, you wonder why the Japanese
are reluctant to accept responsibility--beyond pro forma apologies--for the
fascist regime they created and the millions they killed. They have built a
democracy, they have never gone to war since 1945, they have spent billions on
aid in Asia, they oppose (most of them do) those official visits to Yasukuni
Shrine. Yet their absence of outrage rankles."
"We Must Redouble Our Efforts In The Drive For Nuclear
The right-of-center Vancouver Province editorialized
(8/5): "About 50,000 people...will
gather at Peace Memorial Park in mark the 60th anniversary of
the dropping of the first atomic bomb.
Three days later, Nagasaki will mark the 60th year after the second and
final atomic bomb was dropped.... Many
thousands more died in the ensuing years from the effects of massive toxic
radiation.... Numerous others lived
on.... It was this last group, the
survivors, which became such an important component in the post-war peace
movement. They were the perfect history teachers. Their stories and physical
and emotional scars are the strongest possible lessons we'll ever get on why
the A-bomb must never be used again....
As world attention focuses on the war against terrorism, memories of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki have begun to fade--and along with them, it seems,
efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Last spring, another UN review of
the NPT collapsed. The number of nations that possess nuclear weapons,
meanwhile, continues to expand. And the threat of a devastating nuclear war,
killing millions of people, is as great as ever. That is why, as the dwindling number of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki victims marks the 60th anniversary of the nuclear horror, the call
for world nuclear disarmament must become more determined than ever."
Hiroshima: The Nightmare Of Atomic Terrorism"
Independent La Prensa said (8/5): "Six decades after the atomic attacks
against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 16 years after the collapse of the Soviet
Union, nuclear technology spreads among second level powers and now it's
possible that terrorist groups might be taking advantage of it. Today, the
legacy of painfully relevant.
Seems like history moves back to where it started. Now, concern isn't
about the temerity of the Cold War, but the perspective that the detonation of
a single bomb might change the course of history completely.... Three factors make the present arms race more
disturbing than the Cold War: first, at that time, only a limited number of
industrialized countries had the technological resources to build warheads.
Today, eight states have nuclear weapons, and North Korea might be the ninth
one. But there are tens of other countries with the elementary capacity to
enrich uranium or reprocess plutonium, the key to produce atomic weapons. Second, with the dissemination of nuclear
knowledge to countries ranging from Pakistan to Brazil and Sweden, there
appeared a dark circuit of technological exchange that makes it easy for
terrorists to access equipment and knowledge that were impossible to obtain in
the past. The third aspect, and perhaps,
the most disturbing one, is the presence of terrorist groups such as Al Qaida
that do not abide by the discipline of self-protection, by which the Soviet
Union, the U.S. and China refused to attack each other directly during the Cold
war. The groups that generate tens of
suicide attacks are not only anxious to obtain atomic bombs; they also want to
use them at any cost."
"Hiroshima Vis-à-vis The Nuclear Specter"
An editorial in leading Clarin read
(8/6): "Paradoxically, 60 years
after Hiroshima, nuclear arsenals accumulated a potential of destruction which
is big enough to eliminate societies from the face of the Earth. Two things
prevented this potential from wreaking havoc or losing control: first, the Cold
War and the atomic balance between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Second, the
progress in international commitments present in NPT. The first barrier collapsed 15 years ago and
the NPT is giving signs of obsolescence, particularly after U.S. unilateralism
and the existence of several States that have reached nuclear capacity with
defensive purposes. The memory of
Hiroshima must activate the conscience of rulers and world leaders to define
long-lasting agreements that will prevent the use of nuclear weapons, reduce
them and reverse their proliferation.
The specter of a nuclear catastrophe and the risks of using nuclear
weapons in wars or terrorist attacks can only be reduced with a very strong
commitment to disarmament."
CHILE: "60 Years To
A commentary in conservative, independent La Tercera read
(8/7): "In WWII, humankind showed
deplorable traits that must not be forgotten: autocrats willing to lead their
nations to the abyss, totalitarian systems in which men became simple spare
parts for a machine...racial prejudice taken to extremes...the capability and
will to build more deadly war machines, and a moral corruption inherent to all
wars that made the bombing of civilians--labeled a barbarous act at the war's
beginning--acceptable by the war's end.
In light of recent events, it is not clear that we have learned from the
mistakes and horrors of the past. If in
another 60 years we still remember Hiroshima, we will have progressed.”
"Hiroshima: The
Effects Of Total War"
Conservative, independent La Tercera commented (8/6): "What we can do today is analyze the
world following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The availability of nuclear weapons and the
proof of their destructive power took the world...into the longest period of
peace in centuries. A stability based on
the fear of mutual destruction...has prevented the use of these weapons until
today.... In the 21st century, however,
the challenge is different: countries that are unhappy with their position in
the international system could use atomic weapons as currency or to threaten
other nations. That is the path North
Korea has chosen and the fear--which we now know was mistaken--regarding Saddam
Hussein. These are countries that are
unafraid of taking risks and in which decisions are not adequately processed
through institutional filters.
Therefore, due to the the possibility--thus far unconfirmed--that
terrorist groups may obtain nuclear weapons the greatest threat today is
"Will Europe Find A Solution?"
Conservative, influential newspaper-of-record El Mercurio
editorialized (8/6): "60 years
after the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the world still fears
nuclear holocaust. This is why...we must
find effective ways to live in harmony and to negotiate with ‘untrustworthy’
countries that will inevitably seek prestige and power through nuclear
"The Hiroshima Barbarism"
Center-left Diario Siete opined (8/5): "The argument that the atomic bomb
prevented a Japanese invasion and shortened the war is an alibi to attenuate
the impact of a slaughter that should be tried with equal rigor to that with
which humanity judges the Nazi massacres. A crime is a crime.”
"60 Years Since The Atomic Bomb"
Karin Ebensperger maintained in conservative, influential Santiago-based
El Mercurio (8/3): "Six
decades ago, U.S. President Harry Truman gave the order to drop two atomic
bombs on Japan.... The U.S. is the
country of liberty and democracy. It is
noteworthy that it is also the only country that has used a nuclear bomb
against civilians. It was in
wartime. Also, like all powers in
history, Washington was forcefully exerting its foreign policy. The Manifest Destiny dictated by its founding
fathers moved it to conquer two oceans, become the masters of America and attain
global power status.... It has been 60
years since the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it would be desirable
for U.S. civil society to launch a major campaign explaining the threat of WMD. The fallout of the only wartime use of
nuclear power are not underscored strongly enough. It is urgent that it be done.”
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