August 11, 2005
** Global outlets agree the
UN is "a near zilch" in effectiveness but collide on reform measures.
** "Proving its solo
role in the world": most writers
fear UN reform is threatened by U.S policy.
** G-4 media criticize the
African Union's decision not to back the G-4, fear China's influence.
** Warming of China/U.S.
relations: the G-4 media show surprise,
'UN reform in jeopardy'-- Writers
faulted recent scandals, a "discredited" human rights commission, and
a "bitter atmosphere" for the UN's "institutional
fragility." Papers agreed there are
"varying positions" on UN reforms but that "undignified
squabbling" prevents the possibility of "finding a
consensus." Britain's center-left Independent
advised the UN to "restructure" the UNSC to better represent
"new centers of global power."
One Japanese writer favored the "injection of new blood"
represented by the G-4 nations (Brazil, India, Germany, and Japan). However,
Chinese editorials emphasized "gradual reform" without "coercive
'The strongest often decides'--
Several papers agreed that while some reforms are "broadly
welcomed" by the U.S., a "lukewarm attitude is detectable" on
Security Council restructuring. Critics
assailed Washington's "power policy instinct," and alleged the U.S.
desires to "punish" the UN for its "wholly vindicated"
stance on Iraq. Despite accusations of
"violent unilateralism" in its UN agenda, a few writers agreed with
Britain's conservative Times in encouraging the U.S. Congress'
insistence on a "thorough cleaning" of the UN
"stables." Russia's reformist Vremya
Novostey suggested the oil-for-food scandal may not only help Washington to
"save face" but may also lend momentum to UN reform "the way the
Americans see it."
'Victims of their power instinct'-- Germany's FT Deutschland termed the
African Union's insistence on veto power for new UNSC members as
"stubborn," saying the AU "has now foiled all efforts" at
reform of the Security Council. India's
centrist Times of India declared the AU may be "kissing
good-bye" the group's UNSC prospects.
"Africa is embarrassing" its G-4 "partners," said
one editorial, terming the move a "certificate of poverty" for the
African continent. G-4 media also
criticized China's "pressuring" of Africa to block cosponsorship of
the G-4's reform plan, fearing that China's influence in Africa is "already
as great as Europe's." According to
China's official Beijing Daily, the AU's draft proposal is "not in
accordance" with the principles "emphasized in decision-making"
at the UN, giving it "little hope of being passed."
'A weird fraternity'-- Analysts
held the implicit China/U.S. alliance to block UNSC expansion "simply
ignores ideological and political contradictions"; both countries want to
"keep the noble circle as small as possible." Brazil's liberal Folha de S. Paulo
claimed the alliance had "practically buried" Brazil's chances of
obtaining a permanent seat. But a PRC
daily insisted UNSC restructuring would only "split the body" and
even "derail the whole process" of reform. "They claim they want to prevent the G-4
from dividing the UN," Germany's center-left Seuddeutsche Zeitung
countered, but the truth is that "they care about their own
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Erin Carroll
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the Internet. This report summarizes and interprets foreign
editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S.
Government. This analysis was based on
48 reports from 17 countries over 28 July - 10 August, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
Should Be Reformed--Not Punished"
The left-of-center Independent (8/9) editorialized: "The Security Council should be
restructured to represent new centers of global power, rather than merely the
post-Second World War order that existed when the UN was created in 1945. The discredited Commission on Human Rights,
which in the past has ludicrously included serial human rights abusers such as
Libya and Sudan, should also be scrapped.
But the extent--and the pace--of reform must be dictated by the
international interest and the principle of collective security, rather than
the United States' desire to punish the UN for its wholly vindicated stance
over the invasion of Iraq."
"The UN Oil Slick: Another Damning Report From The Volcker Committee"
The conservative Times (8/9)
commented: "It is clear that for
this scandal to have continued unchecked on Kofi Annan's watch diminishes his
credibility, as does his reluctance fully to acknowledge that wider
responsibility. Europe has by and large
been unmoved, because it expects little of the UN. In the U.S., which, to its credit, has never
settled for the 'Third World playpen' view of the global organization, Congress
is insisting on a thorough cleaning of the stables. These are the voices the UN needs, not the
yawns of world-weary cynicism."
"A Bull In A China Shop:
Bolton's Appointment Is Controversial But Not Doomed--Yet"
The independent Financial Times (8/3) commented: "Mr. Bolton will need to establish his
clout quickly if the U.S. is to shape the fast-moving agenda on UN reform. The U.S. has so far failed to engage in
negotiations over the Secretary-General's reform plans at a sufficiently high
level. While proposals for a new
intergovernmental peace-building commission, reform of the human rights
commission and an agreed definition of terrorism are all broadly welcomed by
the U.S., a lukewarm attitude is detectable on Security Council reform."
FRANCE: “Washington Betting
On The UNSC”
Guillemette Faure in right-of-center Le Figaro (8/9): “The U.S. is handling the Iranian issue with
discretion.... It is convinced that the
only solution lies with the UNSC. Iran's
‘no’ to the Europeans has not had the same dramatic impact in the U.S. as it
has in Europe. Washington was not openly
committed to the latest crisis.... If
the Iranian position has elicited such little reaction from the U.S. it is
because Washington did not except much from the negotiations.... The new U.S. Ambassador to the UN, John
Bolton, has been working on the Iranian issue for years and cannot wait to get
his hands on it. The UN could well be
the key to resolving the crisis...even if many questions remain about the
future of the cooperation between the Americans and the Europeans once the
question of sanctions is broached.”
"Annan's Burden"
Center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung of
Munich (8/10) opined: "For the UN
the oil-for-food scandal has turned into a great burden. The investigations revealed that former
member Alexander Yakovlev opened his hands also in other aid programs. In addition, the commission also announced an
investigation against one person who has thus far not been involved and was
cleared of any charges: Secretary-General
Kofi Annan.... The mildest verdict the
UN and Annan…can now expect is: serious
deficiencies in the organization and its control. This can only be useful to the UN opponents
in Washington. All this should prompt
the 191 UN members to adopt a comprehensive UN reform at their summit in
September. They must fight corruption,
but also question the entire UN structure.
A sharp controversy has developed over the priorities of this
restructuring, and the UN reform has failed.
This does not bode well for the future of the UN."
"UN Scandal: By No Means 'Fully Investigated'"
Andreas Zumach judged in a front-page editorial
in leftist die tageszeitung of Berlin (8/10): "With the latest findings, the
Commission has, despite all doubts in U.S. media and among Republicans, proved
its independence. It is in the UN
interest and in the interest of the overwhelming majority of honest staff
members that the commission continues to work so independently and will present
clear and convincing answers to four remaining questions in its final report at
the end of September. Was former UN
secretary-general Boutros Ghali involved in Sevan's corruption? Did current UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
exert any influence on UN business relations with a Swiss company, which had
hired his son Kojo? Why did the UN
Security Council, despite indications and warnings, not do anything against
Saddam Hussein's regime setting aside money when it sold oil for humanitarian
relief goods? And finally: Why was the regime able to ignore Security
Council decisions on sanctions and smuggle oil to Turkey and Jordan with the
approval of Britain and the United States?
An answer to all these questions could contribute to finally realizing
the proportions of the individual parts of this oil/Iraq/UN scandal."
"Victims Of Their Power Instinct"
Joachim Zepelin editorialized in business daily Financial Times
Deutschland of Hamburg (8/8):
"With this stubborn decision to maintain their own proposal for a
UN reform, which would never have a chance, the African Union has now foiled
all efforts to reform the UN Security Council.
But not only this. The Africans
also set up too many obstacles for an improved representation of their
interests. They have now politically
damaged the G-4 foreign ministers and they have stopped the necessary reform of
international crisis management. The
chances of finding a majority for a reform of the Council are now only
minimal.... In addition to the Africans,
the United States, too, offered a miserable picture in the reform debate. It defended its special role as (for the time
being) last superpower with a full veto right.
And it did this all the more embittered, because it had to accept a
bitter defeat in the Security Council in the vote on the Iraq war. For its own power's sake, Washington does not
seem to share the view that international crises require different security
policy answers today than during the Cold War.
Washington's power policy instinct is preventing the necessary
internationalization of the fight against terror. And the U.S. arguments are hypocritical: After a discussion that has been going on for
twelve years, Washington says a reform should not be rushed.... We must be grateful to the openness of the
new U.S. ambassador to the UN. In order
to prevent an extension of the Security Council, John Bolton forged an alliance
with China. This step can hardly be
exceeded in absurdity. China is not only
the largest dictatorship of the international community of nations, it also
resists sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program, and it prevented
sanctions against the Sudanese leadership....
The group that consists of China, the U.S., Algeria, Pakistan, and Italy
is about to torpedo the UN Security Council reform. With their efforts they have made
progress. The African Union had the chance
to make the enlargement possible and this would have been in its own and
international interests. But they have
weakened the G-4 and its efforts to achieve a majority in the General Assembly
to such a degree that a positive outcome can no longer be expected."
"United Nations"
Dietrich Alexander in the right-of-center Die
Welt of Berlin commented (8/6):
"The cat is finally out of the bag:
the African Union (AU) is pursuing its own UN-agenda and is betting
everything on one card. The Africans are
demanding two permanent seats on the Security Council with a veto right and two
other nonpermanent seats. That may be
appropriate in view of the number of African states in the United Nations with
a right to vote (53) but it is not realistic.
In the end, the Africans will probably discover that they wanted too
much and will obtain nothing or very little.
The reform proposal of the G-4 group of states is more realistic because
it is more modest. They are wisely
dispensing with a veto right, knowing that this intention has no chance at
all. Apart from the fact that the ego
trip of the four has already produced some bad blood, after the African move
Berlin could finally consider the project a failure. It has too many powerful opponents: China is blocking Japan and Germany and the
United States is agitating against all except Japan. Even if the G-4 reform proposal receives a
two-thirds majority in the UN General Assembly after all, the Germans and their
three allies are still far from the horseshoe table in New York, because
two-thirds of all the parliaments of the 191 UN states must ratify the
amendment of the charter necessary for the reform. Then, as a last resort, there would be the
possibility of a 'little veto' against the enlargement. It is difficult to imagine that Beijing will
not use this lever to keep Tokyo off the council. It is also no secret that in the U.S. Senate
it is difficult to find friends of the United Nations, not to mention German
world political appetites. All sorts of
political dislocations are threatening and the question must be allowed: Is a German seat on the council worth all of
"Bitter Disappointment"
Stefan Ehlert commented on regional radio station Südwestrundfunk
of Stuttgart (8/6): "The failed
special summit of the African Union (AU) is a bitter disappointment, mainly for
Germany. The AU seems to boycott the
reform of the UN and its Security Council.
By rejecting this realist compromise proposal, Africa is embarrassing
Germany and its partners in the G-4. The
reasons for it can be found not only in Africa.
Africa is a stepchild of German foreign policy. This is now coming back to haunt
Germany. The G-4 countries did not
understand how to get the support of a sustainable African alliance, and they
must now bury the dream of a UN reform....
The failure from Addis Ababa is mainly a disappointment for Africa. The G-4 wanted an extension of the Security
Council by six new members of which two were reserved for Africa. A better representation of the African continent
is bitterly necessary…but Africa again disagrees and is now damaging itself.... This is a certificate of poverty and does not
correspond to Africa's growing significance."
"German Foreign Policy"
Center-right Volksstimme of Magdeburg (8/5) had this to
say: "Germany's move to get a
permanent UN Security Council seat has been thwarted. The chancellor will now be unable to score
points with this issue in the upcoming election campaign. His political challengers will now accuse him
of bad management. And they are
right. In this matter, German foreign
policy has hardly found support in the EU:
Only Belgium and France have supported the so-called G-4 model.... The British are silent, while Spain and Italy
are up in arms against it. In addition,
it was a strategic mistake to think that pressure could be exerted on the five
powers in the Security Council by establishing a two-thirds majority in the UN
General Assembly. They forge their
alliances as the deal between the United States and China shows. Both countries want to keep the noble circle
as small as possible and form a blockade duet.
And Beijing is not even upset that Washington has strongly criticized
China's monetary policy and the increase in military spending for months. Power is not shared nor given away but it
will be defended."
"This Was It"
Richard Meng said in an editorial in left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau (8/6) said: "The
permanent seat on the UN Security Council has never been certain for the
Germans. Now it has become even more
unlikely. Germany faces headwinds from
three sided at the same time. The United
States has joined forces with China to reject the attempt of the G-4, which
includes Germany. The opposition at home
does not miss an opportunity to show its disinterest in the G-4 initiative, and
showed this in a truly reckless way to George W. Bush during [CDU foreign
policy expert] Schäuble's visit to Washington.
Third, the hoped for African support is now also disappearing.... For the UN, we can only hope that the
foreseeable stalemate will not block the urgent reform of the United Nations. Berlin and the other G-4 candidates must do
their best to make it succeed. For the
Red-Green government in Berlin, the UN seat has turned into a risky issue. At the earliest at the beginning of
September, something can be decided in New York immediately before the
Bundestag elections. That is why the
chancellor all of a sudden consider this issue no longer so urgent."
"New Allies"
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger commented in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (8/5): "An alliance
is coming into being in New York that simply ignores ideological and political
contradictions: China and the U.S.
together want to put a stop to the expansion of the UN Security Council, and it
is possible that Russia is a silent partner.
Together, they want to exert counter-pressure. Beijing's motive for keeping the things in
the Council the way they are is clear.
It is about restricting the status and power of the old rival Japan. For Washington, the expansion has no
priority. It is the least important part
of the reform. Let's think about this
again: To stop the expansion and the
promotion of Germany, the old favorite ally and new opponent, and Japan, to
which relations could not be better, Bush's administration teams up with
Beijing's Communists. What a brave new unpredictable
world this is."
"The Power Of The Mass"
Nicolas Richter noted in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (8/5): "The convenient
alliance [of the U.S. and China] would like to prevent the G-4 to get the
necessary two-third majority in the General Assembly. Every country has one vote, which means that
Washington and Beijing must gather 63 votes to block the G-4 plans. What can they offer to those countries? Nothing concrete. While all agree that the Security Council
should reflect today's world, neither the U.S. nor China have said what they
want the council to look like. They
claim they want to prevent the G-4 from dividing the UN, but the truth is that
they care about their own interests. To
pursue them there is no better Security Council than the current one, which
privileges the WWII winners for ever."
Washington correspondent Torsten Krauel filed the following
editorial for right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin (8/5): "The small hint by the world's largest
nations should theoretically indicate to the Red-Green government that the
ambition of the G-4 would fail. China's
influence in Africa, whose votes will decide the fate of the G-4 plans, is
already as great as Europe's power there.
If China and the U.S. together seek support it will be very difficult
for the G-4 to get a majority. It
remains to be seen whether Bolton's meeting will also mean the end for American
support of Japan. This would be good if
this meant that North Korea is about to renounce nuclear weapons so that Japan
must no longer get a special treatment."
"The Great UN Poker"
Michael Backfisch asserted in business daily Handelsblatt
of Duesseldorf (8/5): "It did not
come as a surprise that the U.S. and China want to keep the number of UNSC
members as low as possible. Germany,
Japan, Brazil and India are now dealt the results for the logical mistake. They believed that a two-third majority of
the General Assembly would exert morale pressure on the big five. The empire now strikes back. The new alliance comes in a time in which
tensions between Washington and the U.S. were rising.... However, their relations are complex. It is helpful that both economies are
interlocked, and U.S. President Bush needs China to solve the nuclear disputes
with Iran and North Korea. But the trade
deficit really annoys the Americans.
Even if Beijing would further increase the value of the Yuan, it would
not change this situation. The next
protectionist surges will come soon in Congress."
"The U.S.-Sino Front"
Roland Heine wrote in left-of-center Berliner Zeitung
(8/5): "It does not happen very
often that China and the U.S. take a common stance in central issues of
international politics. Armament, human
rights and world trade--there is hardly any topic where they agree. They are also rivals in many regional
conflicts.... The case shows how
important it is for the veto powers China and the U.S. to thwart UN
reform. If the UN council were enlarged
by new permanent members, the current members would lose its exclusiveness and
some of its power. That is the real
reason for the alliance between Beijing and Washington."
Karl Grobe editorialized in left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau (8/5): "Was this John
Bolton's first shot? The controversial
U.S. ambassador to the UN agreed with his old Chinese buddy Guangya to act
together against the G-4. That is a
weird fraternity.... America encouraged
Japan, its special partner in the Far East, in its attempt to play a larger
role. Japan is also one of the most
important financial contributors to the UN, like Germany, which is no longer
the closest U.S. ally. Beijing and Washington
recently wooed India, e.g. by a nuclear agreement with the United States, which
undermines international treaties. On
the other side, Beijing and Washington had many problems recently. What did Bolton launch there? A barrel burst?"
"Bolton's First Case"
Michael Backfisch noted in business daily Handelsblatt of
Duesseldorf (8/3): "At the moment,
no member of the government in Washington seriously considers a military
attack. The administration has rather
built a diplomatic net based on a maximum of international agreement. In so far, the government has learnt its
lesson from the Iraq war. The U.S.
supports the German, French and British initiative to put a stop to Iran's
nuclear program by offering economic incentives. The U.S. also supports the country's WTO
accession and the export of Boeing parts.
In return, the U.S. demands from Europeans to call the UN Security
Council if Iran resumes its nuclear processing.
The interesting question is whether the Europeans will be ready to walk
down this path. Bolton will play the bad
cop in this game, nothing more than that.
The White House and the State Department define the political policy. The hard-liner therefore wears a
Center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung of Munich (7/28)
editorialized: "It is well known
that the Italians like children, but it is not credible that the government
pretends to worry about a canceled child project in the third world. Rome is concerned about its status. If Germany got a permanent seat, Italy would
see this as a great humiliation, because the country would be one of the few
large European nations without a voice on the important UN council.... Italians have not suddenly discovered their
heart for children, but they spread poison for obvious reasons. We can only reply to them that it is bad
manners to misuse development assistance for envious status issues."
"Italy Feels Hurt"
Business daily Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
(7/28) commented: "There is no
other organization than the UN where national power claims play such a large
role, but the muscle flexing is usually covered by diplomacy. Every country wants to pretend that it has
good reasons for its policy. The Italian
Ambassador to the UN has gone too far.
Although he did not name Germany, to call it a blackmail country aimed
below the belt. This can only be
explained by assuming that Italy sees no other way to prevent the G-4 proposal
for UN reform."
ITALY: "U.S. And China
Allied On Defense Of The Council"
Marco Valsania from New York wrote in leading business daily Il
Sole - 24 Ore (8/5): "U.S. and
China are allied against the G-4. John
Bolton, the new American Ambassador to the UN did not waste time in confronting
one of the hottest challenges on the international diplomacy agenda: Security
Council reform. In his first hours at
the UN building he met with the Beijing delegation and forged a strategy that
appears to be aimed at blocking the maneuvers of Germany, Japan, India, and
Brazil to quickly obtain a vast enlargement of the number of permanent
seats.... The reaction from one of the
G-4 capitals was hard and immediate, thus proving a tense mood inside the
international organization [the UN]. Accusations
of economic blackmail came in thick as the four worked to secure consensus in
the weakest countries. 'Tell Bolton that
we are unstoppable,' blasted the Indian Ambassador, Nirupam Sen, 'We will not
be defeated, not by Bolton nor by Wang.'
The United States sensitively presented itself only to the Japanese
request of a permanent seat in the Security Council, while it appeared to be
cold or opposed to the advances of the other G-4 countries. Above all, Washington fears a hasty vote that
will fuel polemics and threats to stop the impetus to again favor ample UN
reforms encouraged to be efficient and transparent after the recent scandals of
the Iraq Oil for Food Program."
“UN, Italy Triggers Diplomatic War”
Mariuccia Chiantaretto wrote in pro-government, leading
center-right daily Il Giornale (7/28):
“A hornets nest has been stirred up. Germany and Japan reacted furiously
to the attack by Italian Ambassador Marcello Spatafora, who on Tuesday
requested an investigation into their dealings to conquer a permanent seat in
the Security Council.... The objective
of the G-4 is to reach a vote of the General Assembly by late July on Security
Council enlargement.... The United States
had promised to support only Japan, but it could reconsider its position toward
Germany if Fall elections should bring the conservatives back to government in
Berlin. The bitter atmosphere at the UN
threatens to sink the reform. All in
all, for Italy this might be preferable to a reshuffle of the Security Council
from which it would be excluded.”
“Berlin: Untenable Words”
An article in leading business daily Il Sole-24 Ore (7/28)
commented: “Germany denies Italy’s
accusations regarding the permanent seat at the UN Security Council. A spokesman for the foreign ministry defined
Italian Ambassador to the UN Marcello Spatafora’s statement, in which he
hypothesized the use of blackmail tactics on the part of the countries of the attain the support of smaller and poorer States for their request for
a permanent seat on the reformed Security Council, as ‘lacking in foundation
and untenable.’ The German Authorities
yesterday urged Italy to keep the tone of the debate on a level of greater
objectivity.... We are facing a new
diplomatic crisis between Italy and Germany....
As a result of the difficult relations with the United States in the
last three years, Germany does not enjoy the support of Washington.”
“Italy On The Offensive Against The G-4”
An article in leading business daily Il Sole-24 Ore (7/28)
opined: “Day two of the Italian
offensive for a strong appeal to ethical values in order to exclude forms of
economic blackmail to obtain a vote on the subject of reform of the UN Security
Council.... But some political observers
note that if Italy chose to go public…it means that there is great concern that
the G-4 will succeed. It could also mean
that reports in the Italian UN delegation's hands are explosive.... Rumors have it that there are numerous cases
in addition to those cited by our ambassador...that merit the attention of an
investigations committee.... Comparing
the Oil for Food scandal to the utilization of funds for cooperation as an
instrument to apply political pressure is a strong statement which lays bare the
institutional fragility of the United Nations.”
RUSSIA: “Who Needs The UN?”
Natalya Gevorkyan commented in reformist,
business-oriented Kommersant (8/10):
“The UN, just like many international superstructures, has long become a
sinecure--a gravy train--and a status symbol for a great many people. Originally, it probably pursued lofty ideas
like ridding the coming generations of wars, securing justice and respect for
commitments already made, contributing to social progress, and improving the
quality of life. Sixty years later the
UN, which was designed as a strictly humanitarian organization in postwar years
and supposed to unite nations, became a separate and independent player in
global politics.... As things are going,
one tends to agree with America that the outfit needs refurbishment. The findings of the Volker commission make
that perfectly clear. Lately, America
has had a lot of problems with the UN.
As they dig into facts that may compromise the UN, the Americans,
clearly, pursue their own selfish aims, but they have nothing to do with the
missing $10 billion.... The problem is
not that UN officials steal money or that some of its leaders and their
relatives have been involved in scandals.
The problem is that a costly project named the UN is a near zilch as far
as its effectiveness is concerned. Over
the years it has transformed into formidable bureaucracy with excellent
political and economic ties in the world.
The temptation is too strong to resist.... Aleksandr Yakovlev is not the only one who
used the UN.... He is the first to have
confessed. The story is sure to have a
follow-up and may well ruin the UN, since, the way it is now, it serves
nobody's purpose except perhaps its own.”
“A Russian Fall Guy In The UN”
Andrey Zlobin said on the front page of
reformist Vremya Novostey (8/10):
“Everything about the Yakovlev story looks well coordinated. It seems even weirder, as you realize that
Aleksandr Yakovlev, not a key figure among the UN officials involved in the
food-for-oil program, is the first to have been arrested.... The latest exposures have been damaging to
the UN’s prestige.... The United States
started the war in Iraq without UN authorization.... The scandal over the food-for-oil program, in
a way, not only helps Washington save face but also gives it more reason to
speak of a need for UN reform as the Americans see it. It is not for nothing that President Bush was
so persistent in pushing John Bolton as a new U.S. envoy to the UN.”
ALBANIA: "Albania's
Vote For Germany At UN"
Tirana independent, center-right sensationalist Koha Jone
(8/4): "As a UN member country,
Albania should give its vote to Germany in the latter's dispute with Italy over
adding a new permanent member of the UN Security Council. It is clear that, in view of Tirana's good
neighborly relations and intense economic relations with Italy, Albania might
have made the political decision to vote for Rome. But Germany is a world economic power and
Tirana should remember the importance of a strategic alliance with this
country. Therefore, its vote should go
to Germany.... The truth is that Prime
Minister Nano has been playing with this vote, which is of extraordinary
importance, since it will affect, to a certain extent, relations between the
two countries. Nano had promised the
Italian prime minister to vote for Italy, but then he went to Berlin and
promised Chancellor Schroeder that Albania would vote for Germany in
September. Italy is a friendly neighbor,
but it is not such a power to deserve Albania's vote. Geo-political analyses show that Germany
remains a growing world power and that, as a leader in Europe, it exerts a
major influence on European developments."
AUSTRIA: "UN Reform In
Foreign affairs writer for liberal daily Der
Standard Christoph Prantner analyzed (8/10): "Kofi Annan, whom the Volcker Commission
temporarily cleared of the charge of corruption in March, is now charged with
failing to control his direct subordinates.
Also, it is still not clear whether he knew of the flow of UN money to a
Swiss company that had his son Kojo on its payroll. Thus weakened, Annan now has to manage the
closing rounds of the negotiations on UN reform. In September, the 60th General Assembly and a
global summit are on the agenda--and nothing less than the future of the UN and
its right to exist is at stake. The
undignified squabbling about the seats in the Security Council already went
beyond the limits of diplomatic procedure--now, the whole reform could fail
because its creator no longer has the credibility to strengthen the UN
"The Price of Obstinacy"
Commentator for liberal Der Standard (8/9) Andrea
Waldbrunner wrote: "Despite
dwindling prospects, Japan still wants a seat on the UN Security Council. Instead of finding a consensus with its
neighbor, ever more powerful China, it prefers to steer a confrontation course
and utter ill-considered sound bites.
South Korea is essentially subjected to the same treatment. However, there is a chance for a new
beginning in Japan and it is to Koizumi's credit that he induced reform into
his country. That this cure might no
longer work could be the price of his obstinacy."
"Hitches Of UN Reform"
Adam Cerny editorialized in the business daily Hospodarske
noviny (8/10): "The United
Nations are facing a severe test. There
are several components to it; each one of them sufficient to cause great
trouble. The fresh report of the
Independent Inquiry Committee of the UN Food-for Oil Program proving fraud in
the program appeared at the moment when the U.S. is exerting pressure on
improving the effectiveness of the UN....
Reforms of any colossus, such as the UN, are conditioned by one
determining factor: sufficient pressure
must build up first to push through reforms.
Either there is such pressure in the case of the UN or it disappears
depending on the interests of the superpowers in the UN Security Council. Enlarging their numbers would be desirable,
because the world has changed since the UN was created. But any change of the UNSC means strengthening
or diminishing someone's influence. That
is why although the superpowers consent to the reform, any concrete proposal
faces someone's criticism. If an
agreement is hard to reach, the strongest often decides--and for the U.S., the
biggest contributor to the UN's coffers, an effective UN apparatus is more
important than the enlargement of the UNSC."
HOLLAND: “Ideologists At The UN”
Influential independent NRC Handelsblad editorialized
(7/2): “America needs the UN very much
in the near future when it comes to wrapping up the war in Iraq, with the fight
against terrorism, and the global shift to new world powers such as China. Iraq serves as an example that American
unilateralism often does not have the desired result. For its own interest, the American government
will more often have to take one step back....
Bolton will have to use diplomatic skills. That will be the litmus test of his new
JORDAN: “John Bolton Is
America's Gift To A World That Is Burning”
Columnist Lamis Andoni wrote in independent Al-Ghad
(8/8): “The U.S. strategy does not look
at the present only, but also the far future.
Removing all obstacles standing in the way of U.S. policy, particularly
proving its solo role in the world, is part of its long-term strategy of
preventing the rise of any other competitive power for decades to come. In view of this strategy, the existence of
the United Nations, even if it is under the control of the sole political and
military superpower, as well as the continued presence of international
charters, is viewed as available means that could be used by rising powers,
foremost China, to challenge U.S. influence in the future.... If Bolton’s appointment to the United Nations
is America's message to the world of the process of officially terminating UN.
decisions and tasks, the message that is sent to the United Nations by way of
the appointment is even more serious.
This is because appointing an enemy of the United Nations to represent
the United States therein, which essentially means a declaration of organized
sabotage inside the United Nations, marks an unprecedented step to entrench the
beliefs of extremist American right wing that considers the United Nations an
enemy and a threat to the American identity.”
CHINA: "UN Reform
Requires Patience And Wisdom"
Official English-language China Daily (8/8): "Reforming the United Nations requires a
comprehensive diagnosis of the challenges facing the world's largest
multilateral organization. The reason
for rethinking the structure of the world body, particularly the expansion of
the Security Council, is the UN's failure to reflect today's global picture,
which is vastly different to that of 1945 when it was created. Each proponent of reform has an agenda when
it comes to expressing the shifts of the past 60 years and what changes should
be made, in terms of structure and substance.
It thus comes as no surprise that the African Union rejected a compromise
deal on Security Council reform proposed by Japan, Germany, India and Brazil,
known as the G-4.... UN reform will
definitely have a huge impact on the future of the world. There is, to say the least, a need to
patiently push ahead with the process to maintain solidarity among member states. Still, schisms remain over such thorny
matters as which nations deserve permanent seats, how far the council should be
expanded and whether new permanent members should be granted veto power. Given the huge divisions that have come to
define the Herculean task of reforming the UN, the G-4's proposal, if
implemented, would only widen rifts, split the body and even derail the whole
process of discussions about reform.
Broad consensus will not be reached overnight. Coercive deadlines for reform must not be
set. To keep the wheels of the United
Nations running, leaving time and room for full deliberation of areas of
divergence is a must. Reform may be
painful. But what is the point of UN
reform if its members fail to agree on the topics that are of the greatest
concern to them? The broadest consensus
possible on important matters where divisions exist will provide the United
Nations with a comprehensive blueprint with which to better meet the challenges
of the present day, as well as the future."
"The Proposal Of The Group Of Four Will
Lead To A Dead End"
Lin Limin, director of the Strategic Research Center of the China
Modern Relations Research Institute wrote in official Renmin Ribao
(8/6): "In the past few days,
countries 'aspiring to be permanent members' of the UN Security Council were
fighting tilt to tilt and their contention has reached one climax after another
with a series of dramatic changes in the situation.... The most amazing thing was that China and the
United States reached a common understanding and stated on 5 August that the
two countries would join efforts to reject the 'Plan of the Group of
Four.' Chinese Permanent Representative
to the United Nations Wang Guangya clearly said: The 'Plan of the Group of Four' is just like
'a blank sheet.' Thus the 'Plan of the
Group of Four' can be said to be snubbed everywhere and be hemmed in on every
side.... In the 21st century, people in
the world are facing transnational challenges and need 'global efforts to
promote peace.' The United Nations is an
existing organization to unify 'global efforts to promote peace' and the reform
of the UN Security Council should be conducive to meeting the challenges faced
by the United Nations. Therefore, the reform
of the UN Security Council must conform to democratic principles, accord with
the interests and wishes of the overwhelming majority of countries, especially
the large number of developing countries, and take regional balance into
consideration. The reform of the UN
Security Council must be conducive to promoting international harmony, peace
and cooperation instead of causing constant quarrels in the United
Nations. Finally, the reform must be
favorable to raising the prestige and efficiency of the UN Security
Council. For that reason, China calls
for following a prudent and gradual way to reform the UN Security Council and
taking the interests of all sides into consideration."
“Why Do The U.S. And China Conduct Strategic
Chen Dongxiao commented in the China Radio International sponsored
newspaper World News Journal (Shijie Xinwenbao) (8/4): "The strategic dialogue symbolizes a new
historical period of U.S.-China relations.
The dialogue has two new characteristics: first, the topics are broad, practical and
not limited to specific issues. Second,
attendees are from various fields like foreign affairs, security, trade, and
others. The strategic dialogue mechanism
demonstrates the increasing level of China's national strength and
international position. It also reflects
the increasingly numerous aspects of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship that
involve multilateral factors. Currently,
the political uncertainties between the U.S. and China are still strong and the
strategic trusts are fragile. The
establishment of this strategic dialogue mechanism could help clarify the
strategic position of the bilateral relationship's development and help
maintain the healthy and stable development of the relationship. Systematic dialogue at the senior level is a
characteristic of today's international relations. The U.S. and China have set up many
discussions and cooperation mechanisms at many levels and in many fields. They need to have more strategic dialogue
that removes doubts and seeks common ground.”
“It Is Meaningful That The U.S. And China Jointly Reject The
Proposal Of The Group Of Four”
The Beijing-based newspaper sponsored by official intellectual
publication Guangming Daily and Guangdon provincial official publication
Nanfang Daily The Beijing News (Xin Jing Bao) commented
(8/4): "The newly-appointed U.S.
Ambassador to the UN Bolton has reached a consensus with China's permanent
representative to the UN, Wang Guangya, that the two countries would make a
joint effort to oppose the proposal of Japan, Germany, India and Brazil
regarding UN expansion. The United
States’ behavior is not surprising. The
U.S., whose control of the UN is much less than before, will not allow any
other newly rising powers to divide its own power and influence within the
UN. What's more, after pursuing the
various UN issues currently on its plate of interests, the United States will
not have the spirit to solve the issue of increasing permanent membership. This means this issue would thus be postponed
for a long time.... The U.S. behavior to
cooperate with China is a positive signal.
It reflects the relationship's current condition, characterized by
frequent economic disputes with deepening political cooperation. In addition, the American behavior shows the
emphasis the U.S. places on China's role in international affairs. Such a gesture leads us to expect much from
the Hu's upcoming meetings with Bush.”
“The Level At Which The China-U.S. Dialogue Is Conducted Remains
To Be Raised”
Niu Xinchun commented in the official Xinhua News Agency
international news publication International Herald Leader (Guoji
Xianqu Daobao) (8/4): "Because
China and the U.S. are such large countries with crisscrossing interests, it is
better for them to talk than to fight.
This first round of the China-U.S strategic dialogue clearly has
indicated that the channel has much room to develop. It is therefore worth having high hopes. The current U.S. China strategic dialogue is
not at as high a level as strategic dialogues between the U.S. and other
countries. The level of the talks
remains to be raised. From a historical
perspective, so-called China-U.S. regular dialogues have never been
regularized. The key to the strategic
dialogues will be to avoid this trap.
The strategic dialogue has an almost unbearably difficult task. In order to accelerate the China-U.S.
relationship, a wider view is needed. It
does not matter whether it is the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson,
or Deputy Secretary Zoellick, both express the need for the strategic dialogue
to both get beyond concrete matters and achieve the goals of deepening
understanding, promoting mutual trust, and expanding cooperation. Simply put, the goal is to reduce misgivings. At this stage, the form of the talks is
weightier than their content and the symbolic meaning is greater than their
substantive meaning. We hope that along
with the continued reform of China-U.S. relations, this strategic dialogue
will, in the future, step from a form phase into a substantive phase.”
“Zoellick Says The U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue Is Very
Successful: The Two Countries Will Better Understand Each Other’s Interests”
Wang Chong commented in the official Communist Youth League China
Youth Daily (Zhongguo Qingnianbao) (8/3): "Open-minded and beneficial, this is the
conclusion of the U.S. Desultory Secretary Zoellick on the first U.S.-China
strategic dialogue. He also exposed that
the second dialogue would be held in the end of 2005 in Washington. From Zoellick’s words on the press
conference, one can see the meeting with Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing has a
good effect. Zoellick said the meeting
with Minister Li is meaningful. They
have discussed many domestic issues of China.
It is helpful for mutual understanding.
China's foreign ministry announced that the dialogue is beneficial and
constructive. The long-term, healthy and
stable development of the U.S.-China relations meets the basic interests of the
two countries. The extending of the
U.S.-China cooperation has a great meaning for the peace of Asia-Pacific and
the world for now and for the future.”
"Road To UN Reform To Be Winding"
Zhang Haibin and Li Yansong wrote in official
English-language Beijing Daily (8/2):
"As a leading force campaigning for Security Council reform, the G4
has chosen this year, the 60th anniversary of the world body's creation, as the
optimum opportunity to be admitted to the exclusive club open only to the most
powerful nations.... Without a
consensus, any reform could lead to a weak or divided Security Council. International order is usually established as
a result of war, with the world's structure being designed by the victors, as
can be seen in the establishment of the European co-ordination mechanism, the
League of Nations and the UN. In times
of peace, to set up a new international order through discussion, consensus is
certainly needed among at least a majority of members. With 191 member states, it is hugely
difficult for the UN to reach a consensus on any matter. The more sensitive it is, the harder it is.... UN history also shows most reform measures
have been carried out through extensive consultation. The principles of discussion and consensus
have always been emphasized in decision-making.
These days the principles and aims of the UN Charter still hold sway,
which is why many member states do not want radical measures to be taken that
will fundamentally change the direction of the world body. With a direct claim to veto power, the
African Union draft proposal on the reform of the Security Council, which is
not in accordance with the principle of gradual reform, has little hope of
being passed.... Both history and
today's reality show this round of UN Security Council reform may end in
stalemate if broad consensus is not reached, and any reform of the world body
in the future may be slow."
"Increasing Permanent Seats In The UN Security Council Needs
Further Discussion"
The pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News commented in
an editorial (8/6): "Chinese
ambassador to the UN, Wang Guangya, said at the UN on August 3 that China and
the U.S. were willing to work together to stop the proposal by Japan, Germany,
India and Brazil to expand the Security Council. The reason is that both sides believe that
the so-called G-4 nations proposal will only split up the 191 member states in
the UN. Besides, the G-4 nations have
not yet reached a compromise with the African Union. Thus, it is unlikely that the proposal of
increasing permanent seats in the Security Council will be passed. The proposal will need further thought and
Prepared To Be A 'Good Loser': A Series
Of Miscalculations In Japan's Diplomacy To Reform The UN Security Council"
Asahi Shimbun columnist Yoichi Funabashi wrote
in 'weekly general interest' Shukan Asahi (8/5): "A year ago, it was not possible to
predict that China would become so serious about crushing Japan's aspiration to
become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. China has been making the round of nations,
particularly in Africa, pressuring them 'not to become cosponsors of the G-4's
reform plan.' As a result, Japan and
China have ended up engaging in a fierce battle of diplomacy behind the scenes
in Africa. China's negative campaign has
struck an immeasurable blow to Japan. In
this respect, we must ask Prime Minister Koizumi to be responsible for the
consequence of his visits to Yasukuni Shrine.
That is because both China and South Korea have used the Yasukuni issue
as a pretext for questioning the fitness of Japan [to become a permanent member
of the UN Security Council]. China
believes that it is the sole representative of East Asia, and has no intention
of sharing that position with Japan....
Japan knew that, deep down inside, the United States was against the
G-4's plan. But it was unexpected that
the United States would announce its opposition stance so openly.... As the way things stand now, it seems quite
likely that Japan's UN reform diplomacy will end up being a spectacular
failure. But I still do not believe that
it was a mistake for Japan to announce its aspiration to become a permanent
member of the UN Security Council. The
United Nations today is malfunctioning.
Nuclear arms reduction, environment, development, and refugees--in every
one of these issues, the old system ('ancien regime' [in French]) with the five
permanent member states at the top is clearly defective, showing institutional
fatigue. Injection of new blood, new
ideas, and new enthusiasm by the G-4 nations should be very much
welcomed.... In addition, we must
reinforce our direct appeal to the U.S. Congress. I believe that the biggest hurdle this time
for Japan's UN reform diplomacy has been the U.S. Congress. There is a limit to what the Japanese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs can do in diplomacy. The Japanese Diet, political parties, and
politicians must strengthen their strategic dialogues and policy discussions on
UN reform with their counterparts in the United States."
"Squabbles Put Reform At Risk"
Moderately conservative English-language Bangkok
Post (8/1) editorialized: "For
nearly a year, the members, leaders and supporters of the United Nations have
unanimously agreed on the need for speed in reforming the world body. Last September, Secretary-General Kofi Annan
said the UN was at a fork in the road, with renewal in one direction and
oblivion in the other. Last April, former
prime minister Anand Panyarachun led a 'panel of eminent personalities' to
recommend precisely, succinctly--and correctly--just why reforms were vital,
and how they should proceed. It is
therefore distressing to see a handful of countries put UN reform to the side
while they fuss and spat over who will get the power. As the foreign ministers of the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations members noted last week, UN reform has been reduced
to bickering over the makeup of the UN Security Council.... The divisions over Asian representation
alone could fill this entire newspaper page.
This row is now totally out of hand, and it is clear that Mr. Annan's
'fork in the road' speech to UN members last September was an
understatement. The true decision faced
by the leaders of the countries in the United Nations is whether they are responsible
enough to separate the two issues at hand:
Security Council power, and true UN reform. The recent troubles of the UN--budget
overruns, corruption, loss of respect, loss of moral authority over Iraq and
human rights, an inability even to persuade members to sign pacts against
terrorism--have nothing to do with the makeup of the Security Council. Though Thailand is an offender in certain
areas, the real-life sight of it sitting in the dock at the UN Commission on
Human Rights should say more about the need for UN reform than any speech. It is farcical that nations such as Sudan,
Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe decide the standards of world-class human
rights. The tragicomedy of this body was
the subject of one of Mr. Anan's panel's most devastating criticisms and prime
exhibits of just why reform is so urgently needed.... Security Council reform is important, but UN
reform is vital."
"G4's Death A Big Blow For India"
The centrist Times of India (8/6)
opined: "The Africans have
confounded again. And India's hopes of
getting into the UN Security Council via the G-4 route is now a
no-brainer--it's time to bury the ambitious group. In the second time in as many months, the
African Union (AU) refused to break ranks to endorse a G-4 resolution for
expanding the UN Security Council, maybe even kissing good-bye to the group's
UNSC prospects in the near future. No
amount of 'persuasion' by India, Japan, Germany and Brazil could sway the
AU.... Friday's statement of 'regret' by
MEA 'that the extraordinary AU summit was unable to endorse an AU/G-4 draft
framework resolution, based on the understanding arrived at between the G-4
foreign ministers' was only a mild indication of the shock with which the decision
was actually greeted in New Delhi.... It
was a lesson in how India is out of touch with Africa. In many ways, it is a personal setback for
external affairs minister Natwar Singh, who had clocked thousands of miles
flying from London to Dakar and New York, trying valiantly to use India's
so-called 'traditional links' with the Africans to bring them around.... It's a sad comment on India's supposed
romance with Africa, and the halcyon days of NAM and South-South lovefest, but
equally a reflection that the cheque-book diplomacy which was Japan's forte no
longer works. What happens now? Well, an embarrassment of riches in terms of
draft resolutions for UNSC expansion are floating around the General
Assembly. Apart from G-4, there is a UFC
or Coffee Club resolution introduced last week and an African resolution. The
choices now are pretty stark. Given the opposition to each other and the
U.S.-China pact to nix G-4, none of the resolutions have any credible chance of
going through. Where does that leave
everybody? The Japanese will most likely
leave their fate to the U.S., which has promised to support them even if they
killed the G-4. Germany's chances are
negligible to non-existent, particularly after the U.S. stopped them short by
refusing to endorse them. As countries
with plateauing economies and declining populations, their subsequent chances
are slim. India is in a unique
position. As its economy and stature
grows, India's chances as a natural candidate becomes stronger. In many ways, the value of the G-4 exercise
has buoyed India's confidence levels--when it joined the grouping it was the
weakest of the lot. But in the following
months, India has been pleasantly surprised to find that support has been more
forthcoming that it had thought, even if the G-4 grouping did not excite many
“Unfit For The Job"
The nationalist Hindustan Times noted (8/4): "The Bush administration's keenness to
have a UN envoy in place in time for the opening of this year's session of the
UN General Assembly (UNGA) in September may also have another dimension. Proposals for reform will be the most
important agenda on the table before the UNGA.
At a time when the UN stands discredited by a long list of
scandals--including the oil for food intrigue, the sexual abuse of civilians by
UN peacekeepers in Congo, the failure to intervene in Rwanda, Bosnia and now
Darfur--the world must collectively think of reforming it. Although Washington supports reform of the UN
Security Council (UNSC), it doesn't think much of plans to add ten new members,
including six permanent members....
[Bush] never made any bones about his dislike of the UN as an
institution, even openly stating in 2000 that the UNSC should have only one
member, the U.S., 'because that's the real reflection of the distribution of
power in the world.' This is
unfortunate, since such violent unilateralism is the antithesis of what the UN
stands for.”
"China's Veto Warning"
The centrist
national English daily The News (8/9) editorialized: "The global division on United Nations
reforms, particularly pertaining to the expansion of the Security Council,
sharpened after Sunday's announcement by China that it would veto the proposal
peddled by the G-4 states--India, Brazil, Germany and Japan. There are varying positions on UN reforms,
with no attempt in sight to reconcile the diverse opinions on an effort that
was initiated to correct a heavily skewed division of power in global politics,
at least to a certain degree.... Having
justified its positioning in the interest of the developing countries, China is
better placed to facilitate consensus among the developing countries over the
reforms, as well as act as a bridge between the permanent members of the
Council and the developing world. An international
agreement on the reforms, as propagated by the Consensus Group, is a must to
save the effort that is meant to unify the world. The existing perplexity and lack of
leadership are only creating divisions and generating groups that are only
harming the interest of the developing countries, giving an opportunity to some
countries to try to hijack the reforms agenda."
"Pakistan, China Join Hands To Defeat G-4"
Center-right national English-language daily The
Nation (8/8): "Pakistan and
China are in close contact through diplomatic channels to develop consensus on
UN's proposed reforms, said Chinese official sources. Both the countries follow a joint strategy,
not allowing the G-4 or group of four countries to seek expansion of the
Security Council by forced voting. We
believe that voting on the Council's reform will be 'highly divisive' and will
be in the final analysis a fruitless exercise, the sources said while talking
to APP here Sunday.
BRAZIL: “Good-Bye Council”
Liberal Folha de S. Paulo (8/6)
editorialized: “An unexpected alliance
between the U.S. and China has practically buried the GOB’s ambition of
obtaining a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. Following a quick meeting between the new
U.S. ambassador in the organization--the hard liner John Bolton--and China's
representative Wang Guangya, both nations decided to oppose the reform proposal
presented by the G-4.... China does not
accept promoting its regional rival Japan because of still unhealed WWII
wounds. The U.S. makes restrictions to
Germany's entry in the SC. Berlin's
inclusion would give three seats to the European Union, and in addition,
President Bush has not yet come to terms with the German government's
opposition to the war in Iraq.... If all
this weren't enough, leaders of African nations, which according to the G-4
project would get two permanent seats, have decided not to support the
proposal.... Not even the worst critics
of Brazilian diplomacy would have thought of so adverse a scenario for the
plans to obtain a permanent seat for Brazil at the SC, which recently became an
obsession. The most deplorable aspect is
that to achieve that goal, Brazilian diplomacy sacrificed principles and long
term relations that were carefully cultivated.”
CHILE: “Quo Vadis (Whither
Goest Thou?) UN”
Government-owned, but editorially independent La Nacion
(7/31) ran an article by columnist Jose Rodriguez Elizondo: "On its 60th anniversary, the UN is
suffering from the syndrome of irrelevance...which began with the UN refusal to
support George H. Bush's previous war in Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein. Following Clinton, who valued
multilateralism, George W. Bush took up the unfinished task, disregarding the
UN at the first opportunity. And that
opportunity arrived tragically with the September 11, 2001, attacks in New
York. To the relief of Bush junior, the
UN secretary general was no longer the impudent figure his father had to deal
with.... The results are there for us to
see. Bush is waging war not to
strengthen democracies that truly exist, but to instill democracy in other
civilizations, reminding us of the medieval crusades or a science fiction
author trying to implant the future in societies of the past. In this sense, he has gone further than the
UN would have intended and beyond that which Western civilization permits. The worst part is that he does not know how
to end this adventure, while the UN continues to seek its destiny.”
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