August 16, 2005
** Observers say draft
constitution is mired in "sectarian disputes" which may derail
** "Success" or
"failure" of constitution foretells Iraq's "future course."
** Papers assert U.S.
support for the war is in "decisive phase."
Fate of draft constitution:
'Federal' or 'Islamic' Republic?--
described "inherent controversies" and "triangular
bartering" among Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds to reach consensus in
constitutional deliberations on the role of regions, religion, and women. Germany's center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
stated, "The conflict over federalism in Iraq plays a much greater role
for ending the war [than the question on the future role of women]." Iraq's anti-coalition Az-Zaman
countered that "an Islamic identity is a reality for most
Iraqis." Turkey's centrist Milliyet
noted that "a federation that embraces all Iraqi groups" would
receive Ankara's support. Jordan's
independent Al-Ghad reiterated that "national unity" is
"a real guarantee" necessary for Iraq's new constitution, but pointed
out the country's "tendency for separatism." Saudia Arabia's moderate Al-Jazira
declared: "The Iraqis must unite
and build a political consensus to save their country."
Iraq: 'model' for Arab
'democratization' or 'dictatorship'-- Media predicted Iraq's
success drafting a "large and inclusive" constitution would make it a
"model for others to follow" in the Arab world. Conversely, the failure to do so could afford
dictators the opportunity to "strengthen their control" in the
region. Britain's conservative Times
opined there are sufficient Iraqis who "favor democratic institutions and
the introduction of a pluralist society."
India's centrist Gujaratmitra said that Iraq's journey towards
democracy is "not a smooth one," but it must "come from its own
people" and not a foreign power. In
contrast, Denmark's Kristelight Dagblad asserted, the "future for
Iraq looks bleak" and the "situation could develop into a civil
war," that could "impact the entire Middle East." France's right-of-center Le Figaro
argued that the "foreseeable breakup" of Iraq among Shiites, Sunnis,
and Kurds "makes Arabia fear the worst" while Hong Kong's independent
South China Morning Post cautioned, "democracy is a relatively new
concept" in a region long ruled by "monarchs and autocratic
U.S. 'withdrawal plans' hinge on success of 'constitutional
process'-- Analysts emphasized that
"respecting the calendar" is "critical" for U.S.
credibility to allow it to build on internal Iraqi "political
successes," and "reverse the negative trend on the security
front." Germany's leftist die
tageszeitung held that the "Bush administration wants to pull out of
Iraq" and while withdrawal plans exist, "they can only be implemented
if there is a political success."
Similarly, Italy's pro-Democratic Left Party l'Unita wrote that
before the U.S. withdraws, it must "absolutely show the world that Iraqi
leaders have reached an agreement."
Syria's government-owned Al-Thawra reiterated its belief that the
U.S. intends to retreat from Iraq; while "Washington refuses to set a
timetable," the U.S. "stresses the need to speed up the training of
Iraqi forces" to replace American troops.
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202)
EDITOR: Susan Emerson
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 57 reports from 18 countries over 29 July - 16 August, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
"Nation-Building In Iraq"
The conservative Times took this view
(8/16): "The last-minute haggling,
disagreements and delays in submitting a draft constitution to the Iraqi
parliament were neither surprising nor disastrous.... Compromise was elusive, especially as each
group faces intense factional pressure.
Extending the deadline would awkwardly prolong the interregnum. But it was better to reach consensus than to
railroad an anxious and resentful Sunni minority into a flawed, unsustainable
"Democracy, Fear And Distrust In A Divided
The center-left Independent commented
(8/16): "It is not for the United
States or the Western world to determine how Iraqis should order their
affairs. Yet it is manifestly not in
Iraq's interest to trample on the rights of its minority groups. The leaders of the majority Shia group are
pressing to impose relatively strict Islamic law in Iraq, although the nation
has a secular public tradition. It is
reasonable that Kurds and Iraqi women are seeking to resist this process. And it is vital that their civil rights are
protected in law."
"Conflicting Demands"
The independent Financial Times argued
(8/16): "Mr. Bush may lament the
disjuncture between the 'generational commitment' he and Condoleezza Rice, U.S.
secretary of state, say is needed to advance freedom in the Middle East and the
reality of U.S. electoral politics. But
he has only himself to blame. By making
Iraq and the war on terror a partisan issue, Mr. Bush spurned the chance to
build a bipartisan consensus of the kind that supported a generational U.S.
commitment during the cold war.
Constructing one now will require fundamental changes in the way the
White House does business."
"A More Equal Iraq"
Conservative Daily Telegraph opined
(8/15): "It is worth reminding
ourselves of what this new constitution aims to replace. Under Saddam, Iraqis did not enjoy property
rights, democratic elections, habeas corpus, independent magistrates or
regional autonomy. As a result of what
has been drawn up, they will be freer and more secure, and able to change their
lawmakers through the ballot box. And
they will do so on the basis of a constitution framed by their own elected
representatives rather than one imposed on them by a foreign power (as in 1925)
or by a revolutionary clique (as in 1958 and 1964)."
"Iraq Must Reject A Constitution That
Enslaves Women"
Houzan Mahmoud, UK Head of the Organisation of
Women's Freedom in Iraq and co-founder of the Iraq Freedom Congress, commented
in center-left Independent (8/15):
"Today is the deadline for Iraq's ruling political classes to agree
[to] a brand new 'constitution' for the country--but don't be deceived, this is
likely to be nothing but another false dawn for Iraq's women.... The constitution is set to add to a growing
fearfulness among Iraq women, as their rights are passed over or signed away to
Islamists hostile to Iraq's entire female population. Women in Iraq face being dragged back into
the dark ages.... A constitution based
on enslaving women, religious sectarianism, and tribalism must be
"Iraq's Slow Slide Into Civil War: The Sunni-Shia Conflict Could Easily Become
The independent Financial Times penned
(8/8): "The new constitution, due
to be finalised this week, is mired in sectarian disputes that it could worsen
rather than resolve. Upbeat declarations
from Washington sound unrealistic, aimed at reassuring Americans more than
Iraqis. Sunni and Shia clerics are
trying to halt this slide into war. This
will not stop the jihadis, but could undermine their support base. Leaders of all communities need to invest
Iraq's emerging institutions with legitimacy for the alienated Sunni to
participate, and for the Shia to make sure that they can. This is the only remaining hope."
"Changing The Balance: Britain Should Do More To Promote Democracy
In Southern Iraq"
The conservative Times judged (8/5): "There are...individuals and
organisations in Basra and elsewhere in Iraq that strongly favor democratic
institutions and the introduction of a pluralist society. A police force that is politically and
religiously neutral is an important part of that process. If it is correct, as [Steven] Vincent charged,
that little or no effort is being made to promote these values in police
training at present, then that has to be rectified. If in general more can be done to advance a
democratic culture, this should be undertaken.
Some officials believe, Vincent claims, that such an attempt to boost
democracy would reek of 'colonialism'.
Democracy is the opposite of colonialism and the antagonist of
"President Bush’s Crucial Summer"
Pierre Rousselin remarked in right-of-center Le
Figaro (8/12): "Iraq is in a
decisive phase. The deadline for the
constitution is set for Monday. And in
spite of the serious questions still unanswered, the Bush administration
continues to think that the deadline will be met. For Bush, a compromise that would satisfy the
Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds would be a beautiful success…that would give
substance to the generous idea of 'democratizing’ the Arab world. Conversely, failure on the constitution would
make things worse for the U.S. and its coalition allies."
"The Many Worries Of Old King
Antoine Basbous, Director of the Observatory of
Arab Countries, posited in right-of-center Le Figaro (8/5): "Saudis want change: some want more Islamization. Others a constructional monarch and a state
of law.... Arabia suffers from an
absolute monarchy, totally broken off from modernity. It is a kingdom of corruption and a general
mess. Justice is archaic and depends on
the powers.... Saudi Wahibbites provide
kamikazes to the jihad in Iraq, as well as generous financing. The foreseeable break-up of this country
between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds makes Arabia fear the worst. Because this logic risks to contaminate an
Arabia unified by the sword in 1932 and which has no more reason to remain
united than the defunct USSR and the former Yugoslavia.... Arabia is at high risk to remain, along with
Iraq and Iran, at the heart of the epicenter of the crisis arc that will
continue to trouble the international order for decades to come."
"The Iraqi Calendar"
Pierre Rousselin commented in right-of-center Le
Figaro (8/8): "Iraqi leaders
have a week to reach an agreement on the constitution.... If the U.S. is pushing so hard for the August
15 date to be honored, it is because of its own November 2006 political
agenda.... From now till then President
Bush will do all he can to show that his Iraqi policy is a success.... Respecting the calendar in Iraq is also
important for symbolic reasons: until
now the constitution has been Washington’s main political success in Iraq, with
the January elections. Washington is
hoping that a new political success in Iraq will reverse the negative trend on
the security front. Since the end of
July, attacks on U.S. troops have grown.
But too much focus on the Iraqi calendar itself can detract from the
final objective. The task at hand is as
arduous as it is crucial: the objective
is for the Kurds, the Shiites and the Sunnis to agree on the Iraq of tomorrow,
an Iraq for which America has mobilized all of its forces.... A major question is the role of
Islam in tomorrow’s Iraq. The Americans will hardly accept for Iraq to
become an Islamic Republic or for women to have to submit to the laws of the
Charia.... The triangular bartering
among the various ethnic and religious communities is looking too complex and
the consequences are too ominous for the job to be rushed in a week."
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger argued in
center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine (8/16): "We need not ponder for a long time to
find out why the U.S. government exerted so much pressure on the completion of
the Iraqi constitutional draft: the
situation in Iraq has not relaxed. Vice
President Cheney may claim the opposite, but the number of U.S. [and Iraqi]
terror victims is still very high and an increasing number of Americans
consider an early withdrawal to be right....
It is still too early to take stock but this is clear: Bush's presidency will fail or succeed with
Iraq. It must unnerve him that there are
more and more voices from the Republican camp, who explicitly backed his
original Iraq policy, but who are now disappointed, even dismayed at the things
the U.S. occupation power did not achieve.
Only under the impression of never-ending waves of violence, the Bush
government seems to have realized that its expectations were 'too optimistic'
right from the start. And now it cannot
avoid the concession that it made political mistakes, did not know the
situation in the country, and demonstrated administrative incapability. A government that has planned the necessary
transformation of the Muslim-Arab world and is willing to face the strategic
challenges, especially should not have played up the time after the
intervention. But this new realism
should now not change to the opposite....
If too much of a burden is now imposed on weak Iraqi institutions,
because the main issue is the justification for the withdrawal of U.S. forces,
then the democratic restructuring goal will first be watered down and then
disappear. Would the cost then have been
"Say Sorry When Saying Good-Bye"
Peter Münch noted in center-left Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of Munich (8/16): "[The
U.S. administration] is saying good-bye softly, but the insight in this case is
by no means a step to improve. On the
contrary, more than 1,800 fallen soldiers have certainly made an impression in
the country that is increasingly realizing that its possibilities are
limited. Iraq is too much for the U.S.
forces and it is getting increasingly difficult to find recruits for the Iraq
mission. The majority of Americans
consider the mission a great failure and in the current social climate we can
see the heralds of the Vietnam syndrome....
The climate is heating up...but a way out is not in sight. But cheap lamenting over initial false
assessments...will not help Americans get out of the fix in Iraq nor the Iraqis
out of their devilish den. A withdrawal
of U.S. forces will not ease the situation.
The constantly increasing attacks have traced out the path to a civil
war, and the helpless haggling over the Iraqi constitution shows that the
political forces in the country are hardly able to keep the state
together. Fires are burning in Baghdad,
Bakuba and Kirkuk but what are the unfortunate arsonists doing? They look around to find a new object. Iran, which is certainly not a harmless
opponent...has now been pilloried. In
Washington, people are taking out their fire brigade uniforms again. But first of all, they have taken out the
"Limits When It Comes To Creating Happiness
In the World"
Roger Klöppel noted in right-of-center Die
Welt of Berlin (8/16): "When we
take an overall look, the Iraq intervention is not a success story. The hope for imposing a forced happiness on
the desert state has thus far turned out to be a mirage. The restructuring drafted by the
neo-conservative threatening to fail because of the realities in
country that has not been marked by Western traditions like the rule of law or
by mentalities.... For the U.S.
government, the Iraq war will turn into burden.
The opposition is gaining momentum.
The situation for the president is getting more difficult...and the
question must be raised who still wants this war when the man who opened this
war will leave after the end of his second term. With every killed soldier, it will be getting
more difficult to sell the engagement in Iraq to an increasingly skeptical
public. But the cause is not yet
lost. A new adjustment of U.S. foreign
policy, the recently announced restructuring to non-military instruments allows
the conclusion that [the U.S.] is seeking new, more diverse strategies. But irrespective of this, the Iraq war also
created collateral advantages. On the
one hand, the deterring effect to the neighborhood is considerable. The mullahs in Iran but also the powers-that-be
in Pyongyang have been healed from the illusion that the Americans are part of
the...West that shows weaknesses in case of a threat. On the other hand, the Iraq offensive showed
the more idealistic figures in the Bush administration the limits of their
high-flying plans."
"Tough Wrestling"
Erik-Michael Bader had this to say in an
editorial in center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine (8/15): "It is not surprising that the regional
and religious groups in Iraq have so much difficulty agreeing on a joint
constitution…for the leadership of the three largest ethnic groups must fear that
elements of the constitution could be disadvantageous for them, and that later
the pressure of the timetable and the Americans, who are pressing for abiding
to this table, will make amendments in hindsight impossible. One of the greatest problems that cannot be
avoided in shaping a federal structure for the future state is that the oil
deposits are distributed unevenly.... If
the state is structured in three parts, we must fear that one part will be
excessively dependent on other parts because of a lack of oil revenue."
Mariam Lau predicted in an editorial in
right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin (8/15): "While another deadline is passing
for the adoption of a constitution, the Bush administration seems to gradually
give up the hopes which it has had with respect to Iraq and its attractiveness
to the outside. If we believe Washington
Post reports, neither the democratization nor economic autarky, neither
national unity nor the secular constitution are considered feasible options
among government representatives....
Those among us who advocated Saddam's ouster should not reject these
facts because they are used by Bush opponents who give a damn about the fate of
the Iraqi people. The military part of
the war went well, but what happened afterwards was a disaster. If the administration comes to the conclusion
that the U.S. forces are part of the problem rather than part of the solution,
then it will withdraw them."
"If Only Iraq Were Not There"
Washington correspondent Christoph von Marschall
filed the following editorial for centrist Der Tagesspiegel of Berlin
(8/15): "Iraq is now turning into
an exposed flank for President Bush in the United States, too.... We are now witnessing noticeable doubts.... By the weekend, the president may have
comforted himself with the prospect of an Iraqi democratic constitution…but
even if the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds agree on the Constitutional draft today,
it will disappoint America because women's rights and further fundamental
principles do not equate western standards; because of the controversy over the
establishment of a new state, the role of Islam and the oil revenue have not
been settled but at best can be covered up; because Iraq does not prove to be
the grateful state and can, therefore, not be considered a model for
Arabia.... This begs two urgent
questions for the Europeans. How can
they manage that America will not agree on an early withdrawal but stays in
Iraq until the Iraqis can guarantee their own security? And if Bush's path was obviously wrong what
is their--practical--concept to bring democracy to Arabia and to dry up
"Recipe For A New War"
Tomas Avenarius wrote in center-left Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of Munich (8/12): "Time
is pressing, since the draft of the new Iraqi constitution is to be presented
by Monday.... Time will tell how the
various ethnic groups will reach an agreement.
At least the United States does not leave an opportunity to exert
pressure.... It does not want any delay
because the agreement is a precondition for the constitution to be presented to
the Iraqi people in mid-October.... The
U.S. government is convinced that it is able to cut the political ground from
under the terrorists' feet with the establishment of democratic
structures.... But neither the first
free elections nor the installment of president and government have thus far
been able to push back the rebels. On
the contrary, the underground war is getting even more brutal. Why the new constitution is to change this
remains Bush, Rice, and Rumsfeld's secret....
The conflict over federalism in Iraq plays a much greater role for
ending the war [than the question on the future role of women]. Kurds and Shiites want to bury Saddam
Hussein's centralized state and redistribute the country.... At first glance, this sounds like federalism,
but indeed dangers are looming, for Kurds and Shiites want to create
facts. Obviously, they do not think that
the Iraqi centralized state will survive, and possibly, they are not even
interested in it. The solution they have
suggested will marginalize the Sunnis, who would remain empty-handed when it
comes to the distribution of the country's raw material. We do not see how such a 'federal
constitution' can integrate the Sunnis.
But without the Sunnis, who are responsible for the rebellion, there
will be no peace. It is clear that the
Kurds work…for their idea of their own Kurdish state. The Shiites seem to forge
similar plans. But a constitution that
will be rushed by the Kurds, Shiites and Americans, who want to get rid of the
self-inflicted chaos, will not end violence.
On the contrary, it could lead to far-reaching conflicts in the entire
"Keeping Your Face"
Inga Rogg held in leftist die tageszeitung of
Berlin (8/2): "Washington commands
and Baghdad follows. Under U.S.
pressure, the Iraqi constitution writers agreed to stick to the schedule for
drafting the constitution. They must now
present a draft to the Parliament by August 15.
Given the matters of dispute, this appears to be illusionary but not
impossible.... The conflicts between the
large ethnic groups in Iraq are explosive.
To solve them could take years, but Washington does not have this time. Given the many victims among the troops, the
Bush administration wants to pull out of Iraq.
The withdrawal plans exist, but they can only be implemented if there is
a political success, regardless of the price."
"And the U.S. Fights Over Reduction"
Michele Farina concluded in centrist,
top-circulation Corriere della Sera (8/14):
"Blood and ink. There seems
to be no 'exit' from this 'exit.'
Sacrifice and Constitution. It is
the only possible exit strategy, according to U.S. President George Bush. The Marines will remain in combat, while the
Iraqis are preparing themselves to face the violence alone and the political
process continues."
"U.N. Extends Presence in Iraq For Another
Toni Fontana alleged in pro-Democratic Left
Party (DS) daily l’Unita (8/12):
"Yesterday, the specter of dividing and parceling out Iraq loomed
over Baghdad as the threat of constitutional negotiations ending in failure
appears more concrete.... In New York,
with a unanimous vote, the UN Security Council extended by one year the mandate
of the Iraqi UN mission, which ends today and involves about sixty civilian and
military personnel in Iraq.... On one
hand, the U.S. increases pressure on Baghdad negotiators and on the other it
boasts the intention to not withdraw.
Yesterday, after meeting with Rumsfeld and his security advisors, Bush
said that ‘it would be a mistake to withdraw [coalition] troops from Iraq’
because of the many soldiers recently killed, and added that the announcement
of the new constitution will occur on the pre-established date. But these official truths are denied daily by
facts. Recently, General Casey, U.S.
commander in Iraq, went to Najaf to discuss with Shiite leaders the modality of
U.S. disengagement. Najaf and Nassiryha
could be the first cities where coalition forces would hand over control to
Iraqis, but before proceeding down this road, the U.S. must absolutely show the
world that Iraqi leaders have reached an agreement, which for now…seems very
far away."
"Iraq, Vetoes Paralyze Constitution
Toni Fontana argued in pro-democratic Left-Party
(DS) daily L’Unita (8/8):
"There may be an agreement in the end. Maybe, as was leaked to the American press,
negotiations will not end with the presentation of an official constitution,
but with a shell agreement on some general principles. For now, however, there appears to be no way
out of the complicated situation in Iraq....
Yesterday Condolezza Rice strengthened the belief that the Americans are
anxious to leave Iraq; in an interview, the Secretary of State supported the
theory that ‘the insurgents are losing ground’ and in Baghdad they are
‘recording political progress.’ It is
not clear on what information Rice based this conviction since, at the moment,
including yesterday, reports from Iraq noted numerous violent actions."
"No Time For Constitution"
Alexander Samokhotkin noted in reformist Vremya
Novostei (8/16): "The U.S.
ambassador to Iraq, Zalmai Khalilzad, who is personally taking part in talks on
the draft constitution, has stated flatly that the document requires signatures
by Sunni leaders, because extremist Sunnis prevail among Iraqi rebel
leaders.... Moderate Sunnis, Americans
believe, could serve as a political counterbalance to Iraq's radical
Shiites. The United States fears that
elections in Iraq could bring to power spiritual brothers of Iranian
"Civil War Threatens Iraq"
Centrist Kristeligt Dagblad noted
(8/15): "The future for Iraq looks
bleak and there is reason to believe that the situation could develop into a
civil war. The U.S. and Coalition
countries are doing everything in their power to prevent this happening as a
civil war in Iraq could impact the entire Middle East."
"The Iraqi Constitution In The 12th Hour"
Lieselotte Millitz-Stoica judged in
pro-Democratic Convention and Civic Alliance Romania Libera (8/16): "Reaching an agreement over the
provisions of the future fundamental law is not at all exclusively of regional
interest, given that tens of states are closely watching both the Iraqi
security environment and the reconstruction of the country.... The Iraqi politicians might agree on a first
constitutional project that will be, of course, imperfect and incomplete.... The interim government runs the risk of
seeing the referendum scheduled for October"
"Iraq: The Situation Is Deteriorating, The U.S. Lacks
Independent El Mundo questioned (8/4): "What is happening in Iraq? The question is obvious, but the answer is
not. The fact is that the wide central
strip of the country, where a big part of the Sunni population lives, is under
a situation of extraordinary violence, with inflamed confrontations between the
insurgent guerrilla force on one side, and U.S. forces and the Iraqi police on
the other.... The resistance lacks a
leader or a concrete strategy, but it is united by a hatred of the U.S. and the
new government, which it considers a puppet of the allied forces. This armed resistance is a minority, but the
big tragedy is that the leaders of Saddam's dictatorship, the businessmen, the
learned professionals, and the intellectuals, share the same hatred of the U.S.
and thus wash their hands of what is happening.... The problem is that the presence of the
[U.S.] troops impede the normalization of the country and the existence of some
of the institutions that are accepted by the population.... The U.S. succeeded in defeating the dictator
that governed Baghdad, but has failed in rebuilding the country, maybe because
it lacked a plan when it got into the foolish adventure of the invasion."
"Bloody Chaos"
Left-of-center El País asserted
(8/4): "It’s a fact that, neither
militarily nor politically, is there a possibility for peace in Iraq, despite
the renewed claims of President Bush.
Washington’s advanced theories about the different phases of the
conflict are getting dissolved in an ever bloodier reality, which, if there is no
fundamental commitment among the different factions, points towards an open
civil war.... This recipe will be a
disaster if the Sunnis, who are opposed to a federal structure that would
corner them economically in their zone of influence, are not incorporated on
equal terms into an unified Iraq.... The
same calendar [towards a constitution] a worthless peace of paper if the
current grade of violence and political divergences persist. The first draft of a few days ago drew up a
medieval state that was nearly theocratic, absolutely distant from the American
promises of democracy. Still today, when
its writers announce progress, the process continues without agreement on
matters as crucial as the role of religion in the State, or of women’s rights.... There are still in the constitutional project
elements as inadmissible as the submission of women to religious
"Iraq And Religious Fundamentalism"
Erdal Safak commented in mass-appeal Sabah
(8/16): "It seems that Bush and
Blair’s pledge about freedom and equality for Iraq will remain as rhetoric,
particularly for the country’s women.
The 50-year history of a secular Iraq is about to be replaced by a
religious fundamentalist structure.
Northern Iraq is the only region that can save itself from this
fate.... Unless the U.S. intervenes at
the very last minute, the Iraqi constitution draft denies the rights of women
and treats them as second class citizens....
In fact fundamentalist practices against women have already started in
both Shiite and Sunni areas even before the constitution is approved.... It is worth asking the question: do we prefer northern Iraq to be an integral
part of a fundamentalist state, or do we prefer an autonomous but secular
northern Iraq?"
"August 15 For Iraq"
Cengiz Candar observed in
conservative-sensational Dunden Bugune Tercuman (8/16): "History tells us that efforts launched
with good intentions do not necessarily bring positive results in the end. Those who have the power of facilitating a historical
process do not always have the capability to control the results.... When Americans toppled the cruel regime of
Saddam Hussein and started the process of democratization in Iraq, none of them
could foresee the point that has been reached today. As a result of the ongoing democratic process
initiated by the U.S., Iraq is turning into another version of the Islamic
Republic of Iran. A Shiiteland has
emerged in the south, a Kurdistan in the north, and Iraq’s Sunni-controlled
central region has turned into a source of violence and terror. This was not the idea the U.S. had in mind
when it started this process. But it is
the reality in Iraq, at least for the foreseeable future."
"Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened"
Hakan Deniz noted in economic-political Referans
(8/16): "The operation in Iraq has
opened Pandora’s box and ruined the balances that had held for 70 years. The Kurds and Shiites are seeking a
federation in the short run, and aiming independence in the longer term. These two ethnic groups are demanding a share
of revenues from oil resources located in their territory. The Sunnis are disappointed by what they view
as a betrayal by western countries. One
would have to be very optimistic to expect that the sides will be able to reach
a workable agreement. On the contrary,
there are strong signs that there will be a period of clashes between Iraqi
groups. This is of direct concern for
Turkey. While making its economic and
political plans, Ankara should consider that a new era, and one that could be
very bloody, has started in the Middle East.
Who is going to benefit from all this chaos? Putting aside the insurgency and the military
casualties, the U.S. operation in Iraq has been very successful. The U.S. is no longer facing a regime that
withholds its oil from the U.S. market.
Instead, it faces three Muslim ethnic groups fighting with each other
over control of the country’s natural resources."
"There Is No Alternative To Turkey"
Kamuran Ozbir recognized in nationalist Ortadogu (8/15): "Turkey’s rejection of the passage of
U.S. troops across its territory in 2003 had a damaging effect on Turkey-U.S.
relations. The U.S. needs Turkey as much
as Turkey needs the U.S. There have been
some recent efforts on both sides to improve the relationship. Meanwhile the U.S. has found itself a new
ally--the Kurds. There was no such
alliance before, but the huge assistance the U.S. received from the Kurds in
Iraq paved the way for this new alliance....
But the U.S.-Kurdish partnership in northern Iraq is negatively affected
by the continuation of a weak economy in the Kurdish area. It seems certain that Washington, taking
these factors into account, will focus more on Turkey to improve bilateral
relations.... Turkey is an indispensable
part of NATO, with its unique geographical location."
"The Reality About The New Iraq"
Sami Kohen insisted in mass appeal centrist Milliyet
(8/10): "While the constitutional
process is underway in Iraq, all indicators suggest that Iraq is eventually
going to be both federal and Islamic.
Iraq is currently undergoing a complex and bloody transition
period. Once that is over, there will be
more clear clues to the permanent political order in Iraq.… The new
constitution apparently does not foresee a ‘united’ and ‘secular’ state system
for the future of Iraq. It seems that to
reach a consensus among the contentious groups, a federal and religiously
fundamentalist plan will have to be adopted.… Turkey should take into account
the new trends and emerging realities as part of Iraq’s rebuilding
process. In principle, Ankara does not
object to Iraq having a federal system.
Keeping Iraq’s territorial integrity intact--more specifically, keeping
the de-facto Kurdistan in northern Iraq as part of a unified Iraq--is the most
important point for Turkey. Therefore, a
federation that embraces all Iraqi groups should receive Turkey’s support as
well.… Turkey should facilitate a close dialogue with Iraqi officials and
leading groups to support the country’s territorial integrity and reduce
conflict between the communities. The
new realities in Iraq require Turkey to assume an active role in the rebuilding
of the country."
"The PKK Flag In Kirkuk"
Cuneyt Ulsever argued in mass appeal Hurriyet
(8/3): "Turkey is rightfully very
concerned about the PKK issue in Iraq, but this has not become a central issue
for Washington.... The PKK is a
terrorist organization, and any issue related to the PKK should be brought to
the attention of the Iraqi government.…
The U.S., on the other hand, is primarily interested in creating a
smooth process in Iraq, particularly the completion of work on the constitution
by August 15, and the holding of a general election in December. In this process, the Kurds in northern Iraq
are considered the closest allies of the U.S.
Therefore, the last thing the U.S. wants to do is to turn the Kurds
against it while it is trying to deal with the Sunnis and Shiites.... Is the U.S. really helpless in trying to
control the situation in Iraq?"
Constitution Is Far Removed From Reality"
Senior Middle East affairs analyst Zvi Bar'el
wrote in independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz (8/16): "The [Iraqi] draft constitution offers
the Kurdish minority some...concessions that are not all agreed upon. Despite the demand by the Shi'ite religious
leadership that Islamic law be 'the basic source' of legislation, the draft
stipulates that Islamic law will only be 'a basic source.' The omission of the article 'the' from the
text signifies a significant and far-reaching concession, not only to the
Shi'ites' secular faction, and of the Kurds who were opposed to a religious
formulation altogether--it will also strengthen the status of women. On the other hand, the constitution draft is
still rather unclear regarding the powers of the central government.... Participation of the Sunnis in
decision-making [which the constitution drafters are opposed to] could assist
in the continuation of negotiations against terrorist organizations and, more
importantly, would give the Sunnis a power of veto regarding the ad
option of the constitution through a
referendum. Meanwhile, it appears that
the political process being conducted in Iraq around the constitution is taking
place in a bubble that is detached from reality--in a country where dozens of
people get killed every day."
"Hope Is Still There!"
Jeddah's conservative Al-Madina
editorialized (8/15): "Although
many obstacles block progress on the constitution, especially issues raised
lately about federalism in the south, there is still hope. Iraqis will make their decision through the
coming referendum and elections to formulate a future similar to their
civilized history. A free united nation
for the Iraq's various ethnic, sectarian communities and political parties
under one umbrella will then be established."
"The Unity of Iraqis at Risk"
Riyadh’s moderate Al-Jazira faulted
(8/14): "The U.S. Department of
Defense last Friday banned the publishing of more photos from Abu-Gharib prison
for fear that this might increase the number of insurgents. In other words, the American authorities are
afraid that the release of more photos might provoke Iraqis to join the rebels...
The Iraqis must unite and build a political consensus to save their
country. The Iraqis must understand that
overcoming the current difficulties will not be accomplished by the hand of the
occupying forces. At the end of the day the American troops work only for
American interests."
"Iraqi Constitution"
Mecca's conservative Al-Nadwah
editorialized (8/14): "Despite the
many issues set forth for discussion there is doubt that the Iraqi draft
constitution will be presented to the National Assembly on time. Three major
issues have been agreed upon. They are
the name, the Kurdish militants and oil revenues. Approving this constitution means that Iraq
will be able to construct a nation-state that recognizes the rights of all
citizens who will be able to contribute to rebuilding their country as a strong
member of the regional and international community."
IRAQ: "London
Talks And Iraqi Constitution Cuisine"
Mazen Saheb spotlit in independent, recently
anti-coalition Az-Zaman (8/9):
"When the Iraqi opposition held meetings in London the current
United States Ambassador to Iraq was in attendance. During that event there were two types of
meetings, one that went on inside the hall, and the other for the leaders who
would one day decide the fate of the constitution. There were two Kurdish parties, INC, Al-Wigaq
(Iraq National Accord), The Supreme
Council for Islamic Revolution (SCRI), and Ashrif Ali Ben Al-Ussain. All of those organizations and leaders have
met again and this time they are attempting to work out the remaining kinks in
the constitution. The question is, are
there any new players looking out for the needs of the Iraqi people? Is there a new cook in the kitchen? If there is, then Iraqis didn't need to vote
in the last election and there is no need for the TNA.... I think that the current meeting on the
constitution will follow the framework of the TAL, which is another way of
saying that they will be an Iraqi translation of American law.... During my chat with Dr. Allawi, I noticed
that he continued to stress that democratic changes have occurred in Iraq. He wants to include those changes in the
constitution. He also wants to find a way to maintain the
democratic institutions that have been created, and continue to educate the
Iraqi people about politics. He believes
that religion should not be an issue in the constitution, even though an
Islamic identity is a reality for most Iraqis.
Recently Khalilzad, Al-Barzani, and Allawi came to an agreement amongst
themselves on the democratic principles in the constitution. Such a meeting of these three figures may
make the 'political leaders' meetings' a fruitless endeavor. While at the same time, Al-Sistani's list,
the Iraqi United Alliance, prefers a religious authority included in the
constitution, similar to the Iranian model....
He considers Islam as the basic source for legislation, while agreeing
with federalism as a general
principle. Therefore, one must
measure the differences between the 'Iraqi Opposition's meetings' in London and
the reality of drafting the constitution to understand what's cooking in
"Fine With Fog Draft Constitution"
Dr. Lateef Al Wakeel critically advised in Iraqi
National Congress affiliated Al Mutamar (8/9): "There are many essential issues that
the constitution should clearly address including: what will our democracy look like, how will
the government protect the dignity of all Iraqis, and how it will protect its
citizens from physical harm. So far the
constitution does address these issues.
However, it also includes unclear phrases and flexible expressions. Actually, we disagree over the meaning of the
holy Koran, so how can we hope to understand the Federal Islamic Country? Iraq is an united Islamic country, but it is
not a democracy.... Let us arm the
constitution with the tools that it needs to make Iraq a better place. I believe that the constitution must be
committed to protecting the human dignity of the Iraqi people. It should prohibit physical violations
against Iraqis and moral violations against their beliefs. It should guarantee equal rights for women. It should
protect the aged. It should
provide for the young.... Other
countries, like Germany, have similar laws and went through similar situations.... The Iraqi people are special. We need to show this to the world through the
constitutional process. The constitution
needs to help create a land of peace and justice, not war and violence. In this way, Iraq can be a sacred Islamic
country. We don't need to use our
religion as cover for hunger, ignorance and poverty. It is not important for the constitution to
refer to individual sects. But it must
protect the rights, and freedoms of these sects for all Iraqis."
"What Is Going On In Samawah And Why?"
Iraqi Media Network, pro-coalition As-Sabah
expressed concern (8/9): "We all
talk about the peaceful Samawah, the first province that will be completely
under Iraqi control when the MNF-I leave.
It will be run by an elected administration with total legitimacy
because the people of Samawah make all of the decisions.... Samawah...isn't a reconstruction success
story.... The sufferings of the people
in An-Nassiryia increased after the fall of Saddam.... While the Americans were involved in the war
on terrorism they forgot about reconstruction and forgot that building is the
only way to motivate the confused
provinces....Why not try to reelect a new council with a different mandate?
Why not have one that understands that they have no money and can't
provide services to their people?
At least the people would trust
them. What about the members of the
Islamic movements that have been selected to run the southern provinces? They are failing. This is obvious because the people are continuously
frustrated with them. Our concern is
that people are fighting against their leaders and their leaders are neglecting
them, and this might extend to other provinces.
Don't we understand the message of the incident in Samawah? Don't we know what the violent disorder in
the most secured provinces is trying to tell us? Its message is clear: The departure of the MNF-I won't fix anything
because we do not know how to run our
own affairs. We still need help. We
have no way other than guided by a fatherly power."
"Our Privacy And Our Generality"
Dr. Ali
Khulaif assailed in SCIR-affiliated Ad-Adala (8/8): "The constitution has to be a large and
inclusive document. It must be large
because it has a lot to accomplish and it must be inclusive because it must
cover the needs of all Iraqis. These are
the facts and Iraqi society must accept
them. It is not necessary for all
sides to achieve all of their demands.
However, it is not right to disallow their demands either. All sides must accept that they will
have to compromise while writing the
constitution. As a result, when a
certain group asks to have a special demand, they must ensure that their demand
does not limit the rights of others. We
must all commit to this process because we are one people, living in one
country.... We are in a critical stage
of our development as a nation, and we need to support each other. We need to build an Iraq that has no place
for injustice. Everyone needs to remember the ones who suffered from injustice
under Saddam's regime, and not inflict it upon others. Iraq needs the same people who fought dictatorship
to work hand in hand to draft a constitution in the spirit of compromise."
"The Heads of Political Masses and the
Historic Task"
Pro-Coalition, PUK-affiliated, Al-Ittihad
sought (8/7): "Local, regional and
international attention is focused on the meeting of the political leaders of
the TNA. This meeting is expected to
resolve the issues and disputes that the constitutional Drafting Committee is
currently facing. It is critical to the
process and may well decide the fate of the constitution. Many people are accusing the Kurds of
increasing their demands, restricting the political process as a result. However, there was a commitment in the TAL on
a variety of these issues, and if the
commitments were simply upheld, many points of dispute could be passed, and the
constitution could be finished without difficulties.... It is wrong to believe that the Kurds are
blocking progress on the constitution. They just want the promises that were made to
them fulfilled. Kurds are forcing the
various power brokers in Iraq to be
honest with themselves, holding accountable those who would seem to be willing
to abuse the rights of others, as it was in the past. This meeting will be contentious and
challenging, but will be a seminal point in Iraqi history, charting the future
course of Iraq."
"Provide Security And Services"
Al-Wifaq Party's pro-coalition Baghdad
remarked (8/3): "Robert McNamara
once said, 'that the basis of any country's security is its level of
development....' A country won't have
security or stability without some level of development.... Iraqis need the benefits of these services,
like reliable power, clean water, and good jobs. It is the government's responsibility to
provide these services. It is the
citizen's responsibility to take advantage of them and use them to make a
better life. The people are learning how to think for themselves instead of
just following the commands of a cruel dictator. The average Iraqi will need time to
adjust to this new situation.... The
Iraqi citizen has simple needs and would be satisfied with any improvement in
his living conditions.... His number one
priority is security, without which there is no life.... Security also means having the ability to
support oneself and one's family. By
dissolving the former regime's institutions, former CPA governor Paul Bremer
deprived a countless number Iraqis with a means to support themselves, deprived
them of their security. Did he not think
about how these people would live and support themselves? If this happened in the U.S., what would be
the reaction of the various human rights organizations?... They have failed to provide essential
services that were considered 'human rights' before the CPA and the ITG. The Iraqi citizen does not deserve to be
ignored by the government. If we really
want a stable and secure Iraq, then we need to calm down the situation. We need the government to focus on meeting
this one achievement for all of Iraq.
They need to provide these services to all Iraqis, regardless of their
beliefs, their sect, their religion or their background."
"Delaying The Constitution Will Delay
Iraq's Future"
Rasim Qasim observed in Al-Dawa party affiliated
Al Dawa (8/2): "There are
some basic issues that the constitutional drafting committee is still
discussing. These issues are federalism,
the role of religion in the government, and Kirkuk. Resolving these issues may take longer than
the time allotted to the committee to finish the constitution. However, if the constitution is not finished
on time, it will cause delays in the
progress of Iraq. The Iraqi people are
looking forward to the future because their present situation is not very
good. They want to live in a stable
society and they want their rights to be protected. The representative body of the Iraqi people,
which is the "Transitional National Authority," should take charge
and help the committee finish the draft on time. Logic and reason will win in the end, and
these issues will be resolved eventually.
Once the constitution is finished it does not really matter how long it
takes to solve our other problems. We
will have a document in hand that guarantees
our rights. As such, all
political sides should cooperate to unify and heal Iraq. By finishing the constitution on time, we
will earn the respect of the world. We
will also prove to ourselves that we are able to take responsibility for our
actions and our future. We must
accomplish this or we will lose everything."
"Federalism Is The Antithesis Of Separation"
Columnist Mohammad Abu Rumman claimed in
independent Arabic daily Al-Ghad (8/15):
"Even if we assume that the Iraqi Parliament was able to agree on
the constitution in time for the August 15 deadline, it would not mean that
dangerous and serious scenarios have been averted. This is for two reasons. The first is that the Sunnis are still
outside the context of the political process that threatens to render the
entire process a failure, and the second is that the draft constitution is
based on favoring sectarianism over general interests. The probable scenario is that the draft
constitution would be approved on time with some pending issues remaining, and
the most significant of the pending issues is how willing are the Iraqis to
live together and to have national unity, and, judging from the current
indications, this is not going to be supported.
We do not expect the Iraqis to be freed from the ghosts of the past that
instill a tendency for separatism and negativity. What needs to be done, therefore, is to
postpone the passing of the constitution until that time when there is
consensus on a wider scale and that is by bringing the Sunnis into the
political process and stressing the concept of co-existence. This is the real guarantee and infrastructure
that is necessary for any constitution or political arena in the new
"Kurds Gain Ground But Shias Want Autonomy"
Semi-official English language Gulf Times
wrote (8/13): "Iraq’s political
leaders were battling on late into the night yesterday in their efforts to
agree on a constitution ahead of Monday’s deadline. Indications from their meetings suggested
that the Kurds, who have been Washington’s strongest allies in Iraq, were
gaining ground in the negotiations. The
official name for Iraq was reportedly agreed on as the Federal Republic of
Iraq, recognising the Kurdish commitment to a federal structure while avoiding
any reference to Islam, which would have been favoured by the Shia
politicians. The future status of
Kirkuk, which the Kurds want as their capital, will be decided in December
after “normalisation” of the city, which apparently means reversing Saddam’s
policy of settling Arabs in the northern oil capital and driving out
Kurds. And the Kurds’ private army, the
Peshmerga, who remain the country’s only effective indigenous military force,
will not be absorbed into a national Iraqi army, it will instead operate as a
security force within the northern, Kurdish, area. Clearly, Kurdish hopes of using federalism as
a stepping-stone towards independence are still in place–-particularly as
“normalisation” of Kirkuk is likely to give them a majority in the city before
its residents decide what they want its future to be. So it should not have
been a surprise when the Shia leadership threw as spanner in the works by
declaring that it wanted a strongly federal southern block. The Shia, like the Kurds–but unlike the
Sunnis–have abundant energy resources in the area where they are the
overwhelming majority and hope to benefit from it. A Shia federation in the
south, where the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) is
the dominant political force, might also apply Islamic law in its area. Sunnis who are the majority in the centre and
west of Iraq, are afraid both that federalism could lead to fragmentation,
leaving them with an area which has few natural resources, and that the
politicians in the south are following an Iranian agenda, designed to
strengthen Tehran’s influence in the region.
As the top SCIRI leader, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, has called for Shia autonomy
after meeting the religious leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and radical
firebrand Moqtada al-Sadr, it seems that the Iraqi Shia’s most influential
leaders are agreed on adopting the Kurdish model in the south. However, the Sunni negotiators are unlikely
to agree to that being incorporated in the draft constitution and, if it is,
Sunni-majority provinces will almost certainly veto the document at the October
referendum. With two days to go before
the deadline for completing the draft, there are still huge differences between
the various sides and anything that is presented to the parliament looks
certain to be more of a work in progress than a well thought-out blueprint for
a successful and stable Iraq.
"A Surprise"
Semi-official Al-Watan mentioned (8/13): "The call by Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the
Iraqi Shia leader, for a Shia region in Iraq has not only surprised Iraq's
different political groups but also all those sincere non-Iraqis, who have been
calling for Iraq's unity since the first day of the American invasion."
"Iraqi Government Failure"
In Baghdad, Ziyad Al-Samarra’i asserted in an
interview by independent, Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera (8/9): "The Iraqi [people] see the security
[operations] carried out by the Iraqi a failure. [These operations] have not decreased the
[number] of [insurgent] attacks. On the
contrary, they have increased, and this is what has [affected] the state of
mind of Iraqi citizens, in addition to all [the other difficulties] that they
are experiencing.... [Iraqis] view the
issues of the constitution...the elections or decisions to be made by the
government as being far from their daily concerns. [They feel that these issues] do not address
their daily suffering, which is increasing day by day, and their situation and
services are worsening. [Iraqis] are
complaining...and it is their right to do so.
They want security first and then services, as well as other things that
the government must provide to every citizen."
"U.S.-Iraq Relations"
Dr. Nur Al-Tamimi stated in an interview in
Baghdad by independent, Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera (8/9): "The Americans are busy building large
bases in Iraq.... All indications show
that they will remain in Iraq to ensure long-term U.S. vital interests not only
in Iraq, but in the neighboring Arab [countries] and in the areas of the
Caspian Sea.... The political process
does not need F-16s, cluster bombs and other banned weapons. This is another indication that the U.S. administration
is floundering and that [its] propaganda plan has failed. [This is also an indication] of the failure
of its military plan in Iraq.... The
Americans still do not understand the mentality of Iraqis, which rejects any
foreign presence [in] Iraq. The
Americans are now [viewed] as occupiers, and Iraqis reject the idea of occupation. Therefore, the Americans must deal with this
fact and not with [plans] drawn by the Pentagon [conceived] of
"U.S. Copy Of Iraqi Constitution"
Ali Nasrallah, an editorialist in
government-owned Al-Thawra, commented (8/16): "The Washington Post reported that the
U.S. administration presented to Iraq a written draft constitution.... The Iraqi people need to take a decisive position
toward this American interference, especially since their nationalist forces
and political currents had rejected any foreign interference in their options
and constitutional affairs....
Washington is interfering in every Iraqi affair, big or small. It is interfering in Iraq's relations with
its neighboring countries, which are subjected from time to time to misleading
campaigns through statements from Americans and some Iraqi government
officials.... Some Iraqi officials
direct accusations at Syria without being able to offer any evidence. This shows that some Iraqi officials are
robbed of their wills and controlled by the Americans.... The Iraqi people must be alert to the schemes
that target their country, their national unity, and their Arab
"Syria's Will: Security And Stability In Iraq"
Izz-Eddin Darwish concluded in government-owned Tishreen
(8/15): "Iraqi Foreign Minister
Zebari stated that Syria has no political willpower to control its borders with
Iraq. Other Iraqi officials repeated the
same statement. The main thing is that
they are echoing what American officials are saying. These accusations are baseless. Syria is controlling its border with Iraq and
taking all the measures in this respect as it has a joint interest with Iraq to
have secure borders.... The issue is not
one of infiltration but has to do with the plan to bring pressure to bear on
Syria. Syria supports Iraq and the
Iraqis under all circumstances. We want
Iraq to enjoy genuine security and stability and get rid of the occupation, and
enhance its national unity and sovereignty.
This is Syria's stand and this is its political willpower toward
"A Scarecrow And Fooling Americans"
Adham al-Tawil had this to say in government-owned Tishreen
(8/15): "The U.S. administration
endeavors to convince its nationals that it is waging wars in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and a war on terrorism to protect them using every excuse to justify its
wars.... The question that one should
pose is until when will the Americans go along with this policy of stultification
taking into consideration that they have not forgotten yet that the Saddam
Hussein and his nuclear weapons were just the scarecrow that made most of them
support the war President Bush and his aides launched for their private
"Democracy The American Way, Canned Product Exported During
Wars And Occupation"
Dr. Sabah Azzam, a columnist in government-owned
Tishreen, commented (8/8):
"The U.S. attempts to spread democracy and respect of human rights
in the region. This is a method to which the U.S. resorts, including military
force, to spread this democracy.... It
becomes clear that the United States wants to impose its own concept of freedom
and democracy on the countries and people with the force of arms and through
wars and occupation. Naturally, it faced
and continues to face failure and more setbacks in this respect. All this dictates for Arabs is to be more
alert and serious to confront the schemes to impose hegemony on their resources
and the attempts to confiscate their decision-making and turn them into people
who are subservient to U.S. policies."
"Iraq At The UN Security Council Anew"
Ali Nasrallah, a commentator in government-owned
Al-Thawra, said (7/29): "The
United States is talking much about the political process in Iraq these days
because it is hoping to minimize its growing human losses, but without
weakening its position and presence in Iraq, and because it wants to suggest to
the Iraqi people and the world that it is interested in Iraq's democracy and
political future.... Donald Rumsfeld's
surprise visit to Baghdad cannot be seen in a political context. The visit came at a time when there are
conflicting American assessments of the situation in Iraq and followed the leak
of a British secret document on a possible substantial reduction of American
and British troops in Iraq....
Washington refuses to set a timetable for the withdrawal of its forces
from Iraq, but at the same time it stresses the need to speed up the training
of Iraqi forces so that they will replace the American troops inside cities.... This reflects a state of loss in the U.S.
position.... Rumsfeld's statements about
his country's intention to set a new legal basis for the role of the foreign
troops in Iraq reflect an attempt to neutralize these troops and keep them as
an occupation force.... To set this new
legal basis, a new UN Security Council resolution might be passed to legitimize
and perpetuate the occupation, and, consequently, maintain the state of tension
and instability, not only in Iraq but also in the entire region."
The [Iraqi] artist Ahmed Shargi, a resident of
the Netherlands, told Dubai-based, Arabic-language
(8/9): "'The Iraqi government…has
failed politically.... It is true that
this government succeeded outside Iraq in gaining international [approval], but
[this approval] is [supported] by the U.S. government, with the U.S. putting
pressure on [the other] governments [of the world].... Why did the Iraqi government fail
internally? Because [the reins of power]
are not in the hands of the U.S. government but in the hands of other parties
[that are acting] outside the U.S. strategy....'"
CHINA (HONG KONG, SAR): "Iraqi Constitution Must Be A Model For
The Mideast"
The independent English-language South China
Morning Post stated (8/1):
"Democracy is a relatively new concept to Arab and Muslim
societies, long used to rule by monarchs and autocratic leaders. Under such circumstances, the basic rights of
people, especially women, have been ignored.
This is especially true of most of Iraq's neighbors, particularly Saudi
Arabia and Syria, whose leaders refuse to relinquish control and allow
democratic rule. Kuwait gave women the
right to vote only this year and Iran's fundamentalist religious rulers
continue to deny their people the freedoms of political choice and
expression. Iraq's draft constitution,
which must be put to a referendum at the end of the year, is therefore an opportunity
for the country to show the rest of the region what democracy can provide. For the sake of harmony and building a
properly democratic society, lawmakers must overcome differences by allowing
proper representation of all sectors of society in future governments. The rights given to one community must be
extended to all others. Women must be
treated as equal to men. This way, Iraq
will be a model for others to follow and its people will gain the rights they have
been denied for so long."
"Iraq Moving Towards Democracy"
Columnist Hemantkumar Shah opined in
Mumbai-based centrist Gujarati daily Gujaratmitra (8/5): "It seems Iraq is gradually moving
towards democracy. Iraq’s new
constitution is expected to come into effect shortly. This will mark a new beginning for Iraq and
its people. Despite intermittent
terrorist attacks and bombings that have ruined Iraq, the Iraqis are involved
in the herculean task of stabilizing the situation and establishing democracy
on their soil. It is important to note
that the U.S. plan to impose democracy on Iraq, by dislodging former Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein, will not serve any purpose unless the people of Iraq
realize the importance of a democratic set-up.
The establishment of such a democratic system of governance has to come
from the people of Iraq and not from a foreign power. This seems to be a distant reality, as the
U.S.-led coalition forces have still not withdrawn their forces from this
strife-torn region.... Iraq’s journey to
democracy doesn’t seem to be a smooth one.
It will have to overcome many hindrances before realizing its
dream. If Iraq is successful in
establishing democracy, it will set a precedent for other Arab nations to
imitate its example. Its failure to
establish democracy will only provide the opportunity to the dictators to
strengthen their control in Arab nations."
"Conspiracy To Divide Iraq?"
The Karachi-based, pro-Taliban/Jihad
Urdu-language Islam maintained (8/16):
"After the failure of military occupation of Iraq, the global
powers have now started playing a dangerous game there, the results of which
they have not contemplated. Iraq is
seemed to be divided into three units of Shiite, Sunni and Kurd population. This will not help reduce resistance as
everybody is aware that right now the biggest resistance forces comprises of
Sunnis. If the U.S. wanted to prevent
more bloodshed and military losses in Iraq then it should announce an end to
its military and political intervention there and let the people of Iraq decide
about their own future."
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