August 30, 2005
** Media fault Washington's
"indecent haste" to complete the constitution.
** Sunni disaffection
threatens consensus on self-rule.
** Global outlets
debate: "federalism, or a
foundation for partition?"
** Iraqi papers generally
line up along predictable political lines.
'High Speed'-- Writers argued
Bush's "hastiness" to bring a "success story" to a U.S.
audience has "dramatically escalated" a situation where
"wisdom" and "willingness to compromise" were
required. The conservative Australian
concurred with global media that agreement on the constitution "under the
pressure of time" means a "postponement of the problem."
Sunnis 'unwilling to submit' to majority rule-- Editorialists worried that ignoring Sunni
"needs and interests" in the draft constitution will prove a
"dangerous move" because the Sunnis, posited one Malaysian writer,
have been "hoisted into a position to make or break any deal." Brazil's liberal Folha de S. Paulo
added that any agreement excluding the Sunnis means the "perpetuation or
even the intensification" of "civil war." A pro-constitution Iraqi writer described
Sunnis as suffering from "a ruler's logic and not that of one who has been
'Afraid of federalism'-- Media
differed in their assessments of the divisive "battle" over
federalism. Canada's centrist Globe
and Mail blamed Shia and Kurdish leaders for putting "their own religious
and secular interests" ahead of the "country's needs," while one
Russian editorialist criticized "wily" Sunni politicians who
"deliberately exaggerate" problems despite the
"concessions" made to them.
According to most Arab writers, federalism is a "step
backward" that will have a "dangerous and destructive"
result. One Syrian paper alleged the
U.S. agenda is to "divide and rule," predicting the call to establish
federal regions will "dwarf” Iraq and open the door for a “new
Sykes-Picot." Federalism may be the
"best possible solution," countered Lebanon's independent Al-Balad,
adding that Iraq was united only "under a dictatorship."
Support for 'free and fair' referendum-- Anti-coalition writers in Iraq saw the
constitution as a "plan to divide Iraq." One editorialist termed the National Assembly
a "theater of the absurd," calling on Iraqis to reject a draft
prepared in the White House "kitchen." SCIRI (Supreme Council of Islamic Resistance
in Iraq) affiliated editorialists denounced anti-federalism groups for
"trying to impose" agendas not in the "Iraqi national
interest," and questioned their intent in seeking to remove the article
banning the Ba'ath party. KDP (Kurdish
Democratic Party) writers claimed that central governments in Iraq are "ripe
for dictatorships," and blamed Iraqi media for failing to educate the
public about federalism. Those who
oppose it, argued Al-Ta'akhi, are either "ignorant" or have a
"nationalistic, or religious desire to control others." Independent papers, for or against the draft,
lauded the "democratic process," saying that disagreement between the
three groups is a "healthy point" in constitution building. Ad-Dustoor declared, "This is how
Iraqis should discuss and decide their future--through democracy and freedom."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Erin Carroll
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 153 reports from 30 countries over 19 August - 30 August,
2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from
the most recent date.
Flexible On Iraq's Draft Constitution.
Further Amendments May Be Needed Before Referendum"
The independent Financial Times (8/30) editorialized: "The reality is that for all its might
the U.S. has limited leverage over internal Iraqi politics. It should take a step back and stop trying to
micro-manage a process it cannot control.
Identifying U.S. interests and U.S. success exclusively with a Yes vote
on October 15 would be a mistake: it is
not obvious that the U.S. is better off with a Yes that isolates the Sunnis
than a No that brings them into the political process."
"Spinning To The Future"
The left-of-center Guardian declared (8/30): "Not surprisingly, given the mounting
domestic unpopularity of the Iraqi adventure, there has been heavy spin in
Washington (and London) as well as Baghdad.
George Bush's comparison of the Iraqi constitutional exercise with the
Philadelphia convention of 1787 is as fatuous as it is irrelevant. But others are out of touch with a brutally
changed reality too. Amr Moussa,
secretary general of the Arab League, lamenting a constitution that threatens
chaos, seemed to hark back to the halcyon days of a Middle East of stable
"Beacon Of Hope Fades"
The left-of-center Guardian (8/24) editorialized: "A month before the invasion of March
2003, Bush said a free Iraq could become 'a beacon of democracy across the
Middle East.' It is highly unlikely that
Bush or anyone else in Washington, not even in the right-wing think tanks, will
be claiming Iraq as a 'beacon of democracy.'
They will not be making the boast at all if, as is likely, the U.S.
pulls out against a backdrop of insurgency, lawlessness, power cuts, erratic
oil production, water shortages, the threat of breakup and the increased
influence of Iran."
"The American Obsession With A Quick Constitution Is A Recipe
For Disaster In Iraq"
Patrick Cockburn wrote in the center-left Independent
(8/24): "The determination of
American diplomats in Baghdad over the past few days to force a draft
constitution through the Iraqi national assembly at high speed is not aimed at
producing a political success to coincide with the birthday of President George
Bush. But it has everything to do with
the desperate need of the White House, as popular support for the war in Iraq
ebbs by the day across the U.S., to show that it is making progress. It is not Iraqi but American political priorities
which are paramount. This is turning out
to be a recipe for disaster."
"Freedom And Unity--Constitution Must Find Ways To Link These
The conservative Times editorialized
(8/24): "The effort of drafting a
constitution capable of commanding broad assent and respect is taxing Iraqi
society to the limit. Millions of
Iraqis, bred to fear and blind obedience, will barely, until now, have given
thought to what a democratically ordered Iraq may be like. The vehemence of the arguments, on street corners
and in committee rooms, will have come to many of them as a shock. Even for the drafters, some of whom have
spent years hoping and planning for the opportunity to build a democratic
state, the process has been an education, revealing just how complicated is the
mosaic of regional and local, ethnic and tribal, religious and secular,
loyalties and beliefs that Saddam Hussein's ruthlessly centralized dictatorship
had repressed."
"Iraq's Constitution Must Build Consensus,
Not Deepen Rifts"
The independent Financial Times stated
(8/24): "Meeting deadlines in Iraq
is important, not least for a U.S. administration desperate to show symbolic
progress and shore up waning domestic support for its policies. But in the face of a resilient insurgency and
growing sectarian attacks, the overriding consideration today must be to ease
sectarian divisions and stop Iraq's dangerous slide into civil war."
Gerard Dupuy wrote in left-of-center Liberation
(8/29): “Without the allied armies,
namely the American Army, never would the Iraqis have been so close to having a
Constitution so well tailored to their multiple needs. A little Islam, a little human rights.... This intricate distribution is also the only
chance for the text to be adopted by the Iraqis. The Sunnis, who have violently rejected the
U.S. presence...could lead the project to fail.... A project which is also the only trump card
Bush has in his hand to bring back his troops.... With ‘the boys’ in mind, Bush pushed hard for
the Constitution. But if it fails,
President Bush will get the opposite of what he wanted. While trying to gain time, he could end up
having lost time. Because there is no
doubt that the count down has begun in the minds of those surrounding the
President.... His public opinion is
against him, and the rumors of troop disengagement are a result of the
President’s mounting unpopularity. As
the game play becomes more difficult, it seems the president has less and less
time. On the opposite side, the
pro-Saddam insurgents possess a deadly weapon: to prolong the situation.”
"For The Iraqis, A Constitution, But
Problems Remain"
Pierre Prier noted in right-of-center Le
Figaro (8/29): “If one is to believe
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Iraq has been saved from the risks of a civil
war.... But if one look closely at the
constitutional text, nothing seems to have been permanently resolved.... The main concern of the government and the
various factions seems to have been to gain time and give in to pressures from
Washington, which is eager to see a positive outcome and begin military
disengagement proceedings.... But in
reality, the same problems appear unresolved.... In Baghdad, the U.S. Ambassador showed less
enthusiasm than President Bush, acknowledging that a rejection by the Sunnis on
October 15 would create ‘a problem.’”
"Iraq On The Brink of Breaking"
Gilles Delafon opined in right-of-center Le
Journal du Dimanche (8/29): “It is
Washington's whole strategy of reconciliation which is at stake and could
fail.... President Bush's worries are
such that he even called the Shiite leader el-Hakim asking for more
flexibility.... The democratic solution
that will be coming out of the ballots does not appear to be a guarantee for
pacifying Iraq. And the new victim of
Iraq's paradoxes is President Bush himself: not only has he had to court
el-Hakim, Iraq's pro-Iran figure, to allow more room to former pro-Saddam
proponents, he is also being threatened by American Evangelists who say they
will withdraw their support if the Iraqis adopt a Constitution which gives too
much importance to Islam.”
"Bush's Disturbing Optimism"
Jacques Amalric observed in left-of-center Liberation
(8/25): “Experience has taught us that
President Bush's remarks are an excellent barometer for measuring the evolution
of the situation in Iraq--the more he is optimistic, the worse the situation.…
This is why we should be concerned about his optimistic declarations on
Tuesday.… Reality of course is different: the text of the Constitution is said
to be giving the lion's share to Islam as the ‘principal source’ in Iraq's
legislation.… The fact that the Sunni community has not been integrated in the
constitutional project is a major political failure for the U.S. and a marked
success for the ‘pro-Saddamists’ and their Islamic allies.… The U.S. refused to
allow enough time for the project because of its eagerness to accelerate Iraq's
political process.… If the Constitution is rejected next October, this could
intensify the rampant civil war and push the Kurds and the Shiites to proclaim
their autonomy. This would be enough to
destabilize an already shaky region which has Iran increasingly enmeshed in
Iraq's affairs. Time is pressing for
Bush the optimist, whose Iraq policy is approved by a mere 34 percent in the
"For Iraq, A Constitution Full Of
Christophe Boltanski wrote in left-of-center Liberation
(8/24): “The White House, which is in
dire need of good news from Iraq, saluted the ‘advance made in Iraq.’ But even if an agreement on the Constitution
is reached by Thursday, it will not help to reduce violence on the ground or
put an end to the controversy in the U.S.
In its editorial, the NY Times was very critical of the charter
which it considers to be an open door to a ‘Iranian-style theocracy’ in
"The Neo-Conservative Ambassador From Kabul
To Baghdad"
Corine Lesnes commented in left-of-center Le
Monde (8/24): “Khalizad was among
the neo-conservatives who had initially said that toppling Saddam would help
spread democracy in the Middle East....
After having been ‘Bush's Afghan’ he has become ‘Condi’s Iraqi.’ But Baghdad is not Kabul.... The former Ambassador, John Negroponte had
shined by his discretion.... Today the
Iraqis resent Washington's pressures....
Khalizad does not deny having provided fully written parts of the
Constitution to the Iraqis.... Khalizad
continues to believe that Iraq can be an example for the Middle East.... After the August 15 failure, he went back to
the drawing board, especially since the Constitution is the key to Washington's
exit strategy.”
“In Iraq, Policy, Not War”
Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute opined in
right-of-center Les Echos (8/24):
“In Iraq, the U.S. has won the war of the skies but cannot impose itself
on the ground.... War is often a sign
that politics have failed.... Every time
the U.S. refuses to give a date for the withdrawal of its troops from Iraq, it
feeds the insurrection.... Too many
Iraqis are ready to die in their fight against the occupier.... No one doubts the need to fight
terrorism. But the war in Iraq and huge
military spending are something else.
Americans must invest in peaceful development rather than in military
bases in countries that are being exploited.
The U.S. must withdraw from Iraq.
Afterwards, the U.S. will be able to use its political and economic
weight to participate in the management of a complex and difficult situation it
has helped create.”
"Fatal Time Pressure"
Reymer Klüver had this to say in center-left Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of Munich (8/29): "This
failure could hardly be more spectacular....
Even though a constitutional draft has formally be presented, the talks
de facto failed because the Sunnis refuse to approve the text. The United States is faced with a pile of
debris: Its strategy to force the
arguing groups in Iraq to find an agreement by insisting on a tight timetable
for the formation of the government, the agreement on a constitutional draft
and parliamentary elections failed.
Those who give ultimata and set deadlines should at least have an idea
of what should happen if this agreement is not reached...but the events in Iraq
showed that the Americans had no 'Plan B,' no idea of what needs to be done if
the Sunnis continue to refuse to give their approval. Right from the onset, it was a mistake to
reach an agreement by exerting time pressure.... A new wave of violence will now break out in
Iraq if the Sunnis leave the political debate after the bickering about a new
constitution and support extremists and rebels.
If this happens, the Americans would not only be faced with a political
but also a military failure in Iraq."
"Iraqi Dilemmas"
Rainer Herrmann argued in a front-page editorial in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (8/29): "Formally
the Iraqi convention on the drafting of a constitution has reached its
goal...but politically it failed: all sides involved did not reach a
comprehensive consensus.... This first
attempt for a constitution is threatening to fail because two dilemmas cannot
be resolved: First, it requires much time to work out a constitution...but Iraq
does not have this time.... The second
dilemma is even harder to dissolve.
During many centuries, the Sunnis ruled over the region. Obviously, they are not yet willing to submit
to the Shiite majority, while the Shiite and the Kurds plan to radically break
with the past.... The goals of the three
ethnic groups differ too much and they cannot be met in a central state."
"Hope For Iraq"
Dietrich Alexander contended in right-of-center Die Welt of
Berlin (8/29): "A constitutional
draft for Iraq after all! It is by no
means clear whether this is also the hour of beginning of a new
Islamic-democratic model state.... We
cannot and should not expect the Iraqis to pull a rabbit out of the
constitutional hat that can define an Iraqi identity and harmonizes with
Kurdish and Shiite efforts for autonomy....
We should beware of too much euphoria, but overwhelming pessimism is
also out of place in view of this respectable and democratic achievement of the
Iraqi constitutional fathers.... The
three large ethnic groups should first of all find a modus vivendi which reflects...the
power realities in Iraq and that could be changed and amended later and be
adjusted to the situation. That is why
the convention acted wisely by referring the question of federalism to a future
institution with greater legitimacy....
The Kurds must then bid farewell to their previous priority treatment
and overrepresentation like some Shiites from the idea of an Islamic religious
state, or the Sunnis from their striving for a central authority.... But a federal structure should not mean that the
Sunnis are turned to pariahs and live in a large sandbox along the central
Euphrates river without getting access to the oil wells in the South and
North.... The Americans should not play
a role in all this. A constitution
dictated by the 'infidels' would have no chance. The Iraqis must take time and live, if
necessary, with an interim constitution for years. But they must finally begin to take their
fate into their own hands. The starting
signal was given yesterday."
Birgit Cerah opined in an editorial in left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau (8/26): "Iraq's
political power games are intensifying in their ugliness and their
brutality. But it was the discussion
about the constitution, which was supposed to reconcile the ethnic groups that
had fallen out with each other. But the
opposite has taken place. The rows over
federalism, Islam, and oil revenue have revealed the potential for a civil
war. Even the usually restrained Saudis
are now admonishing their neighbors. If
a civil war begins in Iraq, then it will first influence Saudi Arabia. The U.S. pressure to stick to a certain
timetable…dramatically escalated the situation.
It requires wisdom and willingness for compromise to lead the country to
democracy to save the unity of a country that was drafted on the colonial
drawing board. This also requires time,
but the Iraqis…did not get this time....
A constitution without consensus promises an even worse situation or no
future at all. Nevertheless, many Sunnis
are determined to express their 'no' not by using a gun but by going to the
polls. Even if this required a new
beginning of the constitutional process, this setback would correspond with the
will to use democratic means. This alone
is considerable progress."
"Looks Like A Funeral"
Right-of-center Rheinische Post of Düsseldorf (8/26)
argued: "This was a black day for
Iraq, since it was characterized by a grave political defeat. The vote on the constitutional draft was
postponed for the third time, and this time to an undetermined day in the
future. This looks like the funeral for
a document that was supposed to bring Iraq a charter for a free and peaceful
co-existence. The timetable is now
getting mixed up. It is in the stars when
the interim constitution can be replaced by a final version that is accepted by
all ethnic groups.... Thus far, it has
mainly been Sunni terrorists, old Saddam cadres, and supporters of a Sunni-led
Baath party have relied on the use of force.
They want to use all means possible means to prevent democratic
improvements. But now the violence is
also breaking out among the Shiites.
Iraq is heading for a civil war."
"The 'Period' Trap"
Business daily Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
(8/25) had this to say: "In the
drama about Iraq's future constitution... impatience could turn into a real
danger. President Bush urgently needs a
success story for an increasingly skeptical public at home. The official deadlines for the adoption of
the constitution passed long ago and this is why pressure is mounting to end
the case quickly and to postpone all open questions. But this would be the false approach. In the constitutional question, it is not
swiftness that counts but mainly the quality of the compromises on the most
important controversial questions....
Whatever the size of the current problems, no one should ever
underestimate the historic dimension of this task and the enormous difficulties
of all sides involved. In Baghdad, a
constitution must be worked out for a country that came into existence as a
colonial artificial edifice, a country that does not have a democratic
tradition nor models in its neighborhood....
Even under the most peaceful framework condition, it would be a
Herculean task to settle these conflicts.
But in Baghdad, the environment is not peaceful: Various groups are trying to prevent any
stabilization by using force. That is
why it is all the more important to keep the political process alive. Leading Sunnis...are now calling upon their
supporters to reject the constitution in the planned referendum in
October. This would be another bitter
setback, but it also shows that civil war is not unavoidable. Those who pin their hopes on the ballot boxes
instead of arms have not yet written off a joint future."
Ulrich Ladurner opined in center-left weekly Die Zeit of
Hamburg (8/25): "It is difficult to
side with the Sunni Arabs...but this is exactly necessary now. The Iraqis are drafting their constitution,
and it seems that the needs and interests of the Sunnis are ignored.... Indeed, the planned federalization of Iraq
provides the Kurds and Shiites with autonomous areas and the control the oil
fields. Kirkuk and Basra, not Baghdad,
will be the names of the new centers of power.
We could now certainly wonder whether this is wrong...but the answer is
that Iraq will not have a future without Sunnis. If they refuse to cooperate, Iraq will
disintegrate. Then it may be possible
that Kurds and Shiites will control their areas including the oil resources,
but they will not be happy with it. For
a disintegration will be bloody, no one will come to rest, irrespective of how
many rights or oil he has."
Dietrich Alexander opined in an editorial in right-of-center Die
Welt of Berlin (8/24): "It is
[not?] a miracle that the Kurds and the Shiites have more or less reached an
agreement on the future political structure of the country, since they want the
same: far-reaching autonomy and independence
from the central government in Baghdad.
But this is what the Sunnis reject...and they have good reason to do
so.... But the Sunnis may reject the
federal structure as much as they can but they will be unable to prevent it if
the population majority of the Shiites approves it and if the Kurds back
them. The Kurds established this
[federal] system long ago under the allied protective shield. For them, there is no alternative. But Shiites and Kurds should not make the
mistake to assert their constitutional draft over the Sunnis' head.... The Sunnis must be represented in a
politically appropriate way and must get their share in the oil revenue of the
country. But before, they should give up
their political boycott.... This would
deprive the foundations of Sunni terrorism under Zarkawi. In view of all this, time pressure from
Washington is not useful, for at issue in Iraq is vital questions that will
decisive for war and peace."
"By Hook Or By Crook"
Markus Ziener penned the following front-page editorial for
business daily Handelsblatt of Duesseldorf (8/24): "There are many reasons for strife in
Iraq: there is the artificially created
U.S. time pressure.... there is the fact
that the majority of Sunnis abstained from voting in the January elections and
since they are dependent on the mercy of Kurds and Shiites, there is also the
Sunni fear to go down in an Iraq where the Shiites have the majority. All these are reasons to postpone a
discussion over the constitution. But in
Iraq nothing is normal. The United
States wants to accomplish one thing: to
create facts. If the military
pacification of the country does not succeed, then political progress must be
presentable. Washington is even willing
to accept a Shiite-Iranian dominance to achieve this goal. This gives us some indication of the White
House's despair about the situation in Iraq.
But even Kurds and Shiites seem to be determined to assert their constitutional
ideas against the Sunnis. Against the
historical background of a decade-long suppression by the Sunnis, this attitude
is understandable. A bad constitution is
better than no constitution? No, this
view is wrong. It would be another birth
defect of the new Iraq. The country
would suffer, again and again."
Center-right Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (8/24)
noted: "Iraq is far away from being
an anchor of stability in the Middle East.
The contrary is the case. In the
midst of this violence, a constitution is to be implanted which is supposed to
keep the country together? The
constitution itself, in which the West rightfully pins much hope, has now
turned into a bone of contention among the various ethnic groups. The Sunnis, who had the say under Saddam,
have reason to fear that Kurds and Shiites will split oil revenue among
themselves in a federal Iran and leave them on the rocks. The character of the constitution, which is
supposed to unite the people, will thus be reduced to absurdity."
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger argued in center-right Frankfurter
Allgemeine (8/24): "Is the
tough course of the debate over an Iraqi constitution really evidence, as
skeptics on democracy in the Middle East argue, that the country can be
governed only with a tough hand, i.e. with methods of a dictatorship? It is true that fundamental differences have
surfaced among the ethnic groups in the constitutional debate.... It is obvious that it will not be easy to
find an agreement on it. But those,
including the ones in the United States, who declare the democracy experiment
in Iraq a failure, should keep one thing in mind: there had been conflicts in
the past, but under Saddam they were 'settled' by displacing, suppressing or
killing people.... Those who are
impressed by the seriousness of the constitutional debate in light of terror
have by no means been taken in by U.S. propaganda. These attempts do exist like Washington's
attempts to determine the course in Baghdad.
But you can look at it from whatever angle you like, Iraq will have a
new face sooner or later."
"America's Illusion"
Tomas Avenarius judged in center-left Sueddeutsche Zeitung
of Munich (8/24): "Iraq is not a
historically grown country. It is an
artificial product that came into existence through borders drawn by the
mandatory powers after WWI; and they did not show any consideration for ethnic
and religious particularities. This is
now coming back to haunt [the Americans]....
Saddam's dictatorship kept this edifice together. The federal and democratic republic, which
the United States is striving for has not yet created this unity.... The constitutional draft will hardly get the
approval by the Sunnis in October. They
have no incentive to accept it, since they are excluded from power. This means that disintegration is
looming.... The beneficiaries would be
the Kurds who have dreamt for years about their own state. The other winner would be Iran. A Shiite government in southern Iraq...will
seek proximity with Shiite Iran. This is
all the more so since Iranian politicians already have a certain control over
the Shiite parties in Iraq. Thus the
mullah regime, which the United States has grimly fought for 25 years, could be
the real beneficiary of George W. Bush's policy."
"Holidays From War"
Business daily Financial Times Deutschland
of Hamburg (8/23) editorialized:
"President Bush calls his policy towards Iraq 'strategy' but it is
increasingly the attempt to hush up a failure.
The shyness to accept reality may be understandable in view of the
disastrous situation in Iraq. Some
events remind Americans of their most painful wound in their mind: Vietnam.
At that time, people departed from Washington with power illusions. But the withdrawal also had a totally
different meaning. Today, it would not
only be confession of a defeat. The
implications for Iraq and the entire Middle East and for the international
security situation would be disastrous.
To the extent to which calls in the United States for a withdrawal are
getting louder, President Bush should counter such appeals. But he is shying away from assuming
responsibility for his incomplete democratization work. A withdrawal is no reasonable alternative,
and a dramatic extension of the military presence is hardly imaginable in view
of the mood in the United States and the problems to recruit people
either. That is why it is all the more
important that Bush explains how he wants to get out of the confused
situation. Among the many bad
alternatives an unpopular reinforcement of the forces and thus a possibly more
active strategy in the hunt for insurgents seems to be the best
alternative. But this change of strategy
would result in even more U.S. victims.
No wonder that Bush prefers to go on vacation instead of talking plain
"A Missed Opportunity"
Aldo Rizzo commented in centrist, influential La Stampa
(8/29): “This Iraqi Constitution risks
remaining a theoretical document, a missed opportunity or worse, triggering a
civil war that is, after all, already creeping up.... The dispute is not doctrinaire, it does not
affect, except in a minor way, the aspects of a possible democratic
future. Rather it concerns the central
crux of power, its distribution among the three ethnic groups, and a power that
signifies the sole control and great wealth of the country, oil.... The Sunnis can block the popular referendum
in the middle of October, winning only two-thirds of the votes in three of
eight provinces.... Or alternatively,
they could nullify popular consultation, further extending the homicidal and
suicidal violence. If these extreme
hypotheses were realized, the 'democratic process’, instead of being or
appearing to be the only plausible justification for Bush's war against Saddam,
would be the detonator of an even greater crisis that could definitively blow
up Iraq (and its surroundings).”
"A Slap In The Face To The U.S."
Bernardo Valli asserted in left-leaning, influential la
Repubblica (8/29): “The American
forceps did not work. They have not
managed to draw a unanimous consensus from the Iraqi mix of the three large
communities on the text of the Constitution, to submit to a referendum next
October. An indispensable consensus in
order to advance the political process, on whose success Iraqi victory is
dependent.... The operation, intended to
provide this volcanic country with a democratic Constitution, is ambitious and
praiseworthy. It is titanic. One does not often see such an the
Middle East. But the idea of being able
to deliver a democracy from the Iraqi reality, using a force composed of the
most historically modern and powerful nations as a forceps, appeared risky from
the beginning. You can understand why
Bush would defend it.... And he is in
hurry to realize it. Since the original
objective of annihilating the threat of weapons of mass destruction, which were
revealed to be nonexistent, vanished, the U.S. President wants to demonstrate
that the three years of military adventure, in spite of the large human,
political, and moral cost, served to set Iraq on a path towards democracy.”
“Iranian Specter On Constitution”
An article on the front page of elite,
center-left daily Il Riformista (8/26) commented: “The re-explosion of the clash in the Shiite
camp do with the constitution.
Sadr, who has always been close to the more radical Iranian segments, is
apparently in favor of a constitution that offers a federalist outlet to a
future Shiite region inevitably bound to gravitate toward Iran.... The new constitution is bringing all the
unresolved issues of the Iraqi transition to light. The hastiness of the White House, determined
to continue quickly with the exit strategy, was not beneficial. The sole objective of the constitutional
agreement should not have been the difficult and necessary compromise between
the Shiites and Kurds...but it should have also aimed at dividing the Sunni
alignment.... American contacts with the
insurgents in recent months aimed exactly at that. Washington's endorsement of a text that
severely punishes the Sunnis, reunites all the components in a new ‘front of
refusal.’ It is a dangerous move because,
despite internal divisions, this time the Sunnis will vote.... The Sunni reaction could not have been but
negative. The highly influential Council
of the Ulemas claims that the new constitution presages the division and
explosion of the country, and refuses to recognize it as legitimate.”
"A Theocratic Iraq"
Giuliana Sgrena, former Italian hostage in Iraq, commented in
Communist Il Manifesto (8/25): "Bush’s new ultimatum, the approval of
the constitution to maintain the timetable established by the U.S. before the
departure of CPA Paul Bremer, is quickly leading Iraq toward a Lebanon-like
situation.... The entire process, which
was triggered by the war and the occupation, is leading the country adrift,
beginning with the power vacuum created when foreign armies overthrew Saddam’s
regime. Iraq is a country in which no
laws are in effect, that must be rebuilt from its foundation and that must give
itself its own forms of democracy following decades of a bloody dictatorial
regime, while it had to approve a constitution in record time (three
months!)--something that can only work in Washington. So the land of Babylonia...had to accept a
constitution imposed by the new U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad.... In order to ‘export democracy,’ Bush has
created a new Shiite Islamic state ally of Tehran just when he is on a
collision course with Tehran. The
laity--Kurds, Shiites, Sunni--and the minorities are fundamentally excluded
from a process that should guarantee democratization.... The Sunnis boycotted the elections because
they were taking place under occupation, but now they are signing up...for the
referendum on the constitution.... While
the elections in January...were clearly a false move--elections in themselves
do not represent democracy, especially if they exclude 20 per cent of the
population--the approval of the constitution without the Sunnis’ approval is
even worse because it jeopardizes the future of the country and a
Lebanonization is certainly not desirable, although it currently appears inevitable.”
"Saddam’s Shadow Disrupts Enactment Of The Constitution"
Gabriel Bertinetto in pro-Democratic Left Party (DS) l’Unita
(8/25): “Since the end of the
dictatorship, the Sunnis live in fear of complete marginalization.... Acknowledging that they are only 20% of the
population, they fear remaining crushed in a mechanism of political and
institutional reorganization that may not coincide with the democratic process
label given by the Americans.... When in
the articles proposed by Shiites and Kurds there appears ‘any organization that
adopts a racist, terrorist, extremist, or partisan ideology with particular
reference to Saddam’s Baathist party,’ it alarms them and they protest. Not for the love of the tyrant, but because
they interpret the explicit mention of the former party as the source of
enduring future ostracism in the clash of these hundreds of thousands, if not
millions, of people who accepted the Baath party during Saddam’s time, and
because of this, by one of the most senseless American decisions, they lost
their job in a liberated and occupied Iraq.
Everyone, not only the hierarchy and accomplices of the crimes committed
by Saddam.”
"Iraq, Shiites Decided: Tomorrow We Will Approve New
Fausto Biloslavo noted in pro-government, leading center-right Il
Giornale (8/24): “The tug-of-war
over the Iraqi constitution continues, with the Shiites determined to vote on
it in Parliament without changes, the Sunnis threatening a civil war and the Kurds
in the middle.... According to President
Bush, the Iraqi people have already changed, with respect to a past
dictatorship, by preparing the draft constitution. The White House chief is urging the Iraqis to
reach a consensus among all of the factions, but warns: ‘The Sunnis must
choose. Do they want to live in a free
society or amidst violence?’”
"Sunnis Have Final Say On Constitution"
Michele Farina observed in centrist, top-circulation Corriere
della Sera (8/24): “Article 2 in the
constitution presented the other night in Baghdad’s Parliament defines the
political system as follows:
‘Republican, parliamentary, democratic and federal.’ The Sunnis are against federalism. They are afraid it will divide the country:
They fear losing the oil that is found almost entirely in the Shiite South and
Kurdish North.... The Sunnis are already
thinking about a referendum and a way to rebuff the draft constitution.... A referendum.
Like in Switzerland. The people
will decide. The only thing is that this
is Iraq.”
“Baghdad’s Hidden Fiesta”
Magdi Allam in centrist, top-circulation Corriere della Sera
(8/23): “It is an eleventh hour
compromise to attempt to obtain the adherence of the Sunni minority to the
founding act of the new free and democratic Iraqi state, approved by the
majority of Shiites and Kurds who hold 215 out of 275 parliamentary
seats.... The Sunnis’ real problem is
the oppressive conditioning by Saddamist and Binladian terrorist groups.... In any event, the day after tomorrow we will
have the official text of the draft of the new Constitution, proof of the
Iraqis’ determined will for freedom and democracy. Now we must only hope that we--in Italy, in
Europe and in the West--will open both our eyes once and for all and see Iraq's
reality for what it is, not for what we imagine it to be with the ideological
filters that...depict a succession of terrorist attacks as what some are still acts of ‘resistance.’”
“Iraq, The First Agreement Between Shiites And
Alberto Negri
in leading business daily Il Sole-24 Ore (8/23): “The new Constitution describes Iraq as ‘a
republican, parliamentary, democratic, and federal state,’ but for what
filtered through yesterday, the still an imprecise description on
an autonomous level of the various federalist components.... These problems seem to be unresolved in the
constitutional draft and Islam's role is still not clear. It is true that Islam becomes one of the
sources of legislation, a common factor in a majority of Muslim States.... The real question is what will be, amid the
influence of religious autonomists and fundamentalists, the material
application of the new Constitution that will go into effect only after the
popular referendum on October 15.
However, we must make two observations:
This document was written in a war zone, in a country constantly on the
verge of civil conflict. Thus, the
writing of the draft shows itself to be a process that has divided instead of
unified the three principal Iraqi components.
Maybe all of this was inevitable, but in the meantime, while parties and
constituents discuss, very little has been done to halt the collapse of the
Iraqi State and its civil society.”
“Federal Oil”
Boris Biancheri in centrist, influential daily La
Stampa (8/23): “The Americans are
more or less discretely piloting the process (thanks also to their active
Ambassador to Baghdad of Iraqi origin) and finding themselves in a
dilemma. Typically more favorable to the
federal formula which is closer to their own concept of democracy and in any
case is supported, other than by the Kurds, also by authoritarian Shiite
influences, they realize that the greater the federalism, the greater the
individual rights will be.... In the
final phases, the Americans are pushing for it to be done quickly. It is understandable. The start of a democratic process has until
now been the only positive factor in such a disastrous war.”
“A Providential Draft”
An article in elite, center-left daily Il
Riformista (8/23): “Everything
leaves one to believe that the agreement was reached more by forcing through
ongoing differences in order to avoid another delay in the deadline for the
agreement, rather than succeed in the attempt to approve a genuinely shared
solution among the three areas of the country and the dozens of political
parties that really count. Knowing that
Tehran has again begun rooting for intransigence, and how sharpness of the
claws of the numerous Sunni insurgents, it is too early to toast to victory.”
RUSSIA: "Sunni
Reformist Vremya Novostey quoted Georgiy Mirskiy of the
International Relations and World Economy Institute (8/29): “Sunni politicians--the most active and wily
ones--are out to sink the constitution in October. Despite the many concessions made to them,
they deliberately exaggerate problems related to federalism. Clearly, the Sunnis would like the elections
to strengthen their position considerably.
They boycotted last January's vote and are determined to make up for it
by thoroughly preparing for the new elections.
It is not ruled out that the Sunni will come to terms with the majority
Shia...killing the idea of federalism, with the Kurds hurt the most.”
"A Boundless Constitution”
Vladimir Bogdanov stated in official Rossiyskaya Gazeta
(8/29): “Many experts fear the current
shaky compromise is no ultimate solution to the problem of an Iraqi
constitution. The probability that the
draft basic law will not survive the referendum is quite high. It will not if the three central
Sunni-dominated provinces vote against it.
There is no unity among the Shiia either.”
"Draft Grants Kurdish, Shia Autonomy"
Alexander Samokhotkin commented in reformist Vremya
Novostei (8/24): "The draft was
the result of accords reached by the Kurds and Shia religious leaders
controlling 225 out of 275 seats in the National Assembly. It takes account of far from all demands by
Sunnis (only having 17 seats in parliament), who used to be a privileged minority
under Saddam Hussein.... The name of the
future state--the Republic of Iraq--does not contain the words 'Islamic' (on
which the Shia initially insisted) and 'federative' (which Kurds wanted). Still the draft fundamental law defines the
state as a parliamentary federation, in which Kurds and Shia would have
autonomy. Sunnis dislike this. They have threatened the United States by the
prospect of the emergence of a Shia state in southern Iraq--close to the
borders of Shia Iran, so much hated by Washington.... To ease differences, the draft will contain a
provision reading that oil revenues will be distributed among regions in
proportion to their population. This is
a serious concession by Kurds to Sunni Arabs making one-third of Iraqis. Kurds make 20 percent of the country's
population and initially wanted 65 percent of oil revenues.... U.S. Ambassador Zalmai Khalilzad has noted
that Sunnis' participation in the preparation of the Constitution is very
important, because it is impossible to defeat combatants by military means
alone. It is worth noting that Sunnis
make a majority among Iraqi rebels."
"Without A Constitution"
Vladimir Bogdanov wrote in the official government Rossiiskaya
Gazeta (8/23): "If the Iraqis
fail to agree on a Constitution, the country will be back to square one. The National Assembly would be
dissolved. And it would be anyone's
guess in what direction things would move.
To start everything from scratch?
But this is not in the interests of the Americans or the Iraqis. The first to suffer from such a decision
would be the image of the U.S. and the current administration. Last year Washington was jubilant that the
plan for Iraq had been approved and accepted by the international community.... Now it risks drawing a blank. If things collapse now, it means all their
efforts had been in vain and the withdrawal of American troops will become
highly problematic. The White House is
so eager to see an early adoption of the Constitution that it has even dropped
its objections to the role of Islam in Iraq.
Washington has agreed that Islam would be declared one of the 'sources'
in the development of new legislation.
That is a huge concession on the part of the U.S."
Running Out For Iraq"
Commentator for centrist Die Presse Helmut Dumbs opined (8/24): “’We cannot please everybody,’ says Iraq’s
Shiite President Ibrahim al-Jafari. What that means is: If the Sunnis do not accept our
constitutional draft, we won't bother any more.
After all, the draft can pass the parliamentary hurdle with a comfortable
Shiite Kurdish majority--however, there is the danger that it will be rejected
in a referendum in the core Sunni provinces.
Then the tedious process would have to begin again. Time, however, is running out for Iraq. The circle of violence that has been set in
motion by Sunni rebels, Shiite militia, and government-affiliated death
squadrons is spinning out of control, the danger of a civil war is
looming. If the situation keeps
deteriorating, one thing could prove to be an advantage: The fact that the state whose constitution is
currently the bone of contention, will soon no longer exist. The gamble for federalism and oil is a
dangerous one. Some Iraqi politicians
seem to accept that. However, a wildfire could also sweep them away.”
"Dead End"
Foreign affairs editor Gudrun Harrer commented
in independent Der Standard
(8/24): “The truth is that there
is not even a clear definition of what exactly is being discussed.... What next?
At the moment, all scenarios are more or less bad. If the Iraqi parties should manage to agree
on a joint draft, the best that can be hoped for is that its wording is such as
not to aggravate the problems. The word
‘federal’ in the draft will solve nothing.
If a clear definition is to be postponed to a future date, specific
mechanisms and procedures of how this is to be done will have to be worked out
beforehand. However, the participants
are still far from having reached that point.
All unresolved issues will eventually be dealt with in a parliamentary
process. This, however, would create
just the kind of situation that the consensual approach was supposed to
avoid: In that case, the parties would
not be sitting at the same table as equal partners, but according to their
parliamentary majority. This is the reason
why the Arab Sunnis have such a hard time agreeing to a sketchy draft like the
one presented on Monday. The worst
thing, however, is the fact that the definitions are already being worked out
on the ground, and that means bloodshed--more than is reported by the
media. After all, no journalists are
present when Shiite Badr militia and Sunni tribes are fighting each other in
the south of Baghdad.”
“A Federal, Islamic Future For Iraq?”
The center-left Irish Times (8/24) commented: “Political representatives of Iraq's Sunni
Muslim minority have until tomorrow to sign up to a draft constitution agreed
earlier this week by the country's two other major ethnic groupings--the Shias
and Kurds. It seems unlikely that the
(mainly Sunni) insurgents will go along with what is being proposed. The stage is thus set for continuing, if not
accelerating, bloodshed in the run-up to a referendum on the constitution,
scheduled for October, and elections to form a new government, scheduled for
December.... On the key issue of
federalism and resources, the constitution seeks to strike a careful balance in
which key powers are centralized but resources are not pillaged from the
regions by central government.... Thus
the constitution seeks to devolve power and responsibility from Baghdad, while
simultaneously imposing a partnership between central and regional
government. Sunnis, who formed the
backbone of Saddam's dictatorship, do not like all of this. Shias and Kurds, who make up the overwhelming
bulk of the population, have achieved much of what they wanted. But it is in their interest, and the interest
of everyone outside Iraq, that the constitution receives the widest possible
endorsement if Iraqis are to have any chance of stabilizing their country and
living in peace.”
“Fighting About Oil And Power”
Foreign affairs editor for mass circulation daily Kuirer
Livia Klingl opined (8/23): “The U.S.
has seriously blundered in Iraq. Instead
of a modern, secular democracy with a strong center that is going to impact
despotic states and religious dictatorships in the region, Iraq is going to
become a religious construct with a weak center and strong centrifugal forces
based on the power of clans--a political construct that physically can be
compared to a washing machine without a door and, from a religious point of
view, resembles one of the members of the axis of evil, Iran. Islam will not simply be one of the sources
of jurisprudence in Iraq, it will be a chief source--and that, despite
assertions to the contrary voiced by the U.S. before, during, and after the
war, means that the situation of women will deteriorate considerably. These tendencies are mostly good news for the
regional power Iran.... First,
Washington bombed the Iranian mullahs’ biggest enemies from power, the Taliban,
who wanted to establish a state that was to be even more Islamic than Iran. Then, the Americans did the same with Iran's
second-biggest enemy, Saddam Hussein, who, like Teheran, for years entertained
ambitions of becoming a hegemonic power.
True, Iran is currently under international observance on account of its
nuclear politics. On the domestic side,
however, the hardliners’ power is cemented.
And in the region, Teheran has achieved its goals. Quite in contrast to the U.S., which, at
best, can gloss over the mess it has gotten itself into.”
"Complete Deadlock"
Foreign editor Paul De Bruyn wrote in conservative
Christian-Democrat Gazet van Antwerpen (8/27): “Two and a half years after the American
invasion and the fall of Saddam Iraq is more divided than ever. That artificial country had always been
divided, but the Americans’ mistakes have only amplified that rift. Not much is needed today to make the
nightmare scenario become reality: civil war.
The impasse over the Constitution may ignite the fuse.... The Americans are exerting a lot of pressure
on the Iraqis to make them solve their problems, but they can only wait and
see. They no longer have a grip on the
events. More and more they have to fear
that their intervention in Iraq will lead to the creation of a fundamentalist
regime. That would be the complete
failure of their policy.”
"Hoping For Iraqi Exception"
Foreign editor Jean Vanempten commented in financial daily De
Tijd (8/27): “In the Arab
world there are no successful federal states.
There is a natural trend towards strongly centralized states with firm
leaderships--which often do not operate democratically. Iraq can be an exception and even play a
pioneering role in the Middle East. That
is what the strategists in the White House are hoping, but that scenario does
not take the Iraqi reality into account.
Whatever Constitution is presented to the Iraqi people in October, or
even later, it will not remove the deep division. It is clear that the political leadership in
Baghdad receives only little support from the people and that makes a political
solution difficult. Hopefully, the
Iraqis will find a viable compromise"
IRELAND: "Bush On The
Back Foot"
The center right, populist Irish Independent editorialized
(8/25): “Negotiations for a new Iraqi
constitution, due to conclude today, are revealing the forces that threaten to
tear the country apart.... At face
value, a federal system for a country that is basically three countries in one
would seem to make sense. However, it
doesn't make sense to the Sunnis because they know that the oil wealth of Iraq,
which they exploited for decades, is located mainly in the regions where Kurds
and Shias are dominant. For this reason
they fear that a federal Iraq will leave them impoverished and means they want
guarantees that they will have a share of the oil revenue that is the basis of
Iraq's economy. These issues will not be
easy to resolve, but is absolutely vital that a constitution which is more or
less acceptable to all three of the main communities in Iraq be agreed, and
then passed by the people later this year.
The alternative, which is possibly a Balkans-style conflagration, is too
awful to contemplate.”
NORWAY: "Iraq’s Uneasy
The newspaper-of-record Aftenposten
(8/30) commented: “'We will help the
Iraqi people to establish a peaceful and democratic country in the heart of the
Middle East. And by doing this, we will
defend our people against danger.' This
is how President George W. Bush formulated his grand strategic goal for Iraq in
a speech in London in November 2003....
[But] Iraq is far from peaceful.
Democracy…also seems a distant goal.
The draft constitution…does not make the goal more achievable. Since the Sunnis refuse to accept it, an
important precondition for peace and democracy in Iraq is missing.... The situation can lead to continued war and
unrest, regardless of whether the Americans pull out and leave the Iraqis
themselves to make decisions. Because
the question…is: who are the Iraqis? Is there a common denominator for the three
groups, one on which it is possible to build an independent, peaceful, and
successful state?.... [In the Arab world
there are not at present any examples of successful decentralized, multiethnic
and multi-religious states. The revenge
motive--Kurds and Shias were oppressed by Saddam Hussein and his
Sunni-dominated Baath Party--is still strong.
And the Sunnis have contributed to weakening their own position by
refusing until now to be part of the political process.... [But] the work on the constitution may still
have had a positive effect. The only way
Sunnis can avoid the adoption of the Constitution is by voting in the
referendum on October 15. If they vote
against it, that is negative. But
participation is at least a positive contribution to the democratic process in
Iraq. This is one of very few
encouraging aspects [of the situation in Iraq].”
"Four Years In Iraq"
Independent newspaper VG (8/23)
commented: “U.S. Army Chief of Staff
Peter Schoomaker says that more than 10,000 U.S. soldiers could remain in Iraq
for four more years. In that case, many
will return home in a coffin. Those who
compare [the war in Iraq] to the war in Vietnam could be right: The longer the Americans remain in Iraq, the
more problems they will have.”
POLAND: "Iraq Still
Without Constitution"
Jacek Przybylski wrote in centrist Rzeczpospolita
(8/23): “The draft constitution was made
ready at the last moment by the Shiites and the Kurds. Together, the groups
have 215 of the 275 seats in the Parliament.
Thus, if they decided to force the draft at any cost, they would probably
succeed. They gave up the idea, though, faced with strong resistance from the
Arab Sunni. The latter constitute a
decisive minority--both in the country and in the Parliament--but to work out a
constitution without their approval would only further destabilize the
situation in Iraq. America’s hope for
curbing terrorism might then prove futile.”
"Is There A Victory Strategy For Iraq?"
In the pro-Democratic Convention and Civic Alliance Romania
Libera (8/24) journalist Cristian Campeanu opined: "Between the left and right wings in
America, there is a dialogue of the deaf that is highly unlikely to result in a
solution. The reasons are, first and
foremost, of an ideological nature and have very little to do with Iraq
itself.... Leaving Iraq in the hands of
Bin Laden, Al Zarqawi and Moqtada Sadr is like a bullet to the head of the
Western civilization. From this point of
view, Bush is right in saying that there is no alternative to victory. The problem though continues to be the way in
which they get there.... The political
regime that would reconcile democracy with sharia does not exist yet. And sending 2,000 people out there to die in
order to have a Taliban regime next to an Iranian-like theocracy, instead of
Saddam Hussein, that would be the real definition of defeat.”
"The Iraqi Fracture"
centrist La Vanguardia opined (8/30): "The White House
'is proud' of the agreement, but it is still to be seen if it is translated
into political and security normalization that allows for the retreat of
American troops... Far from political calculations, the writing of the
Constitution has brought up question marks on two key points: the definition of
Islam as 'a main source of legislation,' and the federal structure of a State
that institutionalizes Kurdish autonomy in the north and opens the door to the
creation of a Shiite region in the south, the two major oil reserve zones. The
result could turn Iraq, once a dictatorial State, into a fractured and failed
State, and put the Shiite territory under the influence of the theocratic
Iranian State. The process of democratization, in summary, could turn into an
internal failure and the rise of an Islamic regime where before there was none,
a risk that could boomerang against its promoters."
"Iraq And Federalism"
Conservative ABC (8/26) editorialized: "Not much imagination was needed to know
by intuition...that Saddam Hussein’s defeat would lead to the collapse of the
Iraqi state.... And, according to the
circumstances, that collapse would finish in a federal-independent leaning and
Islamic system.... In addition to the
threat of a civil war, federalism would bring with it international tensions
not to be ignored.... The options are
not promising. They can't be. The U.S. got into this war with post-war
plans so naive they seem perverse. The
'democratic process for the new Iraq' will end in the practical disintegration
of the country, under the shadow of a possible civil war and armed regional
conflict. A worrying balance."
"Iraq, A Rough Draft"
Left-of-center El País declared (8/24): "More than being at the end of
negotiations for a democratic (Iraqi) Constitution, it could be said that the
political forces...are in the last stage of a peace process. And, to a large extent, the budding
Constitution is that: an attempt to avoid a break down in Iraq leading to civil
war.... If the General Assembly approves
the project, Iraq will have taken a decisive step towards democracy, but it also
has shown its weakness as a state and its conversion to Islamic tendencies,
something that was not in the general plans of the Bush administration when it
invaded the country.... Plunged into
violence and chaos, the country is like its Constitution: a rough draft. An agreement that includes the Sunnis,
although improbable, is an indispensable condition (although it may not be
enough) to reduce violence in the country.
A lack of agreement will fuel (violence). In any case, with this draft, Iraq will not
be transformed into a light of democracy and modernity for the rest of the Arab
and Muslim world as proclaimed by Washington.
Despite of the 'total victory' Bush says he is pursuing, it will be
shaped by much less."
TURKEY: "A Federal
Kamuran Ozbir wrote in the nationalist Ortadogu
(8/29): “Is Iraq turning into a federal
system? Federalism is a democratic
method, but nothing is clear as far as the future of Iraq is concerned.... Even if the constitution is approved by the
people during the upcoming referendum, the problems will remain. The constitution in its current form has
loopholes that will create many problems along the way. The constitution will not help the Shiites
and Kurds to act together. Due to its
theocratic structure shaped to favor Shiite demands, the Iraqi constitution may
lay the ground for the Kurds to split off from Iraq even if it passes at
referendum. The continuing violence is
another major problem for the future of Iraq.
The U.S. may decide to pull out due to the increase in terrorist
acts. If so, Iraq may end up as a field
of conflict between Shiites and Sunnis.
The new constitution in Iraq is not the end of the story. In fact, the genuine struggle in Iraq is
beginning right now.”
"Iraq’s Constitution"
Erhan Basyurt wrote in the Islamist-intellectual Zaman
(8/26): “The new Iraqi constitution was
drafted by the Shiites and the Kurds, while objections from the Sunnis were
ignored. At this point, fundamental
changes to the text seem unlikely. The
constitutional draft includes advanced standards on freedom and minority
rights. It accepts Arabic and Kurdish as
the two official languages, and paves the way for Kurdish language education in
a federal region of Kurdistan.... Other
minorities, such as Turkmens and Assyrians, are not ignored either. Their right to education in their mother
tongue will be allowed upon request....
It is also important that the Iraqi constitution defines a good
structure with regard to the relationship between the state and religion. The constitution accepts Islam as the state’s
official religion, but rules out the passage of any law which is against both
Islam and democracy. In other words,
Iraq will not be a religious state, and a conflict between the state and
religion is prevented.... The main issue
about the new constitution is the extent to which it will really be
implemented, even if it is approved by the people of Iraq. The constitution, in its current form, could
bring chaos to Iraq in the short term, because Iraq does not have a
deeply-rooted democratic experience. On
the contrary, Iraq presents a complex picture with its competing ethnic,
linguistic, and religious groupings.
Given the impact of tribal culture in daily life and the low level of
education, Iraq may not continue to sail toward freedom, but may find itself in
chaos and under pressure from divisive forces.
Deferring the status of Kirkuk until 2007 is another potential problem
for Iraq’s future.... Under its new
constitution, Iraq is designed to be a model for the region. Let’s hope that it will not end up being
dragged into a chaos of freedom.”
"Bush’s Democracy"
Turker Alkan commented in liberal-intellectual Radikal
(8/24): “The ethnic groups in Iraq could
not agree on a draft constitution. They
have different views on key issues such as secularism, federalism, and the
distribution of oil revenues. Could this
kind of administration be called a democracy?
I really don’t know. But it is
obvious that a political organization based on religion will cause problems in
the future for secular countries like the U.S. and Turkey. The United States won the war. That was easy. But if it continues like this, the U.S. will
lose the peace. It is obvious that the
U.S. didn’t plan sufficiently on the question of who would replace Saddam. This represents a big loss of prestige for a
superpower like the U.S.... Even though
the U.S. has a huge military force in Iraq, there is no guarantee that
terrorism will come to an end after they leave.
Democracy and the rule of law can never be established through
fiat. If only they could be.”
ISRAEL: "Iraq Is Not A
State Anymore"
Hebrew University Professor of Political Science and former
Foreign Ministry director-general Shlomo Avineri wrote in conservative,
independent Jerusalem Post (8/23):
"There is no way of putting Humpty-Dumpty together again. The Kurds and the Shi'ites will go their
separate ways, and both entities have the paramilitary capability to do
so. There is no Iraqi army capable of
maintaining the unity of the country.
And, just as in the former Yugoslavia, the separate countries--Slovenia,
Croatia, Serbia--have a better chance of creating coherent and democratic systems
than the old coercive Yugoslavia, the same may apply to Iraq.... The U.S. will obviously have to change its
policy over Iraq--maybe this is what President George W. Bush is devoting his
vacation to. It would be advisable to
think outside the box and realize that Iraq is not a country anymore. This is not the end of the world, but it
calls for courageous and creative thinking about alternatives."
Riyadh’s moderate Al-Jazira editorialized (8/30): "The battle of the Iraqi constitution
has not yet been completely settled. In
other words, there is still an opportunity to contain its possibly dangerous
ramifications and to open room for efforts by sincere national powers. The developments related to the Iraqi constitution
have greatly shocked the Arab world. The
constitution offered a completely different form of Iraq and its affiliations
in the Arab world."
Abha’s moderate Al-Watan editorialized (8/28): "There are fears that the issue of the
constitution will turn into a point of sharp disagreement. The Iraqis will forget the issue of ending
the occupation and the country will enter into a cycle of endless violence.... The collapse of the former regime whetted the
appetite of many Iraqis to call for similar arrangements to Kurdistan.... The danger in such calls is based on sect and
race in the absence of a strong central government that can resolve issues
quickly.... There are demonstrations
rejecting the constitution--mainly federalism.
This is an indication that the Iraqi people realize the danger of the
coming phase of their history.
"The Iraqi Identity"
Jeddah's conservative Al-Madinah commented (8/28): "The Sunnis have the key to stability in
Iraq. That was an indirect message from
President Bush to the constitution committee.
Secretary Rice urged the Iraqi leadership to increase the number of
Sunnis in the committee. There is fear
and bitterness in the entire Arab world.
There is fear that Iraq with its Arabic history and culture may lose its
Arab identity. There are also fears of a
civil war that will bring Iraq to an unknown future."
"Sectarian Trend In Iraq"
Jeddah's conservative Al-Nadwa editorialized (8/25): "The country is occupied, the security,
social, economic and institutional systems have been destroyed; yet there are
people in Iraq who want to introduce a federal system. Introduction of a federal system in Iraq is a
step backward as it is based on religious sectarianism. Despite these worries, the Kingdom's hopes,
as a neighbor and brother to Iraq, are still for the Iraqi people to work hard
on unity so that they can protect their rights and ensure the future of their
"A Dark
Jeddah's moderate Okaz editorialized (8/25): "Iraqis may and may not approve the
constitution, it is their right to construct the future of their country, but
things look more sensitive and dangerous than expected. A united Iraq under the umbrella of a federal
system is not possible; the result will be dangerous and destructive. A federal system based on race and religious
sectarianism will get Iraq and the entire region into a disastrous future. Iraqis are required to put the unity of Iraq
on top of their priorities in order to avoid destructive results for the entire
"Caution About An Imported
Abha’s moderate Al-Watan editorialized
(8/23): "There are fears about
attempts of some Iraqi political and religious leaders to impose imported
proposals on the draft of the new Iraqi constitution, which will lead to
separation, a federal system and empowerment of certain religious
leaders.... There are some hidden
powers, which support such proposals to exclude the Iraqi Arab Sunnis and
others in the new Iraq after Saddam Hussein.
"Towards Iraqi Reconciliation"
Riyadh’s conservative Al-Jaziara
editorialized (8/22): "Kurds are
ready to relinquish self-determination in line with a collective willingness of
the Iraqi sects.... The demands for
federalism made the Kurds realize that there is a danger threatening the
country.... Sunnis rejected federalism
as did a large percent of Shiite. The
current discussions have achieved reconciliation in many respects.... This reconciliation will make the occupation
realize that it can leave the country."
"Iraq, Country Of National Unity Or Diaspora"
Riyadh’s conservative Al-Riyadh
editorialized (8/21): "The
probabilities give us hope that wars have made Iraqis mature.... The deliberate destruction carried out by
terrorists and the demonstrations in Kirkuk, calling for making it for all
sects, give us a reason that Iraq has the competence to exit from the
crises.... Iraq for all Iraqis should be
more successful than divided states. The
U.S. should realize that if it favors one party then it is fixing its policies
rather than changing its interests.
IRAQ: "Achievement And
Al-Bayyan (8/29) (affiliated with
the Islamic A-Da'wa Party led by Al-Ja'afari) declared: "Yesterday, the Iraqi people felt
pleased about the endorsement of the draft constitution. This ratification came after three days of
discussions and meetings to solve all pending issues. After that, we are now waiting for referendum
day... All the political parties and blocs in the National Assembly have made
concerted efforts to ensure that all Iraqi sects participated in the
constitutional process. They gave those
who boycotted elections a chance to participate in this process for the sake of
drafting a united constitution. However,
some groups tried to impose their conditions at the expenses of others and this
has led to a delay in settling pending issues.
It was possible to solve these issues through voting in the National
Assembly yet the parliamentary blocs ignored that option and preferred
negotiating in a way that satisfied all groups... We think that the endorsement
of the draft constitution is a significant achievement and victory for the
Iraqi people because this constitution was drafted by Iraqis and ratified by
the peoples' representatives. This
represents a victory because it is a big strike against the terrorists. This victory has reinforced the political
process and moved Iraq forward on a new historic stage."
Draft Constitution At The National Assembly"
Independent Ad-Dustoor
(8/29) carried an editorial by Bassim:
“The national assembly approved the completed draft of the permanent
constitution yesterday with reservations of the fifteen Sunni members. After the approval of the draft, they started
to debate and negotiate and will continue until the upcoming referendum on
October 15, 2005, when Iraqis will take responsibility and make a final
decision. Voting ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ all
Iraqi sects will engage in the decisive moment to move their country to a
bright new future. All those who
criticize the viewpoints and reservations between political leaders and
constitution drafting members are wrong, this is how Iraqis should discuss and
decide their future-through democracy and freedom. Now we can express our opinions and thoughts
and we can reject and discuss things freely.
All political leaders should work on behalf of the Iraqi national
compact, not to gain private benefits.
We are working hard to make this political process succeed and to defeat
those who tried their best to terminate Iraqi dreams. The final outcome will be decided by good
Iraqis who sacrifice themselves for the freedom of their country. Now that the draft constitution is complete
(from the legislative angle) we will move to the public referendum stage to get
real and final and approval for Iraq's new permanent constitution."
Announcement Of A Distinguished Day In Iraq"
Sa'ad Badr
Khan opined in Al-Ta’akhi (affiliated with the Kurdistani Democratic
Party led Masood Barazani) (8/29):
“Yesterday, the Iraqi draft constitution was finally announced. Thus, Iraq approaches another step forward in
the constitutional process--after this the draft is to be approved by the Iraqi
people... The constitution is the most
dangerous document in a society. It's a
document that organizes relationships between rulers and the people and it
outlines the main authorities within the community. Unfortunately, Iraq has gone decades without
having a constitution because the dictator Saddam considered it merely a piece
of paper that could be ripped up at anytime.
That is how Saddam governed the country without a constitution. The Kurdish people have struggled for the
sake of establishing democracy in Iraq and to guarantee their legitimate
rights. Therefore, the Kurds want an
Iraqi constitution that can guarantee and safeguard Kurdish rights as a
legitimate segment of people in Iraq….
Without a doubt, the drafting of the constitution was a very difficult task
and it would not have been accomplished without the bone fide efforts of
patriotic politicians. The Kurdish
leadership has played a big role in making this draft successful through
opening the door to dialogue among different Iraqi groups. We are excited about the accomplishment of
the draft constitution but at the same time, we must remember that the Kurds
have approved this constitution despite the fact that it does not completely
satisfy Kurdish ambitions…. The Kurds
have the right to self-determination.
Although there are some issues (such as the status of Kirkuk) that
remain to be solved we will never give up our demands. We hope that all Iraqis will approve the draft
constitution so that they can live new lives based on democracy and justice. The 28th of August will always be a historic
day in Iraq's history."
Before And After The Constitution"
anti-coalition Az-Zaman (8/29) carried an editorial by Jassem
Murad: “Will the constitution stabilize
the security, political, economic and humanitarian situation in Iraq? In fact, all political parties bet on the
elections and said that these elections would bring peace and stability back to
this country. Those elections were
successfully held in spite of terrorists' plans that attempted to thwart
them. However, those elections could not
stabilize the situation in Iraq. The
situation has actually worsened and the post election period led to a plurality
of political parties scattered on the Iraqi map…. If this is the post election period, then how
can we imagine what will happen after the constitution's ratification? Can this constitution solve our crises? We could say yes if there were a national Iraqi
leadership that could move Iraq forward and away from sectarianism but the reality
shows that the constitution cannot solve our crises because we have to
understand these crises open-mindedly and transparently. We have to reinforce the notion of national
dialogue to isolate terrorists from those who want to participate in the political
process. In addition, we must work hard
to improve public services and start reconstruction projects to end
unemployment in Iraq. And we have to make citizens feel they are protected by
the government. By accomplishing these
conditions, the post constitutional period may witness a historic move in our
lives. Otherwise, crises will not be
solved and they will continue until they make people explode against the
The Endorsement Of The Draft Constitution"
Zayyer commented in independent As-Sabah Al-Jadeed (8/29): “Iraqis deserve to celebrate the completion
of their permanent draft constitution, a good initiative for Iraqis to open
closed doors. Iraqis reached a final
accord after hard and peaceful efforts and dialogue among all political groups
to reach a final agreement freely and with no air of injustice. We may have different points of view and
opinions but we are all a unified nation, a land and country with one
significant Iraqi soul throughout. We
agree with all those who have their own ideas and views concerning the
constitution, they have a right to express their choices the way they want
through the media. Today we celebrate
our success, but we should be aware that this is the first step in the
democratic process, and we must work hard and prepare for the next step--the
upcoming referendum on the draft constitution.
If Iraqis accept or reject the draft constitution freely in the upcoming
referendum process we must respect that.
What is more important is that we have a truly free and fair referendum
with polling boxes far removed from Iraq's presidential guards, private guards,
and the security and intelligence apparatus because we now have national
dialogue and freedom."
Constitution--Theater Of The Absurd"
Salah Omar
Al-Ali noted in Iraq 4 All News Website ( (8/29): “For six months now, the Iraqi National
Assembly's theater has been showing a comedy entitled, 'Drafting the Iraqi
Constitution.' And we reveal no secret
when we say that all acts were completely prepared in the White House
kitchen. As for the actors, they only
have the role of translating these scenes and expressing them through tragic
gestures to limits that make you sad and want to cry and through comic gestures
that do the same. Whereas some players
support and others reject (they agree and disagree) they all follow one
director occupying Iraq's thrown these days--the Occupiers (Ambassador
Khalilzad and Negroponte before him).
Many nations took a long time to draft their constitutions, including
the United States that needed eight years to complete and approve its
constitution, while Germany took seven years after toppling the Nazi
regime. So how can Iraq's constitution
be drafted in seven months while it's still under the occupation of the U.S.
military, and should we distract people with this issue to divert their
attention from the main cause of resisting occupation? The current constitution completely neglects
the country's sovereignty, advocates for sectarian confrontations under the
guise of federalism, and threatens unity under the moniker of preserving
rights. Imposing a constitution drafted
according to the TAL and devised by the best known Zionist extremist
personalities represents the utmost degree of disrespect for Iraqis and Iraq's
future generations. We join our voices
with those demanding the rejection of this draft which, if approved, will
expose Iraq to great catastrophes. We
call for demonstrations, a collection of signatures to be sent to the U.N., and
convening meetings in all Iraqi cities to clarify the dangers resident in this
draft proposed by an illegitimate National Assembly."
Remove Their Masks--Beware Of The Constitution"
Editorial by
Nejah Yousif commented in the Modern Discussion Website( (8/29): “I wasn't surprised by the vicious campaign
launched by supporters of the United Iraqi Alliance against the Communist Party
and the Kurdish coalition, after finding itself in an undesirable position due
to its failure in providing security, deteriorating services, and
administrative corruption, in addition to many assassinations and attacks
executed by its militias currently controlling police and military forces which
can be clearly seen though sectarian slogans mimicked by these forces on Iraqi
satellite channels. Drafting a
constitution is a national responsibility that should not overlook any of the
population's components nor hinder half of the society through Islamic
laws. The current 'revised' draft
constitution reflects the ambitions and desires of religious clerics to take
over and reach the state of clerical ruling currently found in Iran. This draft is worse than the first
constitution in Iraq's history. The
stinking stench of sectarianism is obvious and its consequences will be
inflicted on the suffering masses. What
makes things worse is that the election boycotters, or those who are truly
former regime elements, have rejected the draft for proposing Islam as a main
source of legislation and not the main source of legislation. In addition to opposing federalism and the
eradication of the Ba'ath Party they want to return to square one and
rehabilitate their fascist party members so they may re-enter the political
process and take over power again. On
the other hand, the U.S. seems to be confused about its policy in Iraq,
allowing Islamists to impose their Islamic constitution over a multi religious
and intellectually diverse Iraqi society.
The U.S. promoted this constitution describing it as a democratic
example that would encourage the region's people, but what seems to me and others
is that it neither encourages Iraqis nor the region's people, and if allowed to
continue it will yield an ineffectual and decrepit constitution. And to complete the picture, the attack
against secular and democratic powers should start now. Where today's fascists have learned from
those of yesterday, and have followed the concept of divide and conquer by
assuring Kurds of federalism (until they were able to gain endless rights for
the Shiite clergy and their take over of the police and army forces) and
circulating rumors about communists and their struggles to distort their image
and prevent any secular and democratic visions.
Iraqis have shown patience and endured crises and bloody wars to be able
to live in a society of justice and equality, without sectarian divisions where
women remain threatened by the authority and dominance of men. The only thing I can do in the face of the
enemies of democracy is to vote 'No' over the constitution."
Constitution Between Compromise And Veto"
Al-Rubai'ee editorialized in Dar al-Iraqiya (The Iraqi House) Website ( (8/29): “All civilized countries throughout the world
have had their democratic and constitutional experiments which developed over
decades or even hundreds of years before evolving into their current forms
guaranteeing stability and prosperity for their citizens and promoting the
peaceful transfer of authority through democratic principles based on
competition among political parties and power through ballot boxes. Although a lot of these experiments are
similar in their outlines, concerning the general principles of political life,
we can't ignore that each experiment is unique due to political and
constitutional changes. And whoever reads
the political and constitutional history of these countries will find that
constitutions were developed and integrated over time in ways that match
peoples' hopes and open new horizons.
Our draft constitution and all of the hot debates around it is a base
for the new Iraq and not a future frozen in a destiny that can't be changed or
modified--especially if we know that people have the final word. The important thing is that sticking issues
should be settled according to national interests and not to use compromises to
impose minority vetoes on the majority because that won't serve the political
process or the national interest."
And The Legitimacy Of The Constitution"
Abdul Baqi
Faraj opined in Wattan 4 All (A Country for All) News Website
( (8/29): “This constitution lacks legitimacy--this is
what a man who landed on a podium coming from another time announced! He was a man without a mustache and long
beard who put a white turban on his head, who wore a flowing white garment with
a black short cloak on his shoulders. I
thought for awhile that he was one of Sahaba (Prophet's friends) or one who was
carrying his sword though he didn't have one.
You could give this individual, from another world, several names! He resembles Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein,
Zarqawi, Qatar's Foreign Minister, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, Bashar Al'Assad, Qdaf al-Dam and numerable others of death and
darkness. But he is comrade Sheikh Abdul
Nasir Al-Janabi who came forward this morning to announce Iraq's constitution
for which Iraqi people will cast their votes on October 15th. 'This constitution lacks legitimacy' because
it wasn't written on a basis of compromise!
With whom and how could compromise be achieved? Abdul Nasir's comrades announced.... The constitution should be written in a
compromise with them! What they intend
to do is to re-legitimize respect for the Nazi Ba'ath Party. Apart from being, you either agree or disagree
with the draft Iraqi constitution because its articles were written by people
with clerical minds. This is the
political reality and this is the power balance. You should listen to the peoples' opinion
even if you disagree with those who wrote the constitution and with majority
opinion which is not always right! You
should then listen on October 15th for two letters or more when people say
'Yes' or 'No.' "
Constitution Is The Fruit Of The Political Process"
Independent As-Sabah al-Jadeed editorialized (8/28): "After the downfall of the dictatorial
regime, freedom rose like the sun in Iraq and the country began to move forward
towards security, advancement, and prosperity.
Today, the Iraqi people have to play a big role to make this process
successful. All Iraqis, whether they
agree or disagree with the current political process, need to work towards
Iraq's national interest. The Iraqi
people challenged and crushed terror when they headed for the ballot boxes
during the elections on the 30th of January....
Now, it is time to complete this process by drafting a constitution for
this country and its people. It is time
for Iraqis to now harvest the fruits they have been waiting for. They will not be affected by terror as long
as the constitution will open the door to hope and progress. The development of the political process
means that we are defeating terror in Iraq.
So, we call on all Iraqis to bring their containers to collect the
fruits of the political process."
"The Constitution--Between Harmony And Veto"
Adel Al-Rubai'ee opined in Islamic Dawa Party-affiliated Al-Bayyan
(8/28): "All civilized countries
have their own democratic and constitutional experiments that were developed
over years before reaching their final forms and many countries' experiments
are similar. However, establishing
democratic communities does not come from nothing but is developed through
years of political work and effort. Indeed,
the constitutions of other countries have taken years to develop.... Concerning our draft constitution, I believe
that current disagreements and disputes amongst Iraqi politicians in the
National Assembly represent a healthy debate to build a new Iraq. The Iraqi people will have their final say
about the constitution during the referendum.
But, the most important matter now is to solve all pending issues in
accordance with national interests.
These issues must not be resolved according to a minority veto at the
expenses of the majority because this does not benefit the political process or
national interests."
"Our Iraqi Efforts And Our Kurdish Hopes"
Sa'ad Badr Khan wrote on the front page of KDP-affiliated
(Barzani) Al-Ta'akhi (8/28):
"The Iraqi constitution is being drafted amid disputes,
disagreements, and harmony amongst Iraqi politicians. This represents the proper way to reach the
goal that is to make the constitutional process successful. This constitution can make Iraq's two main nationalities,
Arabs and Kurds, in addition to other sects, feel they are real Iraqi
citizens. The Kurdish list insists on
defending Iraq as one country and at the same time it defends Kurdish rights
through this constitution. When the
Kurds insist on not making Iraq an Islamic republic this means that they want
to build a modern state for all Iraqis.
When the Kurds demand women's rights they call for guaranteeing all
Iraqi women's rights without discrimination....
The Kurds believe in democracy and in a new Iraq and they also think
that it is necessary to install federalism throughout Iraq. We know that federalism is an optional choice
that has its own justifications. These
are the Kurdish orientations that represent purely Iraqi viewpoints. The Kurdish attitude was characterized with
transparency and insistence on making all Iraqis participate in the current
constitutional process. The Kurds have
played a vital role in encouraging dialogue about the constitution.... The upcoming stage following the referendum
will be more dangerous and sensitive.
The next period requires more wisdom, attention, accuracy, and
objectivity to make the referendum successful and to pass the constitution's
articles. This is the main goal of any
honest Iraqi."
"We Are Waiting For The Good News"
Bassim Al-Sheikh stated in Independent Ad-Dustoor
(8/28): "We are expecting the
National Assembly to approve the draft constitution today by two-thirds of its
members. A promotional campaign will
begin to educate Iraqis about the basics and principals of the constitution, in
spite of those who are working against Iraq's unity and trying to create crisis
and sectarianism among Iraqi sects; those who are singing for civil war and
division will never relent in their mischievous plots against Iraq.... The draft constitution was submitted to the
National Assembly by the deadline of the first extension and now members are
having discussions and making amendments to the last draft to vote for final
approval. Hence, everyone should be
aware today that there is no way to go back--the political process should move
forward and we should all work together to help it succeed. We should all work for the benefits of our
Iraq and work against our enemies' will and make this day a day of good
"Harmonious Agreement Is A Healthy Sign In The March Toward
Abdul Hadi Mahdi observed in Pro-Coalition, PUK-affiliated, Al-Ittihad
(8/28): "The structure of Iraqi
society is considered complicated compared to other societies. Iraqi society consists of pluralistic
nationalities and a diversity of religions and sects that have uniqueness that
must be respected.... Despite all that,
Iraq's society seems to be more united than other societies which lack such
diversity. Therefore, this must be
considered during the drafting of the constitution.... Harmonious agreement is considered a healthy
sign in the democratic march, because Iraq's foundation cannot withstand a
certain group imposing its will on others.
The time of marginalizing others has gone; all Iraqis must assert their
political and national rights and this cannot happen without a permanent
constitution drafted through harmony.
Today, Iraqis hope to reach harmony through their political leaders'
announcement of a final draft for the permanent constitution."
"The Constitution And Political Memory"
Falah Al-Mish'al opined in independent Al-Sabah
(8/28): "An observer of the
constitutional committee's work can find some relevance in the political
memories of committee and TNA members.
Those members recall their disasters and sacrifices while they are drafting
the constitution phrase by phrase. The
majority of TNA members are Shiites and Kurds and they share joint obsessions,
due to their suffering under the former regime.
Therefore, you can find their demands in line with their political
memories.... The Sunnis are against the
others because they represent the ruling class in Iraq from the establishment
of the Iraqi state in 1921 until Saddam's toppling in 2003. Therefore, they act with a ruler's logic and
not that of one who has been ruled. And
their political memory functions in the past more than it does in the
future.... The question is: will the
draft constitution define Ba'athist ideology as a terrorist one that propagated
real criminal activity, started wars, and triumphed in the comprehensive
destruction throughout Iraq because of Saddam's policies? This trail of destruction will require more
than decades in order to be forgotten.
It is etched in the memories and the spirit of Iraq more than merely
being mentioned in a document made of paper."
“Committed Period”
Dawa Party-affiliated Al-Bayyan (8/25) published an
editorial by Zainab Al-Khafaji:
"The National Dialogue Council’s position concerning the draft
constitution may prevent it from wide participation in the constitutional
process. Initially the draft of the
constitution was drawn up following an accord that was reached by the majority
of Iraqi political parties that ostensibly represent the people. Therefore, these discussions cannot be
described as based on ethnic power sharing because discussions on the
constitution led to an agreement amongst politicians.… The recent dispute on
pending issues does not represent a refusal of the draft constitution but it is
a good chance for political parties and blocs to end their disagreements. I think that these disagreements are
insignificant if we compare them to the issue of the Ba’ath Party's destiny in
Iraq and the distribution of powers.… The National Dialogue Council must
understand that it has to reconsider its attitude especially after the Kurdish
coalition and the United Iraqi Alliance agreed to postpone ratification of the
constitution in order to grant them more time to settle pending issues. Prime Minister Ibrahim Al-Ja’afari said that
this resolution is necessary and that every thing must be resolved within three
days because the current period is a decisive and sensitive one. Otherwise, the National Dialogue Council will
squander a big opportunity to actively participate in the upcoming constitutional
“The Overwhelming Majority”
Independent, anti-coalition Al-Fourat (8/25) carried an
editorial by Majed Fadhel Al-Zaboon:
"The technical process for the upcoming referendum still remains
unclear. The majority of Iraqis say they
are unaware of the voting procedures, which is the responsibility of the Iraqi
electoral commission!.... Some of the
voters think that the electoral process involves a simple 'yes’ or ‘no’ on the
draft constitution; such a procedure would deprive Iraqis the right to explain
their opinions about good and bad principles and the basics of the draft
constitution. The Iraqi electoral
commission should not render the referendum process a generic one because
Iraqis must express private opinions about their new constitution.... If this process is difficult to achieve, the
referendum process should include disagreement points, this is the way our new
constitution will gain legitimacy. An
accepted compromise to satisfy all Iraqi sects should be designed to enable us
to rebuild and to succeed in our political and democratic process without any
marginalization or neglect for any Iraqi sects.
This will be the way we can reach our national compact and independence
and force the occupation forces to leave our country.... The upcoming constitutional referendum should
include all Iraqi sects (specifically the opposition) because some of the
constitution articles should be removed and others affirmed. The majority of Iraqis should decide to
accept the draft constitution, not the minority. And everyone must participate in the upcoming
referendum process to decide for Iraq."
“A Kurdish Vision For The Iraqi Constitution”
KDP affiliated (Barzani) Al-Taakhi (8/25) published a
front-page editorial by Editor-in-Chief, Badr Khan Al-Sindi on Kurdish views of
the constitution: "The Kurdish
Parliament has approved and supported the draft constitution. President Barazani said that this draft is a
great achievement (especially during this period) despite the inclusion of some
items that do not coincide with Kurdish ambitions. Kurdish support comes as a reply to those who
want to blame the Kurds for attempting to obstruct the genesis of the Iraqi
constitution.... For the second time,
the Kurds have proved that they are committed to the main principles, which
were agreed upon with various political parties at points earlier. The Kurds want to make this constitution
successful and they’ve placed emphasis on the principles of reconciliation and
the wide participation of all Iraqi sects.
However, we must not cede our legitimate national interests, ambitions,
and right to decide our destiny. We
think that the current draft constitution will strengthen the federalist
experiment in Iraq in a way that reinforces unity without the marginalization
of any other sect.... This is a new
Iraq, which must be based on equal distribution of resources apart from the
control of the central government that devastated the country. We do not think that the current constitution
satisfies Kurdish desires. However, we
see that there are some chauvinistic and dictatorial mentalities trying to
impart the constitution with tyrannical ideals.
Everyone must understand that Iraq is moving forward and the federal
solution is the best way to solve all problems.
As we approach the referendum, we hope that Iraq will enjoy peace,
economic prosperity, and deep democratic awareness. We hope this awareness will not surprise
Iraqis one day when they hear that the Kurds want to decide their own
“Devils Of The Constitution”
Anti-coalition Az-Zaman (8/25) carried an editorial by
Jihad Zayyer: "Today Iraqi
politicians, most of whom lack real political professionalism and sufficient
experience, will discuss the draft constitution in the national assembly. At the same time, Iraqis will, and perhaps
negatively, deal with the items of this constitution because they want to know
the results of politicians' disagreements over pending issues.... Iraqis have the right to know the details and
implications of the constitution's articles, which will govern their
lives. We know that the majority of
Iraqis, who for instance harbor anti-federalist attitudes, lack information on
governmental structure especially in countries that have ethnic diversity. Hence, they have the right to be suspicious
of current Iraqi politicians because they do not know what the Iraqi people
need. Current political parties are
still distant from the people and these parties are ignorant about people's
intentions and orientations. Current
Iraqi politicians speak about federalism, the role of religion in government,
and the equitable distribution of natural resources. On the other hand, the government's offices
are filled with corruption.... These
politicians want to occupy Iraqi minds with complicated political concepts. But, how can a nation that was marginalized
from real political participation understand concepts that may contain devils
and disasters? Modern concepts and the
sound policies of politicians alone cannot help Iraqis reveal the true
intentions of these politicians."
“The Favorable Disagreement”
Bassem Al-Sheikh editorialized in independent Ad-Dustoor
(8/25): "The Sunni rejection of the
draft constitution submitted to the national assembly is a healthy reaction;
they initiated publicity campaigns to encourage ‘no votes’ in the upcoming
referendum. Disagreements and different
points of view are normal in life and dealing with such issues should be done
in a civilized way; democracy means different points of view and more
importantly how much influence one can wield.... Therefore, the responsibility of those who reject
the constitution is to create an influential opposition and enough supporters
to back that opinion and then to have the influence to change and rule the
political process. The technical
processes are good because it keeps the process within the safety margins;
public oversights, international political scrutiny, and the media have all
witnessed the birth of the new constitution....
Now parliamentary members have legitimate authority to discuss every
single article in the constitution. They
will not permit a premature constitution to pass and even if they did, the
majority of Iraqis will say no in the upcoming referendum. This is the Iraqi will and public influence
in the democratic process. The Sunni
powers which are protesting through conservatives on the draft constitution
committee decided that the upcoming referendum will be their way to say no to a
constitution that does not include all their rights and demands."
“Money, Power, and the Constitution”
Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed opined in Asharq al-Awsat
(8/25): "There are several points
of the disagreements inside the TNA that postponed the agreement on the
constitution.... Sunnis made a mistake
last year by boycotting the election and are paying for it now. Realizing the scope of this mistake, suddenly
their leaders are now calling for participation in the political process. Today, the Shiites and the Kurds would be
making a grave mistake if they did not grant the Sunnis guarantees in the
constitution. Without the Sunnis, the
large, powerful state of Iraq will turn into a number of weak small
states.... It is surprising that the
constitutional disagreement has become Shiite-Sunnis or Arab-Kurds. The deepest disagreements are within each
team, not among teams. The real
disagreement is between the Islamists and the secularists, within both Sunni
and Shiite communities. It will deepen
in the future, because the constitution is not dealing with the fundamental
“Who Wants To Divide Iraq?”
SCIRI affiliated Al-Adala (8/25) carried an editorial by
Zuhair Al-Baghdadi on federalism:
"No one has the right to accuse any Iraqi of not being patriotic,
because each one of us has his own position about the correct path toward a new
nation. We are Iraqis before anything
else. The argument now is about
federalism and its implementation in the new Iraq. On one side, they believe that federalism
means the division of Iraq into small separated states, weak and easily
swallowed by neighboring countries. As
such, it is bad and all Iraqis must reject it.
On the other hand, there are those who believe that it will not result
in weakness and division, Iraq will become like other federal countries that
have one border, one constitution, one flag and one identity.... Tthe people will determine whether accept it
or not, they will express their opinion through the referendum on the
constitution. People, not political
factions will determine our destiny. Let
us stop talking under a particular sect or nationality, we are all
Iraqis.... Some say that the Kurds
should have the right to implement the federalism, but that the Arabs in the
southern or the central areas should not, claming that Iran or the Gulf States
will interfere. This is
unacceptable. One can not claim the
right of federalism for one part of Iraq and not accept it for another. Federalism is the fair distribution of
resources, it will speed up the reconstruction, and create job
opportunities. Furthermore, it will
establish security and stability, by granting greater authority for the
districts and provinces.”
“The Iraqi Constitution . . . The Downfall Of The U.S. Reform
Fehed Al-Naser opined in the Modern Discussion Web-Site,(>)
(8/25): "The American President
George Bush expressed great joy on the occasion of completing the Iraqi draft
constitution. His happiness also
reflects an admission that the American Middle East project for political
reform, the termination of tyrannical regimes, of granting freedoms, setting up
democracies, and acknowledging human rights has faced a severe setback. We will all realize that the broad hopes of
the United States government’s promotion of the era of freedom and human rights
in Iraq is facing a crisis as soon as we take the first look at the Iraqi draft
constitution.... The announced draft
constitution was nothing more than a bomb project. It is a warning of complicated political
affairs full of ethnic and sectarian wars with uncalculated consequences. It was written to serve the interests of
particular sides and they are explicitly expressing their ethnic and sectarian
ambitions. By placing the name of Saddam
and his fascist party in the draft’s introduction, these sides are sending out
a message to Iraqis that they should accept this document in return for their
salvation from the former dictatorship’s suppression.... The Iraqi constitution, if approved, will be
a very harsh lesson for the administration of the United States. It will witness its visions of modern
personal and civil freedoms being replaced by the rights of sects, ethnicities,
and tribes. It is a document that
recognizes human beings by their ethnic and sectarian backgrounds and not by
accomplishments, ideas, and participation in building society.... We can forget about our hopes for our state
being ruled by law. We need to
reconcile ourselves to the fact that our state will be ruled by ethnic and
sectarian authorities and aging tribal traditions that deform our societal
relations, and create huge obstacles for freedom of political and intellectual
activities.... Anyone who wants a free
and prosperous future for Iraq should say no to this constitution.”
“A Hasty Constitution.... A
Disgrace For A Great Nation”
Sameer Ubaid commented in Iraq 4 All News Web-Site, (<>)
(8/25): "The issue will not
withstand further debate, compliments, or hiding, you either vote in favor of
President Bush, Tel-Aviv, and Tehran’s constitution, or you reject in favor of
a united Iraq. The current constitution
is similar to a United States fast food meal and it isn’t worthy of
respect. It is suitable for the era of
occupation, where the administrative law was considered a Qu’ran coming down
from the Israeli Noah Fieldman, with prophets named Bush junior, Bremmer,
Negroponte, Khalilzad, and Satterfield....
The new, hastily drafted constitution; written according to President
Bush’s orders, and under the supervision of Khalilzad and Satterfield, failed
to meet Iraqis’ ambitions even by five percent.
It only met some of the Kurds’ ambitions for separation, but at the
expense of Arabic Iraqi people.... We
can summarize the constitution by saying it pleased the Kurds, displeased
Shiites, and wasted Sunnis.... Provided
the document, drafted in a purely Zionist manner was approved, the south will
belong to the Iranians and those supporting them, the north will go to the
Kurdish elite, while the west will become another Somalia with no resources and
a very fragile economy. From an American
point of view, Iraq is a candidate to become the new Chechnya by attracting
extremists.... What took place during
the constitutional discussions was nothing more than an American stage
play. Because the constitution was
drafted before the war on Iraq; today’s discussions are only part of the play
performed to the world.... For the first
time in history, a foreign Ambassador (Khalilzad) and his assistant
(Satterfield), played the role of monitor and inspector for an independent
nation’s constitution.... Has there ever
been a situation where a nation’s constitution was drafted within days and
submitted to Parliament eight minutes before deadline? Won’t this movie of fantasy and disrespect
ever come to an end in Iraq? And who
will tell Khalilzad and Satterfield that enough is enough?.... There should be an uprising of the people to
drive the occupation forces out of our country.
They should also fire the failed politicians, and call for Iraq to be
left to honorable Iraqis from all backgrounds who know how to put together the
best political, government, and constitutional combination.... At the end...those who wish to vote in favor
of such a constitution, please send a greeting to the Zionists, and present
Iraq to Iran on a golden plate.”
“Iraqi Draft Constitution....
And The Incomplete Birth”
Hamza Al-Shamkh commented in Al-Badeal Al-Democrati (The
Democratic Alternative) Web-Site, (<>)
(8/25): "Many politicians are
making statements to local and foreign media outlets about the absence of deep
differences that could prevent the completion of the Iraqi constitution draft
on time.... But unfortunately, these
statements don’t reflect what is actually going on. There are many differences and disagreements
among the different components of the Iraqi people. This is quite natural taking into
consideration the variety of religions, doctrines, ethnicities, and political
parties that are involved....
Unfortunately, it wasn’t finished.
This was due to the unresolved differences between the
participants. So, they agreed upon
another three-day extension....
Postponements and extensions are useless if the parties involved refuse
to compromise.... Everyone should have
the unity of Iraq and its people as their primary goal. This should not be done by media statements,
but by having the courage and the resolve to come to an agreement. This agreement needs to be something that
keeps the entire sectarian, political, and intellectual trends on the front
burner. Without this agreement the draft
constitution will not see the light of day, nor will it be submitted to a
referendum by mid-October.... So we have
the right to ask all concerned parties, will these three days witness a miracle
and will you present a final draft to the National Assembly. Or will we witness another round of struggles
that take us back to square one.”
“The Suggested Constitution and the Challenges”
Yousif Fadhil,opined in (8/25): "I smiled as I watched the scenes of joy
coming from all over Iraq when the draft constitution was finished. Then I read draft constitution and heard the
plans of the Sunni faction and Sadr movement and saw the demonstrations in
Kirkuk and other regions. I went to the
Iraqi websites and read the statements from American president George Bush and
other American politicians talking about the possibility of dividing Iraq into
three small states!.... I then asked
myself what stance should I take on this constitution? I have seen Kurds place demands on the
constitution. I have heard the Shiites
concerns addressed and province’s demands for the fair distribution of the oil
wealth and a non-centralized rule met....
But our concerns will remain as long as the intensions of the political
parties are not good. Is there a way to
overcome bad intentions? This is the
biggest challenge Iraq will face. Iraq’s
progress and prosperity will depend on good intension and good intensions are
the sole guarantee for our economic and political unity.... I’m an Arab and I suppose I have rights so
why do I consider them a gift? These
rights that the Kurds, the Turkmen, the Persians, and the Keldo-Assyrians enjoy
are a natural and civilized part of what it means to be an Iraqi. Yes they are all included in the constitution
however practical implementation takes time.
The people need to be educated about these rights in order to have them
be shaped in the community. If we can
achieve this then we have succeed in writing our constitution.... Writing a constitution isn’t hard, it is the
implementation of its principles that is difficult to do. Iraq had a permanent constitution but our
leaders paid no attention to it. The
peak of these violations took place under Saddam Hussein’s rule. As I said before if federalism or non-central
rule doesn’t include good intentions with the correct implementation all of
this effort will not achieve anything....
It’s worth mentioning that there is still a chance to change the
constitution if we find any problems in it.”
"The Second Step"
Salim Rasool wrote in Islamic Dawa
Party-affiliated (Ja'afari) Al-Bayyan (8/24): "At last, the newborn constitution has
been submitted to the national assembly to give assembly members a chance to
have a look at it. The next step is to
find out what the Iraqi people think of the new constitution.... This constitution was not easy to draft. Indeed, it made the Iraqi politicians work
very hard and discuss difficult issues in order to draft a constitution that
guarantees the rights of all Iraqis....
The Iraqi politicians were able to submit the constitution draft before
the second deadline. Nobody thought that
the constitution would be submitted on time due to the continuous disagreements
among the politicians. However, the
Iraqi government proved that they are responsible and that they can reach an
agreement despite the fact that their members come from different religions,
ethnicities and nationalities.... The
Iraqi leaders are moving forward wisely to continue the political process. I am optimistic about the next step, which is
the National Assembly's endorsement of the constitution draft. After that, the Iraqi people will have their
final word during the referendum."
"Federalism Is The Decision Of Our Free
Badr Khan Al-Sindi commented KDP-affiliated
(Barzani) Al-Ta'akhi (8/24):
"Those who oppose federalism in Iraq are either ignorant about the
true meaning of federalism or they have a nationalistic, or religious desire
control others. So, it is not very
surprising that there have been objections to the idea of establishing
federalist territories.... In fact federalism
is somewhat of a strange concept for the majority of Iraqis. This is due to the media coverage of the
concept. The Iraqi media has been
responsible for educating people about federalism. It does not seem that they have done a good
job. Today, the majority of Iraqis, even
those who support federalism, do not know that half of the world's countries
live under federal regimes. The Iraqi
people do not know that we are not the first country who called for the
establishment of federalism.... In addition,
many of those who oppose federalism do not want to admit that federalism means
unity and it does not mean separation.
Iraq has suffered for more than 80 years since the establishment of the
first Iraqi state. It was formed
according to a British plan. However,
that plan proved to be unsuccessful.
Iraq has experienced disasters, starvation, wars and tyranny in the
south. We all know that the Kurds and
the Arabs are brothers in this country.
But, we must not forget that Iraq is made up of two main nations and the
Kurds have the right to decide their own future.... Without a doubt, those who oppose federalism
are the same people who condemn dictatorship.
Actually, some of them suffered from that dictatorship. We must accept that here in Iraq centralized
governments are ripe for dictatorships.
Federalism is the only way that can prevent the creation of another
dictatorship in Iraq. Removal of a
dictator does not mean that the Kurdish people are ready to receive a new
dictator in the name of nationalism or religion.... It is very important to include federalism in
the constitution because the Kurds and the Arabs who support this option want
to establish it in the new Iraq.
Federalism is the best way to defend the new Iraq and we think that federalism
reflects our free will."
"Pending Issues"
Ali Khalif asserted in SCIRI-affiliated Al-Adala
(8/24): "The issue of federalism in
the territories cannot be described as separation because all Iraqi political
groups call for Iraq's unity. In addition,
the United Iraqi Alliance has demanded to give every province the right to
establish one or more territories.
Furthermore, any territory can be merged with other territories. Does this sound like separation? This system will unite Iraq according to the
will of the territories. If those who
oppose federalism want to unite Iraq, why don't they establish their own
federal territories and demand to be merged with the south or the north in an
attempt to unite the country?... Why do
they want to omit from the Constitution the article that speaks about the
Ba'ath party? We want to mention the
Ba'ath party in order to remind people with its crimes.... Concerning the distribution of natural
resources; if we want to be selfish we would make the United Iraqi Alliance the
big loser. But, we wanted to fairly
distribute the revenue among all Iraqis.
However, the Iraqi people are waiting for the referendum in order to
give their final opinion on the merits of the constitution."
"The Solution Is To Dissolve The National
Fateh Abdul Salam contended in independent,
anti-Coalition Az-Zaman (8/24):
"It would be no big sacrifice to dissolve the National Assembly and
admit the failure of the drafting committee.
This would ensure safety for the Iraqi people while they are witnessing
the failure of all of their hopes....
The best choice is to dissolve the TNA, because they won't be able to
resolve the issues that plague the draft Constitution.... Therefore, The TNA is the best sacrifice,
because it is already a temporary entity...full of problems. The TNA was established under exceptional
circumstances and the Iraqis will not feel sorry for dissolving it. This political body has not benefited the
Iraqis at all. However, they have
learned a good lesson for the upcoming elections. They have learned to keep their eyes wide
open at the ballot boxes in the future....
So, feel the comfort of dissolving the TNA and stop trying to build this
heavy Constitution on such a weak base, because it will collapse in the
"The Uncovered Lie"
Al-Basaer an anti-Coalition weekly affiliated with the
Association of Muslim Scholars, editorialized (8/24): "It is a bad situation for any nation
when its leader becomes a liar and does not fulfill his promises..... We were looking forward to forgetting about
this phenomenon of a liar leader.
Unfortunately, the phenomenon has gotten bigger than it was before
because now we have more than one leader.
Sometimes the leaders get along and sometimes they are looking out for
their own interests. No matter what,
each of those leaders acts as though he is the main leader of our people. He assures us that he is taking care of the
nation's interests better than anyone else....
Those leaders talk about the constitution in the name of Iraq and they
act like unity is the most important thing in the world to them. However, every time those leaders get
together they behave in the best interests of their own sect or party and not
in the best interest of Iraq.... Some of
them claim that Iraqis are drafting the constitution without any external
pressure. Not even American
pressure. However, we did see the U.S.
Ambassador attending sessions of the TNA.
The government continues to put out statements that are full of
lies. They promise, but they do
"Constitution Draft Is A Compromise"
Bassem Al-Sheikh opined in Independent Al-Dustoor
(8/24): "Everyone admired the
flexibility of the political forces during the negotiations over the permanent
constitution. The political leaders were
able to complete the draft despite the short amount of time they had to achieve
this victory and the stress involved....
Iraq is anxiously awaiting the results of the National Assembly's vote
process. They are watching to see how
they resolve several pending issues between the cross-sections of different
political forces.... The Sunni
representatives still claim that they are being ignored and marginalized by the
powerful parties in the Constitution Draft Committee. I think this is to be expected because the
previous electoral process allowed those political parties to dominate the
political process. However, the
committee members were very eager to consider the minority opinions and allow
those opinions into the constitution draft.
They also took the time to consider all disagreement points and reach a
compromise among all the political elements involved. They did this because this path benefited all
Iraqis. The submitted constitution draft is a document that was achieved
through compromise. The Iraqi
politicians did this to secure safety for all Iraqis.
"Our Constitution Is Between Our
Falah Al-Mish'al wrote in independent As-Sabah
Newspaper (8/23): "Once again
Iraqis have succeed in securing their political future, by drafting a national
constitution that protects the unity and wellbeing of Iraq. This document favors the people over other
sectarian or ethnic allegiances.... This
accomplishment not only effects the current political situation in Iraq, it
also represents an Iraqi dream. It is
the dream of freedom and civil rights ensured by a permanent constitution. Iraqis have kept that dreams alive through
decades full of struggle.... The
document will be available for all Iraqis to read within two months. The Iraqi people will then vote their
opinions just like they did during the last election.... We hope that the same efforts that went into
the constitution will be applied to issuing new legislation toward what remains
of Saddam's government. These
legislations will suit the new lawful democratic state that is born from
Constitution. Congratulations go out to
everyone for this national accomplishment and for each step toward granting the
rights of safety and prosperity for our people."
"Central Iraq"
Independent, Anti-Coalition Al-Mashriq
(8/23) carried a commentary by Shamil Abdul Qadder: "There is a confusion about federalism
and its relationship to breaking up Iraq into separate parts. Some Iraqi political groups only consider
federalism in relation to the Kurds. It
seems that 80% of the Iraqi population do not accept any kind of federalism. They consider it a move toward Iraq's
destruction.... Today, the Iraqi political
groups think that it is necessary to establish a central government with the
presence of a Kurdish federal territory....
Some politicians believe that presence of a Kurdish and Arab federal
territories will stabilize security in Iraq.
Others think that making each province a federal territory with the
presence of a central government will disrupt Iraq's unity. I believe that if politicians continue to
insist upon the establishment of federal territories we will start to see areas
similar to Kurdistan such as Basrahstan, Umarahstan and Nasseriyastan.... We all know that the British imperialists
tried to cut Iraq off from the rest of the world. The Kurds are in a mountainous area. They are like a small Iraq without a
shore. Hence, it is impossible to
establish a Kurdish state because the land is no more than hills. Israel was successful in establishing its own
state because it occupied the Mediterranean seashore."
"Why They Are Afraid Of Establishing
Federalism In The South Of Iraq?"
Al-Bayyan (Affiliated with the Hezbollah Movement in
Iraq) (8/23) editorialized: "One
day, the late Saudi King Fahad was asked why he asked Washington and London to
not support the Shi'ites during their uprising in 1991? He said that he was afraid that the south of
Iraq might become a Shi'ite triangle that would extend to all other Arab
countries in particular the Gulf States.
This speech reminds us of the current objections to establishing
federalism in south of Iraq.... Why do
the Iraqi people who live in the south of Iraq suffer from poverty when their
areas contain a real wealth? Why they
are they always exposed to tyranny, mass killing, humiliation and
marginalization? We believe in the unity
of Iraq. But, we
would like to know why Kurdistan only has the
right to federalism when it appears that no other area has that right.... Some Iraqi groups have started to call us
separatist. They don't remember that we
were the first citizens who supported Iraq's unity. We lived in poverty and suffered tyranny in a
wealthy land. Yet we never stopped
supporting Iraq's unity. We are the real
advocates of unity and we will support any initiative that will unite the
country, fight terror and end starvation."
"The Constitutional Changing"
Jassem Al-Sagher wrote in Baghdad (8/23)
(Affiliated with the Iraqi National Accord headed by Iyad Allawi): "The new democratic process in Iraq is a
unique development for the entire Middle East.
A civilized Iraqi political government will emerge from the referendum
and the coming election. It will be
structured according to the principles of equality, harmony, rule of law, and
universal participation. These
principles are important for supporting the political process.... Every country needs strong political
institutions in order to maintain stability.
Backward countries do not have these institutions.... We are on the right path toward
democracy. We began the journey when we
received our sovereignty, and then we established the TAL.... The TAL approves modern democratic principles
for Iraq. These principles include the
mechanisms of democracy, such as the establishment of the Ministry for Human
Rights. Compare our civil society to
other countries in the region and you will see that we are more advanced. Our progress is really a civilized jump for
our Arab region."
"The Kurds And The Constitutional
Independent, anti-coalition Al-Fourat
(8/23) carried an editorial by Hayan Al-Baghdadi: "After the first gulf war the American
government supported the idea of Kurdistan being outside the control of the
Iraqi government.... The United States
did this in order to make friends in the region. They wanted a place where they could launch
military and intelligence movements in order to topple the former Iraqi
government.... During this time the
Kurds started to form an independent government with a parliament and a
military (Peshmergas). They were able to
do this because they felt that the Americans were protecting them. They also were free from the centralized authority. This is how Kurdistan became a
semi-independent region. They are
semi-independent because they need financial and political aid. This is why they are now arguing over
Kirkuk.... The Iraqis will never let go
of Kirkuk. Nor will they agree to let
the Kurds have it. It is a Kurdish
conspiracy to cut Kirkuk from our unified Iraq for their own special
interests. The question is, will the
Kurds succeed in forcing their allies to stand with them against the Iraqi will
for unity? If they do, they will be
cursed by history for the rest of time....
We can assure the Iraqis that the rest of the Kurds and its national
powers in our northern regions reject any idea of separation from mother
Iraq.... Because they know that an
independent Kurdistan will be an easy target for their neighbors and there will
be no one around to help or save them then."
"Women And The Freedom Of Expression"
Communist, anti-coalition Al-Mada (8/23)
carried an editorial by Amina Abdul Aziz:
"By the final deadline for the constitution draft we are all
expecting a document that will ensure the rights of all Iraqi men and
women.... Since the beginning of this
political process there have been demonstrations started in Baghdad from two
types of women. The first type has
demanded that women have equality with men while the other type has rejected
the idea of women having equality with men....
With full respect to all point views, there is a misunderstanding for
the concept of equality. The
misunderstanding about women's rights, duties, and equality between men and
women, is due to decades long deprivation from expressing free opinions. A significant gap occurred in understanding
the real meaning of equality, women's freedom, their sacrifices and
suffering--for their patience they deserve practical participation in ruling
the country, which suits their ambitions and performance.... Equality means full awareness for the
important role of women that is ascendant in the new generation, the new future
of Iraq.... We should have our rights in
being nominated for senior positions in the Iraqi government, to correct what
we believe is not right for us and to work toward planning for our new
political role in Iraq."
"Frozen Green Zone People"
Hussain Abdul Abbas Al-Wahili wrote in
anti-coalition, independent Al-Fourat (8/23): "I can assure you that the people in the
frozen green zone do not know anything about the change of seasons, they do not
know that we are now in summer and the heat in Baghdad is at peak
temperature. To prove what I am talking
about, they are still wearing suits and jackets with ties; they fasten their
jackets and they seem that they are shaking when they appear on TV as if it
were still winter. Are they shaking
because they are feeling so cold inside the frozen green zone, or are they
shaking in fear?.... Perhaps it's
because they are embarrassed since they have no answers to the many crises we
are experiencing regarding the lack of water and power.... It's as if electricity divorced all
Iraqis. How a thing named electricity
completely abandoned Iraqis is a beautiful old story we can tell our children
who gather around the lamp at night; it will begin with, 'once upon a time when
we enjoyed that lovely element named electricity;' and it will continue with
water and which was something we had in the past and it will go on to something
else named security.... These are our
fairy tales now, how to apologize to your neighbor when he abuses your rights
and how to stay silent when someone occupies your land.... They all live in the green zone. Iraqi government and national assembly
members, the ministers and the coalition, and all other employees working with
them and that is why they do not know about Iraqis who live outside the green
zone and that is why they are leading us with Transparency and Democracy."
"The Calamity Named The Upcoming
Hady Jallaow Mariy opined inpro-government Al-Dawa
(8/23): "There are three basic
political factions asking for demands, insisting on them, and showing their
opposition to it.... The first is the
Kurds, who dream of a separate province.
The second is the Sunnis who want the opposite of the Kurds. The last is the Shia who believe in the
necessity of finishing the constitution on time; they also have limitations in
what they're willing to relinquish. It's
not only politicians who are committed like them, it's the majority of Iraqis
who believe in this commitment.... At
the same time, some factions are calling for the refusal of certain issues in
the constitution, which are related to federalism, because they believe it will
divide the country.... The problem is
how will Iraqis convince those with intertwined attitudes about the
constitution? Especially since there are
wide sectors of the populace still suffering from abuses inflicted by the
former regime and it activities....
Parliamentary block leaders are responsible for reaching the final
accord, and that can be achieved through concessions. The results will be in the interests of the
Iraqi people because any more postponement or dissolution of the National
Assembly will take Iraq back to the first step, and that sequences will reflect
negatively on the Iraqi people, which is dangerous.... The Iraqi people are waiting for the results
of the upcoming negotiations with anxiety."
"Iraqi Constitution And The Dialogue Of The
Jihad Al-Khazin commented in Iraq 4 All
News in Arabic (8/23): "It might be
true that the constitutional committee had completed 90% of the draft before
its August 15th deadline, but its also true that the remaining 10% is the
largest source of disagreement among the three main groups.... In fact, the deliberations have shed light on
how deep the differences are among Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds. These differences led the negotiators to give
themselves another week for deliberations despite pressure from the United
States. They went into the extension
with no practical program for reaching a solution for problems that prevented
their agreement in the first place....
The Shiites demand a federal region in the south that would enable them
to benefit from its oil resources. The
Kurds in the north also want their own federal region but they oppose the idea
of Islam as the main source of legislation....
The 15 Sunni Constitutional Committee members have threatened to
withdraw from the process if Shiites and Kurds
continue to insist on these concessions.... The United States has pressured all parties
to give up their points and reach an agreement.
Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, expressed disappointment over the
postponement after acting as the 72nd member of the committee. Maybe he was even the first.... Federalism is the first step in the plan to
divide Iraq. The Shiites and Kurds are
already talking about the next step, which is autonomy.... It is a real possibility that the failure of
this process could lead to a civil war.
That kind of war could already be on the way, even though no one is
talking about it yet. We are suffering
from insane terrorism that could not be described as a resistance
movement. It is claiming many lives on
daily basis. While the United States,
which put Iraq in these circumstances, is trying to emphasize the positive side
of the situation that just doesn't exist."
"Concession Over Self-Determination"
Venus Fa'iq editorialized in Al-Rafidayn
Web Site in Arabic (8/23): "News of
Kurdish concessions over the right of self-determination didn't have any
shocking impact on my soul.... Since I
did speculate that Kurds would end up with nothing.... I would have liked to ask Kurdish officials
the question: When did Kurds have any
rights to give up in the first place, and could they give them up without going
back to their people?.... I don't know
what rights Kurds will have after this concession and after agreeing that Islam
should be the main source of legislation--these two points alone are enough to
suppress the Kurdish people in a civilized manner right under the world's
sight.... We should point out that the American
position changed during the night.
Americans, whom Kurds thought were keen on Kurdish rights and were their
strongest ally ever, have turned their back on Kurds in favor of Shiites, the
neighbors of Iran.... I can't think how
any attention could be given towards Kurdish demands anymore, even in Kirkuk,
especially after Al-Sistani's fatwa. I
believe Kirkuk will be the next step in the series of concessions and I hope
I'm wrong."
"Iraq, Uniqueness Of The Constitutional
Battle.... The Uniqueness Of The Iraqi
Ameer Al-Taheri commented in Soat Al-Iraq,
The Voice of Iraq in Arabic (8/23):
"Does the national assembly's decision to postpone the discussion
of the draft constitution represent a major setback for Iraq that has just been
freed from a dictatorship or is it merely a minor event on the road to
democracy?.... Failure to meet the
constitutional deadline would be considered a drawback for only one reason,
it's the first time the Iraqi leadership has failed to fulfill a political
obligation on time since the toppling of the previous regime.... Despite the prospect of postponement being
seen as a tactical drawback for Iraqis,
it represents a democratic development in an Iraq that was recently freed from
decades of dictatorship. Constitutional
committee members stood up to pressures from different factions including
Al-Sistani and the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq....
The vast majority of Iraqis are content with the manner through which
decisions are made, and they're aware that the era where constitutions were
imposed by tyrants is gone forever, and that no single group can dictate its
will over others, and most importantly they know it's no longer possible to
ignore the will of the people.... The
discussions around the drafting of the constitution have included Iraqis
participating in over 300 conferences enabling 50,000 to express their
opinions; in addition to the participation of many unions, women's groups, and
human rights organizations."
"Citizenship And Sectarianism: The Difference Between The Sunni And Shiite
Ali Al-Shlah editorialized in (Iraqi Press
Website in Arabic - (8/22): "Iraq is ruled by one sect which nobody
used to talk about. Now sectarianism is
a familiar topic of conversation, since the government is comprised of Iraqi
people from all spectrums!.... Which
group committee members identify with or not, as well as their qualifications,
have become main concerns for Iraqis because it is a hot Iraqi and international
Arab issue. This point was taken to such
extremes that when Secretary of State Rice visited Iraq and demanded that the
Prime Minister guarantee a larger role for Sunnis in drafting the constitution,
nobody claimed that this was ethnic power sharing. But it seems that this topic only comes up
when the government is faced with the necessity of giving non-Sunnis their
rights (or not) in the political process....
Iraqis had problems with Saddam's regime not because he was Sunni but
because he was a criminal. People would
have turned against him even if he had been Shi'ite. Why do people say that every anti-terrorist
operation is against Sunnis?.... I wish
that I had heard the protesters on the Constitutional Drafting Committee say
that they opposed the committee because it excluded an Iraqi legal
advisor. But, to oppose it because they
concluded it didn't have enough Sunnis isn't a good enough reason. The committee is considered sectarian because
the leaders of the Sunnis convinced their group to boycott the elections. Then those very same leaders demanded a big
portion of the cake through terrorizing others with the threat of a boycott,
though Sunnis did not elect the Sunni spokespersons. They are not legitimate. The government responded to their blackmail
with support from abroad to the extent that I'm afraid that Sunni extremists
will boycott the upcoming elections to get more than they could get in a free
and fair election. In that manner they
will continue to assume more power and get away with their grandstanding. The written constitution won't differentiate
between one Iraqi and another and it won't favor one sect over another. Political leaders should all concentrate on
writing a patriotic constitution and not sectarianism one."
"Constitutional Discussions"
SCIRI-affiliated Al-Adala (8/22) in
Arabic carried and editorial by Ali Khalif:
"The current discussions on the constitution among the Iraqi
politicians represent a very important step in Iraq's journey to democracy. However, it seems as though every political
group is trying to impose its own agenda on the constitution.... There are some who hold political opinions
that do not serve the Iraqi national interest.
For example, those who oppose the idea of federalism in Iraq might have
accepted it if they had natural resources in their own provinces. If we believe in democracy and freedom we
must not be afraid of federalism.... But
I think that some political groups in Iraq are selfish and because of that they
try to dominate all other groups. These
are the groups that accept the idea of Kurdish federalism while at the same
time refusing the concept of establishing federal territories in any other part
of Iraq.... Nevertheless, the current
constitutional process represents a great achievement and the Iraqi politicians
who have taken the lead in this process must complete the task of drafting a
constitution that meets the needs of all Iraqi people. We do not like anyone to make use of this
achievement to make it a platform to launch bombastic slogans. The Iraqi people want to live in peace and
they want to enjoy their fair share of Iraqi wealth and natural
"Why Are We Afraid Of Federalism"
Sa'eed Abdul Hadi wrote in Independent As-Sabah
(8/22): "Until yesterday,
federalism was an obstacle in the way of reaching an agreement on the
constitution draft. As everyone knows
there is a Shiite-Kurdish agreement on federalism. However, the Sunnis call for non-centralism
of provinces and totally refuse federalism.
The Arab Sunnis think that federalism will lead to the unfair
distributing of natural resources among provinces. We do not know the reason behind such fear
since the Iraqi politicians unanimously agreed on the distribution of natural
resources.... The Western media focuses
on the positive points of federalism and how important it is for Iraq's
development. The conservative Pan Arab
media outlets severely attack federalism in Iraq. We feel that they attack federalism in Iraq
because they want to defend their own political establishment. Those establishments would be threatened if
federalism succeeded in Iraq.... The
Arab countries are still governed by tyrannical regimes. Those regimes give a very good picture of
what is called the eastern tyranny. The
so-called progressive Arab press opposes the rights of Iraqis to establish
their own federalism. Administrative
federalism in Iraq is necessary because it would restore the confidence of our
many ethnic groups. We must not say bad
things about each other. We must not say
things like; Sunnis refuse federalism because they want to implement a
nationalist Arab
project for the sake of our neighbors or accuse
the Shiites of being involved in an Iranian plan in Iraq. These accusations come from those who want to
destroy Iraqi confidence and encourage sectarianism.... What will the Shiites lose if a central
government was established that represented the majority in Iraq? What will the minority Sunnis benefit from
having a central government? There must
be a national movement in Iraq and honest Arab writers must support this
move.... Iraq is moving forward and the
democratic process will never stop.
Disagreements among Iraq's Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds are a healthy point
in this process."
"The Disagreement Points Are
Majed Fadhel Al-Zaboon opined in independent,
anti-coalition Al-Fourat (8/22):
"Despite the Constitution Drafting Committee's announcement that
the political parties working on the Constitution have resolved their
differences and reached an agreement, it seems that there are still arguing.... In fact they are still trying to reach an
agreement on sixty-six different points.
How did six points of disagreement turn into sixty-six points of
disagreement?.... One of my colleagues
thought that members of the Constitution Drafting Committee would not be able
to read the constitution articles because there is no electricity where he
lives. He lives far away from the
International Zone so he knows nothing about the concrete walls and unlimited
electricity. My other colleague thought
that they should schedule their discussions about the disagreement points. The problem with that solution is that Arabs
want a schedule according to the Arabic alphabetic and the Kurds want the
Kurdish alphabetic, the same goes for others political groups.... Ambassador Khalilzad, our American brother,
suggested that they use the English alphabet.
Everyone respects his wisdom and they liked the idea. However, he decided to add more articles to
the Iraqi constitution draft. When some
of the Constitution Drafting Committee members protested, he used his veto
against them! He has the right to do so
because the United States is a permanent member in the International Security
Council.... This is why the members of
the Constitution Security Council accept his very democratic additions. They accent federalism, and fit into the
regional standards that are right for Iraq.
They were so happy with Ambassador Khalilzad that they applauded him."
[Translators note: the author is actually
sarcastically criticizing the U.S. involvement in writing the Iraqi
"This Morning"
Independent As-Sabah Al-Jadeed (8/22)
carried an editorial by Ismael Zayyer:
"The completed constitution will begin the next stage in our
country's evelopment. So, do not worry
about Qatar. Do not waste time on other
issues or other groups and their campaigns against us. Go ahead brothers and ensure our children's
future.... This does not mean that you
should be careless and accept anyone's opinion into the Constitution. But we should stand behind our own opinions
about this historical document. It will
establish the basic elements for the government in the new Iraq.... It is our basic right to participate in the
referendum and vote for the constitution.
It does not matter what your vote.
The most important thing is that we are free to express our
opinions. But we should first read the
document and understand what it means.
We should also discuss the issues raised in this document. Then we are prepared to express our opinion
toward it.... If we reject any
interference in our affairs, and refuse to allow the foreigner to remain on our
land, we should show the world that we are a nation that says what is means and
has the courage to express its opinions.
Casting a vote on the constitution is the first step for national, Arab,
and international recognition. It is the
first step toward reconstruction."
"Dividing Iraq Away From The National
Shamil Abdul Qader commented in independent,
anti-coalition Al-Mashriq (8/22):
"Some Iraqis have two main ideas about the unity of Iraq. One is that Iraq cannot be divided, and two
is that dividing Iraq would be an attack against the efforts of the United
States to maintain Iraqi unity. However,
most Iraqis believe that Iraq will be divided.
They think that the governments of Western and Middle Eastern countries
have planned all along to divide Iraq for the benefit of Middle Eastern
forces. The people who love Iraq and its
unity view federalism as a step backward under the pretext of protecting it
from a centralized government.... The
former United States Civil Administrator for Iraq Ambassador Paul Bremmer
repeated many times that he refused federalism based on sectarian issues. He maintained that he agreed with
geographical federalism. That means that
Iraq will be turned into 18 federal territories instead of 18
provinces.... All Iraqis understand that
Iraq needs a centralized government for security. We wonder if Al-Ja'afari's government will
give us the centralization of the former regime. Iraqis will destroy the idea of
division. Their anger will come down on
the heads of Iraq's enemies and on the heads of those who are trying to finance
its division."
"What Is The Argument For The
Karekar Abdullah Khushanoo wrote
inpro-coalition, PUK affiliated Al-Ittihad (8/22): "In today's session of the Transitional
National Assembly, the Constitution will either be decided or refused.... In support of the Constitution, many press
statements have been issued, and there have been many meetings for the leaders
of the political blocks. Everyone is
working on the Constitution's controversial issues. The TNA will present the results to the Iraqi
people. However, they are bored with the
issue and do not want another postponement....
The leaders of the political blocks have issued statements about the
significant restrictions facing them. If
they are able to come to an agreement on the constitution draft, that very act
will save Iraq. The completed
constitution will open up new horizons for the Iraqi people and will kick start
reconstruction. The people need a break
from the their current miserable condition....
When the Political Blocks Leaders complete the draft, it will need the
approval of the TNA. If the Assembly does
not approve the draft the political process goes back to the beginning. It will be destructive to the Iraqi people in
many ways. The political, economic,
security and social consequences of a denial will dishearten the people. It will also mean that after two years of
continued suffering, that included a dangerous election, they only gained a few
benefits.... The elected National
Assembly should have finished the constitution through the efforts of the
Constitution Drafting Committee by the first deadline. But it failed to reach an accord. That fact compelled the president to have the
political blocks to sit together in order to solve the restrictions.... The statements are continuing, some are
optimistic and some are pessimistic that the document will be finished. A decision from the TNA decision will remove
these all doubts that the government is serious about the future.... We still optimistic that the TNA will give us
our final draft, if we do not get the draft the country will sink into chaos
and face continued foreign intervention in our internal issues.... Iraqis want a constitution that will protect
their rights, protect their country, and ensure a bright future for their
children. We are waiting for the
National Assembly to decide the constitution, prepare the referendum and hold
the elections."
"The Programmed Destruction Of Iraq"
Rakan Majali wrote in center-left, influential Al-Dustour
(8/24): “It is no longer a secret for
the Iraqis that the United States is doing everything it can to tear Iraq apart
while, at the same time, it continues to hold on to a loose framework of
contradictions and struggles within that create an internal Iraqi formula that,
in the final analysis, makes the breakout of a civil war in Iraq unavoidable
should the American forces pull out....
Some people believed that the destruction was related to the military
operations that took place at the time of Iraq’s occupation, but today it
becomes clear that this destruction is a programmed strategy within a
hatred-filled military, political, economic, cultural, and psychological war
designed to destroy Iraq with the aim of controlling it and making it a model
and lesson for others.”
"Iraq’s Fires Are Not An Internal Issue"
Chief Editor Taher Udwan commented in independent, mass-appeal Al-Arab
Al-Yawm (8/24): "There is a
fire raging in Iraq and it is continuously growing. It would be a mistake to give in to the idea
that this country is the sole concern of the United States or the
responsibility of the Green Zone government in Baghdad. What is happening in this brotherly country
constitutes a disengagement process for the state and the society.... Let us stop promoting or supporting the
so-called political process in Iraq.
This process is not going to lead to security, stability, or peace. It is just a scenario on which President Bush
and the neo-conservatives are insisting in order to create a military and
political entity based on sectarian and tribal militias with the aim of
continuing the war on behalf of the Americans.... The Iraqi situation is no longer the sole
concern of Bush and Blair or even Ja’fari.
It is a regional issue and a blazing fire that threatens to consume the
entire region.”
"The American Middle Ages"
Daily columnist Nahed Hattar wrote in independent, mass-appeal
Arabic daily Al-Arab Al-Yawm (8/22):
“The United States is leaning towards accepting the establishment of a
kind of a religious state in Iraq. The
Americans who are in a hurry to leave the Iraqi quagmire are ready to abandon
their ideological objectives in return for maintaining the minimum level of
control over their interests in this beleaguered country.... One must note, however, that the ‘religious
state’ goes against the very essence of Iraq’s being. It is no wonder that the modern and
independent Iraq has moved, always, towards secularism. This multi-ethnic country has always sought
to guarantee first its unity and second its independence from regional powers,
thus keeping it far away from the reaches of the Wahhabism of the Sunni Arabian
Peninsula and from the Iranian Shiites.
What the American invaders did was that they broke the Iraqi national
status and handed Iraq over to al-Qaida and the Mullahs of Iran.
"The Iraqi Constitution And Scheduling The Withdrawal"
Columnist Khaled Mahadin writes on the op-ed page of
semi-official, influential Arabic daily Al-Rai (8/22): “The Iraqi constitution is not being written
by this committee whose members were elected amidst the boycott of a major and
influential part of the Iraqi people. It
is being written by the status quo and what is happening outside of the meeting
halls. If there are terrorists who stand
against the political process, as the Iraqi government says, and if there are
militants who do not want this process to succeed, as Washington and London
say, then no one can claim that these terrorists merit any respect, but it
would be a grave mistake to claim that these terrorists are not playing a
role. The American and British
withdrawal from Iraq is a matter of time.
The timetable for their withdrawal will not be set by a military or
political entity in Washington and London, because history has taught us that
the owners of the land and the rights are the ones who set the timetable of the
withdrawal of forces that invade their countries.”
Constitutional Crisis Is Not Only About Federalism"
Rafiq Khoury opined in centrist Al-Anwar (8/30): "It was no surprise that the new Iraqi
constitution has become a crisis.
Basically, the new draft of the constitution reflected the crisis over
the national identity of Iraq, and the crisis of the American occupation. The most serious crisis, however are
differences over whether Iraq should become a federation. The issue of federation in the Arab world has
always been taboo. It was never
discussed or given serious thought but always had a bad reputation.... The Sunnis realized too late that they were
wrong about their decision to boycott the elections, and have started to call
for participation in the upcoming referendum and the next elections.... What is obvious is that the future is very
dangerous for Iraq and the Arab world."
"Federalism And The Remains Of
Bechara Charbel editorialized in independent Al-Balad
(8/29): "Even if application of
federalism is postponed for six months in Iraq for the sake of the Sunnis, this
does not mean that Iraq has not become a federal country. We have now a new federal country among the
Arab countries...It only needs a ‘yes’ in the referendum in order to become
official. This new federalism is facing
criticism and objections by many Arab countries...but it might be the best
possible solution for Iraq at this time in light of the dramatic developments
in Iraq following Saddam’s imprisonment....
The Sunnis will no longer have dominance in Iraq.... The Kurds and the Shiites should never be
blamed for seeking this new reality....
Their suffering during the dictatorship that ‘united’ Iraq is enough of
an excuse.... In any case, Iraq was
united only because it was under a dictatorship.”
"The Last Stop"
Sateh Noreddine wrote in Arab nationalist As-Safir
(8/23): "Formulating the new Iraqi
constitution is exclusively a Lebanese event.
The text will not just be a principal law to which Iraqis refer in order
to form their next state.... It will be
the first American text that represents a reference to use every time the U.S.
prepares a program for change in any of the countries of the Middle East
including Lebanon.... The answers that
America will provide to questions of identity, nationalism, regime and even the
role of women will not be limited to the Iraqi state that has no country to
resemble it in the region more than Lebanon.
Despite differences in particularities between the two countries, still
the word federalism, which has become an item in the Iraqi constitution, is
enough to wage the civil war in Lebanon again.
Lebanese anticipation of the new American text is stronger and more
difficult than that of other Arab and Islamic countries.... There is only one essential difference
between the two countries that the Americans would take into consideration when
the time comes to rebuild the Lebanese state.
It is the Israeli issue which cannot be postponed in Lebanon as it is
currently in Iraq.”
"Iraq And The Region:
(The Phase) Preceding Hamourabi"
Rafic Khoury opined in centrist Al-Anwar (8/23): "Writing the Iraqi constitution is
firstly and lastly a kind of restructuring of the nation, the regime and the
state. It is not an easy task to perform
through dialogue in the presence of the American occupation, and the existing
imbalance between the Iraqi entities, and the conflict of interest among
regional countries that are getting involved in the security situation one way
or another.... Stumbling on writing the
constitution does not come as a surprise.
Agreement under the pressure of time will only mean a postponement of
the problem.... the major complication
is federalism that is considered by some a step towards division, and by others
a way to avoid division and uphold unity....
The bigger problem is that the winds of this dangerous kind of
federalism is sweeping the region and most certainly reaching Lebanon.”
"What Autumn In Lebanon And The Region?"
Rafic Khoury commented in centrist Al-Anwar (8/20): "The picture of the region seems rosy in
the mirror of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. She sees ‘something very dramatic changing in
the Middle East,’ as she told the New York Times. What she is talking about is separate events
that she ties with the course of the American policy and places them within the
context of her ‘achievements’ during seven months in office.... Rice sees a unique and unusual moment that
extends from spring to autumn. In spring
there was the Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon and the parliamentary summer there was the Gaza withdrawal...but in fall there is the
Iraqi referendum over the constitution....
However, selecting a group of pictures does not draw the whole
scene.... The battle in Iraq will not
finish even if all parties agree on writing the constitution.... She knows that the American policy has lost
its force of momentum, convincing and even pressure. Isn’t Iran the biggest winner in Iraq and
Afghanistan?.... The distinguished
autumn that Rice is anticipating in Iraq, Afghanistan and Egypt is the autumn
of fear that Lebanon expects. The fear
in the weeks that precede the report of the UN investigation committee and the
fear that will follow.... Can Rice make
the fear go away or is there that which may increase that fear in Washington’s
SYRIA: "Federalism, Or
A Foundation For Partition?"
An unsigned editorial in government-owned Al-Ba'th
commented (8/23): "When the U.S.
declared war on Iraq it was implementing an accurate plan to serve its vital
interests in the region.... The 'divide
and rule' principle was on the agenda of the U.S. Administration when it
drafted the State Administration Law.
There was nothing in that law to safeguard and respect the unity of the
Iraqi people or the unity and sovereignty of the State on its entire territory
as an indivisible whole. Indeed, the law
paved the way for departure from the unity of Iraq and its people when it
entrenched the sectarian and ethnic quota system.... Under Iraq's current circumstances, the call
for the establishment of various federal regions would undoubtedly dwarf Iraq
and open the door for a new Sykes-Picot.
Perhaps what the advocates of division want most is to end historical
Iraq and forcibly remove it from its Arab environment and turn it into cantons
linked to one another, at best, by nominal bonds. Indeed, that would be the tool for digging
trenches of endless wars among the federal regions, leading to isolationism and
exclusion and the establishment for full division.... But the American objective of dwarfing Iraq
through the recipe of federalism as a prelude to dismantling the Iraqi state as
we have known it since its establishment in 1921 and ending the Iraqi national
entity is not easy to realize."
Of Geography And A Bloody Tragedy"
Ali Qasim, a commentator in
government-owned Al-Thawra, wrote (8/22): "The future of Iraq is at a
crossroad.... Steps are being taken
behind the scene to create a dark future for Iraq.... The most tragic chapters in the history of
Iraq and the whole region have not yet started.
After occupation, Iraq witnessed a series of controversial measures that
appeared as a moment of declaring chaos, spreading alarm, and then causing
successive collapses in Iraq's special character. And many signs of the hidden intentions that
govern Iraq's political destiny appeared directly on the surface. All this caused the bloody episodes of
unjustified death and the suspicious calls for sectarian and ethnic divisions
in Iraq, which threaten to blow up the country's political future.... The anti-federalism demonstrations in Iraq
were an expression of the rejection of a looming danger, the repercussions of
which, the Iraqis can no longer afford and the heavy price of which, they can
no longer pay. They have paid enough
with their lives and blood for a sin they did not commit. Consequently, no one can trade in the lives
and blood of the remaining Iraqis to serve the temporary narrow interests of
groups that do not represent the Iraqi reality or express its
AUSTRALIA: "Trapped By
Their Own Folly"
An op-ed from editor-at-large Paul Kelly in the
national conservative Australian (8/24) asserted: “The fissures over the unfolding failures in
Iraq have permeated the Bush administration, the U.S. military and the Republican
establishment--and the Howard Government cannot defy a reckoning on its Iraq
policy. George W. Bush has no credible
story to offer the American public about Iraq.
Divisions are opening within his administration and there is now an
unspeakable reality--on balance, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was less a threat to
U.S. strategic interests than is Iraq today.
The very best outcome the U.S. will procure in Iraq now is a moderate
Islamic state. The worst is either a
civil war or the entrenchment in parts of the country of extremist Islamist
political power that becomes a focus of anti-Western terrorism and regional
de-stabilization.... Bush is trapped by
his own folly. Bush wanted to do Iraq on
the cheap. He never had enough troops or
a proper plan or a sense of the risks.
Now he is trapped between the commitment needed to beat the insurgency
and the pressures for an exit strategy.
Howard is trapped with him.”
"Iraqis Wonder If Constitution Is An Iraqi Or A U.S. Product"
Jiang Xiaofeng commented in the official Xinhua Daily Telegraph
(Xinhua Meiri Dianxun) (8/25):
“For this constitution that is so difficult to produce, the U.S. has
made great efforts to promote the process....
People have to doubt that whether or not the constitution belongs to
Iraq or the U.S. During the two and a
half years after the Iraq war, the U.S. has made every effort to promote Iraq’s
democratization. This seems to be the
only reason for initiating the Iraq war that the Bush administration could use
to convince the public, and also the excuse that the U.S. military uses to
continuously delay withdrawal from Iraq.
Since the U.S. will hold mid-term elections next year, the Republicans
need the Iraq issue to gain votes. If
there is problem with the Iraq issue, the Bush administration does not know
what to say to the public. The post-war
Iraq reconstruction is a bet the U.S. cannot lose. Since the U.S. efforts did not bring a smooth
drafting of an Iraqi constitution, this indicates the U.S. reform plan for the
Middle East will also have many troubles.”
"Iraqi People Losing Out In Democratic Process"
The independent English-language South China Morning Post
said in an editorial (8/22): "The
democracy that Iraqis were promised by the U.S. when it led an invasion almost
2-1/2 years ago and overthrew dictator Saddam Hussein is far from being
fulfilled. Worse, the process is being
compromised by religious and ethnic disputes, foreign pressure and hasty,
ill-judged, decision- making. Another
deadline expires tonight for interim lawmakers to conclude drafting the
country's new constitution. With no more
delays permitted, an inability to reach consensus on the key divisive issues of
religion and autonomy will push back Iraqi self-rule by as much as a
year.... What the constitution lays down
is a matter for Iraqis to determine. But
drafters need to keep in mind their obligation to ensure that the people of
Iraq are given the freedoms denied under Hussein--which are already adequately
mapped out by international law. A
government-sanctioned decision to execute three men in coming days is at odds
with those rules. So, too, is the lack
of access lawyers and families are being given to the dozens of members of
Hussein's government who are in American custody and awaiting trial. The executions, the first since the invasion,
were approved by a legal system that, as yet, has no constitutional
approval. There is no basis for the use
of the death penalty under international law.... The wrong signals are being sent to Iraqis. There are many permutations of democracy, but
the type they are increasingly being offered benefits some more than
others. It is a situation lawmakers must
rectify now, before it is too late."
"Drafting The New Iraqi Constitution Encounters Difficulties"
The pro-PRC Chinese-language Macau Daily News remarked in
an editorial (8/21): "All factions
that participated in the drafting of the new constitution have failed to come
to a consensus on major questions of principle.
Hence, they missed the August 15 deadline to submit the draft to the
National Assembly.... According to the
amended temporary constitution, if the draft of the new constitution is not
submitted to the National Assembly on August 22, the National Assembly will
need to be dismissed automatically. A
new election will be held to elect a transitional National Assembly. Then the whole process will be back to square
one again, as in January before the election was held. It will deal a heavy blow to the Iraqi
political process. This outcome is
unacceptable to all parties especially the Bush administration, which is facing
greater pressure to withdraw its troops from Iraq.... All of the factions have had extensive
negotiations. Whether they can resolve
their fundamental differences within one week and make major concessions is
totally unpredictable. Nevertheless, it
is not good for the U.S. administration to be 'over energetic' on the drafting
of the Iraqi constitution because it will only give an impression that the
drafting of the constitution is guided by the U.S. Such an impression will increase people's
doubt about Iraqi leaders and it will lead to an opposite result."
"Let Iraqis Decide Their Own Destiny"
Muslim intellectual Republika (8/29)
stated: “Let the Iraqis decide their own
destiny, including the drafting of their constitution. There should not be any external
intervention, in particular from the United States. Indications of the U.S.’ interference are
surfacing, especially now that many Americans are demanding that their
government withdraw its troops immediately.
If there is foreign intervention, we are worried that Iraq will endure
incessant conflicts in the future. For
other nations--especially those where Muslims make up the majority, including
Indonesia--it is important to follow developments in Iraq, because what happens
in Iraq will have global impact, especially in the Middle East.”
"Draft Of Iraq Constitution"
Leading independent Kompas (8/24)
reported: “The crisis in drafting Iraq’s
Constitution has ended after an agreement was reached this week. Various sensitive issues, such as the role of
Islam in the state, controversy over the federalism system, and the
apportionment of oil, have been settled through compromises. The three issues have made the negotiation
process tough, forcing the negotiation deadline to be extended.... The compromises reached in the drafting
process demonstrated to the Iraqi public that the elites were not only able to
compete and be in conflict, but they were also able to work together for a more
democratic, just, peaceful, and prosperous Iraq in the future.”
MALAYSIA: "Waiting For
A Constitution"
government-influenced English language New Straits Times editorialized
(8/28): "The fault has been laid
squarely on the representatives of the 20 per cent Sunni minority who, under
Saddam, had lorded over the Shias and Kurds.
The Sunnis had largely boycotted the elections and been wheedled into
the constitution-writing committee only at America’s insistence. Formulating a basic law upon the fractious
plurality of Iraq was always going to be difficult, especially with sectarian
and ethnic lines sharpened by an unequal distribution of oil. But the Sunnis, leveraging on the insurgency,
had been hoisted into a position to make or break any deal. Worried about excessive autonomy for the
Kurds and Shias, whose regions contain most of the country’s oil, and the
nuking of Saddam’s Baath Party, they duly chose deadlock. They have been bolstered by the Americans,
who have pressured the Shias to bring the Sunnis 'on board' and take the sting
out of the violence in the so-called Sunni triangle west of Baghdad.... Yet, whatever the Sunnis’ valid objections,
federalism is clearly the only workable way forward.... What the Iraqis and the Americans do not
have, however, is the luxury of time.
Democracy, and its legal framework, cannot be built in a hurry. But its progress in Iraq is being forced with
indecent haste by the Bush administration’s longing for trophies to buttress
the occupation’s waning support at home.
The coalition troops are squeezed by the dilemma of being both a help
and a hindrance to Iraqi self-determination.
The Iraqis must pull together, refute the world’s misgivings of their
political maturity, and pack the foreign soldiers off as soon as
INDIA: "In The Land Of
Hamid Ansari wrote in centrist The Hindu (8/26): "The commitment, in the Preamble, is
unexceptionable. Sandwiched between the
past and the future, however, is an unpleasant present that cannot be wished
away.... The new Iraq is to be
democratic, federal and parliamentary with Islam as its official religion and
'a basic source of legislation.' It is
to be multiethnic, multi-religious and multi-sect, and is to have Arabic and
Kurdish as its official languages. It is
to be a part of the Islamic world and its Arab people are to be a part of the Arab
nation.... Principles for the conduct of
foreign policy are carefully prescribed in Chapter One itself. 'Iraq shall abide by the principles of good
neighborliness and by not intervening in the internal affairs of other
countries.' It shall seek peaceful
resolution of disputes, shall respect international obligations, and 'shall
respect its international commitments regarding non-proliferation,
non-development, non-production, and non-use of nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons.'"
With Contradictions"
The centrist Hindu
editorialized (8/25): "The
political parties that dominate the executive and legislative branches hope
they will be able to evolve a consensus [prior to the National Assembly vote]. This hope might prove futile since the draft
is riddled with contradictions....
Secular forces in the country believed that the United States, for its
own reasons, would not tolerate the emergence of a theocracy. To their dismay, Ambassador Khalilzad played
a major role in persuading the drafting committee to include the Islamist
provisions. This was part of an effort
to get the support of conservative Shia parties for the draft constitution so
that Washington could claim that the transition to a democratic and sovereign
Iraq was on schedule. Iraq's women and
religious minorities might not have the strength to confront the
conservatives. However, Sunnis have the
incentive and the means to derail the constitution-making exercise.... Washington, which is desperately keen on
showing that its policy is `on track', has again forced Iraqis to act against
their own interests."
"Although There Is An Elected Government In Iraq, There Is A
Lack Of Consensus Vis-A-Vis The New Constitution"
The centrist Gujarati daily Gujaratmitra (8/19) noted: "Despite the formation of a government
in Iraq after the January 2005 elections, there seems to be a complete absence
of consensus on the creation of a new constitution for the strife-torn
country. Even the U.S. feels
disillusioned, as there is no understanding among all concerned on this
issue.... The U.S. invaded Iraq on the
pretext of establishing democracy there.
However, from Day One, America has been facing hindrances in achieving
this objective in Iraq. The U.S., caught
between the growing discontent back home and the increasing number of American
casualties in Iraq, is looking for a respectful exit from Iraq. The U.S. authorities hoped that the
introduction of a new constitution would offer the U.S forces an honorable ruse
to move out of Iraq. The bone of
contention among the warring parties on the Iraqi constitution is whether Iraq
should or shouldn’t be an Islamic nation.
The U.S. wants Iraq to be identified as a secular democratic nation. However, looking at the present scenario, it
seems America’s efforts will not fructify unless there is consensus on this
"On The Brink"
The centrist Times of India (8/20) noted: "With the failure to meet the August 15
deadline to write a new constitution, as well as the Baghdad bombings that targeted
Shias coming from the country's south, Iraq may be standing on the edge of a
precipice. None of the exercises that
the American had hoped would quell the violence have worked. The arrest of Saddam Hussein in December
2003, the handover of sovereignty in June 2004, and elections held in January
this year. There are fundamental
disagreements between the country's principal ethnic groups-Shias, Kurds and
Sunni Arabs-which is holding up the writing of a new constitution. These disagreements pertain to the nature and
even the existence of Iraq....
Meanwhile, a steadily rising toll of American servicemen is sapping the
American will to stay in Iraq. As the
popular support attracted by Cindy Sheehan's vigil near President Bush's
vacation ranch shows, domestic opinion is shifting against continuing American
presence in Iraq. A sudden American
withdrawal, however, would have catastrophic consequences. Without any legitimate authority in Iraq, the
country is likely to plunge into civil war.
By destroying existing arrangements and putting nothing in its place,
the Americans have brought about the very failed state and incubator of jehad
that, ironically was proffered as the reason for invading Iraq in the first
place. The only things that may work now
is if the Americans could persuade the UN to take its place Iraq."
PAKISTAN: "Nostalgia
For The Saddam Days"
Karachi-based, center-left English language Dawn
declared (8/28): "Nobody could have
believed that there would be a pro-Saddam march in Iraq within two and a half
years of the fall of Baghdad. On Friday,
marchers at a rally in Baquba raised slogans in favor of former president
Saddam Hussein and denounced the constitution now under preparation. Their main cause of concern was that Iraq
should not have a federal constitution.
Such a system, they feared, would lead to their country’s
disintegration. Iraq’s Sunnis are
opposed to federalism, so are most of the Shias; only the Kurds are keen on a
federal scheme. Firebrand Shia cleric
Moqtada al Sadr has come out against a federal constitution and said it would
be rejected by the people when it is put to vote.... More than the constitutional controversy, the
Baquba march represents the frustration of the Iraqi people over the chaos in
their country.... Sources in Washington
say troop levels in Iraq will depend on the fate of the constitution. The draft will stand scrapped if it is
rejected even by three provinces. In
that event, one could expect a continuation of the American military presence
in Iraq and more bloodshed and anarchy.
No wonder, there should be nostalgia for Saddam’s days when Iraq did not
have freedom but at least it was peaceful."
"Iraqi Draft Constitution And Sunni
The independent Urdu daily Din (8/26): "The Iraqi PM has very confidently said
that he is presenting the draft constitution to the parliament for
approval. He has that there is unanimity
on 151 out of 153 sections and there would be agreement on the remaining two as
well; but the Sunni community denies this.
It says that the agreement is between the Shias and the Kurds, Sunnis
are not part of it.... If Sunnis do not
agree to the draft constitutions, the Sunni provinces would reject it at the
time of referendum. This would worsen
the situation, as American and British troops would only leave once a new Iraqi
assembly comes into being after the constitution is approved and adopted. However, if as Sunnis are threatening, the
constitution is not approved, a new constituent assembly would have to be formed
which will start the process from scratch.
Events could move into the wrong direction, leading to a civil war,
Iraq's disintegration, etc, etc, and create an overall negative impact on the
Middle East. If the issue is oil, the
Sunni leadership's logic that the issue can be resolved by dividing Iraq is
incomprehensible. The matter must be
resolved by removing apprehensions about the real issue so that the country can
benefit from a democratic system.
"Iraq's Disputed Basic Law"
Center-right national English daily The Nation (8/24)
editorialized: "Apparently, Shias
and Kurds could no longer resist the U.S. pressure to iron out their
differences over the country's draft constitution by the extended deadline of
August 22 and were able to submit an 'agreed' version to the Parliament hours
before the midnight. But that does not
presage that embattled Iraq is finally set on the road to a peaceful,
constitutional future; for, even if these two communities succeed in genuinely
resolving their differences over vital issues like the source of law
(reconciling the Kurd demand for a secular constitution with the Shia
insistence on making Islam the basis of law and allowing clerics to play a
political role), the discontented Sunni factor could very well ditch the entire
exercise. Mr. Naseer al-Ani, a Sunni
member of the constitutional committee, complained, "I haven't seen what
has been written...until this moment we can't say that the issues have been
agreed upon....." The present Iraqi
scenario is quite scary, thanks to the U.S. role since the First Gulf War. Kurds have for so long enjoyed autonomy that
they would like to capitalize on it by getting more concessions, which
neighboring countries having Kurdish population would resent. Shias, so far denied their due place, would
be loath to cede too much ground.
Sunnis, once the ruling elite, feel driven to the wall. Reconciliation, though the best course to get
rid of the foreign invaders, seems a distant dream.
"Iraq's New Constitution: Aspect That Needs Attention"
An editorial in the
pro-Muslim league (N) Urdu daily Pakistan (8/23) remarked: "There has been no agreement among Iraqi
leaders on the draft of the new constitution.... A careful review of the Iraqi situation would
reveal that the real issue is dispute over oil wealth. The Sunnis fear they would not get any share
from this wealth if the country is given a federal system of government. The issue of provincial authority is also
linked to the distribution of oil wealth.
The Kurds, Shias, and Sunnis must understand that they all stand to lose
if they do not act equitably--only the imperialist [power] would be victorious,
the real objective of whose attack was control over oil."
"Situation In Iraq: International Community Should Fulfill Its
An editorial in the Karachi-based Taliban
mouthpiece Islam (8/23) commented:
"The instability in Iraq is a matter of great concern for the
entire world. All the dreams of freedom,
peace and justice after the toppling of Saddam’s dictatorial government have
proved to be mirages. Even if a mutually
agreed constitution is penned down, there is no likelihood that the incidents
of violence would recede because the resistance forces in Iraq have no interest
in the formulation of Constitution.
Therefore, there is no likelihood of an improvement in the situation in
Iraq in the near future."
"Allied Forces Should Also Play Role For
Peace, Stability In Iraq"
An editorial in the leading mass circulation
Urdu daily, Jang (8/23) commented:
"According to reports, some seven thousand U.S. on-duty troops have
refused to resume duties in Iraq while about 150 of them have sought political
asylum in Canada. The refusal of seven
thousand U.S. troops to resume their duties in the unjustified war on Iraq,
against the voice of their conscience, is a matter of great concern for the
entire international community.
Especially those countries that supported the U.S. aggression in Iraq
should contemplate why such a situation has arisen. Even if after holding the elections under an
interim constitution and the formation of parliament and a democratic
government in Iraq, the sequence of bloodshed, killings of innocents,
kidnapping of diplomats and blowing up of vital installations is not abetting
then it is a proof that the people of Iraq are not ready to bear the presence
of foreign forces on their land. But in
the absence of a comprehensive infrastructure, the withdrawal of allied forces
would further push the country towards an unending fire of civil war."
CANADA: "Iraq's Draft
The leading, centrist Globe and Mail opined (8/24): "Like every other aspect of democratic
nation-building, crafting a constitution that meets the needs of a diverse
population and various competing political interests is no easy task. It is particularly difficult in a country
such as Iraq, with its history of authoritarian rule and its instability,
violence and bitter ethnic and sectarian divisions. Compromise and accommodation have not been
part of the Iraqi political vocabulary....
The original idea was to produce a consensus blueprint that laid a solid
foundation for a liberal democracy governed by the rule of law and respectful
of minority rights. This was seen as an
important weapon in the fledgling government's battle against the bloody
insurgency. Instead, the Shia and
Kurdish leaders have put their own religious and secular interests ahead of the
country's needs, proposing a dangerously hobbled government in Baghdad and
ensuring that the Sunnis, who controlled the levers of power under Saddam
Hussein, will continue to feel marginalized and threatened.... After winning independence from Britain, the
United States required years of compromise and concessions to come up with a
constitution that addressed the problems inherent in its initial weak central
government and loose confederation of largely self-governing states, many of
which had conflicting interests. The
Iraqis seem to be opting for the vulnerable system the Americans originally
had, but with the additional handicaps of sectarian divisions, a growing insurgency
and no experience in the practice of democracy.
It is not a promising recipe for the future."
"A Patch-Up Job For Iraq"
The liberal Toronto Star editorialized (8/24): "Patching Iraq back together after U.S.
President George Bush shattered Saddam Hussein's repressive Baathist regime was
never going to be easy. After all, Iraq
is a nation of 27 million split along three vast fault lines: Shia and Sunni Muslim Arabs, and Kurds. Saddam held it together, just barely, with a
reign of terror.... What is on offer so
far seems to reflect the aspirations of the 60 per cent Shia majority that was
disenfranchised under Saddam, and the 20 per cent Kurdish minority, if not the
Sunni 20 per cent who ran the country until Saddam's fall. While Bush can be faulted for launching a
needless war and for bungling the occupation, he deserves credit at least for
providing a mechanism for Iraqis to take the future in their own hands by
forging a new national accord.... Tinkering
to mollify critics may yet occur before the National Assembly votes to adopt
the pact. Certainly, basic Sunni rights
must be respected. But ultimately the
Iraqi people must decide. Sunnis can't
dictate terms. And the system has
safeguards. Iraqis collectively can say
'no' in an October referendum if they see the deal as fatally flawed. The Sunnis have an effective community
veto. They dominate four provinces. If two-thirds in any three provinces reject
the deal, it's back to the drawing-board.
Secular Iraqis, poor Shias and women may also oppose the deal. If they do, this patch-up job may prove to be
a work in progress. The good news is,
Iraqis are getting to shape their own destiny."
Editorialist Serge Truffaut wrote in
intellectual, nationalist Le Devoir (8/23): "Written almost exclusively by Shiites
and Kurds, the text will probably be rejected by the Sunnis. One can speak of a project still-born.... [The Sunnis] will compel the Pentagon to
delay the departure of the troops planned for Spring 2006. Because, until then,…the Sunni revolt…will
double its efforts to take the country where they want: total chaos."
"Iraq's Imperfect Constitution"
The conservative National Post observed (8/23): "Iraq's Shiite Islamist rulers are
threatening to force through parliament a draft constitution in the face of
fierce opposition from the Sunni minority.
It is hard to see what good can come of the maneuver, which appears to
have been backed by U.S. diplomats who had been frantically working in the
background to ensure that some agreement be reached by yesterday's
deadline--even an imperfect one. At
worst, the move threatens to incite the rage and sense of disenfranchisement of
Sunnis, boosting support for the insurgency, and worsening the violence in
Iraq. At best, it might bring about a
fleeting political engagement by Sunnis, since if two-thirds of voters in three
or more of Iraq's 18 provinces vote 'no' in the national referendum in
mid-October, the constitution will be defeated.... Either way, unless Iraq can address Sunni
demands in the next three days...hope of national reconciliation for Iraq
remains elusive.... The transition from
Saddam's brutal dictatorship to democracy is proving more difficult than
most--particularly U.S. leaders--could have imagined. Even the details of the constitution, such as
a provision that makes Islam 'a main source' for legislation and bans laws that
contradict 'the fixed principles of the rules of Islam,' undermine a key U.S.
hope--that a modern, secular democracy would emerge in Iraq.... The U.S. may have its prize--a constitutional
agreement of sorts--but it comes at a cost of further stirring up the existing
conflict. Not only does it threaten to
fuel Sunni alienation, but the fundamental concession by the U.S. to yield to
the Shiite demand for the inclusion of Islamic law will feed growing concerns
about the role of Washington's chief rival in the region, Iran's Shiite
mullocracy, in Iraq's future. The
Pentagon is hoping to begin reducing its massive military presence in Iraq by
the middle of next year; however, it was reported yesterday that contingency
plans are being made for a 'worst case' that would keep troop levels in Iraq at
well over 100,000 through 2009. This is
a wise precaution."
ARGENTINA: "Iraq: Constitution In Jeopardy, Rumors Of Civil
Business-financial, pro-U.S. Ambito Financiero said
(8/26): "Inter-ethnic negotiations
aimed at giving Iraq a Constitution were almost thwarted last night and this
might result in a serious setback for George W. Bush's policy in the Arab
country. Hours after the 'sine die'
suspension in Congress of the session where the bill had to be approved, the
factions in conflict negotiated feverishly in order to avoid a rift of
unpredictable consequences. Despite the
lack of agreement on the draft that was already presented in Congress, its
President, Hajim Al-Hassani said negotiations would continue until tonight.... The draft of the Constitution sparked
warnings from the Sunnis on a possible civil war if it's approved, particularly
due to its opposition to federalism which, they say, will divide the
country. This ethnic group, with minor
representation in Congress, also fears the creation of a federal State might
give control of the country's powerful and rich oil regions of the north to
Shiites and Kurds that are controlling the Legislative Assembly.... In the meantime, the spokesperson of the
Iraqi government, Laith Kubba, said Congress doesn't need a formal meeting to
approve the Constitution because it was already delivered last Monday.... The interim administration, backed by the
U.S., tried to calm tensions down, but violence between Mahdi's Army and
Mogtada al-Sadr, and rival Shiite groups--resulting from the bloody clashes of
Sunni insurgents on Wednesday--reduce, even further, the hopes that the
Constitution issue will be resolved in the referendum that will take place in
BRAZIL: "Crisis In
Liberal Folha de S. Paulo (8/24) editorialized: “The new Constitution proposal in Iraq
already includes the next crisis, which may result in a split in that
nation.... The problem is that there is
no political consensus. The most
powerful groups succeeded in including their main aspirations in the project,
but did so by practically jettisoning the Sunnis from the constitutional
process.... Kurds and Shiites have the
power to approve the Constitution, but it would be a double mistake to ignore
the Sunnis.... Most important, however,
is the fact that the Sunnis represent the focus of the insurgence. Any agreement from which they are excluded
means the perpetuation or even the intensification of the civil war, which
could lead to the fragmentation of Iraq.”
"Without Consensus, Deadline Is Just An Anodyne Gesture"
International writer Luciana Coelho commented in liberal Folha
de S. Paulo (8/23): “The delivery of
the Constitutional text represents very little advance. Without agreement on a fundamental
point--federalism--all the gesture permits to think is that the Iraqis (or at
least the Shiite Arabs) are seriously committed to the deadline established by
the provisional government and supported by Washington. However, no one knows its cost and how it
will be fulfilled. Actually, it is worse
than that: the answer the text delivered
yesterday allows one to foresee is not an encouraging one.... For a nation that intends to become, as the
U.S. calls, a democracy, it is not a good start. It is simplistic and even
foolish to attribute the 2003 war merely to oil. However, in the case of the Constitution,
under the Iraqi soil is exactly where the disagreements are.... The definition of federalism, as both Shiites
and Kurds want to include in the Constitution, implies certain autonomy of the
provinces. The Sunnis fear that such
autonomy will give the others exclusive power on oil.... Without access to Iraq’s main wealth, the
Sunnis will gain elements to continue promoting insurgence in Iraq.”
JAMAICA: "Iraq’s
Constitutional Showdown"
University lecturer and columnist John Rapley writes in the
moderate, influential Gleaner (8/26):
"Iraq’s tortuous constitutional process is getting a little
smoother.… The Americans are desperate to see this go ahead. They would dearly love to leave Iraq. Despite White House bluster, the insurgency
is not on its last legs. The death toll
among U.S. soldiers is now zeroing in on 2,000.
As young men and women fail to return, anxiety grows on the home front.…
The Americans are hoping that if Iraqi politicians can agree on a constitution,
then elect a new government, it might be possible for U.S. troops to begin
withdrawing as early as next spring.
Though the White House will not commit to a deadline, it knows this war
could become a liability in future elections.... There are plenty of pessimistic
scenarios. The most obvious among them
is that the constitution fails to provide a rallying point to Iraqis, but
rather divides them along sectarian lines.
A U.S. withdrawal might then leave a vacuum that could quickly give in
to civil war.... The discussions
surrounding the constitution appear to reveal a growing sense of
exasperation.... There is still the
possibility that the Sunnis could scuttle the deal…But will insurgents…try to
play an end-game and intensify the conflict from now? Whatever the outcome, it may well be that
some in the White House are ruing the day they chose to ignore the advice of
those who said they’d regret barging into Iraq.
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