September 13, 2005
** Critics attribute the
disaster's scope to the Bush Administration's not learning from 9/11.
** Observers see hurricane
coverage as revealing America's "largely hidden" social
problems. ** Some writers say their colleagues are using
the tragedy to "take a crack at" President Bush.
** Scattered editorials
convey the impression that the U.S. has refused foreign assistance.
'How is it possible that the country is so ill prepared?'-- Many writers linked their Katrina
observations to the 9/11 anniversary, expressing surprise at "how poorly
the U.S. government reacted to the catastrophe four years after
9/11." Belgium's financial De
Tijd declared that four years after hijakers showed the nation was
"vulnerable" to foreign threats, "today it is clear that the
nation is also vulnerable internally."
Croatia's left-of-center Dnevnik contended that Americans
"should legitimately expect that mechanisms, which failed four years ago,
have been improved since then."
Administration critics asserted that the post-9/11 security system has
focused on terrorism, not disasters, per sé.
"Katrina, the first test of the system, has demonstrated that it is
a complete failure."
'Americans can no longer turn a blind eye to
social and racial inequalities'-- Tokyo's
liberal Asahi was one of many outlets to claim that Katrina "showed
the world the seriousness and the sorrow of this social problem [racial income
disparities] facing the U.S." A
Polish weekly observed, "Even...Condoleezza not able to lower
the level of the pointed attacks aimed at her unfortunate boss." While a racial divide was most often
mentioned, writers contended that other "deep cracks in U.S. society have
now been disclosed." Contrasting
Katrina's aftermath to post-9/11 America, Germany's left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau declared, "Despite great individual solidarity, we can no
longer speak of a united nation."
Remarking on "system failures that have been neglected for
years," a Romanian writer emphasized how an American metropolis
"crashed back into the Middle Ages, in only a couple of hours."
'Derision and demonizing are definitely out of order'-- Some columnists blasted the
"simple-minded anti-Americanism" of their colleagues. France's right-of-center Le Figaro
contended that Bush's critics couldn't "pass up" a chance to
"underscore President Bush’s negligence" and the supposed effects of
"Yankee liberalism." Sweden's
liberal Expressen dubbed reflexive editorial condemnation of American
social policies as "malicious and conceited speculation.... What one thinks of President Bush with
regards to Katrina seems to depend on his or her political affiliation in the
same way as they regard other deeds of the President." Prague's center-right Lidove noviny
contrasted Bush's media critics with "columnists in local dailies (in
Idaho, Kansas, New Mexico etc.) [who] describe him as...doing a very good
'Apparently, the Americans see no possibility to effectively use
foreign aid'-- Several outlets conveyed the erroneous message that President Bush
had made a "categorical refusal to accept humanitarian aid."
Stephen Heath Thibeault
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 42 reports from 27 countries from September 6-12 , 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "Why Did Bush
Flunk The New Orleans Test?"
Assistant editor Alec Russell commented in the conservative Daily
Telegraph (9/12): "With his
Iraq policy in disarray it had long been clear he was on the look-out for a
chance to prove himself again. Instead,
he issued little more than a shopping list of aid items. It may not have been one of his worst
speeches, as the New York Times claimed, but you have only to recall Ronald
Reagan addressing the nation after the Challenger Shuttle exploded or Bill
Clinton after the Oklahoma City bombing to realise how far he fell short of the
challenge. What the situation required
was for him to dig deep into history and look the nation in the eye. Instead, he stood in the Rose Garden flanked
by his cabinet as if making a political appointment--and thus set the
"Simple-Minded Anti-Americanism"
Yves Threard opined in right-of-center Le
Figaro (9/12): “September 2001,
September 2005. In between these two tragedies America found itself at the
center of numerous controversies and the target of every type of accusation and
criticism from Europe, and mostly from France.… In 2001, the world’s most
powerful nation appeared vulnerable and decided to take its revenge, first in
Afghanistan and later in Iraq. The world
discovered a new Bush, arrogant and shortsighted.... In 2005, word was out that the American model
was faulty: poverty and racial hate were singled out. The opportunity was too good to pass to
underscore President Bush’s negligence and the effects of ‘Yankee
liberalism.’ The accusations against the
U.S. serve to hide our incoherence and our own faults.... To gloat over the decline of the American
empire is easy. Some see even the hand
of God in Katrina, as if the U.S. had to pay for not signing the Kyoto
protocol. Others, more credible, point
that the U.S. lives on credit.... While
it is true that America is not in a position to give anyone lessons, it is also
absurd to claim to discover today that America is not perfect. With or without Bush.… Katrina, no more than
Bin Laden, has brought America to its knees....
Derision and demonizing are definitely out of order.”
“Bush in the Eye of the Cyclone”
Sacha Vanderbrouck contended in right-of-center France
Soir (9/12): “After the popularity
that followed the aftermath of 9/11, President Bush’s popularity has dropped to
its lowest.... America does not look ready
to forgive, in spite of the President having recalled Michael Brown to
Washington.... This loss of support is
fueled by a series of controversies, from the intervention in Iraq to the
misappropriated funds earmarked for repair work of the levees in New
Orleans.... Now President Bush must face
the new scandal of contracts assigned for the rebuilding of America’s South to
friends of the Republicans, including Halliburton.... The President’s decision to overnight in
Louisiana is a strong gesture counterbalancing his two previous visits. It shows that the President wants to once
again be in control although he is being accused from all sides. This determination was also apparent on
Friday with the nomination of Karen Hughes to lead America's Public Diplomacy
and try to improve America’s image in the world. What looks very much like mission
"Threats Over September 11"
Paolo Mastrolilli observed from New York in centrist, influential La
Stampa (9/12): “As al-Qaida was
launching its latest threat, that past tragedy [9/11] got mingled with current
tragedy, during ceremonies held throughout the United States to remember
September 11, by evoking the pains of the people hit by [the] hurricane. Katrina....
In his Saturday radio address, President Bush tried to correlate
September 11 and Katrina, in order to rebut detractors and then re-launch his
leadership, by recalling he had unified the country following al-Qaida’s
attacks. However, something has broken
in his relationship with people, which can only be mended by good
reconstruction results.”
“Bush, September 11 Among Flood Victims”
Alberto Flores D’Arcais reported from New York
in left-leaning, influential La Repubblica (9/12): “The U.S. President is trying to regain his
lost popularity by playing what has been a winning hand on previous occasions:
[the role of] the Commander in Chief.
And he does it by asking for more power and a new law that would allow
the White House to use and direct the military also within the U.S. territory
in cases of serious natural catastrophe....
The hurricane showed that in disasters of this type, local emergency
services cannot easily intervene with the efficiency necessary, and, even at
the cost of a clash within his own Republican party (traditionally unwilling to
increase federal powers) President Bush decided that it is time to change
policy. Within the next weeks and months
we shall see whether or not the White House strategists are correct.”
“New Orleans As Ground Zero”
Ennio Caretto editorialized from Washington in
centrist, top-circulation Corriere della Sera (9/11): “Yesterday, on the fourth anniversary of the
Twin Towers attack, George W. Bush talked to America, which is on its knees
once again because of hurricane Katrina, with a moving, supporting, encouraging
message.... The White House hoped this
anniversary would mark a U-turn in the political crisis caused by Katrina,
which directed attacks on the President for being indifferent to the suffering
of black and poor people. But, two weeks
after the catastrophe, Bush’s image is quite different from the leader who
recovered the nation from Ground Zero.”
"Between Baghdad And New Orleans"
Washington correspondent Torsten Krauel filed
the following editorial for right-of-center Die Welt of Berlin
(9/12): "It will take a long time
before the U.S. administration has a clear picture of the reasons for the
Katrina chaos. Thus far, it is clear
that the Homeland Security Department did not do justice to its tasks and that
the authorities in Louisiana were not appropriately prepared for the
events. All sides involved are now
arguing why this happened.... It will
become a classic U.S. debate: domestic
against foreign policy; America first, or America in the world. George W. Bush indicated that he foresees
such a debate. The opposition accused
him of deficiencies when it comes to the protection of his homeland in favor of
the Iraq war in the 2004 election year but failed. But now Katrina happened and its effect could
be considered an attack committed by nature, not terrorists, at the United
States. It is not a comfortable
situation to be caught in the Iraqi sand and the mud of Louisiana at the same
time. Bush's remark how little the
United States was ready for an attack with WMD showed that he has exactly
recognized the sore point."
"Deep Cracks"
Dietmar Ostermann stated in left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau (9/12): "While 9/11
revealed a new quality of terrorist threats, Katrina has created the awareness
of different dangers. Since a palpable
enemy is not visible, the feeling of helplessness remains. Instead of looking to the outside, the
Americans are now looking to the inside.
Katrina did not cause a wave of patriotism, but a wave of mutual
accusations. Instead of closing ranks as
always in times of emergency, Washington is witnessing political trench warfare
in a way it hardly experienced before immediately after a national trauma. The opposition strongly attacks the
president, and the American people no longer gather behind Bush. Despite great individual solidarity, we can
no longer speak of a united nation.
Instead of uniting the nation in mourning, political centrifugal forces
are showing their effect. The deep
cracks in the U.S. society have now been disclosed. This new 'anti-9/11' has in common with 9/11
only that it could put its imprint for years to come on the United
RUSSIA: “Cracks
In Facade”
Aleksandr Krasulin wrote in official Parlamentskaya Gazeta
(9/9): “People around the world could
not believe their eyes, following reports from the scene. New Orleans looked like Haiti, Baghdad,
Sudan, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka. Pictures
of garbage, dead bodies, and survivors’ empty eyes made the place look like
anything but the United States. The
world’s reaction changed from shock to sympathy to mounting criticism of the
Bush Administration’s inaction. The
opinion in different countries was that the chaos sweeping much of the Mexican
Gulf coast was due to incompetence, at best, or racism, at worst. Bush’s emphasis on the use of the army
explains why Washington did not give the go-ahead to the Russian rescue teams
ready to fly to the United States.
Apparently, the Americans see no possibility to effectively use foreign
aid, with the task of maintaining order prevailing over that of carrying out
rescue operations. All of the
authorities’ errors surfaced along with dead bodies in New Orleans. Even journalists from the Presidential pool
have had to ask Bush tough questions, wondering what the U.S. troops are doing
in Iraq when they are badly needed at home.”
AUSTRIA: “George W. Bush’s
Dream Is Over”
Martin Stricker declared in independent Salzburger
Nachrichten (9/12): "Katrina
caused a shock which calls for answers to a single fundamental question being
posed by journalists, Democrats, and Bush’s own Republicans alike. If, four years after September 11, the
administration and the authorities are incapable of reacting quickly and
professionally to a long-expected crisis, what would America’s situation be
after a surprise terrorist attack with biological weapons or dirty bombs? And:
How is it possible that the country is so ill prepared? America is demanding answers. Criticism of
the White House is no longer considered unpatriotic. The political landscape has changed. The consequences of this collateral damage
can hardly be foreseen. The nation will
look inward for some time to come. Too
much homework has remained undone or was done wrongly. The time of grand words, deeds and missions
of this President seem to be over.”
"No Lessons Learned From 9/11"
Washington correspondent Karin Reber-Ammann
commented in independent Salzburger Nachrichten (9/8): “No government likes having to admit it has
made a mistake, but for the Bush administration it seems to be particularly
difficult.... However, what’s really
alarming about the natural disaster brought about by Katrina is how poorly the
U.S. government reacted to the catastrophe four years after 9/11. For four years, as the White House is always
happy to point out, the nation has been at war, and during that time, the
Homeland Security Department should have prepared for a quick and effective
response to such events. In reality, it
has taken a week for relief measures to actually start up. This grave error is made worse by the fact
that unlike a terrorist attack, Katrina did not hit the country out of the
blue. But FEMA worst-case
scenarios...have apparently failed to impress the government. The days before Katrina were not used for
genuine preparation. The dwindling
confidence of a majority of U.S. citizens will continue to plummet, unless
Washington launches a serious investigation, which must not be limited to the
all-too slow relief efforts. It will
also have to ask the question of what happened to those billions of dollars
that have been spent since 2001 in order to be prepared for disaster.”
"From New York To New Orleans"
Foreign editor Jean Vanempten commented in financial daily De
Tijd (9/12): "The images
from New Orleans caused a turnabout in the U.S. media. After 9/11 patriotism became the highest
good. Criticism of anti-terror actions
or even the war in Iraq became unpatriotic behavior. So, there was barely any criticism--and
certainly not from the major media. That
changed after Katrina: reporters compared the situation in the ravaged areas
with infernal situations in developing countries. The corpses in the streets of New Orleans are
evidence of that. The horrible
accommodation of the victims reminds one more of an African refugee camp than
of a rescue operation by the world’s most powerful nation. The criticism is immense, also from the
supporters of the President. After
Katrina it became clear that the United States is weak at home and that the
fight against disasters is a failure.
That blame--in front of the rest of the world--weighs heavily on the
9/11 commemorations this year. Four
years ago it became clear that the United States was vulnerable to foreign
aggression. Today it is clear that the
nation is also vulnerable internally....
New York rapidly recovered from the 9/11 shock. New Orleans’s fate is uncertain. It is not sure that the Big Easy will become
a swinging city again. The question is
whether Bush will survive Katrina or that he will always be the president who
left his own people to their fate at a crucial moment.”
"Bush’s Powerless And Unfair America"
U.S. correspondent Nathalie Mattheiem editorialized in
left-of-center Le Soir (9/12):
“After Katrina, Americans can no longer turn a blind eye to social and
racial inequalities, which have been regularly denied and even more
overshadowed by a propaganda on security that is operating at full steam. Before Katrina, it was very easy for George
Bush: indeed, two thirds of the Americans admitted that they at least once a
week thought about 9/11, which they consider the century’s most important
event. Hurricane Katrina has just shed some light on the price that Americans,
the poor in particular, are paying for this ‘war on terror.’... One of the lessons of 9/11 was the urgent
need to coordinate the various national services among themselves and with
local partners. Katrina, the first test
of the system, has demonstrated that it is a complete failure.”
CROATIA: "Victims From
Second Row"
Andrej Brstovsek commented in left-of-center,
independent Dnevnik (9/12):
"It is not possible to answer with certainty the question whether
Americans are more secure today than four years ago.... However the citizens should legitimately
expect that mechanisms, which failed four years ago, have been improved since
then. Crisis management, for
example.... In place of effective
operations, the political capital of the American President was drowning in the
poisoned waters of New Orleans in the last two weeks. Hurricane Katrina has more in common with
9/11 than it seems at first sight. It
reveals that big holes in responding to catastrophes are still present after
four years,...that more attention has been paid to prevention of attacks...than
to the response in case an attack happens.
However, an answer to the question of how to feed several hundreds of
thousands of evacuated people saves lives as effectively as a new model of
metal detector or transistor radio."
"Captivation By Bush Disappearing"
Pavel Masa noted in center-right Lidove
Noviny (9/12): "George W. Bush
was laid to rest by the tidal wave after the hurricane Katrina. It is too
early to condemn him and his influence. The fact that the government
neglected prevention is for the majority of people an abstract issue.…
Pictures of Bush cursed by suffering people is spread primarily thanks to the media
giants, lead by the New York Times.... Columnists in local dailies
(for example, in Idaho, Kansa, New Mexico etc.) describe him as a president who
is doing a very good job. The failure of the federal government is a part
of the problem, caused by the bureaucracy. It is not surprising
that--despite the negative campaign--less than a one fifth of the Americans
consider Bush's reaction to Katrina a failure. The reaction to the rising
oil prices could be much worse. In the future, the raising of energy
prices and the falling of trust in Bush's leadership pose a real danger to the
Republican Party. It is for the first time, that less than a half of the
Americans trust his leadership abilities."
HUNGARY: “Katrina And The
Racial Question”
University lecturer Tamas Magyarics stated in
liberal-leaning Magyar Hirlap (9/10): “In a paradoxical way,
Afro-Americans may even benefit from the devastation caused by Hurricane
Katrina. Congressman John Lewis
suggested that the government launch a program similar to the Marshall Plan to
eliminate the evil conditions existing in neighborhoods populated mainly by
minorities. For this, the reconstruction
of New Orleans could serve as a model.
In theory, for such a large-scale program, the political conditions are
given. A picture of America, previously
largely hidden, emerged before the eyes of people all over the world, and in
the United States, and a responsible American politician contemplating next
year’s congressional and the 2008 presidential elections cannot avoid
addressing the problems, and he/she will have to answer the embarrassing
questions. The real answer would be the
elimination of the 'third world' in the only hyper power of the world.”
LITHUANIA: “Follow The
Wather Forecasts!”
Ms. Ruta Grineviciute wrote in the 4th largest
Lithuanian daily Vakaru Ekspresas (9/12): “When ‘Katrina’ subsided after having
unleashed her energy, somewhere silent talks were renewed about the Kyoto
protocol which was signed by the whole world, even Russia, and which was
arrogantly rejected by the U.S....
George Bush, the president of the oilmen, instead of reading the history of the oil
industry should at least have subscribed to the National Geographic,
which explains where the consumer society of Western civilization--incapable of
defending itself--is leading.... The
present, everyday life of New Orleans indicates what is left of the nation most
protective of human rights when they are left without shelter, electricity, and
drainage for several days... Katrina
descended on the Mississippi delta at a time when America was preparing to
commemorate the anniversary of another tragedy--September 11. What is common between these two occurrences? That such a powerful population of folk did
not manage to defend itself. The first
time they were unable to defend against the attack of aggressive and fanatic
barbarians. The second time they were
swept by nature.”
“All American Superheroes Are Plastic”
Ms. Renata Serelyte commented in Lietuvos
Zinios (9/12): "Even in a
democratic regime, class principles, the division of society into those groups
which are worthy and those which are not, and the separation between public
declarations and real action are not surpassed.... But what is to be done, if all American superheroes
are plastic? None of them extended a
helping hand to a dying newborn or an old man because of one simple
reason--they never really existed. And
it seems that the Bush Administration does not embody the omnipotence of its
national heroes.... Seeing poor
inhabitants of New Orleans, huddled together on rafts and roofs with children
and dogs, I was obsessed with the feeling that instantly Schwarzenegger would
land like thunder from the sky and save them all... The fact that even the poorest countries of
the world offered aid to the U.S. only provides evidence that super-states,
like superheroes, do not exist.”
POLAND: "Moral
Editor Stanislaw Lem wrote in leftist weekly Przeglad
(9/12): “Bush in a sad, consistent way
is not able to face up to his position as the leader of the largest power in
the World. He is burdened with the
fateful decision of sending a large part of the National Guard to Iraq…listening
with total deafness to repeated warnings about the approaching
hurricane.... The racist tendencies
towards Afro-Americans which were clearly seen in the first stage of the
inefficient rescue operation are embarrassing.
Even black skinned Condoleezza not able to lower the level of
the pointed attacks aimed at her unfortunate boss. Mr. President was unfortunate his imagination
did not foresee how the World would receive his categorical refusal to accept
humanitarian aid.”
“The Katrina Lesson”
Ioana Lupea commented in independent Evenimentul
Zilei (9/10): “Katrina was more than
a devastating hurricane for the U.S.:
‘Professor Katrina’, ‘a name for global warming’ or for social
differences, ‘the failure of President Bush’s security politics’ or of the
policies on racial integration....
Katrina may change America’s priorities.... How did the only world power manage to crash
back into the Middle Ages, in only a couple of hours?... Post-Katrina New Orleans seems to be the
American version of the apocalypse....
The lessons of the hurricane that devastated the American south are
that, between democracy and chaos, between civilization and ruin, there can
only be one second, no matter how high you may be on the scale of
progress. In an extreme situation, the
system failures that have been neglected for years will take their revenge.”
“America’s Questions”
Andrei Postelnicu opined in independent Evenimentul
Zilei (9/11): “In this context, it’s
tempting to turn the current situation in the U.S. into an opportunity to
condemn everything that America stands for.
It’s just as tempting to thus proclaim the superiority of the European
social model, perceived as being the alternative of civic solidarity and
cohesion, which is not to be found in the Anglo-Saxon jungle... The lessons of Katrina are much more
complex. America seems to have abandoned
the premise that its citizens have an inalienable right to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness--those which caused it to break from the English
Monarchy. In the misery left by Katrina,
what we see is the lesser known side of the U.S. Constitution: that a black
person was, in the 18th century, the equivalent of three fifths of a white
person.... Apart from the anger and
criticism created by Hurricane Katrina, America’s bitter experience and the way
in which it will decide to re-think its priorities provide the world with an
opportunity for self-evaluation of its own weaknesses, in such a way that
history does not repeat.”
SWEDEN: "Political
Political editor Niklas Ekdal observed in independent, liberal Dagens
Nyheter (9/11): “To me it seems that
reactions following the hurricane emanate from political fantasies about the
U.S. One sees what one learnt to
see. George W. Bush is making war in
Iraq instead of helping poor at home.
The U.S. is inclined to violence, uncivilized, and omnipotent at the
same time. The greenhouse effect has hit
home. 'We are never as Americanized as in our anti-Americanism. It is shameful of such a rich country to
leave the most vulnerable in the lurch, but each sulfurous lecture (we hear)
over this deceit could be picked from a Baptist Church in the South; Biblical morality on sin and
peculiarly American, and so typical of us to use the same narrative technique
to reinforce our light or--more often--dark picture of the U.S."
“While Water is Being Pumped Up”
Conservative Svenska Dagbladet opined
(9/10): "While New Orleans is being
drained of water, the debate over political responsibility continues. It seems as if many have taken the
opportunity to spontaneously take a crack at President Bush.... However, many of the greatest mistakes have
been done at the local and regional levels. Yet it is natural that the
President, who made homeland security into a central concept, will receive
critical questions when shortcomings in internal security are brought to
light. When thousands of Americans
become victims, it is reflected in the U.S. image abroad....and taking into
consideration the U.S. world role, much depends on it being re-established.”
"Objective Judgment Lacking"
Political editor PM Nilsson who commented in
independent, liberal tabloid Expressen (9/11): “The same contributors in the debate who felt
it was high treason to criticize the Swedish government in the wake of the
tsunami, now resolutely condemned the U.S. government and American
society. They claim that the tragedy
depends on greenhouse effects, on the dark underbelly of the American economic
system, on the Iraq war, and on the President’s disregard of the poor
African-American population in Louisiana....
But these are just malicious and conceited speculations.... It is clear that President Bush did not
handle the situation perfectly, but an objective judgment in the wake of
Hurricane Katrina will likely lay primary responsibility on state and local
authorities.... What one thinks of
President Bush with regards to Katrina seems to depend on his or her political
affiliation in the same way as they regard other deeds of the
President.... It may be a naïve wish,
but it would be a decent thing of people, in this moment, regard the U.S. as
what it is: A country that is now trying to cope with one of the largest
flooding disasters in history, doing it in its own way, following its own
regulation, with democratically elected leaders, and with a surprisingly low
number of victims.”
TURKEY: "The American
Ali Sirmen commented in leftist-nationalist Cumhuriyet
(9/8): “Certain wars or disasters in the
past have created strong bonds among the American people and enhanced
solidarity in the U.S. WW II and the
events of 9/11 are good examples of this.
But there have been polarizing events as well, such as the Vietnam war,
which damaged American solidarity and forced many people to question the
political values of the country.
Hurricane Katrina is another example of this kind of reaction. The hurricane damaged the ‘American Dream’
and has left an ugly picture marred by racism.
The U.S. witnessed the biggest shock in its history on September
11. But the Bush Administration managed
to manipulate that disaster to strengthen solidarity in the country. Unfortunately, this time the solidarity of
the American people has taken a big hit.
Just like Vietnam, which affected the whole country--not only those who
were involved in the war--the facts that have surfaced with hurricane Katrina
will affect all Americans. There is no
doubt that President Bush will take the biggest share of the damage.”
ISRAEL: "After
Bush--the Deluge"
Yahad-Meretz Knesset Member Yossi Sarid wrote in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz (9/12): "George Bush is without a doubt the most
terrifying president America has ever had....
When there is a messianic vision composed of faith-based pie-in-the-sky,
the earth seems to be jolted off its axis and begins to spin out of
control.... Instead of running the world
and its inhabitants, as one may expect of the leader of the free world, Bush
acts as someone who is reinventing the world on a mission from God.... What [does] if the ozone layer is
disintegrating, the greenhouse effect is intensifying, the oceans are warming
up, the desert is expanding not only in Africa and Asia but also in Europe, and
the number of hungry is growing by the hundreds of millions?... It may very well be that the warming of the
oceans contributed to Katrina, but who is going to tell a shepherd what is good
for his flock while it is drowning in a flood?"
Editor-in-Chief Lutfi Mashour wrote in independent, moderate
Arabic-language Assennara (9/9):
"All of this happens in the great United States--the most powerful
entity in the world! Could that
be?? The central authorities abandoned
an entire major city as if it wasn't an American city, and we don't want to get
into...reasons related to the skin color of its inhabitants and their economic
condition. It's unbelievable! What shocks us most is the childish and
stupid response to such a disaster and the fact that the city is destined to
vanish! What's really a shock,
furthermore, is that the 'greatest and most powerful' country is to receive
huge donations of basic products from poor counties.... Without comparing, this reminds us of the
fall of the Berlin Wall or the collapse of the Soviet Union, which revealed
back then that the Soviet Union's shiney pomegranate was rotten from the
‘Darfurian’ States"
Hafez Barghuthi commented in official Al-Hayat
Al-Jadida (9/12): “The natural
disaster in the southern U.S. states is equal to the American involvement in
Iraq. If only American politicians would
have more political awareness, they would be able to end the war in Iraq within
few months for the sake of stability in the region.... Yet, the U.S. still has the chance to
reconsider its lust for massive war and the destruction of itself and others,
bearing in mind that signs of its collapse have begun to appear, since it [the
U.S.] looked like Darfur following the hurricane.”
“The American Hurricane And George Bush’s
Faisal Abu Khadra opined in independent Al-Quds
(9/10): “President Bush has personally
witnessed how the civilized, educated rich American could turn into a wild
monster after only spending four days under the hurricane, and how this
high-class American can embody violence and terror after being abandoned for
only four days. Can President Bush
understand the feelings of those Palestinians living in refugee camps...for
almost 60 years deprived of a land and a home and the merest basics of decent
LEBANON: “From The U.S.
September 11 To The Lebanese One,”
Rafiq Khoury editorialized in centrist Al-Anwar
(9/11): "The debate in the U.S.
over September 11 is taking place in the shadow of Hurricane Katrina. September 11 revealed three things: a big gap
in U.S. internal security; a defect in the U.S. strategic direction, and the
extent of Bush’s leadership ability to take the situation in hand. Hurricane Katrina revealed the
following: A big gap in the U.S. social
situation; poverty and racism; and President’s Bush’s leadership crippled
capabilities and inability to deal with the crisis.”
Review Its Policy Towards The Arab/Islamic World?"
Driss Guenburi wrote on the front page of
Islamic Attajdid (9/12):
“Following the Katrina hurricane catastrophe, Arabs have immediately
responded in an unprecedented way to offer assistance to the U.S. people; which
means that there are big opportunities to explore positive relationships based
on mutual understanding and respect and on exchange of interests and
gains. At the same time, U.S. foreign
policy should stop seeing the Arab world with only one eye while closing the
other, focusing on governments and regimes while forgetting about 200 million
Arabs and more than one billion Muslims around the world who are dissatisfied
by U.S. foreign policy. The correction
of the (U.S.) image in the eyes of a broad range of Arab public opinion should
start primarily from correcting practical policies on the ground”.
CHINA: "The Hurricane
Of The Century Brings Introspection"
Li Wenyun commented in the official Communist
Party Global Times (Huanqiu Shibao) (9/7): "Faced with disaster, Americans realize
that this is the result of not dealing well with the relationship between
economic development and environmental security. In addition, it shows that the U.S. should
make adjust its emphasis on homeland security policy and investments into
national resources. Due to 9/11, the
U.S. government's procedures for handling emergencies have been
marginalized. After the hurricane, the
U.S. is expected to invest more in domestic natural disaster prevention. However, the strategic position of homeland
security over natural disaster will not change.
Besides economic and political problems, the hurricane also exposes social
problems. The hurricane made people see
the horrible side of poverty again. New
Orleans is one of the U.S. cities with the highest percentage of its population
living in poverty.”
"Economy Will Not Be Blown Off"
Independent Chinese-language Hong Kong
Economic Journal noted (9/10):
"Will the U.S. political situation experience earth-shaking changes
due to the calamity of the century? It
is too early to make the judgment. For
investors, the focus is, however, not on politics, but on the economy. The Chairman of the Council of Economic
Advisors Ben Bernanke, one of the people 'competing' to be Greenspan's
successor, thought that as long as the hurricane did not do any permanent
destruction to the oil facilities in the Gulf of Mexico, the oil market would
only undergo some short-term fluctuations.
The impact on the U.S. overall economy would be insignificant."
JAPAN: "Social And
Racial Problems In The U.S.A."
The liberal Asahi editorialized
(9/9): "At this point, it is
impossible to estimate the extent of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.... It is said that most of the hurricane's
victims were black Americans, many of whom reportedly had no means of fleeing
to safety and no place to seek shelter. The reality is that poverty and racial
inequality may exist. The hurricane
disaster again showed the world the seriousness and the sorrow of this social
problem facing the U.S. Amid the
post-Katrina chaos, the U.S. will soon observe the fourth anniversary of the
9/11 terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of about 3,000 people. Terrorism and a natural disaster--two
incidents with different causes--brought American prosperity and poverty into
relief.... The U.S., who started the war
on Iraq, defying international opinion, lost much of the sympathy it received
from the international community after 9/11....
It is necessary for the U.S. to positively resolve 'south-north'
problems in order to regain respect as a free nation and as an international
MALAYSIA: "No Country
Can Overcome Power Of The Creator"
Siti Mariam Md Zain commented in
government-influenced, Malay-language Utusan Malaysia commented
(9/11): "It turns out that the
United States is confused. The internal
problems which the country is now facing have put it in a difficult situation
in continuing to find strategies to improve its position. Hurricane Katrina ought to make the U.S.
realize that there is no single country which can overcome the 'power' of the
"Bush Administration's Lame Excuses"
Government-influenced, Malay language Berita Harian had the
following editorial (9/9): "Since
the New York 9/11 terrorists attacks four years ago, the U.S. media have
generally been inclined to speak for the Bush Administration. However, just after the onslaught of
hurricane Katrina, U.S. media have lost their respect for their country's
leader. The media have been pressing for
straightforward answers and not lame excuses.
The Bush Administration was harshly criticized for procrastinating on
sending help to the thousands of hurricane-stricken victims, especially in New
Orleans. To the U.S. media, the delayed
reaction by the Bush Administration was worse than those of under-developed
countries--there should be a standard government response to an emergency--sending
supplies of food and water, deploying medical teams and providing
transportation for evacuation. The
troops who were eventually sent to New Orleans, seemed prepared for some kind
of warfare. Instead of covering the heroism of the rescue workers, the media
had to cover news of rapes, murders and looting. The people of America were shocked and angry.
Columnist Paul Krugman wrote that the America of old was known for its can-do
attitude but now the government was incapable of providing anything but
THAILAND: "Katrina May
Prove A Catalyst For Long-Delayed Change"
Normita Thongtham commented in the
top-circulation, moderately conservative, English language Bangkok Post
(9/12): "George W. Bush, so
powerful he will send troops to any country he regards as the enemy, killing an
untold number of people, and so arrogant that he refused to ratify the Kyoto
Protocol, undermining the efforts of other countries to lessen the use of
fossil fuels and chemicals destructive to the environment, is in fact powerless
when it comes to defending his own people from natural disasters. For the truth is that a wrathful Nature fears
no one and respects no borders.
Hopefully, Hurricane Katrina will serve as a catalyst, persuading Mr.
Bush to cooperate with other world leaders in the effort to reduce carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions from 1990 levels, a goal to be
achieved between the years 2008 and 2012, in accordance with the Kyoto
Protocol. Ratifying the Protocol will
not dissipate the harmful gases in the atmosphere immediately, but in 50 years'
time the world may be a better place for our grandchildren, and their children,
to live in. Meanwhile, brace yourselves
for the worst drought or floods, the hottest summer, and the strongest storm
you have ever experienced. And this is
not a matter of if, but of when."
INDIA: "Katrina
Defames America"
The Chennai-based independent Tamil-language Dinamalar
remarked (9/9): "Though America
faced the challenge of 9/11 attack with courage and unity, Katrina exposed its
inability to handle the situation after the disaster. Rape and looting in the New Orleans damaged
America's reputation as the country of law abiding citizens. The comment by Time magazine tells the
whole story: 'though the American government is helping the tsunami victims in
other countries, it failed to safeguard the people in New Orleans.' This is a National Shame."
“Bush’s Storm”
Karachi's center-left independent
English-language Dawn observed (9/11):
"President Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina has been, to put it
kindly, faltering. He has fallen short
both rhetorically and substantively....
A natural disaster may pose a tougher test for a president; there is,
after all, no enemy or evildoer to rail against. Even so, Mr. Bush’s tone and demeanor have
been off, sometimes jarringly, since Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast 10
days ago.... Among the sound bites of
his presidency that Mr. Bush will most regret, one will surely be “Brownie, you’re
doing a heck of a job.” That was Mr.
Bush’s valentine last week to his hapless FEMA Director, Michael D. Brown. Many Americans are already
frustrated--justifiably so--by the administration’s unwillingness to candidly
acknowledge the difficulties it is facing in Iraq, and the degree to which its
own misjudgments contributed to them."
“Hurricane In The Mill Of Capitalism”
Anel Davetgaliyeva wrote in pro-government Liter
(9/6): “The dollar is dropping again,
and this time not for microeconomic reasons.
Leading brokerage companies are reconsidering their forecasts regarding
the pace of U.S. economic growth. Now the strength of dollar will depend
on how quickly the damaged economy recovers. The U.S. is facing a
difficult time. First, the reputation of
the ‘unsinkable’ state has greatly suffered.
It turned out that the authorities were not capable of dealing
independently with the consequences of the destruction and Americans’
well-being has no influence over the quality or quantity of looters, at whom
police are shooting.”
CANADA: "New Orleans
By The Numbers”
Columnist Janet Bagnall wrote in the conservative Gazette
(9/9): “Most insensitive reaction to
the plight of refugees from New Orleans: ‘Everyone is so overwhelmed by the
hospitality. And so many people in the
arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working
very well for them’--Barbara Bush, whose own Houston accommodation is a
multi-million-dollar home. About 16,000
people were living in the Houston Astrodome, the stadium Mrs. Bush visited on
Sept. 5. Second most insensitive
reaction: ‘Out of the rubble of
Trent Lott’s house--he’s lost his entire house--there’s going to be a fantastic
house. And I’m looking forward to
sitting on the porch’--George W. Bush, president and Barbara’s son.... Third most insensitive reaction: ‘The Lord is going to come on time, if we
just wait’ Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, defending the Bush
administration against charges that its response to the devastation was slow.”
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