September 21, 2005
** Media initially upbeat
over "breakthrough" pact, skeptical about unpredictable Pyongyang.
** A "paper"
accord, writ loosely, in compromise with the "not particularly
reliable" N. Koreans.
** Challenges: DPRK
credibility, light water reactor, IAEA inspections, and NPT compliance.
** The Beijing declaration
led writers to praise China's "effective and influential" mediation.
'It's too early to call it quits' for peninsula and regional
peace-- "We've been here before" cautioned
an Australian writer. Russia's reformist
Vremya Novostey emphasized the Beijing agreement may only be an
"illusion" because "unpredictable Pyongyang may scrap any
accord." Even as S. Korean outlets
labeled the pact a "forward-looking milestone" that "opens the
way for peace," they asserted that it is now time to "put the
agreement reached into practice."
Similarly, Hong Kong's independent South China Morning Post
stated, "the pressure is now on North Korea for action where until now
there has only been words." German
writers hailed the "breakthrough," but one analyst queried, "Is
North Korea's word worth anything?"
The necessary 'concessions of Kim Jong Il' and
Washington-- Numerous writers addressed
the "paper agreement with Kim," averring that as a result--"on
paper"--Washington and Pyongyang "are a step closer to settling their
conflict." S. Korea's left-leaning Hankyoreh
Shinmun judged that the U.S. and N. Korea "found points of
compromise" because there was a "sense of crisis" if no deal
could be reached. A Taiwanese analyst
opined that "The U.S., after acting very tough for a few years, has made
even more concessions when it comes to its policy with North Korea." Japanese papers on Sept 20 welcomed the joint
statement as the "starting point" of a "long tough" road
ahead of prospects for "normalization."
The 'devil in the details' leaves hurdles and 'stumbling blocks'-- North Korea should "immediately"
return to the NPT, declared a South Korea outlet. Belgium's independent Der Standaard
emphasized the deal's shortcomings in that "no date has been set for IAEA
inspectors' visits or N. Korea’s return to the NPT." France's right-of-center Le Figaro
added the "declaration leaves for later the settlement about light-water
nuclear commercial plants (LWR), which North Korea is asking for." Indeed, within 24 hours Pyongyang did a
'u-turn' by launching an agreement-threatening gambit by insisting the U.S.
provide a LWR before it meets its pact obligations. A German editorialist cautioned the
"talks about details will show whether the vague wording of the agreement
offers more than a return to the status quo ante."
Beijing doing justice to 'role of regional, major power'-- Observers praised the agreement as a
"success for China," declaring that "more than any other
country" it made the agreement possible. Pro-PRC outlets lauded the "wisdom and
patience of the host country" while Israel's independent Jerusalem Post
stated, "Much of the credit for the North Korean deal must go to
China." Taiwan's pro-unification United
Daily News asserted, "The success of the Six-Party Talks shows that
Beijing’s strength in negotiations and the political and economic power it
possesses are getting bigger and bigger."
Prepared by Media Reaction Branch (202) 203-7888,
EDITOR: Rupert D. Vaughan
Reaction reporting conveys the spectrum of foreign press sentiment. Posts select commentary to provide a
representative picture of local editorial opinion. Some commentary is taken directly from the
Internet. This report summarizes and
interprets foreign editorial opinion and does not necessarily reflect the views
of the U.S. Government. This analysis
was based on 69 reports from 23 countries over September 20 - 21, 2005. Editorial excerpts are listed from the most
recent date.
BRITAIN: "Iran And
North Korea Test The West's Will"
An editorial in the conservative Daily
Telegraph (9/20): "Success,
albeit tenuous, in Beijing will encourage those who favour further discussions
with Iran, rather than referral to the Security Council. Yet talks with the European Union troika of
Britain, France and Germany and seven resolutions by the IAEA have not altered
Teheran's determination to acquire at least a nuclear weapons capability, if
not the hardware itself. To shirk UN
referral this week will further dent the agency's authority and embolden
would-be proliferators. The abortive NPT
review conference and the General Assembly's failure to reach agreement on
proliferation before the UN's 60th anniversary, have seriously undermined the status
of the 1968 treaty. North Korea and Iran
are an acid test of international will to reverse that trend."
"The Agreement That Wasn’t"
Therese Delpeche of CERI (European Center for
International Research) commented in left-of-center Liberation (9/21):
“An American expert on Monday, carried away by his enthusiasm cried ‘victory in
the Korean Peninsula....’ Twenty-four
hours later the ‘victory’ had turned into a quarrel… Was the American
negotiator too quick when he accepted the vague wording of the first point in
the agreement, accepting to leave for later the details of the light water
nuclear plant? It is legitimate to ask
this because Washington was quick to retort that what this meant was: after the
dismantling of the North-Korean nuclear sites.
Whereas Pyongyang clearly said that Washington should not even dream of
it unless it first delivered the plant. This is what happens when one is too
eager to reach an agreement with a partner known for its turn-arounds.... After two years of negotiations the skies
cleared as if by magic and a Chinese diplomatic breakthrough was
announced. But China’s primary objective
is not to settle the North Korean issue, but to prolong the discussions and
avoid a major crisis with the U.S and/or Japan.... In short, negotiations will continue but it
is too early to cry victory.”
"North Korea Gives Up Its Nuclear
Jean-Jacques Mevel commented in right-of-center Le
Figaro (9/20): “The North Korean
commitment which Beijing was able to extract from Pyongyang is the first
tangible sign of success after two years of on and off negotiations.... On paper, Washington and Pyongyang are a step
closer to settling their conflict....
But it is only a promise. The Beijing declaration sets no deadline,
gives no detail and no means of verification. President Bush, who cautiously
saluted the agreement, insists on the need to be able to ensure that Pyongyang
respects its commitment.... But the
declaration leaves for later the settlement about light water nuclear commercial
plants, which North Korea is asking for.... Down the road, the most difficult
phase will be the verification stage.
Success depends on trust and sincerity from both sides, two things which
have been missing until now. Just as
they were missing from Iraq and the U.S. before their lack led to war.”
Peter Sturm argued in an editorial in
center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine (9/20): "What, at first inspection, looks like
a miracle is in reality an equation with many unknown factors.... If we presume that North Korea subjects to
the control regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the
nuclear weapons should be destroyed under international supervision. But at this opportunity, the international
community could be faced with the first surprise. Was the entire nuclear question in the end
only an--almost ingenious--bluff of the North Korean regime? And what about Kim Jong-il's reaction to
international control? Experience from
the past, about which the IAEA does not want to make a big thing, urge us to be
very careful. Pyongyang knows how to
create difficulties for IAEA inspectors.
There is another aspect of the agreement that speaks against a
'breakthrough.' The agreement is to be
implemented according to the 'tit-for-tat' principle. But who 'may' do the first step? Even if the United States had the strength to
call upon Pyongyang to make the first step, South Korea would not have this
strength. Seoul is really afraid of a
collapse of the North, and security considerations are in this respect of
lesser significance. North Korea can
still--even though with restrictions--determine the course of events. And these restrictions are the
"North Korea's Promise"
Henrik Bork had this to say in an editorial in center-left Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of Munich (9/20): "Is North Korea's word worth
anything? Only if the answer is 'yes,'
will there be a breakthrough in the nuclear conflict...but if the answer is
'no,' not too much will have changed with this piece of paper. In the past, North Korea frequently said that
in principle, it would be willing to give up its nuclear program if all it
demands were met.... North Korea has
been trying to get as much as it can for giving up its nuclear ambitions. But a further improvement of the current
offer...seems to be unlikely right now.
If Pyongyang had not given in a bit and signed a generally formulated
paper, it would have probably lost control over the entire process.... The current paper has postponed a debate over
so many important questions that it would allow both the United States and also
North Korea to wringle out of its commitments.
There will be reason to cheer only as soon as both sides begin the 'step
by-step' implementation of their promises.
But the devil is in the details.
Who, for instance decides which North Korean disarmament steps are
sufficient to justify shipments of oil and energy?… Both sides will continue to have to show
enormous flexibility to prevent a failure of the diplomatic solution.... The uneasy feeling remains that North Korea
can continue to build the bomb until both sides agree on a concrete timetable
for all promised steps. Pyongyang's
credibility continues to remain the real core problem of this nuclear
Harald Maass had this to say in an editorial in left-of-center Frankfurter
Rundschau (9/20): "After two
years of talks…there is reason for hope….
[Despite all difficulties] this agreement from Beijing is a
breakthrough.... The price, which the
United States and the other participating nations will pay, is comparably small. Washington said it does not harbor any
aggressive plans toward Pyongyang and does not deploy nuclear weapons on the
Korean peninsula and Seoul will supply more energy to the North. Whether the agreement will become reality is
something the negotiations will show.
The future direction has now been set.
Washington is silently following the EU policy and also the policy of
the majority North Korea's Asian neighboring nations, which are working on
North Korea's integration into the world community."
"A Real Breakthrough"
Clemens Wergin penned the following editorial in centrist Der
Tagesspiegel of Berlin (9/20):
"The future path has been set to a course of détente, even though
several details like the construction of a lightwater reactor remain
vague. We owe North Korea's softening of
its tone primarily to the United States, which, after President Bush's
re-election and John Bolton replacement as chief envoy, has demonstrated
greater flexibility…. The agreement is
also a success for China. Beijing was
criticized for a long time of not exerting greater pressure on North Korea. Now Beijing has done justice to the role of
regional, major power, which it likes to reclaim…. But this agreement will also impress Iran,
which is now even more isolated. But the
solution that has now been found could also work for Tehran. The United States would be willing to
normalize relations and possibly offer security guarantees. And the success in Asia would also justify
for the United States to directly take part in European talks with Iran instead
of leaving the matter to the Europeans alone.
But it is likely that the mullahs will not move without sanctions. This is another lesson from North
"Pyongyang Gives In"
Jacques Schuster observed in an editorial in right-of-center Die
Welt of Berlin (9/20): "For
the first time in years, there has been a success in re-enforcing the ailing
principle of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.... If North Korea sticks to its
promises--skepticism is appropriate--Iran remains on the list of relevant threats. But the six-party talks could be an example
of resolving this problem, too. In the
talks with North Korea, the five powers learned to bundle their different
interests and to lure Pyongyang with promises or to intimidate it with threats. The United States in particular overcame its
aversion towards the unsavory regime....
In the case of Iran, the approach could be similar. Together with the Europeans, the Americas
could open talks with Tehran. Both
Europeans and Americans could agree on a carrot-and-stick strategy, ranging
from a guarantee for economic support to the announcement to take military
steps, including a considerable weakening of the country's infrastructure. But this requires a European-American
rapprochement of views. Maybe the
success with North Korea offers the necessary incentive."
"Paper Agreement With Kim"
Business daily Financial Times Deutschland of Hamburg
judged (9/20): "North Korea's
dictator Kim Jong-il can be highly satisfied with the final document of the
six-party talks. He will receive a high
price for giving up his nuclear plans: with a non-aggressive pact of the United
States, prospects for economic assistance, and the promise to use nuclear
energy for civil purposes. In view of
the stalemate in the talks, it must be considered a success that North Korea
committed itself to accepting a compromise after three years of talks. Kim Jong-il chose the most favorable moment,
for the conflict with Iran, which is much more important as far as geo-strategy
is concerned, the problems in Iraq, and the consequences of Hurrican Katrina
are binding forces of its main opponent, the United States…. But the talks about details will show whether
the vague wording of the agreement offers more than a return to the status quo
ante. Skepticism is advisable. In 1994, North Korea was rewarded for its
move to give up its nuclear program, but this did not prevent the regime from
undermining the agreement with a secret enrichment of uranium. As long as international inspectors are not
in North Korea and have the chance for unimpeded controls, the agreement is not
worth more than the paper on which it was written."
ITALY: "Halt To
Nuclear Weapons? North Korea Has Second Thoughts"
Stefano Trincia wrote from New York in Rome
center-left daily Il Messaggero (9/21):
"The historic agreement in Beijing on North Korea’s nuclear
program…lasted only 24 hours. With an
unexpected, but not unforeseeable, about-face, the Kim Yong Il regime, that
only the day before had accepted to renounce its nuclear ambitions in exchange
for economic aid and diplomatic recognition, has abruptly slowed down. With a communiqué by the Foreign Ministry,
Pyongyang clarified that the country ‘will not renounce its nuclear deterrent’
if the United States will not supply North Korea with a water nuclear reactor
which is indispensable to satisfy the nation’s energy requirements…. Even the
most skeptical observers were surprised by the speed with which the North
Korean regime changed the cards on the table, confirming - in the opinion of
Washington and Tokyo - the unreliability it [North Korea] had previously
"The Nuclear Bluff Of The Red Monarchy,
Pyongyang Decides To Backtrack"
An editorial comment in elite, center-left daily Il Riformista
(9/21): "The quick reversal of the
North Korean regime which, only a few hours after the Beijing accords, has
dampened the enthusiastic feelings about the end of the Asian nuclear crisis
was, in many regards, unexpected.... But
in reality, the next appointment in Beijing will be the key to understanding
whether the crisis has, indeed, been set back on the tracks of constructive
dialogue…or whether it will continue to be stalled by a bluff. The fact the situation had been improving
was evident at the last session of negotiations, when particularly the
Americans (who had replaced a previous negotiator with a softer one) made a
significant step forward by agreeing to bilateral talks with the North
Koreans. Pyongyang appreciated the
gesture. All we have to do now is wait
for the last move, without forgetting that the next meeting will be held in
China while another delicate appointment is on the agenda: President Bush’s
visit to the Celestial Empire. Where the
U.S. President would like to arrive without having to worry about, among other
things, the heavy North Korean burden."
"The Bold Move Of The Usual Bush"
An editorial comment in pro-government, elite Il Foglio
(9/20): “When dealing with a brutal dictator like North Korean Communist Kim
Jong II, it is always better to be skeptical and cautious, and not to lower the
guard. But even if taken with all
precautions, the news from Beijing…is not bad at all: North Korea signed a pact
by which it renounces to its military nuclear programs and allows Western
inspectors to enter its territory. Which
means that George W. Bush, i.e., the American President whom everybody
continues to underestimate, has obtained what his enemies did not believe he
would, i.e., the surrender of Kim the Communist. Of course this is still a preliminary
agreement, details need to be discussed, and North Koreans are not particularly
reliable, given the fact that in the Clinton years they signed a
non-proliferation treaty and then they proliferated considerably, taking
advantage of a White House distracted by Monica Lewinsky. Aside from details, however, there is a
substantial difference this time and it can be found in the very heart of the
Bush doctrine: North Koreans have committed themselves not only with
Washington…but also, and most of all, with China, Russia, Japan and South
Korea, exactly because Bush has always refused to reach a deal with a member of
the Axis of Evil.... In the end, in sum,
it seems that Bush was right and, with him, the man to whom he assigned the
task of carrying out his politics, i.e., John Bolton.”
"Korea Is No Longer An Outlaw State"
Siegmund Ginzberg commented in pro-Democratic Left party (DS) L’Unita’
(9/20): “Nobody can be certain that it
will work yet. The unanimous opinion is
that this is only a beginning, an initial step.
The only clear thing is that the compromise achieved in Beijing
regarding North Korea’s nuclear program is a step that goes in the opposite
direction with respect to ‘preventive war.’
Of the three regimes that George W. Bush associated in the ‘Evil Axis’
in 2002, Kim Jong II’s North Korea is certainly the most brutal, perhaps the
most ‘dangerous.’ But then why did
Washington take the opposite road with Pyongyang than it did with Baghdad? Opposite also to the one that it seems
determines to follow in order to halt Iran’s nuclear programs? A first possible answer is that, keeping in mind
what happened in Iraq…the U.S. has full interest in trying to achieve different
solutions, as an alternative to the one that has shown to be disastrous. A second possibility, much more distressing,
is that ‘preventive wars’ can be waged against those who do not have the
nuclear weapon (the case of Saddam Hussein), and not against those who boast
about possessing it (in a convincing manner, so as to discourage people from
trying to discover the bluff).”
RUSSIA: "An Illusion
Of Accord"
Aleksandr Samokhotkin and Aleksandr Timofeyev
said on the front page of reformist Vremya Novostey (9/20): "Two
years of negotiations on a nuclear crisis in the Korean peninsula ended
yesterday with an important joint statement.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il made a long-awaited promise to give up
nuclear weapons and shut down all nuclear programs.... The United States and allies are concerned
that unpredictable Pyongyang may scrap any accord. Washington has assured Pyongyang in writing
that it has no nuclear weapons in the Korean peninsula.... But then, Kim Jong Il has to take it on faith: he will never be
allowed to inspect U.S. military bases in South Korea."
"Washington, Pyongyang Reach Accord"
Oleg Kiryanov filed from Seoul for official government-run Rossiyskaya
Gazeta (9/20): "In the final
analysis, Pyongyang virtually won the war of nerves upholding its right to
carry out a peaceful nuclear program.
The outcome of the talks is positive, if only because they have not made
things worse. This is good for the
country that organized the Six-Party talks.
China has had its international authority greatly enhanced as an
effective and influential mediator."
"Ice Broken"
Vladimir Sviridov contended in centrist army-run Krasnaya
Zvezda (9/20): "With the burning
issue of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, there can be no winners or losers
because everybody benefits from solving it.
Even so, the whole thing looks like a success for the DPRK. It is commonly known that the crisis over
the Pyongyang nuclear program was provoked by the United States being overly
tough. The Americans threatened
intervention unless North Korea did as told.
Pyongyang's response was a forced reaction to Washington's threats. While their actions were not quite justified,
the North Koreans made it clear that talking to them from the position of
strength was counterproductive."
"Russia Used As Counterweight"
Andrey Ivanov commented in business-oriented Kommersant
(9/20): "Once Russia cut aid to the
DPRK in the late 1980s, it became an enemy.
It soon realized that its services were no longer needed, least of all
in Seoul. Seeing that, the Kremlin
decided to restore relations with the DPRK.
It was some time before Moscow was admitted to the Korea peninsula
talks. North Korea, aware of Russia's
diminished foreign policy influence, thought it could use it, along with China
and South Korea, as a counterweight to the
United States and Japan. The arduous
talks have won Pyongyang security guarantees, diplomatic recognition from the
United States, and a right to a peaceful nuclear program. Not bad for the DPRK. As to Russia's contribution, we'll know
what Pyongyang thinks of it when participants in the Six-Party talks get down
to dividing contracts to restore the DPRK's economy."
BELGIUM: "A Positive
Diplomatic correspondent Mia Doornaert commented in independent
Christian-Democrat Der Standaard (9/20): “Naturally, China’s warning had the heaviest
impact. China is the last partner of the
Stalinist regime in Pyongyang that has reduced the once prosperous country to
beggary and condemned the people to starvation.
The Chinese leaders have supported the North Korean regime for a
surprisingly long time, but its patience apparently is being depleted. One
reason for that was undoubtedly the American threat to take the nuclear weapons
that North Korea claims to possess to the UNSC.
That initiative would definitely receive support because North Korea has
only few friends in the rest of the world….
Kim Jong-il sticks to his position that he will cancel his nuclear
weapons program only if he receives the security guarantees and energy supplies
that he is claiming. The United States,
however, wants the reverse order. After
ten years of negotiations-- which always clashed with Kim’s
unpredictability--the United States wants clear signals that North Korea will
respect the agreements. Another
shortcoming is that no date has been set for the IAEA inspectors' visits and
North Korea’s return to the NPT.... It
is possible that nobody, except for a handful of people around Kim, knows the
size and sites of the regime’s uranium program.
That means that, even if the IAEA inspectors are allowed to return, they
will not have any certainty that everything is shown. The IAEA has not forgotten that Iran kept its
uranium enrichment program secret for eighteen years while it was an NPT member
and admitted IAEA inspectorrs.... The
Beijing agreement is certainly a positive development, but the unpredictability
of Kim’s regime and his indifference to the fate of his people who need foreign
help more than ever raises many question about its implementation.”
Step Forward, One Step Back"
Milan Slezak commented in the business Hospodarske noviny
(9/21): “It looks like a scene from an
absurd drama. On Monday, the DPRK has
obliged itself in writing to give up its nuclear weapons and has obtained hope
(but nothing more) that it will receive a light water reactor in return. And right the next day, the North Korean
glutton says that it wants the light water reactor first and only then it will
abandon its nuclear arsenal.... There
are two basic imaginable scenarios. The
first one can be marked as a black one.
The DPRK will carry its blackmailing tactic too far and the Monday
agreement will be nullified.... The
second scenario is more optimistic. The
DPRK will try to get maximum concessions, but once it starts sensing that this
effort could sabotage the recent agreement, it will backpedal and its further
demands will be strictly realistic. The
reward the DPRK would get for such a forthcoming attitude would not be
small.... Also North Korea's neighbors
would breathe more easily in such a case, as well as the U.S. which has enough
problems with Iraq and with the more and more defiant Iran now. For North Koreans this would mean that the
fall of the most despicable dictatorship in the world is being further
postponed. But they were not the subject
of the talks in Beijing.”
Diplomatic Compromises Bear Fruit In North Korea"
Center-right Politiken stated (9/20): "While North Korea has indicated a
willingness to cooperate with the international community, the U.S. has also been ready to compromise. America has recognized North Korea's
legitimacy and even promised not to invade the country. This represents
something of a u-turn in relation to the Bush Administration's normal
jingoistic style. If this balancing act
proves to be successful with North Korea, the same thing ought to be attempted
with the third country in the so-called, axis of evil, Iran."
IRELAND: "Diplomacy
Wins In Nuclear Deal"
The center-left Irish Times
editorialized (9/20): "The
agreement among six negotiating powers to denuclearize the Korean peninsula
announced yesterday in Beijing is good news for East Asia and for worldwide
efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons…..North Korea has agreed
to abandon its nuclear weapons program, rejoin the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty and accept IAEA investigation teams. It has been prompted to do so by a
statement from the United States that it does not have nuclear weapons in South
Korea and does not intend to attack North Korea. Japan has made a similar
statement. These, along with China and Russia, undertake to provide the
secretive Stalinist state with a civilian light-water reactor at an appropriate
time. They have also committed themselves to give oil and energy aid as well as
security guarantees. Details are to be worked out at future meetings and will
be difficult to agree and implement because of the lack of trust involved. But
yesterday's breakthrough sets up a platform on which it can develop. The
agreement is a real achievement for China and South Korea, which have put most
emphasis on a multinational approach, rather than the more hardline reliance on
military pressure supported by the United States and Japan over the last three
years since the crisis first erupted….This agreement could set a precedent for
a more constructive approach to the Taiwan issue between China and the United
States as well as, more obviously, for Iran's nuclear confrontation with the
IAEA. Iranian president Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad's defiant speech to the United Nations on Saturday, warning against
the imposition of an ‘apartheid regime’ against his country on nuclear energy
and resources, contained an implicit threat to retaliate as North Korea did by
withdrawing from talks and leaving the non-proliferation treaty. As yet there
is no firm evidence that Iran is in breach of the treaty and several
indications it wants to avoid UN sanctions. The North Korean deal should
encourage them to do so."
"North Korea Agrees
To Basis For Dropping Its Nuclear Plan"
Clifford Coonan in Beijing commented in the center-left Irish
Times (9/20): "Nuclear
tensions in east Asia eased yesterday after North Korea promised to drop its
atomic weapons plan in exchange for guarantees the U.S. would not invade the
communist country, the first major breakthrough in two years of talks... The accord comes soon after North Korea asked
foreign non-governmental organizations…to leave by the end of the year. Negotiators
agreed to hold more talks in November, when they would try to implement in a
more concrete way the terms of the agreement. While the deal has boosted hopes
for a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, the main U.S. envoy, assistant secretary
of state Christopher Hill, warned there was still a way to go before the
agreement turns into something concrete. Analysts shared Mr. Hill's caution,
saying the talks were basically agreements in principle, containing little in
the way of real progress. The real challenge would come when deciding who would
verify that disarmament was actually taking place.... A crucial part of the settlement is an
agreement by Seoul to deliver two million kilowatts of electricity across the
heavily armed DMZ (de-militarised zone) dividing the peninsula, one of the last
relics of the Cold War. Pyongyang has always insisted it needs nuclear weapons
to face down the growing threat of invasion from the U.S. Pyongyang and Washington pledged to respect
each other's sovereignty and right to peaceful coexistence. 'The United States
affirmed that it has no nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula and has no
intention to attack or invade [North Korea] with nuclear or conventional
weapons,’ the statement said."
NORWAY: "Nuclear
The newspaper of record Aftenposten commented 9/20): “Cautious optimism. These two words describe
the reaction after North Korea has allegedly given up its plans to make nuclear
weapons in exchange for a U.S. guarantee to not attack the country and for aid
from neighbors of the desperately poor communist country in the form of
electricity and further economic assistance.
We can never be completely sure when dealing with a regime that is
extremely closed and has repeatedly broken international agreements.... But it would be significant if these
difficult negotiations, which five countries in addition to North Korea have
been carrying out over the past five years, should yield results.... Still there are many unanswered
questions. One of them is how an
agreement can be enforced, especially considering that the North Koreans ran
their nuclear program secretly for many years, despite proclaiming the
opposite. This has led to a lack of
confidence that will be hard to overcome.
Still, we have now moved one step further.”
"Pyongyang Gives Up"
Left-of-center wrote El País (9/20):
"More than any other country, China has made the agreement possible. From the beginning Beijing looked for a path
more open to dialogue, in contrast to Washington's position of firmness and
threats. But it is evident that economic
poverty and the hunger crisis that looms over North Korea yet again has have
strongly influenced the concessions of Kim Jong Il. Time will say if this
commitment finally ends in empty words or if it is the start of the
denuclearization and peace in the Korean peninsula."
"DPRK Re-enters NPT"
Foreign editor Per Ahlin wrote in the Stockholm independent,
liberal Dagens Nyheter (9/20):
"North Korea reportedly has agreed to scrap its nuclear weapons
program and re-enter the NPT. This will pave the way for international
inspections, and if so, it will be a success for China, which has been a
driving force in the negotiations. But there are several stumbling blocks. The
North Korean regime has given promises before and there are unsolved issues at
the horizon.... But the message from
North Korea is a glimpse of light in the total disarmament darkness. But the
one whose eye falls on Iran immediately will return into pessimism.... “Today’s gleam of hope--the North Korean
nuclear breakthrough--may be only a short-lived success. And this is
discouraging to all of us who do not want new emerging nuclear powers.
ISRAEL: "A Good Week
For U.S. Diplomacy"
Washington correspondent Nathan Guttman wrote in
conservative, independent Jerusalem Post (9/20): "Much of the
credit for the North Korean deal must go to China, but the Bush administration
can mark the end of a successful diplomatic week. Good news came from all over the globe.... It
is not clear how many of the achievements can be credited to the 'Bush
doctrine' in foreign policy, focusing on preemptive activity against states that
support terrorism or develop weapons of mass destruction.... The only two
arenas in which the Bush doctrine has been put to a test -- Iran and Iraq --
can not yet be declared successes for the U.S.... How will these diplomatic
successes affect the U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?....
The level of American intervention in the conflict has never been affected by
the North Korean nuclear program, the internal situation in Afghanistan, or
even by Iran's nuclear ambitions. So the
only conclusion for Israel is that nothing will change, except for maybe an
upward swing in the administration's collective mood."
"Iran Won't Cave
Intelligence affairs correspondent Yossi Melman wrote in
independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz (9/20): "If North Korea keeps its commitments,
as drafted in the declaration of intentions in the six-nation talks in Beijing,
it will have achieved its goals.... The agreement is a great accomplishment,
especially for China's diplomatic patience.
But the agreement is also an achievement for the U.S., which conditioned
all diplomatic recognition and economic aid on North Korea abandoning its
nuclear program. Unlike North Korea,
Iran wants nuclear capabilities in order to build military power and
deterrence.... Iran is not North Korea and will not succumb to pressure. The international atmosphere could have an
indirect effect on Israel's policy of strategic nuclear ambiguity. It weakens Israel's position vis-a-vis its
own nuclear program, although there is no international pressure at present and
none is seen on the horizon. Israel can
therefore stick to its ambiguity policy as long as it has the support of the
U.S. and the EU."
"What About North Korea's Missile Sales?"
Military correspondent Arieh O'Sullivan wrote on page one of Jerusalem
Post (9/20): "The impact of North Korea's decision to give up its
quest for nuclear weapons, while positive for world peace, would have been
greater if it also included a vow to halt missile technology
proliferation. Israel is not being
threatened either directly or indirectly by North Korea's nuclear program. But
it certainly is on the targeted end of its ambitious ballistic missile program
that has provided Arab states and Iran with know-how that has allowed them to
amass an arsenal of Scud and Shihab rockets capable of hitting Tel Aviv....
Without moves to halt this proliferation of missile technology, it is too early
to tell if this agreement is profitable for Israel."
"A Death Knell The Bush Doctrine"
An op-ed in the national conservative Australian
from editor-at-large Paul Kelly noted (9/21):
“The North Korean agreement offers new hope for denuclearization of the
Korean peninsula and for China-U.S. relations; and, above all, is an incentive
for a more realistic Bush foreign policy.
The agreement is fragile and may not hold. But after such protracted pessimism it is a
ray of optimism in a gloomy global environment.
And--if the deal does stick--the path will open towards a transformation
on the Korean peninsula and in the strategic situation of Northeast Asia. The agreement suggests the U.S. has reached a
tipping point. The ebullient Bush of his
2002 'axis of evil' fame would never
have contemplated this retreat. The
agreement violates pre-emption, unilateralism, regime change and military
intervention, the ideas that once defined Bush's presidency. It confirms that Iraq is the exception, not
the rule, for Bush's foreign policy.”
"Perhaps The Big Stick Is Only Way To End
Defense writer Geoffrey Barker observed in the
business-oriented Australian Financial Review (9/21): “The odious Pyongyang regime has done it
again. Within 24 hours of the six-party
agreement to end the Korean peninsula nuclear crisis, North Korea has refused
to meet its obligations until the United States gives it a light-water nuclear
reactor. This threat to renege on the
new agreement is standard operating procedure for the gangster regime with its
established track record for international threats, aggression, kidnap, murder,
weapons proliferation, drug-running and money laundering. It is also, sadly, rational behavior. For years the North Koreans have managed to
keep their crippled and starving regime afloat by extracting food, financial
and energy aid from neighboring countries in return for behaving less badly
than their threats have implied they might otherwise behave. There seems little doubt Pyongyang will come
under extreme pressure now from Beijing to abandon its latest bastardry. We might be about learn how much influence
China really does have over North Korea.
We might also get the measure of the limits of U.S. patience with North
Korea. “
"Upping The Ante On N-weapons"
Robyn Lim, professor of international relations
at Nanzan University in Nagoya, opined in the business-oriented Australian
Financial Review (9/21): "The
so-called breakthrough in relation to North Korea's nuclear ambitions does not
signal the reinforcement of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT). Quite the contrary. North Korea does nothing but lie and
cheat. Sure enough Pyongyang is already
backing down from Monday's commitment.
And the NPT is unraveling.”
"Korea's Uncertain Outbreak Of Hope"
Editorial in the liberal Sydney Morning
Herald read (9/21): “It is too soon
to celebrate, but Monday's six-nation statement of principles for resolving the
protracted conflict over North Korea's nuclear gamesmanship represents a
positive move towards defusing one of the world's most dangerous flashpoints.
Despite North Korea backing away from part of the agreement yesterday, at the
very least, it shows that patient diplomacy offers better prospects of progress
than the stalemate resulting from the previous pattern of non-negotiable
demands by the United States and brinkmanship and cheating by Pyongyang's
erratic leader, Kim Jong-il. Hopefully, this lesson will be taken on board by
hardliners in the Bush Administration and the new Iranian Government as they
consider tactics in another deepening, similarly perilous nuclear stand-off.
Flexibility can be a sign not of weakness, but of strength.... The Bush Administration seems to have moved
from its earlier insistence that North Korea's nuclear programs must be fully
verifiably dismantled before economic aid can flow, agreeing instead to
co-ordinated steps--'commitment for commitment, action for action.' There is a
long, tortuous way to go, but this sounds like the beginning of wisdom.”
"Nothing Is Ever As It Seems In North
The liberal Melbourne Age editorialized
(9/21): “The positive diplomacy is
welcome: there were always flaws in Mr. Bush's hardline approach. Meanwhile,
Pyongyang receives desperately needed aid and a domestic propaganda bonus. But where North Korea is concerned, things
are seldom as they seem. Yesterday its
foreign ministry cast doubt over the deal by insisting that light-water
reactors be delivered before any nuclear arms are surrendered. This development, which brought a rebuke from
China, is a clear sign that the diplomacy is not yet ended. Sadly, the long march to peace and prosperity
for oppressed and starved ordinary North Koreans is far from over. In the meantime, the international community
faces the challenge of ensuring that Pyongyang embraces the bargain and abides
by the agreement.”
"It's Too Early To Call It Quits"
Editorial in the business-oriented Australian
Financial Review noted (9/20):
“We've been here before. North
Korea has played a pea and thimble game with its nuclear activities so many
times in the past two years, it's hard not to be cynical about yesterday's
developments. Just as talks are about to
be abandoned, Pyongyang makes a big gesture and wins generous concessions that
last until it starts the cycle again by going back to being belligerent. The time for celebration will be when inspectors
have confirmed North Korea's nuclear weapons program has been scrapped. But given the dismal outlook for
nonproliferation--it didn't even get mentioned at the United Nations summit and
Iran is resuming uranium enrichment plans--the news has got to be better than
nothing.... The quicker North Korea can
be brought into the open the better.
That means speedily getting inspectors into the country, supplying the
electricity and other assistance it wants, and normalizing diplomatic
relations. The only way to deal with a
rogue state is to entice it back into the bigger community of nations. Once that is done, the separate issue of how
to revive the nonproliferation treaty can be dealt with.”
"The Art Of Compromise"
Frank Ching wrote in the independent English-language South
China Morning Post (9/21): "The
fragility of the situation was shown by the fact that North Korea issued a
statement yesterday saying that it would not give up its nuclear weapons until
Washington provided civilian atomic reactors.
The North Korean announcement did not repudiate the joint statement
issued in Beijing the previous day, but it suggests that a lot of hard work
remains before the agreement in principle can be implemented. If the six parties had failed to agree to
anything this time, it would have jeopardized the whole negotiating
process. Fortunately, the U.S. and North
Korea were sufficiently flexible to agree to mutually acceptable wording.... The next round of six-party talks is scheduled
for November and it is likely that further rounds will be needed to reach
detailed agreement on all issues. In
that process, serious problems may still emerge. For one thing, the U.S. accuses North Korea
of having a secret program of using highly enriched uranium to produce nuclear
weapons, an accusation that Pyongyang rejects.
It remains to be seen how this major difference will be overcome."
"Words That Must Be Followed By Action"
The independent English-language South China
Morning Post said in an editorial (9/20):
"North Korea's past agreements have been made bilaterally, but this
time it has signed an accord with the nations most important to its
future. China and Russia are its
foremost trading partners while the U.S., Japan and South Korea are its key to
ending isolation and embracing economic development. China, the U.S. and their partners must
ensure that the deal comes to fruition as a lesson to Iran and other nations
seemingly eager to follow North Korea's path.
But the pressure is now on North Korea for action where until now there
has only been words. It can start by
shutting down its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon, rejoining the
Non-Proliferation Treaty and allowing back International Atomic Energy Agency
inspectors. Then it can start in earnest
to resolve disagreements that have for too long been preventing peace from
truly breaking out in Northeast Asia."
"Wisdom And Patience Of The Host Country"
The pro-PRC Chinese-language Hong Kong Commercial Daily
editorialized (9/20): "China has
made all its efforts in establishing a new security view which countries are
mutually trusted, mutually beneficial and equal and cooperative. It suggested solving countries' security
issues through international cooperation.
It thought that cold-war mentality, unilateralism and resorting to
forces are unworkable. The achievement
obtained in the six-party talks is a good practice of solving disputes through
diplomacy and dialogue. China has also
set an example of upholding 'peace, development and cooperation' in its
diplomacy. On the one side is Iraq with
raging flames of war. On the other side
is resolving the North Korean nuclear issue on the negotiation table. Which means is the best way to settle
disputes peacefully? It has proved that
China's suggestion is correct."
"Mediating North Korea's Nuclear Weapon Issues; Defusing
China Threat Theory"
The independent Chinese-language Hong Kong
Economic Times commented in an editorial (9/20): "The six-party talks on the North Korean
nuclear issue have finally had some results.
North Korea promised to give up all of its nuclear weapons and existing
nuclear plans. Beijing's mediation is
obviously the catalyst for this success.
Public opinion hopes that the U.S. should return the present over the
Taiwan Straits issue. This hope may
likely fall through. However, Beijing is
not aiming for any return. It just hopes
that its efforts in promoting global peace will weaken the China threat theory
in the international community.... The
U.S. leads the international public opinion.
If Beijing wants to counteract the China threat theory, the road is long
and difficult. It needs to make an
effort step by step. Thus, mediating in
the North Korean nuclear issue is just a beginning of such an effort."
"Preventing Nuclear Proliferation Relies On Strict
The mass-circulation Chinese-language Apple Daily News
remarked in an editorial (9/20): "A
breakthrough was made in this round of six-party talks. The talks made North Korea, an autocratic
country that would rather keep the nuclear weapons than their pants, to promise
to give up nuclear weapons. At least,
the talks have made an important step in stopping the proliferation of nuclear
weapons. Apart from hoping that
countries that participated in the six-party talks will push North Korea to
carry out the agreement, we also hope that the international community
including China, the U.S., Russia and the European Union will continue to
cooperate in urging other countries such as Iran to give up their nuclear
programs through diplomatic and economic pressure. Then, more regions will become nuclear free
regions and the nuclear weapons will not proliferate to different corners of
the world."
"Multilateral Cooperation Is Better Than Hegemony"
The independent Chinese-language Ming Pao Daily News had an
editorial (9/20): "The fourth round
of six-party talks held in Beijing concluded yesterday. The six parties finally made a significant
breakthrough over the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Participants issued a joint statement to set
up a framework for resolving the whole nuclear issue on the Korean
Peninsula. They have laid down a
foundation for eliminating the factor--North Korean nuclear crisis--for clashes
in East Asia. We believe the
breakthrough this time has another significant meaning. It tells the international community that as
long as we have patience, the mechanism of multilateral talks is an effective
way to defuse international crises. This
means is far better than advocating hegemony, punishment, military forces as
threats to resolve contradictions."
"Talks Are Good For The Six Parties"
The independent Chinese-language Sing Tao Daily News said
in an editorial (9/20): "Both North
Korea and Iran stated in a high profile way that they would develop nuclear
weapons. The White House was weighed
down with work to deal with these threats.
If the threat of war in the Far East can be lowered, it will be helpful
to alleviate the pressure on the U.S. military. In recent years, North Korea is under the
threats of the deterioration of its economy and being attacked by the U.S. It has always been under a stage of
instability. Although the U.S. military
is held up by the situation in the Middle East, it still can strengthen
economic containment. The U.S. FBI
openly accused Macau's financial institutes for helping North Korea in money
laundering. The allegation strongly
conveyed a warning. If the U.S.
heightens its economic sanctions over North Korea, Kim Jong-Il will be in a
very difficult position. This is one of
the reasons why North Korea agreed to compromise."
"Six-party Talks A Significant Diplomatic Achievement For
The center-left Chinese-language Sing Pao Daily News wrote
in an editorial (9/20): "After
marathon-style meetings for many years, the six-party talks driven by China
finally made a breakthrough. North Korea
agreed to give up all its nuclear plans, whereas the U.S. agreed to establish
normal relations with North Korea gradually.
The major achievement of the talks shows China's huge and positive
influences in the international affairs.
It also shows that the most effective way to resolve international
issues is mutual understanding and mutual accommodation. For Hong Kong, it can learn from the
mainland's opening and reform experiences to help North Korea to merge with the
international community and seize the upcoming abundant of business
"China Makes Diplomatic Achievement"
The pro-PRC Chinese-language Wen Wei Po had this editorial
(9/20): "The fourth round of the
six-party talks yesterday passed a common document in a format of joint
declaration, which represents a crucial step forward towards lasting peace,
cooperation and prosperity in the Korean Peninsula, as well as the whole
region. This is an important
breakthrough made for the six-party talks that started two years ago. It is also an important achievement of
China's peaceful diplomacy. China's
status as a big power in the region is, therefore, established. It will be good for safeguarding peace and
stability in the Northeast region."
"China Is Praised For Its Efforts"
The pro-PRC Chinese-language Ta Kung Pao remarked in an
editorial (9/20): "The outcome of a
'balanced and win-win situation' reflects that there is no 'sole superiority'
in the North Korean nuclear issue, nor is there any 'sole winner.' The North Korean government finally agreed to
give up nuclear weapons and it made a pledge in the 'joint statement.' This is a wise decision because this decision
helps to ease North Korea from the huge economic pressure and it gives North
Korea favorable conditions for creating a new situation. The Bush administration also understands that
continuing to adopt a tough stance by threatening or suppressing North Korea
will not be able to make North Korea to succumb. If North Korea does not give up nuclear
weapons, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will just be empty talk. The joint statement is a formal diplomatic
document and there is a binding force for all signatories. The U.S. must abide by the joint
TAIWAN: "Beijing,
Pyongyang Working Together To Thwart The United States"
Lai I-chug, Foreign Policy Studies Director of
the Taiwan Think Tank, commented the centrist, pro-status quo China Times
(9/21): “The fourth round of the
Six-Party Talks reached a consensus on ‘agreements on some principles’ seven
days after they resumed meeting. But
judged from the contents of these agreements, the United States is the biggest
loser while China and North Korea have both attained major achievements. It would be appropriate to say that both
China and North Korea have joined hands to thwart the United States’ diplomatic
efforts in the Asia-Pacific area severely....
China, which shows no interest in dealing with North Korea’s nuclear
problem, is the biggest winner in this round of talks. Beijing, which was originally the one that suffered
greatest pressure in the fourth round of talks, regained control of the talks
by shifting the focus of the meetings to signing an agreement on
principles. It also succeeded in keeping
the talks going without falling apart, thus avoiding a direct showdown with the
United States at the United Nations.
Moreover, it sought to restrain Japan via Pyongyang by hosting the talks
and controlling the security agenda of Northeast Asia, and thereby further
bogging down the ‘U.S.-Japan alliance.’
Judged from this result, Beijing’s strategy is a real success."
"Six-Party Talks Reach Consensus, Still a
Long Way to Lasting Peace"
The pro-independence Taiwan Daily
editorialized (9/21): “Even though
Taiwan is not a participant in the Six-Party Talks, nor is it directly involved
in the tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the island must still be gravely
concerned and alert about the situation development on the peninsula.... We particularly need to pay more attention to
the increasingly important role played by China in the multilateral talks that
involved multiple organizations. As
China has gradually developed itself into a world manufacturing factory,
attracting huge foreign investments, selling its goods to the whole globe, and
accumulating numerous fortune and resources, it has become an irreversible
trend that China will play an increasingly significant role on the
international stage. China is also using
every means it can to take advantage of its superiority to contain and isolate
Taiwan. The Beijing government has a
comprehensive, well-planned strategy in an attempt to crush Taiwan from
"Can North Korea Nuclear Pact Serve As
Model For Taiwan?"
The conservative, pro-unification,
English-language China Post editorialized (9/21): “If the landmark agreement on energy aid for
North Korea’s promise to abandon its nuclear-weapons programs--reached at the
six-party talks on Tuesday in the host-capital Beijing--can be backed up by
enforceable implementation plans expected o be worked out in a follow-up
meeting in November, it will lead to the elimination of a major flashpoint in
this part of the world. If so, the
world will naturally shift its attention to another potential tinderbox in the
region: Taiwan. But will it be possible
that the method of bringing in third parties to jointly persuade North Korea
into giving up its nuclear aspirations in the interest of peace and stability
be used to resolve the issue of Taiwan?...
Such tensions [in Taiwan] are potentially explosive and need to be
tackled at source. Given that, mediation
by major world powers appears to be the best possible approach in the absence
of effective efforts by Taipei and Beijing to settle their contentious
ideological differences.... Undoubtedly,
the United States is the country most appropriate, and most influential, to
play a role in mediating the political differences between Taiwan and
China. But Washington has been reluctant
to take on such a job, a position far different from its policy on North
Korea.... But this Washington policy of
wanting to preserve the political status quo does not go far enough to
effectively deal with the independence issue, thus unable to remove the fuse of
tensions that have the potential to plunge Taiwan and the Chinese mainland into
a war eventually.... But the newly
achieved peaceful atmosphere across the Taiwan Strait could be disturbed by
President Chen’s new intentions to forge a security alliance with Washington
and Tokyo, taking advantage of the two governments’ desire to contain China’s
rise. Chen’s policy appears to have won
positive responses, though mostly made in a low-key manner. Whatever forms such a triangular cooperation
finally take, it would surely give a major boost to Chen’s position in
addressing Beijing’s relations, and encourage him to stick with his political
cause. Such developments would certainly
worry Beijing and prompt it to adopt retaliatory measures.”
"North Korea Gets More By Returning To What It Was
Li Ming, head of National Chengchi University’s
Department of Diplomacy opined in the conservative, pro-unification United
Daily News (9/20): “As a matter of fact,
[regarding the Six-Party Talks held in Beijing Monday,] North Korea has gained
more than it did before over these years because it was rewarded for its
insistence. Washington, on the other
hand, is becoming less powerful with its relations with North Korea or even
with South Korea. Seoul and Pyongyang
have joined hands and asked the United States to pay the bill. Moreover, [the talks] showed that Beijing is
mature with regard to its diplomatic operations; it has gained both face and
substantial benefits. North Korea, on
the other hand, is the biggest winner.
Viewed from the common statement concluded in the fourth round of
Six-Party Talks, it seems as if Washington has given up all its previous
insistences [on North Korea]. The United
States, after having acting very tough for a few years, has made even more
concessions when it comes to its policy with North Korea.... In the meantime, South Korea has demonstrated
strong nationalism in the talks that Washington was unable to ignore.... The United States has demonstrated
rationality and respect to Pyongyang during this round of talks. This is really not easy for the Bush
administration. It may be important that
Washington has made concessions, but it is evident that many countries have
joined to speak in favor of Pyongyang.
It does not matter that important whether Washington-Pyongyang ties will
be normalized. The key lies in whether
the security and stability mechanism in Northeast Asia will become normalized.”
"Beijing Should No Longer Be Overlooked
When It Comes To International Affairs"
Journalist Chen Tung-hsu wrote this analysis in
the conservative, pro-unification United Daily News (9/20): “The Six-Party Talks aimed at resolving a
nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula have finally reaped major results
following two years’ worth of endeavor.
The fact that Pyongyang has agreed to give up its nuclear weapons
program has helped to remove a serious threat to the United States and Japan
for the time being and has defused a bomb in the northeastern backyard of
China, which might have gone off any time.
From now on, it will be easier for Beijing to concentrate more on
cross-Strait issues. Another point of
major significance with regard to the success of the Six-Party Talks is that
Beijing is playing a more and more important role in international
affairs. The Six-Party Talks have proved
objectively that when it comes to international politics or foreign affairs,
Beijing’s influence can no longer be overlooked. The Six-Party Talks would likely fall apart
without Beijing’s mediatory efforts, let alone bear any fruit. All these things show that in addition to the
economic aspects, Beijing is striding forward to become a major regional
political nation.... The success of the
Six-Party Talks shows that Beijing’s strength in negotiations and the political
and economic power it possesses are getting bigger and bigger. In the meantime time, Beijing’s active
involvement in international affairs and in resolving regional disputes has
made countries like the United States, Japan [and] the European Union unable to
ignore its voice. As the security threat
in the northeastern part of mainland China is soon to be removed, Beijing will
be more than able to concentrate its diplomatic force on issues such as the war
on terrorism, its relationship with Japan and [matters related to] Taiwan. When it comes to cross-Strait issues, as
Beijing’s influence in international affairs increases, the situation that
other countries will take sides with Beijing will become more and more
evident. As a result, it will be more
difficult for Taiwan to maintain its diplomatic relations with other countries
or to play a role in the international community.”
"Six-Party Agreement: Finally At The Starting Point"
The liberal Asahi editorialized
(9/20): "A joint statement
concerning North Korea's nuclear programs was issued at the six-party talks in
Beijing. North Korea has pledged to eliminate all its nuclear weapons and
existing nuclear programs. The best news for Japan and the rest of the
international community was that the joint statement included this promise on
the part of Pyongyang. Needless to say, this will not come to pass soon. Long
and difficult discussions await concerning the conditions and terms.... The joint statement did not mention specific
procedures or timing with regard to whether the North would abandon its nuclear
programs before or after receiving economic assistance and security
guarantees. It is also not clear at what
point the North will return to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and
submit to inspections.... The importance of the agreement, however, should not
be underestimated. While we can hardly
condone the attitude of North Korea, which developed nuclear weapons in secret
and practiced nuclear brinkmanship with the international community, there is
no option available other than persistent negotiations."
"Tough Road Ahead For DPRK's Abandonment Of Nuclear
The top-circulation, moderate Yomiuri observed (9/20): "The agreement reached Monday at the
six-party talks in Beijing was, to be sure, a step forward. However, key issues
have been left for later. This is the
first time that delegates to the talks have adopted a joint statement in which
North Korea pledged to abandon all its nuclear weapons and existing nuclear
programs since talks began two years and one month ago.... Pyongyang's full disclosure of its nuclear
programs will be the starting point for future talks, which will be much more
difficult. In the joint statement, the other five participating nations
expressed 'respect' for the North's insistence on its right to the peaceful use
of nuclear energy. The five nations also avoided the issue of providing North
Korea with a light water reactor, saying that the matter would 'be discussed at
an appropriate time.'... Instead, the
five countries expressed their intention to provide energy and economic
assistance, including a South Korean offer of 2 million kilowatts of electricity.
The North not only did not suspend nuclear development during the Beijing talks
but has also shown signs of resuming operation of nuclear reactors, extracting
used nuclear fuel rods, and constructing a larger nuclear reactor. It cannot be
said that Pyongyang has made a strategic decision to abandon nuclear
development.... It has become clear once
more that a comprehensive settlement of the nuclear, missile, and abduction
issues will be a prerequisite to the normalization of Japan's relations with
North Korea."
"Joint Statement Is Only The Starting
The business-oriented Nihon Keizai editorialized
(9/20): "We welcome the joint
statement reached Monday at the six-party talks in Beijing that calls on North
Korea to abandon all its nuclear weapons and nuclear programs, return to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and submit to inspections by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). At the same
time, we want to point out that the joint accord is only the starting point of
a long road toward Pyongyang's abandonment of its nuclear programs, as a host
of serious issues remain, including how to verify the existence of and then
eliminate the North's uranium enrichment program, something it first admitted
to but later denied. Both the U.S. and Japan expressed their intention to 'take
measures' for normalizing relations with North Korea. However, normalization of ties between
Pyongyang and Tokyo will be impossible without a settlement of the abduction
issue.... How to link economic
assistance and normalization talks with North Korea's abandonment of its
nuclear programs will also be an issue."
"Anticlimax Of North Korea Nuclear Issue"
Leading independent daily Kompas remarked
(9/20): “Tension over a nuclear crisis
in North Korea eased when the country announced it has decided to drop its
nuclear program. A negotiation team made
up of representatives from S. Korea, China, the U.S., Japan and Russia say that
North Korea will still be allowed to develop its nuclear program for peaceful
purposes, such as to develop power plants.
The team has also decided to provide economic assistance to North
Korea. The crisis over North Korea’s
nuclear program emerged three years ago after the U.S. accused the country of
developing nuclear weapons, which North Korea denied. The issue became more sensitive when North
Korea refused to allow into the country a UN Nuclear Inspection Team and
withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Pact. In February 2005, North Korea admitted to
possessing nuclear weapons. It was
feared that the country would use its nuclear weapons after being cornered by
the international community, and there is widely held belief that nuclear
weapons are most dangerous in the hands of dangerous regimes. The West perceives North Korea as dangerous,
especially for its own people, because of its reputation. The isolated and repressive government of
North Korea has forced its people to live in misery, while the government
concentrated more on nuclear weapons.
"A Subtle Improvement In The 6-party Talks"
Government-influenced Chinese language daily China Press
editorialized (9/21): "North Korea
finally made an obvious stance to abandon its nuclear programs for military
use. The U.S. and Japanese counterparts
viewed this as good news as the 6-party talks have been dwindling to a halt
after much negotiation. To make the
North Koreans change their minds is practically no easy task. Nonetheless, that could be regarded as the
twilight of peace in the Northeastern hemisphere; it is yet too early to be
optimistic to say that the crisis in this region is gone for good. To agree on the nuclear standoff is merely a
promise--to reach an understanding on this issue will be time consuming and involve
constant efforts by the five countries and the United Nations. Thereafter, the performance and execution of
this promise on the nuclear disarmament is yet to be seen. On the whole, the North Koreans indeed have a
way with the negotiations, both technically and strategically. Their soft approach on the standoff issue
could be a requirement of current circumstances. If other demands arise in future, we will see
different diplomatic tactics. If North
Korea can overcome their famine and other dilemmas after this, it would
certainly be encouraging."
"Korea Deal Welcome, But Fragile"
The leading, center-left New Zealand Herald
editorialized (Internet version, 9/21):
"Understandable skepticism has greeted North Korea's pledge to stop
developing nuclear weapons and rejoin international arms treaties. No other reaction is prudent, given the many
false dawns orchestrated by Kim Jong-Il's impoverished and diplomatically
isolated state."
On Knife's Edge"
The pro-government Straits Times
editorialized (9/21): "Although
the accord is nothing more than a statement of intent and is almost identical
to the renounced 1994 Agreed Framework, it binds the two protagonists to
implementation talks on the agreed principles at the next round set for
November. One should be thankful for the
pullback from a perilous stand-off. The
echo of 1994 is disconcerting, but the two nations have now a stronger
motivation than before to avoid a repeat of history.... The U.S. was under
Chinese pressure to agree to the formula for meeting Pyongyang's electricity
needs. The Bush administration has never
liked the proposition, but it is up against the immutable truth that Pyongyang
will not give up its nuclear option for anything less, with diplomatic
recognition into the bargain. It is a
reasonable trade in the circumstances....
Neither side trusts the other, each with good reason. Sequencing is to be decided in tough
negotiations ahead. There will be plenty more of posturing leading up to
November. Both sides can play the game,
but they are better off focusing their energies on coming up with a timeline
that is mutually acceptable. They know this alone will decide if the Beijing
pact stands or falls."
"Backtracking In Pyongyang"
The independent Joong-Ang Ilbo
editorialized (9/21): “The North Korean
Foreign Ministry’s statement--that the North will only return to the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and respect the safeguards of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) after it receives light-water reactors--is a
statement that destroys the roots of the joint statement issued only one day
earlier at the Six-Party Talks....
Pyongyang may be seeking to get concessions on light-water reactors from
the U.S., but that is a serious misjudgment.
Seoul and Washington’s bottom line is that they may consider providing
light-water reactors after the North returns to the NPT and allows inspectors
to return. If the North continues to
make unreasonable demands, even before the ink dries, no country will ever
trust the North again.... Furthermore,
the North’s attitude proves how hard it will be to reach a final resolution on
the nuclear standoff. This is not the
time for Seoul to congratulate itself on a diplomatic victory. It is a crucial time for it to come up with
good follow-up measures and coordinate its policy with Washington.”
"The Confusion Surrounding Light Water
The moderate Hankook Ilbo editorialized
(9/21): “It is true that the ambiguous
wording in the joint statement issued at the Six-Party Talks of the timing for
the provision of light-water reactors to North Korea provided an excuse for the
North to make such an unreasonable demand.
Pyongyang seems to be taking advantage of this ambiguity in the joint
statement to gain the upper hand in the upcoming fifth round of the Six-Party
Talks slated for November. However,
given the content of the joint statement and the positions of the parties
concerned in the talks, such a North Korean demand is nothing more than an
unreasonable gambit that threatens the multilateral dialogue framework.... What the North must do ahead of the fifth
round of the talks, in which the issue of ‘actions for actions’ will be
discussed earnestly, is not to make this kind of unreasonable demand that makes
us doubt the North’s true intentions, but take steps to build up international
trust in it.”
"Resolve The Dispute Over Light-Water
The nationalist, left-leaning Hankyoreh
Shinmun editorialized (9/21): “We do
not see any reason to read too much into the divergent positions between the
U.S. and North Korea over providing light-water reactors to the North or to
‘over-interpret’ the situation as the one that seriously shakes the foundation
of the negotiation framework. This
development was somewhat expected when the joint statement was adopted. The
statement only says that the parties agreed to ‘discuss providing light-water
reactors at an appropriate time’ without specifying when that time would be
appropriate. Accordingly, the current
situation can be seen as a war of nerves between the U.S. and North Korea as
they try to seize a more advantageous upper hand. Ultimately, the light-water reactor problem
is a matter that should be resolved through a long negotiating process to
discuss the details of how to implement the joint statement. Realistically, it is highly likely that the
timing for discussions on the issue will be coordinated in line with the
progress made in the North’s abandonment of its nuclear programs.”
"N. Korea Should Win Trust Before Demanding
Light-Water Reactors"
The pro-government Seoul Shinmun
editorialized (9/21): “As evidenced by
the Geneva Accord between the U.S. and North Korea a decade ago, the North’s
attempt to link the provision of light-water reactors, the completion of which
will take a long time, and its return to the NPT can be seen as a tactic to
delay dismantlement of its nuclear programs....
It is reasonable for anyone to see that North Korea should receive
electricity from the ROK only when it starts to dismantle its nuclear weapons
and programs and that the discussion of providing light-water reactors to the
North should start around that time. The
North should not take issue with the light-water reactor problem while
indicating the possibility of annulling the agreement made at the Six-Party
Talks, but rather assume an attitude of observing its promises this time
without fail.”
"N. Korea’s Reactor Dreams Should Not Grow
The conservative Chosun Ilbo
editorialized (9/20): “This joint
statement comes a grueling two years since the Six-Party Talks on North Korea’s
nuclear programs started in August 2003.
Had the current round of the talks failed to reach an agreement, it
would have essentially been the end of their credibility and created yet
another crisis. That danger has been
averted, and a fresh round of the multilateral talks in November is tasked with
working out the details of what the participants have agreed on in the
statement and formulating an order of priorities and schedule for them, which
would then be the formula for resolving the nuclear dispute to replace the 1994
Geneva Accord.... However, whether or
not things will ever get that far depends on the light-water reactor
problem. The international community
shares a view that, although the provision of light-water reactors to Pyongyang
was promised a decade ago on the assumption that it is technically difficult to
make weapons-grade nuclear materials
from this type of reactor, such materials can be produced from the
reactor, and it is therefore better for North Korea to have no nuclear
facilities at all. During the latest
round of the talks, the ROKG persuaded the U.S. to include in the joint
statement a recognition of the North’s right to civilian use of nuclear energy
and the commitment to ‘discuss’ the matter of light-water reactors. The concessions may have been inevitable to
prevent the talks from collapsing altogether.
However, the ROKG must persuade the North at the next stage, where
details of how to implement the agreement will be worked out. The ROKG must
make Pyongyang clearly understand that the provision of two million kilowatts
of free electricity is premised on the North giving up any thought of
light-water reactors. North Korea must
be made to realize that any notion it may have entertained of taking the free
electricity from the ROK and getting the reactors as well is simply a pipe
"A Welcome End To The Fourth Round Of
Six-Party Talks"
The independent Dong-a Ilbo editorialized
(9/20): “This round of the Six-Party
Talks has succeeded in turning the ‘crisis situation’ of the North Korean
nuclear standoff into the ‘situation for earnest negotiations.’ Thus, all the parties concerned in the talks
should now move to put the agreement into action without a hitch. In particular, North Korea should immediately
return to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), even though the joint
statement does not specify the timing for the North to do so. This would be the first test to decide the
North’s genuineness and the success or failure of the joint statement. Furthermore, the North should promptly start
working-level talks to receive IAEA nuclear inspections. Only if these tangible measures are taken,
the U.S., China, and Russia will prepare to provide energy, or heavy fuel oil,
to the North, with the ROK embarking on steps to supply two million kilowatts
of electricity to the communist state.
This is what the principle of ‘words for words’ and ‘actions for
actions’ contained in the joint statement is all about.”
"Time To Put Agreement Into Practice"
The moderate Hankook Ilbo editorialized
(9/20): “This joint statement carries
great significance in that it not only provides a stepping stone for
establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the whole of Northeast Asia,
but also paves the way to substantially end the Cold War and settle peace in
the region for the first time in 60 years after World War II.... The task at hand now is how to put the
agreement reached at the Six-Party Talks into practice. There is concern that the light-water reactor
issue, on which the parties involved in the talks agreed ambiguously, might
reemerge as an obstacle to ultimately resolving the North Korean nuclear
problem. However, given that the reason
why North Korea insists on having a light-water reactor is to secure a card to
use in the event that the U.S. would not abide by its promise, if the U.S. and
North Korea could build up mutual trust, the light-water issue would no longer
pose an obstacle to resolving the nuclear issue.”
"Joint Statement Opens The Way For
The nationalist, left-leaning Hankyoreh
Shinmun editorialized (9/20): “The
reason the U.S. and North Korea, whose divergent positions never seemed to be
narrowed, have found points of compromise are because of a sense of crisis
about the worst of what could happen if an agreement was not reached. Everyone was going to be a loser if the talks
fell apart, and that sense of urgency brought about final concessions that had
looked so difficult.... The agreement
does not guarantee successful negotiations in the future. The negotiations will run into many problems
as they tackle the concrete details. In
particular, there are many more issues to be discussed regarding the North’s
use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and the light-water reactor
problem. In that sense, this agreement
can be called the successful buttoning of the first button in a long
negotiation process. However, the
participating countries and in particular, the U.S. and North Korea, did arrive
at an agreement after many complications, and since they have agreed to take
action based on the principle of ‘words for words, actions for actions,’ there
is reason to hope for positive progress.
We hope to see the participating nations work even harder so that they can
produce a final and complete agreement based on the one agreed to on
Monday. Furthermore, that the agreement
includes a separate forum for the directly related parties to discuss a
permanent peace regime for the Korean Peninsula is also reason for higher
hopes. The related parties agreed to
focus on the fundamental problem of changing the unstable armistice regime on
the peninsula to a peace regime, going beyond simply resolving the North Korean
nuclear issue. We hope to see the
destruction of the Cold War regime on the peninsula and in Northeast Asia and
the swift establishment of the roots of peace.”
"'Forward-Looking Milestone' For
Establishing Peace In Northeast Asia"
Senior Journalist Kim Young-hie opined in the
independent Joong-Ang Ilbo (9/20):
“The agreement on a six-point joint statement reached at the Six-Party
Talks can be hailed as a huge milestone on the long journey to the resolution
of the North Korean nuclear issue, and furthermore, to the eventual dissolution
of the Cold War legacy lingering on the Korean Peninsula. Disputes may arise at any time as has always
been the case with the talks involving North Korea, and the light-water reactor
issue is one of them. Still, the latest
agreement produced at the multilateral talks is undoubtedly the crucial first
step toward the resolution of not only the North Korean nuclear issue, but also
the overall problems of the Korean Peninsula.... For now, there are two major tasks lying
ahead of us. First, based on the
agreement reached in Beijing, we should resolve the nuclear dispute, which we
must further develop into normalized ties between Pyongyang with Washington and
Tokyo, and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula. Second, we should launch a full-blown
discussion on ways to resolve the dispute on North Korea’s nuclear programs,
and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia, with the
ultimate goal of declaring a ‘peace charter’ of Northeast Asia. According to a high-level source, behind the
recent Beijing agreement made possible by further U.S. concessions, there is
Washington’s concern that, unless it rushes to resolve the nuclear issue, North
Korea’s economic dependence on China will reach a dangerous point and this
risks reducing the North to being a fourth province of China. The comment by the source is quite
significant because this U.S. thinking could be a valuable asset for us to take
advantage of, given our deep concern about a fragile power structure of
Northeast Asia that might be dominated by the U.S. and China rivalry for
"More Than We Could Expect"
The independent Joong-Ang Ilbo
editorialized (9/20): “The problem is
how faithfully the countries involved in the Six-Party Talks will observe the
terms of the joint statement. North
Korea did not make an issue of the light-water reactor, but if this becomes an
issue again, other negotiations such as normalizing U.S.-North Korea relations
could make slow progress. There is also
the possibility that if a party hesitates to follow the joint statement with
this excuse, everything would return to the starting point. Let’s hope that North Korea and the U.S. will
think of this joint statement as the start of resolving the problems and put
forth strong efforts to make the follow-up negotiations go smoothly.”
"Devil In The Details"
The centrist Times Of India editorialized (9/21): "If the sudden announcement of an
accord on North Korea after two years of negotiations going nowhere sounded too
good to be true, that was indeed the case.
Pyongyang has come up with fresh demands before negotiators could uncork
their Champagne..... This time,
Pyongyang wants the reactors delivered first, before it dismantles its weapons
program, and that could undermine the accord.... The remaining problems have to do with the
modality of a deal, not its fundamental character. They could be resolved by further
negotiations. The reason this is
important is that the same is applicable to Iran, about which Washington has
been getting hot under the collar lately.
Tehran's nuclear weapons program is less developed than Pyongyang's, and
may be in very rudimentary stages; its regime is less isolated as well."
"Victory For Diplomacy"
The centrist Tribune expressed the view (9/21): "The success in persuading North Korea to
agree to abandon its nuclear weapons program is a tribute to the international
efforts to end the crisis through dialogue.... It is a matter of great relief
for not only the six nations...engaged in the prolonged exercise, but also the
rest of the world.... There is a lesson to be learnt from the North Korean
experience: perseverance in pursuing the dialogue process ultimately pays off.
Every party is a gainer. This rarely happens when military might is used, as
can be seen in the case of Iraq, which formed along with North Korea and Iran
what President George W. Bush described as the Axis of Evil. The success
achieved at the North Korean front should encourage the European
Three--Britain, Germany and France--and the international community not to give
up the path of negotiations in their efforts to get the Iranian nuclear crisis
"N. Korea Deal Turns Focus On Iran"
Associate editor Indrani Bagchi analyzed in
centrist The Times Of India (9/20):
“So, the dear leader has prevailed over the proliferating
ayatollahs. As the six-nation talks in
Beijing hammered out a hard-fought nuclear agreement with North Korea, it will
now focus international attention on the remaining member of Bush’s `axis of
evil’, Iran. And by extension, India....
It was therefore no coincidence that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stated as he
was leaving New York, `India is not holding any brief for Iran’s nuclear
program. We believe that another nuclear
weapon state in our neighborhood is not desirable. We also believe Iran, as a signatory to the
NPT must honour all its commitments’. A
collateral benefit for India is the US’ non-proliferation jehadis may find
their space constricted as they go about making a disingenuous equation between
the India-US nuclear deal, Iran and North Korean crises. Another lesson the government here has drawn
is the kind of orchestrated pressure campaign the US and its media is capable
of. Indian officials attribute this to
US bureaucrats and the non-proliferation lobby.
It was with due cynicism that Indian officials also noted the complete
absence of any reference to Pakistan regarding Iran’s nuclear program.... The
North Korean deal is principally a success story for Chinese diplomacy, not
American.... It’s a role India aspires
to play and the world fully expects India to play, but India remains caught in
an old mindset of being a marginal player in global politics."
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